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Report No. 03, final

Plan a conference to commemorate the Bicentennial of Independence-Chair open: "G
reat issues of our time" Presented by: Carlos Enrique Ruiz, director "Aleph Chai
Full poster at the end (page 18)
Report submitted to Prof. Dr. William Ariel Saracho Castro, Vice Chancellor-Mani
zales UN. It contains a general presentation, the conference plan and the respec
tive bio-bibliographic records.
Manizales - Chair Vice President opened the Great Themes of Our Time 1810-2010 B
icentennial of Independence-conference-Plan
The two hundred years ...
Governments and educational organizations of the countries that gained independe
nce from Spain in the nineteenth century, have taken the opportunity to review 2
010 stories, meanings and consequences of the deeds that led to the current situ
ation in Latin America. And the National University of Colombia could not be obl
ivious to that purpose. At its headquarters in Manizales we intend to carry out
important programming, with the central axis in a series of conferences of natio
nal and international experts, with deployment in the two academic semesters, un
der the motivating interest, with the collaboration of other institutions, that
programming can be enriched with round tables, concerts, plays, talk shows and e
ven up conferences, essay contests, exhibitions and iconographic literature, etc
., to motivate youth in the review of the history, to recognize ourselves in the
complexity of time we are living and induce commitments to go forward
reform and continuous improvement for the good of the company. The school tradit
ion has consecrated ways to appreciate the Independence through apologetic visio
ns of heroes and battles, with limitations on the overall assessment of the phen
omena occurred, involving crisis of the colonial countries, with strong ideologi
cal confrontation of views and open markets, while recognizing modernization. Ma
ny questions remain relevant, in search of the true meanings, rationales and the
reality of forces involved in the eventful history of the nineteenth century, w
ith consequences in the emergence of "nation-states, civil wars, the emergence o
f autarkic regimes and difficult road to delineate forms of democracy, encompass
ing people in decisions of state and the promulgation of constitutions, enforcea
ble, defining the institutions in their own jurisdictions and governing public c
onduct of citizens. Camino amid continuing polarization, belligerence and injust
ices multiple resolved by civilized methods of political cooperation and extensi
on of welfare standards to the entire population. Marco Palacios, one of our gue
st speakers, expressed in rehearsal prefatory to the book "The Interpretation La
tin American independence 200 years later" (Grupo Editorial Norma, 2009, 414 pp.
) The following: "How can coexist in the same 'space political 'big moguls world
wide and millions of families living on two dollars a day? The figures for publi
c health of malnourished children who die like flies due to curable and preventa
ble diseases before a general social indifference, what can they tell us to comm
emorate two hundred years of independence struggle? What about the marginalizati
on of the indigenous peoples of America as is proved by the rates of poverty and
unmet basic needs in Mexico and Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, th
e countries with the highest densities indigenous ? The University has decided t
o offer this series of lectures for students recognized as SUMA system participa
te in it, with recognition of credits, according to the regulations that opportu
nity will be agreed. And the invitation is extended to teachers, students of all
levels, and the general public with interest in learning about different interp
retations and awful moments in history that has resulted in everyone being here
and now, not in vain.
Plan conference
1. February 24, 2010: Prof. Dr. Georges Lomné (France / Peru) "The concept of in
dependence in Colombia, 1761-1873" 2. March 4: Prof. Dr. D. Jose Fernando Isaza
(Colombia) "State of the basic sciences in Colombia in the period of Independenc
e 3. 25 March: Prof. Dr. Ines Quintero (Venezuela) "The aristocrats of Caracas a
nd disagreements about the Independence Day in April. April 8: Prof. Marta Elena
Bravo Hermelin (Colombia) "The construction of the concept of identity: about t
he bicentennial of Independence" in May. April 29: Prof. Dr.€Antonio García-Loza
da (USA / Colombia) "Intellectual independence Colombia through his literary wor
k" 6. May 13: Prof. Dr. Santiago Díaz-Piedrahita (Colombia) "Francisco José de C
aldas: his life and participation in the process of Independence" in July. May 2
7: Dr. Nelson Vallejo-Gómez (France / Colombia / Argentina) "Heritage picaresque
or Latin American mestizaje" 8. August 12: Prof. Dr. Moses L. Wasserman (Colomb
"Science in Colombia for 200 years of republican life" 9. August 26: Prof. Dr. A
lbeiro Valencia Llano Caldas region during the process of independence "10.9 in
September: Prof. Dr. Rossana Barragán (Bolivia)" The criticism of bad governance
and debates between 1781-1812 Charcas "September 13/11: Dr. Juan-Luis Mejia A.
