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ABSTRACT the capability to operate under node failures and
attacks. On the other hand, security encompass-
In this article, we present a study of the es the aspects of confidentiality, authentication,
Authentication Integrity
design of secure and survivable wireless sensor and integrity of the application information.
networks (WSN) that has yet to be addressed in Obviously, security and survivability in a WSN
the literature. Our goal is to develop a frame- face many common challenges ranging from
work that provides the security and survivability the wireless nature of communications, resource
features that are crucial to applications in a limitations on sensor nodes, very large and dense
Security and survivability mechanisms and techniques
WSN, because WSNs are vulnerable to physical networks, and unknown network topology prior
and network-based security attacks, accidents, to deployment to the high risk of physical
Detection and response: and failures. To achieve such a goal, we first attacks on unattended sensors. More important-
Using signal processing and examine the security and survivability require- ly, these two factors may couple with each other.
pattern recognition schemes
ments. We then propose a security and surviv- With the popularity of the WSN as an emerging
ability architecture in a WSN with wireless technology, there is a need to study the
heterogeneous sensor nodes. To understand the coupling between survivability and security and a
interactions between survivability and security, need to create design strategies consistent with
The authors present we also design and analyze a key management
scheme. The results of the experiment show that
both sets of requirements for a WSN.
In this article, we present a comprehensive
a study of the design a good design can improve both security and study of security and survivability for WSN. Our
survivability of a WSN; however, in some situa- goal is to develop a framework for a WSN that
of secure and tions, there is a trade off between security and provides security and survivability measures that
survivability. are available for critical services in spite of phys-
survivable wireless ical and network-based security attacks, acci-
sensor networks INTRODUCTION dents, or failures. To achieve this goal, we first
study the requirements of both security and sur-
(WSN) that has yet A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of
battery-operated sensor devices with computing,
vivability. We then present a general architec-
ture for a WSN with heterogeneous sensor
to be addressed in data processing, and communicating compo- nodes. With the architecture, we identify metrics
nents. In a WSN, the sensor nodes can be that quantify the performance of a WSN. We
the literature. Their deployed in controlled environments, such as also address the issues of the interaction between
factories, homes, or hospitals. They also can be security and survivability for a WSN. For
goal is to develop a deployed in uncontrolled environments, such as instance, node failures or coordinated
disaster or hostile areas or in a particular battle- physical/cyber attacks on sensor nodes result in
framework that field, where monitoring and surveillance is cru- security breaches and impact the WSN perfor-
provides the security cial. Clearly, security in a WSN is extremely
important for both controlled environments
mance simultaneously. Similarly, a security
attack compromising network components (e.g.,
and survivability (e.g., health-care, automation in transportation, sensor node or cluster head) could affect the
etc.) and uncontrolled and hostile environments network survivability techniques. On the other
features that are (e.g., environmental monitoring, military com- hand, a survivability strategy for restoring the
mand and control, battlefield monitoring, etc.). performance very likely could be inconsistent
crucial to Moreover, the majority of the WSN applications with the security requirements. As a case study,
should be run continuously and reliably without we investigate a distributed key management
applications interruption. Hence, survivability also should be scheme for a WSN with heterogeneous sensor
in a WSN taken into account in developing a WSN.
In the design of secure and survivable WSNs,
The remainder of this article is organized as
survivability implies that networks should have follows. We first discuss the requirements of

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security and survivability for a WSN. We then

