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The relationship between soil suction and

swelling properties in clays

Cemre ALAR

A study of relationship between soil suction and swelling properties in clays considered five academic
papers, have been written by other authors. This study is the summation of that five papers and includes extra
information about the connection of that papers, by using the comparison of the papers. As a result of the
comparison. We get a sum of relationship of swelling properties of clayey soils and suction at the unsaturated

1. Introduction hydromechanical behaviour of unsaturated swelling

soils requires the use of suction controlled devices in
Swelling type of clays are one of the a comprehensive range of suction, from low to very
problematic soil type for constructions. When they
high suctions.
are exposed to wetting. They have large volume
expansions. In their drying periods, they are This paper presents a study of the
returning back their original volumes. Knowing this hydromechanical behaviour of a compacted swelling
type of soils attitude before construction is soil carried out on a range of suction comprised
advantageous for the design of foundations. These between 0 and 40 MPa. Oedometers using the
type of problems are generally shown in unsaturated osmotic method and others based on the saturated
soils. Because of this; in this work, we examine the salt solutions technique are introduced. The
five academic study, which have written before, influence of suction on the swelling potential H/H,
about the relationship between soil suction and the preconsolidation pressure p0(s), the slopes of the
swelling properties. In first part, the summaries of elastic part , and of the plastic part (s), of the
these studies will be given. At the second part, the consolidation curves is discussed.
relationships between these papers will be revealed. The techniques, which had used in this study,
are familiar to us. For this reason, it is not necessary
2. Summary of Resource to give detailed information about the test
Papers procedures. The results are important for our work.
The following part is the summary of the The study was conducted with an artificially
papers, which are used as a resource of this study. pre- pared mixture (40% of silt and 60% of
The comments and relationships between others are bentonite). The mineralogical composition of the
discussed in next part. materials was determined by X ray diffractometry.
2.1.Hydromechanical Behaviour of a The silt contained 60% quartz, 20% montmorillonite,
Compacted Swelling Soil over a Wide 11% feldspar, and the remaining part was made up of
Suction Range kaolinite and mica. The bentonite was composed of
However, the relationship between suction more than 90% of calcium montmorillonite. The size
variations and compressibility is not well known as of the particles used to prepare the samples was less
far as compacted swelling materials are concerned. than 400 m. The materials were mixed together and
The experimental investigation of the wetted up to a gravimetric water content of 15 %. It
was not possible to prepare samples at a gravimetric The results from the conclusion part; the
water content lower than 15% as they would not have methods used did not significantly affect the values
been sufficiently cohesive to be handled. of the hydromechanical parameters determined. The
preconsolidation pressure is strongly affected by the
Under these conditions, the initial dry unit
suction decrease between the initial suction and 4
weight of the samples was about 12.7 kNm-3. The
MPa, that is to say during the low swelling phase.
initial matric suction, measured by the Filter Paper
This demonstrates that the preconsolidation pressure
Method (ASTM, 1995a), was comprised between 20
of a compacted swelling soil is not only a function of
and 25 MPa and the osmotic suction was comprised
its density but it depends also on the microscopic
between 1 and 2 MPa. The swelling potential H/H
repartition of the clay particles inside the soil.
when a sample is fully saturated, and the swelling
pressure Ps, required to eliminate height variations 2.2.Swell Pressure Prediction by Suction
during wetting, measured by the free swelling Methods
method (ASTM, 1995b), were respectively 19% and Soil suction was correlated to the soil
250 kPa. The gravimetric water content determined properties, namely, water content, dry density,
after full saturation inside an oedometer was 49%. plasticity index, cation exchange capacity and
During the first phase, a different suction was specific surface area using multiple regression
applied in several steps for each test. In the second analyses.
phase the samples were loaded in several steps and After the soil suction of the individual
then unloaded under constant suction. specimens was determined, suction values were
(s), and are not significantly affected by plotted against water content to establish the log soil
the suction control method contrary to p0(s), whichis suction (log s) versus water content (w) relationship.
80 kPa lower for the test performed in the osmotic The multiple regression analyses were
oedometer. The swelling potential and the final water carried out to correlate the measured soil suctions to
content are both higher in the test performed in the plasticity index and water content, which revealed
osmotic oedometer. the following result:
Tests demonstrate that the influence of the
osmotic component of suction is not significant for a

