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What Is Psychic Power?

By H. Spencer Lewis, Ph. D.

Leisure Hour Series B

Leisure Hour Series
timed to your taste is the purpose of the Leisure Hour
re a d in g
Series. Each subject included in this series is concisely and simply What is Psychic Powell
presented. It is designed to give the reader the useful essence of
the topic of his interest in as few words as possible. W hen order By H. S p e n c e r L e w is, Ph.D.
ing, indicate which Series, A or B. (Kindly do not remit in
postage stamps.)

SERIES A <?> SERIES It Students of any one of the systems that leads to psychic
Make Your Own Prophecies What Is Psychic Power? unfoldment and spiritual development are very apt to
Learn how to see the future evolve
out of the present, logically and
A concise, inform ative explanation. speak of spiritual powers, psychic powers, and divine
The Art o f Mental Creating powers, with too little concern as to the real meaning
What Occurs After Death? M aking your thoughts work for you. of these terms. Also, they often have too little analytical
Here is a mystical and scientific
treatm ent of this subject th a t will
fascinate you. Self-H ealing interest in the magnificent principles involved. I have
Cosmic Consciousness Directing the curative powers ol self. seen artists developing in art schools and under special
Learn the nature and way of de
veloping this power. Psychology o f Mysticism teachers and attaining a high degree of efficiency in the
Psychic Phenom ena How to induce the mystical state
of mind.
awakening and quickening of natural talents. However,
Know the basic principles underlying
the interesting field of psychic research. I have realized through my conversations with them that
Mystic Art o f Breathing they had given little thought to the nature of the abilities
ColorIts Mystical Influence How breathing can quicken the inner
Here is explained how
your life.
color affccts consciousness. which they were actually developing. The same is true
Supersight, or the Third Eye Mystery o f Numbers of musicians and writers and those who are dealing with
Inner or psychic perception. <$> Numbers as keys to occult forces. other objective expressions of the emotional side of life.
Send Order and Rem ittance to: W e listen to an advanced occult or psychic student
ROSICRUCIAN SUPPLY BUKEAU describe with proper modesty and conservatism the things
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California 95191
he has been able to accomplish as a result of his studies
U. S. A. and exercises. Take, for instance, his experience relating
C o p y rig h t 1 9 5 0 a n d 1 9 7 0 by to the giving of absent treatments. The results of his
S u p rem e G ra n d L o d g e o f AM ORC, In c. work may appear to the casual person as miracles. To
P rin te d In U. S. A.