present a detailed architecture for WSN surviv-
agement on the base station level. Because sen-
sor node communication ends at the base sta-
Although many of
ability and security design. After that we present tion, issues such as key distribution to sensor these security
the study to understand the interaction between nodes to establish encryption and routing infor-
survivability and security for a WSN. In the last mation require secure management. Further- problems have been
section, we give a summary of this study and more, clustering requires secure management as
future work. well, because each group of nodes may include a studied in distributed
large number of nodes that must be authenticat-
ed with each other and exchange data in a secure systems, as well as
SECURITY AND SURVIVABILITY manner. ad hoc networking,
REQUIREMENTS IN WSNS The security requirements that should be met
to better protect a WSN from adversaries: confi- in general, the
SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR WSNS dentiality, authentication, integrity, and secure
management are discussed. The same security solutions proposed
In this section, we analyze the security require- objectives that exist in conventional systems are
ments that constitute the fundamental objectives required for sensor networks as well. The differ- are too computation-
on which every sensor application is based and ence is that the security objectives here are
to which every application should adhere to addressed in the context of sensor node charac- ally demanding to
guarantee an appropriate level of security [1].
Confidentiality: This requirement is to ensure
teristics such as their architecture and limita-
tions. Although many of these security problems
work for sensors.
that sensitive information is well protected and have been studied in distributed systems, as well Security aspects of a
not revealed to unauthorized third parties. The as ad hoc networking, in general, the solutions
confidentiality objective is required in the envi- proposed are too computationally demanding to WSN have received
ronment of the sensors to protect information work for sensors. Security aspects of a WSN
from disclosure when traveling between the sen- have received little attention compared to its little attention
sor nodes of the network or between the sensors other aspects.
and the base station, because an adversary hav- compared to its
ing the appropriate equipment can eavesdrop on
the communication. If we consider eavesdrop- Reliability: In addition to the security con-
other aspects.
ping to be a network-level threat, then a local- cerns, the reliability of the network is also of spe-
level threat could be a compromised node that cial interest because many applications require
an adversary has in his possession. Compromised the WSN to operate in uncontrolled environ-
nodes are a big threat to the confidentiality ments. In such cases, some wireless sensor nodes
objective, because the adversary could steal criti- may fail, thus affecting the operation of the
cal data stored on nodes such as cryptographic whole network. Reliability is the capability to
keys that are used to encrypt the communica- keep the functionality of the WSN even if some
tion. sensor nodes fail.
Authentication: As in conventional systems, Availability: Availability ensures that ser-
authentication techniques verify the identity of vices and information can be accessed at the
the participants in a communication, distinguish- time that they are required. In a WSN, there
ing in this way legitimate users from intruders. are many risks that could result in loss of avail-
In the case of sensor networks, it is essential for ability, such as sensor node capturing and
each sensor node and base station to have the denial of service attacks. Lack of availability
capability to verify that the data received was may affect the operation of many critical real-
really sent by a trusted sender and not by an time applications. Therefore, it is critical to
adversary that tricked legitimate nodes into ensure resilience to attacks that target the
accepting false data. If such a situation occurs availability of the system and to find ways to
and false data are supplied to the network, then fill the gap created by the capturing or disable-
the behavior of the network cannot be predicted, ment of a specific node by assigning its duties
and most of the time, the outcome will be unex- to other nodes in the network. The protocols
pected. employed by the WSN must be robust enough
Integrity: This refers to the danger that infor- to mitigate the effects of outages by providing
mation could be altered when exchanged over alternate routes.
insecure networks. Lack of integrity could result Energy efficiency: A WSN consists of bat-
in many problems, because the consequences of tery-operated sensor devices with computing,
using inaccurate information can be disastrous. data processing, and communicating compo-
Integrity controls must be implemented to nents. Energy conservation is a critical issue in
ensure that information will not be altered in a WSN, because batteries are the only limited-
any unexpected way. Many sensor applications, life energy source available to power the sen-
such as environmental and healthcare monitor- sor nodes. Apparently, the battery life affects
ing rely on the integrity of the information to the reliability and availability of the WSN.
function with accurate outcomes. Therefore, Protocols, including security mechanisms
there is an urgent need to ensure that informa- designed for the WSN, should be energy aware
tion is traveling from one end to the other with- and efficient.
out being intercepted and modified in the Evidently, there is a coupling between securi-
process. ty, reliability, availability, and energy efficiency
Secure management: Management is required of a WSN. This motivates us to study the inter-
in every system that is constituted from multiple actions of security and survivability of WSNs, so
components and handles sensitive information. that we can effectively analyze and design secure
In the case of a WSN, we require secure man- and survivable WSNs.