(Colombia) "The spirit of the commemoration of the centenary of Independence 12.
October 7: Prof. Dr. Gabriel Restrepo (Colombia) "The bicentenary is dead, long
live the bis-centenarians". 13 October 28: Prof. Dr. Marco Palacios (Colombia /
Mexico) "What Colombians celebrate 200 years after the struggles of Independenc
e?" November 14.4 Himelda Prof. Dr. Maria Ramírez-Rodríguez "Women in constructi
on Colombian nation ". 15 November 18: Closing Roundtable, as a synthesis of con
tributions and debate, with the participation of teachers Londoño Martha Lucia M
aldonado, Carlos Yanez C., Albeiro Valencia, Vladimir JorgeHernán Daza and P. Ar
belaez _________________
Notes: The conference will take place in the "Auditorium" of the UNManizales Pal
ogrande Campus, starting at 4:00 pm Be published after a volume of memoirs, with
all conferences, dialogues and discussions, the responsibility of compiling and
editor has been assigned to the UN Professor, historian, Martha Lucía Londoño to
Georges Lomné. Senior researcher at the French Institute of Andean Studies in Qu
ito and Bogota, has been Professor of Contemporary History at the Institute of L
atin American Studies (IHEAL-University Paris III) and professor at the Hannah A
rendt Institute of the University of Marne-La Vallée France, where he directed t
he graduate in Political Science. He is currently Director of the French Institu
te of Andean Studies - IFEA ", in Lima. It is co-editor of publications in Latin
America and European models, with Annick Lempérière, Frédéric Denis Martinez an
d Rolland (1998) and political myths in Andean societies: origins, inventions, f
ictions, with Carrera Germain, Carole Leal and Martinez Frédéric ( 2006). Fundam
ental line of research: History of modern politics in the Andean region. French
translator of works by Colombian humanist Germain Arciniegas. Some of his essays
published: "The cities of New Granada: drama and conflict to the political memo
ry (18101830)" (1993), "Le laboratoire français d" Historiographie colombienne "
(1996)," Europe between history and memory "(1997)," A l'ecole de l'esprit du si
ècle: Vicente Rocafuerte (1820-1847) "(1998)," A "gladiatorial arena." Colombia
from 1810 to 1828: "war of emancipation or civil war?", "The broken mirror of th
e Bolivarian Colombia 1820-1850" (2003), "A humanist Colombia: Hermann Arciniega
s (2001)," The world of beautiful Simonetta or how to make history to Venus? "(2
001)," Gilbert Gadoffre: a humanist Davant-garde "(2002). Recent conferences in
Colombia (2009): "From the image of the myth of the Liberator King" "The inventi
on of Colombia. The maiden voyage of Gaspard Théodore de Moli (1823), "" When th
e brother is the enemy. Denial of Spain and invention of American sentiment in N
ew Granada, "" Bolívar, the man who did not want to be king. The failure of the
mission Bresson (1829), "" The Knight of El Dorado or
exile of Don Quixote to Colombia. Germain Arciniegas, Stefan Zweig, and boundari
es of freedom (1940-1941) "," subjective realms. Loyalty and disloyalty in Quito
and Santafe Hearings (1763-1808) "," country and patriotism in the second half
of the eighteenth century. " D. Jose Fernando Isaza Electrical Engineer from the
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with degree "Summa cum laude (1968), MSc in P
ure Mathematics (University of Strasbourg, France, 1972), Master in Theoretical
Physics at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (1993). He has taught and thesis
direction in the Colombian School of Engineering (Dynamical systems, electromag
netic fields, relativity theory, mathematical logic), the Universidad de los And
es (in graduate school in economics, and at the Faculty of Mathematics ), and th
e Universidad Nacional de Colombia (thesis director,€Faculty of Mathematics). Au
thor of books: International Implications of environmental policy in Colombia -
Colombia to the world economy (1993); happened in the Atlantic Coast - Dawn of t
he oil industry in Colombia (1991) Energy status of the Atlantic Coast (1968, 19
88), Basis for the Formulation of energy policy to Colombia (World Bank, 1986) S
tate participation in the partnership contract oil (1986) Recruitment in the exp
loration and mining (1985) Gravitational Collapse (1983); Heating or glaciation:
an essay on global climate outlook (1983); Orinoco and Amazon (1977); Unit and
debate (with Javier Perez de Cuellar, Milton Friedman, Hugh Thomas, et al., 1983
) The energy-colombian Perspectives on energy (1982). The book: "Physics of Blac
k Holes: Hawking Radiation" was her thesis for the Masters in Theoretical Physic
s, distinguished as the "best graduate work in the technological area" (UN, 1994
), "Mention meritorious" (Faculty of Science, UN, Bogotá 1993). He has also publ
ished a significant number of scientific articles on issues of energy policy, oi
l, energy planning, macroeconomics, astrophysics, regional development, social a
nd industrial. In more recent years has published essays on the connection histo
ry of science / history of culture. Consultant on technical and economic areas.
