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Lernziele: Level 2

Can-do Descriptors

Learning a new language can be a daunting task. We often focus on everything that we cannot say
yet, rather than think of what we have already learned. Our perceived inadequacies tend to hamper
our abilities even further. These self-evaluations aid in the realistic assessment of what can be
achieved at each step in the process of foreign language acquisition.

Each learner is different, with certain concepts being easier to understand for some learners than
others. At the end of each chapter, fill out the evaluation in order to see the areas in which you need
to improve, as well as those areas in which you already communicate well. This will help you identify
the language tools you still need to develop in order to communicate more effectively. This will not
only help you in your German studies, but in all foreign language studies that you may someday
pursue. The more you are aware of what you can already do, the better you will be equipped to
articulate your goals and pursue them effectively.

2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen

Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 1
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 13

I can
1. about clothes.
2. interact with salespeople and purchase
3. express my likes and dislikes with respect to
4. read and understand ads for clothes.
5. listen to and understand a dialog of a sales

I know
1. some vocabulary for clothes.
2. to produce the comparative and
superlative forms of adjectives.
3. that monosyllabic adjectives often receive
an umlaut in the comparative and
superlative forms.
4. that gut, gern, and viel have irregular
comparative and superlative forms.
5. that some verbs take the dative case.
6. the personal pronouns in the nominative,
accusative and dative cases.
7. that the definite article can stand alone as a
demonstrative pronoun.
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 2
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 14

I can
1. about the holidays and other kinds of
2. invite someone to an event.
3. ...respond appropriately to an invitation.
4. talk about gifts.
5. talk in more detail about family and friends.
6. read and understand a graphical table.

I know
1. ...the vocabulary to accept and decline
2. how to express congratulations, wishes and
3. how to use the possessive adjectives in the
different cases.
4. how to use verbs with indirect and direct
5. how to use the simple past of the modal
verbs with the correct endings.

2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen

Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 3
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 15

I can
1. about my personal situation and
express feelings.
2. give reasons for doing something.
3. ask for and give advice.
4. help council others.
5. list conditions.
6. discuss conflicts.

I know
1. the vocabulary for talking about feelings
and conflicts.
2. how to use wenn and weil to form a
subordinate clause with the verb at the end.
3. a clause beginning with wenn can come
before or after the main clause.

2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen

Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 4
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 16

I can
1. about my schooling, my educational
progress and goals.
2. talk about my hopes and plans for the
3. express opinions.
4. read, understand and discuss informational
5. describe some differences between the
German school system and my own.

I know
1. the vocabulary for time expressions in the
past, present and future.
2. ...the vocabulary to discuss my schooling and
my career plans.
3. how to talk about events in the future using
the present tense with a time expression.
4. how to form a subordinate clause
beginning with dass.
5. how to form the past participles of both
regular and irregular verbs.
6. how to form the past participles of verbs
with separable and inseparable prefixes.
7. that the sentence accent is always on the
most important information.
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 5
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 17

I can
1. talk about and describe apartment units.
2. talk about and ask questions about features
of an apartment.
3. express wishes with respect to an
apartment search.
4. understand tips on how to make repairs
and renovate an apartment.
5. describe the location of objects and people,
both stationary and moving.

I know
1. the vocabulary for describing the floor plan
of an apartment.
2. ...the vocabulary for furniture and other
objects in an apartment.
3. how to use two-way prepositions with the
correct case.
4. the list of both wohin and wo verbs.
5. how to form the subjunctive using wrde +
6. how to use htte to form the subjunctive of
7. when two consonants are pronounced as
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 6
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 18

I can
1. about advantages and disadvantages of
various modes of transport.
2. name conditions for doing something or
3. say what I like or dont like to do.
4. talk about what I always/rarely/never do.
5. understand traffic regulations and signs.
6. talk about basic parts of an automobile and
7. describe my dream car and understand car

I know
1. the vocabulary for transportation and
vehicles of various kinds.
2. to link an idea as a consequence of
another using deshalb.
3. how to conjugate the verb warden in the
present and past tense.
4. how to use werden and the past participle
to form the passive.
5. when to use active versus passive.
6. how to use lassen with an infinitive when I
am having someone do something for me.
7. the importance of speaking difficult words
slowly and pronouncing each sound.

