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Landscape Ecology vol. 3 nos.

3/4 pp 163-173 (1989)

SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague

Geographical perspectives of space, time, and scale

Vernon Meentemeyer
Department of Geography, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602

.We usually opt for one level of analysis exclusively, without considering the
. .

range of other alternatives. To judge from the literature this choice is a private
act of faith, not to be reported publically.
Mary Watson 1978

1. Introduction made for a fuller incorporation of space and spatial

scales into hierarchy theory.
In the discipline of geography, scale has always First I must admit that I am a geographer, specif-
been a major issue; however, geographers do not ically a physical geographer, and that this essay ful-
seem to explicitly state their scales of analysis any ly reflects my biases. I review the literature in
more fully than scientists in other disciplines. human and economic geography, climatology, geo-
Nevertheless, the geographic literature is rich in morphology, and remote sensing, which are often
philosophical discussions of spatial scales and a part of the discipline as well as literature in re-
methodological solutions for dealing with scale lated disciplines of landscape ecology, ecology, and
(e.g., Harvey 1969). These solutions should not meteorology.
need to be reinvented as the ecologic and biological Geography has often been criticized for its
sciences attempt to more fully incorporate the spa- breadth of topics and divergent points of view
tial dimension into their work and to move to ever (Hart 1982). The discipline spans human, biologi-
broader-scales of spatial analysis. cal, and physical environmental arenas and in-
This chapter reviews the major scale issues in cludes spatial scales from a single point to the entire
geography and the manner in which spatial scale globe. It follows then, that geography has abun-
problems have been manipulated and resolved. In dant literature on methodologies and the merits of
particular I discuss examples of the nature of the various research agendas. Problems in the search
variables used in spatial/regional models at various for causality and the predictions of spatial patterns
scales, the methodological dilemmas and inferen- are often discussed (Harvey 1969). It is interesting,
tial fallacies encountered in spatial analyses, and however, that the question of whether one is work-
some common solutions. In addition I examine the ing at a fundamental level is never discussed in
basis for selection of scales (including time scales) geography.
and some of the trade-offs or concessions needed to Remarkably, the common bond of the spatial
move to analyses at broader continental and global point of view seems to cement the discipline (Clark
scales. Finally, as part of my conclusions, a case is et al. 1987). This finding leads to the question: what

ingredients differentiate a study as geographic or Table 1. Philosophical views of space: the difference between
spatial? It seems that when one or more spatial vari- absolute and relative space.
ables are explicit, distinct variables in an analysis, Absolute space Relative space
the study becomes a spatial analysis (Meentemeyer
and Box 1987). Examples of spatial variables in- Space can exist indepen- Space exists only with refer-
clude area, range, distance, direction, spatial geo- dent of any matter ence to things and processes
metries and patterns, spatial connectivity, isola- Space as a container Space is defined by things
tion, diffusion, spatial associations, and scale and processes
(Abler et al. 1971). These variables may be consi- Associated primarily Associated primarily with stu-
dered geographic primitives (Mitchelson unpub- with inventory and dies of forms, patterns, func-
lished) . mapping tions, rates, diffusion
Watson (1978) maintaas that . . . scale is a geo- Euclidean space May involve non-Euclidean
graphic variable almost as sacred as distance. (transformed) space
Perhaps cartography is the geographic subdis-
cipline that is most adept at handling spatial scale.
Well-developed rules heve been developed to region under consideration is critical, as is the size
balance the scale versus resolution-information (scale) of the region. This is the point of view of
content of a map (Board 1967). One of the first de- conventional cartography, remote sensing, and the
cisions is selection of a map scale; indeed creative mapping sciences. It is the appropriate approach in
selection of map scales may be part of the art in car- inventory, planning, and most mapping and de-
tography. Very likely it is the geographers affinity scriptive studies. Moreover, it is quite easy to view
with mapmaking that makes scale sacred, but that subcontainers within a container and to devise
does not mean that scales are always stated explicit- appropriate classification schemes. A city may be
ly. Nor is scale for most researchers dmply a ques- viewed as having several districts, areas, or neigh-
tion of balancing the size (extent) of a region with borhoods, all of which may show ever-smaller area1
desired levels of resolution. Ones purpose and units. Depending on the classification scheme and
philosophical viewpoint toward space has much to skills of discrimination, the creation of spatial hier-
do with the nature of research designs and results. archies is quite straightforward, albeit in absolute
The relativistic point of view involves two con-
2. Absolute versus relative space siderations. First of all, space is defined by the spa-
tial elements and processes under consideration.
It is necessary in my view to recognize a priori The relevant space is defined by the spatial pro-
whether a study involves absolute or relative space. cesses, e.g., migration and commuting patterns,
Harvey (1969) presents an excellent review of the watersheds, dispersion of pollutants, and even the
evolution of these two points of view. He points out diffusion of ideas and information. In studies of
that Kant had a great influence on geography but the relationship between (among) spatial patterns/
that Kant expressed in his latter works an absolute formsand functions, processes and rates often de-
view of space, (i.e., space may exist for its own sake fine the scales and regions. Secondly this approach
independent of matter). Accordingly, space just may result in space being defined in non-Euclidean
is, and it may therefore be viewed as a container terms. Even distance may be relative (Harvey
for elements of the earths surface (Table 1). In 1969). Two areas separated by a barrier may be
other words, the job of geography should consist close in absolute space and very distant in relative
mainly of filling the container with information. space when time, rates, and interactions are consi-
Absolute scale involves primarily an Euclidian dered. Thus a functional (spatial process) region
point of view usually based on a defined grid sys- may be difficult to map in terms of absolute space.
tem. The location of elements within the grid of the The need for more broad-scale studies generated

