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The Anatomy of the Forelimb in the Anteater (Tarnandua)

and Its Functional Implications

Department of Cell Biology, The University of Texas, Health Science Center at Dallas,
Dallas, Texas 75235

ABSTRACT The forelimbs of anteaters play a major role in obtainment of

food, defense, and locomotion. The greatly enlarged claws on the manus are
used for ripping open insect nests and insect-infested wood; the claws also serve
as the animals' only defensive weapons, since they lack teeth. Specialization of
the claws for these functions has also had a substantial effect on the ways in
which the forelimb is used for posture and locomotion.
Modifications of the forelimb in the anteater Tamandua include the follow-
ing. Attachments of the medial head of triceps are rearranged so as to greatly
increase capability for powerful flexion of the claws. Ability to flex the elbow
and to retract the humerus is also augmented; these movements would assist
digital flexion in applying traction with the claws to material being torn away
during food procurement. This traction can be supplemented by a variety of
powerful side-to-side andlor twisting movements of the hand, brought about
primarily by axial rotation of the upper arm and forearm. The digital joints are
reinforced to resist the deviational and torsional loading to which the digits
would be subjected during such movements.
The morphological modifications of the forelimb in Tamandua are discussed
in terms of how they affect the mechanical capabilities of the limb, what func-
tions the limb is best designed to perform, how they may relate to what little is
known about the specialized behavior of this animal, and what behavioral pre-
dictions may be made based on mechanical design.

This paper deals with the very distinctive The feeding strategy of Tamandua involves
anatomical specializations of the forelimb of utilization of social insects nesting in great
the anteater Tamundua. This animal is inter- numbers (Azara, 1838; Cabrera, '29; Walker
mediate in size between the giant anteater et al., '64). Penetration of insect nests or in-
Myrmecophaga and the little silky anteater sect-infested wood is accomplished by ripping
Cyclopes. Unlike the other genera (Myrmeco- them open with greatly enlarged central fore-
phuga being almost wholly terrestrial and Cy- claws (figs. lC, 2C, 3C). The chief role of the
clopes being almost wholly arboreal), Tuman- forelimb in this type of feeding behavior in-
d u a moves freely between terrestrial and ar- volves forcefully pulling the claws toward the
boreal environments. body.
The specializations shown by the forelimb of Since anteaters do not utilize burrows and
Tamandua reflect more than one major bio- cannot use their jaws for protection, they have
logical role. In addition to its locomotor func- developed defensive behavior which involves
tions, the forelimb is used as an organ for ob- use of their enlarged claws. When provoked,
taining food and for defense. Tamandua, like their defensive posture involves erecting the
the other two myrmecophagid genera, has body on the hindlimbs and holding the fore-
slender mandibles, small jaw muscles, an ex- claws out on either side of the head ready to
tremely small mouth gape, and no teeth. strike a t an adversary (Azara, 1838; Cabrera,
These facts reflect a very specialized diet and '29).
method of obtaining food and also t h a t the It is the purpose of this paper to examine the
mouth is of no use in defense. anatomy of the forelimb in Tamandua in
J. MORPH. (1978)157: 347-368. 347

terms of: (11 t h e identification of those fea- Hildebrand ('74) mentioned anteaters within
tures which distinguish i t from t h e limbs of the context of more general discussions on
other (non-myrmecophagid)mammals; (2) its fossorial adaptations in mammals. Yalden
mechanical capabilities as determined by ('66b. '72) included T a m a n d u a and Myr-
morphology (especially as these capabilities mecophaga in his studies on the functional
relate to distinguishing features); (3) iden- anatomy of t h e mammalian carpus. However,
tifying those biological roles to which t h e with t h e exception of these aut,hors, no previ-
structure is most closely matched; (4) how ous work has paid diligent attention to the
limb morphology does or may relate to what is mechanical capabilities of forelimb morpholo-
known about the specialized behavior of this gy and how they may relate to behavior in
animal; and (5) what behavioral predictions anteaters. The anatomy of these animals is
may be made based on mechanical design. reasonably well known from the work of a
Both Maynard Smith and Savage ('56) and number of nineteenth cent,ury anatomists (see


AV. Acromioii process of scapula MA, Metacromion process of scapula

ADLT, Acromiodeltoid MC, Metacarpal
ALS, Anterior divLsion, levator scapulae MN, Magnum
A N C N . Anconeus MI', Middle phalanx
ATHP. Acromiotrapezius OLEC. Olecranon process of ulna
BIC, Biceps PABD, Pectoralis ahdominis
BICL, Long head of biceps PALM, Palmaris longus
BICS, Short head of hiceps PI, Pisiform
BRCH, Brachialis PLS, Posterior division, levator scapulae
BRD. Brachioradialis PMAJ. Pectoralis major
PMIN, Pectoralis minor
AL, C,oraco-acromial ligament PP, Proximal phalanx
AP. Capitulum of humerus PPR, Posterior process of spine of scapula
CDLT, Clavodeltoid PR. Pectoral ridge
CEPH. Cephalohumeralis PROQ, Pronator quadratus
CORB. Coracobrachialis PROT, Pronator teres
CR?, Coraroid process of scapula PS, Postscapular fossa
DBCL. Deep division, long head of hiceps RFDP. Radial head, flexor d i g t o r u m profundus
DBRD, Deep head, brachioradialis RH, Rhomhoideus
IIEL. Delto-epicondylar ligament RTB, Radial tuberosity
DEPI, Dorso~epitr1,chlearis S, Scaphoid
DLT. Deltoid SBCL. Superficial division, long head of hiceps
U P Distal phalanx SBRD, Superficial head, brachioradialis
DPR, Delto-pectoral ridge SCF, Supracoracoid foramen of scapula
B, Deltoid tubercle SCN. Supracoracoid notch of scapula
K. Extensor carpi radialis SCR. Supracondyloid ridge of humerus
U, Extensor carpi ulnaris SDLT, Spinodeltoid
C, Extensor digitorum coinmunis SER, Serratus magnus
EFDP. Epicondylar head. flexor S P , Primary spine of scapula
digitorum profundus S S P , Secondary spine of scapula
EOMP. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis SUBS, Subscapularis
EPAN, Epitrochleo-anconeus S U P N , Supinator
EXIN, Extensor indicis SUPR, Supraspinatus
FCR, Flexor carpi radialis TD. Trapezoid
FCU. Flexor carpi ulnaris TM, Trapezium
FUI'. Flexor digitorum profundus TMAJ, Teres major
FDS, Flexor digitorum sublimis
TMIN. Teres minor
GTB, Greater tuberosity of humerus
IBM, Distal border of medial epicondyle TR. Trochlea of humerus
INFR, Infraspinatus TRIC, Triceps
L, Lateral epicondyle of h u m e r u s TRL, Lateral head of triceps
LATD, Latissimus dorsi TRM, Medial head of triceps
LN. Lunar TRP, Trapezius
LS. Levator scapulae TRS, Scapular head of triceps
LTB, Lesser tuberosity of humerus UFDP, Ulnar head, flexor digitorum profundus
M, Medial epicondyle of humerus UN. Unciform

