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Hormones and
The link between gut
bacteria and weight gain

Understanding Hernias

Wheat damages the Your guide to a

brain and nerves powerful immunity

Embarrassed by Negative emotions

Bad Breath? increase pain


Dissolve deadly plaque in

arteries and reduce your risk
of heart disease and stroke

Reduce high blood pressure

Alleviate arthritis and inflammation
Clear congestion from the lungs
Maintain a healthy digestion

I have found serrapeptase to be an extraordinary substance for safely removing fibrous

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DR H A Nieper, Head Dept of Medicine, Paracelcus Klink, Germany; inventor of serrapeptase

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and plaque in arteries, joints, intestines, and other
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My apologies for getting this months topic
wrong in the last editorial. In this edition, we Health is like money;
will look at Hormones and menopause rather
than depression. The hormonal system is the
most complex system in the body, especially
we never have a true
the female hormonal system and we know less
about it than other systems in the body. idea of its value until
we lose it.
Information about the hormonal system is
constantly changing, and doctors are not
always quick to change with new information.
Josh Billings
Many of the current medical strategies for
treating hormonal problems have been found

4 Hormones and
to be mostly ineffective. The contraceptive pill
has brought a lot of sexual freedom to women
and reduced the worry of pregnancy after sex. Menopause
However, they have been linked to the rise in
hormonal diseases and cancer seen in women

In this edition, we have concentrated on The link between gut
reporting what is known for sure about the
hormonal system, as well as the most recent
bacteria and weight gain
development with regards treating hormonal
problems. As usual, the magazine also covers

other interesting topics. Those interested in
losing weight will find of interest the article on Q and A
probiotics and weight loss.
We have continued to improve the services we
provide for our clients. We have now start-
ed using our brand new medical records app
specially developed for the clinic. The app will
make it easier for us to streamline all our
activities in the clinic and improve
11 Your guide to a powerful
communication with patients and clients.
In the coming month, we will acquire a body

composition analyzer to help us analyze, BMI,
body fat percentage, Composition of minerals
in the body and many other parameters. We
Understanding Hernias
have also redesigned our website making it
easier for you to view and read the online
version of the magazine.

Enjoy the read!

Dr Machi Mannu (MBBS)

14 Embarrassed by Bad

The information in this magazine is intended to provide knowledge about healthcare, and should not be considered a replacement for proper medical advice
Hormones and

omen, unlike men, experience fluc-
tuating levels of hormones nearly all
through their lives, most especially
during their reproductive years. From the onset
of puberty until the completion of menopause
and even beyond, most women experience peri-
odic hormonal changes that impact their physi-
cal, mental and emotional wellbeing.