by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program

(IGBP) has often produced calls for the use of ad-
vanced techniques in remote sensing and applica-
tions of geographic information systems (GISs)
(e.g., NASA 1986; Kotlyakov et al. 1988). Some
problems can realistically be solved only by these
techniques; however, they involve absolute space
almost exclusively.
Most modern work in geography involves a rela-
tive view of space (Harvey 1969; Abler et al. 1971)
because much of this work involves spatial proces-
ses and mechanisms. Both absolute and relative
space involve scale, but each approach tends to
produce distinctly different research results.
Moreover the nature of the resulting models is in- Fig. 1. The activity space of individuals as it relates to time in-
fluenced by scale, especially for spatial models volved, distance travelled, degree of routinization, and proba-
bility of occurrence.
produced from the relativistic point of view.
However, this fact leads to the additional complica-
tion that spatial scales need not be viewed only in In planning and modeling of water supply net-
absolute terms. Scale is also relative when scales works for third-world countries, studies at a na-
change across a map. It is instructive to examine tional scale often involve urban and regional water
changes in model structures and relevant variables demands. At a village scale, walking time and dis-
in the geographic (broadly defined) literature tance to a spigot may be preeminent concerns (Lo-
caused by changes in spatial scales. gan, personal communication). In other words,
group and regional aggregation variables are. re-
placed by measures of the individual person or
3. Variables changing with scale family.
Behavioral geography is a subdiscipline in geo-
As in many other disciplines, geography has debat- graphy which examines the use of space by indi-
ed the appropriate scale of analysis for various viduals and the timing of this use. Portions of this
processes (Nir 1987). There is, however, widespread discipline have been termed activity space and time-
agreement that changes in scale change the impor- space geography (Carlstein and Thrift 1978). The
tant, relevant variables. Moreover the value of a approaches taken have shown that human activities
phenomenon at a particular place is usually driven which are the most routine involve the smallest
by causal processes which operate at differing spaces and are correlated with the shortest periods
scales (Mitchelson unpublished). In studies of hu- of time (Fig. 1). Rare, unroutine activities often in-
man migration, the models for predicting the spa- volve movement over large spaces or distances and
tial patterns of intrastate movement usually involve can be so rare as to recur only a few times (or once)
regionally aggregated data for groups. Often in- in a-lifetime (e.g., changing careers). The most fre-
cluded are variables related to labor demand, in- quent movements are of the shortest distance and
vestment and business climate, and income, i.e., may also display effort-minimization principles
group and structural-contextual variables. Intra- (Zipf 1949, Holley 1978). Thus different spatial ac-
urban migration models often involve the age, tivities have radically different time and space
education, and income of individuals, as well as scales. Perhaps it is now time to incorporate spatial
kinship and other affinity measures. Distance and activities of nonhuman entities into this frame-
status may also be useful measures, but at this scale work.
most variables delimit the individual (Pandit, per-
sonal communication.

Table 2. The correspondence among time scales, scales of at-

mospheric variables and topographic variables most frequently
used in studies of orographic precipitation.