G -8 7 B 875
the mystics and to the students on the Path they are not well-wishers and loved ones would become potential
miracles but magnificent manifestations of Divine power healers immediately. The patient would be overwhelmed
and Divine law. The adept tells us that he momentarily with treatments and would surely become well and normal
concentrated upon the individual he wished to contact, in a very short time.
that he sent forth thoughts of healing and of a creative W e must realize that the deep concern of a mother for
nature, and has visualized the curative process that should her ailing child or the grave interest of the father for the
immediately enter into the body of the patient. He knows unfortunate son or the prayers of the parents and the
at once that he has given the unfortunate person a truly good thoughts of close friends are essentially similar to
psychic treatment that will produce certain definite results the thoughts and visualized ideas that the efficient adept
as surely as the sun rises and sets in accordance with sends forth to his patient. But why is it that the treat'
Divine and Cosmic laws. W e agree that what is accom- ment from the efficient adept and the good thoughts and
plished by this adept is accomplished through psychic prayers of loved ones untrained in these principles do
power. But what is this psychic power? W ith what can not produce the same results? W hat is there about the
we compare it and how can we analyze it? work of the adept that is more efficient and more efFec-
Viewing the matter from the mental aspect of the tive? W hy is it that the adept proceeds with his treat'
neophyte or the uninitiated, it would seem that the adept, ment with such sureness and with such absolute confi'
in giving one of his marvelous treatments, is doing little dence? W hat has he learned that gives him such assur'
more than any other person might do in attempting to ance that his brief mental contact with the patient will
send good thoughts to the one who is ill. It would produce certain definite reactions?
seem that the mother or father or some loved one in the If we attempt to answer these questions by saying
family of the patient would naturally send the same that the mystic is applying some psychic power that the
others are unacquainted with and that it is this psychic
sort of thoughts, the same sort of visualized impressions power that produces the very efficient results in the one
to the patient. Therefore, if the secret of the treatment case and not in the other, we are not answering our
process consisted only of wilfully directing ones con- original question at all. W e are merely resorting to terms
centrated thoughts toward another in a constructive man' and terminology and making the matter even more
ner or with a constructive attitude, all of the patients complex.
In the first place, if we are to assume that the results than that which is transmitted by loving parents to a
produced are due to some psychic power transmitted by child or by one who is deeply devoted to another. But
one individual to another we must admit that this psychic there are sufficient evidences to warrant us in realizing
power is resident in all human beings of a normal type that in a large majority of the cases the mystic who has
and is available to all alike. If we speak of it as a Divine been well-trained in his strange art can, as a stranger
power that is universal and always creative and always to the one who is ill, render quickly more efficient service
useful in the doing of good deeds, we still have left and more effective treatments than those which are
unanswered the question as to why this psychic power rendered by the closest of kin. Therefore, granting that
or Divine power does not manifest when loved ones, in a the so-called psychic power is a Divine power that is
prayerful and deeply devoted attitude seek to aid the one resident within all of us and is available to all, we still
who is ill. have the problem of discovering what this power is and
If psychic power is truly a Divine power or essence of why it works more efficiently in the hands of the trained
some invisible kind that is resident in all of us and mystic than anyone else.
available to all of us, then certainly a Divine attitude I think the better way to understand this power is to
of mind and a holy purpose in our hearts should enable compare it in a simple way to other abilities which most
each and every one of us, as human beings, to exert or of us humans possess to some degree. Let us take, for
direct that Divine power efficiently. Certainly there is example, the ability to play or produce music. If we have
no closer Divine and human contact between two persons an instrument such as a piano we may find many individ
or any more Divine attunement between two individuals uals who can sit before this piano without any training
than that which exists when a mother or father, in prayer- and produce harmonious chords or simple melodies by a
ful attitude, kneels at the side of one who is ill, especially method that is known as playing by ear.' The result
a child or dearly beloved one. may be pleasing and in many cases is seemingly very ex
I am not unmindful of the fact that some of the most cellent, but the results cannot equal those produced by
remarkable cures have been made under such circunv the trained musician who knows precisely what he is
stances. There probably is no more inspiring and sooth- doing when he groups certain notes beneath his fingers
ing, helpful, and constructive thought power in the world in composing a chord or selects certain notes in each octave
to strike in certain alternate positions to produce a melody. not be perfect music or an efficient demonstration of the
To the untrained ear his results may not be greatly differ- possibilities of the musical instrument. Thus it is with
ent from those produced by the long experienced player the trained and developed mystic. He must study and
who is guided only by his ear. However, if the result prepare himself for the proper and understanding control
of the playing is to produce efficiently and correctly some and direction of the energy that is always available. The
definite result, the trained musician has the advantage. trained musician learns not only how to play upon the
From a careful examination of the results of working instrument correctly and get the utmost out of the pos
with the so-called psychic power, not only in the giving sibilities that are in the instrument, but through his study
of treatments, but in the production of other definite and development in the field of music he lifts up his own
results, it becomes very apparent that the mystic is using consciousness to a higher attunement with the principles
the unknown creative power of the universe in an intel of music. He thereby makes himself receptive to inspira
ligent and understanding manner. Others who occasionally tion and Cosmic direction in applying his musical
secure certain results are proceeding in their efforts more knowledge.
or less blindly and without the proper understanding. Analyzing the masterful work of the greatest musicians
In the same way in which we see that this Divine we find a complex relationship of many fundamental prin
psychic power is ever available, we can see that music, ciples. First, there is the piano, for instance, with all of
as sound produced by vibrations, is always available in a the combinations arranged so that a multiplicity of units