From around puberty right until the start of menopause, the female body will maintain high levels of
female hormones. However, from menopause, hormone levels will start to fall, bringing with it the
classical symptoms associated with Menopause hot flushes, mood changes, insomnia, vaginal and
urinary symptoms. The extent to which a woman experiences discomfort during menopause will depend on
how well her body adapts to the changes that occur during menopause, changes that depend on
environmental and lifestyle factors.
Estrogen and Progesterone
The most influential female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Other important hormones are
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinising Hormone (LH) and Testosterone.
Estrogen is mainly responsible for maturing the female body. The ovaries mostly produce estrogens, but
after menopause, the adrenal glands, and fat cells take over production. There are three main types of
natural estrogen estrone, estradiol, and estriol. There are also, many other types of synthetic estrogen
used in contraceptive pills and HRT (hormone replacement therapy).
Estrogen is responsible for maintaining the menstrual cycle, and maintaining the lining of the uterus and
vagina. Many women during menopause experience thinning of the vaginal wall which can lead to urinary
tract infections, vaginal dryness and itching and painful intercourse. As estrogen is essential for
maintaining the strength of the uterus, postmenopausal women have an increased risk of developing
uterine prolapse (collapse of the uterus into the vagina).
Estrogen is instrumental in bone formation together with the minerals MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl
Methane), Silica, Calcium, and Vitamin C. After menopause women lose the protection of estrogen, and
become more prone to joint and bone diseases. Estrogen regulates blood clotting, and abnormal levels of
estrogen increase the risk of blood clots, strokes, and heart failure.
Estrogen directly affects thyroid hormone levels by encouraging the production of a protein which binds to
the thyroid hormones to control blood levels. Many women will experience low thyroid hormone levels and
thyroid hormone imbalances during menopause.
Progesterone is important for maintaining pregnancy. The placenta produces progesterone during
pregnancy, but outside pregnancy it is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Cholesterol is the raw
material required to produce progesterone.
Cholesterol is first converted into an intermediate compound called Pregnenolone which is then con-
verted into Progesterone as well as estrogen and testosterone. When cholesterol levels are low, the body
struggles to maintain adequate hormone levels required to maintain health and prevent disease.
In addition to preparing the body for conception and pregnancy, progesterone also offers women
protection from diseases of the breast and uterus, including endometrial cancer. Progesterone also plays a
role in reducing anxiety, supporting sleep,
cancer, fibrocystic breast cancer, urinary and
vaginal diseases. Many studies point to the
environment as a major contributor to the estrogen
dominance seen today.
Many synthetic chemicals that are now part of
everyday living contain xenoestrogens foreign
estrogens that mimic the real thing. These foreign
chemicals also mimic other hormones: testosterone
and progesterone. The term hormone disruptors
is also used to describe such chemicals.
Many personal care products such as shower gels,
hair sprays, shampoos, creams, nail varnish, and
polish, etc., contain xenoestrogens and other hor-
mone disruptors. These chemicals such as parabens
and benzophenone are added to cosmetics as pre-
servatives and foaming agents. Cleaning products
usually contain the antibacterial agent triclosan,
also a known xenoestrogen.
maintaining sex drive and keeping weight in check.
Packaged products have an interior plastic lining
How Hormones work made from a plastic called BPA (Bisphenol A), a
Hormones are chemicals that carry instructions or confirmed xenoestrogen and hormone disruptor
messages from one part of the body to and known to leak into food and drinks. Phthalates
another. When a hormone arrives at its destination, are xenoestrogens and are used to soften plastic.
it must gain access to the organ or cell before it can Insecticides and food preservatives contain the
deliver its message, and hormones do this through xenoestrogen BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole).
a lock and key mechanism. The hormones plug PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl) used in lubricants,
into locks on the cells called receptors before their adhesives, paints sealants are well-known xenoes-
instructions can be transmitted. These instructions trogens.
will then activate chemical processes that bring Over many years these chemicals have slowly
about the desired effect. washed into streams, rivers, and oceans, and now
Estrogen attaches to receptors in the breast, cause hormonal disruptions in other animals.
uterus, bones, brain, and lungs to protect these Contraceptive pills have also contributed to the
organs from diseases. Unfortunately, some foreign problem of estrogen dominance. Research confirms
chemicals that have a similar structure to estrogen that hormonal disorders increased sharply with the
can also attach to estrogen receptors and prevent introduction of the pill and HRT (Hormone Re-
natural estrogens from performing their protective placement Therapy) both of which usually contain
role. These foreign chemicals are called synthetic estrogen. Although synthetic estrogen
xenoestrogens (Xeno in Latin means foreign). will offer protection against pregnancy as well as
Xenoestrogens send false signals to the brain to offer other benefits, they mostly cause hormonal
produce more estrogens. And high levels of imbalances that eventually lead to many diseases.
estrogen in the body is the main cause of Cancers of The effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins
the Breast and Uterus and many other A major contributor to hormonal problems today is
hormone-related diseases. High estrogen is also a cholesterol lowering medications. Sadly, many
cause of abnormal levels of thyroid, adrenal and people have come to believe the disinformation
sleep hormones. from pharmaceutical industries that cholesterol is
High Levels of Estrogen in the body is a Problem the cause of heart disease. The reality is that cho-
Most hormonal diseases in women are linked to lesterol is the most useful nutrient in the body. The
high levels of estrogen in the body, a phenomenon idea that there is good or bad cholesterol is false.
that is also known as Estrogen Dominance. High There is only one cholesterol, and the so called good
estrogen is associated with many hormonal or bad cholesterol are transporters of cholesterol.
diseases seen today including breast and uterine The cause of heart disease and strokes is not high