Time Atmospheric Topographic

Minute Local convection Slope 070

Dew point depression
Hour Feeder cloud Orientation I

Potential instability Elevation Area -

Wind speed Fig. 2. Time and spatial area relationships with measurement
Day Synoptic events Exposure? diversity in physical climatology.
Short-wave patterns
Year Precipitable Hz0 Elevation (Table 2). The topographic variables used show
Upper-level divergence Exposure less-well-defined relationships with scale. Spatial
Baroclinic zones Slope % scales are poorly defined in many studies, and
SST and ENS0 Orientation studies at contintental and global scales are nonex-
Normals Baroclinic zones Exposure istent (Basist 1989). Probably the interactions of
Long wave patterns Orientation elevation with exposure and of slope with orienta-
Wind persistence and tion are more appropriate at broad regional scales;
surprisingly, elevation alone is a less-useful predic-
Wind speed
tor than other measures of topography (Basist

3. I. Studies in orographic precipitation

3.2. Studies in physical climatology
It is also possible to review the research literature on
a particular phenomenon with a view to the time It has been argued elsewhere (Meentemeyer and
and space scales which have been used. Presumably Box 1987) that processes and phenomena which in-
a sufficient number of studies across a sufficient volve broad spatial scales appear to be changing so
diversity of spatial scales have been conducted, and slowly that very long time scales are needed to ob-
some indication of the changes in relevant variables serve and model these entities. The literature of the
should be evident. I have done this for studies of physical climatology of the earths surface is also il-
precipitation patterns in mountainous areas (Table lustrative of the pragmatic problem of matching
2). For precipitation events at a point (weather sta- time and space scales (Flohn 1981), as well as the
tion) lasting for minutes to perhaps an hour, the nature of the variables which appear important. At
studies are highly process oriented and often in- the scales of micrometeorology, measurements are
volve atmospheric variables defining local convec- rarely conducted for more than a few hours or days;
tion and dew point depression. The actual topogra- however, the variety of situations and the number
phy itself does not seem especially important, of environmental variables studied have been ex-
although percentage slope is sometimes considered. ceptionally large (Fig. 2).
At the time scale of an hour or more, the forma- Nearly every conceivable location and environ-
tion of feeder clouds at low levels, potential insta- mental variable (including factors such as tempera-
bility, and current windspeeds are often examined. ture, moisture, radiation, wind, and heat flux) has
As the time scale lengthens, the appropriate at- been monitored. As measurement time scales are
mospheric variables involve even broader scales lengthened, the areas become more aggregated and

Table 3. Some observations and speculations on spatial scale. 3.3. Scale thresholds?
1. Broad-scale patterns (aggregate scales) generate hypotheses;
Reviews of research literature on narrowly defined
fine scales (individual level) determine cause and effect (Wat-
son 1978). phenomena should be conducted in a systematic
2. Sciences dealing mostly with processes, e.g., meteorology are way to find additional order in the effects of
better able to switch scales (Steyn et al. 1981). changes in scale. Some phenomena show distinct
3. Sciences dealing mostly with phenomenon have more diffi- scale thresholds. In geomorphology/hydrology,
culty with time and space scales (e.g., geography, climatolo-
small watersheds in temperate zones display a very
gy, landscape ecology) because the size of the phenomenon
decides the scale. peaked discharge response. At about 300 km2, the
4. As the spatial scale becomes finer (smaller spatial units) the peak flattens because at this size many watersheds
vertical three-dimensional aspect becomes more important. support floodplains (Klein 1976, in Beven et al.
5. Meso scales are usually the most difficult to define and 1988).
The search for changes in model structures and
even thresholds in spatial systems can fruitfully be
defined by terms such as slope, city versus rural, started now. Moreover, it is likely that research in
and land versus water. The variety of earth surface broad-scale spatial phenomena and processes will
classes becomes more restricted, as well as the proliferate. Unfortunately spatial analyses and
number of environmental variables measured con- varying scales of time-space resolution can produce
tinuously. In addition, the three-dimensional some difficult methodological problems.
spaces of microclimatology, in which the vertical
dimension defined by the boundary layer is signifi-
cant, are progressively collapsed to a standard two- 4. Methodological dilemmas in spatial analyses
dimensional surface at broader scales (Table 3).
The vast majority of long-term measurements are Tobler (1969) stated the problem of spatial auto-
made only at standard weather stations, where by correlation succinctly in his first law of geography:
international agreement measurements are made in near things are more related than distant things.
the same manner over most of the globe. Thus every spatial element may be correlated, i.e.,
Such standard or reference stations at which it is similar to its neighboring element. Without spa-
long-term measurements are made are so expensive tial autocorrelation, however, the surface of the
to maintain that only governments have sufficient earth would appear entirely random. Spatial au-
resources. It should be mentioned, however, that tocorrelation is, in fact, the basis for the recogni-
these stations were not designed to answer ques- tion of spatial variability, of land versus water,
tions about biotic-abiotic interactions or even field versus forest, high density versus low density,
about climate change but for meteorologists pro- etc. Often it is useful to search for the level of reso-
ducing weather forecasts (Mather 1974), justifying lution which maximizes the spatial variability of a
the expense of their operation. Yet it is these point phenomenon (Harvey 1969). This is then the level -
measurements which have been used to interpolate, at which spatial patterns may be most easily recog-
extrapolate, and describe abiotic environments nized and studied. The underpinnings of spatial au-
across the diverse elements of landscapes, regions, tocorrelation are treated elsewhere (e.g., Cliff and
and the entire globe. In fact, there is a clear trend Ord 1973).
in the literature of physical climatology to extrapo- Although spatial autocorrelation has received
late from coarser to finer spatial and time scales - much recent attention, especially by soil scientists
rarely in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, (e.g., Kachanoski 1988), it is one of the more eso-
weather stations are biased toward low-elevation teric methodological problems in spatial analyses.
areas, regions near higher-population densities, Perhaps the two most important problems in geo-
and land masses. Even this very rich data source is graphic research are the lack of experimental con-
not global. trol and the size of the observational unit. It is safe

