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Windrider's Message from the Future

Through Kiara Windrider, August 1999

11. Windrider's Message from the Future

In the summer of 1999, I returned from Hawaii to Mt. Shasta. There was an important astrological
configuration around the time of the solar eclipse in August, and I wanted to spend a couple of weeks on my
beloved mountain during that time. I set up camp in the upper meadows. A few days later, I was contacted by a
being who called himself Windrider. He said he was an aspect of myself from the future. This experience of being
contacted by my future self was powerful for me, and I later chose to own the name Windrider, so that I may
consciously grow into those levels of mastery. I will now let him speak for himself:

I am Windrider. I am an ascended master and a time traveler, although from my perspective it is not so much
a traveling through time as a folding through dimensions, which is part of ascension consciousness, as I will
explain shortly.
Many have achieved ascension mastery in my time. I return "back" into your time for a specific purpose. You
are approaching a time of great shift, and there are two main streams of probability that stretch out before you as
a species. My purpose is to speak with you about these two streams, and perhaps provide some perspectives.

Time Translating
First, I would like to offer you some perspectives on the nature of time. Time is a function of frequency. Just as
you can have several tones occupying the same space in a musical chord, so the universe is a multidimensional
construction, each dimension characterized by a certain frequency, or density. Your experience of time varies
according to your experience of density. In the 3D frequency you are currently experiencing prior to the Shift, time
is linear, with a distinct past and a distinct future overlapping in a "now-time" called the "present". The present is a
miniscule moment in 3D reality. In the higher frequencies of density your sense of now-time is greatly expanded,
collapsing the partitions between past and future and allowing you a much greater experience of the present, and
therefore of "presence".
Shamans, mystics, prophets, and mediators through the ages have learned to collapse these partitions and
travel to other dimensions, only to return again to what you call the "real" world. Some, like the Aborigines of
Australia, were fluid enough that they knew how to live between the worlds, what they called "dreamtime", as their
primary reality. In traveling between the worlds all these early travelers were able to intuit visions of future events
as well as access the past through akashic libraries. Very few, however, in all of Earth's history, have been able to
dissociate enough from a 3-D timeline to actually participate in or change future or past events. There are reasons
for this, some of them having to do with collective consciousness in a free will universe. The very act of
participation in a specified time frame allows for a change within that timestream. As we enter into the past, which
is your present, we actually create parallel timelines that intersect with your current timelines, seeding new
possibilities for your collective consciousness to choose from.
There are many time travelers in your domain at this time, usually through a process of merging with a past
identity, some actually incarnate in time-translated bodies. Were it not for our intervention at pivotal times, your
planet would be extinct today. Have you wondered why some of the more cataclysmic prophecies of Edgar
Cayce, Nostradamus, and various ancient scriptures have not come to pass?

Are we not interfering with your collective free will and karmic choices? Do I not risk altering your own
timestream and in doing so negating collective free will? Please understand that many of us time travelers are
future aspects of your own selves, responding to a call you yourselves have made. You might call us aspects of
your higher selves, which would be an accurate statement, since we do exist in a higher frequency dimension
from your perspective. It is also true that the collective consciousness of Earth at this time has called for higher
assistance, and we are part of the response to that call as well.
Another reason that we are able to time travel into your world at this time is the opening of certain time portals
through some of your government experimentations such as the Philadelphia Experiment. The original reasons
for such experiments were somewhat questionable, but the fact is that in breaching these time portals, the veils
into the fourth dimension have thinned, which not only allows visitations from other worlds and dimensions to your
planet, but also makes it easier for your entire planet to make the fourth-dimensional Shift!

The Experiment
I mentioned earlier that there were several reasons why participatory time travel hasn't been possible before.
Another reason that your highest mystics and scientists have had limited success in this venture is the nature of
your third-dimensional locus itself. In order to travel independently in time you need to have at least a fifth-
dimensional locus. You need to be grounded in a simultaneous perspective that is vast enough that your now-
moment can embrace eons of linear time in an infinite variety of parallel dimensions. Some ascended masters in
your history have achieved this, but these have been few. Yet, my friends, this is what you are emerging into as a
The cusp of the 21st century is an exciting time for you to be living in. You are at the threshold of an awesome
collective event. You are witnessing a "birthing" if you will, a "shift of the ages" long foretold and long awaited not
only by shamans and prophets on Earth but throughout the infinite galaxies. For reasons that will become clear to
you, what is taking place on Earth now is creating a ripple effect through all Creation. A whole new cycle of
evolution is beginning through all the God-universes, and this little planet called Earth has a key role to play in it,
which incidentally is why you have such a wide gallery of spectators observing you at this time. It has to do with
the fact that some of the highest beings in Creation are currently incarnate on Earth, along with the most diverse
array of lifeforms and origins ever assembled, all incarnate in physical density in a great experiment of unification.
Those of you who have had experiences of unity consciousness know that it is no great effort to experience
Oneness on the higher dimensions. It is here on 3-D Earth with its infinite diversity and polarity consciousness
where that becomes a test of courage and commitment. Would it surprise you to learn that you are the cutting
edge of God consciousness right now in this physical density? If Earth can experience unity-in-diversity on a
physical (third or fourth) dimension, it greatly expands the activity of the Heart of God as the entire Universe
begins a cycle of in-breath back to the Mind of God.

For yes, there are cycles within cycles within cycles enfolded in your planetary birthing. Not only are you
nearing the end of a millennium, but you are also at the end of a 2160-year Piscean Age. The Aquarian Age you
enter into is not just the beginning of another Age but the beginning of an entire 25,920-year cycle known as the
precession of the equinoxes. Twice during the Precessional Year, including at the beginning of the Age of
Aquarius, you enter the influence of a high-vibrational stream of unified light emanating from the galactic center,
which brings you into greater synchronization with the Mind of God.
Your Galactic Sun is likewise completing its own spiral through the galaxies, nearing the moment described in
the Hindu Scriptures as the "in-breath of God". Everything in the current cycle of Creation up to this point has
been an expression of the "out-breath of God".

Now is the moment of return, when all things in all dimensions in all universes fold back to a higher octave of
Unity. It is like the odometer in one of your automobiles synchronizing to 9999 before turning over to Zero.
You might speak of this Zero Point as a convergence taking place on Earth that ties together all these great
cycles with all the dimensions in Creation in the journey back to Oneness. The cusp of the Aquarian Age, links
with the cusp of a Precessional Year, links with the cusp of a Galactic Cycle, links with the cusp of the Creator's
Breath. What does this mean? Because of the unique nature of this particular Zero Point, Earth stands at the
threshold of a cosmic moment of birth in which Creator and Creation become one. In other words, the veils
between the dimensions are about to disappear for a moment of time, or rather a moment out of time, long
enough for Creator consciousness to slip into the hearts and minds of all beings embodied on Earth, and by
reflection, all the inhabited universes. In this moment of timelessness, it is as if all Creation holds its breath with
the Creator, and is then forever after infused with the Spirit of God.
The frequency of oscillation of any lifeform has to do with its connectedness with Spirit. In that moment of
Infusion, the frequency of all beings on the planet will be raised in one extraordinary jolt of awakening. And since
time and dimension also have to do with frequency, you will be suddenly catapulted into the fourth dimension as a
collective event. While the collective transition to the fifth dimension will yet take a while, some of you may find
yourself going past the fourth into the fifth or even sixth-dimensional frequencies, experiencing full ascension
mastery. Thus it is that I, Windrider, having found myself in 6-D after the Shift, chose to dissolve my fourth-
dimensional body into the unified light, and found myself practicing the ability to translate through a multitude of
times and dimensions.

"The Two Streams"

With that background, I wish to now speak with you about the two streams of probability that currently stretch
out before you. The Great Shift I have talked about is inevitable. It is a certainty in all the probable timelines of
your future. What actually happens at this moment of Cosmic Birthing, is still undetermined, however, and
depends entirely on the collective consciousness latent in that moment.
My existence among you and that of other masters from your future reflects the fact that a proportion of
humanity has successfully navigated through the Shift. It does not reflect what that proportion is. That keeps ever
changing, and our wish is that this include the greatest number of beings possible.
These are the two probability scenarios that exist at this time: One is that at the moment of Zero Point all
beings on this planet are translated into the fourth dimension. This is the best-case scenario. The other is that
there will be a split between the worlds, that those who are prepared to move into 4-D or 5-D will do so, and those
who are not will remain behind in 3-D to play out their karma on a parallel Earth, which will likely result in
cataclysmic destruction.
The third alternative probability and worst-case scenario, that your entire planet and all of its timelines would
be destroyed in a great cataclysm, no longer exists. This did seem a likely possibility up until a decade or two ago
in your time, and on behalf of all the ascended masters I congratulate you on the shift of consciousness you have
already undergone so as to avert this! A great light is being carried on the Earth right now. This is why we believe
it is possible to shift out further from the second scenario of partial translation into 4-D to the best-case scenario of
a full translation of planet Earth. This is also why the advent of Zero Point has been postponed to the extent
possible in order to give all humanity the opportunity to make the Shift together.
Many of your ancient prophecies speak to the second stream of probability because that seemed to be the
most hopeful scenario envisioned at that time. Jesus spoke of the "rapture", of two men working in the fields, one
of whom would be taken, the other left behind. Christian, Muslim, and Hebrew scriptures are replete with images
of a "day of judgment", when the "righteous" would be rewarded and the "unrighteous" punished.

There are also metaphors in this age that reflect the first scenario. The story of "the hundredth monkey", which
is an apt description of biological as well as spiritual evolution, is one example. Always it is true that when there is
a sufficient number of beings envisioning and practicing a new paradigm, the "law of grace" is then invoked, and
the rest of the monkeys, or humanity, as the case may be, are brought into entrainment.

"The Challenge"
What needs to happen for mass consciousness to shift from the second to the first stream of probability? The
second scenario is based on "karma", the first scenario on "grace". You need to understand that the "law of grace"
is a higher octave of the "law of karma". And you need to understand and fully embrace your personal as well as
collective shadows.
When the master Jesus spoke of forgiving your enemy he spoke not of condoning their actions but of
recognizing that you were both shadow and light together, and that forgiveness provided you both an opportunity
to practice a divine alchemy, unifying both shadow and light in the experience of Oneness. "Love your neighbor as
yourself," he said, for indeed you are the same.
The test for awakened humanity is this: Can you extend the hand of forgiveness and love in this expanded
sense to your brothers and sisters in ignorance and darkness--a forgiveness that arises from compassion, a
forgiveness that embraces your neighbor, yourself, the dark lords, the power-mongers, the satanic forces, the
military mind, the secret governments, the illuminati, the reptilians, greys, annunaki, or whatever your own version
of the "enemy" happens to be?
When you do so, this activates the law of grace, and brings to an end a polarized conflict that opens the door
to a full planetary awakening. More than that, it provides an opportunity to resolve and heal a long drawn out
intergalactic war, and bring much suffering to an end. It assures that in the "in-breath of God" to come, none get
left behind. This is the best-case scenario, and one that I have traveled back into your time to seed once again.
It begins with belief, followed by desire and intent. Know that it is possible to experience a graceful, pain-free,
unified birthing into the fourth dimension and beyond. Know also that you are capable of being the agents of God
in this great alchemy. You have already proved this in averting the third probability of cataclysmic destruction.
I depart now, and I leave you with love and grace. Know that you have great assistance in this profound
opportunity ahead. Call on the ascended masters and the brotherhoods of light, the angelic hierarchies and the
Elohim, the dolphins and the whales. Call on the avatars and saints, call on the star nations and the intergalactic
councils of light, call on your higher selves and the Christ, call on the Great Spirit that many call God. And call on
us, your future selves. You are not alone, and we are not separate!

Whale Message


By Kiara Windrider (channeled February 1999)
In 1999 I spent several months on the Big Island of Hawaii, swimming with dolphins and whales. I
experienced some profound shifts and connections being with these wise and playful denizens of the ocean. One
day, after spending an hour communing with a mother and baby humpback whale, I felt new channels opening up
in my consciousness. The following message came from what seemed to be the oversoul of the whale kingdom, a
white whale known simply as The Great One. A few days afterwards I happened to find out that a white whale had
been sighted off the coast of Australia, which represents for the aborigines the same prophetic significance as the
white buffalo holds for Native Americans.

This is The Great One. I have come in response to your questions spoken and unspoken. I have come to
share not only information but a certain consciousness. It is time to awaken to this consciousness within you, for
this is the reason you were constructed. Do not denigrate the human form. The human form is one of the highest
biological forms for the embodiment of spirit.
We will go back through the Mindfields of Gaia to the beginnings of time. Time is creation, creation that began
in the mind of Prime Creator, and there was no meaning except in the unfoldment, except in the continual
creation, except in that deep awareness and passion to recreate and extend itself.
And so, through the word, through the vibration of that first intent, was created the songlines, and then there
was light, and within that light manifested different levels of awareness that led to the creation of dimensions, and
within these dimensions form could be played out as ideas generated and regenerated themselves. And so,
many, many, many pathways later various seedings took place. Forms were created. Among them were we,
among them were you. Spirit formed itself in biological forms, and our destiny has always been the same--to
reunite in the fullness of time to complete the cycle, to gather back to Source all of learning, all of creation.
We carry a certain awareness in our attunement to the higher dimensions. What you call higher dimension is
to us spherical, and in this spherical knowing, there is no higher, there is no lower. There is here a fullness of
understanding, of knowing, for this quality has no separation within itself. This quality is still connected with the
One Source within all of this diversity. It is a quality that your biological circuitry is also meant to carry, to embody.
It is a quality that those among you that you know of as Ascended Masters have embodied just as fully. It is a
quality that many races throughout the galaxies have achieved, and it is the quality that you are about to achieve
more fully than any species ever before, simply because you are no longer an isolated species.
There are representatives among you from across the galaxies, across the dimensions, across the universes.
And so what you seek to create now is a living being, an extended being that is far vaster than individual
ascended beings. There are few planets that have ascended from this level of density, and of these none that
have the destiny that your planet possesses, simply because none have the diversity which your planet
possesses. A new order of creation comes into being as you prepare for this moment. We are here with you. We
have always been eager to assist, even when our task was not understood by you.
Know now that there is a manifestation of my presence in the oceans as a white whale. The Aborigines know
of this. It occurs in their prophecies. Like the white buffalo was born on this continent in fulfillment of prophecy, so
is this white whale born in fulfillment of prophecy.
The time is near now when this grand awakening of planetary consciousness is due. We have prepared the
grids of the Earth to sustain a new level of vibratory frequency. If it were not so, the new frequencies that have
been pouring in could not be anchored and the Earth herself could not survive.
There are what you call gamma ray bursts flooding the Earth--many hundreds, many thousands in the last few
years since this grid has been completed. Her soundings have changed. Her songs have changed. Her songs are
like the templates, and within these templates creation can be determined with great precision.
As the left brain of planet Earth, your intentions, your understandings, and your direction is much required.
Feel our presence within your presence. It is time for us to join what has been separate for too long.
Ascension has been a mystery to many of you. The mystery lies not in the how or even in the why. The
mystery has lain in your mind's great inclination to doubt. The mystery has been in the "if", because you do not
feel that you know the way, because you have been separated from those deep knowings within you, because
you have given way to your doubts and your fears. It has been a great "if". It holds you back from the recognition
of the simplicity of this process. Dear Ones, this is so simple. Please do not doubt. In fact, this is your destiny.
Your bodies were meant to be receptors of light. You know this. You know that your DNA is equipped for far
more than you are currently experiencing. You know of the 64 codons to be awakened. You know of the twelve
strands. You know that this has been and will be again.

