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As rectifiers: This is the most common employment and

we have already explained. B. As a protector: A circuit where the current flow
appropriate only in a certain way, and never in the opposite direction, can be p
rotected by the presence of a diode. C. Download: Since shunt in a circuit equip
ped with a source inductance CLASS OF DIODES Diodes union: that is, consisting o
f a glass or silicon germanium, doped appropriately, and has a cylindrical shape
. They are low-power diodes are widely used as rectifiers of small appliances. E
mitting diodes light-emitting diodes are also known as LED (short for its Englis
h name Light Emitter Diode) which have the characteristic of emitting light when
traversed by an electric current. Capacitance diode (varicap): This LED, also c
alled variable capacitance diode is essentially a semiconductor diode whose main
characteristic is to obtain a capacity that depends on reverse voltage applied
to it. Zener Diode: Zener diode, also called diode voltage regulator, can be def
ined as a silicon semiconductor element which has the characteristic of a normal
diode when working in a direct sense, ie in the sense of Tunnel Diode happened:
As far as the current blocking effect behaves like a diode current, but in the
sense of passage offers variants according to the tension which has been submitt
ed. Gunn Diode: The diode is very different to those above, because there is no
rectifier. This is a microwave generator, consisting of a two-terminal semicondu
ctor using the so-called Gunn effect.
RESISTORS resistance can be defined as that component which opposes some difficu
lty to the passage of electrical current. That is, stand up to let through by th
e electric current in many different values depending on the type of component,
so they can complete various functions such as polarization charge, voltage limi
ters, etc.
SINIFICADO SINIFICADO OF 1st 2nd LINE OF THE LINE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 -
X1 X10 X100 X1000 MULTIPLO X10.000 X100.000 X1.000.000 X10.000.000 X100.000.000
X1.000.000.000 X0.1 X0.01 -
VOLTAGE TOLERANCE IN% 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 5 * 10 20 100 200 300
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2000 500
CAPACITORS Capacitors are devices capable of storing a certain amount of electri
city. They consist of two conducting surfaces, called trusses, placed facing eac
h other and isolated from each other by an insulating material is called daléct
Classification of fixed capacitors capacitors can be divided, in turn, from the
point of view of materials used in their construction paper capacitors, polyeste
r, polystyrene, polyester metallic, ceramic and electrolytic. This classificatio
n refers to the type of dielectric used in the fixed capacitors. The electrolyti
c capacitor is a polarized component, ie it has positive and negative terminal,
so do not forget this detail if welding has to be integrated in a circuit. The c
apacitive value of electricity storage capacity of a capacitor is expressed in a
unit of measure that is given the name farad. Since, however, that this unit is
depaciado great in practice, are used submultiples expressed in the following t
able below:
The transistor is a semiconductor electronic device which serves as amplifier, o
scillator, switch, or rectifier. The term "transistor" is a contraction in Engli
sh resistor transfer ("transfer resistance"). Currently they are found in almost
all everyday household items: radios, televisions, recorders, audio and video p
layers, microwave ovens, washing machines, automobiles, refrigeration equipment,
alarms, quartz watches, computers, calculators, printers , fluorescent lamps, X
-ray equipment, scanners, ultrasound scanners, mp3 players, cellular phones.
Transistor operation of interpreting the patterns is very important to know in d
etail the operation of the transistor. It is therefore desirable to see how it b
ehaves according to the base current, which is the main feature of this electron
ic device. We will look better through images. In the still image with a type NP
N transistor, but might as well do the test with another type of transistor, the
PNP, but this should be done with the connections reversed for that case.€In t
his picture will be of great value potentiometer (P) shown in the lower part and
also the milliampere (A) that will indicate the amount of current that will flo
w through the collector. Make sure that we were right connections, ie the batter
y negative to the glass N issuer, the positive collector and in respect to the b
ase with their positive connection to be crystal P. In this image that we saw th
e potentiometer to zero, so that its high resistance prevents

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