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The reliability of the

network is also of A secure and survivable WSN architecture

special interest Security and survivability requirements and services

because many Reliability Availability Energy efficiency

applications require
Confidentiality Authentication Integrity Secure management
the WSN to be
operating in un
controlled environ- Security and survivability mechanisms and techniques

ments. In such Detection and response: Modeling and analysis:

Prevention and protection: Security metrics
Using signal processing and
cases, some wireless Key management, etc.
pattern recognition schemes Analytical model
Simulation testbed
sensor nodes may
fail, thus affecting
Figure 1. A secure and survivable WSN architecture.
the operation of the
whole network. A SECURE AND SURVIVABLE WSN To enhance security and survivability, we pro-
pose a general framework for a WSN with het-
ARCHITECTURE erogeneous sensor nodes. The individual security
mechanism in a WSN has been dealt with to a
THE ARCHITECTURE certain extent, but research and development of
As the first step of a secure and survivable WSN security and survivability architectures has been
design, we present a WSN security architecture less extensive. To provide secure and survivable
with heterogeneous sensor nodes. In a WSN, communications for a WSN, all the aspects of
ensuring the physical security of wireless links is security requirements and services must be met
virtually impossible because of the broadcast and provided. Up till now, most of the existing
nature of and resource limitation on sensor security schemes for distributed WSNs assume
nodes and the uncontrolled environments where that the sensor nodes are homogeneous with the
they are left unattended. Consequently, security same capabilities for each sensor network.
attacks on information flow can be widespread, Therefore, it is of significance to investigate how
for example, passive interception of data trans- to design a suitable secure architecture for het-
mission, active injection of traffic, and overload- erogeneous WSNs. Consequently, it is also
ing the network with garbage packets. important to address the reliability issue in the
Modification of information is possible because design of secure and survivable architectures for
of the nature of the wireless channel and the heterogeneous WSNs using the modeling and
uncontrolled node environments. An opponent analysis techniques.
can make use of these natural impairments to Figure 1 illustrates the proposed architecture
modify information and also render the informa- for a WSN. In Fig. 1, the prevention and protec-
tion unavailable. Security requirements in a tion schemes must be designed to achieve the
WSN are similar to those of wireless ad hoc net- WSN security and survivability requirements and
works due to the similarities of the two types of provide the secure and survivable services; the
networks [2]. Thus, WSNs also have the general detection and response schemes must be
security requirements of confidentiality, authen- designed to passively protect the WSN; the mod-
tication, integrity, and security management. eling and analysis schemes must be developed to
The reliability of the network is also of special design the secure and survivable WSN more
interest because many applications require the effectively. Key management is one of the most
WSN to be operating in uncontrolled environ- important aspects to design a prevention and
ments. In such cases, some wireless sensor nodes protection mechanism for a WSN. Advanced sig-
may fail, thus affecting the operation of the nal processing and pattern recognition schemes
whole network. A WSN consists of battery-oper- can be used to design detection and response
ated sensor devices with computing, data pro- mechanisms for WSNs. Modeling and analysis
cessing, and communicating components. Many techniques include identifying security and sur-
early studies assume that these sensor nodes are vivability metrics and building an analytical
homogeneous, which means that the sensor nodes model, simulation, or testbed. The security and
have the same capabilities. Recently, however, survivability requirements and services, com-
heterogeneous sensor networks are gaining more bined with the security and survivability mecha-
attention [35]. The heterogeneity in terms of nisms and techniques, form a general secure and
transmission range for wireless sensor nodes survivable WSN architecture.
becomes a practical solution. Recent studies also In the proposed framework for distributed
show that such heterogeneity can increase the peer-to-peer based WSNs, we consider that
network performance and network lifetime with- there are I classes of sensor nodes in the net-
out significantly increasing the cost [35]. work, with Class 1 the least powerful nodes, and