cholesterol but inflammation usually caused by
toxins. Cholesterol-lowering drugs cause many
deadly side effects that affect women more than
men. All hormones are produced from cholesterol,
and since women have fluctuating hormone levels
nearly all through their lives, they are more sen-
sitive to any factor that tampers with hormone
production in the body.
Analysis from MedB shows that the majority of
women on cholesterol-lowering drugs have a
dysfunctional hormonal system. Safer alternatives
for reducing cholesterol such as the natural
compounds policosanol and nicotinamide will alter
the levels of cholesterol without reducing its
production. plastic leaches into the food. Do not store water or
food in plastic containers, and avoid exposing
How You Can Help Your Body plastics to sunlight. Use chemical free and
Your diet is essential for maintaining healthy biodegradable cleaning and washing agents when
hormonal balance during menopause. Fat cells and possible. Natural cosmetics are preferable to the
the adrenal gland take over the production of usual synthetic cosmetic.
estrogens from the ovaries during menopause.
Weight gain or obesity will cause increased The Benefits of Bioidentical hormones
production of estrogens from the fat cells. In the last few decades, studies have confirmed
A major cause of weight gain and obesity today is that some plants produce hormones called phyto-
the consumption of food produced from wheat such hormones (plant based hormones) that have the
as Bread, Cakes, Biscuits, Pastries, and Pasta. same structure as hormones found in the body and
Eliminating these foods from the diet is guaranteed produce the same benefits.
to promote weight loss. Eating as natural as These hormones are preferable to the synthetic
possible will help maintain a healthy weight. hormones used in HRT ( Hormone replacement
Avoid foods grown with pesticides and fungicides therapy) because they confer all the benefits associ-
and eat organic foods from a verified source when- ated with estrogen, unlike synthetic estrogens and
ever you can. Peel the skin of fruits and vegetables. progesterone that offer a few benefits and cause
Apples and Celery contain extremely high levels many side effects.
of toxic insecticides and should be avoided unless Bioidentical hormones are sold as extracts derived
from an organic source. Meat and Fish also contain from natural foods such as soy and wild yam. The
a variety of chemicals, and organic meat is prefera- common extracts are genistein, isoflavones, and
ble. daidzein. Eating soy-based foods is known to im-
Drinking enough clean water is equally as impor- prove some symptoms associated with menopause.
tant as eating the right food. Water is essential for However Soy foods available in Shops, including soy
many processes in the body, especially for flushing milk, is highly processed and contains many toxic
toxins such as xenoestrogens from the body. chemical compounds that negate the benefits of
soy, unlike soy available from Japan where soy has
Environmental toxins are the biggest cause of been traditionally eaten for centuries and under-
hormonal imbalance today. Taking steps to avoid goes proper fermentation to remove toxins.
exposure is essential for women. Plastics contain
many substances recognized as xenoestrogens, and Theres evidence that some herbs such as black
should be replaced with glass and metal containers. cohosh and cactus Agnus help improve menopausal
Microwaves are deadly, not only because of the
radiation they emit but because they turn
nutrients into cancer-causing and
hormone-disrupting compounds. If you must use
microwaves, never microwave food in plastic as the
Wheat Damages the brain and nerves
Wheat is the most toxic food eaten today. But this has not
always been the case. Before the mid-1970s wheat was a
fairly tolerable food until it was genetically modified, and
the levels of its natural toxins increased exponentially.
Many people believe the problem with wheat to be gluten.
However, there are other toxins in wheat that are even
deadlier than gluten. Wheat contains a neurotoxin, a
nerve-damaging chemical called Wheat Germ Agglutinin
(WGA). This toxin attaches to the protective covering of the nerves, destroying them and causing many
diseases of the nerves as well as worsening symptoms of already existing diseases of the nervous system
such as Alzheimers diseases, Multiple Sclerosis and
In the 1960s, researchers found that those with schizophrenia had worsened symptoms on a wheat based
diet. Wheat has also been linked to Depression, Addictions, and Mania. The toxins in wheat affect the
same receptors in the brain as those of opioid drugs such as heroin, and will cause the same level of
addiction not to drugs but wheat.
Wheat is also one of the most chemically treated crops in the world, and the most common herbicide used
in wheat production called Roundup contains a chemical called glyphosate which is known to destroy
the gut bacteria, paving the way for many chronic diseases including nerve diseases. Alternative to Wheat
based foods include other grains such as rye or oats or porridge. Most people are safe with these. But some
people will find that they have to cut out from their diet all grains to remain healthy.

Relieve Joint and Muscle Aches and Pain with MSM

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is the most vital nutrient required by the body to build
and maintain strong and healthy joints and bones. MSM occurs naturally in the body,
and is used to make collagen- an important component of our bones, joints, skin and
hair. More so than calcium your body needs MSM to build bones, joints, skin and hair.
For this reason MSM has been called the beauty mineral

MSM is a powerful painkiller and anti-inflammatory agent and studies have shown that
MSM is more effective than prescription medications for treating Rheumatodid arthritis,
Osteoarthritis, Frozen shoulder, Muscle cramp, Neck pain and Back pain.

