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Using family members as gamete

donors or surrogates
The Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama

The use of intrafamilial gamete donors and surrogates is generally ethically acceptable when all participants are fully informed and
counseled, but arrangements that replicate the results of true consanguineous or incestuous unions should be prohibited, child to parent
arrangements are generally unacceptable, and parent to child arrangements are acceptable in limited situations. Programs that choose
to participate in intrafamilial arrangements should be prepared to spend additional time coun-
seling participants and ensuring that they have made free, informed decisions. (Fertil Steril Use your smartphone
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ollaborative or third-party re- sister providing eggs for a sister or parentage for resulting children (16).
production is sometimes consid- a brother donating sperm to a brother. Although limited data have been col-
ered by couples or individuals It may also occur intergenerationally, lected regarding the attitudes, motiva-
who themselves lack the healthy eggs, as when a mother gestates her daugh- tions, and experiences of donors and
sperm, or uterus they need to have ter's embryos or a father provides recipients in such arrangements (79),
children. Gamete donation is a recog- sperm to his infertile son. no information on the impact on
nized method to enable infertile cou- Some possible collaborative repro- children is available, so it is im-
ples without healthy eggs or sperm to ductive arrangements that involve possible to judge the seriousness of
conceive. Surrogacy is indicated when family members are listed in Table 1. these problems.
the uterus is absent or unhealthy, This table and the following discussion The Ethics Committee in this docu-
when the female partner for medical involve primarily rst-degree relatives. ment concludes that the use of gamete
reasons cannot gestate a pregnancy, The use of second-degree relatives such donors and surrogates who are family
or in cases of a single male or same- as cousins, nephews, or aunts and un- members is in many cases ethically ac-
sex male couple utilizing assisted re- cles raises similar issues, but for sim- ceptable, but that some cases raise seri-
productive technologies (ART) to have plicity these arrangements are omitted ous problems and should not occur. To
a child. The surrogate may provide the from the table and most of the subse- distinguish these cases, providers of
egg as well as the uterus (traditional quent discussion. ART should pay special attention to
surrogacy), or she may undergo trans- While familial collaboration may aforementioned issues of consanguin-
fer of embryos that were created from offer advantages over the use of non- ity, risks of undue inuence on deci-
the eggs and sperm of the infertile cou- family donors and surrogates, it may sions to participate, and the chance
ple (gestational surrogacy). also present unique problems. These that the arrangement in question will
Collaborative reproduction usually problems include issues of apparent cause uncertainty about lineage and
involves anonymous or unrelated incest (i.e., sexual relations between parenting relations.
known individuals, but some couples two closely related individuals) or con-
prefer to involve a family member sanguinity (i.e., marriage and repro-
in the arrangement. This may occur duction between individuals who are EXTENT OF FAMILIAL
intragenerationally between siblings closely related genetically), undue in- COLLABORATION IN
or cousins of similar ages, such as a uence to participate, and confused REPRODUCTION
There is a paucity of data about the
Received June 20, 2012; accepted June 22, 2012; published online July 24, 2012. use of familial gamete donors and sur-
Correspondence: American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 1209 Montgomery Highway, Birming-
ham, AL 35216 (E-mail: rogates in assisted reproduction. With
regard to intragenerational gamete do-
Fertility and Sterility Vol. 98, No. 4, October 2012 0015-0282/$36.00
Copyright 2012 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
nation, a 1992 survey of members of the Society for Assisted Reproductive

VOL. 98 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2012 797



Potential intrafamilial collaborative reproductive arrangements among 1st degree relatives.