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Class I the most powerful nodes, in terms of A KEY MANAGEMENT STUDY During the key
communication range, node processing capabili-
ty, and energy level. Particularly, in terms of Key management is one of the most important distribution
communication range, we assume a bidirectional prevention and protection schemes for security
link between any two nodes. Let r i denote the mechanisms of a WSN. To provide secure com- procedure, a number
communication range of Class i nodes; we always munications for the WSN, all the messages
have r m < r n if m < n. Therefore, if a Class m should be encrypted and authenticated. Conse- of factors must be
node is within the range of a direct communica- quently, security solutions for such applications
tion link of a Class n node, the Class m node depend on the existence of strong and efficient considered, including
might require multiple links to reach the Class n
node if m < n. The heterogeneity of the sensor
key distribution mechanisms for uncontrolled
environments of the WSN. We illustrate how to
the probability that
nodes are distributed in the WSN, with p i the design an effective key management framework adjacent nodes can
percentage of the Class i nodes, and p1 + p2 + under the general heterogeneous WSN architec-
+ p I = 1. Here it is important to notice ture. It also is important to address the reliabili- share a common
the fundamental difference between the hetero- ty issue in the design of a key management
geneous WSN assumed in this article and the scheme. Energy conservation is a critical issue in key, the resilience of
hierarchical WSN in [6, 7]. In the hierarchical a WSN because batteries are the only limited-
WSN, the base stations (or cluster supervisors) life energy source to power the sensor nodes. the network when it
are centralized nodes, and more importantly,
they are acting like key distribution centers. By
The key management schemes designed for
WSNs should be energy aware and efficient.
is under attack, and
contrast, in the heterogeneous WSN, except that Obviously, using a single shared key in the importantly, the
the higher class nodes are more powerful in whole WSN is not a good idea because an adver-
terms communication range, node capability, sary can easily obtain the key. Therefore, as a nature of the
and energy level, the communications between fundamental security service, pairwise key estab-
all different classes of nodes are still peer-to- lishment is used, which can enable the sensor heterogeneity.
peer and distributed. nodes to communicate securely with each other
using cryptographic techniques. However, due to
THE SECURITY AND SURVIVABILITY METRICS resource constraints on sensor nodes, it is not
The security requirements and services can be feasible for sensors to use traditional pairwise,
described by the following metrics: scalability, key establishment techniques, such as public key
efficiency, resilience, and reliability. Scalability cryptography and key distribution centers [3, 8].
is the ability to support a large number of wire- Instead, sensor nodes can use pre-distributed
less sensor nodes in the network. The security keys directly or use keying materials to dynami-
mechanisms must support a large network and cally generate pairwise keys. In such a case, the
must be flexible against a substantial increase main challenge is to find an efficient way of dis-
in the size of the network even after deploy- tributing keys and keying materials to sensor
ment. Efficiency is the consideration of storage, nodes prior to deployment.
processing, and communication limitations on The key generation in heterogeneous dis-
sensor nodes. Resilience is about the resistance tributed WSNs here is based on our previous
against node capture. Compromise of security work [3, 4]. It is similar to the key-pool based
credentials, which are stored on a sensor node random key distribution [9] and the polynomial-
or exchanged over radio links, should not based key pre-distribution protocol [10] and is
reveal information about security of any other inspired by the approaches of [11]. We consider
links in the WSN. Higher resilience means a that there are three steps in the framework to
lower number of compromised links. Reliability establish pairwise keys between the sensor nodes:
is the capability to keep the functionality of the initialization, direct key set up, and path key set
WSN even if some of the sensor nodes fail. up. The initialization step is performed to initial-
The survivability concerns can be provided with ize the sensors by distributing polynomial shares
the design goals of scalability, efficiency, key to them, with the consideration of the hetero-
connectivity, resilience, and reliability. Key con- geneity of the sensor nodes. The direct key set-
nectivity is the probability that two or more up step is for any two nodes trying to establish a
sensor nodes store the same key or keying pairwise key, in which they always first attempt
material. Sufficient key connectivity must be to do so through direct key establishment. If the
provided for a WSN to perform its intended second step is successful, there is no need to
functionality. start the third step. Otherwise, these sensor
nodes may start the path key set-up step, trying
TOWARD SECURE AND SURVIVABLE WSN to establish a pairwise key with the help of other
sensors. During the key distribution procedure, a
To understand the interaction between surviv- number of factors must be considered, including
ability and security of our WSN architecture the probability that adjacent nodes can share a
with heterogeneous sensor nodes, we conduct a common key, the resilience of the network when
case study for the key management scheme. Our it is under attack, and importantly, the nature of
study shows that the WSN can achieve higher the heterogeneity.
key connectivity and higher resilience with our
proposed key management scheme, with a small UNDERSTANDING THE INTERACTION BETWEEN
percentage of heterogeneous nodes that have
reasonable storage, processing, and communica- SURVIVABILITY AND SECURITY
tion capabilities. We also can show the trade off Based on the discussion in the previous section,
between the reliability and the security in some we can see that our new key generation scheme
examples. is essentially different from most existing