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The Link
Between Gut
Bacteria and
Weight gain

cientists from China, have recently shown that significant weight loss could be achieved
through a diet rich in probiotic and Prebiotic foods. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in
the gut. Prebiotics are nutrients that provide food for probiotics.
In one landmark study, a man weighing 175 kilos lost 59 kilos in 23 weeks eating a traditional
Chinese diet rich in probiotic and prebiotic foods. His blood pressure and Sugar levels also
returned to normal. The patients gut bacteria were analyzed before the start of was made up of
35% Enterobacter, a harmful bacteria. But at then end of the study, the bacteria was
undetectable. The scientists also found that planting the Enterobacter bacteria into mice caused
them to gain weight. Studies now show that the toxins from Enterobacter promote weight gain.
Probiotics help the body fight off harmful bacteria and fungus that invade the body. Low levels of
probiotics in the stomach and intestines encourage the growth of harmful microbes like E Coli,
Staphylococcus, and Enterobacter. Some of the commonly known probiotics are Lactobacillus and
Bifidus. These probiotics have several different strains that have specific roles in the digestive
Probiotics in the gut belong to 2 main classes of microbes known as bacteriodetes and Firmicutes.
Both classes of probiotics are essential for maintaining a healthy gut. However, studies show that
our body weight may be influenced by the balance of these two classes of probiotics. People with
normal weight tend to have more of the bacteriodetes than Firmicutes, while overweight people
have more Firmicutes than bacteriodetes.
Probiotics increase the excretion of fat and reduce their absorption. Probiotics also help the body
release an appetite-suppressing hormone and fat burner called GLP-1. The probiotic Lactobacillus
is also known to help with weight loss and fat burning. In one study, participants took
Lactobacillus with their meals for six weeks and lost an average of 3% body weight.
Good food sources of probiotics include yogurt and other dairy foods like soft cheese. However,
Dairy is increasingly becoming a problem food because commercially farmed milk contains high
levels of hormones and antibiotics injected into cows to increase milk production and prevent
infections. Dairy also stimulates the production of mucus, and should be avoided by people with
asthma and other respiratory and allergy diseases. Goat and Sheep produce are healthier
alternatives and are good sources of probiotics. Kefir is a natural culture that ferments milk into
probiotics and is a rich source of probiotics. Sauer Kraut, sour pickles, and other fermented
vegetables are equally rich sources of probiotics.
Because disease and ageing start at the
cellular level

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I frequently suffer from bouts of pain

all over my body, a problem Ive had
since my 20s. I am 55 years old. The pain
affects my arms and legs mainly, but I
also have back ache and occasional joint
pain. Ive been told I have fibromyalgia
and also polymyalgia rheumatic. I have
tried many different medications in
the past, but I mostly live with the pain
and take painkillers when the pain is
unbearable. I was placed on high dose
steroids and suffered many side effects,
and so Im not keen on taking them. Ill
appreciate your opinion.

