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In 1994 I began as an undergraduate student in de Archaeology

Laboratory of the Anthropology Centre of the Venezuelan Institute of

Archaeology (IVIC), and participated in the Project PARYQ (Arqueologa
de Rescate en el rea de Afectacin del Proyecto YacambQubor) . My
undergraduate dissertation deals with an analysis of the functional and
technological features in a ceramic assemblage used in the production
of earth salt (Lpez 2005). In 2002 I was hired by de Experimental
University Francisco de Miranda (UNEFM, Coro, Edo. Falcn), where I was
dedicated to teaching and research activities. Between 2003 and 2005 I
codirected with the archaeology lab from the IVIC, and the financial
support of PDVSA (Venezuelan oil company), the rescue project
ARAAPICO (Arqueologa de Rescate en el rea de afectacin del proyecto
ICO) in the northern maritime coast of Falcn State (Northwestern
Venezuela). These four years of constant archaeological work in this
geographical area, constitute the baseline of my knowledge of their
emblematic archaeological sites and collections, and also in this time
was born my interest in the lithic industries. In July of 2006 I began as
reseach assistant in the archaeology lab from the IVIC, directed by
Lilliam Arvelo (PH.D.). My job in this lab is basically research, but I
maintained teaching activities as well. Recently, the archeology lab
(Arvelo and myself ) in cooperation with Ascanio Rincn (Ph.D.) from the
Ecology Center at IVIC (Laboratory of biology of organism), visited the
western maritime coast of Falcn State, were we located an
archaeological area composed by various Shell middens associated with
lithic instrument, ceramics, faunal assemblages, and few human bones.
In relative terms, the chronology of this archaeological evidence could
be placed between 90001000 A.P. Previous analysis of lithic instruments
in Venezuela was oriented to probe the presence of Big game hunters
during the Pleistocene. In this academic context, I am rather interested
in studying overlooked archaeological sites, in order to explore if the
technological variability of early lithic tools indicates diversification of
subsistence strategies of the communities that left this evidence. I will
examine if this diversification is related to the formation of sedentary
patterns as well as to the exploitation of multiple ecological
environments. Your program of Quaternary Archaeology offers met he
opportunity to specialize in the different techniques and methods of
lithic and geological analysis, looking at the definition of the variables of
technological variability. I also aspire to acquire indispensable knowledge
to understand human behavior and subsistence practices .
Los Altos Mirandinos se ubican dentro de la cadena montaosa
denominada Cordillera de la Costa. Por esta rea geogrfica transitaron
los conquistadores quienes fundaron caracas (Cruxent 1971). Se han
realizado algunas investigaciones desde Cruxent para resaltar o conocer
algunos aspectos histricos relativos a esta rea geogrfica. Esta rea
est clasificada como un rea rural. Se sabe que el rea tuvo
asentamientos poscoloniales correspondientes a lo que se conoce como
hacienda, que son espacios de actividades comerciales donde se
cultivan distintos rubros que eran comercializados. En trminos

Qu se quiere estudiar?

Las Haciendas de caf

Problema de Investigacin:

La Hacienda en la conformacin del paisaje rural en los Altos Mirandinos.

Ubicacin especfica: Los Salias Edo Miranda.

Pregunta de Investigacin:

La Hacienda como unidad de produccin y como uso del espacio

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