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According to the X Sink

definition, key k1 X
connectivity is the A C k2 A
probability that two Y
k1 k3
Class-one node
or more sensor B
Class-two node Z
nodes store the
(a) (b)
same key. Obviously,
enough key Figure 2. Examples for a) the WSN; b) the proposed key management scheme.

connectivity must be
schemes in that the heterogeneity features now node X, K 2 with node Y, and K 1 and K 3 with
provided for a WSN can be taken into account. To illustrate the node Z, respectively. In this example, node A is
to perform its advantages of the new scheme, we consider a
typical heterogeneous WSN that is established to
connected to the network through three differ-
ent keys: K1, K2, and K3. In such a case, if node
intended collect data in a distributed scenario. In this sce- A wants to submit new information to the sink
nario, a sensor node submits its observation to a node, first it can randomly select a key from K1
functionality. sink node (or sink nodes, depending on the con- to K 3 ; then it can randomly select a neighbor
figuration of the network) through the sensor node that shares the same key with it. For exam-
network in a hop-by-hop manner, as shown in ple, in Fig. 2b, if K1 is chosen as the key, nodes
Fig. 2a, in which there are two classes of sensor X and Z can be randomly selected. In this man-
nodes, in addition to the sink node. ner, we can see that the communication is more
Since the high-class nodes have a larger trans- resilient, while the connectivity also can be
mission range, it is natural that a low-class node maintained.
tends to utilize the link between itself and a To understand the behavior of the previous
high-class node to submit the observations. For key management scheme, we conducted an
example, in Fig. 2a, Class-One, node A tends to extensive quantitative study to evaluate its per-
use the path, A-X-Sink, to submit its report, formance, in terms of key connectivity, reliabili-
instead of passing the message by all Class-One ty, and resilience. In our experiments, we
nodes, A-B-C-Sink. Clearly, a high-class node is consider a small area of the WSN that consists
more likely be chosen as the next-hop neighbor of 100 C 1 nodes and a number of C 2 nodes,
of nearby low-class nodes to forward data. Con- denoted as N2. We also assume that the size of
sequently, in this heterogeneous sensor network, the key pool is 20,000, and the number of keys
the connectivity between a low-class node and a in any C2 node is fixed at 1000.
high-class node is more important than the con-
nectivity between two low-class nodes. Reliability of the New Schemes: Key Connectivity of the
We now design a special key management New Schemes in Normal Conditions According to
scheme within the new framework for the previ- the definition, key connectivity is the probability
ous scenario. Specifically, we consider that there that two or more sensor nodes store the same
are two classes of the heterogeneous sensor key. Obviously, enough key connectivity must be
nodes (i.e., I = 2). To simplify the discussion, we provided for a WSN to perform its intended
also assume that there is only one group, denot- functionality. Figure 3a shows the connectivity of
ed as group 0, in the network. the proposed scheme versus the number of keys
The special key management scheme is a key- in a C 1 node with a different number of C 2
pool based key distribution scheme. In this nodes. First, we can observe that the connectivi-
scheme, we denote C 1 as the class of the less ty can increase with the increase of the number
powerful sensor nodes and denote C 2 as the of keys. For a fixed number of keys in each C 1
class of the more powerful sensor nodes. We node, we can see that a small increase of the
consider that a C2 node X is in the neighborhood number of C 2 nodes can significantly increase
of a C1 node A if A can directly receive the mes- the connectivity, especially when the number of
sage from X. Because the transmission range of keys in a C 1 node is small to medium. From
A is less than the transmission range of X, A another perspective, we can see that to achieve a
might be required to send messages to B through specific connectivity, the number of keys that
a multihop path. We define that a C 1 node is must be stored in each C1 node can be decreased
connected to the network if it shares at least one with the increase of N2. For instance, if the con-
key with C 2 nodes in its neighborhood. We then nectivity is 0.99, about 90 keys are required for
define the key connectivity as the probability N2 = 1, about 45 keys are required for N2 = 2,
that a C1 node is connected to the network. For and about 30 keys are needed for N2 = 3.
simplicity, we consider only the direct key set up To highlight the impact of the number of C2
between a C1 and adjacent C2 nodes. nodes, we demonstrate in Fig. 3b the probability
An example of this scheme is illustrated in distribution of the number of shared keys with
Fig. 2b, where node A is a C1 node and node X, different N 2 . In this example, we assume the
Y, and Z are C 2 nodes. In this example, nodes number of keys in each C 1 node is 50. We can
X, Y, and Z are the only C 2 neighbor nodes of observe that with the increase of N2, the shape
node A. In addition, node A shares key K1 with of the distribution tends to shift to the right,