Scale is 1 cm in all figures.


SSP )c-c 'MIN

./- (DLT,


Fig. 1 Forelimb skeleton in lateral view: (A) Didelphis; (B) muscle attachment areas in Dzdelphis; (C)
Tamandua; (D) muscle attachment areas in Tamandua.

Windle and Parsons, 1899, for a review), but delphis marsupialis, was chosen as a repre-
little, if any, attention was paid to function by sentative generalized mammal. In forelimb
any of those workers. morphology, it is relatively unspecialized, and
in terms -of posture and- movements of t h e
limb, i t Drobablv
" amroximates the Drimitive
I -

In order to provide a standard of com- therlan condition as well as any l i v k g mam-

parison, t h e North American opossum, Di- mal and certainly better than cursorial forms

such as Felis (Jenkins, '71). Since the opossum as armadillos (e.g., Dasypus, fig. 2A), in which
is similar in size to Tamandua, comparisons the acromion curves medially but does not ex-
a r e f a c i l i t a t e d by m i n i m i z i n g possible tend high above the shoulder joint.
allometric differences. Comparisons were also The deltoid tubercle (DTB: figs. 1C, 4A,B) of
made with Dasypus to see how the specializa- the humerus is quite large and projects later-
t i o n s of t h e a n t e a t e r d i f f e r from t h e ally; compare with Didelphis (figs. lA, 5A,B).
stereotyped digging adaptations of armadillos. The distal end of the humerus is very wide
Skeletal material and wet specimens for dis- mediolaterally, mostly due to the large medial
section were obtained from various museum epicondyle (M: figs. 4A,B; compare with
and university collections. Dissections were Didelphis, figs. 5A,B).
performed on four specimens of Tamandua, The proximal end of the lateral supracon-
two of Didelphis, and two of Dasypus, using dyloid ridge (SCR: figs. 4A,B) of the humerus
the muscle staining technique described by is connected to the distal end of the deltoid
Bock and Shear ('72). Skeletal material from tubercle by a stout delto-epicondylar ligament
the dissected animals was supplemented with (DEL: figs. 4A,B). The ventrolateral aspect of
museum skeletons, making a total of nine t h e deltoid tubercle, the delto-epicondylar
skeletons of Tamandua, five of Didelphis, and ligament, the supracondyloid ridge, and the
eight of Dasypus.. Only adult skeletal mate- lateral epicondyle (L) all provide attachment
rial was used. area for the antebrachial extensor muscles
The forelimb muscles of one specimen each (fig. 4A). The line of origin for this muscle
of Tamandua and Didelphis were weighed. group is thus extended proximally more than
Wet muscles were trimmed of excess connec- half the length of t h e humerus. In Didelphis
tive tissue, blotted to remove excess preserva- (fig. 5A), there is no such ligament, and since
tive, and weighed to the nearest 0.01 gm; none of the forearm extensors attach above
these values were rounded to t h e nearest 0.1 the supracondyloid ridge, their origin is re-
gm. These weights were not taken for t h e pur- stricted to t h e distal one-fourth of the length
pose of a thorough quantitative study, which of the humerus, a condition typical of most
would have required much larger samples other mammals.
than were available. For the purpose of this Compared with Didelphis (fig. 5A,B), the
study, the emphasis is on differences which humeral trochlea of T a m a n d u a (TR: figs.
are large and obvious. Subtle differences, par- 4A,B) forms a relatively deep and narrow in-
ticularly with the limited data presented here, tercondylar groove, and there is also a rela-
cannot by themselves be regarded as having tively large capitulum (CAP) for the head of
any real biological meaning. The muscle the radius.
weights are presented in table 1. Some obser- The carpus of T a m a n d u a has been described
vations were also made of forelimb use in zoo in detail by Yalden ('66b, '72); my own obser-
specimens of Tamandua. vations are in agreement with his.
Digit I11 (fig. 2C) is much longer and more
robust in other dimensions than the others.
Skeletal design and significant features The metacarpals of all of the digits are similar
of joint surfaces in length; the main difference is t h a t all but
The forelimb skeleton of T a m a n d u a is char- the third (MC) are slender. The proximal pha-
acterized by the following features. lanx (PP) of digit I11 is extremely short, while
The scapula is expanded in width, primarily the distal phalanx (DP) is quite long, with a
due to development of a postscapular fossa very large claw. Digit V bears no claw and lies
(PS: fig. 1 0 , which is separated from the in- completely buried in the palmar pad.
fraspinous fossa by a secondary spine (SSP). In t h e third digit of Tamandua, the heads of
The primary spine (SP: fig. 1C) of the the metacarpal (MC: fig. 14) and the middle
scapula is quite prominent, ending in a long phalanx (MP: fig. 16) are spool-shaped. The
acromion process (AC) t h a t arches forward metacarpal is also equipped with a very large
and medially, rather high above the shoulder median keel (larger than the condyles on
joint (compare with the short acromion in either side of it) which runs between the flex-
Didelphis, fig. 1A). The upward direction of or and extensor extremes of the distal joint
the acromion in T a m a n d u a distinguishes i t surface. The base of the proximal phalanx
from other forms with a long acromion, such (PP: fig. 14) has three deep concavities into