Resulting genetic and social
Donation type Arrangement relationships of offspring Comments
I. Sperm donation Brother-to-brother Social paternal uncle is genetic Most acceptable intrafamilial
father; other relationships sperm donation
Brother-to-sister Rearing mother is also genetic Gives strong impression of incest,
and gestational mother; but not strictly illegal because
social uncle is genetic father neither sex nor marriage are
involved; should be prohibited
because gametes from a
consanguineous relationship
are combined (sister is genetic
mother and brother is genetic
Brother-to-sister (sister uses Rearing mother is gestational Gametes are not from
donated eggs) mother, but has no genetic consanguineous relationship;
relationship to offspring; social not prohibited, but may create
uncle is genetic father; some impression of incest or
cousins are half-siblings; most consanguinity
other relationships unchanged
Father-to-son Social paternal grandfather is Acceptability may depend upon
genetic father; rearing father attitude of female partner;
is genetic half-brother ASRM guidelines discourage
donors >40 y because of
concerns for new mutations
Father-to-daughter (daughter Social maternal grandfather A proposal for this arrangement
uses donated eggs) is genetic father involving a divorced daughter
who lived with her father has
been discussed (6); gives strong
impression of incest
Son-to-father Rearing father is genetic Usually second marriage for father;
grandfather; offspring's social signicant concerns for undue
half-brother is genetic father; pressures on son; should be
genetic paternal grandmother is discouraged
usually rearing father's ex-wife
II. Ovum donation Sister-to-sister Social aunt is genetic mother; some Probably most common and most
cousins are half-siblings; most accepted arrangement
other relationships unchanged
Sister-to-sister-in-law Social aunt is genetic mother Should be prohibited because
(brother's wife) gametes from consanguineous
relationship are combined; gives
strong impressions of incest;
never reported
Daughter-to-mother Rearing mother is genetic Usually second marriage for mother;
grandmother; offspring's social concerns for coercion of
half-sister is genetic mother; daughter are signicant;
rearing mother's ex-husband should be discouraged
is usually genetic maternal
Mother-to-daughter Social maternal grandmother is Not reported; age of mother would
genetic mother; offspring is make success unlikely
half-sister of rearing mother
III. Traditional surrogacy Sister-for-sister Social maternal aunt is genetic and Examine relationship of surrogate
gestational mother; social to her sister's husband
cousins are half-siblings; most
other relationships unchanged
Sister-for-brother Social aunt is gestational Should be prohibited because
and genetic mother gametes from consanguineous
relationships are combined;
gives strong impression of
incest; never reported
Daughter-for-mother Rearing mother is genetic Concerns for undue pressure are
grandmother; half-sister is signicant; examine relationship
genetic and gestational mother of daughter to stepfather
Mother-for-daughter Social grandmother would be Not reported; age of mother
genetic and gestational mother; would make success unlikely
offspring is rearing mother's
Ethics Committee. Family members as donors. Fertil Steril 2012.

798 VOL. 98 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2012

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Resulting genetic and social
Donation type Arrangement relationships of offspring Comments
IV. Gestational surrogacy Sister-for-sister Genetic relationships unchanged; One of rst reported cases of
social maternal aunt is gestational surrogacy
gestational mother
Sister-for-brother Social aunt is gestational mother. Gives impression of incest,
Genetic relationships but gametes are not from
unchanged consanguineous relationship
Mother-for-daughter Genetic relationships unchanged; Health of older mother should
social maternal grandmother be considered; should ensure
is gestational mother daughter is not obligated
to mother
Daughter-for-mother Genetic relationships unchanged; Not reported; age of mother
social half-sister is gestational would make success unlikely
Daughter-for-father Genetic relationships unchanged; Not reported; gives impression
social half-sister is gestational of incest
Ethics Committee. Family members as donors. Fertil Steril 2012.