Im sorry to hear of your problem. No one should live with pain. The diagnostic scans performed at
MedB Clinic shows that people with chronic pain usually have problems with the hormonal, detox,
immune and digestive systems. Very commonly there are high levels of toxins and these toxins are
the underlying cause of inflammation, or contribute to already existing inflammation.
Studies show that people with fibromyalgia have very high levels of toxic heavy metals including
lead, mercury, and cadmium. Mycotoxins are toxins from molds and are implicated in
fibromyalgia. A cellular detox agent such as Pectasol will help eliminate toxins from the body.
Infections from viruses, especially papilloma, herpes, and cytomegalovirus are typically found in
sufferers of chronic pain. Viruses have a preference for the colder organs of the body such as the
nerves where they cause inflammation and worsen pain. Viruses, just like other microbes that
target the body are usually opportunistic and will invade the body when the immune system
becomes compromised.
A dysfunctional immune system is a cause of chronic pain. Many studies show that a viral illness
often precedes chronic pain. Many people with chronic pain recount having what seemed like a
prolonged viral infection before their pain started. Viral infections drain and weaken the immune
Viruses and other harmful microbes can be resistant to prescription antibiotics. However, the are
eradicated with the antibiotic colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is the preferred antibiotic of choice
for treating viral and fungal infections. Unlike most prescription antibiotics that only treat
bacteria, colloidal silver is effective against a broad spectrum of microbes including viruses,
bacteria, fungi or parasite.
Problems with the gut is also a common occurrence with people suffering chronic pain. People
with fibromyalgia usually suffer from leaky gut syndrome, which is a known cause of digestive
and immune system problems. Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the intestines become severely
inflamed and permeable to undigested food particles that enter the bloodstream, triggering
diseases that lead to more inflammation and more pain.
You should have a full body scan to find out the most affected aspects of your health. Treating the
underlying cause of the illness will give your body the chance to heal.
Your Guide to A Powerful Immunity
Our immune system protects us from a more or
less hostile world. Hundreds of species of dead-
ly microbes viruses, bacteria, and fungi, lurk
around every corner, waiting to invade the body
through the food and liquids we consume, the air
we breathe, and the substance that come in contact
with the skin. The immune system is also
responsible for protecting us from thousands of
toxic chemicals in our environment, both natural
and synthetic. A depressed immune system will
reduce the bodys response to deadly microbes and Healthy Nutrition is an essential for keeping the
toxic chemicals, and increase the likelihood of immune system healthy. Healthy nutrition means
autoimmune and allergic diseases. eating a balanced diet composed of natural foods.
Processed foods usually have nutrients processed
Maintaining a healthy immune system is key to
out of them and are lacking in essential vitamins
maintaining a healthy body, and while there are
and minerals and also contain a lot of additives that
many supplements that boost the immune system,
promote inflammation and disease in the body.
many studies show that simple lifestyle changes are
sometimes all we need to give the immune system a Wheat is one of the most toxic foods consumed
boost. today due to the high levels of the natural toxins it
contains, including gluten, wheat germ agglutinin
Adequate sleep is essential to keep the immune
as well as many synthetic toxins from herbicides
system functioning properly. The number of hours
and insecticides. Wheat promotes inflammation of
we sleep is not as important as the quality of sleep.
the gut and causes leaky gut syndrome which is
Sleeping for 4 hours straight may be more
known to cause diseases of the immune system.
beneficial than 10 hours of broken sleep. During
Poor nutrition will also discourage the growth of
sleep, the pineal gland secretes the hormone
probiotics, which are healthy bacteria that make
melatonin, which in turn encourages the
up the immune system and help the body fight off
production of growth hormone.
harmful bacteria.
Growth hormone is important for repairing the
Spending time outdoors has many benefits for
entire body, including the immune system. In
the entire body and gives the immune system a
todays world, the immune system is constantly
boost. Outdoor living encourages social interac-
bombarded with foreign chemicals and microbes
tions, and studies have shown that lonely people
and is exhausted at the end of the day. Sleep is
have a
necessary to rest and restore the immune system.
weaker immune system than those that interact
Poor sleep may be slow in affecting other bodily with other people.
systems, but the impact on the immune system is
Most homes today are very toxic from household
usually immediate. Poor sleep will reduce the
chemicals and furniture that leak toxins constantly
activity of the bodys natural defenders, the
into the air, as well as electromagnetic toxins from
Natural Killer Cells, responsible for destroying
WiFi and other electronic devices. The immune
deadly microbes. Many studies show that a few days
system is particularly sensitive to electromagnetic
lack of sleep increases the risk of catching flu and
colds many times.
Spending time outdoors will reduce exposure to
Darkness is important for a good night sleep, so
these toxins and help the immune system recover.
make sure your lights are turned off. Use a curtain
Spending time outdoors also encourages exercises
if necessary. Keep your mobile phones away from
and studies show that exercises improve the
your bedroom. Many people are unaware that
immune system. Fresh air also contains beneficial
radiation from mobile phones excites the nervous
antioxidants that help neutralize toxins which
system and interferes with sleep.
promote inflammation of the immune system


