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Submitted for CAL in B.Tech Engineering Physics (Phy1001)


Nikhilesh Prabhakar 16BCE1158

Pranav Jain 16BCE1112

Slot: B1

Name of Faculty: Dr. NIRMAL THYAGU


October, 2016


This is to certify that the Project work entitled Range of Projectile and Air Resistance that is
being submitted by Pranav Jain (16BCE1112) and Nikhilesh Prabhakar( 16BCE1158) for
CAL in B.Tech Engineering Physics Phy1001 is a record of bonafide work done under my
supervision. The contents of this Project work, in full or in parts, have neither been taken from
any other source nor have been submitted for any other CAL course.

Place: Chennai


Signature of Students:

Nikhilesh Prabhakar Pranav Jain

Signature of Faculty:

Dr. Nirmal Thyagu


We would like to express our sincerest of gratitude to our Physics Professor Dr. Nirmal
Thyagu for giving us this great opportunity to showcase our interests in the subject of
Classical Physics and also for his great insights on how to approach our project. Also we
would like to thank our friend, Udai who had taken interest during the trials of our
experiment and helped us to record our observations. Lastly we would like to thank our
University Management for giving us the opportunity and the experience in
experimenting with real-life applications of Physics.

Pranav Jain

Reg. No.16BCE1112

Nikhilesh Prabhakar

Reg No. 16BCE1158


In eleventh grade, we had learned equations over equations which were proved to us over
the topic of motion in 2-Dimensions. The same topic was the basis for our experiment.

The aim of the experiment conducted, was to test out the equations of motion in 2
dimensions in the real world. The experiment required us to design a makeshift slingshot
which was used to project objects into a parabolic path and with the knowledge of 2-D
motion, we were meant to see the correlation between the theoretical range and the
observed distance the projectile had covered. The factor of drag/air resistance also plays a
major role in these studies, especially because the objects studied have small masses and

1. Introduction:

1.1 Aim of the project

The aim of the experiment was to determine the range of a projectile using
equations of 2-D motion. Here we studied the distance covered by
projectiles of various masses before hitting the ground with and without the
consideration of air resistance in the equations. As we will be using a
slingshot to project the object, we will also be finding the spring constant for
the rubber band used. We would also illustrate the scenario where drag
could be a possibility for the difference between theoretical and the
observed readings and find the coefficient of air resistance.

1.2 Theoretical Pre-requisites:

When we consider an object projected from a height h at an angle of to the


R - The range of the projectile
uo the initial velocity of the projectile
g Acceleration due to gravity

For short distances, a rubber band can act as a spring with spring constant k.
A spring can exert a force k.x when stretched by a distance x.

For small distances x, rubber bands can exert a force,

= .

Potential Energy stored by the rubber band when the band is stretched by a
distance x is

= ()

1.3 Principle

When a rubber band is stretched by a small distance x it possess a

potential energy which is required to project an object into motion in 2-

dimensions. The potential energy of the rubber band is thereby converted
into kinetic energy, with the object moving with a velocity v

= () ---------------- (i)

. = ---------- (ii)

Where m is the mass of the projectile

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy can be neither be

created nor destroyed. Hence all the Potential energy of the rubber band gets
converted into motional kinetic energy of the projectile.

Equating (i) and (ii)

() =

=> () =

= .

After finding out the velocity of the projectile we can find out the range the
projectile can travel.

2. Methodology:
2.1 Materials Used
Objects of 5 different masses were collected, of which 3 were balls and 2
were pebbles (for the lighter masses). For the slingshot, we made it out of a
v-shaped wooden branch and a set of connected rubber bands for the elastic
string of the slingshot. A 15-cm scale was used for measurements.

2.2 Measuring the spring constant for

the rubber band
To measure the spring constant for the rubber band,
we suspended the slingshot horizontally and
measured the initial length when no weight was
attached to it.
After doing so we suspended a weight of reasonable
mass and made the rubber band stretch. The readings
were noted for initial and final length for three
separate weights.
The gravitational force of the object is cancelled out
by the restoring force of the rubber band

. = .

S.No Mass of the xf xi x k

1 155 12 9 3 50.633
2 210.47 13 9 4 51.56
3 218.62 13.4 9 4.4 48.69

Mean k = 50.2952

2.3 Procedure
After finding out the spring constant for the rubber band, the setup was
made ready. It consisted of a slingshot upright and normal scale used for

(i) The weights of the balls are found out using a weighing scale.

(ii) The ends of the rubber band were made tight, to make sure there
are no discrepancies in the readings taken.

(iii) To find out the angle of inclination, the length of the base and the
height were needed.

(iv) One of the objects is loaded on to

the slingshot and made ready for
release. Books were stacked
behind the slingshot with a
measuring scale on top. This was
done so that as and when the
rubber band was loaded with the
object, the length of the base can be found instantaneously.

(v) Similarly the length of the stretched rubber band and the height of
the slingshot from the base are measured before the object is

(vi) The object was then released. An outside observer notes the area
where the ball falls and marks it with a pen.