Technology (SART) found that almost all North American nding third-party reproductive assistance in the family.
ART programs accepted sister-to-sister ovum donation, but For some couples or individuals, gametes from family mem-
only 43.3% would allow brothers to be sperm donors (10). A bers may be preferred because they are thought to preserve
1998 survey of ART clinics found that 60% of clinics would the family's genetic heritage and kinship, or reduce the risk
accept sperm from brothers while many more would accept of genetic or sexually transmitted infections. For others,
sisters (90%) and friends (80%) as egg donors (11). a family member may be selected as a donor or surrogate to
The number of requests for intergenerational familial speed the process or to reduce costs.
gamete donation and the number of these procedures per- Familial gamete donation ensures that some portion of
formed is also unknown. The 1992 survey of SART members the infertile person's genes will be passed to the offspring,
found that intergenerational gamete donation was allowed in thus maintaining a kinship tie that would be lost if an unre-
39.3% of 52 oocyte donation programs and in 26.4% of 60 lated donor were used. In one of the few reports about known
programs using sperm donation. Child-to-parent donation sperm donors, family involvement was chosen so that the in-
(37.5%) was more often permitted than parent-to-child dona- fertile male could feel a genetic closeness to his child (15).
tion (28.6%) in oocyte donation programs. The converse was Thus, using a sibling's gametes will result in rearing a genetic
true in programs utilizing sperm donation, with 26.4% allow- nephew or niece who has some, but usually less than 50%, of
ing parent-to-child and 18.9% allowing child-to-parent do- the infertile person's genes. Intergenerational donations, such
nation (10). as father-to-son sperm donation or daughter-to-mother egg
There are no specic data on intrafamilial surrogacy. Sur- donation, also involve the transfer of some of the recipient's
rogacy arrangements are much less common than gamete do- genes to the offspring. The importance of maintaining genetic
nation. They may be expensive, complex, and restricted by kinship may be an important reason some people nd anon-
law in some states. Cases of intrafamilial surrogacy do occur ymous ovum or sperm donors unacceptable. Family members
as originally seen in a sister-for-sister gestational surrogacy who donate may also view the process favorably. They con-
using donor sperm reported in 1988 (12). Soon thereafter, tribute additional progeny to their kindred while also contrib-
the case of a South African woman carrying triplets for her uting to the well-being of a kin relation.
daughter and son-in-law was highly publicized (13), as was An important factor in selecting a familial donor or sur-
the case of an American woman providing gestational surro- rogate is reduction of costs and waiting times. Reproductive
gacy for a daughter who could not carry a pregnancy (14). technologies are expensive, often not covered by insurance
plans, and in some areas may require long waits for certain
procedures. The involvement of a family member may in
THE CASE FOR FAMILIAL COLLABORATION some cases result in signicant nancial savings for the infer-
Couples faced with infertility who need or choose to use a do- tile couple, and enable some to have a procedure that would
nor or surrogate face a novel set of issues and relationships not otherwise be available to them. An oligospermic man
when an unrelated or an anonymous donor is used. The rela- may seek sperm donation from his identical twin rather
tionships associated with familial collaboration are also than pay for in vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm
novel, but may be easier for some persons to resolve. The rea- injection (ICSI) because he considers that his twin brother's
sons for seeking a familial donor or surrogate are varied. sperm are identical to his own. A sister providing eggs is un-
While some individuals are willing to use an unrelated or likely to request payment and can avoid a long waiting period
anonymous donor or surrogate, others would much prefer for an anonymous egg donor. Similarly, paid surrogacy is