Fig. 2 (A) D Q S Y ~ Uforelimb
S, skeleton in lateral view; (B) Didelphis, extensor aspect o f carpus and digits;
(C) Tamandua, extensor aspect of carpus and digits.

which fit the two condyles and median keel of Correlation o f myology with skeletal
the metacarpal. The head of the middle pha- design and its functional
lanx has no median keel, but fits into a deep implications
socket in the base of the distal phalanx (DP: Movements of digits
fig. 16). In contrast, the head of the proximal
phalanx (PP: fig. 15) and the base of the mid- Modification of triceps and its effects
dle phalanx (MP: fig. 15) have been modified on digital flexion
so that there is a complex array of flat facets Perhaps t h e most conspicuous feature
which virtually eliminates all movement a t which distinguishes the forelimb of T a m a n -
the proximal interphalangeal joint. There are d u a from those of non-anteaters is the unique
well developed collateral ligaments a t the arrangement of the medial head (TRM: fig.
sides of each joint. 6C) of triceps. Unlike the condition common to

Flg 3 Forelimb skeleton in medial mew (A) Dzdelphzs, (B) muscle attachment areas in Dzdelphbs, (C)
T a m a n d u a , (D)muscle attachment areas in T a m a n d u a

all other groups of mammals, in Tamandua fibers superficial to it, passes under the distal
t h e medial head of triceps (52%of t h e total tri- border (IBM: figs. 4A,B) of t h e medial epicon-
ceps musculature: see table 1) does not insert dyle, deep to epitrochleo-anconeus (EPAN:
on t h e ulna. J u s t proximal to t h e elbow joint, a fig. 6D). Upon passing into t h e forearm, the
tendon develops on t h e deep surface of the tendon thickens; this portion of the tendon
muscle. This tendon, accompanied by fleshy slides proximally past t h e distal border of
the medial epicondyle upon contraction of the tendon serving these muscles then passes
muscle. The tendon abruptly narrows, a t through the distal forearm and into the hand.
which point fleshy fibers of medial triceps end, The contribution from medial triceps serves
and the tendon becomes continuous with that mainly the third digit; insertion is onto a
of flexor digitorum profundus (fig. 8B). The prominent tubercle on the flexor aspect of the
base of the distal phalanx. This arrangement
was first described by Macalister (18751, but
it has never been analyzed functionally.









Fig. 4 Humerus in Tamandua, with muscle attach- Fig. 5 Humerus in Didelphis, with muscle attachment
ment areas shown in the right-hand figures; (A) ventral areas shown in the right-hand figures: (A) ventral view;
view; (B) dorsal view. (B) dorsal view.


Muscle wecghts ( . )
Didelphis Tamandua Didelphis Tamandua Lhdelphis Tamandua

CEPH - 1.7 TMIN - 0.3 SBRD - 3.7

TRP 5.8 3.0 a SUBS 4.1 7.4 DBRD - 3.0
PMAJ 8.9 5.4 TMAJ 1.5 4.5 ECR 1.3 6.2
PABD 2.7 1.8 CORB 0.1 0.3 EDC :' 0.6 2.2
PMIN 3.1 1.8 1.3 0.9 ECU 0.4 2.0
LATD 10.1 13.6 0.5 - SUPN 0.2 1.1
RH 1.9 2.1 - 1.1 EXIN 0.1 0.4
SER 3.3 2.9 DBCL - 1.0 EOMP 0.4 1.2
LS 3.2 - BRCH 1.4 0.9 PROT 0.8 2.6
ALS - 3.3 TRS 4.3 6.7 FCR 0.3 1.2
PLS - 1.5 TRL 2.4 3.2 PALM 0.2 -
SDLT 0.9 1.4 TRM 1.8 10.7 FDS 0.2 2.0
ADLT 0.6 4.0 DEPI 0.8 2.4 FCU 0.9 3.5
CDLT 1.0 -a ANCN 0.1 0.7 FDP 3.1 11.7
SUPR 2.7 3.9 EPAN 0.1 1.6 PROQ 0.1 0.8
- -
INFR 2.6 2.4 BRD 0.5 - Total 74.3 132.1

' Length of scapula along spine = 52.5 mm.

Length of scapula along spine = 52.7 mm.
Includes proper extensors of d i g t s IV and V.
a Weight of clavicular portion included under cephalohumeralis

Fig. 6 Musculature in medial aspect: (A) Didelphis, with superficial forearm muscles removed; (B) Didelph~s,super-
ficial forearm muscles; (C) Tamandua, with superficial forearm muscles removed; (D) Tamandua, superficial forearm


c--- BRD

E C U \= P

Fig. 7 Musculature in lateral aspect: (A) Didelphis, deep muscles; (B) Didelphis, superficial muscles; (C) Tarnan-
dua, deep muscles; (d) Tamandua, superficial muscles.

/- RFDP.
I I /


Fig. 8A Ventral view of humerus i n Tamandua. The approximate axis of flexion-extension of t h e elbow is
indicated by t h e dashed line. Due t o t h e concavity of t h e distal border of t h e medial epicondyle, t h e tendon of
medial triceps (shown in cross section) passes through this axis.
B Medial head of triceps in Tamandua, shown semi-diagrammatically in medial view. Attachment
areas ar e indicated for t h e three heads of flexor digitorum profundus, with which medial triceps inserts. The
approximate position of t h e axis of flexion-extension of the elbow is indicated by a dark circle.
C Anconei in Tamandua, shown in dorsal (above) and posterior (below) views of humerus and elbow

