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Year 0 Number 3 - March 2009

with the money Margheritesi
Well did the minority council to demand a debate in City Council on the trip to
America organized by the Institution Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Bad, very bad
indeed, did the President of the Institution not to take this opportunity to pr
ovide data, copies of contracts, finance, and invoices. The components of C.d.A.
's institutions conspicuous by their absence. Both the Scientific Director of t
he Artistic Director and Coordinator (cheerfully present in New York) provided n
o explanation of why they organized a task so large at the expense of the instit
ution. The debate in City Council, despite the accurate, timely and reasoned req
uest of the head of the opposition group, Arch Paolo D'Antoni has stalled in the
usual sterile and compassionate response of the Mayor, ready to whine, pity the
loud and confusing. In what argued by the Vice Mayor who,
General expenses of the trip: Money of municipal funds: Money sponsors: Passenge
rs to America: fool:
URO 1500"
having to defend the indefensible, it was twisted in a similar incomprehensible,
increasing the feeling "of lies and mysteries surrounding the trip to America.
"Go and tell the public prosecutor," he repeated obsessively Councillor Archie C
acioppo facing the grievances of the minority council disappointed by the evasiv
e answers of the Mayor, as if they had to worry
be called for clarification and not those who deny them. No convincing explanati
on has appeared, no note was produced, these have been forced to listen to the g
ospel according to the usual refrain of first and let us work ... When the City
Council many singing a song of the Rich and Poor "What a mess. .... "
€ 64,500 € 40,000 € 24,500 16 a lot a lot a nerve
No respect for the statue of St. Pius in Santa Margherita by some undisciplined
drivers. Long, in fact, gave him the task of "parking". Fate of the statue of th
e saint from Pietrelcina, there is a credit. Besides the flowers placed at her f
eet, in recent times, the poor "Good" if the must see with many drivers with no
respect, come to take him prisoner with the now customary parking wild Sunday an
d beyond. Instead of receiving a prayer, a cross, a request for a miracle today,
the poor remains the Holy sprayed by toxic fumes from the exhausts of cars that
eventually surround him. A task, that of "forced valet," that does honor to tho
se who gave this
Ruined the pavement of the churchyard
Periodic Court of Sciacca No Authorization information 1 / 2009 We Publisher Ass
ociation for Santa Margherita Chief Francis Graffeo Co Franco Valenti, Anthony A
ugello, Viola Gaspare Editorial secretariat Marilena Augello, Anthony Gallucci,
Melchior Titone Editorial Accursio Soldano, Honorius Abruzzo, Francis Sciara, Be
nny Calasanz, Joseph Serra, Vincent Sarullo, Paul Morreale, Gaspar Mauceri, Calo
gero Sanfilippo Giuseppe Sanfilippo, Giuseppe Augello, Joseph Monteleone, Salvat
ore Montalbano Modderno Pasquale, Filippo Di Giovanni. Editors Via De Amicis, 9
- S. Margherita di Belice email: Printing: Graphic Arts Provi
deo C.da Casabianca - Sambuca di Sicilia
assignment. Motorists who considers the square of the Cathedral Church a town sq
uare, at hand, to leave their cars kept by the watchful eye of the statue of St.
Pio. And while the faithful Sunday so easily reaches the desks of the Church, t
o suffer is the pavement of the churchyard, now reduced to a pitiful state. Brok
en tiles everywhere and no one will pay attention. The question the City Police
say they do not have jurisdiction: "The land belongs to the Curia." In December
2007, just days before the coming of the new pastor in our community, I went to
meet him. And along with the welcome address I ventured to suggest two tips for
the new dean.
The first citizen of the Leopard needed someone who "put to work to facilitate s
ocial cohesion." Cevo ago that Santa Margherita is presented socially divided. A
division arising from the response of the polls of May preceding. Invitation to
work together for reconciliation, I also put the focus "on the sacredness of th
e space in front of the Church€now place improper parking of cars of the faithfu
l. " I argued that, apart from the damage that is causing the pavement, it was n
ecessary to respect this space, "a filter mediation before entering the Christia
n church." Of the two calls, the result of the first is obvious to all. Second,
I note that the proposal fell on deaf ears.
