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Logistic Regression

Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Casesa N Percent
Selected Cases Included in Analysis 31 100.0
Missing Cases 0 .0
Total 31 100.0
Unselected Cases 0 .0
Total 31 100.0

a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of


Dependent Variable Encoding

Original Value Internal Value
Ya 0
Tidak 1

Categorical Variables Codings

Frequency (1)
Aktivitas_Fisik Ya 16 1.000
Tidak 15 .000
Konsumsi_Garam Tinggi 18 1.000
Normal 13 .000

Classification Tablea,b
Hipertensi Percentage
Observed Ya Tidak Correct
Step 0 Hipertensi Ya 20 0 100.0
Tidak 11 0 .0
Overall Percentage 64.5

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. The cut value is .500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 0 Constant -.598 .375 2.536 1 .111 .550

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.
Step 0 Variables Konsumsi_Garam(1) 6.639 1 .010
Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh 7.682 1 .006
Aktivitas_Fisik(1) 4.045 1 .044
Overall Statistics 12.041 3 .007
Block 1: Method = Backward Stepwise (Likelihood Ratio)
Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients
Chi-square df Sig.
Step 1 Step 13.372 3 .004
Block 13.372 3 .004
Model 13.372 3 .004
Step 2a Step -.881 1 .348
Block 12.492 2 .002
Model 12.492 2 .002

a. A negative Chi-squares value indicates that the Chi-squares

value has decreased from the previous step.

Model Summary
Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R
Step -2 Log likelihood Square Square
1 26.952a .350 .481
2 27.833a .332 .456

a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because

parameter estimates changed by less than .001.

Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Step Chi-square df Sig.
1 3.762 5 .584
2 .116 2 .944

Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Hipertensi = Ya Hipertensi = Tidak Total
Observed Expected Observed Expected
Step 1 1 10 9.389 0 .611 10
2 3 3.399 1 .601 4
3 2 1.521 0 .479 2
4 1 1.843 2 1.157 3
5 2 2.692 3 2.308 5
6 1 .617 1 1.383 2
7 1 .540 4 4.460 5
Step 2 1 13 12.828 1 1.172 14
2 4 4.172 3 2.828 7
3 2 2.172 2 1.828 4
4 1 .828 5 5.172 6

Classification Tablea
Hipertensi Percentage
Observed Ya Tidak Correct
Step 1 Hipertensi Ya 18 2 90.0
Tidak 6 5 45.5
Overall Percentage 74.2
Step 2 Hipertensi Ya 19 1 95.0
Tidak 6 5 45.5
Overall Percentage 77.4
a. The cut value is .500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig.

Step 1a Konsumsi_Garam(1) -1.578 1.057 2.227 1 .136
Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh 2.266 1.023 4.904 1 .027
Aktivitas_Fisik(1) -1.000 1.073 .869 1 .351
Constant -2.420 1.469 2.715 1 .099
Step 2a Konsumsi_Garam(1) -2.004 .966 4.303 1 .038
Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh 2.221 .991 5.016 1 .025
Constant -2.609 1.439 3.287 1 .070

Variables in the Equation

95% C.I.for EXP(B)
Exp(B) Lower Upper
Step 1a Konsumsi_Garam(1) .206 .026 1.639
Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh 9.640 1.297 71.625
Aktivitas_Fisik(1) .368 .045 3.011
Constant .089
Step 2a Konsumsi_Garam(1) .135 .020 .895
Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh 9.213 1.320 64.324
Constant .074

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Konsumsi_Garam, Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh, Aktivitas_Fisik.

Model if Term Removed

Model Log Change in -2 Sig. of the
Variable Likelihood Log Likelihood df Change
Step 1 Konsumsi_Garam -14.648 2.344 1 .126
Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh -16.304 5.656 1 .017
Aktivitas_Fisik -13.916 .881 1 .348
Step 2 Konsumsi_Garam -16.334 4.835 1 .028
Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh -16.772 5.711 1 .017

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.
Step 2a Variables Aktivitas_Fisik(1) .902 1 .342
Overall Statistics .902 1 .342

a. Variable(s) removed on step 2: Aktivitas_Fisik.


Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Hipertensi *
31 100.0% 0 0.0% 31 100.0%

Hipertensi * Konsumsi_Lemak_Jenuh Crosstabulation

Ya Tidak Total
Hipertensi Ya Count 17 3 20
Expected Count 13.5 6.5 20.0
Tidak Count 4 7 11
Expected Count 7.5 3.5 11.0
Total Count 21 10 31
Expected Count 21.0 10.0 31.0

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 7.682a 1 .006
Continuity Correction 5.618 1 .018
Likelihood Ratio 7.657 1 .006
Fisher's Exact Test .013 .009
N of Valid Cases 31

a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.55.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

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