to say that nearly every geographic primitive (area, 20 20

+ 1 1
shape, distance, scale, etc.) needs to be controlled .
z15- . . 15 - .
for if the results (models?) are to be general and m
transferable to other settings. The dependency of x
a IO- IO -

results on the size of the spatial unit in an analysis E

85- . . 5 - .:: .
provides ample examples of potentially erroneous $
inferences. I I I I
OO 5 10 15 20 OO 5 IO 15 20

Percent Dwellings That Are Flats

after Johnston
4. I. Erroneous inferences
Fig. 3. An influence of the size of a spatial observation on spatial
Generalizations across spatial scales and units of
aggregation have generated three types of erro-
neous inference (Mitchelson, unpublished): (a) dwellings that are flats in each of four areas in Lon-
individualistic fallacy - imputing macrolevel (ag- don. The correlation coefficient is zero. Two
gregate) relationships from microlevel (individual- regions are large, however, and when broken down
istic) relationships, (b) cross-level fallacies - mak- into equal-sized census tracts (right-hand figure),
ing inferences from one subpopulation to another the correlation coefficient is about 0.6 (Johnston
at the same level of analysis, and (c) ecological fal- 1976).
lacy - making inferences from higher levels of A particularly demanding methodological prob-
aggregation to a lower level. lem in geography has been inference of spatial pro-
In geography, when spatial units (patches, dis- cess from spatial form. Indeed, it is from spatial
tricts, areas, regions, gaps) are the elements of a form that most processes are discovered. Unfor-
correlation-regression analysis, the results are tunately empirical results are usually scale specific,
termed ecological correlation (Robinson 1950). Patterns which appear to be ordered at one scale
Generally, when the size of the observational unit, may appear random at other scales (Miller 1978).
is large, the estimate of variation for the phenome- Moreover, different spatial processes can generate
non is low because the means vary less than the exactly the same spatial patterns. Often fine-scale
values upon which they are based. This can lead to processes can cause clumping patterns, but the
an erroneous inference termed the ecological fal- clumps show the results of processes leading to as
lacy in economic geography, i.e., making infer- much dispersion as possible. For example, shoe
ences about the individual or lower levels from the stores tend to clump to increase comparative shop-
higher levels of aggregation. Robinson (1950) dem- ping, but each clump desires to be as far as possible
onstrated ecological fallacy in the correlation be- from another clump of shoe stores.
tween race and measured IQ. When the United The size of the observational unit may also in-
States was divided into nine regions, the correlation fluence statistical distributions. Generally Poisson
coefficient was 0.946 (r2 = 0.89), and a value of distributions are generated from small sampling
0.733 (r2 = 0.537) at the level of 48 states quadrats, and large quadrats generate negative
(regions). However, at the individual level, the binomial distributions (Watson 1978). This can in-
coefficients were only r = 0.203 (r2 = 0.04). Good fluence inference (process from form) as well as
statistical designs can, however, overcome this spatial correlation.
potential fallacy. The rules for optimal spatial sampling and data
Johnston (1976) provides an extremely simple ex- grouping to reduce the loss of information on in-
ample of the problem of unit size, autocorrelation, dividuals have been developed (e.g., Clark and Av-
and ecological fallacy (Fig. 3). The diagram on the ery 1976), and these rules can reduce some common
left represents a plot of the relationship between fallacies in inference. Missing spatial data can,
people aged 65 and over and the percentage of however, produce special problems. If the goal is a