You know what holds you back. There are many, many, many layers of conditioning and unbelief, and it is the
collective barrier that you must break through. We are assisting in this as you call upon us to be of service. The
answers may not be a conscious awareness of minds. The answers lie in that deep submerged layer where there
is a cellular knowing.
Your bodies understand what your minds do not. Please listen to the body and allow it sacred audience within
you. Focus on the medulla in the back of your head. It is a newly emerging planetary center that is a parallel
development to the vertical axis of the chakras along the pranic tube. This is the awareness of spherical
consciousness, and we, as we breathe, hold this awareness at all times.
Gaia has need of us as the right brain. Gaia has need of you as the left brain, but no longer is this a division to
be maintained. Electromagnetic fields of the Earth are changing, which allows a reconstruction of these grids of
left and right.
In order for the Mother to make her ascension, right and left brain must act as one, and for this you need to
develop this spherical consciousness. In spherical consciousness, there is no separation between left and right,
or matter and spirit, or any of the polarities that you experience in daily living. Allow yourself to move into this new
So ascension is simply the flowering of new life, and in the fruits of that new life, the Earth gives seed and the
seeds multiply. It is a very natural cycle.
The triggers within your cellular consciousness are already being probed. Your mind has nothing to do with it
because your will, your intention, and your surrender create this activity, and then from this submerged place
within your deep unconscious, the seeds begin to bear fruit.
There is a time when the curtains will be parted for all consciousness on this planet. It is to come soon. The
ground is being prepared for this parting of the curtains. In that moment, for it will be a moment, you will be tested.
Your choices will be weighed, and if you so choose, ascension will be once more the natural cycle rather than
death, or rather than participation in the game of separation, a game that you've known in your history from times
before Atlantis.
Go back into the storehouses of your mind. Remember those days. The cells carry the memories. Many of
you were incarnate in the bodies of the ocean people. Many of us were incarnate within the human people.
I speak to you in words that you hear within your minds, but my greater communication to you is now in
creating a passageway that allows your spherical minds to become activated--perhaps the experience of
throbbing in the back of your head. Perhaps you hear a sound or a tone within that space. Perhaps there are
pieces and fragments of your soul returning to you now that have been disconnected and lost. Perhaps you are
remembering your true destiny that fills the Earth with a sense of knowing, a sense of joy, a sense of peace. We
ask you to trust this knowing, not because you understand with your minds the steps this requires, but because of
your intent and desire to join your will with the will of the Earth, the will of the Creator.
Fulfill that destiny that has been chosen for you, those of you who have incarnated on this planet, for we are
one mind and know each other already without veils of separation. We know what is known of your future, which
to us is already present. It is the end of timelines. It is the end of separation. It is the end of death and the
beginning of her birth. The new children being born among you know this, for many of them have indeed lived in
cetacean bodies before. We are one.
I feel that anything I could say after this message from the White Whale would have to be profoundly
mundane, yet I feel compelled to add that about a week after this communication I was in conversation with a
woman I had met in the bay. As we climbed out she shared her own life-changing experiences of swimming with
whales, and then said something which sent tingles all the way through me. I hadn't yet said anything to her about
my encounter with the Great One, when she excitedly asked me, "Do you know that they have actually seen a
baby white whale off the coast of Australia?"

I would like to end with a request. The U.S. Navy has been experimenting with LFAS sonar frequencies that
are adversely affecting marine mammals, particularly whales and dolphins, in ways that we cannot begin to
imagine. Many have died as a result.
The tuna industry is still granted the right to kill 100,000 dolphins a year and still maintain the "dolphin safe"
label on their cans, the US military still "takes" a large number of cetaceans, either as "collateral damage" from
weapons testing, or as captive slaves used as actual weaponry. Indiscriminate whaling is still permitted in
international waters.
Offshore oil companies still use high-pitched seismic testing and explosives in their explorations with little
regard for ocean life.
Meanwhile, the same agency that sanctions many of these deaths, the National Marine Fisheries Service, is
now seeking to pass a federal law that would outlaw human-dolphin play.
Some say that the cetaceans have completed their contract with 3-D Earth and are choosing to leave now.
Perhaps this is true, I don't know, and perhaps they leave so they might welcome our collective emergence into
the ascended Earth. Yet, I would rather know that this is truly their choice than a choice that is made for them by
human greed and blindness. I do know that given the many levels of our interdependence with them, if the
remaining whales and dolphins die, we all die. And I also know that I personally am not ready for them to go yet!
(Excerpted from the book, Doorway to Eternity: A Guide to Planetary Ascension)

Pachamama Speaks

Through Kiara Windrider

July 16, 2000

(This message came during a presentation at Spirit-Keepers Fellowship in Denver, following a dance called
"Mantra of the Four Elements").
You know me by many names. I am the soul of the Earth Pachamama. As you danced and sang earlier, you
are one with my consciousness. There is an aspect of you that is emerging into fullness right now, that we have
long awaited. Know that nothing can stop this movement, this process. You have attempted in your ignorance, in
your fear, to hold back this process. And you have created chaos for yourselves, and so much grief. And we see
now that a new world is arising, a new spirit is rising.
You have called this forth from your hearts. You have called this forth from your collective intentions. And I
wish to say to you that what you hear in the news, from the world around you, is only a very partial truth. What
you feel within you, when you can disengage from the mass consciousness, listen to that. When you listen to your
inner heart, in celebration of your deepest joy - listen to that. And what do you hear? Do you hear the song that
drives us from the depths of the Earth, Earth calling to Spirit, Spirit answering back to Earth? Do you know that
you are one with the Earth, your bodies, the elemental consciousness within you, as one, in frequency and in life,
with the Earth? Do you know that you are one with the heavens, your spirit, the life force that animates you?
You are weaving together, you have been woven together as one species, as one consciousness, and you're
awakening now to this new form of life. The ones you know as the whales, your elder brothers and sisters, have
held the space for so long. So if you have been in whale bodies before and you recognize that, remember this.
Earth is awakening. Gaia is alive, in a way she hasn't been before. In your circles as you gather together, in your
meditations, in your practices, if all you did was remember who you've been in cycles past, and who you are to
become in cycles to come, and who you are already, in the deepest spaces within your heart... If all you did was
remember, it would be enough.

And it is enough. And I say this in celebration, in gratitude, in congratulation, and in joy. It is enough. You have
accomplished what you have come here to accomplish, on the inner planes. And now what you see is simply the
outworking, the outpatterning, the outpicturing, on the third dimensional frequency planes. I bless you. I celebrate
with you. I am you. We are one.

Extraterrestrials visit
The world is getting ready for something spectacular in 2012. According to researchers, the Federation of the
Universe representing all the 88 star constellations will officially visit earth in 2012 and reveal themselves. It will
bring an end to all UFO cover-ups in various countries. In many countries all over the world the rumors are
floating around that many Governments are being contacted at this time slowly to announce their presence and
coming official visit. According to some, the human civilization has finally reached a level when the earth can
officially become part of the Federation of the Universe. They want an order and no panic among people. A slow
but steady process is on to slowly make people of the world ready to see the representatives of the Federation of
the Universe. The world can finally become an official member of the Federation. The Federation represents all
the 88 constellations of stars. Constellations are patterns seen in the positions of stars.
The modern celestial sphere is divided into 88 regions, each containing a different constellation of stars.
Celestial Sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth on which all heavenly objects (stars, galaxies,
nebulae, etc...) seem to lie. The map of the Universe and charted position of galaxies will be presented to the
earth. In 2012 the world will come to understand finally the actual evolution process, the process of bending time
and space, the fact that gravity is a wave and not a force and the fact that the whole Universe is run through
electromagnetic flux generated through natural process or artificial means. The earth will also be exposed to
possible dangers to our planet that we do not even perceive. Emergency evacuation plans will be created in case
of an unseen and unperceived calamity like what happened to Mars millions of years back. There is a genuine
attempt being made to protect our civilization. The earth will be made ready to understand who we are, where is
our origin and where is out future. Even things like what happens to us after death and so on will also become
clear in 2012. The world is getting ready for the facts slowly but steadily.

Babaji Speaks of the 9-11 Attacks through Kiara Windrider

(September 12, 2001)
Dear ones, you are at the threshold of a planetary birth. Old forms are dissolving; new forms are arising. You
have been conditioned on this planet to believe that birth is something painful, and so it is for you. Even so, the
moment of your birth has arrived, and will be truly a wondrous sacred event.
You are aware of the convergence of many cycles of time, prophesied through ancient calendars and
scriptures all over the world. Just as a mother knows when her time is coming, and her labor begins, so is Mother
Earth now pushing to birth a new consciousness, a new Age. Would it help you to know that, difficult as these
times may seem to you, the promised new Age will surely come? There are those locked in duality consciousness
who would seek to prevent this, and there will be for a time a great struggle of increased polarization.
This is all in divine order. Please know that the Brotherhoods of Light have long prepared for this time as well.
In the times ahead, no longer will it be possible for anyone to sit on the fences of indifference, apathy, or denial.
The fences are being taken down! A planetary wake-up call has been issued. The last trumpet has been sounded.
Great karmic dramas will be played out. As hearts and souls awaken, cries of freedom will grow from within,
and the bands of fear that have enslaved humanity for long eons will be lifted. As the bands of fear are released, a
new Earth will be birthed. The Kingdom of God has always been within you and among you, and now will be
revealed through the waves of light, love, and freedom that sweep through the planet in its moment of birthing.

Many of you are asking, what do these recent events mean? Are we heading towards a global war? Is the
world about to end? Please realize that the discordant energies that fueled the events of this day have been
brewing for quite some time. Billions have already suffered around the world in a war on the human spirit. This will
only end as deeper truth is brought to light. And so it shall be.
You are aware of the prophetic timeline encoded within the measurements and geometry of the Great
Pyramid, ending on September 17, 2001 at the entry to the antechamber preceding the King's Chamber. Just as
the life of a caterpillar ends only so that it may cocoon into a butterfly, so as you stand at this threshold of
initiation, a great portal of light now opens before you.
Life on this planet will never again be the same. The events of September 11 are directly linked to these
calendar measurements, signifying a planetary initiation the likes of which has not been witnessed in recent ages.
The Hopis called this the Day of Purification. Some call it Armageddon; you may also call it the Day of Truth. This
is indeed a wondrous time, a time for light to shine into all the dark places of the human heart, so that all that was
hidden may now be revealed and transmuted in the great cauldron of humanity's awakening.
Hold this vision strong. Do not give in to despair and polarity consciousness, no matter what the appearances
may be. Visualize the Earth as already healed. Earth needs your joy right now. When waves of fear, dread, or
anger come up, transmute them in violet flame, keeping in mind the bigger picture, and know that you do this not
for yourself alone, but for the collective.
Continue calling on the realms of light for assistance. Trust the process. Eventually all fear will transmute into
ecstasy and light. If you could see these times from the perspective of the Age that follows, you would truly be
dancing in the streets in profound gratitude for the openings that lie before you. A new "world soul" is being
created among you, and the time for its birthing is at hand. Step boldly forth into the Age of Light!

Open Heart Mergery

by Daniel Jacobs
Feb 15, 2002
Note from Kiara Windrider: Here's an important perspective for these times. Sometimes it's disheartening and
frightening to look at some of the third-dimensional realities on the planet, especially some of the sinister New
World Order agendas, and this message provides a good counter-balance. We must remember when the going
gets tough, that the last dance of a polarized worldview is passing away, and that WE are the ones creating a new
planetary paradigm based on "open heart mergery"! Happy Valentines Day!
My Dear Friends,
During this powerful period of integration on your planet, you find yourselves collectively moving through an
Energy Gate which is designed to assist you in releasing Veils of Forgetfulness and Limitation installed during
your time of growth and development within what has been called your "Family of Origin." The issues and themes
that were presented and highlighted during that period are reflective of the exact plan and perfect timing of your
Spiritual Unfoldment - a plan which you personally designed and set in motion upon your entry into this Earth
Plane of Existence.
This Gate, which opened on February 2, 2002, will close again on February 22, 2002. By that time, you will
have released a considerable number of energy blocks from around your heart center, as well as from the back of
your head (the center most involved with what you would call verbal channeling). These hindrances were
originally designed to ground you, and hold back your conscious Reconnection to Oneness until its appointed
time. That appointed time is drawing near, Dear Ones!

We are the Reconnections. We are all of those parts of your Expanded Self that you had to forget about in
order to become human. We have never been very far away from you. Just far enough. Within our ranks are
contained all of the necessary "bridge concepts" that can connect you to what is called The Multiverse. This is an
infinite spectrum of experiential Planes of Existence ALL OF WHICH represent levels of YOU.
Within the context of what you have called "other incarnations," you waited for that experience called "death"
before you allowed us to de-program you from the Limitation Focus. However, it is within this life context where
you have elected to introduce yourselves to these "bridge concepts" while you are still represented in physical
As you entered this physical vibration, you were equipped with certain perceptual "software" (to use your
computer jargon again) which has been hidden safely within your physical and etheric bodies. Until this time, a
good deal of the software lay dormant, lacking the required activating tones that serve to open up the Gateways
and bring the necessary programs online.
But following the recent events of September 11, 2001, and the Energetic Surge of Global Concern that was
initiated around them, your planet's vibrational pitch has broken through the software's tonal seal and has begun a
bio-energetic "countdown" of sorts, which will culminate in a worldwide increase in your powers of perception and
communication, as well as your internal methods for processing the information received through your many
channels of Planetary Interact.
Additionally, you have officially installed "ETHERNET," which is our facetious way of describing an astral
counterpart to what you refer to as The Internet in physical space. More will be shared about that in a later


Those who attend to the practice of medicine are quite familiar with the effects and repercussions of that
physical crisis known as "a heart attack." These incidents come most often as a complete surprise to those whose
lives they are designed to alter. There is a saying that goes: "That which doesn't kill me will only make me
stronger." This statement most certainly applies to the chain of events which began on that fateful morning - when
planes crashed, and when all those dear people made their transition into Higher Consciousness. Time stood still,
and your Global Heart was broken wide-open.
We have named this transmission "Open-Heart Mergery," in a play on words around that surgical procedure
which often follows the occurrence of a heart attack in the physical. It is discovered in such cases, that the heart is
either dysfunctional in some way, or it has become blocked and cannot perform as required. Therefore, highly
trained surgeons cut into the heartspace and with focused effort and skilled hands, they remove the blockage
and repair that which was broken.
The primary occlusion, which has been choking the life out of your Global Heart most recently arises from
your intense love of and preoccupation with COMMERCE. When we say this, we are not demeaning your needs
to buy and to sell things. Your manifold methods of trade and mutual support have served humanity well since
they were enacted, so long ago. But recently, a large portion of humanity has begun to worship Commerce, and
the accumulation of material property, in the same way some civilizations have followed after their chosen Deity.
Through the expansion of your many activities and struggles related to this frenetic "worship," you created
lifestyles where you could no longer breathe in your spirit or feel within your collective soul. Deprived of love and
connection, which is the very lifeblood of humankind, you experienced a momentary lapse in your awareness, and
you gave Dark Forces control over key access points upon your planet - plunging a dagger deep into the chest of
the World's Economy, peeling back layers of flesh, exposing your deepest fears, and also awakening your noblest
and most inspirational traits as a species.