The remaining heads of triceps in T a - compare Didelphis and Tamanduai. In addi-

mandua TRS, TRL: figs. 6C, 7 0 retain their tion, the weight of t h e medial head of triceps
primitive attachments; i.e., they insert on t h e (TRM: table 1) in Tamandua is 91% that of
olecranon process of the ulna. flexor digitorum profundus in t h e same ani-
The effects of medial triceps upon t h e elbow mal; thus, shifting the insertion of medial tri-
joint must be very small in Tamandua. As can ceps almost doubles the already large amount
be seen from figure 8A, t h e tendon of medial of musculature involved in digital flexion.
triceps passes through or very close to t h e axis
of flexion-extension of t h e humero-ulnar joint. Digital joints
It is true t h a t those fibers which pass on t h e The outstanding features of the digital
extensor side of this axis would tend to extend joints in T a m a n d u a relate to restriction of
the joint, and those fibers which pass on t h e movements. There is no significant movement
flexor side would tend to flex the joint. How- possible a t t h e proximal inter-phalangeal
ever, any effects on flexion or extension of t h e joint. The metacarpo-phalangeal and distal
elbow are relatively minor when compared inter-phalangeal joints, however, both allow
either with the other two heads of triceps in one type of movement but restrict others. The
Tamandua or with any of t h e heads of triceps median keel on t h e metacarpal provides added
in other mammals. lateral stability in all joint positions, while its
In Tamandua, t h e major effect of the modi- smooth convex curve in FES ' allows a wide
fied attachments of medial triceps is upon dig- I FES = flexor-extensor section. i.e , cross section cut from the

ital flexion. Flexor digitorum profundus in flexor to t h e extensor sides of the carpus, with the plane of section
parallel to the long axis of the wrist and hand (terminology of
this animal is a large muscle (FDP: table 1; Yalden, '721.
range of flexion and extension. The side walls (18751, and Windle and Parsons (1899) all des-
of the concave socket in the base of the distal ignated this muscle as extensor carpi radialis
phalanx perform the same function, i.e., pre- brevis, the longus being absent. The muscle
cluding lateral movement while allowing a (ECR: fig. 7D) is very large in Tamandua
full range of flexion-extension. Lateral and/or (table 1).It arises rather high in the arm, tak-
torsional stresses would certainly occur dur- ing origin from the lowermost part of the tip of
ing twisting motions of the hand produced by the deltoid tubercle, the entire length of the
pronation and supination of the radius against delto-epicondylar ligament, and the upper
resistance applied to the digitk). These con- third of the supracondyloid ridge (figs. lD,
siderations also suggest that Tamandua may 4A). In addition, a tendon, from which fleshy
pry apart objects with the side of the claw as fibers arise, fans out over the proximal third of
well as with the flexor aspect. the inferior side of the muscle belly. Insertion
In T a m a n d u a there are two joints on the is onto a prominent scar on the extensor
digit a t which flexion may occur: the meta- aspect of the middle of the third metacarpal.
carpo-phalangeal and distal inter-phalangeal The proximal shift in the origins of brachio-
joints. From the amount of musculature (me- radialis and extensor carpi radialis, facili-
dial triceps plus flexor digitorum profundus, tated by the presence of the delto-epicondylar
discussed above) which inserts a t the base of ligament, distinguishes Tamandua from most
the distal phalanx, i t seems clear that flexion other mammals, in which the origins of the
of the distal inter-phalangeal joint is of major antebrachial extensors are confined to the epi-
importance for tearing functions. Flexion of condyle and supracondyloid ridge. These mus-
the metacarpo-phalangeal joint, on the other cles are thus displaced relatively further from
hand, accomplishes the following. First, it in- the elbow joint in Tamandua, which increases
creases the range of flexion-extension of the their moment arms for flexion of that joint.
entire digit. Second, it brings the phalanges While brachialis is relatively small in T a m a n -
out of the way during quadrupedal walking, in d u a (see below), its reduction is offset to some
which the weight is borne on the heads of the extent by the increased size and mechanical
metacarpals (Yalden, '66b). Third, it swings advantage of brachioradialis and extensor car-
the phalanges around toward the palmar as- pi radialis. The specimens of Tamnndua and
pect of the hand, thus bringing the claws into Didelphis for which muscles were weighed
opposition with the palmar pad and allowing were of nearly equal body size (in terms of
the hand to perform grasping functions. The overall linear dimensions, not weight), yet in
ability to use the hand as a grasping organ is Tamandua brachioradialis was about ten
of obvious importance for climbing. In addi- times as massive and extensor carpi radialis
tion, this ability increases the manipulative was about five times as massive as their re-
capability of the hand; thus, for example, spective homologs in Didelphis (table 1).
pieces of termite nest may be grasped and Thus, T a m a n d u a is adapted for much more
pulled away rather than simply pried apart. powerful flexion of the elbow as compared
with Didelphis. Tamandua may use powerful
Retraction of distal part of limb elbow flexion in conjunction with digital flex-
toward body ion in order to pull material toward the body
Elbow flexion (fig. 9B).
In addition to biceps and brachialis, there
are two antebrachial muscles, brachioradialis Shoulder retraction
and extensor carpi radialis, which might play The humerus can be retracted by teres
a major role in elbow flexion in Tamandua. major and latissimus dorsi. In Tamandua,
The outstanding features of brachioradialis teres major (TMAJ: figs. 6C, 7C) arises from
are its large size (table 11, proximal origin on the posterior half of the postscapular fossa
the humerus (BRD: figs. lD, 4A), and the fact (fig. 1D). Its insertion extends distally on the
that its superficial portion (SBRD: figs. 6D, humerus to about its midpoint (figs. 3D,
7D) wraps around the forearm to insert by an 4A,B). Between its attachments, it is tightly
aponeurosis into the deep fascia of the flexor bound to latissimus dorsi. Ventral expansion
aspect of the forearm and wrist. of the postscapular fossa and a more distal in-
Long and short heads of extensor carpi ra- sertion both contribute to increasing the
dialis cannot be distinguished in anteaters. moment arm of teres major in Tamandua rel-
Galton (18691, Humphry (18691, Macalister ative to the didelphid condition (compare figs.