Businessman, President of the "Colombian automotive Company and chair of the" Ma
zda Foundation, since 1986, Minister of Public Works of Colombia (1982-83), Pres
ident of
Ecopetrol (1980-82). Member of the Energy Research Group International Developme
nt (Research Centre and United Nations University, 1983-88). Promoter, the Mazda
Foundation for art and science, training of young talents Colombian music and m
athematics, scholarship program, as well as large global groups concerts in Bogo
tá and Manizales. Awarded the Cruz de Boyacá by the Colombian government (1981),
Simón Bolívar the Medal of the Ministry of Education (1996), Caldense of the Ye
ar (1984), Award of Excellence (UN-Adexun, 1987), Order Alejandro Gutiérrez ( 19
93), among other significant distinctions. Caldas University conferred on him th
e Doctorate Honoris-cause, October 17, 2002. Currently serves as Rector of the U
niversidad Tadeo Lozano in Bogota. Research areas centrally involved intellectua
l and academic life: astrophysics, quantum systems theory, general theory of rel
ativity, dynamical systems, theory of catastrophes.
Marta Elena Hermelin Bravo. He studied Philosophy and postgraduate cultural poli
cy and management in Buenos Aires, London and Caracas. Teaching for over 25 year
s in the National University of Colombia, applied at its headquarters in Medellí
n, an institution of which he is Honorary Professor with the "Order Gerardo Moli
na" and "University Medal of Merit" Award & Lyrics the arts, "the government of
Antioquia," Cultural Merit Medal "National Culture Ministry, which has been a co
nsultant at various times. He has held positions in the cultural sector, and bec
ame part of the Preparatory Committee of the National Constituent Assembly for E
ducation, Science and Technology. Has participated since the 80s in the formulat
ion of plans of Antioquia and Medellin Culture and National Culture Plan 2001-20
10. He has conducted several investigations on cultural policies in Colombia. Sp
eaker at various conferences and national and international seminars in their ar
eas of work and author of essays and books, most recently: "Cultural Routes 1985
-2007: voices and presences" (2008). Author of text
"Cultural policies in Colombia," published in Ibero-American Cultural Policy "[E
d in collaboration with the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), Nacional de Sa
n Martín (Buenos Aires), Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, 2009].
Gabriel Restrepo. Sociologist at the National University, whose department was a
teacher, director and founder of the Colombian Journal of Sociology. He has bee
n president and vice president of the Colombian Association of Sociology at vari
ous times, responsible for conducting at least three national congresses of soci
ology, the last, made IX in 2006 which were granted to Orlando Fals Borda and do
ctorates Alain Touraine Honoris Causa by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. H
e was head of the Social Development Unit of the National Planning Department, b
eing the Second Plan and policy Botanical Expedition Indigenous its greatest ach
ievements. His areas of academic work have been the culture,€socialization and t
raining of the subject, which has 25 books and 100 published trials. He has writ
ten six books of poetry, one of them published, three of them finalists in the M
ystical Poetry Contest Fernando Rielo. Finish a novel published in 2010. Since 1
993, at least (from a Latin Mestizo, paper to the XIX Congress of the Latin Amer
ican Sociology Association, available on Google), has stressed the importance of
the bis-centennial theme on which he has written essays and projects aimed acti
on research focused on what he calls "training of the generation of the bis-secu
lar." Winner of first prize in international competition organized by the test "
Mundo Real Edgar Morin University (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico) for their work:"
The key of Melquiades "(2009).
