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Program: B.Tech (ECE) RollNo:

Month and Year ofExam: May/June 2015 Semester: 4lh
Subject: Control Systems Course Code: ECT-208
Time - 3 llours M. Marks: 50
l. Atiempt any FOUR questions out ofsix.
2. Questio, I is compulsory.
l. All pa.ts ofaquestion must be done at one ptace.
1. (a) Thesignalflow graph ofasystem isshown jnFig.t. Detemine lransfer
tunciion C(s)i/n(s). (4)
(b) A causal system havingrhe rransfer tundion H(s) 1/fs + 2) rs erired with 10
= xtrl Derermine the
time at which the output reaches 99% ofits sready slaie value. (4)
(c) The chaiacteristic polynomiai ofa system is q(s)
= 2ss +.s4 + 4s3 + 2s, + 2s + 1. Delemine LHS.
RHS and imaginary axis roors as well as stabiliry ofthe systenr. (J)
(d) The root locus plot for a sysrem is given in Fig 2. The open Ioop rraDsfer tunction
conesDondins to rhis
plor i. gi, en by
r 6(')H{s)-i 'r{ (i;)6(c)Hrs)-t __.1_l

(iii) G(s)H(sl : k 5(5-r)tr+a('+r)

(e)Drau,theNyquislplorfo.thetransferfunction6(Ja): S + ja. (l)
(f) Determine the kansfer function
r(s)/U(s) of a slstem described by the stale equations,(r) =
2r.(t) + 2u(r) andy(r) =,). (r)

as shown in pig.3?
(a) Deiermine the transfa funcrion using btock reducrion technique
(b) The schematic diagram of a servo sysiem is shown in Fig.1. The rwo phase
seNomotor develops a
L0-5 Nm/(rad/sec). synchro sensirility.rJ
= lrot t/rad. amptifiu sain KA = zovok/vott,irchomet*
canslant &=0.2raLt/(rad/sec),|oad incitia /.
= 1.5 x 10-5kg - m2 , viscous tiiclior 6.=1x
10 sNm/(tad/sec).eM/6,:1,0:,/d,=1. motor inertia and f.icrion are neslisibre. Dr3w the btock
diasram ofthe system and obtain the rransfer fu,ctjon S/(s)/rn(s). lt)


("at lntn
3. (a) TNo electrjcal netwo.ks A having s,C1 and B having R,C; component fonns standard
Ifralio ofslopc ar origin in irs unit slep response is 4 and C1 = 2i:. Find out value of C,. (r)
tb) I e ro1\ord odrhra.Flp'lJ'(rionol rri') cedb. k ){.- i' ,' ) -. lti, , ,,
steady s1a!e error ifinlut is 60 r(t). (3)
(c) Detennine the posidve values of "K' and "a" so that the system shown in rhe Fig. 5
frequency of 2 rad/sec. (4)

4. (r) Draw the rooi locus or counterrool locus diagmm for an unlty feedback svsrem is given as

6ls r = !!i. (7)

(b) The forward path transfcr funclion ofa unity feedback syslem is given as ' (s+31( z+r'+2)

Determine lhe angle ofdepadure trom complex poles. (3)

s. (a) Determ ine ihe system transfer tunciion for the Bode nusnilude plol sho*rr in Fig.6. (1)

rb,',..o.', 1.',.,,.r.rrr.':..nul ",, r 4.'"c.. -r'er - C '

_ '-?-. Dertrnir.
nrarsnr and phase margin. (6)

6. (a) \Yritc down the propcfiies ol sLale transilion mat x (STM). The stalc equation ola LTi svstem is
*= [-f fl]" nercrmine srM. (4)

(b) The slate variable reprcsenlation of LTI system by

(ii) : (,:. I +Xi:). fi) *, = r, o o(il),,.*,,s,he.u,pu,&

system is controllable for
u slhe npu, Tle

(i) a, + 0,1,, = 0,(r3 + 0 (li) a1= o,az + a, a3 + o

(iii) ar = 0,4, + 0,43 : 0 (iv) al + 0,a, + 0, ol = 0

l:iJr 5 Fig.6

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