which display great temporal variability and require

high levels of resolution produce excessive volumes
HANDLED BY CURRENT SYSTEMS) of data. Thus for some fine-scaled phenomenon,
simple extrapolation might be acceptably accurate
but meet data-handling thresholds. Furthermore,
multiple time or space scales would push the data
volume threshold to the upper right-hand portion
of Fig. 4.
Hierarchical coupling is common in applied
IN THlS AREA) climatology as is extrapolation from broad to fine
scales. Climatology was in its infancy a weak step-
sister of meteorology (Mather 1974). The data col-
lected by meteorologists in their attempts to fore-
Spatial Resolution (metres) cast the weather were the basis of the discipline. At
after Townshend various spatial scales, it seems natural then to corre-
Fig. 4. The influence of levels of temporal and spatial resolution late these temperature and precipitation records
on data-handling thresholds for various phenomena. with ecosystem processes. Unfortunately, tempera-
ture and precipitation are measures of the state of
map of a process or phenomenon, or if a model is the atmosphere and may not represent well that
the goal, then missing data are a serious problem. part of climate which is actually entering into an en-
Does one interpolate, extrapolate, or produce other vironmental process. It is necessary to conceive an
estimates of values for missing spaces? Certainly effective climate (term coined by D.B. Carter):
spatial averaging is possible, and it is also possible that climate or abiotic environment most intimately
to fit trend surfaces of varying complexity. Unfor- involved in an environmental process. For some
tunately these approaches are also scale dependent processes, for example, soil temperature may be
and therefore scales must be considered in estimat- more effective than air temperature and soil
ing missing data. moisture more so than precipitation. In the termi-
nology of hierarchy theory (ONeill et al. 1986;
ONeill 1988; Salthe 1985), this appropriate cli-
4.2. Coupling hierarchical levels matic (abiotic) environment could be considered
the constraints on lower levels. I suggest that these
One solution to poor spatial data coverage is the de- constraints must be the effective climate, the en-
velopment of a model of spatial relationships that vironment closest to the actual processes, and not
couples two hierarchical levels. Watson (1978) just weather records.
notes, however, that few studies in geography have
combined macrospatial and microspatial levels of
analysis because of the incredibly large amounts of 4.3. The data-rich to data-poor solution
data needed. Indeed many scale problems seem in
actuality to involve thresholds in data-handling Sometimes available data determine research de-
abilities. Figure 4, based on Townsend (1987), signs and space-time scales. This may be especially
demonstrates the boundary between scales which true for broad-scale geographical-ecological prob-
produce excessive data and data volumes which lems of the type proposed as part of IGBP. Geo-
can be handled by current systems in remote sens- graphers and climatologists have coupled hierar-
ing, GISs, and atmospheric circulation models. The chical levels with success when the higher level
constraints may be caused by any combination of (constraints) have been data-rich. In fact, many
hardware, software, or model structure. Naturally, spatial models are based on the concept of predict-
the detection of spatial processes and phenomena ing the spatial patterns of data-poor (especially in-