nderneath the skin and fat is a tough mesh-like layer sometimes called the fascia, whose
function is to hold in place the abdominal organs, including the stomach, intestines, and
liver. When this tough layer becomes weak at any point, the organ adjacent to the layer
pushes through the weakness and appears on the skin as a lump, referred to as a hernia.
Hernias typically occur at different areas in the abdomen. An inguinal hernia develops in the in-
guinal region, the area where the thigh meets the trunk. This area is prone to weakness, especially
in men. Another common hernia is a hiatus hernia, which occurs around the sternum or midpoint
of the chest, due to the weakness of the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the lungs from the
stomach. The stomach will slide or protrude through the weak point on the diaphragm. Incisional
hernias occur around surgical incisions due to weaknesses of the scar tissue. Another common
hernia in children is called umbilical hernia which occurs when part of the intestines slide into the
belly button.
Hernias are associated with conditions that cause a persistent build-up of pressure in the abdo-
men which stretches and weakens the fascia holding organs in place. Conditions that build
pressure in the abdomen include a persistent cough, constipation, weight lifting and strenuous
vomiting as well as poor lifting and bending techniques.
The symptoms of a hernia will depend on the area the hernia occurs. Inguinal hernias may not
cause any problems at all, except for a visible lump on the skin. But usually, there is pain around
a hernia or occurring during activities such as bending or going to the toilet. The risk of inguinal
hernias is that the protruding organ such as the intestine may become strangulated and its blood
supply cut off, causing life-threatening septicemia. Hiatus hernias typically cause acid reflux and
heartburn. Hernias occurring on incisions will produce a lump and sometimes cause pain.
The nutrients that support and maintain the fascia include MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane),
Vitamin C, Manganese, and Silica, and the strength of the fascia produced will depend on how well
these nutrients are available to the body. Deficiency of these nutrients, particularly of MSM will
cause a weakness of the supporting fascia and ensure hernias.
Hernias are usually treated by surgical repair to push back the protruding organ and tighten the
loose fascia layer. But hernias recur very quickly after surgery and may appear in other areas un-
less the body is strengthened with the necessary nutrients. Bands are also used in mild hernias to
push back the hernia, and they work better when combined with healthy nutrition and the
necessary supplements such as MSM. People that bend and squat a lot should learn the proper
technique of bending the knee and not the waist.
Colloidal Silver: The Universal

ilver has been used for thousands of In the 1980s, studies carried out at the
years as an antibiotic. Ancient cultures Syracuse University and the UCLA School
used silver pots to store water, with of medicine showed that colloidal silver
the knowledge that it will protect them was highly effective against bacteria,
against diseases. Silver dressings and products viruses, and fungal microbes, including
are currently used in specialist hospitals to those that had become resistant to anti-
speed-up the healing of wounds. The interna- biotics. Recently studies at the University
tional Space station and the Russian Space sta- of Texas suggested that colloidal silver
tion use colloidal silver to purify water. Most may be effective against HIV-1 virus.
recently, silver has been recommended for use
in surgical instruments and silver coated cath- Colloidal silver has absolutely no side effects.
eters, to prevent MRSA infections. . The particles of silver in colloidal silver are
extremely tiny, making it impossible for any
Colloidal Silver was recognised as a powerful form of toxicity to occur in the body. The
antibiotic as soon as it was first discovered by cosmetic side effect of argyria (greying of the
Dr Silver in 1906, but it fell out of favour dec- skin) is only seen when people consume silver
ades later, when antibiotics became available. salts and solutions that are not fit for human
And today, with the rise of antibiotic resistant consumption.
microbes, colloidal silver is making a come-
back as the preferred antibiotic of choice for a
variety of infectious diseases.

Several scientific studies have demonstrated

that colloidal silver is a powerful antibiotic.

High Quality Amber Colloidal Silver from Optimized Energetics UK

To order Call 965071745,966189074 or visit:

Colloidal Colloidal
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Embarrassed by Bad Breath?
George Orwell wrote that You can have affection
for a murderer, but you cannot have affection for a
man whose breath stinks. Whether you call it bad
breath or halitosis, its an unpleasant condition
that is cause for embarrassment. Some people with
bad breath arent even aware theres a problem. It
is important to distinguish between transient bad
breath such as bad morning breath and persistent
bad breath. Bad morning breath is due to reduced
flow of saliva during sleep, which encourages bacte-
ria acting on stagnated food particles in the mouth.
Problems in the gut usually cause halitosis or bad
breath.The odor associated with halitosis can orig-
inate from the mouth, but in many cases, it comes
from deep inside the stomach and the intestines.
A lack of healthy gut bacteria called probiotics is a liver or kidney disease.
known cause of bad breath. Probiotics are essential While most bad breath can be banished with sim-
for our health, especially for the health of the diges- ple hygienic steps, there are times when dental
tive system. or medical conditions might be the culprit. Make
Probiotics are essential for proper food digestion an appointment with your dentist if you notice
and absorption. Probiotics also help keep down a persistent odor coming from your mouth. Your
the population of harmful bacteria that produce dentist will be able to pinpoint any cavities or de-
the putrid smell associated with halitosis. A study cay, or even periodontal (gum) disease that might
from Japan found that a deficiency of the probiotic be causing your bad breath. Very rarely, bad breath
Lactobacillus salivarius would cause halitosis. When can signal a larger problem, including infection, and
the scientists gave people the probiotic, the foul even kidney or liver disease which is a reason to
smell reduced. Another study found that Lactoba- visit your doctor if the dentist doesnt find a cause
cillus is essential for maintaining oral hygiene. for your bad breath.
Without adequate oral hygiene, food particles Bad breath from decaying food particles and bacte-
remain in the mouth, collecting bacteria which can ria often strikes when people arent observing good
cause bad breath. Food that collects between the oral health. Brushing and Flossing of the teeth and
teeth, on the tongue, and around the gums can also tongue will help keep the breath fresh.
rot and leave an unpleasant odor. Believe it or not, saliva is your best weapon against
Also, what you eat affects the air you exhale. Cer- bad breath. Chewing gum (additives free gums) will
tain foods, such as garlic and onions, contribute to stimulate saliva production. Mints help mask the
objectionable breath odor.Bad breath can also be odor temporarily.
caused by dry mouth (xerostomia), which occurs Water keeps the level of bacteria in the mouth to a
when the flow of saliva decreases. Saliva is neces- minimum and drinking adequate amounts of water
sary to cleanse the mouth and remove particles that daily ( at least 2 liters) will help cure or reduce bad
may cause odor. breath.
Dry mouth is a common side effect of many drugs Taking probiotics will help alleviate bad breath
and also occurs from breathing through the mouth. caused by bad gut bacteria. Gargling with baking
Bad breath may also be a symptom of a medical soda dissolved in warm water is a good remedy for
disorder, such as a local infection in the respirato- bad breath.
ry tract, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic
bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbance,
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News and Information