suction of 8.5 MPa. was not significantly affected
= 2,02 + 0,00603 0,0769
by the applied suction in opposition to the parameter
= 0,93
p0(s) decreased continuously from 40 down
to 0 MPa. A basic assumption is to link this This equation can be used to estimate the soil
parameter to the density of the sample: the lower the suction of a clayey soil from easily determined soil
density, the lower the preconsolidation pressure. But properties Ip and w when suction measurements are
this interpretation is not sufficiently satisfactory to not available.
explain such a sharp decrease of preconsolidation The regression analyses were carried out to
pressure. A possible explanation could be the void correlate the volumetric compressibility factor to
filling by the clay particles in the low swelling phase. the initial dry density dryi, and plasticity index Ip
In fact, during the first stage of wetting, the revealed the following result:
macrostructural density is not changed significantly,
= 1,45 + 0,005 + 0,991 = 0,99
but the microstructure of the sample is altered
dramatically, decreasing the mechanical properties These analyses with high coefficient of
of the studied material. determination confirm the existence of strong
correlations between the volumetric compressibility improvement of experimental techniques for
factor and the soil properties Ip and dryi. controlling high suctions. The capabilities of the
controlled relative humidity technique and of the
The multiple regression analyses were
osmotic technique were investigated. Finally, both
carried out to correlate the measured swell pressure
methods are used to study the water retention and
to the dry density and the soil suction, Ps was the
swelling properties of a French dense compacted
swell pressure in kg/cm2. The same unit and symbol
clay (FoCa7) under zero applied stress.
were used in the subsequent analysis. A combined
analyses including entire range of plasticity indices This study includes more information than
gave the following correlation: necessary for our work, and only related parts of the
study is summarized.
= 8,04 + 0,0177 + 4,390 The determination of the water retention
+ 0,540 log curve of the FoCa7 clay was made, in the high range
= 0.94 of suctions, by imposing controlled relative
The conclusion of the study is claims that humidities to the samples. Imposed suctions ranged
there is a linear relationship between the log soil between 6.1 and 262 MPa. The extreme values of
suction (log s) and water content (w). The relatively water content, void ratio and degree of saturation
strong dependence of the soil suction on the type of were 6.828.1 (w), 0.3920.846(e) and 46.3
the clay mixtures and water content was observed as 88.7%(Sr), respectively, as compared to the average
an increase in the bentonite content or a reduction in values at the initial state (w=13%, e=0.431,
the water content resulted in higher equilibrium Sr=79.5%). The maximum swelling observed is 96%,
suction for all the specimens. However, the at s=6.1MPa; which occurs with a15% increase of
insignificant effect of the initial dry density on the water content, and a final water content more than
soil suction was also found thereby confirming the twice larger than the initial value of 13%. This
previous findings in the literature. The soil suction confirms the considerable swelling properties of the
was strongly dependent on water content and FoCa7 clay.
bentonite content in the clay mixtures whereas it was The reversible response observed on the
less affected by the changes in the dry density. The FoCa7 clay in both water content and volume
value was correlated to the Ip and dryi values. changes during cyclic suction changes, is not in full
revealed that a simple procedure to predict the swell agreement with existing experimental data on
pressure from suction measurements can be used. unsaturated and expansive soils. FoCa7 clay presents
There- fore, it is expected that the swell pressure of a unusually reversible behaviour under suction cycles,
clay soil can be predicted provided that the initial soil even for strains as large as 50%.
suction and the two soil properties, namely, plasticity
Some elements of interpretation are provided
index and dry density are determined using simpler
that for suctions lower than the initial value, the air
techniques than the constant volume swell tests in
volume remains constant, all volume changes
oedometers in a short period of time.
coinciding exactly with the amount of exchanged
2.3.The Relationship between Suction and water. During swelling, to a decreasing degree of
Swelling Properties in a Heavily saturation, which may be easily related to the total
Compacted Unsaturated Clay volume and/or suction.
In this paper, an experimental study on the
Results by various authors showed slight
influence of suction on the swelling properties of an
hysteresis in the water content/suction curves of illite
expansive, highly compacted clay is presented. Due
and montmorillonite, which is also consistent with
to very high suction values measured in this material,
the results obtained in this study.
particular attention was paid to the development and
Another conclusion is that the application of establish a range of water content conditions. After
suction higher than the initial value does not lead to this gradual wetting process, all four specimens were
significant shrinkage of the sample. left to swell in the desiccator for 2 to 3 days to attain
equilibrium water contents. Then all four specimens
In the range of suctions at which the clay
were waxed. A hole was drilled on the waxed,
barrier is expected to work, that is, lower than the
covered sample so that the ceramic shield of
initial suction, the reversibility of both water
psychrometer could be placed in the hole to measure
retention and swelling properties is an interesting
the _nal equilibrium soil suction values. The sides of
property which simplifies the analysis of the
the psychrometer were isolated by plastic modelling
hydration process of the clay.
clay to prevent any water content change. These four
A complete retention curve was obtained samples were placed in jars and the jars were closed
over the 0262 MPa range of suction, showing a very with the rubber stoppers which had been affixed to
good reproductibility between various samples, and the psychrometer wire. The jars were placed in a
very slight hysteretic effects at all suctions. Results cardboard box filled with plastic foam packing
plotted in a void ratio/log (suction) diagram showed material for better heat insulation and left to reach