2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen

Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 7
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 19

I can
1. ...give multifaceted and detailed descriptions
of people and things using attributive
2. talk about fashion and make aesthetic
observations with adjectives.
3. express my likes and dislikes and say why.
4. give compliments.
5. understand personal ads.
6. listen to and understand a detailed
description of an everyday scene.
7. write a personal ad describing myself and
the type of person I am looking for.
8. express criticisms and dislikes politely.

I know
1. the vocabulary to describe people and
various aspects of their lives.
2. ...that adjectives preceding nouns require
3. that the endings for unpreceded adjectives
have the same final letter as the definite
4. the endings in the table for adjectives
preceded by ein-words.
5. that the prepositions fr and ohne always
take the accusative case.
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 8
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 20

I can
1. in detail about how I spend my free
2. describe the activities I enjoy and those
that I dont, and tell why.
3. express opinions about various sports,
hobbies and activities.
4. give advice about how someone can spend
their time.
5. understand oral interviews about soccer.
6. talk about sports in my own country.
7. talk about different aspects of clubs and
other organizations.
8. understand an interview with someone
describing their leisure activities and ask
follow-up questions.
9. interview others about how they spend
their free time and report the information.

I know
1. the vocabulary to describe various sports
and leisure activities.
2. to add endings to possessive
adjectives to form pronouns.
3. the indefinite pronouns for people and
4. the reflexive pronouns in the accusative
and some verbs that require them.
5. how to use knnte to make suggestions.
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 9
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 21

I can
1. about the work environment and about
my search for employment.
2. talk about my work experience and
qualifications for a job.
3. make a cold call to a prospective employer
to ask about employment opportunities and
tell about myself..
4. understand career biographies.
5. read and understand ads for employment.
6. describe my dream job and my attitude
toward work in general.

I know
1. the vocabulary to talk about careers and
the work environment.
2. ...what documents are generally required to
apply for a job.
3. the endings for adjectives preceded by
definite articles.
4. that relative clauses are used to give
additional information about a noun in the
main clause.
5. how to construct relative clauses with the
conjugated verb at the end.
6. the relative pronouns and how they relate
to their antecedents.
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 10
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 22

I can
1. about different kinds of media and how
I prefer to inform myself.
2. understand a table with statistical
3. talk about my TV-viewing habits.
4. talk about different aspects and features of
cell phones.
5. express my opinion and make pro and
contra arguments about various topics.
6. support my opinions with examples.
7. read and understand texts on the
contemporary media landscape.

I know
1. some vocabulary to talk about the media.
2. ...some vocabulary to talk about technology,
cell phones and computers.
3. how to use verbs imported into German
from English.
4. how to use welch- and dies- with the
correct endings .
5. to construct adjectives from nouns
using various endings.
6. to use un- with adjectives to express
the opposite.
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 11
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 23

I can
1. about politics.
2. express my political opinions and support
my views.
3. agree and disagree with political views
expressed by others.
4. express wishes and my own political ideals.
5. express uncertainty.
6. understand historical texts and talk about
historical events.
7. describe differences between political
8. understand an article about the political
activities of individuals or groups.
9. discuss difference between the political
institutions and culture in my country and

I know
1. some vocabulary to talk about politics.
2. to rewrite a text from the present
tense to the simple past.
3. that many verbs often occur in combination
with particular prepostions.
4. how to form the simple past of regular and
irregular verbs.
5. the principle parts of the most commonly
used irregular verbs.

2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen

Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 12
Lernziele: Level 2

This is a self-assessment of what I know and can do in German.

Ill mark my progress as well as my weaknesses in order to see: what I can do, what I know, and
where I can still make progress in listening, reading, writing and speaking German. When Ive
accomplished these goals, I can add other learning goals of my own.

: I can do or I know what is described and am satisfied.

: I dont feel sure and therefore must practice more.
: Im having difficulty and must work harder at this topic.

Kapitel 24

I can
1. talk about good and bad behavior and
2. about invitations to various kinds of
3. talk about social etiquette and polite
4. make intercultural comparisons with
respect to social behavior.
5. respond both as guest and host with
commonly used phrases.
6. politely decline an invitation and give an

I know
1. some vocabulary to talk about manners
and behavior.
2. to soften commands using modal
verbs in the subjunctive with bitte.
3. some general tips on how to interact
politely with people in German-speaking
4. the dative prepositions.
5. how to construct different kinds of
subordinate clauses
6. how to read a text aloud.
2010 Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Mnchen
Duplication permitted for language teaching.

Page 13

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