Francis Graffeo
Notes From The speculators
SERVIZIOIDRICO - While in Memphis the morning in the square there was a whole co
untry to support the Mayor Botta to say no to the privatization of water service
s, hence the meeting convened by Mayor unionist and member of CDA ATO water, rec
ord a flop Despite a national ban on town streets.
M 'ILLUMINODIMENO - On 13 February was the European Day of Energy Saving for the
5th consecutive year. Anywhere off the street lights are not needed. We, howeve
r, for some reason are left on the 53 piles scattered along about 1300 meters of
so-called "Limmo.
Beyond the common sense of decency. Beyond the limits of decency. The time marks
the degradation of politics margheritese. Triumphs thinking nihilist. The will
of the moment. Our community, through superficiality and inefficiency of some ps
eudo directors, is now leaning toward an inexorable decline. Striking example of
the decay is linked to another BES which, together with the American tour fanto
zziana dense and joyful group of promoters of culture nostrani shows how the new
leadership is inadequate and lacks accountability. Dear readers, think for a mo
ment what would have been enlightening and educational to hear "Someone" to comm
unicate to all young people, without distinction: "I managed to create, thanks t
o my commitment and my ability, a job opportunity, with coglietela equal opportu
nity. " Would certainly be appreciated by all and would have contributed to a cl
imate svelenire unbearable. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Once again trium
phed barbarous logic of "Woe to the vanquished." And 'defense prevailed in the c
lans. The management of the competition organized by the Centre for Bio Evolutio
n Sicily that led, after reading
The former "Friends" fit for competition of Research Center of Biotechnology
the list of suitable candidates, to believe that "We must be Santoriani" to lear
n about, for many margheritesi was yet another disappointment. Certified the "th
ud" of a myth. Testified that those who had been "trimmed" as "the savior of
Amazing stunt worthy of a dancer politics. The Mayor, he worked for Cellar "Vine
," now "Corbera" baby retirement, regional representative of the various structu
res of retired baby Regional Cooperative, enthusiastic supporter of "DOC Santa M
argherita di Belice "So man strongly linked to local and regional wine history.
After this "effervescent" personal history "shopping" for the wine, I never expe
cted to find his name in the list of practices funded dall'Agea for the final er
adication of super-
In fact, this proposal of the Head of the City to the rural surfaces under vines
. It is not important nor the extent of the premium or the areas to be permanent
ly eradicated, but rather the fact that Mr. Francesco Santoro (and not a name) w
ill make the eradication of the entire area of the holding screws. The signal is
very striking and contradictory! If compared to the activity which has "dedicat
ed" the overwhelming part of his "career" professional, there was a sudden rever
sals similar behavior can be expected consequential attivività also on its polit
ical and administrative. Stating that the development of agricultural land is cl
B. ES: must be eradicated
homeland, "as" new man "nothing was found, the evidence shows that the represent
ation of a film already seen stale. Miserably at the first opportunity he "messe
d". In the last issue The speculators had predicted that were highlighted politi
cal affiliations and kinship of suitable candidates. Expectations should not be
disappointed. It starts with the first two names that, if not of names,
leave at least puzzled and immediately give the perception of how "disinterested
" the new local policy. In No. 12 A list of Fitness Profile: Salvatore Morreale.
That's right, the fit and the City Council, Councillor Union of Municipalities
of Terre Sicane, Salvatore Morreale. Politically not easily identifiable. Recent
sightings showed him near the positions of Sen. Cusumano.€I wonder if the "cham
pion of young unemployed people has informed all the kids who voted, to whom he
had promised, no, not promised rallies are" committed "to finding solutions to t
he unemployment crisis. But then to think well in a campaign supporter honest it
seems to say: "Votatelo because she needs." Another name that we would rather n
ot read, No 7 of list eligibility profile B: Tumminello Lille. Alias Mrs. Riccob
ene. Wife of Councillor Gaetano Riccobene. Former DS former PDS now PD of rope o
f the friend of the Mayor Hon Capodicasa. No comment. Single reflection. At the
election slogan "bread, work and prospects" add "Valenti Franco but not for ever
related to wine, do you propose the Town Council for the countryside? Abandonmen
t?! So concluding we can say that the mayor "good sermon and scratching badly, v
ery badly indeed."