Agnes Quintero. Historian, Professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. MA
and Ph.D. in History, a member of the National Programme for Research (IPP-III)
, Guy
Number of the National Academy of History. He received the Andrés Bello Chair at
the University of Oxford (2003-2004). Fulbright Fellow at the Library of Congre
ss, Washington DC (1992). Some of his books are: The Twilight of a race (1989),
The Thinking Liberal Venezolano nineteenth century (1992), Antonio José de Sucre
. Political Biography, (1998) Looking through the window (Testimony of passenger
s and legionnaires on nineteenth century women), (1998), The Plot of Mantua (200
2), The Principal Criolla (2003), The Women of Venezuela. Minimum Story (2203);
The last Marquis (Bigott Foundation, 2005), Francisco de Miranda, (2006); The wo
rd ignored. The woman witness hidden history in Venezuela (2008) 1732-1851 The M
arquis del Toro (Nobility and Society in the Province of Venezuela) (2009). He h
as participated in works of national and international reference in many collect
ive books and periodicals in the field of history. Antonio García-Lozada. Ph.D.
in Latin American Literature, University of Maryland, College Park. He is curren
tly professor of American literature and Deputy Director of "Centro de Estudios
Latinos, Caribbean and Latin America at the Central University of Connecticut. H
is contributions have appeared in Anthropos, Chimera, Hispamérica, Revista Colom
biana Literature Studies at the University of Antioquia, Mapocho, Aleph and Inti
, among other publications. He has been invited to lecture at the University of
Bonn (Germany), Inter-American University (Puerto Rico), University of Málaga (S
pain) and University Paul Verlaine (France). He has participated in literary mee
tings conducted in Guadalajara, Salamanca, Milan, Madrid and other cities. He is
currently working simultaneously on two research projects, running next, are en
titled: "The critical view of Europe through Latin American literature," and "Po
etics of Andres Bello."
Santiago Díaz-Piedrahita. Botanical Universidad Nacional de Colombia, which serv
ed as a teacher, dean of the Faculty of
Sciences, director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and a participant in the
Academic Council and Superior. Full member of the Colombian Academy of History,
Language and Sciences, Physical and Natural (was his editor). With his academic
output has managed to rescue the legacy of Mutis and his disciples for the coun
try. Work together with his investigations of plant systematics (taxonomy) on As
teraceae plants of the daisy family and sunflower, earned him the Award of Scien
tific Merit "of the Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science (ACAC)
in the category Life and Work. He has made significant contributions to scientif
ic knowledge of the history of the country and its main concern was to regain th
e knowledge of Mutis, Caldas and Triana for the benefit of current botanists. Au
thor of four volumes of the Flora of the Royal Botanical Expedition of the New K
ingdom of Granada, five volumes on the history of science in Colombia and two fo
cusing on issues of Economic Botany. Editor of the Proceedings of the National S
eminar "The theoretical task holistic and reductionist perspectives" (1994), who
also wrote books like "The leaves of plants as food wrap" (1981), "Genesis of F
lora" (1989 ), "José Jerónimo Triana, naturalist multifaceted" (1996), "New appr
oach to Francisco José de Caldas - episodes of his life and scientific activity"
(1997), "José Jerónimo Triana, the Knight of Flowers" (1999 ), "Matis and the t
wo Mutis - Origins of plant anatomy and sinanterología in America" (2000);€"Muti
s and the Enlightenment in New Granada" (2008) ... Among the many studies / tria
ls published in specialized journals are: "Methodological aspects of taxonomic a
ctivity advanced by members of the Royal Botanical Expedition of the Nuevo Reino
de Granada" (1985), "Impact of Linnaeus in the knowledge of American Flora by M
utis" (1996), "The Commission Ancízar Chorographic and Manuel (2000)," The lands
cape and flora in the Quixote "(2005); "July 20, 1810: Regarding self-bound and
commemoration" (2006), "The teaching poetry as a literary genre in Colombia" (20
07), "Bicentennial: What to celebrate?" (co-author, 2007), "Colonization and mes
tizaje as seen through the food trade "(2008). Nelson Vallejo-Gómez. Is a gradua
te of Bachelor, Master and DEA in Philosophy from the Sorbonne Paris-IV. Francoc