fairly linear and reversible behaviour at all suctions equilibrium. Usually it took 24 hours to reach
smaller than the initial one (113 MPa). A constant equilibrium. Psychrometer voltage outputs and
volume of air equal to the initial value was observed, temperature readings are taken. This procedure was
showing that total volume changes were equal to the repeated at least three times a day until the successive
volume of exchanged water. readings stabilise, meaning that vapor pressure
2.4. Relationship between Methylene Blue equilibrium is reached.
Value, Initial Soil Suction and Swell The study con_rmed the influence of
Percent of Expansive Soils
mineralogical composition as a controlling factor
Methylene blue adsorption (MBA) is a governing the swell behaviour of expansive clayey
measure of the clay particle surface area, which is a soil. As the methylene blue value increases, the swell
function of clay type, and an indicator of the percent also increases. The results indicated a linear
percentage for water adsorption by the clay, and relationship between MBV and swell percent. Also
hence, its percentage for swell when wetted. Surface the results indicated a strong relationship between
area measurements are a direct reflection of clay initial soil suction (Log10) and swell percent The
mineralogy, but are an indirect reflection of regression analysis made on the MBV-initial soil
expansivity (Fityus et al., 2000; Fityus and Smith, suction-swell percent (oedometer test) data has
2000). Some authors believe that the cation exchange revealed the following correlation:
capacities of clay minerals can be measured by the
adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous (%)
= 121.807 + (12,1696 ) + [27,6579
solutions; Nevins and Wientritt (1967) found a close
relationship between MBA and ammonium acetate
analysis and cation exchange capacities. There is a strong relationship between MBV,
initial soil suction and the swell percent. As the initial
From each clay mixture four disc-shaped
soil suction and MBV increases, swell percent also
specimens having a diameter of 36 mm and height of
increases for the given initial dry density and water
15 mm were prepared at a dry density of 1.64 Mg/m3
and a water content of 10%, using static compaction.
After preparing four compacted samples, one of them The reliability of swell percent prediction
was left at the initial water content level. The method based on methylene blue value and initial
remaining three samples were wetted with varying soil suction (Log10) data is evaluated, the coefficient
amounts of water for varying lengths of time to of correlation (R2) of this relationship is 0.992.
2.5.Suction and Swell Characteristics of characteristics of soils by using phsico-chemical soil
Compacted Clayey Soils properties in addition to soil suction.
The objective of this research is to investigate
the relationships between swelling properties and 3. Comparison of Findings of
suction of natural clayey soils which have not been Papers
studied enough yet. In the first study; the experiments are resulted
Natural clayey soil samples used in study in the methods used did not affect the
were taken from three different locations in the hydromechanical properties of soil. But from the
middle and west parts of Turkey. The samples are initial suction to 4 MPa of suction, the
tested with Swell Test (Oedometer Tests) and preconsolidation pressure is decreased dramatically.
Suction Test (Thermocouple Psychrometers). This shows us that the preconsolidation pressure of
soil is not only a function of its density but also
The Results show that the relationship
depends on the repartition of clay particles.
between swellsuction and swelling pressure
suction were linear. It is well known from the In the second study; the relationships
literature that, with a soil having any initial water between suction and the swelling soil parameters are
content, suction is almost independent of the initial revealed by using different test methods. The soil
dry density. However, percent swell and swelling suctions can get from the known plasticity index and
pressure values of soils are dependent considerably water content values. Compressibility factor () can
on initial dry density. Therefore, relationships for get from the known plasticity index and initial dry
percent swellsuction and swelling pressuresuction density values. In addition to these; plasticity index,
are not unique for all initial conditions. However, a initial dry density and suction values can give us the
generalized relationship for percent swellsuction swell pressure value. The coefficient of
can be presented: determination values of these relationships are very
= +
The third study shows us that the swelling
Where A and B are fitting parameters.
occurs at the saturated part of the soil. The tests show
In addition, a generalized relationship for that all the volume change is equal to the volume of
swelling pressuresuction can be presented: exchanged water. Also another result shows that the
= + higher suction value than the initial suction value,
does not cause a significant change in shrinkage.
These equations show us that there is linear
dependency between suction-swell percent and In the fourth study; The relationship between
suction-swelling pressure separately. The values of clay surface area, with the help of the MBA method,
A, B, C and D varies with respect to soil type. and logarithm of initial soil suction and swell
percentage of soil. And this relations regression
The experimental method proved to be well
analysis has very high coefficient of determination.
suited to the investigation and yielded useful results.
The methods are recommended for further studies. It The last study of the sources of our work is
was shown that there are linear relationships between revealed a linear relationship between the percent
percent swell and suction (in log kPa term); also the swell-suction and swelling pressure-suction.
results of testing indicate that the relationships
between swelling pressure and suction depend on the
4. Conclusion
nature of the three different clayey soils. A general The result of our work is lead us to swelling
equation can be established for estimation of swell properties of the clayey soil can be directly related
with suction values of that soil and it can give us very
precise results. When we have not opportunity to soils. We can use that relationship to estimate the
measure the suction value of a problematic type of values we try to find.

5. References
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