Vitamin B3 protects against skin cancer

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine

has shown that the active form of Vitamin B3 also known as
nicotinamide significantly reduced the risk of contracting skin
The 12-month study involved 386 participants that had a
history of at least two non-melanoma skin cancer in the last
five years. One-Half of the group received 500 mg nicotinamide
twice daily, and the other group received a placebo. At the end
of the study, the scientists were surprised to notice a 23% re-
duction in non-melanoma skin cancer.
The researchers noticed a 20% reduction in basal cell carcinoma, which makes up 80% of all skin cancers.
The rate of squamous cell carcinoma, another skin cancer was reduced by 30%. The scientists also observed
that vitamin B3 protected the skin against premalignant skin cancer called actinic keratosis. Previous
studies have also indicated that nicotinamide may help prevent skin cancer.

Magnesium for Irregular Heart Beat

Magnesium is responsible for the normal transmission
of signals through the body making magnesium a vital
nutrient for many thousands of chemical processes
that regulate the internal workings of the body.
Magnesium is essential for regulating the contraction
and relaxation of the muscles in the body, including
the muscles of the heart. And so magnesium is pivotal
in regulating the force of contraction of the heart as
well as the rate of contraction or the hear. A lack of
magnesium is the main reason for an irregular
Blood tests measuring magnesium levels will nearly
always be normal because only 1% of magnesium is
found in the blood. The remaining 99% is found in cells
and impossible to measure through a blood test.
The importance of magnesium in the treatment of
irregular heartbeat came to our attention at MedB clinic a few years ago when Andrew visited our clinic.
He had been suffering from an irregular heartbeat for a few years and after a diagnostic scan and
treatment, his problem improved significantly, but never fully disappeared. Many months later, Andrew
learned about the role of magnesium in regulating heartbeat and started taking magnesium
supplements which completely cured the irregular heartbeat.
Magnesium helps regulate blood pressure by relaxing the arteries. It also helps the colon absorb water to
soften stool and prevent constipation. The commonest symptoms of magnesium deficiency are muscle
cramps, irregular heartbeat, constipation, and headaches.
Magnesium malate is the best-absorbed form of magnesium. Other forms of magnesium such as
magnesium citrate and carbonate are poorly absorbed. Liquid magnesium or magnesium oil can be
applied on the skin and is very well absorbed.
News and Information

Immune system determines our friendliness

Scientists from the university of Virginia, have postulated that the immune system directly affects and
even determines social behavior such as our desire to interact with one another.
The scientists have determined that a specific immune molecule called interferon gamma seems to be im-
portant for social interactions and that a lot of animals including fish, flies, rats, and mouse would activate
interferon gamma when they are social.
Blocking the molecule in mice made the animals less social, and when levels were restored in the brain, the
animals became normal.
The researchers believe that a malfunctioning immune system may play a role in social deficits found in
many people with psychological and psychiatric problems including schizophrenia and autism.

