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The Discontent of the Human Soul

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

Dearest and cherished Reader,

Greetings in the name of the Great Spirit of the universe; may our Creator
bless you and guide you in this life’s roads, but, most importantly in your
spiritual growth.

I have been writing poetry since high school and it has been a tremendous
blessing for me. I tried to blend the concepts of Romance with the Mystical
to try and give my poems an “other worldly” feeling. The esoteric
messages in these poems are camouflaged between the lines and in the
metaphors used because mystical wisdom can not just be given openly; for
in the inexperienced minds they may cause harm to the reader and others.

The greatest cause of depression and desperation in people today, I

believe, is the suppression of knowing who we really are. These
restrictions are placed by culture, societal taboos, religions, institutions,
governments, schools, etc., but, the greatest villain here happens to be
ourselves. We are lazy, conformist, and can not be bothered in pursuing an
academic research and spiritual development.

The discontent of the human soul is very easy to discern. Modern science
with its “scientific method” has limited itself by only studying the world of
physical materialism and by discarding the unseen or anything that may
be called “spiritual.”

They would have us believe that in the beginning there was nothing, and
than it, NOTHING, exploded; spontaneously and for no apparent reason
at all. Does this make any sense? Does this sound logical? I don’t think so.

They want you to believe that we evolved or ascended from lower forms
of life, specifically from the primates. Well let me say now that they may
have evolved from monkeys, but, I certainly did not.
We were created from our Creator, the Great Spirit of the universe for an
intended supreme purpose that our mortal limited minds can not
completely comprehend. Remember that we “humans” only use about 3 to
6 percent of our minds; the rest is dormant and most of our DNA has been
“turned” off intentionally.

Within the human DNA there exists the capacity for the human body to
cure itself of all illness including cancer; and the scientists know this, yet,
they keep silent because there are no profits to be made by the medical and
pharmacy for-profits industry.

Let’s see now; alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and sugar are OK for the public
consumption, with all the deaths and illness that they cause, but,
marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, and natural herbs that contain DMT
are outlawed.

Any substance like marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, and natural herbs

that contain DMT that enhances the mind or conscious and develops
spiritual growth is banned by the government a.k.a. the powers that be.


This is the questions all of us should be asking of our elected officials at all
levels of government.

Why does there exist a taboo on knowing who we are? We are not what
we are or what we appear to be: a hairless bi-pedal animal descendent
from apes or monkeys.

But, rather we are sentient spiritual beings who have always existed in the
ethereal realms and who have DEVOLVED from a higher consciousness
into the psychical human body that we occupy or that we are
“imprisoned” in.

There is nothing wrong with religions, per se, but, the way in which they
have been used as a money making tool leaves much to be desired. Not
one single religion or philosophy can claim to know ALL the Truths of the
universe and of the origins of humanity. If any one claims to have this
knowledge than we need to walk away and keep searching. They have bits
and pieces of the truth, thus, we must studying all world religions
including what is called as “paganism” and “shamanism” for these
“religions” have been guiding human beings from time immemorial and
very effectively.

In conclusion, the human spirit or what has been called the human
“over-soul” which each person has one knows very well from whence it
comes from, but, the inability of the human over-soul to communicate
directly with the human mind is the major cause of this discontent.

The human over-soul remembers its pervious lives here on Earth and in
other worlds, whereas, the conscious human mind does not; we are
“programmed” this way because it would be too much for us to handle all
those memories and trying to live and make sense of this lifetime.

The human over-soul attempts earnestly to communicate to the conscious

mind through dreams, visions, and what is called in the West as a “gut
feeling” or “an intuitive thought,” we need to meditate earnestly to allow
our personal over-soul and the divine spirit that dwells in us to guide us;
with practice and sincere faith you will be able to discern and receive
messages and instruction for your personal and spiritual betterment.

For further readings on this and related topics I highly recommend your
google Terrance McKenna, Manly Palmer Hall, Joseph P. Farrell, Olafe
Hage, Ingo Swann, and I also recommend the for
informative interviews with great guests giving us an alternative views on
history, philosophy and religion.

As always, I welcome for comments and questions.

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

July 8, 2010
Long Island, New York

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