Peppino Infantino
As soon as we heard about the offer, on broad lines, some How could the Presiden
t of Journey of the fed "delegation" actions of the minority-consilia City Counc
il, so fast in margheritese in New York, we re, and we apologize if we smother,
to prevent any dibatpensato that was inappropriate, a waste of public money. The
same reluctance with which the Mayor did not want to hand over the documents, i
n response to numerous requests of the minority, was growing indignation and cur
iosity. The discussion took place on Tuesday 17, City Council, far from clear, i
ncreased the confusion, doubts and mysteries grown Meanwhile certainties: Promot
er Institution GT Lampedusa, Agency Manager of the Literary Park. able to unders
tand the responses of the President of the Institution. U.S. ENGLISH SERVICE LLC
President - Mayor did not potuSocietà which has been entrusted to hide all or-s
ponsor organization for some 49,500 euros. that have previously been interviewed
, did not promise to concretizzaFESTA THE REPUBLIC. The City of St. Margaret joi
ns the sums received by the commitment of expenditure of 15,000 Institution refe
r all'orgaeuro. organization's Literary Award. The President has failed to indic
ate INVITED last-public bodies and companies privaIl Mayor, the party's June 2,
you who have not paid on other people calls for further due. cost of $ .2.100 We
wonder. Can the President - Mayor omit TOTAL COST: € 64,500 ninth such common d
uties because of the express request of the minority? Mayor CDA GTL Institution:
Santoro Franco Abruzzo Rosalie Pasquale Hamel aldermen Sparacino Gori Carollo S
alvatore Manno Paul La Marca Calogero Oliveri Santino May Gaspare Scaturro Domin
ic Calandra City Manager Philip 5 PRIVILEGED PARTICIPANTS The 16 aircraft which
have received municipal councilors Bilello Ignatius Salvatore Ferraro First Alex
ander Journalists: Bugei Alfonso Salvatore Ferlito Tito allow such behavior? Wha
t to do minority advisers to obtain definite answers, substantiated by supportin
g documents? The Prime Minister is impartial. M arc S capagnini was named applic
ant. Councillor Michael Ciaccio has repeatedly asked the President of the Instit
ution's why payments were made to the same for 13,000 euros. No answer, except "
we questioned ... tower hotel Macauda Kampisky ... ... .... Resort ... .... "The
presence of the illustrious unknown Scapagnini hung inside the
of America
Rosalie Abruzzo, Hamel Pasquale, La Marca Calogero Santoro Franco Sparacino Gori
are the 5 privileged which, in addition to the trip, enjoyed the hospitality of
the tree-
g 4-star hotel in New York for 5 nights and the modest sum of 5,000 euros, 10 mi
llion old lira.
City Council as a ghost. No answer on the legality of payments made to this name
was given by the President.
Perhaps to satisfy their egos informed us that he was appointed head of the Orga
nization of the 18th International Congress
Like Don Abbondio also repeated PresidenteSindaco "Scapagnini who was he?" Witho
ut responding, without giving reasons of payments, bread, work and leave work ..
. U.S. English Special Events LLC This company advisers minority have done resea
rch on the Internet to ascertain its existence. In council have reported that th
e phone number listed on the letterhead ruispondeva even a photographer! Monoton
ic response of the mayor: "Bread, prospects, Tower Makauda,€we car, let us work.
