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LEARN HOW TO TEACH MATH BEST This brief document is intended as a reflection on

the way to work in mathematics to achieve a greater degree of success among our
students face when troubleshooting. To do this we must be aware of how learning
to teach mathematics better.
Juan López Sánchez. February 2008
In a very simplified way we could say that mathematics learning is based on mast
er: 1. The concept (eg No rational or fraction). It is "knowing what." related t
o learning concepts 2. Knowing how to operate ... (for example, fractions), we r
efer to "know how" related to procedural learning learning the concept (know wha
t) For the concept (eg fraction) becomes part of the baggage of knowledge of stu
dents, must be linked to prior knowledge that they already possess (meaningful l
earning). Within this conceptual learning at the same time we can distinguish tw
o types: • • primary conceptual knowledge, that contexts are always tied to refl
ective conceptual knowledge is no longer tied to the context and assumes that th
e students have been able to make an abstraction.
This learning we can classify as slow and static and moving from primary to the
reflective conceptual learning must be done in this order and devoting enough ti
me to work linked to contexts (it is vital that the context is meaningful to stu
dents and that the formulation of problems involving the concepts we want to wor
The learning of procedures (know how) This knowledge is dynamic and fast. Involv
ing transactions in the information provided and transform us to reach the desir
ed solution. Once settled it works quickly responding to the pair condiciónacció
n. In mathematics learning of the procedures also presents two plots: • • Patter
n recognition: linked to the symbolic language of mathematics. Involves translat
ing the symbolic colloquial language and vice versa. The action sequences: forme
d by the algorithms or rules, understood as the instructions step by step to sol
ve a task. This action sequence is hierarchical and the basic relationship betwe
en the steps is "and then ..."
The intimate relationship between conceptual and procedural knowledge (1) Both s
hould not be separated and learning interact. Influence of procedural conceptual
learning: • • • By linking concepts procedures, the former being isolated are s
tored in memory and not easily forgotten. The interconnection enables go selecti
ng appropriate procedures for the resolution of problems and inadequate disposal
. This decreases the number of procedures to learn.
Influence of procedural learning on the concepts: • If the symbolic language of
mathematics is linked to operational procedures can be used to think of concepts
representing the language.
Calculation Global versus analytical calculations (Resolution resolution strateg
ies for dealing with algorithms) Assuming that the goal of mathematics is proble
m solving and that the primary objective of the elementary school is preparing f
or daily life, we ask ourselves whether our schools we are not focusing solely o
n a calculation using algorithms (computation algorithms focused to apply to a g
iven problem situation.) We can answer this question by analyzing our methodolog
y of work in math class. If our student's notebook is full of algorithms and mos
t resolved problems containing large numbers that require them to use these algo
rithms, the answer is: we have opted for the analytical calculation (there is a
proof of this situation, the typical question to a problem "this problem is to a
dd or subtract?" denotes have anticipated the calculation algorithms when there
is no consolidated calculation calculation strategies or global). The calculatio
n algorithms is almost nonexistent in the daily life of students (and ours). Har
dly anyone gets a role in resolving accounts compared to supermarket shelves and
boys and girls do in their private dealings, and at play, or sweets kiosk. In t
hese situations the raw calculation strategies, focusing on the mental calculati
on, using easy to imagine situations and is very important that the rounding and
approximations, which is called Global Computing. Thus,€we conclude that the id
eal is to work both in school situations degree of equality in higher levels, gi
ving priority to the overall calculation in situations where we would not demand
a particular algorithm. The group's Quinzet ( which is
a calculation method for a secondary school for children, calls for not introdu
cing the algorithms in a standardized way until there is March 1
insufficient real demand for mental strategies to solve problems. The process of
solving a typical phases of solving a problem described by Polya in 1957 are: •
• • • Understanding the problem Develop a plan Executing the plan to analyze th
e solution obtained
In subsequent didactic literature (Luis Puig, Fernando Cerdan) these phases have
been refined to be more specific: • • • • • • Reading Comprehension Calculus Tr
anslation Solution Review. Check.
The strategy indicated as obviously refers Reading word problems. I would emphas
ize that it is very important not to focus exclusively on this type of problems,
but problems need to practice through readings (such as in the aforementioned m
ethod of Quinzet), which are not given the written statements to students. It sh
ould be clear that these phases are not watertight compartments that are taking
place in the order indicated (note that the cartoons I have marked with a point
and not with numbers denoting order). The ideal problem solver is zigzagging fro
m one to another and therefore these phases are not described here to be taught
to students, but to become aware of their existence and above all, I intend to e
mphasize that in school we forget too often the last stage to analyze the soluti
on obtained. It is imperative that our students get used to review "the logic of
its solution, as do we teach" evidence "of algorithms. This review process must
be done in class, leaving the group to opine and express your ideas about the r
esults to solve problems. Our role in this review should be limited to the analy
sis channeler moderator or do the band members to let them develop their own str
ategies for review of the problems.
Based on what has been presented to achieve significant learning and optimal res
ults in the teaching of math problems, basic recommendations are:

Do not detach the teaching of concepts and procedures. In the teaching-learning
process would be continually in a process of back and forth between the two type
s of knowledge, linking them in order to learn the concepts are not detached fro
m the proceedings. (1) In a simplistic way could be explained as follows: o We d
o not settle for teaching the concept of division as "sharing equally" but that
would make this idea in contexts continually linked to the interests of our stud
ents , so that with a problematic situation is over producing a rapid response i
n the algorithm is executed correctly. This algorithm would be closely linked to
situations where they had to make fair deals, creating an end in the student ha
ve a reflective knowledge (abstract, not tied to contexts). The initial contexts
where work must be significant problems for students (so that the student is di
rectly involved in the resolution of problem situations). In this regard, note t
hat what to us as we may seem significant need not be at all for our students. T
he best way to find these meaningful contexts is to give free rein to free expre
ssion and invention of problems. This also implies that the direct involvement i
n the situation, students have to "use" concepts about the subject has to try to
find a valid solution. During this put to use, come to distinguish those concep
ts that have and are valid (or better) to solve problems which are not. As an an
ecdote in this regard, a student of 5th Primary who asked to invent problems tha
t had to work with fractions (treated as part of a whole), invented the followin
g problems: o "In a mass in the church had personas.y 119 6 / 7 of those people
were singing How many people were not singing? "

or "In a meeting Gehová Witnesses are 272 and 7 / 8 have been hiked How many peo
ple are left?" This couple of problems we can deduce the context that was meanin
gful to that student at that time.€The student in question was implemented posit
ive strategies for resolving them, accommodating the initial number of people wh
o thought of every situation, to be a number divisible by 7 and 8 respectively,
which could qualify as a success. In my school we add a "plus" in Motivation in
this sense, since we take our cut-off collaborative Web page (it is designed bas
ed on a Wiki), so that students can translate the problems are invented, so we g
et also a repository of problems rather molded the context that frames our cente

Do not turn around the problem variables into elements that are still obstacles
to its resolution or to surface strategies that are tried with him. I refer to v
ariables such as syntax and vocabulary of the problem, non-student contexts, str
ategies possible occurrence of unintended (but predictable). In short, we must b
e very careful with the choice of the proposed problems and we monitor them befo
re using them with our students. We must also take care not attempt to impose me
thods and strategies for solving problems that we consider most appropriate, sin
ce that would not let the students rearrange the wealth of knowledge which has (
so we can not for example to validate the "account the old "). Once these strate
gies have emerged, can be discussed in class, and teach others to suggest approp
riate and try to get each of them the positive aspects worthwhile sharing with t
he class group. In this regard I refer to the above on Global Calculation and Ca
lculation algorithm and the process of introduction of the algorithms at the app
ropriate time that we demand by students. Another strategy of rearrangement of t
he previous concepts is to propose the students to invent, without due process o
f reflection, proposed solutions to problems, (it would be to propose a solution
strategy irreflexive). Once this process, and after solving the problem, studen
ts would have to explain why the proposed solution is wrong and that discrepanci
es have both. This strategy involves two jobs: one is to put into practice the c
oncepts that need and develop the procedures needed to properly address the prob
lem and then had to be

analyze the first strategy "thoughtless" finding inconsistencies presented. In e
arly stages virtually all the context must be manipulative. In general, students
do not have sufficient trained little formal thinking in order to "imagine" pro
blematic situations that are more adaptable to the concepts employed in these ag
es (count-number and sequence-addition, subtraction ...). In this age are ideal
materials for the job, type Cuisenaire rods, or other logic blocks like the one
designed by LECAROS Editions ( ideal for work in e
arly childhood education and three to eight, besides all the material around us
that can lead to the work described here. We should not hurry to let go of this
material to move to more formal work. The important thing is the mathematical do
main that students demonstrate. In later stages, is a good tactic to introduce t
he concepts with this type of manipulative material. A good book which describes
the use of many of these materials is cited in the bibliography of Maria Teresa
Cascallana. To work on pattern recognition transcription continuously work of o
rdinary language to the symbolic and vice versa. The task that more problems wil
l arise in this connection to students is to put a real situation to a given sym
bolic. For example: "Invent a problem that is resolved with an addition and subt
raction" or a bit more complicated, "Invent a problem that is solved with these
operations" 56 +6-12 "or these successive operations" 56 +6 = 62 and then 62-12
= 50. " This work can not fail in any of the math that we address. We must not f
orget the work of non-routine problems (those that either have no solution or a
multiple solutions.) Such problems are many times in real life situations and be
fore them, our students often fail because we used the binomial "a problem <-> a
solution." More information:
# developments

Report also support the use of ICT we can provide.€ICTs are linked to an extra m
otivation used well can help a lot in the whole process of teaching and learning
problems. See article about mathematics Curriculum Development using ICT:
# Start
Literature on the topic: • Serrano, JM and Denia A.M. (1994) How have children?.
An analysis of relevant theories on the construction of counting schemes. Murci
a. Murcia Secretariat publications. Vicente Bermejo (coord..) How to teach math
to better learning. (2004) Editorial CCS. Madrid. Paulo Abrantes, Carme Barba, L
luís Segarra Problem solving in mathematics. Editorial Graó Joaquim Giménez, Lui
sa Girondo. Calculus in school. Editorial Graó. M ª Teresa Cascallana. Introduct
ion to mathematics. Aula XXI. Santillana Luis Puig, Fernando Cerdan. School arit
hmetic problems. Synthesis.
• • • • •
Author Juan López Sánchez juan.lopez @ E
lementary Teacher. Project Component FIGURES.
Special Thanks Alberto Vicente Monsalve Primary Advisor. CAP Torrejón de Ardoz.
Madrid For reading and commenting on the document and literature recommendations
. Ricardo de Los Santos ICT Adviser. CEP "Sierra de Cádiz." Villamartin. Cádiz.
From the comments to document successful and contributed ideas to it. Lluís Sega
rra Del Grupo El Quinzet. For its calculation method.
Rev. 02 (23/02/2008) Added new sections and recommendations in the Practice sect
ion and new literature.

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