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Negative emotions increase pain

cientists are just beginning to understand a vicious cycle.
the deep connections that exist between Stress creates negative emotions such as
the mind and body. Research shows that anger and frustration and stress is a
those suffering chronic pain will eventually well-known contributor to chronic diseases
develop depression, and depressed people seem including heart failure and depression. Stress
to have a heightened awareness of pain than is also known to promote inflammation which
non-depressed people. worsens pain. Major stresses such as
Our nervous system is made up of different bereavement, divorce, and loss of a job are a
parts, and the part of the nervous system that concern. However, the main stressors in life are
transmits pain also responds to our emotions usually minor stresses such as paying a bill or
and is called the autonomic nervous system. noise from a neighbor.
The autonomic nervous system is responsible Positive emotions such as joy and gratitude
for controlling some of the unconscious stimulate the production of feel-good
processes that occur in the body such as hormones such as serotonin which have a
breathing, heartbeat, and even sexual relaxing effect on the body. When the muscles
arousal. In contrast, the other part of the are relaxed, blood flow increases which
nervous system controls the voluntary encourage the rate of healing and reduces
movement of the body. inflammation and pain. Serotonin also inhibits
The autonomic nervous system, which carries the production of chemicals that cause
pain signals and emotions, also controls the inflammation and pain.
secretion of chemicals from hormonal glands
and other glands, and these chemicals play a
role in emotions and pain awareness.
Recent studies have demonstrated that the
autonomic nervous system is capable of dif-
ferentiating between negative and positive
emotions. Emotions are the language of the
autonomic nervous system. Different emotions
send different messages to the heart, brain, and
the entire body.
Negative emotions such as anger or anxiety in-
crease heart rate and respiration and stimulates
the production of hormones such as
epinephrine which puts the body under alert.
An alert body is also under stress. Epinephrine
will also reduce blood flow to many areas of the
body and by doing so will encourage
inflammation, pain, and stress. Reduced blood
flow will increase blood pressure and promote
the production of chemicals that increase
inflammation and cause pain. Pain creates
stress in the body leading to even more pain in
The Full Body Scan at MedB
How the scan works
The diagnostic scan examines the whole body by measuring the frequencies of the cells, tissues
and organs in the body. Different parts of the body emit unique frequencies, and with the aid
of sensitive technology, these frequencies are measured and analysed by advanced computer
programmes to determine your state of health with high accuracy. At MedB, we use the most
advanced form of this diagnostic technology called Sensitiv Imago.
What to Expect
At MedB, our aim is to make your scan experience as comfortable & relaxing as possible.
It takes only 45 minutes for the first appointment, all of which you would spend in a relaxing
easy chair, watching a visual interpretation of the scan in progress.
The only things you need to remove for the scan are any jewellery or metal/electronic objects.
We would also ask that for 48 hours before the scan you avoid coffee, alcohol & very spicy food.
Everything else is OK. You also need to avoid smoking or using your mobile phone an hour
before the scan.

Included in the report of the scan will be a recommended

Direction of Therapy that we suggest based on the findings of
the scan.
We divide the therapy into 1st and 2nd Line therapy. The first
line therapy is usually to treat the underlying cause of the
illness while the second line therapy is to help regenerate and
strengthen damaged areas of the body.
Taking the Direction of Therapy is by no means a compulsory
requirement but we will point out that we only prescribe
products based on many years of use and supported by
extensive research.

Non-invasive and Safe: Unlike other scans such as X-rays and CT-scans, your body is not ex-
posed to harmful radiation.
Accurate and Detailed: The scan reads information from the cells and tissues as well as from
organs and systems to produce an accurate and detailed information about your state of health.
In contrast, other scans such as endoscopies use a camera to examine just the surface of internal
Affordable: A similar scan using the same technology cost up to 6 times more in England and
other EU countries. Products from MedB are also cheaper than anywhere else.
For More information Call 965071745, 966189074 or visit

Promoting Wellness and Healthy Ageing

Full Body Diagnostic Scan

Advanced Computerised Technology approved for the EU
Non-invasive and 96% Accurate

Detailed Examination and Analysis of all body systems and organs

Detection of microorganisms (Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites)
Biochemical Analysis (hormones, enzymes, proteins)
Detection of Toxins and Allergens
Diagnosis of Diseases and Complications
Blood Test
Food Allergy Test
Chromosomal analysis
Natural Therapy and Nutrition Counselling
Call: 965071745,966189074 or visit:
Clinic at 1161 Punta Marina, Punta Prima, Los Altos
In partnership with Sensitiv Imago Technology


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