" The final address of the Vice - Mayor Portolano, deserves particular scrutiny
of the Scientific sheep producers. Rap has the minority who "obviously has no ex
perience" and explained in detail what is an international event, which "is an a
ssociation which may be an organizing committee ... ... that can be formed by a
Notary .. can also be a non-formal (? ed) with a deed that has a period equal to
the event you want to achieve .... At the end of the event you can not trace, t
he telephone numbers used, the committee because he has now dissolved. " "Good,
good, ba!" Yelled from the bench most of the counselors and directors present in
an explosion like that of hormonal
who met a prophet. But eminent Prof Portolano, wants to explain what relevance t
he issue would raised by the minority group which concerned the custody of the m
ission to a company "butterfly", outside the institution? The Italian Us Special
Events LLC, was not formed by the organizer, which is the institution GTL, but
by a company based in America that has been established by others for the time n
ecessary to get assigned the task of managing the 'event, to receive 49,500 euro
s, and then disappear. We can assure you that if it should be entrusted to a U.S
. LLC, the event organization entrusted by the Faculty of Agriculture of Palermo
, the Rector would allow it difficult to continue the relationship with the univ
ersity. It 'clear to all that non-response, lead us to see, not just in possessi
on of all documentation, the process that was followed to make the trip to Ameri
ca. Finally. But advice to the President - Mayor and the Board of Directors of t
he Institution Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, we intend to give it. Publish a tab
le setting fit, left the revenue, right outputs attach all supporting documents.
The speculators will publish immediately. It will be a concrete and tangible si
gn of the vaunted "transparency" that we are still looking. Citizens margherites
i will appreciate.
Antonio Augello
"The nboccaallupo" The dallaredazionede Specula
SOUND THE MAYOR WITH THE CONSOLE The debts is through the transfer of 11,250 eur
os from the municipal coffers to those of the institution, giving a directive to
the Head of Development & Production Activities of March 2, 2009, in which call
s to provide the contribution "agreed with the Consulate General of Italy in New
York perserviziresi at the event held in New York on 'June 1 to 5 for the 50th
Anniversary of the publication of the novel" The Leopard ". We wonder, but the e
vent with the Consul, at Cipriani, did not end on June 2, 2008? What are the ser
vices provided by the Consulate days 1, 3, 4 and 5 giungno?
It 'clear that the municipal administration headed by Franco Santoro has a stran
ge way to administer. To date there have been examples and events to demonstrate
this strange way of dealing with the management of public resources, but now at
this very colorful and "happy" mosaic inefficiency has added the famous "Case A
merica." A case that is even more striking when one considers that the current a
dministration has snubbed participation in the BIT 2009 (Stock Exchange, Interna
tional Tourism) Milan-Rho, when this year the festival had a cut and an interest
ing proposal for the tourism of our country: "The food medium territories ... to
attract travelers. Certainly it is a missed opportunity for better communicatio
n of our resources, and it is even more so considering that it is within the tou
rism exchange this year has seen a promotion for a new adventure sport Giuseppe
Sanfilippo, convened to Part of the Italian National Wheelchair, electric wheelc
hair hockey. With such commitment and perseverance, Joseph Sanfilippo, twenty-tw
o years, managed to win the national team call-up. Joseph competed a couple of y
ears a team of Palermo, Red
AZIONAZIONALE Special Cultural Tourism, a sector in which Santa Margherita boast
s important resources. In fact, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Educ
ation organized a special workshop with sixty of the most important Tour Operato
r International
New York or Milan?