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1 0.3

0.9 0.25

0.8 0.2

0.7 0.15

0.6 0.1

0.5 0.05
N2 = 1 N2 = 1
N2 = 2 N2 = 2
N2 = 3 N2 = 3
0.4 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of keys in each class-one node Number of shared keys

(a) (b)

Figure 3. Connectivity of the key-pool based scheme in normal conditions: a) impact of number of keyes in a C1 node; b) distribution
of shared keys (50 keys per C1 node).

1 1
0.99 0.99

0.98 0.98

0.97 0.97
Unaffected ratio
Unaffected ratio

0.96 0.96

0.95 0.95

0.94 0.94

0.93 0.93

0.92 0.92
N2 = 1 M1 = 30
0.91 N2 = 2 0.91 M1 = 45
N2 = 3 M1 = 90
0.9 0.9
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Number of compromised C1 nodes Number of compromised C1 nodes

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Resilience of the key management scheme in attack conditions.

which implies that a C 1 node can share more our scheme, a C 1 node can still transmit data
keys with neighboring C 2 nodes; and with the securely to C 2 nodes even if some of the keys
increasing of the shared keys, the network are compromised. For example, if K1 is the only
becomes more reliable. key that is compromised, we can see that node A
still has a 66 percent chance to forward the data
Resilience of the New Schemes: Key Connectivity of the to any one of the C2 nodes (with K2 or K3). This
New Schemes in Attack Conditions To evaluate the phenomenon can be observed clearly from Fig.
resilience of the new schemes, we study the per- 4a, where we find that a high percentage of
formance of the sensor network when some C1 secured communications still can be maintained
nodes are compromised. Here we assume that even if a large number of C 1 nodes have been
C 2 nodes are more tamper resistant. In Fig. 4a compromised. Moreover, we can see that more
we consider the scenario in which the keys per C 2 nodes can help to increase the fraction of
C1 node are selected in a manner such that the unaffected communications, given the same
network connectivity is 99 percent under normal number of compromised C1 nodes.
conditions. We also assume that the compro- In Fig. 4b, we consider scenarios in which we
mised C 1 nodes cannot be detected. In such a fix N 2 = 3 and let M 1 be 30, 45, and 90, where
scenario, the data transmission from an unaffect- M1 is the number of keys that can be stored in a
ed C1 node may be eavesdropped on by a nearby C1 node. In this case, M1 = 30 can represent the
compromised node. Therefore, it is important to lowest reliability because the connectivity of the
study the percentage of communications that are network will be less than 99 percent if one C 2
not affected. From Fig. 2 we can see that with node fails. At the other extreme, we notice that

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The results of our M 1 = 90 can represent the situation with the