olombiano living in Paris since 1982. He has been a consultant in international
relations to the Minister
Education of France, holder of the French government official, has held the role
of Head of the Americas Office in the conduct of international relations and co
operation of the Ministry of Education of France. Founding member of the Academy
of Latin, board member of the Institute of Latin American Studies at the Univer
sity Paris III Sorbonne New member of the Bureau of the CPA, vice-president of G
ERFLINT (Group for Study and Research for the French Language International), an
external adviser to UNESCO. Among his publications are: "Morin, planetary human
ism (Lima, August 2009)," Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future "(in
collaboration with Edgar Morin, Paris 1999)," The Latin of the Universal Search
"( in collaboration with Candido Mendes, Rio de Janeiro 2001), "The Humanist gl
obal: international tribute to Edgar Morin in his 80 years" (in collaboration wi
th Gustavo Lopez Ospina, UNESCO, 2001), "The Ideology of Fear", in Hegemony of P
eur et Civilisation (Academy of America / Library of Alexandria, Rio de Janeiro
2004), "The issue of Otherness in times of hegemony," in Hegemony and Multicultu
ralism, University of New York / Academy of America (2004 ), "The tangled soul",
in Synergies Amérique du Nord, University of Southern California (Los Angeles,
2004). Three Deputy Director four years of cooperation and cultural action at th
e French Embassy in Lima about similar under the French Embassy in Buenos Aires,
from September 2009.
Moses L. Wasserman Chemical National University of Colombia, Ph.D. in Biochemist
ry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with postdoctoral studies in the Dep
artment of Microbiology, State University of New York at Stony Brook. And Profes
sor Emeritus at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Research Scientist, with n
ational and international awards, including the "Premio Nacional de Ciencias Ale
jandro Angel Escobar" Doctor Honoris-cause "Basic Biomedical Sciences, Universit
y of Antioquia. has to his credit in
approximately ten to fifteen international projects funded national external age
ncies, with eighty scientific papers, more than thirty articles of scientific di
ssemination and participation in more than forty presentations conferences. Form
er President of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. C
urrently serves as Rector General of the National University of Colombia, based
in Bogotá, in the second period.
Juan-Luis Mejia A. Doctor in Law and Political Science. Writer / researcher and
cultural manager, he has served as director of the Medellin Pilot Public Library
and the Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, director of the Colombian Institute of
Culture, Minister of Culture, Consul in Seville (Spain) and Minister Plenipoten
tiary at the Embassy of Colombia in Madrid. International advisor in their field
. EAFIT Rector of the University in Medellin. Member of the Colombian Academy of
History and Language. During six years gave the chair of Cultural Heritage of C
olombia in the External University of Colombia. He has also lectured and partici
pated in academic events in the following training centers: Getulio Vargas Found
ation in Rio de Janeiro, University of Barcelona, University of Girona, Universi
dad de Salamanca, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela,
University Carlos III, University of Leyden, University of Alcalá de Henares, U
niversidad de Granada, Centro de Estudios de America Latina (CEDEAL) from Madrid
. With the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI) and the Andrés Bello,€part
icipated and conducted training courses in Latin American cities such as Montevi
deo, La Paz, Quito and Asuncion. Author, among others, the following publication
s: "The Trade Medellín.1900-1930", "Photographs by Benjamin de la Calle" (1982),
"History of Photography in Antioquia - History of Antioch" (1988); " The select
ion Samper Ortega 1926-1937. History of a bibliographical legacy "(1994). "The c
ulture of Colombia in the eighties - Nueva Historia de Colombia" (1997), "The ge
sture and the look - Pictures" (1997), "Poetry
Nature - The landscape in Antioquia (1998), "The face of Colombia History of Pho
tography in Colombia" (1998), "The cultural heritage legislation in Colombia" (1
998), "At the turn of every road - Transport popular in Colombia "(1998)," Paint
ing as autobiography paints Manuel D. Carvajal (2000), "Rights without a State?