piano or other musical instrument. But it takes intelli of vibrations may be played upon it and many groups of
gence to control and make manifest that sound in such notes produced in any manner that will cause the vibra
a manner as to produce certain definite results. The keys tions to produce pleasing and inspiring tones. Then there
of the piano may be struck at random and sound pro is the musician with his duality of functioning. First, there
duced, but it would not be music. The keys may be is the one half of him which has been objectively trained
struck or played by one guided by his ear alone or with to understand and interpret the principles of music. Along
only a very meager knowledge of music and the result with this training, through practice, he has made his ob
will be more or less pleasant; but, nevertheless, it would jective abilities capable of quickly responding to the
themes within his consciousness and correctly manipulating certain beneficial conditions is just like the musician at
keys of the piano so as to produce through them the the keyboard. W hen he is asked to give a treatment to
themes which are in his objective mind. All of this has some person absent or in his immediate presence he must
required long study and much practice. But then there first feel the inspiration of the contact and be inspired to
is the second half of him which is attuned with the Cosmic administer the correct impulse. Then his training and
and with the fundamental laws of Cosmic harmony and practice enable him to translate that impulse into the right
universal music. This half, through the development of procedure so that the efficient forces and powers avail
the spiritual and Divine side of his consciousness, is cap able to him may be properly used and applied to the
able of receiving and being aware of the inspiring musical treatment of the patient or to produce whatever results
themes that are transmitted to him by and through the he seeks to produce.
psychic consciousness. These in turn are transferred to
the objective consciousness where they are seized upon by W e see, therefore, that the secret of psychic power
his musical understanding and training and reproduced lies in \nowledge and practice. There was a time when
in proper manner upon the keyboard. the work of magicians was looked upon as a highly secret
So we see we have in this combination of conditions work because it was commonly believed that the profes
first the Cosmic or inner awareness of music; secondly, sional magician had some secret knowledge or powers or
the objective translation of it into musical themes; and possessed some recondite influence exclusively which he
thirdly, the training and practice for mental reaction to could use and which others could not. Today we under
this translation whereby the fingers automatically respond stand that the only secret power which these magicians
to the impulse created in the objective mind. The entire possess is the uncommon knowledge of certain funda
result of this combination of conditions is a beautiful mental laws. Through this knowledge of the laws he is
piece of music produced by sound vibrations and the able to use such powers as anyone and everyone possesses
interpreting of an inaudible theme that has arisen in the and may use but which the average person does not
psychic consciousness. because he does not know how to do so.
The efficient mystic who is using psychic powers of any To acquire such knowledge and to prepare oneself for
kind or the universal powers of Divine essence to produce the application of it means careful study, training, and
practice. The teacher cannot give to the pupil any about a highly developed neophyte. The study must be
specific powers which 'he can use blindly or indifferently carefully graded so that it tends toward one objective;
and the teacher cannot give to the pupil the efficiency namely, the application of that knowledge. Along with
and expertness necessary to properly apply the power that each new phase of study must be a certain amount of
is available. The teacher can only reveal the laws and practice. Each new law and principle must be tested
principles to the student and guide him carefully in the
process of practicing those laws until he becomes not only and applied and demonstrated. This is the only way in
familiar with them but efficient in the use of them. To which efficiency and confidence in the knowledge can
study the laws without practice is equivalent to attempting be created. This is why the better students and the most
to study music and merely reading every technical book correctly trained and developed adepts have studied and
on the subject and yet never sitting before any kind of worked under eminent teachers and masters and have
musical instrument and attempting to apply the principles associated themselves with a definite organization and
and practice them. school devoted to the perfection of such knowledge and
It is possible to study the laws of harmony in music practices. Then the student, the adept, the Master, can
and to become intellectually familiar with every funda' correctly and confidently proceed with his knowledge in
mental principle back of the creation of harmony. The a definite manner and produce the unusual results that
most expert in such knowledge would not be a creator
nor a producer of harmony until he used some musical we have been considering.
instrument of some kind whereby the principles he had W e see, therefore, that psychic power is not a thing
been studying could be applied and certain definite results in and of itself that is efficient and demonstrable. It is
dependent upon direction and control to make manifest
Reading books on the demonstration and theories of its possibilities. He is the greatest demonstrator of psychic
Divine and psychic power and reading and studying the power who is the best trained and best practitioner of its
lives of the great mystics and philosophers and becoming
intellectually familiar with the fundamental laws of principles. The Rosicrucians have always possessed cer'
nature will not make an adept. It will not even bring tain knowledge regarding the use and application of

psychic power that is not commonly understood. That is

The Rosicrucians
why the Rosicrucian system of metaphysical, spiritual, Invite Y o u ...
and psychic development has always been the superior or to share the useful knowledge which makes life more
the ne plus ultra in these fields of human research and enjoyable and free of much of the doubt and confusion
investigation. that beset the average man and woman today.
The Rosicrucians are a nonsectarian fraternity, de
voted to an investigation of the high principles of life
as expressed in man and nature. The so-called mysteries
of life and death, of the inequalities of people, and of the
purpose of our existence here are removed by the sensible
exposition of the Rosicrucian teachings.
The age-old truths expounded by the Rosicrucians
provide men and women with such useful knowledge of
the cosmic principles as makes it possible for them to
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will be amazed at your own potentialities and the op
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fairs is required.
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Address: S c r i b e L. H. U.
San Jose, California 95191, U.S.A.

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