highest reliability, because the connectivity of
the system survivability, ORel, in terms of v and
w. Moreover, if we increase u the number of
experiment show the network will be greater than 99 percent even C2 nodes, the cost of the WSN also is increased.
if two C 2 nodes fail. Clearly, we can see the Based on the previous observations, we can
that a good design trade off between the reliability and resilience formulate a set of optimization problems to
from this example. For example, if the number maximize a weighted average of the survivability
can improve both of compromised nodes is larger than three, M1= functions and at the same time, to minimize the
30 can have better resilience than that of M1 = WSN cost function, under the constraints that
security and 90. the number of C2 nodes u is within a set U, the
survivability of a FURTHER DISCUSSION
number of keys in a C1 node v is within a set V,
and the number of compromised C1 nodes w is
WSN. We also From the design example and the previous dis- within a set W. We will perform a detailed study
cussion, we can see that with a small number of of different design scenarios for survivable and
illustrate that powerful sensor nodes that have reasonable stor- secure WSN and create design strategies consis-
age, processing, and transmission capabilities, tent with both sets of requirements for surviv-
there is a trade off the WSN can achieve good key connectivity, reli- ability and security of a WSN.
ability, and resilience. We can further analyze
between security the more general framework of the distributed CONCLUSIONS
and survivability in key management schemes with the heteroge-
neous WSN. For instance, we can derive the In this article, we have addressed the design
some scenarios. relationship of reliability of the key management issues for secure and survivable wireless sensor
scheme in terms of the number of C2 nodes and networks that are vulnerable to physical and net-
the number of keys in a C 1 node and the work-based security attacks, accidents, and fail-
resilience of the key management scheme in ures. Based on the study about the security and
terms of the number of C2 nodes, the number of survivability requirements, we have developed an
keys in a C 1 node, and the number of compro- architecture for security and survivability in
mised C 1 nodes. We can derive the two func- WSN with heterogeneous sensor nodes. To bet-
tions in the following two equations: ter understand the interactions between surviv-
ability and security, we also designed and
ORel = f(u, v) (1)
analyzed a key management scheme within the
ORes = g(u, v, w), (2) architecture. The results of the experiment show
that a good design can improve both security
where u is the number of C2 nodes, v is the num-
and survivability of a WSN. We also illustrate
ber of keys in a C1 node, and w is the number of
that there is a trade off between security and
compromised C1 nodes; ORel is the key connec-
survivability in some scenarios.
tivity of the scheme under normal conditions (no
compromised nodes), O Res is the resilience of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the new scheme, which is the key connectivity in
This work was supported in part by the U.S.
terms of the number compromised C 1 nodes.
National Science Foundation under the NSF
We can see that key connectivity is the most
Award Number 0424546 and in part by an NSF
important reliability and resilience metric of the
EPSCoR start-up grant in Puerto Rico.
key management. From the definitions of key
connectivity, reliability, and the resilience in the REFERENCES
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36 IEEE Wireless Communications October 2007

QIAN LAYOUT 10/3/07 2:34 PM Page 37

Comp. and Commun. Sec., Oct. 2003. 2003. In 2004 and 2005, he was a postdoctoral research
associate in the Department of Electrical and Computer
BIOGRAPHIES Engineering, University of Florida. Currently, he is an assis-
tant professor in the Department of Electrical and Comput-
YI QIAN ( received a Ph.D. degree in
er Engineering, at the University of Puerto Rico at
electrical engineering from Clemson University. He is an
Mayagez (UPRM). His research interests include architec-
assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and
ture and protocols design for computer and communica-
Computer Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico at
tion networks, performance analysis, network security, and
Mayagez (UPRM). His current research interests include
wireless communications.
network security, network design, network modeling, simu-
lation, and performance analysis for next generation wire-
less networks, wireless sensor networks, broadband DAVID TIPPER ( is a graduate of the
satellite networks, optical networks, high-speed networks, University of Arizona (Ph.D. EE, M.S. SIE) and Virginia Tech
and the Internet. Prior to joining UPRM in July 2003, he (B.S.EE). He is an associate professor in the Telecommunica-
worked in the telecommunications industry for several tions and Networking Program with a secondary appoint-
years. ment in the Electrical Engineering Department at the
University of Pittsburgh. His current research interests are
KEJIE LU ( received his B.S. and M.S. network design and traffic restoration procedures for surviv-
degrees in telecommunications engineering from Beijing able networks, network control, and performance analysis
University of Posts and Telecommunications, China in 1994 techniques. Prior to joining the University of Pittsburgh in
and 1997, respectively. He received a Ph.D. degree in elec- 1994, he was an associate professor of electrical and com-
trical engineering from the University of Texas at Dallas in puter engineering at Clemson University, South Carolina.

IEEE Wireless Communications October 2007 37

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