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1) Millennium Goals

How successful have the UN Millennium Goals been?

Answer : millennium goal 1 had focus on eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
This goal is divided in to three parts, which are reduce poverty, productive and decent
employment and reduce hunger by half. Reducing poverty program is the most
successful in all countries studied except in sub- Saharan and Oceania. Next,
productive and decent employment, this program has only one country that can meet
the target, which is Eastern-Asia. For the last program, more than half of the countries
studied can reach to the target excellently (northern- Africa, Eastern Asia, south-
eastern Asia, Latin America and Caucasus and central Asia). Goal number 2 was
about the primary education. Almost all of the countries have high enrollment but it
only worked in northern-Africa and eastern- Asia. Also, the rate of primary school
increased from 83% to 91% in 2000. Goal 3, two- third of developing countries could
reach the target. Today, 103 girls are enrolled for every 100 boys. Next goal is to
reduce child mortality. The number of under-five mortality has decreased more than
half since 1990 from 90 to 43 deaths per 1,000 births. The most successful countries
are northern- Africa, eastern- Asia and Latin America. Goal number five is improves
mental health. This goal success in eastern-Asia and central-Asia which both of this
countries have low mortality in the first place. Moreover, MDG6, combat HIV/AIDS
and malaria and other disease have an excellent result in Asia side. According to the
UN report, more than 6 million were died by malaria. Next goal was ensure
environment sustainably. This goal focused on health of the citizen and the
environment around their household. Between 1990 and 2015, around 2 billion people
can access to safe drinking water. The last goal is focus on development global
partnership. There were 66% increased in some countries from wealthy countries to
develop countries.(northern-Africa, eastern-Asia, south-eastern-Asia, Western-Asia,
Latin America and central Asia. )

p. 11 What can be done to ensure that every child as

sufficient and nutritious food in order to grow up healthy?
Answer : According to the goal number two that talk about the hunger problem. To
achieve this goal and help children to get all nutrition in order to grow up, they will
protect the variety of seed, crop and animal farm to get benefit from this recourse.
Moreover, they will increase agricultural production and income of small farmers,
especially women and indigenous peoples, respecting the environment, the
biodiversity of each region and their own resources.

p. 13 What else is needed for every child and young person

to have a good education?
answer : Good education come from good basic knowledge, so they set the policy that
focus on the basis education for every student to ensure education. Also, they will
provide more chance to student to access to the development technology in education
system such as the good Internet and e-book, so they will receive the variety way to
gain knowledge and can get the better job in the future. Moreover, there were some
countries that still give more opportunity for education to men and powerful people.
We are going to end up the inequality in education opportunities between men and
women. Furthermore, we are going to getting more serious in training and qualified
p. 19 Have you ever felt excluded? Have you noticed when
things seem unfair for certain people? How does this make you
feel and what do you think can be done to make things fairer?

Answer : Other problem is inequalities. Some people might feel unfair in their society,
so we set the goal to fix this problem. In this goal, we focus on the law and the
practices that not exclude or against any group. Also, we will teach them to listen and
respect to other peoples need because this is the first basic thing to fix this problem.
Moreover, we will ensure that the government creates the law and social program that
protect the right of vulnerable people such as women, indigenous and disabilities

p. 28 What Goals do you think are the most important for

children and young people? List the Goals in order of priority
Answer: 1) quality education 2) good health 3) gender equality 4) peace and justice 5)
no hunger

The reason why I choose this five goals is because all of them are the basic thing that
will make young children have good quality of life, and grow up to be a good person.
Firstly, education is very important for all of people especially for children. They have
to use this knowledge to find a job and develop the country. Moreover, knowledge
that they get from good education will make they live their life base on the truth and
moral. No hunger goal is also necessary for young people because they have to eat
and survive. However, the type of food is important too, so we also want to provide a
good food for children health. Furthermore, gender equality is the problem that still
exist, so we want to make a law that make sure that all of the women will have right
to make a decision or speak for any thing they dont want to do. Finally peach and
justice, it is very beneficial because it will make the children can you their right to
protect them form violent in many way such as the family or the society.

p. 29 Which Goals are you going to champion and how are you
going to help achieve them? Or, how would you champion and
help achieve these goals?

Answer : I choose quality education goal because it is general issue that happened in
my age, so I think it is easier to achieve than other goals. This goal mostly concerned
about the quality and opportunity of education because it is the first thing we have to
improve. More qualify the education more good student. Moreover, Im going to give
the knowledge about the benefit of Internet for education. For example many of
children turn to be self- learning. They dont go to school but they can graduate and
attend to the university like a normal student. So this might be another option for
students who have special condition.
Write a step-by-step direction on what happens in a Model UN,
with some notes, suggestions, and comments of your own.

Answer :
Step 1: they will decide on the leadership structure for overall conference and set the
Step 2: study about position
Step 3 : study and find the information about the background ,advise of the topic that
need for UN
Step 4: do the research and assignment about the country
Step 5: communicate with other people in the conference for the conclusion
Step 6: order each person for doing the position
Step 7 : create a conference program.
Step8 : create the committee assignment sheet and name tag
Step9 : meet with the audience.

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