volving poor spatial coverage and missing data) 4.4. Loss of detail in spatial analysis
phenomena and processes on the basis of data-rich
constraint variables. My own work has involved The selection of spatial scales involves much more
predicting the geography of litter decomposition than selection of levels of spatial resolution.
rates at continental scales on the basis of abiotic Nevertheless it should be clear that the addition of
(climatic) constraints (Meentemeyer 1984). In most the spatial dimension in the study of nearly any
of these spatial models, the climatic variables have process or phenomenon may involve a variety of
not been precipitation and air temperature, but in- trade-offs. Models for broader-scale patterns result
stead have been evapotranspiration and measures in less predictive accuracy at specific points or
of seasonality, which apparently enter more effec- places. Since geography is primarily an empirical
tively into decomposer systems. These models have science, the generalizations (models) are only as
been criticized for not including fully the organis- good as the finest-grain spatial data available.
mic, chemical and physical variables well known to Often it is necessary to sample for just one or two
control decay rates. However, adding such infor- variables at many points (regions, places, etc.) in
mation produces exceedingly complex models, order to develop good spatial data sets. The details
which when coupled with the driving variables of of entities and processes at places often cannot be
climate, do very little to improve the prediction of used. Thus the model may appear to be superfi-
broad-scale geographic patterns. Apparently a cial, but, without the sacrifice in detail, a spatial
threshold is reached at which the costs of addi- model and/or a predictive map would not have
tional causal or mechanistic information is not bal- been possible.
anced by improved predictions of spatial patterns. The incorporation of the spatial dimension in
At this point information on the lower levels cannot landscape ecology and projects under the global
simply be moved upscale. change programs require the substitution of more
Fortunately we already have many of the data- samples geographically but sampling of less detail
rich variables at near global scales which can be at each site or place. It seems that the addition of
used as the driving variables in predicting spatial the spatial dimension forces attention to higher hi-
patterns at the broader scales. Information on cli- erarchical levels: the broader the scale, the higher
mate, soil, topography, vegetation, and land use the level.
comes readily to mind. Remote sensing has pro- The history of spatial modeling has shown the
duced spatial coverage for additional variables, es- success of modeling on the basis of higher-level
pecially for the oceans (Walsh and Dieterle 1988). constraints. Lower levels provide data for testing of
Perhaps the innovative spatial-environmental mod- hypotheses and the search for causality (Table 3).
els of the future will involve higher- to lower-level Therefore it is apparent that much of the cherished
couplings to produce new geographies of processes detail of the reductionist sciences may not be need-
and their rates which cannot now be mapped. ed, and indeed cannot be used, in broad-scale spa-
As shown above, in Fig. 2, and in the hierarchy tial modeling.
literature, extrapolation from higher to lower levels
has been successful, with much less success for fine-
to-broad extrapolations. The challenge for the 5. How spatial scales are selected (apparently)
global climate change program then is exceedingly
difficult because it involves analysis of the levels Steyn et al. (1981) make the interesting point that
and constraints which are above that of some of our disciplines concerned primarily with processes,
most useful and data-rich constraints (e.g., weather such as meteorology, are able to switch scales with
records). To improve the spatial modeling compo- relative ease (e.g., Gedgelman 1985). On the other
nent in landscape ecology, it may be helpful to find hand, disciplines dealing with phenomenon are
the appropriate constraints for the spatial hierar- often restricted by the size of the phenomenon
chical level of concern. (Table 4). Many phenomena come in characteristic