limb caudally; this is likely to be useful in
climbing, in attacking prey nests, and in de-
fensive behavior.
Retraction of the limb as a whole
To summarize the above, flexion of the digit
(fig. 9A) may be supplemented by retraction of
the humerus and flexion of the elbow in order
MOVEMENT to draw the flexed claw proximally (fig. 9B).
OF LIME The principal muscles involved in these move-
MOVEMENl ments in T a m a n d u a are shown diagram-
matically in figure 9C, and the same muscles
A B are shown in Didelphis in figure 9D for com-
parison (latissimus dorsi and the proximal
portions of the digital flexors are omitted for
clarity). The major differences in Tamandua
are: (1) fusion of medial triceps with flexor
digitorum profundus (discussed above) ; (2) in-
creased moment arm of brachioradialis (BRD)
and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) due to more
proximal origin; (3) increased moment arm for
teres major (TMAJ) due primarily to more dis-
L D tal insertion; and (4)vastly increased size of
Fig. 9 Flexion of limb segments: (A) flexion of claw in
all of the above muscles (table I). It may be
Tarnandua; (B) retraction of humerus and flexion of predicted on the basis of these features that
elbow and wrist in Tarnandua in order to approximate t h e T a m a n d u a habitually uses digital flexion sup-
manus to the body; (C) diagram of main limb flexors in plemented by flexion of the elbow and retrac-
Tarnandua; (D) diagram of main limb flexors in Di-
tion of the shoulder in order to apply powerful
traction to material against which the claws
may be engaged.
9C, and 9D). Also, the muscle itself is rela- Extension of reach
tively larger in Tamandua, as can be appreci-
ated from its increased area of origin (com- Elbow extension
pare figs. 1B and 1D) and its relative weight In Tamandua, the lateral and scapular
(table 1). heads of triceps (TRL, TRS: figs. 6C, 7C) in-
Latissimus dorsi (LATD: fig. 7D) arises in sert on the olecranon process of the ulna and
Tamandua via the dorso-lumbar aponeurosis are well developed (table 1).Elbow extension
from the dorsal midline and the dorsolateral is also aided in most mammals by dorso-
body wall. The expansion of latissmus onto the epitrochlearis, which inserts into the deep
lateral body wall increases its posterior com- fascia of the extensor aspect of the proximal
ponent of pull as compared to the condition forearm and often onto the olecranon as well
seen in Didelphis (fig. 7B), in which the mus- (Jouffroy, '71). This muscle arises from the
cle arises only from the dorsal midline. The tendon of latissimus dorsi a t approximately a
firm connective tissue attachment (which 90" angle to it (DEPI: figs. 7B,D); thus its
does not occur in Didelphis) between latissi- point of origin is, in most mammals, rather
mus dorsi and teres major would limit the cap- loosely slung between the attachments of
ability of these two muscles to act indepen- latissimus to the body wall and to the hu-
dently in Tamandua. It also has the effect of merus. It follows that, upon contraction of
providing a more stable base of origin for dor- dorso-epitrochlearis,some of its force would be
so-epitrochlearis (discussed below). expended in tensing latissimus dorsi. In T a -
As a result of the above modifications of mandua, however, that portion of latissimus
teres major and latissimus dorsi, T a m a n d u a dorsi from which dorsi-epitrochlearis arises is
has a greater capability for powerful retrac- firmly bound down over the teres major fascia
tion of the shoulder than occurs in relatively a t the caudal angle of the scapula. The ef-
unspecialized mammals such as Didelphis. fect is to stabilize the origin of dorso-epi-
Retraction of the shoulder rotates the entire trochlearis, thus allowing most of its force to
be exerted a t its distal attachment Le., the
olecranon). (~ AXIS

Protraction of shoulder A
Protraction of the humerus in Tamandua
may be accomplished by cephalohumeralis,
acromiodeltoid, and supraspinatus. The first
of these muscles (CEPH: fig. 7D) is formed by
fusion of the primitive clavicular heads of tra-
pezius and deltoid, the clavicle being either -

absent or vestigial in Tamandua.

The mediad curvature of the acromion .
around the anterior side of the shoulder joint Fig. 10 Side view of radius, showing moment arm of
(which occurs in Tamandua but not in more pronator teres: (A) Didelphis; (B) Tamandua.
generalized mammals) has the effect of in-
creasing t h e capability of acromiodeltoid
(ADLT: fig. 7D) for protraction of the humer- fig. 6D) inserts by a broad aponeurosis onto
us, since it orients the muscle in front of the the distal half of the radius (figs. lD, 3D),
shoulder and not just to the side of it. Also, theadjacent to t h e insertion of supinator
elevation of the acromion above the shoulder (SUPN). In Didelphis (fig. 6B), the muscle in-
allows extension to occur over a wide range serts on the middle third of the radius (fig.
without interference between the acromion 3B). Pronator quadratus (PROQ: fig. 6C) in
and the shaft of the humerus (compare figs. Tamandua covers virtually the entire flexor
surface of the interosseus membrane and
1C and 2A).
adjacent surfaces of the radius and ulna; it
Supraspinatus (SUPR: fig. 7C) may also
does not cover the surfaces of the bones as ex-
assist in extension of the humerus, although it
tensively in Didelphis (figs. 3B,D). The rela-
probably primarily aids infraspinatus, teres
tively large size of these muscles in Taman-
minor, and subscapularis in maintenance of
dua (table 1) suggests that pronation of the
joint integrity. Being short-fibered and pen-
radius often occurs under significant loading
nate in most mammals, the muscle is powerful in this genus.
and a t the same time incapable of being
stretched a great deal. Indeed, the shortness of An important feature of the mechanics of
its fibers makes it efficient over only a very pronator teres is the length of its moment arm
narrow range of deviation from its optimum for axial rotation of the radius. This moment
length. These characteristics would be con- arm is increased by displacing the insertion
sistent with the interpretation that the mus- away from the axis of rotation. In Didelphis
cle is primarily adapted for maintaining this is accomplished by bowing of the radius,
shoulder joint integrity in the face of large as shown in figure 10A. In Tamandua, the
dislocating forces. moment arm for the more distal fibers is in-
creased due to the flaring out of the distal
Axial rotation of limb segments crest of the radius, as shown in figure 10B.
Forearm rotation The muscles which supinate the radius in
Tamandua are supinator, the short head of
While the range of pronation-supination in biceps (plus part of the long head), and
anteaters may be somewhat limited, it is by brachioradialis. The well-developed supinator
no means insignificant. According to Yalden (SUPN: fig. 7C) of Tamandua arises from the
('66b), the radius of the giant anteater Myr- lateral epicondyle and inserts along the prox-
mecophaga can axially rotate through a range imal two-thirds of the radius (fig. 1D). In the
of approximately 5 0 O . ' My own observations in opossum, supinator (fig. 7A) is much smaller
Tamandua also indicate a range of about 50"; than in Tamandua (table 11, and i t inserts
this compares with a range of about 90" in only along the proximal third of the radius
Didelphis. (fig. 1B).
The muscles involved in pronation of the
hand are pronator teres and pronator quad- In Myrrnecophaga, Yalden also measured approximately 40" of
axial rotation in the wrist, chiefly at the mid-carpal Jolnt, thus pro-
ratus. These muscles are both very well de- viding a total of about SO" of possible rotation of the hand resulting
veloped in Tamandua. Pronator teres (PROT: from movements occurring at or distal to the elbow.