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The initiation of this Open-Heart Mergery is the beginning of a Global Reconnection to Oneness a joining of
hands and hearts across your world that is based, not upon the relentless agendas set by your Taskmasters of
Buy and Sell, but by a common human experience of loss, suffering, and the importunity of human need.
The dress-rehearsal for this experience you are within now was accomplished back in your year 1997, with
the passing of those souls known as Princess Diana and Mother Theresa. As their departure from the Earth Plane
was made commonly known, a worldwide ejaculation of emotion formed a neural network for linking your planet
empathically, a network which instantly came back online the day your World Trade Center fell.


And now, let us speak for a moment about some technical things some definitions which will bring
understanding to what is being accomplished during this grueling period in which your world lies upon the
Operating Table of the Ages. The Veil of Forgetfulness is a semi-permeable etheric membrane that covers the
consciousness of a Traveler in Limitation (Physicality). Each Traveler is, essentially, an Etheric Master who has
elected to enter the Earth Plane for experiential training and recreation.
The determination of what is real is a matter of perception rather than existence. Everything exists, but not
everything is perceived. Your physical senses are not "windows" to an "objective" universe. They are really
FILTERS, blocking from your awareness what you have no desire to see. The Veil enables a Traveler in Limitation
to design and enter a specified course of experience. Though there are many universes available, which honor
and embody every possible/probable manifestation of everything, the Veil helps him to focus upon exactly the
context of reality he wishes to explore. Open-Heart Mergery begins when the Planetary Veil becomes punctured,
either through conscious collective evolution, or by some traumatic injury. Each individual comes onto the planet
with his or her personal Veil, but there is a huge variance in density and permeability of their insulation, causing
some to be more sensitive than others. Those whose Veils are thicker, protecting them from exposure to what is
on "the other side," will be more earthly-focused. Those with thin Veils will be quite susceptible to spiritual
stimulation, but may often be vexed by the demands and difficulties of life in physical form.
Lasting and meaningful GLOBAL CONNECTIONS are built when individuals begin to look at the wondrous
diversity of their planetary family as true reflections of themselves - mirrors that reveal deeper secrets about who
you all are, and what you have come here to do. Such reflections become most apparent, and most compelling,
when specialized circumstances suddenly showcase, for all humankind, such common enemies as hunger,
illness, gross physical deprivation, and death.
Indeed, such conditions proliferate daily upon your planet. And many souls will be gobbled up by famine and
pestilence during the time it takes for you to read this transmission. But the process which is transforming the
Mass Mind upon your planet is set in motion whenever vivid caricatures of these natural horrors are highlighted,
amplified, and broadcast around the world through the wonders of your modern media. And on September 11
with the help of TV News, The Internet, Worldwide Printed Media, and Public Radio that dagger plunged into your
chest was transformed into a scalpel, and your Open-Heart Mergery was begun!


Before we continue in our description of your grand-scale transit through this very powerful "911 Energy
Gate," we think it wise to remind you not to become too absorbed with concern about the tremors of unrest that
are moving through your World Governments at this time. These shifts and changes are natural by-products of
the passing of the Old Paradigm out of which you are moving, and there is little you can do to prevent them, nor
would you really want to do so even if you could. Everything is happening right on schedule, so you are best
served by determining within yourself what YOUR OWN TRANSFORMATION will look like, rather than being
overly concerned about how "others" are handling theirs.

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The real "battle" is being waged within each of your hearts. It is a ceaseless vying for your attention - being
perpetuated by all the various "fragments" and "sub-fragments" of yourself. The Grand Game of Physicality was
and is all about breaking up The Oneself into pieces, scattering them over thousands of miles, and then gathering
them up so you can put it all back together again. In your individually created universe (uni=one), all those puzzle
pieces are representative of many jagged and disjointed pieces of you.
Those of you who become obsessed with fears about government conspiracy, or misuse of power by ruthless
and unfeeling dictators, are forgetting that the only "dictator" in your created universe is YOU. It is you who
interprets the images that come through your perceptual pathways, and it is your essence that is utilized as a
comparison to identify what is acceptable and what is evil. It is this practice of personal interpretation (also called
"judgment") which makes you the creator that you are.
The YOU-niverse of your perception: the people, places, objects, and interactive processes you once thought
of as "containing you--but still essentially separate" is nothing more than a gigantic self portrait, painted in
continually expanding, repetitive patterns in every direction into infinity. If, therefore, you have visions of secret
plots and the ruthless domination of one part of society over another you must look into yourself and see where
these exact dynamics are at work in your own heart, blocking your daily personal growth.
The axiom "as above, so below" works also in reverse, do you see? "As below, so above." One person CAN
make a difference, My Friends. In truth, there is only one person here! When key parts of any microcosm begin to
function internally in this way, meeting outward discord with inner illumination the sweet potatoes of your society
will begin washing the very monkeys who have been eating them. The tables of life can always be turned by any
mind that is willing to consciously own everything that is contained upon them. And each and every part of this
process is YOU. Listen, learn, and be transformed!


It is said that TIME, within the context of your 3D experience is winding down. Certain prophetic writings have
made some allusions to this idea, and many there are that are convinced there will soon be no more need for it.
Some of you have begun visualizing what a world without time would be like. A few of you believe that, without
time, the world cannot exist at all. Please allow us to offer some assistance to you as you consider this important
issue. The prophecies concerning the end of time are all true. Rather than winding down, however, time has been
seeming to speed up, has it not? Soon, time will appear to pass so quickly that you will no longer notice it. And
that will be just the point, won't it? How did it ever happen that you became so wrapped up in issues about "time"
that you began missing the wondrous miracle of life which was unfolding all around you? There was once a time
in your society when, if a person missed a stagecoach, he would simply wait around for a month until the next one
came. Some people, in today's society, have a major panic attack if they miss one section in a revolving door!
Your soul's evolution now demands a change. Having explored the idea of ego control and manipulation to its
extreme, your species has elected to release the tourniquet which has constricted your personal flow of energy for
so long. Time has been a Separation-Based mechanism whereby the promptings and desires of your heart have
been BYPASSED, and superceded by the plotting and planning of your Limitation Mind. Your Open-Heart
Mergery is almost complete. Soon you will be coming off Bypass, and the power and wisdom of your Whole Self
will begin setting the tone for the next levels of your journey.
The vibratory pitch of your planet has reached such a velocity that, should you continue to function as you
have been, your brain and nervous system will simply burn up. You are already seeing this happen to some
degree, with the proliferation on your planet of various nervous disorders and deaths that are said to be caused
by heart failure. But be assured, your heart does not fail, My Friends! It simply chooses whether or not you are
ready to change to match this new vibration, or depart your world to seek another one that is more suited to your
need. There is no judgment here.

- 12 -
There is only careful and appropriate dispatch of a divine plan which you, yourselves, have set in motion. No
one has been left out. All is occurring just as it is supposed to occur.


Imagine a world wherein you awake each morning only when you are ready from a sleep that leaves you
perfectly refreshed and prepared to meet the day ahead. We realize we are still speaking in terms of time here,
but bear with us, will you? You eat whatever it is that pleases you, and you ask your body and mind what it
desires next. You do this consciously, and in the moment, not adhering to some pre-ordered schedule that was
set weeks ago, and penciled into a calendar which you allow to rule your life.
When you have decided what you wish to do, you set out on a road that will take you where you need to be. In
the coming New World of "Time/No-Time" there is no such thing as an "appointment." When a Reconnected
Heartspace is allowed to orchestrate your lives, rather than your Separation Minds, everything and everyone
becomes aligned within a synchronized flow. The tasks you wish to perform, and the people with whom you will
perform them are all part of the same One Being. When humankind truly believes this, and begins to live
according that belief, the illusion known as "conflict" will begin to fade.
More and more, people will just begin "showing up" precisely at the time others are ready to see them. If a
person sets out upon a journey and his desires suddenly shift, he will simply alter his path in accordance with the
energy of the moment. Obstacles that appear to be blocking the attainment of some goal will no longer be
considered to be your enemies. Rather, they will be interpreted as signs that you have gotten a bit off-course, and
that you need to go inward to re-examine your perceived desire.
The Law of Reciprocity states that it is energetically impossible for one person to desire something of another
that does not have a significant meaning for both. At the same time, a statement of "No, thank you..." coming from
one side of an interaction is automatically reflective of both sides. What you now consider to be a "conflict of
opinion" will eventually be recognized or what it truly is - an opportunity for two beings in physical space to
celebrate their multidimensional nature.
In Oneness, there is no such thing as disagreement. There is simply infinite variance upon the same, one
theme. As your Reconnected Planetary Heart begins to beat in rhythm with this simple truth, your need for
policemen and courtrooms will vanish. The time and resources once used to maintain them will be re-allocated to
other endeavors. That alone could feed and clothe all the people of the world several times over.
The shifts and changes we are describing here cannot be enacted through political action or deliberate intent.
They are born of a higher vibration, and can only begin manifesting when humankind lets go of its addiction to
ego-centered control, and simply begins to flow with the river of life that has always been within you. The struggle
and hardship of your Limitation Journey are just about complete! Your hearts are opening, and becoming knit-
together through communication, and your growing realization of who you really are.
Up to now, you have played each role in your life very well. There has been total immersion in your Limitation
Game as each necessary experience moved you ever closer to the time when that which was hidden would be
allowed to come to light. THE TIME OF RECONNECTION. As your conscious knowledge of this process
continues to expand, a wonderful Transformation now begins.
At your own rate and in your own timing, the lines that border your reality will begin to fade. Within the face of
every person and imprinted upon every object, you will notice the seams of that common fabric out of which all
stories are cut. And you will be transformed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. And with that change, your
whole universe will change. You are the 100th Monkey.
The "story boards" and "props" will fall away. You will begin to see old things as never before. You will become
your Greater Self. And the only change needed will be your PERCEPTION. It's always been here, all around you.
And you will begin to see, and you will begin to know, and you will begin to smile. It will be a MIRTHQUAKE!

- 13 -
And with the laughter of a child, there will finally be an appreciation of the humor and grace out of which
everything is formed. And then, you will be Home.

Star Visitor Theology

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

(C) 1996, rev. 2003

A synopsis of Star Visitor theology is presented, synthesized from information communicated by Star Visitors
to humans during close encounters. These are the extraterrestrial races actually visiting the Earth, and may apply
to other member cultures of their interstellar political-cultural alliance, sometimes labeled the Interstellar
Federation. This synopsis draws from a database constructed from 1989-present by Richard Boylan, research
behavioral scientist and cultural anthropologist with graduate training in theology and philosophy. This database
comes from in-depth debriefings of more than 180 experiencers. Those data provide the foundation for this
analysis of the Star Visitors' theological views.
The following theological topics are discussed: the Star Visitors' acknowledgment of, and ideas about, God;
whether intelligent life is hierarchical or egalitarian; the Visitors' spiritual mission; whether Visitors are spiritual
gurus; the Visitors' role in human development; the Star Visitors, Avatars and religious inspiration; Visitor views on
death and judgment versus reincarnation; sin and the existence of evil; Creation and evolution; whether
Redemption is universal; and the Star Visitors' ideas about God's family. The presentation concludes with an
examination of possible human reactions to the Star Visitors' spiritual cultures.
This synopsis is constructed from data from more than 180 in-depth interview debriefings with experiencers of
Star Visitor contact (Boylan, 1994). The analysis and synthesis are the author's best distillation of that data.
It should be borne in mind that it is the nature of extraterrestrial communications that, in the overwhelming
majority of instances, Star Visitors communicate with humans by telepathic transfer of mental images or concepts,
rather than by words or speech. Thus, there inherently is some human interpretation of the mental impressions
transmitted by a Star Visitor. Nevertheless, certain core Star Visitor concepts, upon which this synopsis is based,
are consistently reported by many different experiencers, lending confidence to the analysis and synopsis.
1. "God". The Star Visitor races who have commented on the concept of "God" in answer to experiencers'
questions, or who have brought the subject up themselves, uniformly affirm that they, too accept the reality of
what Earthlings call God. However, the God they affirm is not the anthropomorphic or patriarchal figure of many
Earth religions, but more of a Supreme Source [not Star Visitor vocabulary] a transcendent matrix of
Consciousness, which underlies everything, and is that which gives essence and specificity to everything, which
in turn is a partial manifestation of the Supreme Source.
In more experiential terms, the Star Visitors have taken experiencers and shown them "God." The
experiencers typically described being in the presence of intense, overwhelmingly brilliant light from which
emanates incredibly intense love, such that the experiencer feels lost in the infinite love. The Visitors typically do
not make extended commentary about "God", but either assure the experiencer that they too accept "God". Or
they seem to let the direct experience of God speak for itself. The Visitors have, when confronted with human
confusion about whether they are gods, emphatically clarified that they are not God.
2. Extraterrestrial "superiority". The issue of the visiting Star Visitor races' intellectual, cultural, genetic,
technological and spiritual superiority, while not specifically a theological topic, bears discussing, because of the
metaphysical implications. The average member of the Star Visitor races appears to manifest considerably higher
intellectual capability than the average human.

