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Name: Carson Marshall

Focus On My Skills

1. What job do I want? I would like to be a Financial Research Analyst.

2. What skills are needed for this job? Ability to compile information,
mathematic/financial expertise, ability to follow current events, and conducting

3. What skills do I have now for this job? The ability to learn quickly regarding
mathematic formulas, minor mathematic expertise, amateur research skills, and
the ability to keep up with basic current news.

4. What related skills do I have now for this job? Grade 10 Pre-Calculus
experience, taking amateur poll data, analyzing the stock market and how it
works, and understanding why economies have collapsed in the past
(depression, recession, etc.)

5. What skills will I need for this job? Understanding more complex mathematics, a
better understanding of the economy, skills in analyzing complex research,
digging deep for complex news sources, and the ability to make
recommendations based on financial goals.

6. How will I get the additional skills? Going to university, taking more complex math
subjects in high school, researching info and teaching myself skills, and learning
through early jobs in the same expertise and mentors.

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