of the musculature which flexes t h e elbow also

produces supination of t h e forearm.
BlCS Pronation and supination would impart
twisting motions to t h e hand which may be
BlCS useful in loosening pieces of material when
t h e animal is tearing a n object apart. In addi-
,CORE tion, combined supination and elbow flexion
would twist t h e material while i t is being
pulled toward t h e body, which is likely to be of
A benefit when simple traction is not sufficient
Fig. 11 Brachial flexors in ventral aspect, with rela-
to pull t h e material apart. The above kinds of
tion of humerus shown for orientation: (A) Didelphis; (B) movements were in fact observed in a captive
Tamandua. individual of Tamandua which was tearing
apart a small log.
Although not directly related to pronation
A distinctive feature of biceps in T a m a n d u a and supination, there is a n additional feature
is the bifurcation of t h e long head into su- of brachioradialis in Tumanduu which merits
perficial and deep divisions (fig. 11B). The su- mention here. Whereas in t h e opossum t h e
perficial division (SBCL) fuses distally with muscle inserts entirely on the radial aspect of
t h e short head (BICS); these insert via a com- t h e extensor side of t h e wrist, in Tamandua
mon tendon onto t h e radial tuberosity. The t h e muscle continues around t h e medial
deep division of t h e long head (DBCL) fuses aspect of t h e forearm to insert on t h e flexor
distally with brachialis (BRCH); these insert side of t h e wrist (compare figs. 6B and 6D).
onto t h e coronoid process of t h e ulna. Thus in t h e anteater this muscle may be
Both brachialis and t h e short head of biceps regarded as a flexor of t h e wrist as well as a
appear to be somewhat smaller in T a m u n d u a supinator of t h e forearm and a flexor of t h e
than in Didelphis. The long head of biceps, on elbow. The implication is t h a t all three of
t h e other hand, is considerably larger in these movements may habitually occur to-
Tamandua (table 1).The functional signifi- gether. This statement does not mean, how-
cance of t h e relative sizes of these muscles ever, t h a t flexion of t h e wrist necessarily oc-
depends on the nature of their attachments. curs every time t h e elbow is flexed. The nature
Brachialis always inserts on the ulna and is of t h e attachments of extensor carpi radialis
thus a simple flexor of t h e elbow with no con- and of brachioradialis would enable one or t h e
current rotatory action upon t h e radius. The other of these muscles to assist t h e brachial
nature of the insertion of biceps is variable in flexors in flexing t h e elbow while also produc-
mammals, but t h e primitive arrangement ap- ing t h e desired movement (either extension or
pears to be t h a t which is seen in Didelphis flexion) at t h e wrist. Also, combined contrac-
(Howell, '37; Jouffroy, '711, i.e., in which t h e tion of both of these muscles could be used to
short head inserts entirely on t h e radius and produce radial deviation of t h e hand while
t h e long head inserts entirely on t h e ulna. In stabilizing t h e wrist against both extension
this case, the short head would produce elbow and flexion.
flexion and concurrent supination, while t h e
long head would produce only flexion. In Humeral rotation
Tamandua, however, t h e shifting of approx- One of t h e principal lateral rotators of t h e
imately half of t h e long head over to t h e humerus is t h e spinal head of deltoid (SDLT:
radius allows recruitment of additional bra- fig. 7D). Its origin in Tamandua (DLT: fig.
chial flexor musculature which will produce 1D) is along t h e spine of t h e scapula and from
concurrent supination. t h e caudal part of t h e infraspinous fascia as
Another muscle in T a m a n d u a which has a well. One aspect of this muscle, in which T a -
substantial flexor action a t t h e elbow is m a n d u a stands out in sharp contrast to gen-
brachioradialis, this by virtue of t h e extreme eralized mammals such as Didelphis, is its mo-
proximal position of its origin (discussed ment a r m for axial rotation of the humerus,
above). This muscle also tends to produce which is directly related to laterad displace-
supination, since i t wraps around t h e medial ment of its insertion away from the shaft. The
aspect of t h e forearm as i t proceeds distally laterad projection of t h e deltoid tubercle in
(fig. 6D). Thus, in Tamandua, a large portion edentates reaches its extreme in anteaters
(DTB: figs. 4A,B). This maximizes the mo- eaters, however, the situation is not so ex-
ment arm of spinodeltoid for lateral rotation treme. While the elbows often are widely
of the humerus, because it moves the line of abducted, this rarely occurs to the point where
action of the muscle further away from the the humerus is held perpendicular to the body
axis of rotation. axis. (This statement is based primarily on
Among the medial rotators of the humerus, personal observation of captive animals.) In
subscapularis (SUBS: fig. 6C) stands out as Tamandua, then, retraction of the distal part
being modified for increased power in Taman- of the limb usually results from a combination
dua, although its moment arm ( a function of of retraction and medial rotation of the
the degree of mediad projection of the lesser humerus, while protraction of the distal part
tuberosity of the humerus) is not significantly of the limb would result from a combination
increased. In Tamandua, subscapularis has a of protraction and lateral rotation of the
complex arrangement of nine distinct adja- humerus.
cent multipennate sections, seven of which In situations where the elbows are not held
arise from the subscapularis fossa (fig. 3D). Of out from the body (i.e., where the humerus is
the remaining two sections, one arises from maintained in, or close to, a parasagittal
the anterior border of the scapula, the tip of plane), axial rotation of the humerus would
the coracoid process (CRC: fig. lC,D),and part then produce side-to-side movements of the
of the coraco-acromial ligament (CAL: fig. hands. In tearing apart an object such as a log,
7C); the other arises from the anterior half the capability for powerful side-to-sideas well
of the postscapular fossa (fig. lD) and thus as fore- and -aft movements could be of con-
wraps around the axillary border. The first of siderable benefit in that it would enable the
these sections has a somewhat separate inser- animal to apply forces in a variety of di-
tion on the dorsomedial aspect of the lesser rections so that the object may be pulled apart
tuberosity of the humerus. The sections aris- in the direction of least resistance.
ing on the medial surface of the scapula are Thus, axial rotation of the humerus is of
separated from one another by septa which a t - probable importance to Tamandua both in
tach deeply to the surface of the bone. Each locomotion and in using the forelimbs to ex-
section has a centrally located tendon of inser- pose insect prey. The question arises as to
tion. Distally, these central tendons fuse to what type of rotation (medial, lateral, or both)
insert on the medial aspect of the lesser occurs habitually under loading. The elbow
tuberosity of the humerus (figs. 3D, 4A,B). In joint of Tamandua lacks any obvious bony
the opossum, subscapularis (figs. 3B, 6A) modifications (e.g., flanges on the humeral
arises from the medial surface of the scapula trochlea and on the trochlear notch of the
only. It is not subdivided. Its insertion tendon ulna) which would aid in transmitting axial
develops as a sheet on the medial surface torques from the humerus to the forearm (see
which converges distally. In Tamandua, the Jenkins, '73, for a general discussion of the
subdivision of this muscle into many pennate modifications of mammalian humero-ulnar
bundles increases t h e number of muscle joint surfaces which relate to asymmetrical
fibers. Increasing the amount of fibers is fur- distributions of forces across the elbow).
ther facilitated by increased width of the Therefore, if large torques do occur in Taman-
scapula and by extension of the origin of the dua, then their transmission from an axially
muscle around the axillary and anterior bor- rotating humerus must be mediated by a mus-
ders of the scapula. cular rather than a bony mechanism. Such a
All of the above features suggest that mechanism may be provided by anconeus
humeral axial rotation is of major importance (ANCN: fig. 8C) and epitrochleo-anconeus
in Tarnandua. This genus characteristically (EPAN). These muscles are oriented such that
walks with the elbows widely abducted. If the they would tend to pull the olecranon either
elbow were fully abducted to the point that laterally (anconeus) or medially (epitrochleo-
the humerus was held perpendicular to the anconeus), and the result would be adduction
body axis, then retraction of the distal part of or abduction, respectively, of the forearm.
the limb would be accomplished by medial These muscles are relatively much larger in
rotation of the humerus and not by retraction Tamandua than in Didelphis (figs. 6A,D,
a t the shoulder joint. This is, in fact, the major 7A,C, and table 1). It is conceivable that in
propulsive mechanism in the subterranean Tamandua, by contracting isometrically,
locomotion of moles (Yalden, '66a). In a n t - these muscles could stabilize the elbow and