Joseph Sanfilippo at the National Wheelchair
tions, to offer places in Italian culture to those traders (including ten Americ
ans) that deal in particular "educational tourism" and "educational travel". The
project was entitled "Discovering Your Country" and was intended mainly to prom
ote tourism in southern Italy in high schools and colleges. But as we all know b
y now, unfortunately, preferred to squander Administration Santoro fifty thousan
d euro (and possibly much more) for their trip-
Thurs America when participating in this project would be more consistent, would
help the flow of tourism education in our city's museums and certainly would ha
ve been much, much more savings in cost. Indeed commitment to the project cost "
just" about two thousand euros, a figure which had included: the rent-setting up
a space for the public body participating, communication within the Tourism Exc
hange, meetings with the sixty Tour Operator and meetings with the public, and f
inally the staff for the reception. Doing a project would be fast enough to prod
uce printed material and multimedia material with three thousand euros, travel a
nd accommodation for seven people (exaggeration!) With four thousand euros, and
several thousand euros to eat any extras (eg friends) and the draft internationa
l promotion of Santa Margherita was well packed with only ten thousand euros. So
we can say that the Mayor Santoro with economic resources "used" for the trip t
o America could promote internationally Santa Margherita di Belice throughout hi
s tenure. Lack of vision, or other? I understand. Certainly we know that our may
or went to BIT, but would be curious indeed interesting to understand what resul
ts it has produced his solitary contribution to the exhibition. Joseph Barbera
Cobra, which takes part in the Serie A. Today we celebrate the national team in
preparation for the World Championships that will take place in 2010. Sanfilippo
next March 26 will be in Lignano Sabbiadoro for a first meeting. Best wishes to
Joseph by the editors of speculation.
"The library did not have to walk with head bowed in deference to the place of s
tudy and reading as the library, but not to stumble on in the room where the flo
or is lowered causing the detachment of some bricks. By the law of compensation,
however, got up at other points, with effect dune. "It is a stroke from a book
or Cammilleri Sciascia, is a step of a relationship between the many sent to the
Mayor by the director of the municipal library describes with surprising irony
its degradation. Dated degradation, which in its growing inevitably led to the c
losure of the public library for over two years already, "for security reasons n
othing is more terrible than active ignorance." That love for the culture in our
country would have known hard times had understood for some time, already looki
ng at the face of the institutions, the meaning of that word leaks out from the
faces of their own physiognomy. Despite the ephemeral trappings of a Literary Aw
ard and a leopard, many of whom fill the mouth does not know then how awareness.
More and more love for the culture withdraws from public spaces, away from dema
goguery, and is cultivated in private, in a dimension elitist. Remains unexplore
d, and this is the basic theme, the need to spread the culture: the experience a
rousing public contaminate questions thirst for knowledge and awareness, to cult
ivate critical thinking, communicating values and testimonies. There will be no
horizon for change that can dispense with conscience clear, unaffected by the al
lurements of power, willing to fight against injustice, obstinate and contrary i
n direction, hence the need to open new horizons, bringing together culture and
life. So we return to our library. Its headquarters would be more natural Cutò F
ilangeri Palace, which already houses the Park Tomasi di Lampedusa. But ours is
the only one of the municipalities of the Belice earthquake have not yet rebuilt
their town hall, public works
excellence (that in itself symbolic of the sense of public affairs of the ruling
class margheritese), so the buildings of the city is invaded by municipal offic
es. In the land of the Leopard, which focuses on culture and cultural tourism an
d bla bla bla ... the municipal library, the place of the written statement that
also includes a wealth of over 8,000 volumes,€languished for decades in limbo i
ndefinable degradation, incongruity and indifference. Why?
The investment on the library is considered politically profitable: the library
does not do business. It does not move any interest to the rulers of public affa
irs. His physical remoteness is a metaphor of his marginality. It 's a place in
itself, separate from the town, subject always to any other administrative needs
, always out of any consultation, without any shred of programming, alien univer
se world of libraries. Where they evolve from caskets books centers to promote r
eading, we, however, where there is no private library, the library represents t
he final nail in a cart on it that administrative discharge disjointed organizat
ional decisions, other functional prosaic needs. By us and only us, the part of
the municipal library are supported paperwork that have nothing to do with its f
unction in contempt of the dignity of the institution and its actors: it ranges
from educational services, public transport of commuter students from nursery sc
hool lunch with calls for tender,
provision of facilities on texts, teaching materials and school kits, the Memora
ndum of Understanding between the City and schools, and by reasoning. What does
all this with a library is a question that is lost in the dark of reason, at lea
st the relevance of its attached administratively by the Demographic and Service
Sector. It would be strange if in this context, the library was able to impleme
nt its library, if shared by networking with other municipalities in Union, if i
t had a purchasing policy, to launch initiatives to promote reading, perhaps to
steal the young generations harmful to the dictatorship of the TV media. But it
is true how true that institutions are man-made, can change. Let's start from he
re: we transfer the library in the Palazzo Cuto priority, restoring the centrali
ty it deserves, connecting functionally Park Tomasi di Lampedusa; sgraviamola fr
om inappropriate duties; dotiamola a management software (already 22 libraries i
n the province will benefit from the network), we raise The Board of Library sta
ff or any other people animated by a genuine passion for books; tune with our Fa
hreneith ( hrenheit), the best of books and ideas publ
ished by Radio Three is a real treasure trove of initiatives on the book world,
we set up an archive to watch over and open for public use the older works held
in private, that have a historical works of St. Margaret, promoting the donation
; open positions Internet for users, we make the library a place alive and dynam
ic research and training. Valorizziamone public nature, community, free and open
to all, especially the young. We need to invest in training to change behavior.