Table 4. The selection of spatial scales: some apparent deter- the interactions. Similarly, scale may be determined
minants and constraints. by the degree of within-site versus across-site varia-
bility. Generally the scale selected is the one which
1. The size and speed of a spatial phenomenon or process maximizes across-site variability (Table 4).
2. Existing maps and map scales Data-handling thresholds are intertwined with
3 . Scales of aerial photography and remote sensing images time and space scales. This data-handling threshold
4. Size of the spatial units (e.g., quadrat, tract, patch, area, has been moved to higher time-space resolution by
5. Mathematical-statistical constraints (e.g., spatial-temporal technology. However, time and money constraints
autocorrelation, centrality bias, missing data) often seem to limit spatial scales, the number of
6. Within-site versus across-site variability variables considered, and the number of hierarchi-
7. Data handling thresholds cal level used.
A. Time The abundant arguments in geography regarding
B. Technology
C. Money the merits of microscale versus macroscale analyses
8. Practical-empirical considerations and of all scales in between point to basic differ-
9 . Philosophical propensities (e.g., micro versus macro, abso- ences in philosophical stances on scale. Researchers
lute space versus relative space) with similar propensities select similar scales and
10. Arbitrary seem therefore to group together. Perhaps this is
caused by dominant paradigms, data sources, and
other realities. Is it thus possible to categorize dis-
size classes. Moreover phenomena associated with ciplines, subdisciplines, and groups on the basis of
ephemeral processes or fast relaxation times may their favorite time and space scales? In the end it
need to be studied at fine time-space scales (Table seems that scales are unconsciously selected and
4). therefore may seem to be entirely arbitrary.
The tremendous burden of sampling spatial vari-
ables adequately often means that existing data
sources and map scales (e.g., 1:24,000, 1:50,000) 6. Summary and conclusions
must be used. Thus it is common to define the spa-
tial scale of a study by the approximate correspond- This article reviews space and time scales from a
ing map scales (e.g., Krummel et al. 1987). Similar- geographers point of view. Because spatial pheno-
ly the scales of aerial photography and remote mena come in incredibly different size classes, geo-
sensing images may constrain the spatial scales graphers have conducted analyses across many or-
chosen. The size of quadrats, census tracts, ders of spatial magnitude. Geographers seem adept
patches, and even pixel size may fix the limits of at moving from one scale to another, but they are
suitable scales. not prone to explicitly state these scales a priori.
Mathematical and statistical considerations may Moreover, in spite of many appeals for multiscaler
affect the selection of scales. Spatial and temporal research (e.g., Abler 1987; Miller 1970; Stone 1968; -
autocprrelation for phenomena and processes may Kirkby 1985), this is seldom done, although higher-
vary with scale, depending on the degree of spatial level information is often used to predict lower lev-
and temporal heterogeneity. In essence the scales els. Good multiscale work apparently meets data-
need to match the heterogeneity; i.e., the phenome- handling thresholds rather quickly.
non dictates the scale (e.g., White 1987). Some Most geographic research is now conducted with
techniques, such as those based on nearest-neigh- a relativistic view of space rather than a view of
bor analyses, have a centrality bias which changes space as a container. Spatial scales for relative
with scale. Studies of spatial interaction are espe- space are more difficult to define, however, than
cially sensitive to scale. Larger regions tend to in- those for the absolute space of cartography and re-
corporate more potential interactions and have a mote sensing.
larger centrality bias, depending on the nature of The relevant, important, and useful variables

from a modeling standpoint change with spatial damental level is never discussed in geography.
scale. By reviewing the literature on a topic in a sys- The Long-Term Ecological Reserve (LTER) sites
tematic way, as was done here for physical climatol- are a step in the right direction, but a geographer
ogy and orographic precipitation, this scale change would prefer much more intensive spatial sampling,
in variables can be seen. We do not as yet have even if that means a sacrifice in accuracy or detail.
models of the changes in models caused by changes Otherwise a spatial analysis may not be possible. It
in scale. remains to be seen to what degree the reductionist
Spatial data violate nearly every requirement for sciences can contribute to IGBP. More work with
parametric statistical analysis (Meentemeyer and explicitly stated scales is needed, as well as across-
Box 1987), which is partially responsible for falla- scales research. Scale has been treated philosophi-
cies and erroneous inference. Many of these prob- cally in this essay. But I am reminded of Coucleliss
lems are scale dependent. Based on the work of caution, Philosophizing in an empirical discipline
Harvey (1969), we see that there are three primary is a sure sign of trouble (cited in Abler 1987).
methodological problems in spatial analyses. There
are first of all the differences in inference and rele-
vant variables caused by different scales or hier- 7. Acknowledgements
archical levels. This has been called the scale
problem in geographic literature. Secondly, the I wish to thank my colleagues in the Department of
description and modeling of spatial patterns, as Geography, University of Georgia for their as-
noted above, may defy easy solutions, and finally sistance. Ronald Mitchelson provided me with his
the relationships between spatial patterns and unpublished paper on scale and read an early draft
process remain a challenge. of this paper. Kavita Pandit and Bernard Logan
The geographic literature contains many exam- provided specific examples of scale problems, and
ples of extrapolations to lower levels from higher James Wheeler provided me with new references.
levels. Often the higher levels have been more wide- Alan Basist shared with me his knowledge of oro-
ly sampled geographically (e.g., weather and cli- graphic precipitation. I thank my colleagues at Oak
mate, topography) and may be data rich. Models Ridge National Laboratory for the invitation to at-
which predict spatial patterns and process often use tend the workshop which helped initiate this paper.
the data-rich higher levels as driving variables for Elgene Box was instrumental in getting me to give
lower levels. Young (1978) argues that central place serious thought to scale issues. Audrey Hawkins
theory in geography should be a component of hier- and Dorothy Osborn prepared all drafts of this
archy theory. Indeed it can be argued here that paper.
space is inherently hierarchical and needs to be
more fully incorporated into hierarchy theory.
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