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Government College Women University, Sialkot.


Course Name:- International Marketing Course Code:- MGT-405

Total Marks:- 30 Time Duration:- 45 Mins

Name:- _______________ Roll No :- ________

Encircle the best answer. Cutting or overwriting will result in deduction of the marks.

1. -------------------------- is the notion that people in ones own company, culture or country know
best how to do things.

a. SRC b. ethnocentrism c. adaptation d. obstacle

2. A strategy that some firms find to eliminate almost all risks is to ---------------------- technology
for a fee.

a. planned domestication b. political bargaining c. licensing d. political payoffs

3. Thailand requires that all milk products contain at least 50 % milk from local dairy farmers. It
is an example of ------------------------------.

a. local content laws b. import restrictions c. tax controls d. price controls

4. The ultimate goal of -------------- is to force foreign investors to share more of the ownership,
management and profits with nationals.

a. trade dispute b. confiscation c. expropriation d. domestication

5. A finance minister of a country demanding heavy payments under the threat that a contract for
millions of dollars would be avoided is an example of ------------------------ .

a. bribery b. extortion c. lubrication d. subornation

6. --------------- relate to areas of behaviors or to customs that cultural aliens may wish to
conform to or participate in but that are not required.

a. cultural electives b. cultural imperatives c. cultural exclusives d. cultural adaptation

7. Patterns of behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated.

a. values b. symbols c. beliefs d. rituals

8. The index which measures the tolerance of social inequality between superiors and
subordinates within a social system is called --------------------------- .

a. individualism/collectivism b. uncertainty avoidance

c. power/distance d. values and consumer behavior

9. A countrys culture is originated from ------------- .

a. geography b. history c. social institutions d. all of the above

10. Temporary surpluses caused by variations in production levels or demands may result in ---- .

a. no direct foreign marketing b. infrequent foreign marketing

c. regular foreign marketing d. international marketing

11. High context cultures primarily follow ------------- where the completion of a human
transaction is emphasized more than holding to schedules.

a. M-time b. S-time c. B-time d. P-time

12. ----------------- is a partnership of a large number of companies that have joined forces to
create a separate legal entity and operate in a country or market in which none of the participants
is active.

a. consortia b. foreign investment c. joint ventures d. franchising

13. Seizing of a foreign companys assets without payment is

a. confiscation b. expropriation c. extortion d. domestication

14. Sales decline because of many reasons including

a. technological advances b. increased competition

c. shift in customer taste d. all the given options

15. A person is purchasing a product and selling this product to customers. The person is called:

a. seller b. customer c. reseller d. supplier

16. -------------- pricing policy tries to sell the whole market at one low price.

a. skimming b. discount c. global d. penetration

17. Following are the controllable environmental factors except,

a. cultural forces b. price c. product d. promotion

18. ------------ assessment is used to estimate the level of risk a company is assuming when
making an investment and to help determine the amount of risk it is prepared to accept.

a. industry b. political c. risk d. production

19. If conciliation is not used or an agreement cannot be reached, the next step is,

a. mediation b. arbitration c. litigation d. conversation

20. Data used in market research which comes from already done researches is called

a. primary data b. secondary data c. research data d. market data

21. When the questionnaire is translated from one language to another and then a second party
translates it back into the original and two versions are compared. This is,

a. back translation b. parallel translation c. decentering d. none

22. What a consumer thinks about the quality of a product is called__________quality.

a. performance b. price c. supplier d. market perceived

23. When the original product is modified according to the cultural requirements of another
country, it is called

a. innovation b. domestication c. advancement d. cultural adaptation

24. Prices, quality, package and styling are ____________component of a product.

a. support services b. packaging c. core d. all the given options

25. Following are the barriers to entering global markets for consumer services.

a. protectionism b. restriction on trans border data flows

c. protection of intellectual property d. all of the given options

26. A name, term, sign, symbol or combinations of these which is used worldwide to identify
goods and services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors is

a. global brand b. local brand c. multinational brand d. national brand

27. Following is not the name of economic development,

a. traditional society b. takeoff

c. drive to maturity d. declined

28. ____________ is an unconscious reference to ones own cultural values, experiences and
knowledge as a basis for decisions.

a. enculturation b. acculturation c. SRC d. none

29. If a firm has permanent increased production capacity than its local demands, then it can be
involved in,

a. regular foreign marketing b. international marketing

c. infrequent foreign marketing d. local marketing

30. History of any nation can be explored by studying the social institutions like

a. family b. religion c. school d. all of the above

Government College Women University, Sialkot.

Course Name:- International Marketing Course Code:- MGT-405

Total Marks:- 20 Time Duration:- 1 Hour 15 Mins

Name:- _______________ Roll No :- ________

Give answers of the following questions. (4*5 = 20 marks)

Q.1. Explain the stages of international marketing involvement.

Q.2. describe the different economic risks which every multinational company wants to avoid.

Q.3. Explain the different elements of culture.

Q.4. How to reduce the effect of political vulnerabilities? Explain.

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