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Working methodology in the School of Football

Emanuele Aquilani
instructor school football A.Ş. Cisco Calcio Roma
"Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream things never seen before a
nd I say why not? "(GB Shaw)
Working methodology in the School of Football
The Soccer School follows a route that will accompany children under 13 years, g
iving them the opportunity to grow and acquire those skills that will enable mot
or sports.
Working methodology in the School of Football
The activity aims to engage kids in sports developing a program divided by age c
ycles, with the dual objective of achieving both a general preparation of basic
knowledge of a specific discipline football.
Working methodology in the School of Football
The category Small Friends
The aims in this first round will focus on: • Organization of motor patterns • S
tructuring and development of body image • Coordination and development oculo ma
nual • Organization • Lateralization temporal space • Balance
On a more specific area of football will essentially technical objectives: • Dom
ain and ball control • Transmission • Guide the ball of the ball in the most spo
ntaneous and elementary
Working methodology in the School of Football
The category Chicks
The technical targets in this cycle will be mainly on the acquisition of basic t
echnical knowledge such as: • Transmission and reception of the ball and ball co
ntrol • Domain • The shot on goal • The stationary dribbling (motor imagination)
• Knowing how to play from 5 vs 5-9 vs 9 Much space is given recreational activ
ity as a form of active learning, using game situations, including the acquisiti
on of basic technical without dwelling excessively on learning technical stereot
Working methodology in the School of Football
The Debut category
The main content of the training in the beginner category: • Training in technic
al and analytical form global • Teaching of basic individual and collective tact
ical behaviors • Flexibility exercises • Exercises speed and quickness • "Educat
ion" to aerobic endurance (long stroke and slow) • Develop a program of technica
l training real special type • Make the proper key technical gestures trying to
eliminate the mistakes to avoid their consolidation • The game, which still felt
need irreplaceable, is the heart and overriding sessions • The training events
are aimed at students to acquire the tactical conduct both individual and collec
Working methodology in the School of Football
Physical activity of children
Working methodology in the School of Football
The motor load is the activity handled by the coach, trainer, educator, related
to the quality and quantity of motor actions planned. Physical activity becomes
significant in terms of learning if it exceeds the normal daily motor activity.
Working methodology in the School of Football
The game situation SIMPLE are planning a pivotal moment for the sport football g
ame from 6 to 12 years. It 's a multilateral and multi-purpose training leading
to a widening of the base motor experiences that bring out the best result at th
e end of the sporting course.
Working methodology in the School of Football
Simple game situation
• goalkeeper • 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 + 1 • 2 • goalkeeper vs. goalkeeper • 1 • 2 vs 2
vs 1 + porter
Technical Objective Categories
Little Friends
• Guide • Kicking the ball the ball • Stop the ball
• Dominate the ball • Receiving the ball on goal • Pull • Fighting
• Shooting • Passing • Receiving • Guide the ball and domination of the ball • C
Tactical objective
Forwards: Never stop • Defenders: • Be between the ball and the door • Watch the
Forwards: • Cover and defend the ball and dribbling • Mock Defenders: • Position
paper • Cover door • Interception • Develop coordination skills • Development o
f conditional ability: speed
Forwards: • dissociation; • Passing Shot on goal, Imitation and dribbling the ba
ll and defense coverage • Defenders • Marking; interception • Contrast; Defense
• Door Position paper
Objective Objective cognitive Motor
• Increase basic postural and motor patterns like walking, running, jumping, thr
owing, grabbing, rolling, climbing .... Etc.
• Education • Complete development capabilities conditional coordination skills
• Overcoming fear • Know and abide by the rules • Organize an individual project
• Encourage initiative • Know and abide by the rules • Ability to solve problems
• Accept victory and defeat and get help • Help
• self-confidence and their skills • Improving the competitiveness • Develop a c
ommon strategy that takes into account the opponent • Collaboration and communic
Working methodology in the School of Football
1 vs 1: the defender side door without the ball and passes a series of circles,
the attacker rather than the party leadership and cones, then part of the 1 vs 1
1 vs 1
1 vs 1: the first player off the ball runs quickly in the square, as shown, gett
ing the ball by the player who follows in the line, which transmits the ball to
give birth to 1 vs 1.
1 vs 1
1 vs 1
1 vs 1: Each player after running a slalom course to head towards the center of
the area of game where a ball is placed to give birth to a 1 vs 1 to go for goal
s in the door of the color determined by the coach.
1 vs 1
1 vs 1 + doors: three players are involved in driving the ball straight with dif
ferent tasks. The two players run the external drive before heading for the ball
oon launched by the coach and give birth to a 1 vs 1 for scoring in a gate defen
ded by a goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is the central player, who after running a f
ake driving straight on a chinese place near the door, goes to kick the door una
ttended becoming the goalkeeper position 1 vs 1.
D 2 vs 1
2 vs. 1: A guide striker the ball between the cones and leads up to the door, le
t the ball quickly and run over a skip between the blue striker B exceed four ob
stacles and go get the ball left companion and point the door to working with th
e attacker and the defender D must overcome the obstacles low (yellow) and aroun
d the chinese place near the door and go against the two attackers, resulting in
a 2 vs. 1.
2 vs 2 d1 d2 B
2 vs 2: the attacker to run a slalom between cones and executes a step horizonta
lly to mate department B and rushes to circumvent the Chinese guy in front of hi
m, the attacker B before receiving the pass must pass at maximum speed over 4 (b
lue) and a Chinese guy around simulating a counter movement. D2 exceeds the defe
nder at full speed over the yellow v circumvents the chinese place near the door
, mate d1 faster than 4 over (yellow) and followed the attackers to help the oth
er defender, resulting in a 2 vs. 2 with counsel to "delay".
a1 d1 M 2 vs 2
2 vs 2: defenders d1 and d2 must pass at full speed over the 4 (yellow) and must
work around the cones placed near the door, the two attackers a1 and a2 depart
back to the door above the over blue and must work around the cones crossing, a1
exceeds over (blue) and goes to work around the green cone a2 exceeds the hampe
r and blue around the cone, the coach passes the ball to the first of two strike
rs who comes and gives rise to a 2 vs 2.
2 vs 2
2 vs 2: The two players are running the red path to maximum speed as indicated b
y the arrows at the same time, the yellow player without a ball runs to and fro
as indicated by the arrows, the other yellow, with the ball running a slalom bet
ween cones and make a diagonal pass to the red and gives life to a 2 vs. 2, each
pair of players defending a door.
Working methodology in the School of Football
"What we have today is an indication of what I learned, not what is my potential
" (Virginia Satir)

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