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Research Paper

1. Introduction We investigated the effect of smoking in society in order to kno

w what is the smoking population and if a majority, if it satisfies the law appl
ied to smokers, and if this declining or increasing their addiction and what are
the damages produced . Smoking is addiction to snuff caused mainly by one of it
s active components, nicotine, the action of the substance abuse ends up conditi
oning consumption. Snuff smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, some of which are
toxic and at least 60 are known or suspected to be carcinogenic Smoking is a chr
onic disease systematically in the group of addictions and is listed in the Diag
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV American Psychiatric As
sociation. Today is the leading cause of preventable illness and death. It is co
nsidered a chronic addictive disease treatment options. Smoking can cause variou
s diseases, among them are: lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonar
y emphysema (perforation of the lungs), heart problems and flu, but not any kind
of flu, this is one of the most harmful, because the brain can absorb water to
eat. This is one little-known disease, it is recommended not to drink plenty of
fluids, eat salt with a slight amount of boiling water to steam. Smoking a singl
e cigarette results in an elevated heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressu
re. Snuff smoke causes an irritant reaction in the airways. Mucus production and
difficulty of eliminating the cause of cough. In the ongoing inflammation occur
s in COPD. There is also a decrease in lung capacity, causing the smoker increas
ed fatigue and decreased strength in regard to exercise. The smoke carcinogens o
f snuff to pass into the blood induce cancers in several organs: oral cavity, la
rynx, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, bladder, as well as most affected: the lung.
The effects of snuff increases the occurrence of arteriosclerosis, promoting the
development of vascular disorders, brain and heart. Other studies have linked s
moking during pregnancy with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, birth
· Smoking ·
premature or low birth weight in newborns, probably due to reduced blood flow to
the placenta. There have been numerous studies to learn how to snuff smoke affe
cts human health: A component of snuff works by destroying an important brain en
zyme, monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B). This enzyme is essential to remove excessive
amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that produces feelings of pleasure. Smok
ers have low levels of the enzyme MAO-B levels higher than normal, dopamine, whi
ch seems to encourage smokers to seek that good feeling that causes smoke snuff.
2. Aims To obtain data about the effect of smoking in our society, along with th
e thoughts and general opinions on this vice. 3. Questions to be answered Are th
ere more men or women smokers? Why do you smoke? At what age did you start, usua
lly, to smoke? If allowed, what is the reason? Do you respect the laws applied t
o smokers? Are people aware of the problems caused by smoking, both smokers and
non-smokers? 4. Objectives reflect its awareness of society towards this issue,
and the serious problems that occur. Respect the law applied to smokers. Make so
ciety aware of the relationship of smoking to cancer and other diseases. 5. Reci
pients society in general. Number of respondents: 75 Age: youth, adults and seni
ors. Sex: Male and female. 6. Responsible González, Mercedes del Pilar Graziolo
, Augusto Omar Hansen, Brian Macias, Fernando 7. Activities carried out surveys
that assess the number of smokers, graphics, search existing data and informatio
n about smoking in various media; tables.
8. Analysis of the information obtained is then demonstrate and illustrate data
obtained through the survey. Are there more men or women smokers?
Men 40% Women 60%
â ¢ Main reasons for smoking: - In service - for pleasure - for imitation in the s
ocial sphere - For fashion - for anxiety - For pleasure â ¢ Main reasons for stopp
ing smoking:
For health
Per family
At the request of other
At what age did you start smoking?
Adult 12%
Aging 0%
88% Young
Do law-abiding?
Are they well or should be more or less stringent?
Less well so strict
More stringent
â ¢ Knowledge of major diseases caused by smoking to snuff:
Lung Cancer Disease Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema Pneumonia coronary ischemia Str
oke Strokes Cancer of the oral cavity and respiratory tract cancer, bladder canc
er, kidney cancer pancreatic Very Little known known known
â ¢ Knowledge of the major diseases caused by inhalation of cigarette smoke, passi
ve smoke:
Lung Cancer Disease Pneumonia Chronic Bronchitis Heart problems Very Little know
n known known
9. Conclusions The person who has acquired the habit of smoking, are very reluct
ant to leave. In this very important problem is prevention, which requires coord
inated action by the family, school, government authorities. The effort can and
should make the education area is overwhelmed by the publicity that is submitted
to the entire population. Analysis of the figures from the research, the impact
comes to the health of snuff consumption. The research concluded that nicotine
is the main disease-provoking substance is carcinogenic and highly addictive, in
the case of smoking, research suggests that cardiac and circulatory heart disea
se figures are due to another constituent of cigarette smoke : inhalation of nic
otine increases the chances of a heart attack. The main reasons why we start smo
king are caused by imitation in the family, school and social, through ignorance
of smokers are unaware of the risks, indifference of the authorities who did no
t give due prominence. 10. Encyclopedic Dictionary Bibliography and sources Espa
sa - Calpe Biology 2, Peter Zarur Micros
oft Encarta Reference Library 2007

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