Fig. 12 Deep extrinsic scapular muscles, lateral aspect: (A) Didelphis, scapula in place; (B) Didelphis,
scapula removed; (C) Tamandua, scapula in place; (D) Tamandua, scapula removed.

thus transmit axial torque from the humerus anterior as opposed to the most posterior fi-
to the forearm. The possibility that selection bers. The anterior rotators of the scapula are
occurred for muscular reinforcement of this shown schematically in figures 13A,B. In the
joint instead of bony reinforcement also opossum (a), rhomboideus inserts along a very
implies selection for increase in overall mo- short vertebral border of the scapula (seen
bility. The range of abduction-adduction of here in medial view). The arrows labeled RH
the (flexed) forearm may be increased in represent the lines of action of its most anteri-
Tamandua by facilitating side-to-side devia- or and most posterior portions; the entire mus-
tions a t the elbow in addition to axial rotation cle pulls the vertebral end of the scapula an-
of the humerus, but this question remains to terodorsally. In Tamandua (fig. 13B), the fi-
be thoroughly investigated. bers of rhomboideus insert tangentially along
a longer vertebral border which approximates
Rotation of scapula an arc of a circle; thus, the entire muscle
The scapula can rotate in two directions; in tends to produce anterior scapular rotation,
defining these directions, I follow the termi- such that the caudal angle is moved dorsally
nology of English ('76). In anterior rotation, and the vertebral border is moved forward.
the vertebral border moves anteriorly on the In anteaters, levator scapulae is differenti-
thorax, and the glenoid fossa thus moves ated into anterior and posterior divisions. The
downward and caudaily. Posterior rotation is anterior division (ALS: fig. 12D) in Taman-
the opposite. dua forms a flat sheet which passes pos-
The origin of rhomboideus in Tamandua terodorsally to insert (fig. 3D) on the dorsal
(figs. 7C, 12C,D) is extended caudally along part of the flattened area on the medial aspect
the dorsal midline much further than it is in of the indistinct cranial angle. The distal part
Didelphis (figs. 7A, 12A,B). As a result, there of this division is sandwiched between rhom-
is a greater difference in direction of the most boideus medially and the posterior division of



Fig. 13 Mechanics of scapular rotation: (A) anterior rotation in Didelphis; (B) Anterior rotation in
Tamandua; (C) posterior rotation in Didelphis; (d) posterior rotation in Tamandua.

levator scapulae (PLS: fig. 12D) laterally. The during any tearing motions in which the hand
posterior division consists of a flat sheet is pulled caudally.
which passes anterodorsally to insert just be- The muscles which produce posterior scapu-
low the anterior division. There is some blend- lar rotation are acromiotrapezius and serratus
ing of fibers between the two divisions. In the magnus. Figure 13C shows schematically the
opossum, levator scapulae (LS: fig. 12B) con- disposition of these muscles in Didelphis. The
sists of five slips which blend with serratus acromial portion of trapezius (ATRP) pulls
magnus and insert on the vertebral border of the acromion anterodorsally, while the poste-
the scapula (fig. 3B). The action of levator rior segments of serratus magnus (SER:
scapulae in Didelphis would be to pull the ver- heavy arrows) pull the caudal angle postero-
tebral end of the scapula anteroventrally (fig. ventrally. The result is posterior scapular ro-
13A). In Tamandua (fig. 13B), anterior rota- tation such that the glenoid fossa arcs anteri-
tion could be assisted by both the anterior orly and dorsally. It is important to note that
(ALS) and posterior (PLS) divisions of levator the more anterior segments of serratus mag-
scapulae, which together tend to pull the cra- nus (SER: light arrows) are not oriented such
nial angle ventrally. The resulting rotation that they would function as scapular rotators;
forces the glenoid (and thus the entire limb) their primary function (aided in this case by
ventrally and caudally. Tamandua is likely to levator scapulae and the remainder of ser-
utilize anterior scapular rotation under condi- ratus magnus) is in body support. The impor-
tions of moderate to heavy loading during tant modification in Tamandua is in the na-
climbing, striking a t an adversary, and also ture of the insertions of the individual slips of