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Such superiority may be partly due to education, culture, genetic engineering, or natural selection. Yet most
Star Visitors consider humans as equals in the sense of being a fellow sentient, conscious intelligent life form.
Most of the Star Visitor races appear to be genetically advanced, as measured by more developed mental
processes, sensory acuteness, parapsychological abilities, immune system robustness, reported longevity, and
sophisticated nutritional processes. And without question, all Star Visitor cultures are more technologically
advanced than we are. Their very ability to jump across vast interstellar space and/or dimensions is but one
example of Visitor technological superiority.
Culturally, the Star Visitor races uniformly appear more advanced, as measured by the complex yet
harmoniously interdependent functioning of their societies, absence of initiation of aggression, absence of warlike
activities, the presence of altruistic concern for the Earth, its ecosystems and for humankind, the general absence
of patronizing attitudes toward the more primitive human culture, and the Visitors holding to elevated philosophical
and moral principles (Boylan, 1996). The Star Visitors demonstrate highly-developed spirituality, as evidenced by
the integration of spiritual awareness into their cultures, the absence of formalistic religious practices, broad
compassionate attitude between cultures, and a highly-developed culture of concern for souls' development
across lifetimes.
3. The Star Visitors' spiritual mission. While the Visitors have several missions which they are accomplishing
by their gradually-intensifying contact with the Earth, let us consider here just their spiritual mission. Star Visitors
have repeatedly communicated to experiencers about the need to remember their (the human's) origin. Often the
"forgetful" human has been shown their existence as a spark of consciousness preexisting before this lifetime. In
other instances, Visitors have shown humans previous lifetimes, during which the human processed experiences
which offered the human the opportunity for spiritual development. Often the Star Visitors have shown
experiencers glimpses of a common origin with one or other extraterrestrial race group. This suggests cosmically
broadened understandings of family, mutual concern and cherishing across star systems and lifetimes. In the
present, Star Visitors typically demonstrate respect for Earthlings as fellow conscious entities. The Star Visitors
have done considerable spiritual teaching during in-person encounters, touching on such subjects as the nature
of life, metaphysical understanding of the nature of the cosmos, and a spiritually enlightened understanding of the
community of intelligent life forms.
4. Are Star Visitors spiritual gurus? The sight of some Star Visitors, especially the luminous and noncorporeal
ones, have prompted some humans who have come into their presence to consider these Star Visitors god-like,
and to ask if they should be venerated. Uniformly the Star Visitors have quickly communicated to the human that
they are not God, indeed that they, too recognize a supreme being. The Star Visitors express that they see their
role as, and indeed act as, catalysts and facilitators for growth in human consciousness and awareness. As Dr.
Carl Sagan was reported to have said in a private remark, the Star Visitors are here as "missionaries".
5. Star Visitors' role in human development. The Star Visitors have stated that they have been involved in
human evolution since the ancient past. This has included Visitor genetic engineering of presumably terrestrial
primate stock to advance the development of human intelligence and consciousness. The Star Visitors have also
intervened culturally, to "engineer" human consciousness by directed telepathic inspiration and by Visitor
encounters with selected humans. Such interventions may help solve the archeological mystery of the Missing
Link, and the cultural anthropology mystery of the sudden arising of Sumerian and proto-African high cultures
without precursor cultures.
6. Star Visitors, the Avatars, and religious inspiration. The Avatars (major world religious leaders) are
understood to include: Zoroaster (Zoroastrianism), Lao-Tse (Taoism/proto-Confucianism), Moses (Judaism),
Krishna (Hinduism), Quan Yin (compassionate Confuciansm), Buddha (Buddhism), White Buffalo Calf
Woman/Guadalupe (Native American spirituality), Quetzocoatl (Meso-American spirituality), Yeshua ben
Joseph/Jesus (reform-Judaism, Christianity), Mohammed (Islam), and Bah'u'llh (Bahai).

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Native American shaman-experiencers have declared that Jesus was a Star-Man, and that the Avatars are
Star People. The Star Visitors have indicated that the Avatars were sent to raise human spiritual consciousness,
and have alluded to Star Visitor involvement with them. Because of the imprecision of communication, it is not
clear whether the Avatars were: humans consistently guided by Star Visitor consciousnesses, humans with
ensoulment by a soul which was Star Visitor in a previous life, human-extraterrestrial hybrids, or Star Visitors
manifesting human appearance. None of the above scenarios negates the role of the divine in religious
inspiration, but rather allows for the divine to manifest through Star Visitor intermediaries. Just as the great
religious books and doctrines were not uttered by God directly, but proclaimed to humanity through human
intermediaries as well.
7. Death and judgment versus reincarnation. Those Star Visitors commenting on lifespan have unanimously
spoken of Visitors and humans as having had previous lifetimes, and, after death from their current life, going on
in many cases to successive lifetimes. Besides affirming reincarnation, the Star Visitors have spoken about
individuals voluntarily and consciously choosing to re-ensoul in another body and live another lifetime. The
subsequent lifetime is not necessarily on the same planet. Thus, Star Visitors have shown a human person , in
some instances, the human's previous life as a Star Visitor, or their subsequent life as in Star Visitor form. Also,
the Visitors have shown a former Star Visitor reincarnating in a human body to live a human lifetime. Indeed,
some such "humanized" Visitor consciousnesses have deliberately come to Earth as missionaries, to aid in
humanity's advancement. The degree of consciousness and spiritual progress that a given soul/ consciousness
makes in a given lifetime influences the possible choices available for that soul to have in a subsequent lifetime.
There is no support in Star Visitor theology for the doctrine of only a single lifetime, after which the soul is judged
and assigned a permanent fate.
8. "Sin" and the existence of evil. Star Visitor commentators have not dwelled on the idea of sin: they rather
tend to portray bad human actions as unwise, unenlightened choices. The focus is on the human's learning to
operate in a wiser fashion. The Star Visitors are not moral relativists, however. If choices are bad enough, they
may try to influence humans to step in, or rarely will step in themselves, to remedy the situation. The Star Visitors
have scolded many humans, including reportedly some governmental leaders, for bad choices which have
harmed the environment or caused great human harm. The Star Visitors appear to think of evil as
unenlightenment, capable of improvement through growth in consciousness and awareness. Sanctions are seen
more as blocks to harm and as moral lessons than as punishments.
9. The Godhead, Creation and evolution. The available data is ambiguous. Star Visitor telepathic messages
have given indications of both creation aspects and evolution aspects to the cosmos. Perhaps the conundrum is
clarified by knowing how the Star Visitors understand the divine. God is understood as the Supreme Source, out
of which everything is manifested. The Supreme Source is that matrix of Consciousness out of which all entities
have their being. This theology is somewhat akin to that which was expressed in the first chapter of the Gospel of
John. There John spoke about "the Word" [Greek: logos], (God/Jesus). The Word is equivalent to the principle
which makes things be as they are. Everything exists with its own character insofar as it participates to a greater
or lesser degree in some aspect of the supreme Word/Consciousness.
10. Jesus and Redemption. Jesus' role in humanity's spiritual life must be understood in the context of what
has already been expressed about Star Visitor influence on humankind and the Avatars. The Star Visitors
consider Jesus life of service to others and self-sacrifice as an excelling example of living in highly developed
consciousness, as were his spiritual teachings, moral guidance, and witnessing to high principles at the cost of his
life. From this perspective , "redemption" is not so much a washing away of humans' sins, as it is strikingly setting
a new and higher standard of moral (high consciousness) behavior, and showing humans the dark results of low-
consciousness choices. Jesus left humans free to chose, but emphatically pointed out the consequences of those
choices. That is largely what the Star Visitors do as well.

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The Star Visitor civilizations which have evolved to the level of interstellar travel and missionary work have not
commented on their own spiritual evolution. Whether some Visitor civilizations have had a spiritual master like
Jesus incarnate among them is not known from available data. We have much yet to learn from our off-world

11. God's family. One of the key questions of theology is relationship to God. Who is in God's family? How big
is that family? How varied? Our Star Visitors, by their very appearing among us, and by their communicating
sensitive spiritual thoughts, demonstrate to us how wide and how varied God's family is. It truly spans the
universe, and encompasses conscious, intelligent life in all its many forms. It may be reassuring to traditional
religionists to know that it is true throughout the galaxy and beyond, that "wherever two or three are gathered",
there the divine is in the midst of them. The Star Visitors acknowledge the spiritual preciousness of humans as
sparks of the divine. Nevertheless, different Star Visitor cultures vary in the way they express that
acknowledgment, in view of human transgressions against each other, other creatures and the Earth (Boylan,

As humans face the task of evaluating the visiting extraterrestrial spiritual cultures, let us reflect on the
lessons available from our own religious history.
For example, will Americans encountering visiting cosmic cultures be that much different than the behavior of
European colonists meeting foreigners (e.g., Carib Indians on Hispaniola Island)?
The Europeans decided that the Caribs' religion was heathen and to be despised, which "justified" forcibly
imposing Christianity on the Caribs.
Perhaps the appropriate behavior for humans at the upcoming meetings with Star Visitor representatives is
the one suggested by Vatican Observatory astronomer and Jesuit, Guy Consulmagno: "If we were to make
contact with other intelligent life, we'd have to tell our own sacred story, listen to them tell theirs, and learn."

Boylan, R., 1992. Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Responses. Author, Sacramento, CA
Boylan, R., 1994. Close Extraterrestrial Encounters: Positive Experiences with Mysterious Visitors. Wild
Flower Press, Newberg, OR
Boylan, R., 1996 Labored Journey To The Stars. Author, Sacramento, CA
Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, certified clinical hypnotherapist, university associate professor
(emeritus), retired ordained priest, and researcher into Star Visitor-human encounters. He is Executive Director of
the Star Kids Project(c).

- 17 -
Out Breath


By Steve Rother and the Group

October 15, 2003

From Steve; Last month the Group began speaking about the portals opening on our Earth and what that
means to us. They said to watch for electrical storms which, at the time of this writing, have already spread across
most of the areas of the globe. They spoke of the electrical adjustments needed to bring in the portal energy and
that this was the reason for the major blackouts we have experienced. They specifically said to watch for two
more major power blackouts, which have already occurred, as a huge power surge took out major parts of
Denmark & Sweden only a week after the channel was published; then, last week, there was another major power
outage in Italy.
I do believe these were the two major blackouts of which the Group spoke; still, they say we are in a time of
further adjustment to our electrical equipment as it adjusts to the changing magnetics of the portal energy now on
Earth. Now we can look forward to further adjustments to our computers and other more sensitive equipment. In
most cases this will not mean that these items will need to be replaced; they will just need adjustment. We are
going through a similar rewiring process in our own physical beings. Here, they say, these changes can be very
challenging; yet there is one thing we can do to best ease this transition: connect with original spiritual family.

From the Group: Greetings from Home.

Lightworkers of Earth, gather and unite as spiritual family, as the next stage of evolution is upon you. You
have earned the right to call yourselves workers of the Light, and we proudly dub you Lightworkers of Earth.

Discernment: the First Tool

You are seeing major changes in the energy field in which you play the Game at this time. We will now speak
more of what is ahead and why, for we are here to help each of you re-member your true empowerment. As
always, we remind you that your first expression of power is in your own choices. Choosing the thoughts and
concepts that you allow to reside in your own head and heart is the first and foremost choice that you will make.
In the near future, you will see major changes on the Earth as these portals now open. You will soon see
beings among you that you will admire greatly. Many will enter your reality quietly, offering help with your
evolutionary steps. These will be the quiet masters, who will be the greatest addition to your world.
Although most of these newcomers will stay in the shadows, it is the game of Free Choice, and that applies to
all who play. It will be most likely that some of those who will now enter through the opening portals will attempt to
take your power from you in very discreet ways. Some will come who claim to have all the answers. It will be very
easy for you to look at their advanced levels and freely give your power to them. Your natural love of drama can
easily draw you into wanting something to be true so much that you actually create it. It is here that you are most
likely to quietly give your power away.
This is the next major event of humanity that you have been in preparation for. It is the reason you have
stepped into the Age of E(Empowerment). We ask you to please get comfortable with feeling the energy within
and choosing only those thoughts and feelings that resonate within your heart. Even as you hear or read our
message, please take only those thoughts that add to your being and resonate within your own heart. Leave the
rest, without judgment, and you will quickly master the art of discernment.

- 18 -
Dynamics of a Vortex
You have become accustomed to the attributes of vortexes in your world. A vortex is simply energy moving in
a circular motion. Many of you have been called to specific places to be guardians of the vortex. We have even
given a special message to the guardians of the vortexes to let you know that these special contracts with the
mother herself may be the reason you have been irresistibly drawn to live in a certain area. Vortexes are
anchored to Earth only through the intervention of pure love. The guardians of each vortex have been entrusted
with the care and feeding of each individual vortex. Some of you have felt so in love with the areas in which you
reside as a direct result of these contracts. Once the vortex is sufficiently anchored and the collective vibration of
Earth reaches a level high enough to sustain the energy, the evolution begins. The natural evolutionary cycle of a
vortex is to become a door through time and space, called a portal. Your new relationship to time and space has
made it possible for you to observe and interact in this evolution. Portals have existed on Earth from the
beginning. In fact, it was the early portals that spawned life on your planet. Some of these portals have magically
drawn people to them as the high energy locations on Earth. Yet, now these portals are growing in size and
number, and even some of the portals that have been in place for some time are changing.

Dynamics of a Portal
Portals are essentially a hole through time and space. The easiest way to identify a portal is through its effect
on what would normally be a stationary object of time or space. Falling through a time hole will become common,
as people will now accidentally fall through portals. It is here that one may find themselves driving down a road
they have traveled many times, only to find themselves 40 km further down the road than they thought they were.
This phenomenon has already begun to be commonplace among those leading the way vibrationaly. It has
begun. Another way in which you will learn to discern portals is through your advanced sense of smell. Your nose
has been rapidly changing to accommodate higher evolution, and in most cases it will be able to discern portals
through an odor. Previously, these same phenomena were experienced when spirits who had transitioned Home
entered your world to visit the living. They would open their own portal, and you would often smell a familiar scent
when the spirit was near you. Pay attention to your nose; it will lead you well.

Portal Attributes
These portals actually connect all dimensions together. When the collective vibration of humanity is high
enough to support it, these portals will be used to travel into other dimensions of time and space. In the
meantime, they will be used by visitors, who will travel to watch the Grand Show as the first Planet of Free Choice
moves into ascension status. Planets have previously graduated into this higher realm, but never before has it
happened without major guidance from a hierarchy of overseers orchestrating the moves. The Grand Game of
Free Choice has no such infrastructure, as your overseers (we, the Group) from the angelic realm never violate
the prime directive of free choice. Now, the greatest potential of God becoming self-aware is underway on Earth,
to the total surprise of many of those in the hierarchy, as well as observers.

Portals Move
Your familiarity with vortexes would have you believe that they are stationary, yet we tell you that once a
vortex evolves into a portal, it is no longer bound to be stationary. Even many of the vortexes that have created
the high-energy spots on your planet are now beginning to turn into portals and move. Much the way that
magnetic poles of your planet can shift as much as 80 km per day and permanently drift an average of 40 km per
year, so can the energy form known as portals. This movement may create confusion for some of the migrating
animals as the portals interact with the magnetic field from which they gain their sense of direction. The confusion
of some of the whales in recent years is due largely to the increase of vortexes and portals on Earth.

- 19 -
At this time more portals will open on a steady basis and you will become accustomed to the new attributes of
living in the higher vibrations of the new Planet Earth. Much the way that the Crystal Energy can create an
environment for humans to live in higher energy and reach ascension status, the portals will work with the Earth to
help her reach the same higher status. You must move together or no one moves at all.

The Out Breath has Begun

Recently we spoke of the Breath of God, where we explained that the universe expands until it reaches a
point where it speeds up and enters another dimension. Here it continues the same motion, yet is now collapsing
upon itself. When it reaches the center, or zero point, it again continues the same motion and once again begins
expanding. This is called the Breath of God and is the natural motion of the universe. What we tell you now is that
the Out Breath has begun. As this Out Breath gains momentum, more and more portals will open. Believe us
when we say you are just at the very beginning of this energy shift and things will get very interesting soon.
As the portals continue to increase in number and size, eventually they will reach a critical mass and envelop
the earth. At that point, the earth itself will be a portal through all dimensional realities. That is the conclusion of
the energetic shift now underway. That is the point at which you will become the angels to those brave souls who
agree to put on the veil and play the game on the second Planet of Free Choice. Can you see why there is so
much excitement in the universe about what you are now doing? It has begun.

Activation Teams
The portal activations are now growing. This is a time for each of you to open portals when you hear the call.
This can easily be done through ceremony and intent. Earth does hear when you talk to her, and she is waiting for
your actions now. Many of you will find clear direction to open portals with ceremony and even form sacred teams
that will travel to accomplish this exact task. Please follow your heart here, dear ones, for many of you came in
with the highest hope of doing this work. Know that you are honored beyond your understanding.