Three moments of cultural institutions in Latin America "(2004)," Don Thomas Car
rasquilla and his generation "(2008). Rossana Barragán. Historian trained at the
University of Sorbonne, Paris I. PhD in History at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes
en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Professor of History at the Universidad Mayor de
San Andres in La Paz, Bolivia. He was President of the Bolivian Studies Associat
ion and Director of the Magazine T'inkazos Strategic Research Programme in Boliv
ia (PIEB). Member of the Academia Boliviana de Historia. He is currently Directo
r of the Archive of La Paz, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Content Manager of
the Journal of the Honorable Mayor Bicenentenario Municipal de La Paz in his six
numbers (2008-2009). Among his main works are: "The state pactante: Gouvernemen
t et Peuples" (Bolivie, 1825-1880) "(PhD thesis, EHESS, 2002)," The 'Spirit' of
Bolivian Law: Citizenship, Patriarchy, and Infamy "in Sueann Caulfield et al., "
Honor, Status, and Law in Modern Latin America" (Duke, 2005) Constituent Assembl
ies: citizenship and elections, conventions and debates (1825-971), 2007, compil
er of the Acts of Congress on Process to Independence (AEB-Sucre and Meetings an
d Debates-La Paz) entitled De Together, Guerrillas, Heroes, and Commemorations (
La Paz, 2009) and coauthor of the book La Paz: looks to the Board of July 16, 18
09 (La Paz, 2009).
Marco Palacios. Advocate for the Free University of Colombia; Doctor (D. Phil.,
Politics), University of Oxford, and is currently Professor and researcher at El
Colegio de Mexico and Universidad de los Andes and is preparing a book on priva
te property and liberalism. He has been visiting professor at the universities o
f Chicago, Oxford, Tsukuba Autónoma de Barcelona, and researcher
National universities in Colombia and London. He was rector of the National Univ
ersity in 1984-88 and 2003-05. Author of the following books: "The coffee in Col
ombia, 1850-1970: An Economic History, social and political" (1979, 1983, 2002,
2009 and English 1980, 2002), "Between legitimacy and violence. Colombia 1875-19
94 "(1995, 2004, in English 2006)," Colombia: Country fragmented, divided societ
y "(co-authored with Frank Safford, in 2002 English and Spanish, 2003)," The noi
siest class and other essays on politics and history "(2002)," The populist, man
darins and violence. Power struggles "(2001)," Parable of liberalism "(1999). "P
opulism in Colombia" (1971). Coordinator, Editor and Compiler of "The Latin Amer
ican independence. 200 years later Interpretations "(2009)," Seven Essays on his
toriography. Spain, Argentina, Mexico "(1995)," The National Unity in Latin Amer
ica. Nationality of regionalism "(1983), Director of Volume VIII of the General
History of Latin America" (2008).
Himelda Maria Ramirez Rodriguez. PhD in American History at the University of Ba
rcelona and MA in History from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Is Full-Tim
e Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the Universidad Nacional d
e Colombia - Sede Bogotá. She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Group for Gen
der Studies (GIEG) and the Family Research Group, Department of Social Work. He
was editor of the Journal of Social Work and par evaluator of several academic j
ournals. He has participated as an organizer and speaker at various national eve
nts. His publications include: From the Baroque to the charity charity illustrat
ed: women, gender and poverty in Santa Fe de Bogotá, seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, "2006, Women and the colonial society of Santa Fe de Bogotá, 1750-181
0; 2000. He has published several articles on women and gender, domestic violenc
e and the history of social work in academic journals of national and internatio
nal circulation.
Albeiro Valencia-Llano. Doctor in History of Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Associate Professor at the University of Caldas. Among the most notable publicat
ions include: "Manizales in the colonial dynamic" (1990), "Living and regional d
evelopment in the colonization of Antioquia" (1996), "Bernardo Arias Trujillo. T
he Intellectual "(1997)," The Village Perched. Stories of Manizales in the Ninet
eenth Century "(1999)," Colonization, foundations and land conflicts "(2000)," O
tto Morales Benitez in the region to the nation and the continent "(2005)," Root
s in time. Caldas Region "(2009).
[18.I.2010] ... [22.I.2010] publishes and disseminates: NTC ... we ran ... http:
//, Cali, Colombia, February 2, 2010

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