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Some scientific inventions mentioned in Hindu mythology long before their discovery

Ever wondered how our ancestors were accurately able to predict the Events of the Calendar - the full
moon, the new moon, the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse.

They were in a sense, much advanced and scientifically upgraded to have such accurate knowledge.
But, we started neglecting them in the name of results, proof and all these were the impact that the
Western Education had on us. This is what exactly the British wanted when they evaded India time over
time before Independence.

Destroyed as much as documents we had and removed our education system to put their education
system in place and thus depriving us of the advanced Indian education system which was already in

Coming back to the topic, there were many scientific inventions, medical procedures which were in
place long before they were discovered and popularized in the modern era.

Here are a few examples of the same.

1. Pushpak Vimana :

Aeroplance, the most beneficient thing on Earth. If you ask a school going kid too, he will give the
answer bang on as WRIGHT BROTHERS. But, wait, are we missing something here.

Have he heard about people flying from country to country in something similar. Yes, we all have heard
about this. In the epic Ramayana, there is a form of Aero Plane which was owned by the king of the
rakshasa, Ravana. It was named as Pushpaka Vimana ( Flowery Plane). This Pushpak Vimana was built
by Viswakarma (ancient Indian Architect or shall I call him Engineer for creating this Aeroplane) for the
Gods. It was Brahma who gifted this Pushpaka Vimana to Kubera who actually got it after a hard
penance of 49000 years. Ravana eventually looted it from him and the rest of story of Raavan using it
to Kidnap Seetha is a story known to all. If you go deep into ancient literature, we get clear proof of
Vimaana and its constructional details also. Quite saddening that our own invention mentioned
thousands of years back was then forgotten and the invention of Aeroplane was then crowned to Wright

2. Plastic surgery & Ayurveda

The medicinal miracle, the plastic surgery has been mentioned inscriptures as back as 1000 BCE.
Instruments described in the Sushruta Samhita were further modified in the Western world. The Roman
scholar Aulus Cornelius Celsus recorded surgical techniques, including plastic surgery, in the first
century AD. Reconstructive surgery techniques were being carried out in India by 800 BC. Sushruta was
a physician that made important contributions to the field of plastic and cataract surgery in 6th
century BC. The medical works of both Sushruta and Charak originally in Sanskrit were translated into
the Arabic language during the Abbasid Caliphate in 750 AD.
The Arabic translations made their way into Europe via intermediaries. In Italy the Branca family of
Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi (Bologna) became familiar with the techniques of Sushruta.

British physicians traveled to India to see rhinoplasties being performed by native methods. Reports on
Indian rhinoplasty performed by a Kumhar vaidya were published in the Gentleman's Magazine by 1794.

Joseph Constantine Carpue spent 20 years in India studying local plastic surgery methods. Carpue was
able to perform the first major surgery in the Western world by 1815. Instruments described in the
Sushruta Samhita were further modified in the Western world.

3. Nuclear Bomb

The most destructive inventions of mankind, that is known to wipe a entire city from the face of the
Earth. We all have heard of the destruction it can do and what it has done to Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

What if we say, that it was discovered, way before it was termed as the ATOMIC BOMB or NUCLEAR
BOMB? Interested ?

The description of something similar to the Nuclear bomb in terms of damage it can do, it is the
BRAHMASTRA. The Brahmastra is said to accumulate enormous power before it reaches the end target
and destroy the entire city from the face of the Earth. So the person who will use this Astra, should
either be in a safe place away from this city or should be ready to sacrifice his own life too. That is the
destruction a Brahmastra (Ancient Nuclear Bomb) could have done.

4. Solar System

Remember, we had read in our text books we had a chapter on Galileo Galilei and how his theory
proved that the Sun was the centre and the asteroids and the planets including Earth revolved around
the Sun.

But, much before this invention was made, the concept of Earth revolving around the sun was clearly
stated in ancient Hindu writings. In India, we see the beginning of theoretical speculation of the size
and nature of the earth.

Some one thousand years before Aristotle, the Vedic Aryans asserted that the earth was round and
circled the sun. A translation of the Rig Veda goes: " In the prescribed daily prayers to the Sun we
find..the Sun is at the center of the solar system", thus clearly stating that the finding is not from the
times of Galileo, but from times much before that. Two thousand years before Pythagoras, philosophers
in northern India had understood that gravitation held the solar system together, and that therefore
the sun, the most massive object, had to be at its center."

"Twenty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the
universe together. The Sanskrit speaking Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era
when the Greeks believed in a flat one. The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the
earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years
5. Jambudweepa

A hindu ritual mantra goes like this "Gange cha Yamune Cha yeva Godavari SaraswatiJambudweepe,
Bharata Varshe".. Hold on, Jambudweepe is a name to describe Earth as to accurate location from
where you are praying to GOD. That means, our ancestors knew that the Earth is round in shape and
how it looks from space and also, for me it proves that Earth is not the only place where life exists
(Not describing further, since not material proof ). How did they know that how the Earth would
look from space, with no rockets, no satellites. This is still a question mark on how the Hindu
mythology mentions it all, but it proves that the ancient Hindu's had technology that can take them to
space and even come back safely.

There are still many more things that are mentioned in Hindu scripts, but me, a small person, sitting in
one small corner of the world in my small room, currently know only this much :-) . Thanks for reading.

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