The dear people who have been holding the energy of the portals will now find that many of their roles are
changing. Some that were drawn to areas to live may now find themselves returning to where they began as their
relationship to the land and the vortexes they guarded changes. These are also the people who will most feel the
energy shift within their own physical being.
On the other hand, many people may suddenly find themselves being drawn to new areas, as there is work to
do within each opening portal. Some portals will attract many, yet others will only need a few. Some entire cities
will drastically change energy due to those suddenly feeling drawn to move there. This is a way in which the earth
herself can draw together original spiritual family. Many people from an area may also be drawn to new areas
very suddenly. It may seem like an exodus from one location to another. It has begun.

Finding Original Spiritual Family

Above all, there is one simple action that can help each of you find your balance more than any other:
reuniting with your original spiritual family. When you first came in, to play the game in your first incarnation, you
came with family and those you trusted implicitly. Time and again you incarnated with these souls, and they
became your family and soul group. Over periods of time and many incarnations, you completed karma with your
soul group and drifted into other groups, forming new soul groups. Now that Earth is reaching ascension status, it
is most helpful to reunite with your original spiritual family. You will find them whenever you place yourself around
others of like mind. These are the special people that you recognize the moment you connect with them. Find
them, connect with them, and let them into your heart, and your adjustments will be much easier.

- 20 -
Help them, and allow them to help you.

Electrical Rewiring
As these portals begin to open, many things will acclimate. You have seen major adjustments to your
electrical power equipment, and now you will see further adjustments to many levels of electrical equipment,
including further power outages. Much the way that crystal children must adjust to electricity, we must also adjust
to the new Crystal Energy. The portals create an opportunity for the Crystal Energy to enter our world completely.
The Crystal Energy now shifts the base magnetic structure in which you live. This has been seen as the magnetic
grid blending with the crystalline grids of Earth. These are unique times indeed, dear ones. You have set into
motion events that have never before played out in All That Is. We ask you to reach out to each other, find your
original spiritual family, and gain your own balance first. Then, when you are feeling centered, reach out to touch
others who will be searching for answers as they experience this change. You are the workers of the Light, and
we are proud to call you the Lightworkers of Earth. It is with the greatest honor that we ask you to treat each other
with respect, nurture one another, and play well together.

the Group
Steve: Barbara and I recently returned from the ESPAVO Conference in Mt. Shasta, California. At this week-
long event, we presented three live channels. The first was at a magical place called Glass Mountain. This
mountain of natural obsidian (volcanic glass) is a true fifth-dimensional space. We had to be very careful where
we sat and what we touched, as the obsidian was sharp as razors. Additionally, we also had to be very careful
what we held in our minds during that time, for those thoughts surely would create in an instant in that fifth-
dimensional space. Here the Group actually took us on a visual journey into a portal inside the mountain itself, to
let us know what it looked like from there. They made several key points about portals to help us understand the
phenomenon now happening on Earth in many places at once. This was the first time the Group told us that
portals move and change places. We experienced a beautiful day as all of us bonded very close, almost as if we
all had just emerged from inside that mountain.
The third channel was presented on the last day of the conference and will be a cornerstone channel for
future information from the Group. They told us what to look for as these changes now unfold in this magical time.
This channel is titled The Age of E. In this message, they told us to watch for several key indicators including
changes in economics, alien contact, and other events that will now begin as these portals open and we make
use of them. The Age of E (Empowerment) is now upon us. Now it is up to us. Both of these channels were
recorded and are now available on video tape and audio tape in the Lightworker Store.
The second channel was given on Mt Shasta, where we found a special valley to gather. Everyone took a
seat on a rock as the Group led us through an opportunity for each person to share their wisdom. Even though we
took all of the recording equipment, the Group said it would not record. They were right; the camera shut down
shortly after the channel began. At the end of the channel, they told us to be sure to leave the valley by going
around one side of the main rock. They told us we had been inside a portal the entire time we were experiencing
the channel and that the portal had moved even during the channel. I have to say that it really didnt feel like being
in a time portal. It felt normal to me. But out of the 50 people who were there, about four did not listen and
wandered out of the valley without going around the big rock as instructed by the Group. A few minutes later, we
found ourselves back in the parking lot, and I became aware that while we had been down there, about 20 to 30
people had entered that same parking lot. We had been totally undisturbed while we were there and didnt see a
single hiker on the many trails in that valley. Yet the moment we started out of that valley, several people came
over the hill into the valley as if on cue.

- 21 -
We also found that the four people who came out on the wrong side of the rock actually got lost in a relatively
small parking lot and could not find their cars. Once another person touched them, they got their bearings and
found their way. Since they had not exited the portal correctly, they had become confused as to what dimension
they were in.
The next day we found that very few of our people were aware of all the new people who had shown up while
we were in the valley. Also, on the last day, two guests came to the channel who had not been with us prior. They
told us that they had been on the mountain that morning and had watched us from a higher elevation where they
had a great view of the entire valley. They said that while sitting in their folding chairs with binoculars, they had
seen us enter the valley and promptly disappear from view.
More to come.
Big hugs and gentle nudges
Steve Rother

This information may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for the
information and this notice is attached.
Thanks for helping to spread the Light!

The New Earth


By Channie West and Wistancia Stone

January 2004

Note from Kiara Windrider: The following two articles were sent to me by my dear friend, Wistancia Stone, and
reflect a higher dimensional perspective on world events. I have been writing much lately about 3-D perspectives
on current realities and earth changes, and the following articles are offered as a counterpoint. It is my feeling that
both perspectives have a reality within their own domain, and we will each discover our own way of finding
balance with it. The merging of the two Earths mentioned here is very close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's
experience of the Supramental realms descending and merging with the Earth realms, which I wrote about in a
previous article. Please read this with discernment and with hope.

Channie Cha Centara Speaking about The New Earth

What is the New Earth? Well the New Earth is something totally beautiful and wonderful. And nothing to be
afraid of or nothing to feel strange about in any way. Because it is one step for our great, wonderful Mother Earth
to take. A beautiful step into something new and exciting for all of us. And all of the creatures who are living on the
Earth are going to be with us. They are going to come with us up to the New earth, to the new level. It is
transformation and many of you have already heard about Earth being transformed into something beautiful and

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But many of you haven't quite realized what it is. And by this I just want to explain for you how I see it with the
contacts I have and with those who I speak with in the Universe. The Extraterrestrials, the Light Beings and the
Angels, and Mother Earth herself have spoken of this to me and to many many more. And I just want to share with
So, the New Earth! Well the New Earth is something in a different dimension. Mother Earth has created with
God and with the Divine Forces, a new planet, a new frequency, a beautiful place that is bigger than the Earth that
we have. A wonderful place where She has to, after a while, sort of go over to that part Herself, with her Spirit and
with her Soul. And it is going to be like the two planets - the one in one dimension (that we call the New Earth)
and this old one - are going to go through each other, first meeting, touching aura to aura and then - go then go
through each other very slowly, and coming out the other side. And then Mother Earth taking her rightful place in
the higher frequency and vibration of The New Earth.
And Her Soul and Spirit will stay in the New Earth with us being living on the outside of the New Earth. And all
of the plants and animals and beautiful things - we take with us. It is going to be a big change and many things
are going to happen. And many things we can't take with us. But there are so many things that we can. And we
are meeting in a new Era of Mankind, of everything, in a total blissful, wonderful future that is just exactly what
She wants for us to have.
And also the Divine Forces and everything else wants us to be a part of this. So, where are we now? What
has happened?
Well, now in this moment of the time we have the two auras have met! The New Earth has touched the Old
Earth with its aura reaching out, touching and just trying to, sort of, feel their way through all the layers that are,
and sort of, they are meeting, just as an embracing of each other. A touching. A frequency through Time and
Space, and dimensions they meet.
In these wonderful moments there are a lot of signs and things that are happening that could be a little
strange for us. That we could see and maybe be a little worried about what it could be. If you look up into the sky
and you see signs in the clouds - if you see the clouds being different then they usually were before - or if you see
the Sun being whiter and brighter than you have ever seen it before - or if you see spirals and sparks within the
sky at noon or in the mid day, -- this comes from the auras meeting. This comes from the beautiful touch between
dimensions. It will be a long time before actually the planets sort of touch each other and go through each other.
But before that, there are many, many steps of things that they have to sort of do, with this touching of auras. And
I just want you to start looking around. Start seeing things. If you already haven't seen it, of course, start to look
around and see if you can see the small, beautiful changes that come with this. You can see it in Nature around
leaves, trees, and plants. Start to see maybe like a little gold shimmer. Not a normal aura but more like something
new, something different sparking. Like sparks of light that are different.
And if you see to yourself you will see that you yourself actually have also changed! There is something called
chakras within us and those are now more than they were before. We have taken in more chakras. Those that
were above our crown chakra have gone down within our body. Those that were below our base chakra have
reached up and touched us in the legs, by the knee, ankles, and under the feet.
So many exciting, beautiful things are happening. And in the middle of everything, we stand and we feel and
we see. We are part of it, of everything happening. This is a very exciting time to live in. And you are in the middle
of it. And you can experience it.
I ask you, if you have time, go out in Nature. Go out and see the sky. See if you can see the wonderful, small
spirals of light that are out there because of the touching of auras. See if you can feel and see Nature sort of
reaching out for the new to come. It is almost like everything is reaching up, trying to reach to the New Earth!
Stretching out its arms to touch. It is a beautiful thing taking place and you are a part of it! And by just being out
there in Nature, you can really feel this!

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I give you a warm hug and a warm thought. And a lot of love. And I say, "I hope you will see and understand.
And I hope that you could feel that you are a part of this. And if you don't, try anyhow to open your mind for it. Just
a little bit. It takes so little...
And bye from me, from Channie... .

The Aura of Earth and the Aura of the New Earth Have Touched
By Wistancia

First Kiss
Something wonderful occurred on September 21, 2003. Something we have been waiting for. Longing for.
Dreaming about. The aura of the New Earth and the aura of the Old/current Earth "touched". Of course what we
all the transformation of our planet had already begun already for years. But this touching is extremely significant
and now things are going to go much faster and in a different way. In one way it feels like the intimate
connection took place. The First kiss, so to speak. Now the auras are getting to know one another. To pass
through one another. To do what auras do in the Dance of Transformation.

The music became a little more intense

To me it feels as if there has been a Procession towards Earth going up in frequency for a while and certainly
it has been a gradual, step b step, increase in frequency and velocity of frequency inside people and the life of the
planet and Mother Earth herself. What is different is that the "procession" has been stepped up. As if a parade
walking down the street suddenly has just added a little dance to the steps. Like the music playing became a little
more intense, a little more uplifted, higher in pitch and faster, so that everything feels a little more exciting. More
accelerated. Like the drums have come in with a different beat and everyone is walking in a different way now.

It is going to be very interesting as the auras touch more and more

In one way it feels stronger than it even looks. To me it feels like maybe someone slipped in and placed a
moving sidewalk under the feet of the people walking in the parade. And now they are more or less gliding into
new places. In one way maybe this whole shift that has occurred will sort of throw people a little off balance for a
while. It will affect people in different ways. I have experienced being on moving sidewalks when one part ended
and you were sort of thrown forward a little. It is going to be very interesting as the auras touch more and more.
Like a co-mingling of energies as the planets themselves come closer and closer to "their" ultimate touching.

There is a new frequency in the air

On September 21, 2003 in my personal experience, I experienced three waves of the "Touching" of the two
auras. Since that time I have experienced that our planet feels different, more accelerated. I feel different; more
accelerated. I have been drawn to stand or sit in Nature and notice how everything feels. There is a new
frequency in the air. The clouds have new shapes and are giving us signs if we take the time to look. I have seen
small spirals and others have seen larger spirals of energy. I have noticed some streaky white horizontal lines out
in nature. More bursts of energy, more sparkles, like quick stars peeking out from among trees, sparking from the
ground and shining out in the air. More than usual. The auras around trees and plants are more vivid. It is subtle,
but beautiful. Almost dreamlike. Things look "almost normal" but not to me. It feels like the child is now running up
the stairs. Something beautiful and wonderful and significant has happened. A step was taken and it feels like the
child is now running up the stairs. A door was opened, so to speak, and now more sunlight is beginning to pour
into the room of this earth. Like maybe it won't be long before the whole room is filled with the blessing of
Sunlight. This is my experience of what has happened with the auras touching.

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Apparently the auras are quite large for planets. The New Earth is larger than our planet and so is her aura.
And as the auras pass one into the other and the New Earth passes into and through the Old Earth, many things
will be happening. Probably this passage of planets and how a planet rises in frequency at these levels is written
in our deep memories, even if we cannot access them at this time. Some people remember these shifts for they
have lived through them and the "recordings" are still accessible. Channie Centara remembers these passages
and how planets rise in frequency. They are in her memories. Of course every planet is unique and has her own
story to share. I have experienced some of the "signs" that she has mentioned already. And I feel that if we keep
our eyes open and our hearts open we will see many changes in the days and weeks to come that we can record
and monitor and remember about how a planet goes up in frequency.
We are living on a planet who is alive and in the living process of lifting her Soul and her Spirit to a Higher
Frequency. Mother Earth's will has been to move both her Soul and her Spirit to a higher quality, frequency,
dimension, or level; whatever you want to call it. To leave the density of her current Earth body and take her next
place of honor in a higher frequency of being. I am very ecstatic about this shift that we are now experiencing and
what it means. Ultimately it means that our planet as she rises in frequency will become a World #2 planet rather
than a World # 1 planet. She will be more like the higher extraterrestrial worlds that are still physical but with so
much more Light. Ultimately what that means is a Planet in Harmony with herself and her Universe.

Hope is very very important at this time

I know it can be a strange time for people right now. That is because so much is shifting and changing. Hope
is very very important at this time and that might sound ridiculous because someone can say, "Well, what if there
is no experience? Can't hope be false then?" But hope can never be false. Hope is always a flower that wants to
bloom. And has something to bloom about. People's cells are adjusting/changing. Everything about life is
changing dramatically on this planet. Humans have been so pressed down, so out of synch with life and so much
in forgetfulness that they expect to age, for things to fall apart and for things not to work out. That is old thinking.
Sometimes their Earth memories and expectations color things and negate the wonder that is really taking place
right in front of them. Sometimes the mind says that you are not having an experience when actually you are. The
mind can say "This can't be true" when actually it can and is!

Everything needs to come into balance now

This is a time when everyone needs hope and to keep their eye on it, so to speak. Also to have patience with
the thing called "time" because humans on this planet really do not understand what time really is. We also need
to have a little patience with the line of karma as it straightens itself out. Everything needs to come into balance
now. Finish off. Be brought to light. Whatever we carry that is old thinking or old ways is sort of coming apart at
the seams and this is as it needs to be. We need each other now and to be honest with one another and real with
ourselves and just go through it as smoothly as possible.

Our hearts are singing about what is occurring to our world

I feel that in one way it is not so much about what each of us gets to do to shine, it is more about shining up
the soul and spirit and the planet and our preparation to go forward and really be who we are and do what we
came to do when things set in a little more right around everything. It doesn't really matter so much if we channel
an angel or write a book or paint a picture in one way. Of course it is wonderful and it is enjoyable to be connected
to everyone and a part of everything. It is a wonderful thing to put a voice to someone's thoughts from out there.
Or put a message into song. Or portray the beautiful in a living painting. But the thing is we already ARE beings
who have life out there. We are beautiful! And our hearts are singing about what is occurring to our world. So
maybe we need to start listening more to our hearts!