(vii) The distance was measured from the slingshot and recorded.

(viii) The steps (iv) to(vii) were repeated for objects of different
weights and the readings are recorded.

2.4 Calculation of theoretical distance
As seen in the figure below, the total distance travelled by the projectile is
the sum of the range of the ball (R) and the distance covered during descent
from a height

As discussed earlier,


The remaining distance travelled by the ball can be figured out through
Pythagoras theorem.

= .
As the projectile will be released at a height h, the total range formula can only be
applied till the next time the ball is h (cm) above the ground. Hence it is important
to add the remaining distance of h*cot

= + .

2.5 Observation Tables

(i) m = 4.38 g Small stone

Final x Initial x Base Height Sin2 0 Calculated Observed

(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (m/s) Distance Distance
(m) (m)

12.5 9 3.5 6.2 10.8 60.1 0.864 3.75 1.39 1.05

13 9 4 6.5 11.2 59.9 0.868 4.29 1.78 1.65

14.5 9 5.5 5 13.6 69.8 0.648 5.89 2.39 2.04

15 9 6 7.5 13 60.0 0.866 6.43 3.80 3.46

(ii) m = 8.53 Pink ball

Final x Initial x Base Height Sin2 0 Calculated Observed

(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (m/s) Distance Distance
(m) (m)

13.9 9 4.9 9.3 10.3 47.9 0.99 3.76 1.68 1.21

13.5 9 4.5 4.6 12.6 69.9 0.64 3.46 0.88 0.56

13.4 9 4.4 6.7 11.6 60.0 0.87 3.38 1.16 0.80

14.5 9 5.5 8.3 11.8 54.9 0.94 4.22 1.90 1.57

(iii) m = 15.81g Big Stone

Final x Initial x Base Height Sin2 0 Calculated Observed

(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (m/s) Distance Distance
(m) (m)

12 9 3 8.5 8.5 45.0 1.00 1.69 0.56 0.54

13.2 9 4.2 10.1 8.3 39.4 0.98 2.37 0.89 0.85

14.5 9 5.5 7.7 12.3 58.0 0.90 3.10 1.05 0.97

13.9 9 4.9 5.2 12.9 68.0 0.69 2.76 0.65 0.54

(iv) m = 12.12g Red Ball

Final x Initial x Base Height Sin2 0 Calculated Observed

(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (m/s) Distance Distance
(m) (m)

11.2 9 2.2 9 6.7 36.7 0.96 1.42 0.56 0.51

12.7 9 3.7 8.3 9.5 48.9 0.99 2.38 0.81 0.75

13.8 9 4.8 6 12.4 64.2 0.78 3.09 0.90 0.7

14.6 9 5.6 3.5 14.1 76.1 0.47 3.61 0.69 0.38

2.6 Air Resistance

Air resistance is a force that affects objects that move through air. More
often than not, physics problems ignore considering drag/ air resistance
while solving them.

JKLM = R = k R
F - Force due to air resistance, or drag (N)
v - Velocity of the object (m/s)

- Density of air the object moves through (kg/m3)

V - The drag coefficient, includes hard to measure-effects, depends on the

shape of the object, roughness of the surface, etc.
A - The area of the object which is in contact with the air (m2)

K - A combined constant that collects the effects of density, drag and area in
contact (coefficient of air resistance)

Kind of like how kinetic friction slows the movement of a ball, air resistance is a
force that opposes the movement of the object at all instants of time during its

2.7 Calculation of coefficient of Air resistance

The force applied by air resistance causes the ball to decelerate throughout its

= From newtons second law of motion

JKLM = k R from the drag equation discussed earlier.

=> k R =
If the ball is decelerating, that should be the cause for the drop in observed
distance when compared to the theoretical distance. [If it is assumed that there is
no error in measurements]
Hence there is a change in velocity. From the laws of motion,

Z = [ , (the negative sign is to indicate deceleration.)

This in turn changes the range of the projectile, causing there to be two entirely
different readings for distance.
The range can be figured out by subtracting h*cot from the total distance
travelled by the ball.

` .

The time taken to cover a distance R is


And from previous,

( )/ =
And after finding out acceleration, the coefficient of air resistance is


2.8 Observation table for Air Resistance

(i) m = 4.38g Small stone

Observed Distance h.cot Range vcR vc Acceleration Force k=

1.05 0.161 0.889 10.09 3.18 1.025 0.00449 0.001413
1.65 0.163 1.488 16.79 4.10 0.260 0.00114 0.000278
2.04 0.103 1.937 29.31 5.41 0.671 0.00294 0.000543
3.46 0.162 3.298 37.34 6.11 0.295 0.00129 0.000212
Mean k: 0.000611

