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Word Meaning

Pacifist One who believes in total abolition of war

Paleontology Study of fossils

Panacea A supposed cure for all diseases or problems ,

Pantisocracy Government by all

Pantomime A dumb show. -,

Parasite A person supported by another and giving him/her ,

nothing in return

Pathology Study of disease

Patricide Killing of ones own father; killer of ones own ,


Patrimony Properties inherited from one's father ,

Patriot One who loves own country.

Pauper One who has no money ,

Pedagogy Study of Art of teaching

Pedantic A style in which author displays his knowledge

Pedestrian One who goes on foot

Pension Payment made in consideration of past service.

Pessimist One who looks on the dark side of things

Philanthropist Lover of mankind

Philately Study of stamp collection

Philistine One who does not care for art, literature etc ,

Philology Study of words and their roots.

Phobia An extreme or irrational fear of something ,

Phonetics, Study of sound.

Physiology A study of the body

Pioneer One who leads others ,

Plagiarist One who copies from other writers

Platitudes Common place remarks ,

Plutocracy A Government by the rich

Polyglot One who knows many languages

Polygon A figure with many angles or sides.

Port A place where ships seek shelter. ,

Posthumous A book published after the death of its author ,

Word Meaning
Postmortem Medical examination of a dead body

Postscript A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature

Potable Water fit for drinking

Predator An animal who preys on other animals

Prejudice To form an opinion against anybody baselessly.

Psephology Systematic study of election trends

Pseudonym To write under a different name

Pugnacity Tendency to quarrel

Purist One who is particular about the purity of one's language.

Quack One who pretends skill in medicine and surgery.

Quadruped Animal having four foot.

Quarantine Isolation imposed on infected people.

Quatrain Stanza of four lines.

Questionnaire Formulated series of Questions.

Quill A feather used as a pen.

Quorum Fixed number of person that must be present to make proceedings


Radiation Emission of light or heat from central point.

Rebel One who takes up arms against government

Redtapism Too much official formalities

Referendum Direct decision by a general vote on the single question.

Regicide Murder of the king

Republic A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their
elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated
president rather than a monarch.
Retaliate Take Revenge

Reticent One who speaks less

Retrospective Which takes effect from some earlier date

Robot An intelligent and obedient machine like a man.

Samaritan One who helps others

Sanatorium Place of good climate where invalids are kept.

Sanctuary A place of refuge recognized as secure.

Sceptic One who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness
of inferences.

Scribble Write hurriedly or carelessly in regard to hand writing.


Word Meaning

Sculpture The art of making.

Secular Which does not favour anyone religion.

Sericulture Breeding of silkworm for silk production.

Sestet A stanza of six lines.

Simultaneous Happening at the same time

Sinecure An office with high salary but no work

Smuggler A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country

secretly because they are illegal or in order to avoid paying duty
on them

Solar Eclipse of Sun

Soliloquy Speaking himself when alone

Solo A piece of music by one person.

Somnambulism Walking in sleep

Somniloquism Talking in sleep

Soporific A drug or other substance that induces sleep

Sororicide Killing of one's own sister.

Spectrum Image formed by rays of light

Spendthrift, A person who spends his money recklessly.


Spokesman One who speaks on behalf of others

Stable A place where horses are kept.

Sterilize To make free from living germs or bacteria.

Stoic One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain

Suicide Murder of self

Synonyms Words which have the same meaning

Teetotaler One who does not take alcoholic drinks

Teetotalers One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.

Telltale One who enjoy talking about others private affairs

Terminus Station at the of a route.

Theist One who believes in God

Thermometer An instrument for measuring temperature.

Tragedy A writing which end in death or sorrow.

Translucent That through which light can partly pass

Transmigration Passing of soul from one body to another after death

Transparent That through which light can pass

Tripod Having three legs.

Truant A student left school or class without permission

Truism An often repeated truth


Word Meaning

Trust Confidence reposed in person by making them nominal


Turncoat One who changes sides ,

Twins Two children born together.

Ubiquitous Found or present everywhere.

Unanimous All of one mind. ,

Unavoidable Incapable of being avoided.

Unilateral Decision taken by one's side only.

Universal Belonging to all parts of the world. ,

Up-to-date Having information till today.

Usurer One who lends money at higher rate of interest

Utopia A state of highest perfection

Uxoricide Murder of wife

Valetudinarian One who always thinks himself to be ill ,

Vandal One who damages public property

Vegetarian Somebody who doesnt eat meat or fish

Venial A pardonable offense ,

Ventriloquist One who can throw his voice

Verbatim Repetition of word by word -

verbose Style full of words -

Vertebrate Animals having spinal column.

Vesper Evening prayer in a church

Veteran Somebody who is considerably experienced in something

Volunteer One who works for free

Wardrobe An almirah where clothes are kept

Weather-cock A cock-shaped indicator on the building top to show the

direction of air.

Widow A woman whose husband is dead. ,

Widower A man whose wife has died

Wireless or Method of sending messages without the help of wires.


Zodiac A belt of the heavenly bodies divided into equal signs.

Zoo A place where birds and animals are kept.

Zoology A study of animals

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