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We already are someone whose life is smooth somewhere. Maybe it is just the you here that just needs to
sort of glide into that memory and knowledge and that is precisely what is occurring on our world.
I believe that what really needs to change is changing in the bigger picture, and that those changes will take
care of all the other changes in the smaller pictures.
In a short amount of time everyone here is going to be able to do the things that people are wishing and
hoping to do. It will not be out of reach probably for anyone. Telepathy will begin, enlightenment, higher
understanding - all of this. For our world is going up. The highest thing we can do is help our world to do it and
help ourselves and everyone else to understand what that means. So I feel the priorities have sort of shifted a
little because our planet is engaged in something extremely unique and important. It sometimes supersedes other
things. Like one person maybe having a wish to have a certain profession or do a certain thing. Everyone is
engaged in something huge now and sometimes it may sometimes feel that we are forgotten. That our personal
wishes are not coming true. People are asking about money and being assisted to do this. They are asking why
they cannot manifest this or that. And talking about some things in their lives that seem to "never" change. But
those things will change also. I believe that what really needs to change is changing in the bigger picture, and that
those changes will take care of all the other changes in the smaller pictures. And all the pictures are unique and
important, but maybe are taken care of at different intervals. Things come. Everything is connected. And it is all
going up. And everyone is included. So everyone's life is going to be more beautiful. Certain things will not be
allowed to enter those gates of the New Earth. So many things need to be worked out now. Ironed out
beforehand. For they will not pass through the eyes of those needles.
A reality that touched me in a new way, ever since the two auras touched.
This is not a fairy tale. Not wishful dreaming. Not something "channeled" that may be fully true, partly true, or
questionable. It is a reality that touched me in a new way, ever since the two auras touched.

Our planet is about to take an important place in the Universe

Our planet is about to take an important place in the Universe. And take her place in a different way. We are
going to be doing the same thing. We are being called upon to wake up, find out who we are and what we are and
why we are here and then take our place in the Universe also. Out in the Universe, accelerated and advanced
civilizations give back to the Universe what they have been given. We are also in the process of becoming ones
who will be able to give back to the Universe what we have been given. This will happen when we know who we
are and when we take our place in the Universe and understand more of how things work in our Universe.
Humanity on the New Earth will realize that all is connected.
Our minds will be so opened up like a window that birds of every color will come in with every song that can
be sung. And all sounds will be part of a symphony, and colors part of a rainbow. Then we will come closer to
understanding how far humanity was from that and how much closer humanity on Earth is moving towards that.
Humanity on the New Earth will realize that all is connected. They will understand taking steps. That there is a
reason for one layer to clear before the next does, and one thing to be revealed before the next. There is a reason
for a teacher to give out certain information prior to the next level of information. There is a purpose in building a
ladder by putting a step, and then another and another. So let us say that the eternal being that we are living in
our Earth bodies have climbed up many steps on this ladder, and there are a few steps to go before full revival of
memory, before the full story is revealed.
When the two auras touched, that embrace speeded things up, however! Now it is like a child taking two steps
at a time. See if you feel this in your heart. Ask yourself in a quiet moment if it feels like you can't catch your
breath. That things are really moving so fast. That you are taking the steps two at a time. Even if you do not know
when the top step comes and what it will lead to. Maybe it feels strange. Chaotic. Dreamlike. Intense. Like you
can't finish anything. Like you can almost remember something, then it slips away.

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Maybe you are so tired. Maybe you are deliriously happy and for no "apparent" reason. Maybe the Sun is
lighter and brighter. And the trees are twinkling. Maybe your dreams are stronger. Maybe certain things do not
mean as much to you anymore. And you find you simply cannot follow old patterns. Like your habits are feeling
strange. Like your body is changing in front of your eyes. Like what worked before doesn't work anymore. You are
looking for something deeper, something more real, in everything you hear, read, and speak. You are feeling the
disharmony that is still here and longing for harmony. Knowing it exists. You just cannot get behind certain things
any longer for they do not feel real to you and you know that they will change. Maybe you just know that things
are going to be all right and don't have an explanation. Or maybe you feel you are right on the edge of discovering
who you are. Or maybe you just can't do the old things, think the old thoughts and be around the same things
anymore in your life.
Try not to judge any of it or anyone going through it.
How is your life feeling?? If it is strange, hectic, or confusing, that is not so unusual considering what is
occurring on our planet and within the people. Please remember this. These are not ordinary times at ALL! The
auras have touched and they are now passing through each other, so to speak. We do not remember what they
will feel like. Maybe someone is feeling frightened, confronted, upset: please understand. A lot is going on in their
body, chakras, cells. Maybe we need to also be very kind to ourselves. Maybe we will feel some sadness;
farewells can be sad even when people want to move on. So let it be. Try not to judge any of it or anyone going
through it. Be more still. Our Earth has endured a lot. Each person has endured a lot. I am so extremely joyful that
Earth is becoming a World in harmony with itself. All I can say is that I have been asking When, when for years
now. But when the auras touched, something happened. I no longer care to hear the answer to When, if there is
an answer. If there is a magic due date like the birth of a baby, I don't care to know it really. It comes. The good
news is that it is soon to be.
With that magic kiss was the start of a whole new relationship with The New Earth....

Our Origin and Evolution

By David Wilcock
Many sources, including Ra, Edgar Cayce, and others, say that the Oneness essentially got bored or lonely. It
needed to do something. It needed to create. It wasn't feeling complete just by having this unified consciousness
all the time. So it conceptualized the idea of breaking Itself up into all these parts, knowing that the parts would be
able to evolve by their own free will, making their own decisions. Things would happen that the Oneness was not
yet able to understand or comprehend. The parts would have essentially their own creative ability. They would be
Co-Creators. The Great Plan was that at the end, after this entire cycle of universal evolution was complete, all of
the parts that had evolved on their own would independently recognize their God Consciousness, renounce
separation, embrace unity, and return to the totality of Oneness. The One Creator from that very fact would be
highly enhanced, because all of this wonderful creative stuff had transpired in that transition from ''One'' to ''many''
and back to ''One.'' So God is evolving, and not some static Being that just sits there and waits for everybody to
catch up. God is experiencing our evolution with us.

Galaxies were the first Beings

My understanding is that God's first manifestations of separate beings are what we call galaxies. Each galaxy
is sort of like a person. The universe is composed of many billions of galaxies, so it would be the equivalent of
many Earths' worth of human beings, which is not inconceivable to conceptualize. Each one of those galaxies is
capable of sprouting an entire system of stars from itself. Each one of those stars is the equivalent of a being, and
then each one of those stars is capable of giving birth to planets, and each one of those planets is a being.

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And each one of those planets, potentially, can be populated with intelligent life.
So this is where you really get into the idea that the universe is an Ultimate Being and there are various
gradations of beings that step down from that Oneness. The primary being that we here on Earth identify with
would be the Galaxy. Ra refers to the Galaxy as the Logos. Our Galaxy has a personality, a particular way of
seeing how it's going to create conscious beings that will evolve and return to God Consciousness.
Our Galaxy's own template for evolution is to produce human beings, and all of the stars are precisely tuned
with the proper energy waves to insure that this will happen quite on its own, by the natural physics of the
Let me see if I can explain this in scientific terms.

The Galaxy and Harmonic Resonance

We know that the Sun is actively pumping out spiraling energy waves that drive the planets and moons in their
respective orbits. Both Bode's Law and the new Stoneking Resonance theories show that the planets are spaced
out in the natural Diatonic musical proportions relative to each other. The very first extra-solar planetary system
that we discovered, which was around pulsar B1257+12, also shows these same proportions. The proportional
phenomenon supports the idea that every star is pumping out energy waves that create similar planetary
systems, as this kind of resonance obviously could not be caused by random groupings of gas and dust.
Then, just like the principles of a hologram or a fractal, within the larger waves from the Sun are subtler,
smaller waves. And these are also based on the same musical principles. They all branch out, forming waves
upon waves and getting smaller and smaller.

The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form DNA

In the optimal planetary system, where there are no major cataclysms or interruptions, there is a specific
distance from the Sun where the tiniest spiraling waves will gather a planet's natural materials together to form
the DNA molecules of life. The DNA is the wave, and the wave is the DNA. That DNA is formed in the process of
planetary evolution may sound ridiculous, but it can effectively be proven by something known as the DNA
Phantom effect. Dr. Vladimir Poponin put DNA in a tube and shone a laser through it, and to his surprise he
realized that it actually captured the light and caused it to spiral through the helix, as if it were a crystal. Even
more amazingly, when Dr. Poponin removed the DNA, the light continued spiraling on its own!
For light to form a DNA helix on its own should of course be impossible unless the light itself had become
harmonically tuned to some naturally existing frequency in the energy of space around it. To me, this says that the
spiraling light energy of DNA was there first, and the physical molecules simply formed around the spiraling
energy once the planet was at the proper frequency position. The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form human DNA in
planetary systems wherever it gets the chance.

Darwin's theories are being disproven

The theory of the Evolution of Species is being disproven because the DNA molecule is just too complicated
to have arisen by ''natural mutations.'' Dr. Crick, one of the original discoverers of the DNA molecule, later proved
mathematically that it is absolutely impossible for evolution to have ever even begun to produce DNA in the short
amount of history that we have as a planet.

We are ''moving on up'' energetically

So now, we are moving into a new position. Microbiology experts tell us that 97 percent of our DNA is
apparently un-used, but I have been told that more and more of the chain is ''unzipping'' for those who are able to
handle the new fourth-density energy structure.

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These people may not physically look any different, except perhaps more attractive in subtle ways, but
internally they will develop greater depths of emotion, perception, intuition, and sensitivity.
Some of the younger people will actually develop telekinesis or the ability to ''see dead people.'' Many others
often find that their bodies will no longer tolerate foods of lower vibration, and they are impelled to eat diets high in
fresh organic fruits and vegetables. So as you drift farther away from your parent star, your planet enters into
different vibrational energies and will support life in higher densities.
As Ra explains, there is an Octave of eight major densities. This is the same as if you played the white keys
on the piano, the Diatonic scale. The Octave can also be broken down into a system of 13, which can be seen by
playing the Chromatic scale of white and black keys together. There are many densities within densities. Each of
these vibratory frequencies corresponds to a specific plane of existence and/or a specific level of consciousness.
Another teaching of Ra is that all people have higher selves, a sixth-density future incarnative self that is
guiding their life and guiding their physical incarnation from the future. The Higher Self basically says, ''Look, I
know that you're going to evolve to become me. I'm looking back into my past at myself, but I also know that you
have free will. I don't necessarily know all the choices that you will make on a day-by-day basis to eventually get
to be me, where I am now. So I'm going to help you get to this point. I'm going to show you how to get to where I
am, knowing that it's myself that's evolving.''
That is what dreams are.

The nature and purpose of dreams

Dreams are a very high level, distilled message from the Higher Self that comes through to the individual in
the language of metaphor. It doesn't matter whether you understand your dreams with your conscious mind or
not. It doesn't matter whether you remember them or not. Your dreams communicate with your fourth-dimensional
or fourth-density astral self, which I believe is the same self that Edgar Cayce was using to do his medical
readings. It's your astral self that goes through the dream experience. So it's as if you have multiple levels of your
being that are doing different things, things that you're not aware of. They're doing all sorts of work, and they're
buzzing around, and yet it's all part of you, at the same time.
And this is a very mind-expanding concept because you realize how much more you are than your physical
body. You realize how much more you're loved and how much more of yourself there is.

The Science of Ascension

The keystone to all of this that we're talking about to everything I mentioned so far is the idea that evolution
must come on a mass scale. Ascension is not simply restricted to an idea like the Christians' saying there is going
to be this ''rapture,'' where Jesus comes back and ushers in a thousand years of peace. It's a cosmic event, and
has been prophesied in almost every major religious and spiritual tradition that has existed on the face of the
In my new career as research director for the ''Time of Global Shift'' tour, I provide references to back up these
assertions. Let's talk about some of these now.
We'll start with Dr. Alexey Dmitriev from the Russian National Academy of Sciences. Dmitriev did work with
tornadoes showing that in the presence of a tornado there are very high electromagnetic fields, visible light, and
ball lightning. And there are all sorts of cases where the tornado causes the physical objects to fuse into each
other where matter actually becomes able to permeate other matter. Dmitriev cites cases where two burnt and
charred wooden boards were fused together by a tornado, even though they would crumble at the slightest touch.
There were pebbles that had gone through glass without breaking the glass; pieces of straw that went through a
window and got stuck in the window without breaking it.

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All this weird stuff is happening that shows that matter is able to disappear or become permeable to other
matter in the presence of a strong enough field.
Then we look at the Bermuda Triangle. In a triangular area off the coast of Florida between Puerto Rico,
Miami, and Bermuda, there have been planes lost as well as ships. It hasn't really been active since the 1970s,
but certainly it was before then. And we're not just talking about marine vessels that disappear, and you can say,
''Okay, well, it sank.'' We're talking about airplanes that are on radar and have radio contact, and suddenly they're
just gone.
In certain cases there have been people who disappear and then reappear. There was a case in the late 1969
where a National Airlines 727 passenger aircraft flying into Miami had lost all radar and radio contact for 10
minutes. Of course, the air traffic controller was highly freaked out by this. Ten minutes went by and
communication came back on. The air traffic controller asked them where they had been, and they didn't know
what he was talking about. They had no perception of anything's having happened. And when they landed, it was
discovered that every single timepiece in the entire aircraft everybody's watch, every chronometer, you name it
had lost 10 minutes! It was as if they basically just winked out of our existence for 10 minutes and then came
The more we investigate these vortex phenomena, the more we see that some strange things are happening.
Another vortex phenomenon case involved a group of young hippies who were camped out inside
Stonehenge when the stones were struck by lightning. Witnesses saw them all disappear, leaving only the
charred pegs of their tents. I believe that the higher energy vibration of the lightning activated the vortex that
Stonehenge had been built to harness, which in turn caused this to happen, and I think that the creators of
Stonehenge probably used these effects for travel through space and time.
So apparently Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle are places where, at certain times, the amount of
gravitational and vibrational energy coming out of the Earth exceeds that going into the Earth. You could think of
these areas as being akin to holes that have been popped in a plastic bag filled with water for a certain amount of
time, the water would flow out very quickly. And you can see that in those two locations, there is a history of
incidents suggesting that matter has been transmuted in the presence of such an energy vortex.
What we are leading to is that the entire energy of the Solar System is increasing, and that at some point, it
will reach a level where it will transmute all life on the planet. That is when Ascension will be manifest.