(ii) m = 8.53 Pink Ball

Observed Distance h.cot Range vcR vc Acceleration Force k=

1.21 0.253 0.957 9.43 3.07 1.11 0.009466 0.003083
0.56 0.102 0.458 6.96 2.64 2.35 0.020077 0.007609
0.8 0.162 0.638 7.22 2.69 1.46 0.012415 0.00462
1.57 0.197 1.373 14.30 3.78 0.61 0.005193 0.001373
Mean k: 0.004171

(iii) m = 15.81 Big stone

Observed Distance h.cot Range vcR vc Acceleration Force k=

0.54 0.280 0.260 2.55 1.60 0.29 0.004651 0.00291346
0.85 0.341 0.509 5.09 2.26 0.25 0.003969 0.0017599
0.97 0.175 0.795 8.66 2.94 0.30 0.004673 0.00158797
0.54 0.113 0.427 6.04 2.46 0.88 0.013956 0.00568046
Mean k: 0.0029854

(iv) m = 12.12 Red Ball
Observed Distance h.cot Range vcR vc Acceleration Force k=

0.51 0.376 0.134 1.37 1.17 1.08 0.0130799 0.0111767
0.75 0.245 0.505 5.00 2.24 0.33 0.0039650 0.0017736
0.7 0.135 0.565 7.06 2.66 1.03 0.0124304 0.0046799
0.38 0.070 0.310 6.51 2.55 4.34 0.0526028 0.0206217
Mean k: 0.009563

2.9 Calculations for Drag Coefficient

(i) Pink ball
The radius of the pink ball is 3.5 cm
The surface area coming in contact with the ball is 2r2
We know that k =
The density of air is 1 kg/m3
A= 2r2 = 0.007693 m2

V =

= 1.084393 (no unit)

(ii) Red Ball

The radius of the pink ball is 4.5 cm
Similar to the pink ball the surface area A = 2r2 = 0.012717m2
The density of air is 1 kg/m3
CD = 1.503963 (no unit)

(iii) Small stone
The small stone has 4 sides of radii 1, 2, 2.6 and 2 cm respectively
The average radius of the 4 sides is 1.9 cm
Assuming that it spins along an axis during its projection, it can be
considered to be a sphere of radius 1.9cm
Similar to the above the surface area A = 2r2 = 0.002267m2

CD = 0.539409 (no unit)

(iv) Big stone

The big stone has 5 sides of radii 3.6, 3.7, 4, 2.7 and 2.5 cm
The average radius of the 5 sides is 3.3 cm
Assuming that it spins along an axis during its projection, it can be
considered to be a sphere of radius 3.3cm
Similar to the above the surface area A = 2r2 = 0.006839 m2

CD = 0.873075 (no unit)

3. Results and Discussion
3.1For the small stone-
3.1.1 when projected at an angle of 60.1 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 1.39 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 1.05 meters
3.1.2 when projected at an angle of 59.9 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 1.78meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 1.65 meters
3.1.3 when projected at an angle of 69.8 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 2.39 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 2.04 meters
3.1.4when projected at an angle of 60 degrees, then the
theoretical distance it covers is 3.80 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 3.46 meters
3.1.5 the drag coefficient is 0.539

3.2 For the pink ball-
3.2.1 when projected at an angle of 47.9 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 1.68 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 1.21 meters
3.2.2 when projected at an angle of 69.9 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 0.88meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.56 meters
3.2.3 when projected at an angle of 60 degree, then the
theoretical distance it covers is 1.16 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.8 meters
3.2.4 when projected at an angle of 54.9 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 1.9 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 1.57 meters
3.2.5 the drag coefficient is 1.084

3.3 For the big stone
3.3.1 when projected at an angle of 45 degree, then the
theoretical distance it covers is 0.56 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.54 meters
3.3.2 when projected at an angle of 39.4 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 0.89meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.85 meters
3.3.3 when projected at an angle of 58 degree, then the
theoretical distance it covers is 1.05 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.97 meters
3.3.4 when projected at an angle of 68 degree, then the
theoretical distance it covers is 0.65 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.54 meters
3.3.5 the drag coefficient is 0.873

3.4 For the red ball
3.4.1 when projected at an angle of 36.7 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 0.56 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.51 meters
3.4.2 when projected at an angle of 48.9 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 0.81meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.75 meters
3.4.3 when projected at an angle of 64.2 degree, then
the theoretical distance it covers is 0.9 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.7 meters
3.4.4when projected at an angle of 76.1 degree, then the
theoretical distance it covers is 0.69 meters and the
practical distance covered by the ball is 0.38 meters
3.4.5 the drag coefficient is 1.503

4. Conclusion
we come to a conclusion that
4.1the theoretical distance (distance calculated to be as the
one which is to be covered based on the formulas) is more
than the observed distance(the distance actually travelled) as
some in reality some errors do factor in which might not be
taken care of while taking the actual readings
4.2 the drag coefficient of the balls taken was much higher
than that of the stones therefore so much variations in the
distances covered by them
4.3 for more accurate readings, we need to have a setup
which allows us to have to a greater k value and a has more
heavier balls

USCS Report on range
UBCs Report on do rubber bands act as springs



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