Where once there was more sense of beauty, taste more of the truth, today you w
ill not live surrounded by so much ugliness Viola Gaspare.
For lack of keys, our tourist town after visiting Salaparuta. For guests, the tw
o French bus and Palermo, are not temples of Selinunte and the ruins of solids,
down to Porta Nuova, the first visit the Church of the Virgin card is of the Gra
ces. The speculators had seen was the best. And in doing good. In fact, for the
party came their way door in the town of Leopard, the Museum also mersbarrato co
ledì March 18 around 16 am, memorial for lavonon was possible to enter all'inter
ri ongoing. The no place of worship. They have their afternoon trascorosservare
Church still know only through the main door and ta visifenditure of the Literar
y Park and through the dirty windows. The stuluoghi of Leopard. Francis Sciara t
eeth, united by a partnership between schools, arrived in He's going through alm
ost a year since, July 1, 2008, the town of Leopard has taken a step backwards i
n terms of health services. On that occasion, a lack of political stance led to
the downgrading of the service from H24 to H12 with the loss of nursing staff of
the impossibility of medical care continued to intervene in the ambulance of th
e 118 so-called "code red", that is those cases where time is precious to save a
human life. Appear distant promises that the Mayor, both in election campaign,
which in subsequent town meetings,€assured every possible assistance to avoid di
sruption in health. Maybe our citizens are worth less than the neighbors of Memp
his? There, in fact, have an efficient Presidium Territorial Emergency. Or are w
orth less than those Cianciana? There, however, the ambulance service the 118 nu
rses providing round the 24.
What happened to the upgrading of 118 A St. MARGHERITA?
One wonders, looking at the past, when Santa Margherita was the hospital, or lab
oratory analysis, then the H24 with the nurses and doctors during the 24 hours "
if it was a privilege." Privilege granted by the politicians of the First Republ
ic! We wonder, for what today we sold out our "privileges"? Again, if privilege
is when there is half a human life. Many stories happened in the garrison
Santa Margherita interventions that have prevented the tragedies happen. Tragedi
es, as things stand today, can no longer be avoided. Emergencies, which in sever
e cases, create situations of personal distress in the continuity of care and th
at of 118.
Francis Graffeo
Online all the acts of the American mission. Blog of the MGT at www.ilmovimento. you can view all documents that accompany the promotional mission t
o America. This facilitating action undertaken by the Municipality of transparen
Breaking news: ESTABLISHMENT G.T. Lampedusa. The Board lost the first piece
Become a supporter of the speculation and assure you a copy every month to your
home. Send your request to, and you will be contacted later b
y the Editorial Board. If you are a supporter also receive a copy of speculation
, in advance, direct to your inbox by writing to the mailing list.
Start the diaspora? After the visit in America, made in June 2008, and after the
inauguration of "The Leopard Round with rampant," the former commissioner of th
e junta Russian, already the candidate of the flag at the end of the mandate Per
ricone, gave up his friends 48 hours later, with a brief history of executive co
uncilor Mangiaracina now lays its arms by CDA .