Our Sun is not a nuclear furnace

Research is now suggesting that the Sun is like a hole that has popped in the energy field of the Galaxy,
allowing energy to flow out in a given area; that's why we see it as bright white light.
They've already proven that there's no nuclear furnace going on in there. The amount of neutrinos that the
Sun gives off is far too low for it to be the by-product of a nuclear reaction. There are missing neutrinos. They've
known about this for 30 years, and the problem is not being solved those missing neutrinos simply don't exist!
So the Sun is not a nuclear furnace. The Sun basically represents cosmic energy, the true energy of Creation.
What this means is that the Sun is like a pinhole in space where the energy is flowing out just like the pinhole
in the bag of water we spoke about earlier, or what you would see in the Bermuda Triangle.
And in higher levels of vibration, you see a lot more than just the pinhole of the Sun; you see all the vibrations
that surround it. These appear as concentric spheres of energy, like ripples on a pond, which are connected by a
spiraling coil of energy that expands on out to drive the orbits and rotations of the planets and moons. Everything
meshes precisely together like one giant set of gears. This coil from the Sun has been studied and measured.
NASA refers to it as the ''Parker Spiral.''
Right now, we can only detect these fields with instruments as a form of magnetic energy.

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The Sun's coil, sacred geometry, and crop circles
There are many, many crop-circle formations that show these energy systems of sacred geometry and
concentric, expanding spheres connected by spirals. So ''they'' are definitely trying to give us a message. The
recent 900-foot long Milk Hill crop formation mirrors the Sun's expanding spiral energy patterns. It contains 409
different circles and was actually displayed on CNN Headline News, as its sheer size and grandeur attracted
attention. And what I am saying is that when the energy in the Bermuda Triangle rises, for example, matter
changes. When the energy that the Sun is producing rises, the spiraling coil wave from the Sun actually expands,
pushing the planets into spheres of energy that maintain a higher frequency of vibration. My research suggests
that the actual physical sizes of the planets expand spontaneously when this happens not hugely, but enough.
You can see this in hindsight by going to the idea that if you shrink the radius of the Earth to 55 or 60 percent
of its current size, all the continents fit together like a jig-saw puzzle; there's no left-over space. That's called
Global Expansion Tectonics.

Planetary expansion and the Ascension process

So as the planet gets farther away from the Sun, it expands on this spiral of energy that the Sun is pumping
out at a very slow speed, and it gradually inches farther and farther away. That's why the Ancients said that
Earth's year used to be exactly 360 days long, and that they only begrudgingly added the last five and a quarter
days after the fall of Atlantis. Five days is just a tiny bump compared to what can happen.
So the farther away you get from the Sun, the more you break into higher levels of vibration represented by a
bigger sphere. As the Earth punches into a higher level of energy based on its position to the Sun, it expands in
size, because as it moves into that higher energy, the energy within the core actually expands.
What also happens is that this energy ''zaps'' all the creatures that are on the Earth, because the increase in
the wavelength of the planetary spiral is accompanied by a spontaneous burst of energy from the Sun a burst
that has qualities of both radiation and intelligence. The ancient Hindus referred to this burst as the ''Somvarta fire
at the end of an Age.''
So what has happened in the past, at about 50-million-year intervals, is that all the life that had been on the
Earth spontaneously dies. And then, all of a sudden, this higher order of creature shows up. The geologists call
this ''punctuated equilibrium.''
A very recent study published by Dr. Bruce Runnegar and other UCLA astrobiologists supports the theory I am
discussing. It's been all over the mainstream news since the end of June. The researchers looked at the planetary
orbits and ran them back through time with computer simulations that were very precise. To their surprise, they
discovered that 65 million years ago, at the time of the most recent mass extinction (of the dinosaurs), there was
what they referred to as a ''chaotic change in the resonant frequencies of the Solar System.'' This chaotic change
suddenly jostled all the orbits of the inner planets.
While we're here, we should add that all geologists know that the continents broke apart at this time, having
once been a single landmass. We also know that the worldwide sea levels suddenly decreased at that time. This
was obviously the Earth's sudden increase in size. The hardened crust of the land broke apart, and all the seas
drained off into the new cracks, lowering their worldwide levels.
And remember that the geologist's have discovered that every time you have a mass extinction, you also have
a mass speciation that is, new species arise. That's another aspect of what happens when this energy ''zaps'' us,
causing the planets and their orbits to expand.
For example, there is no ''missing link'' between Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon (modern man) because
what happened was that Neanderthal got ''zapped'' and spontaneously evolved. They grew much larger brains
and lost the clumsiness of their bodies.

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The Solar System also is evolving
This is where it gets kind of strange. This anomalous change, this spontaneous evolution in the presence of
new energy, is also happening to the whole Solar System. In other words, it's not just that the Earth is drifting
away from the Sun to go into a new position. At the same time the Sun, also, is ready to break out into a new level
of energy in the Galaxy. This doesn't always happen. According to Ra, right now we are actually arriving at the
end of a 75,000-year galactic cycle at the same time that we are arriving at the end of a more common 25,000-
year planetary cycle.
As a galaxy evolves, expanding spheres of energy continue to engulf the stars in that galaxy with higher and
higher levels of vibration. This is now causing the intergalactic space around our Solar System to become more
and more highly charged. This charge is in turn absorbed by the Sun and radiated throughout the Solar System.
So the current ''shift'' is really a unique event for all forms of vibrational life in our area of the Galaxy, not just for
those on Earth.

How can we tell that Ascension is imminent?

Here are some measurable changes in our Solar System which suggest that this evolutionary leap is going to
happen soon:
Unprecedented solar activity
We're having solar activity never before witnessed at least not in recorded history. We're having sunspot
activity on a scale never before seen. We're having radiation emissions, proton emissions and other anomalous
energy bursts. All of these things are stepping up in frequency in a way that's never before been seen. In fact, the
solar emissions are getting so intense that they are frying many of our satellites. In certain cases we are unable to
measure these solar emissions because we never expected that they would get this high, and all our scientific
models have to be revised.

The quality of the space between planets is changing

Another thing that I think is really interesting is that the actual quality of the space between the planets is
changing. The space between the planets is actually conducting energy better.
The meaning of this is actually quite simple: The Sun releases charged, radioactive particles, such as
energetic protons. NASA used to have very convenient scientific models for how long it would take those protons
to travel to the Earth. Now, in some cases these protons are traveling up to 400 percent faster than the models
expect. So what's happening is that the Sun itself is actually changing. Its magnetic field is actually getting larger.
Its energy is changing. The energy between the planets is changing, conducting the Sun's energy faster. Particles
are moving faster through space. The actual visible plasma energy in space between the planets is getting
The atmospheres of the planets are changing
Dmitriev's work shows that the planets themselves are changing. They are undergoing changes in their
atmospheres. For example the Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. The Mars
observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash, because the atmosphere was about twice
as dense as they calculated, and basically the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off the

Earth's moon is growing an atmosphere

Also, the moon is growing an atmosphere that's made up of a compound Dmitriev refers to as ''Natrium.''
Dmitriev says that, around the moon, there is this 6,000-kilometer-deep layer of Natrium that wasn't there before.

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And we're having this kind of change in Earth's atmosphere in the upper levels, where HO gas is forming that
wasn't there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It's not related to global warming and it's
not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that stuff. It's just showing up.

Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing

The planets are experiencing sizable changes in their overall brightness. Venus, for example, is showing us
marked increases in its overall brightness. Jupiter has gotten to have such a high energetic charge that there is
actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between Jupiter and its moon, Io. You can actually see
the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken more recently.
And the planets are having a change in their magnetic fields. The magnetic fields are becoming stronger.
Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled. Uranus's magnetic field is changing. Neptune's magnetic field is
increasing. These planets are becoming brighter. Their magnetic field strength is getting higher. Their atmospheric
qualities are changing.

Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts

When the Voyager 2 space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic
poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other
case the difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big changes.
The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories: Energy field changes, luminosity
changes, and atmospheric changes.

Overall volcanic activity has increased 500 percent since 1975

On the Earth, we're seeing the changes even more completely. For example, Michael Mandeville has done
research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500
percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973.

Natural disasters increased 410 percent between 1963 and 1993

Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that if you compare the years
1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different kinds whether you are talking
hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it have increased by 410 percent.

The Sun's magnetic field increased by 230 percent since 1901

There's a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has
been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become
230 percent stronger than it was before.

More than just Earth Changes

So, all in all, what we're seeing is a lot more than just what they call Earth Changes. Some people get into the
idea that there is an interaction between the Earth and the Sun that's going on here. Very, very few people are
aware of the work that is being done in the Russian National Academy of Sciences in Siberia, specifically in
Novosibirsk, where they are doing this research. They've come to the conclusion that the only possible thing that
could be causing this energetic change all throughout the Solar System is that we are moving into an area of
energy that is different that is higher.

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The glowing plasma at the leading edge of our Solar System has recently increased 1000
Now, check this out. The Sun itself has a magnetic field, of course, and that magnetic field creates an egg
around the Solar System, which is known as the heliosphere. The heliosphere is shaped like a teardrop, with the
long and thin end of the drop pointing in the opposite direction from the direction that we're traveling. It's just like a
comet, where the tail is always pointing away from the Sun.
The Russians have looked at the leading edge of this heliosphere, and they have observed glowing, excited
plasma energy there. This plasma energy used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the
distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness
of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System.
Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep. Although Dmitriev's paper does not give
an exact timeline, we can assume that this increase happened in the same 1963 to 1993 period as the increase
he found in natural disasters. Whenever it happened, that's a 1,000 percent increase in the overall brightness of
the energy at the front end of the Solar System.
And this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged.
That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more
luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads
it out along its equatorial plane, which is called the Ecliptic. This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which
causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets.
And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it
supports. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That's the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass
evolutions in previous epochs of time.
All this is happening all at the same time, and it's all working up to a crescendo where there is going to be a
sudden shift.
In other words, we will get to the point where we are so far into the new level of energy that there will be a
sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself. This
increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System. The planets are
pushed slightly farther away from the Sun and the atoms and molecules that make them up actually expand in
terms of their physical size.

Cosmic Changes and the Ascension Process

So what we are basically talking about here is conscious energy that changes how the planet functions and
what kind of life it supports. And when we realize that we are more than our physical bodies, we have no need to
be afraid of this energetic change. When this new energy comes out of the Sun, we will naturally be transported
into a higher level of our own being. Our physical body becomes irrelevant at that point. We are much more than
As we've alluded to before, the blast of energy that will come is conscious. It will look like fire, but it's really
conscious energy.
Here's another example of how this happened in the past. In a previous geologic era on Earth [the Paleozoic],
the predominant species was this little crab called the Trilobite. They got blasted you find in the fossil records that
they were all killed. But what you don't see is that their group soul evolved into whatever the next stage of
evolution was.
The dinosaurs got blasted. Their souls turned into mammal souls. So nobody goes anywhere, nobody is
actually extinguished. We can find the bodies and it looks cataclysmic, it looks horrible but all they really do is just
bump up another notch and start to inhabit different bodies.

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Soul graduation
If you're very attached to your physical body, you might say, ''Well, what would I be without it?'' You might see
this as traumatic, but in fact your experience could be looked at as Soul graduation.
People are saying, ''I'm doing my spiritual growth. I'm doing my path. I'm walking in my truth. I'm trying to grow
spiritually, I'm trying to evolve.'' Evolve to what? Grow to what? Are we just going to keep reincarnating over and
over again as humans? No.
Is the Earth going to remain in this vibrational level where human beings will blow up bombs, poison its
waters, pollute its atmosphere, kill its creatures, and cut down all the trees? No. The Earth is not expected to go
through this.
The Earth is an evolving being, too. The difference with the Earth, unlike a regular human lifetime, is that it
goes through a very premeditated, very obvious course of its evolution. As it orbits around the Sun, and as the
Solar System orbits around the Galaxy, the extraterrestrial races that are in higher dimensions know exactly when
these changes are going to happen. That's why they're here now, because basically they're aware that this is
going on, and are standing by to assist us. They're aware that, just as the vortex of energy has caused airplanes
to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, when the Sun's energy bumps up another notch, matter on Earth will be
transmuted. The Sun's energy can cause matter to just physically transmute.
When transmutation occurs, creatures like animals and plants may appear to be dead, but what happens to
the human body will actually be alchemical transmutation. So it's not as though there's going to be all these fried
corpses lying around. When the energy hits you, you transform. Your body will actually transmute itself.
There is a parallel in the Shroud of Turin, where certain researchers have found that Jesus' body burned a
complete three-dimensional image of itself into the cloth. And they found through experimentation that such a
burn could only be caused by an instantaneous blast at a very high temperature, ''zapping'' the cloth like an X-ray

When is the big change supposed to happen?

The basic date for the ''shift'' corresponds to the end of the Mayan Calendar December 2012.
Ra makes the suggestion that the Mayan Calendar was given to the Mayans by high-level sixth-density
extraterrestrials so that they would have a tool with which to time the passage of these cycles. It's a good thing to
know how these cycles work, because they are tied in with history.

The bottom line

The only thing that matters is how much Love you are willing to share.
It would be so easy to miss this fantastic opportunity to participate in the evolution that is happening here and
now on our planet.
The media is bent on creating a reality where our happiness is contingent on the acquisition of new products.
We seek the best jobs and the highest status as we succumb to the mass illusions of ''consensus reality'' and
''winning the game.''
Each of us has the choice to create our lives so that we may participate in the Utopian world that will manifest
on Earth after this Ascension process has completed a world without poverty, hunger or pain; a world where full-
body levitation, spontaneous healings, instant telepathic communication, and abundant Love are the law of the
This is the world that Jesus promised us in John 14:12, when he said, ''As I do these things, so shall you do
them, and greater things.''
It comes back to question: What are you going to hold onto? You have to leave behind the physical life in order to
participate in the Ascension. You have to be willing to move into a life that is spiritual.

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You have to be willing to give up the things that you once thought were important; your car, your material
effects, your earthly status, your earthly fame and power because you're basically only going to take yourself. You
can't bring anything with you. No money, no credit cards, no gold coins.
When you leave your body and move into these higher realms of consciousness, all those earthly things will
be meaningless. When you get out of this world without these braces, guess what? Your memory will be your sole
And then you will realize that the only thing that ever mattered was how much love you were willing to share
while you were incarnated on Earth.

Only Love Prevails



Author Unknown
Note by Kiara Windrider: This message has come to me from several sources on the internet, and none of
them makes reference to an author. It claims to be of extraterrestrial origin, but who received this in its English
version, and how? Still, as the Ojibway say so well, "never confuse the truth with facts". Whether dictated or
channeled or even invented by an earth human, this message rings "true" to me in its essence. Essentially, it is all
about making a collective choice. Do we choose to become galactic citizens, or do we continue in our path of
foolish denial, mistrust, and eventual extinction? I do feel that we will see widespread and peaceful contact in the
years to come, but much of the choice is up to us. Let's get beyond media hype and counter-hype, feel what is
true within, and grow up as a species.
Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your mind.
It is what you will do with this message which matters! Each one of you wishes to exercise her/his free will and
experience happiness. These are attributes that were shown to us and to which we now have access. Your free
will depends upon the knowledge you have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you
give and receive. Like all conscious races at this stage of progress, you may feel isolated on your planet. This
impression makes you sure of your destiny. Yet, you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a minority is aware
of. It is not our responsibility to modify your future without you choosing it. Consider this message as a worldwide
referendum! And your answer as a ballot! Who are we? Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives
speak unanimously about the unexplained celestial events that mankind has witnessed for thousands of years.
To know the truth, one must face it without the filter of one's beliefs, however respectable they may be. A
growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploring new knowledge paths and are getting very
close to reality. Today, your civilization is flooded with an ocean of information of which only a tiny part, the less
upsetting one, is notably diffused. What in your history seemed ridiculous or improbable has often become
possible, then realized, in particular in the last fifty years. Be aware that the future will be even more surprising.
You will discover the worst as well as the best. Like billions others in this galaxy, we are conscious creatures that
some name "extra-terrestrials", even though reality is subtler. There is no fundamental difference between you
and us, save for the experience of certain stages of evolution. Like in any other organized structure, hierarchy
exists in our internal relationships. Ours is based upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this
hierarchy that we turn to you. Like most of you, we are in the quest of the Supreme Being. Therefore we are not
gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood. Physically, we are somewhat different
from you but for most of us humanoid-shaped.

