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Subject: ELA Grade: 8 Topic: Inferencing and Cultural Identity

My students will be able to use their inferencing skills to figure out which culture is being described
with textual and visual information.

Activating Strategies

- At the beginning of class I will briefly introduce Mr. Nehe to the class and give a short explanation
of why he is joining us today.
- After introducing Mr. Nehe I will begin to talk to the class about how I want them to do well on
their examinations after Christmas break and that I also want them to be exposed to other
countries, to broaden their views on life and see that there is no correct way to live ones life.

Acquiring Strategies

- I will then introduce the activity (scavenger hunt). Talking about the worksheet, do one quick
example and tell the students what I expect from them.
(Not to be too loud and disturb other classrooms, also they are to respect school property and not draw
or damage anything. That they must try to finish all 10 stations before the time is up. To remain in the
two hallways they must stay in.)

- Tell them that the first group back with all ten cultures correctly inferenced will get a large pizza
of their choice.

- During this phase students should be working in their groups to figure out what each culture is
being described.

- The teacher will be standing in the corner of the two hallways the students should be doing their
activity watching to make sure the students are behaving and doing the activity properly. Also
helping the students with any questions that they might have.

Applying Strategies

- The students will be shown a quick example while the activity is being explained.
- The students will be asked after the explanation if they understand what is expected of them and
will have an opportunity to ask any questions they might have about the activity.

- When there is eight minutes left in class I will get all the students to regroup in the classroom
and I will ask them some questions.
(If they enjoyed the activity? If they felt this helped them with their inferencing skills? What do
they think would make the activity better?)
- That at after their presentations tomorrow we will go over their answers if there is time, if not
we will touch base with this sometime next week.
Plans for Assessment Materials Needed
- The students (groups) who have all ten done will be showing
me during the activity. - 10 poster boards with
- During the activity as students are coming up to me asking inferencing material on a

questions I will look over their other work and make sure specific culture.
they are getting the correct answers. - Worksheets for the
- During another ELA class I will get them to give me their students.
answers and what inferences they used to come to their
- Their worksheet will be placed in their reading log and I will
be able to look through them and assess if the students skills
in inferencing are at satisfactory levels.

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