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Hunting & Gathering

Tips on writing an ESSAY that will keep the reader READING

An Essay
What is an essay? Most of us Im sure, if we had a choice would avoid writing an essay. Just
the thought of having to organize my thoughts and chase up facts and type up a lengthy
document complete with references and bibliography seems tooooooo difficult.

In most school essays you will be required to comment on some historical event or a time
period or maybe give your opinion about a book or a play, a character, a person, a group or
an opinion & belief about someone or something. It is a piece of extended writing, another
fancy way of saying it is a LONG and sometimes VERY LONG piece of writing. It could be to:
Analyse/evaluate something
Provide a point of view, central argument or thesis (a position to be defended)
supported by logical sub-arguments and evidence

Accuracy of information is important. Being able to argue a point is important.

An essay topic could be worded in such a way that requires you to present an argumentative
written response using historical sourcesor simply to discuss or critically examine
something. A lot depends on what year you are at school. You would then be required to
hunt, gather & prepare:
(a) the historical facts that led up to the establishment of ..
(b) how accurately these facts support the view, that ..

Sometimes you are allowed to NEGOTIATE a topic and come up with your own THESIS and
then develop a short or long response to the topic. Your research should find evidence to
help support or otherwise your position.

You will need to be a good HUNTER & GATHERER

Undertake some preliminary reading on the topic. Check out the HUNTING & GATHERING
sheets about a way to read really BIG bits of writing.
Search the written, oral & media landscapes for resources
Fly over the writing to get a feel about what the resources are about
Hunt through the words, media for meanings
Gather all the sparkly bits, that is the bright ideas and quotable quotes for use in the
essay keeping track of referencing details for the bibliography you will have to write

Use the schools online reference generator to help do your

references & Bibliography
The EMMAUS approach to writing an Essay
This is ONE approach to writing an essay. It is not the only way to do it but most teachers in school expect
this type of structure. If you follow this structure you are on the right track.

A basic structure to an essay (or a power-point talk) is to have an introduction, at least three body
paragraphs and a conclusion.

NB. Analytical/Expository or Persuasive power-point talks could follow the same format.


C Context Provide some relevant background or context to the

topic/thesis. It could be related material or information that
places the topic/thesis into historical or social context.
A Arguments Preview the separate arguments in a very brief manner.
These are underlined and italicised for you to see how they
are previewed rather than just listed. The cohesive ties, on
the one hand and on the other hand indicates that this essay
will analyse both sides of the issue.
T Thesis The overall position you have taken on the topic. It must link
to the arguments you previewed. It should have an analytical
or evaluative tone and provide a decision/response to the
question you have been asked.


P Point The 5 paragraph essay would normally have 3 PEEEL

paragraphs that form the body of the essay
E Explanation These paragraphs take the main arguments mentioned
in the introduction and explore them in detail
E Elaboration These paragraphs are based on research and
referencing is expected unless told otherwise
E Evidence The information contained in these paragraphs help to
prove your thesis statement or point of view
L Link Either to the following paragraph or back to the point


T Thesis Restate thesis statement that you have tried to prove

throughout the essay. It can be restated in different words as
long as the essence of it does not change.
A Arguments Make clear the separate arguments that were presented in
the essay, including the way each point is interrelated and/or
G General End your essay with a final, summarising statement (try
statement to avoid quotes, they can be very clichd).

Generic Features
a) Language

Analytical essay formal and specialised language relating to the issue

Persuasive essay emotive and persuasive language
b) Cohesion

Aim to maintain cohesion throughout. This may be done by linking ideas to:
show cause such as if, then, because
show sequence such as firstly, finally
indicate addition such as also, as well as, furthermore, besides
show contrast such as however, nevertheless, on the other hand
express inference such as therefore, consequently, accordingly
indicate viewpoints such as in spite of, with regard to, in view of


The Paragraph
The Job of the paragraph is a unified piece of writing in which a single idea or topic is developed. It may
stand alone as, for example, the answer to a short response question or it may be part of an extended
piece of prose writing.

Generic Structure

Explanation of each Model sentences

segment of the
P Point A topic sentence that There are some simple
introduces the point or measures that can help
central argument to be
made in the paragraph.
prevent skin cancer.
It may connect with the
linking sentence of the
previous paragraph.
E Explanat In 1-2 sentences in The suns rays cause So is a cohesive
ion years 8-9 or 2-3 mast skin damage
sentences in years 10-
tie that indicates
12, explain in more
between the hours of consequence or
detail the statement 10am and 2pm in cause and effect.
made in the topic Australia so avoiding
sentence. Clarify and direct sunlight between
expand on all parts of these hours could help
the topic sentence.
In addition is a
reduce the risk of cohesive tie that
developing skin cancer. indicates another
E Evidence Use examples, In addition, Studies piece of evidence
statistics, quotations conducted by the to prove my topic
and references to
primary and secondary
Australian Cancer sentence point.
sources or other Council have shown
evidence to support that wearing a hat,
and or prove each sleeved shirt and In text referencing
point. sunscreen while in the using Harvard
sun reduces the author date
likelihood of system.
contracting skin cancer
by up to 50%
(Australian Cancer
Council 2003).
L Link Linking sentences Staying out of the sun
perform 2 roles: to link during the hottest part
the material of this
paragraph back to the
of the day and
point of your paragraph protecting skin from
and, in the case of an direct contact with the
extended piece of suns rays can help
writing, to your thesis prevent the risk of
or central argument.
contracting skin cancer.
Generic Features
a) Language
Language should be formal and vocabulary specific and appropriate to the subject matter
b) Cohesion

Aim to maintain cohesion throughout. This may be done by linking ideas to:
show cause such as if, then, because
show sequence such as firstly, finally
indicate addition such as also, as well as, furthermore, besides
show contrast such as however, nevertheless, on the other hand
express inference such as therefore, consequently, accordingly
indicate viewpoints such as in spite of, with regard to, in view ofHIPWELL, Patricia, How to
write what you want to say, Logonliteracy, Australia 2012

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