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Our existence is a reality but the majority of you does not perceive it yet. We are not mere observations, we
are consciences just like you. You fail to apprehend us because we remain invisible to your senses and measure
instruments most of the time. We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history. We made this collective
decision but this is not enough. We need yours. Through this message, you become the decision-makers! You
personally. We have no human representative on Earth who could guide your decision. Why aren't we visible? At
certain stages of evolution, cosmic "humanities" discover new forms of science beyond the apparent control of
matter. Structured dematerialization and materialization are part of them. This is what your humanity has reached
in a few laboratories, in close collaboration with other "extra-terrestrial" creatures at the cost of hazardous
compromises that remain purposely hidden from you by some of your representatives.
Apart from the aerial or spatial objects or phenomena known about by your scientific community, that you call
'UFOs, there are essentially multidimensional manufactured spaceships that apply these capacities. Many human
beings have been in visual, auditory, tactile or psychic contact with such ships, some of which are under occult
powers that "govern" you. The scarcity of your observations is due to the outstanding advantages provided by the
dematerialized state of these ships. By not witnessing them by yourself, you cannot believe in their existence. We
fully understand this. The majority of these observations are made on an individual basis so as to touch the soul
and not to modify any organized system. This is deliberate from the races that surround you but for very different
reasons and results. For negative multidimensional beings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow
of human oligarchy, discretion is motivated by their will to keep their existence and seizure unknown. For us,
discretion is motivated by the respect of the human free will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs
so that they can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own.
Humankind's entrance into the family of galactic civilizations is greatly expected. We can appear in broad
daylight and help you attain this union. We haven't done it so far, as too few of you have genuinely desired it,
because of ignorance, indifference or fear, and because the emergency of the situation did not justify it. Many of
those who study our appearances count the lights in the night without lighting the way. Often they think in terms of
objects when it is all about conscious beings. Who are you? You are the offspring of many traditions that
throughout time have been mutually enriched by each others' contributions. The same applies to the races at the
surface of the Earth. Your goal is to unite in the respect of these roots to accomplish a common project. The
appearance of your cultures seems to keep you separated because you substitute it to your deeper being. Shape
is now more important than the essence of your subtle nature. For the powers in place, this prevalence of the
shape constitutes the ramparts against any form of jeopardy. You are being called on to overcome shape while
still respecting it for its richness and beauty. Understanding the consciences of shape makes us love men in their
diversity. Peace does not mean not making war, it consists in becoming what you are in reality: a same Fraternity.
To understand this, the number of solutions within your reach are decreasing. One of them consists in contact
with another race that would reflect the image of what you are in reality. What is your situation? Except for rare
occasions, our interventions always had very little incidence on your capacity to make collective and individual
decisions about your own future. This is motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychological mechanisms. We
reached the conclusion that freedom is built every day as a being becomes aware of himself and of his
environment, getting progressively rid of constraints and inertias, whatever they may be.
Despite the numerous, brave and willing human consciences, those inertias are artificially maintained for the
profit of a growing centralizing power. Until recently, mankind lived a satisfying control of its decisions. But it is
losing more and more the control of its own fate because of the growing use of advanced technologies, which
lethal consequences on the earthly and human ecosystems become irreversible. You are slowly but surely losing
your extraordinary capacity to make life desirable. Your resilience will artificially decrease, independently of your
own will.

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Such technologies exist that affect your body as well as your mind. Such plans are on their way. This can
change as long as you keep this creative power in you, even if it cohabits with the dark intentions of your potential
lords. This is the reason why we remain invisible. This individual power is doomed to vanish should a collective
reaction of great magnitude not happen. The period to come is that of rupture, whichever it may be. But should
you wait for the last moment to find solutions? Should you anticipate or undergo pain? Your history has never
ceased to be marked by encounters between peoples who had to discover one another in conditions that were
often conflictual.
Conquests almost always happened to the detriment of others. Earth has now become a village where
everyone knows everyone else but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse in duration and intensity.
Although a Human being as an individual, yet having many potential capacities, cannot exercise them with dignity.
This is the case for the biggest majority of you for reasons that are essentially geopolitical. There are several
billion of you.
The education of your children and your living conditions, as well as the conditions of numerous animals and
much plant life are nevertheless under the thumb of a small number of your political, financial, military and
religious representatives. Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests to turn you into slaves
while at the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control of your destiny, which in essence is the
reality. But there is a long way between a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at hand are unknown.
This time, you are not the conqueror. Biasing information is a millenary strategy for human beings. Inducting
thoughts, emotions or organisms that do not belong to you via ad hoc technologies is an even older a strategy.
Wonderful opportunities of progress stand close to big subdual and destruction threats. These dangers and
opportunities exist now. However, you can only perceive what is being shown to you. The end of natural
resources is programmed whereas no long-term collective project has been launched. Ecosystem exhaustion
mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits. The scarcity of resources and their unfair distribution resources
which entry price will rise day after day will bring about fratricide fights at a large scale, but also at the very heart
of your cities and countrysides.
Hatred grows bigger but so does love. That is what keeps you confident in your ability to find solutions. But
the critical mass is insufficient and a sabotage work is cleverly being carried out. Human behaviors, formed from
past habits and trainings, have such an inertia that this perspective leads you to a dead end. You entrust these
problems to representatives, whose conscience of common well-being slowly fades away in front of corporatist
interests, with those difficulties. They are always debating on the form but rarely on the content. Just at the
moment of action, delays will accumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose. This is the
reason why, more than ever in your history, your decisions of today will directly and significantly impact your
survival of tomorrow. What event could radically modify this inertia that is typical of any civilization? Where will a
collective and unifying awareness come from, that will stop this blind rushing ahead? Tribes, populations and
human nations have always encountered and interacted with one another. Faced with the threats weighing upon
the human family, it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred. A great roller wave is on the verge of
emerging. It mixes very positive but also very negative aspects. Who are the "third party?
There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another civilization: via its standing representatives or
directly with individuals without distinction. The first way entails fights of interests, the second way brings
awareness. The first way was chosen by a group of races motivated by keeping mankind in slavery, thereby
controlling Earth resources, the gene pool and human emotional energy. The second way was chosen by a group
of races allied with the cause of the Spirit of service. We have, at our end, subscribed to this disinterested cause
and introduced ourselves a few years ago to representatives of the human power who refused our outstretched
hand on the pretext of incompatible interests with their strategic vision. That is why today individuals are to make
this choice by themselves without any representative interfering.

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What we proposed in the past to those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to your happiness,
we propose it now to ... you! Most of you ignore that non-human creatures took part in the exercise of those
centralizing powers without them being neither suspected nor accessible to your senses. This is so true that they
have almost very subtly taken control. They do not necessarily stand on your material plan, and that is precisely
what could make them extremely efficient and frightening in the near future.
However, be aware that a large number of your representatives are fighting this danger! Be aware that not all
abductions are made against you. It is difficult to recognize the truth! How could you under such conditions
exercise your free will when it is so much manipulated? What are you really free of? Peace and reunification of
your peoples would be a first step toward the harmony with civilizations other than yours.
That is precisely what those who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all cost because, by
dividing, they reign! They also reign over those who govern you. Their strength comes from their capacity to
distillate mistrust and fear into you. This considerably harms your very cosmic nature. This message would be of
no interest if these manipulators' tutorate did not reach its peak and if their misleading and murderous plans did
not materialize in a few years from now. Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedented
torments for the next ten cycles. To defend yourselves against this aggression that bears no face, you need at
least to have enough information that leads to the solution. As is also the case with humans, resistance exists
amongst those dominant races. Here again, appearance will not be enough to tell the dominator from the ally. At
your current state of psychism, it is extremely difficult for you to distinguish between them. In addition to your
intuition, training will be necessary when the time has come. Being aware of the priceless value of free will, we
are inviting you to an alternative.
What can we offer? We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of life, constructive
interactions, the experience of fair and fraternal relationships, liberating technical knowledge, eradication of
suffering, controlled exercise of individual powers, the access to new forms of energy and, finally, a better
comprehension of consciousness. We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears, or bring you
laws that you would not have chosen, work on your own selves, individual and collective effort to build the world
you desire, the spirit of quest to new skies. What would we receive?
Should you decide that such a contact takes place, we would rejoice over the safeguarding of fraternal
equilibrium in this region of the universe, fruitful diplomatic exchanges, and the intense Joy of knowing that you
are united to accomplish what you are capable of. The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its
energy is divine. What is the question we ask you? "DO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP?" How to can you
answer this question? The truth of soul can be read by telepathy.
You only need to clearly ask yourself this question and give your answer as clearly, on your own or in a group,
as you wish. Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does not impact the efficiency of your answer,
YES or NO, IMMEDIATELY AFTER ASKING THE QUESTION! Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but
thinking about the message.
This is a universal question and these mere few words, put in their context, have a powerful meaning. You
should not let hesitation in the way. This is why you should calmly think about it, in all conscience. In order to
perfectly associate your answer with the question, it is recommended that you answer right after another reading
of this message. Do not rush to answer. Breathe and let all the power of your own free will penetrate you. Be
proud of what you are! The problems that you may have weaken you. Forget about them for a few minutes to be
Feel the force that springs up in you. You are in control of yourselves. A single thought, a single answer can
drastically change your near future, in one way as in another. Your individual decision of asking in your inner self
that we show up on your material plan and in broad daylight is precious and essential to us. Even though you can
choose the way that best suits you, rituals are essentially useless.

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A sincere request made with your heart and your own will will always be perceived by those of us whom it is
sent to. In your own private polling booth of your secret will, you will determine the future. What is the lever effect?
This decision should be made by the greatest number among you, even though it might seem like a minority. It is
recommended to spread this message, in all envisageable fashions, in as many languages as possible, to those
around you, whether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future. Do it using in a humorous tone or
derision if that can help you. You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feel more
comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will have exercised your free will. Forget about the false
prophets and the beliefs that have been transmitted to you about us. This request is one of the most intimate that
can be asked to you. Making a decision by yourself, as an individual, is your right as well as your responsibility!
Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom.
Similarly, indecision is never efficient. If you really want to cling to your beliefs, which is something that we
understand, then say NO. If you do not know what to choose, do not say YES because of mere curiosity.
This is not a show, this is real daily life, WE ARE ALIVE! And living!
Your history has plenty of episodes when determined men and women were able to influence the thread of
events in spite of their small number. Just like a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earth and
influence the future of the majority, a small number of you can radically change your fate as an answer to the
impotence in face of so much inertia and hurdles! You can ease the mankind's birth to Brotherhood. One of your
thinkers once said: "Give me a hand-hold and I'll raise the Earth". Spreading this message will then be the hand-
hold to strengthen, we will be the light-years long lever, you will be the craftsmen to ... raise the Earth as a
consequence of our appearance. What would be the consequences of a positive decision? For us, the immediate
consequence of a collective favorable decision would be the materialization of many ships, in your sky and on
Earth. For you, the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of many certitudes and beliefs. A simple
conclusive visual contact would have huge repercussions on your future. Much knowledge would be modified
forever. The organization of your societies would be deeply upheaved forever, in all fields of activity. Power would
become individual because you would see for yourself that we are living. Concretely, you would change the scale
of your values! The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a single family in front of this
"unknown" we would represent. Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you would indirectly
force the undesirable ones, those we name the "third party", to show up and vanish. You would all bear the same
name and share the same roots: Mankind! Later on, peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible if
such is your wish. For now, he who is hungry cannot smile, he who is fearful cannot welcome us. We are sad to
see men, women and children suffering to such a degree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an
inner light. This light can be your future. Our relationships could be progressive. Several stages of several years
or decades would occur: demonstrative appearance of our ships, physical appearance beside human beings,
collaboration in your technical and spiritual evolution, discovery of parts of the galaxy.
Every time, new choices would be offered to you. You would then decide by yourself to cross new stages if
you think it necessary to your external and inner well-being. No interference would be decided upon unilaterally.
We would leave as soon as you would collectively wish that we do. Depending upon the speed to spread the
message across the world, several weeks, or even several months will be necessary before our "great
appearance", if such is the decision made by the majority of those who will have used their capacity to choose,
and if this message receives the necessary support. The main difference between your daily prayers to entities of
a strictly spiritual nature and your current decision is extremely simple: we are technically equipped to materialize!
Why such a historical dilemma? We know that "foreigners" are considered as enemies as long as they
embody the "unknown". In a first stage, the emotion that our appearance will generate will strengthen your
relationships on a worldwide scale. How could you know whether our arrival is the consequence of your collective

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For the simple reason that we would have otherwise been already there for a long time at your level of
existence! If we are not there yet, it is because you have not made such a decision explicitly. Some among you
might think that we would make you believe in a deliberate choice of yours so as to legitimate our arrival, though
this would not be true.
What interest would we have to openly offer you what you haven't got any access to yet, for the benefit of the
greatest number of you? How could you be certain that this is not yet another subtle maneuver of the "third party"
to better enslave you? Because one always more efficiently fights something that is identified than the contrary.
Isn't the terrorism that corrodes you a blatant example?
Whatever, you are the sole judge in your own heart and soul! Whatever your choice, it would be respectable
and respected! In the absence of human representatives who could potentially seduce into error you ignore
everything about us as well as from about those who manipulate you without your consent. In your situation, the
precautionary principle that consists in not trying to discover us does no longer prevail. You are already in the
Pandora's box that the "third party" has created around you. Whatever your decision may be you will have to get
out of it. In the face of such a dilemma, one ignorance against another, you need to ask your intuition. Do you
want to see us with your own eyes, or simply believe what your thinkers say? That is the real question! After
thousands of years, one day, this choice was going to be inevitable: choosing between two unknowns.
Why spread such a message among yourselves? Translate and spread this message widely. This action will
affect your future in an irreversible and historical way at the scale of millenniums, otherwise, it will postpone a new
opportunity to choose to several years later, at least one generation, if it can survive. Not choosing, stands for
undergoing other people's choice. Not informing others stands for running the risk of obtaining a result that is
contrary to one's expectations. Remaining indifferent means giving up one's free will. It is all about your future. It
is all about your evolution. It is possible that this invitation does not receive your collective assent and that,
because of a lack of information, it will be disregarded. Nevertheless no individual desire goes unheeded in the
universe. Imagine our arrival tomorrow. Thousands of ships. A unique cultural shock in today's mankind's history.
It will then be too late to regret about not making a choice and spreading the message because this discovery will
be irreversible. We do insist that you do not rush into it, but do think about it! And decide! The big medias will not
be necessarily interested in spreading this message. It is therefore your task, as an anonymous yet an
extraordinary thinking and loving being, to transmit it. You are still the architects of your own fate...


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