The extent dimmissioni occur while you cut down so many questions about the mana
gement of travel in America. The C.D.A. include: the Mayor, as Chairman, and com
ponents: Pascal Hammel, Gori Sparacino, Rosy Abruzzo Rose Abate, Santino Oliveri
, Mimmo Scaturro, Liborio Catalanotto. Do not know the reasons for resignation o
f the cartoonist.
Continue the commitment of the N N oiper S M argherita door "in defense of publi
c water. Water is the source of life: there is no life without water. Together w
ith the air is one of objects indispensable to human life. Here it was just shoc
king to hear all of "privatizing the water:" We miss that privatize the air. " B
elow we publish the text of the petition popular
WATER is a public good: put a signature
will be signed by all the citizens of the province of Agrigento. From Monday, Ma
rch 23 will start collecting signatures at the pharmacy of Dr. Viola Gaspare. Th
e Association invites all margheritesi to sign the petition and urges the Mayor
to resign by Santoro ATO Water Board.
The undersigned citizens of the Province of Agrigento, strongly opposed the priv
atization of the integrated management of water and decided to fight with every
means possible to steal water, primary good of humanity, any market-oriented and
profit fully committed and support for legal action and the fight continued Agr
igento the mayors who have opposed the privatization of water services and the r
esolutions adopted by many municipal councils in the province against the privat
ization and termination of contracts with the private operator shall request the
competent organs of ' ATO water to take any useful initiative to suspend furthe
r deliveries of service and reach, within the law and the Convention, the termin
ation of the agreement which has been entrusted with the management at Girgenti
Waters Spa, which has been responsible for very serious management failures requ
ire City Council amend the City Charter, to exclude, under order of EE.LL.,€mana
gement of water services from economically significant activities support the re
quest addressed by regional councils to the Province to hold a provincial refere
ndum to consult the voters the following question: Do you accept that it is entr
usted to private management of integrated water service? YES ask for national an
d regional parliamentary agrigentini Mr. Prefect to represent in the halls of Pa
rliament and the State Government and the Region will of the overwhelming majori
ty of citizens and Communities agrigentini to maintain public management of wate
r demand of the Presidents Chamber of Deputies and the Senate to begin considera
tion of bills submitted for the return to public water management are committed
to support the initiative announced a draft law of popular initiative for submis
sion Ars under LR n.1/2005 for ripubblicizzare water management and return to lo
cal authorities on all functions.
People's Petition in Defense of Water Public
trummunati ....
The mission in America was cultural. Was celebrated the 50th anniversary of the
publication of The Leopard. The Mayor has brought with it three assessors: Calog
ero La Marca - Councillor for Public Works, Health and Relationship with the Cit
y Council - Salvatore Carollo - Councillor for Parks and Gardens and Rino May -
Councillor for Social Policy and Youth, Sport and Education. In three could talk
about culture. When the Union ....... produces nothing!
You know why the council workers from some time walking with his hands in his po
ckets and his mouth shut? They knew that the evaluation will be a doctor and a d
Among the services provided by the Consulate, which cost 11,250 euros, it seems,
was expected to shave morning to Mayor-President lasistemazionedelbaff oaduncon
s my son and the manipulation of the neck to unaltrocomponentelade legation!
Deputy Mayor Portolano blamed the minority council for lack of experience in org
anizing events. Invited them to take example from his sheep by vastedda and psyc
hodynamic festival (which
the explanations in the dictionary usoalcomunedeveinterd Ersi: fic or india! ! !
? ? ?).
In order to facilitate the work of the Editorial Board are asked all the appropr
iate BES send a color photo, passport-style, to be used for future publications.
In the absence will be forced to publish the photos in the database, apologize
in advance for any poor quality. Thanks
Unbelievable but true. The A. C. and its judges have succeeded in the impossible
business of ruining the carnival ........ "Mascara".
Carnival 2009
News from New York 2 After hearing that, according to the Mayor the Cipriani Wal
l Street is one of the most exclusive locations of the Consulate General of Ital
y in New York, margheritesi of America has insured that no one has smoked during
the visit. Blog of the MGT are online all the numbers of La Specula

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