serratus magnus. In most mammals, t h e most for applying traction with t h e claw allows
posterior slip inserts a t t h e caudal angle, and considerable maneuverability and effective
the more anterior slips insert progressively up reach. Thus, t h e claw can engage a n object
and forward along the vertebral border (e.g., powerfully regardless of limb position.
Didelphis, fig. 12B). In Tamandua, however, Capability for elbow flexion in Tamandua is
the orientation is reversed; i.e., t h e morepos- enhanced by proximal migration of the hu-
terior slips are t h e ones which extend their in- meral attachments of brachioradialis and ex-
sertions progressively up t h e vertebral border tensor carpi radialis, and by enlargement of
from the caudal angle (fig. 12D).The result of these muscles. Likewise, shoulder retraction
this difference is shown diagrammatically in is enhanced by enlargement and distal migra-
figure 13D. All of t h e slips of serratus (SER) tion of t h e insertion of teres major and by lat-
now tend to be oriented at a tangent to t h e eral and ventral migration of t h e origin of la-
scapular border, and therefore all of these tissimus dorsi.
slips (and not just t h e most caudal ones as in The capacity for powerful flexion of the dig-
Didelphis) would tend to produce posterior its in T a m a n d u a is considered here to be
rotation of the scapula. As before, this move- adapted for such activities as tearing apart in-
ment would also be aided by t h e acromial por- sect nests or insect-infested wood, during
tion of trapezius (ATRP). The result would be which t h e claws may be hooked behind a por-
protraction and elevation of the glenoid, tion of material in order to pull i t away. It is
which would presumably assume importance predicted t h a t t h e traction applied by the
in Tamandua during climbing and also during claws is often augmented by flexion of the
defensive posturing, in which t h e forelimbs elbow and wrist, and by retraction of the
are protracted, abducted, and elevated. shoulder; these movements would bring the
claws, and thus t h e material being torn away,
closer to t h e body of t h e animal. If necessary, a
From t h e morphology of t h e digital joints in variety of side-to side or twisting movements
Tamandua, i t may be predicted t h a t they a r e may serve to further loosen t h e portion being
subject to severe side loading in all joint posi- torn away.
tions, as would be expected if the hand were T a m a n d u a appears to compensate for t h e
twisted or deviated from side to side during loss of medial triceps as a n elbow extensor by
flexion of the claw against resistance. Expec- moderately increasing t h e size of t h e remain-
tations t h a t such movements do occur are ing extensors. Extension of t h e elbow plays a n
based upon capacity to produce powerful pro- important role in quadrupedal walking. There
nation-supination as well as other rotary and are also some modifications relating to in-
side-to-side movements of t h e limb. These ob- creased power and mobility in protraction of
servations correlate with those of Yalden the humerus; such capability is probably uti-
('66b, '721, which indicate wide ranges of lized in climbing and in defensive posturing.
radio-ulnar deviation and axial rotation in t h e The morphology of t h e forearm suggests
carpus. t h a t T a m a n d u a is capable of powerful prona-
The grasping ability of t h e hand is increased tion and supination of t h e radius. Most of t h e
by the development of t h e palmar pad (against elbow flexors produce simultaneous supina-
which t h e claws may be opposed) and by t h e tion; together these two movements would
wide range of flexion of t h e metacarpo-pha- impart a scooping action to t h e hand as i t is
langeal joint. It may be predicted t h a t such brought toward t h e body.
grasping ability would be extensively utilized The axial rotators of t h e humerus are well
both in climbing and in tearing functions. developed in Tamandua. Anteaters walk with
The triceps musculature in T a m a n d u a has their elbows somewhat abducted, and humeral
been rearranged such t h a t t h e medial head axial rotation therefore plays a n increased
assists flexor digitorum profundus in flexion role in protraction and retraction of t h e distal
of t h e distal inter-phalangeal joints; t h e fact portions of t h e limb during locomotion. It is
that its tendon passes through or close to t h e predicted that rotation of t h e humerus is also
axis of t h e elbow joint permits simultaneous important in producing side-to-side deviations
flexion of t h a t joint and the claws. The em- of t h e manus during tearing functions, but t h e
phasis upon flexion of t h e distal inter-pha- mechanism for transmitting large torques
langeal joint as t h e primary mechanism through t h e elbow is not well understood.
Tamandua exhibits increased capabilities LITERATURE CITED
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Galton, J. C. 1869 The myology of Cyclothurus didac-
tylus. Ann. Nat. Hist., 4: 244-264.
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John Wiley and Sons, New York.
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script: H. R. Barghusen, S. W. Herring, R. E. architecture. Part VI. Therian mammalia. Quart. Rev.
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unau, the ai, the two-toed anteater and the pangolin. J.
ance of J. Hives with some of the illustrations Anat. (London), 4: 17-78.
is greatly appreciated. I also wish to thank the Jenkins, F. A. J r. 1971 Limb posture and locomotion in
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Illinois a t the Medical Center, Chicago. This Yalden, D. W. 1966a The anatomy of mole locomotion. J.
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fellowship from the Field Museum Center for 1972 The form and function of the carpal bones in
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14 Articular surfaces of head of metacarpal and base of proximal phalanx in digit 111
of Tamandua, stereo pair.

15 Articular surfaces of head of proximal phalanx and base of middle phalanx in digit
111 of Tamandua, stereo pair.

16 Articular surfaces of head of middle phalanx and base of distal phalanx in digit 111
of Tamandua, stereo pair.

Bruce K. Taylor





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