VOL. 98 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2012 799


legally prohibited in some jurisdictions and is prohibitively Under this approach, a sister may provide eggs for a sister
expensive where allowed, so many couples may turn to family or a brother sperm for a brother, but a brother may not provide
members for assistance. sperm to fertilize a sister's eggs or a sister provide eggs to be
Intrafamilial organ donation may provide a useful paral- fertilized by a brother's sperm. Similarly, a father should not
lel to intrafamilial gamete donation, although substantial provide the sperm to replace that of his daughter's infertile
differences exist. The successful practice of intrafamilial husband. Nor should a mother provide eggs to replace those
donation of kidneys, bone marrow, and even liver segments of her son's infertile wife. A different situation arises when
is well established and represents a vital alternative to organ a sister provides the eggs for her brother's infertile wife to
donation from non-related living or cadaveric donors. Organ be inseminated by a donor, or a brother provides sperm to
donation carries greater risk than gamete donation, but it may a sister to use with an anonymous egg donor. Neither case du-
be life saving and is widely accepted. Although procreation plicates the results of incest or consanguinity, so should not
may seem to be a less pressing need than treating end stage be barred. However, such arrangements may give the appear-
organ failure, having children is highly valued and can ance of incestuous or consanguineous unions, and the poten-
greatly increase personal and family welfare. Because altru- tial implications of such appearances should be addressed in
ism within families is especially valued, allowing family counseling.
members to accept the lesser risks of gamete donation or sur- Similarly, persons aware that a woman is gestating the
rogacy in service of the fertility goals of close family members embryo of her mother and stepfather may conclude that sex-
should also be ethically acceptable. Assessing or judging mo- ual relations have occurred. In cases of daughter-to-mother
tivations such as love, devotion, loyalty, and duty within an ovum donation, the donor's contribution to her stepfather's
intimate family may be best left to those family members, child may also be perceived as incestuous. (Stepfather/
as long as providers involved in these arrangements have stepdaughter sexual relationships are generally considered
paid due regard to informed consent, free decision-making, incestuous and are subject to civil penalties in most states).
and the welfare of the child-to-be (16). Although this report focuses on rst-degree relatives, the
Committee notes that restrictions on fathers as sperm donors
CONCERNS ABOUT INTERFAMILIAL to daughters with infertile husbands should also bar the
COLLABORATIVE REPRODUCTION daughter's paternal or maternal uncles from serving as a
sperm donor to her. Similarly, the maternal or paternal aunts
Intrafamilial collaborative reproduction raises ethical con-
of a son with an infertile wife should not serve as an egg
cerns distinct from concerns raised by other donor or surro-
donor for the wife of that son if he would also provide the
gate arrangements. Can a donor or surrogate closely tied to
sperm. Sexual relations or marriage between rst cousins is
and perhaps dependent on the recipient couple make a free
not illegal in some states. Rather than address the different
and fully informed decision? What are the consequences of
combinations that might arise from gamete donation or sur-
the unusual resulting relationships on the donor or surrogate,
rogacy among rst cousins, we note that a recent review
donor-conceived persons, and rest of the family? What are the
found that procreation between rst cousins added a 1.7%
consequences of the creation of new genetic relationships that
to 2.8% risk of major malformations and genetic diseases to
would be otherwise impossible? The lack of information re-
a background risk of 3% to 4% (17).
garding these important questions illustrates the knowledge
gaps that should be the subjects of formal investigation. In
the meantime, providers should not hesitate to share these Undue Inuence and Autonomous Decision-
concerns in the course of counseling their patients. making
A major concern in familial collaborative reproduction is pro-
Impermissible Collaborations tecting the autonomy of the contributing donor or surrogate
Laws against incestuous sexual relations and consanguineous from manipulative or undue inuences by family members
marriages are ways in which society regulates reproduction. who would benet from their participation. Those risks may
Sexual relations, marriage, and reproduction between two be greater with intergenerational than with intragenerational
closely related individuals have long been taboos, because collaboration, but could occur with both arrangements. For
of concerns about the risk of birth defects and genetic diseases example, a daughter may feel obligated to donate eggs or
as well as concerns about social disruptions and conict be a traditional surrogate to her remarried mother because
which such relations could raise. Laws banning sexual rela- she is still nancially or emotionally dependent on her.
tions and marriage between certain classes of individuals Some individuals may exert great inuence over their
would not ban gamete donation or surrogacy involving these siblings and persuade them to be donors against their better
same individuals because no sexual relations or marriage judgment.
would have occurred. The Committee, however, strongly be- The risk of undue inuence may depend on the physical
lieves that fertility practices should not assist or participate and emotional closeness of the donor or surrogate to the re-
in gamete donation or surrogacy arrangements in which the cipient couple, the maturity of the participating family mem-
child would have the same genetic relationship to the partic- bers, and other issues such as nancial dependency. Some
ipants as would children of incestuous or consanguineous emotional distance may be necessary for the donor or surro-
unions between rst-degree relatives (including adopted gate to make a free and fully informed decision. This may
and stepchildren). be especially difcult to achieve when a parent requests

800 VOL. 98 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2012

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a child's involvement in collaborative reproduction. Some also contend with the reactions of their own partner to their
writers argue that because undue inuence cannot be elimi- involvement in the reproductive goals of a family member.
nated in child-parent relationships, a truly free decision to In one survey on known sperm donors including family do-
participate in such cases of collaborative reproduction is nors, 25% said the donation process led to a deterioration of
impossible (4). the relationship between the infertile couple and the donor
The concerns that emotional or nancial coercion, (15). This deterioration was related to the attitude of the do-
whether overt or unconscious, make daughter-to-mother nor's partner, who had not been involved in the decision to
or son-to-father donations extremely difcult, if not im- donate sperm.
possible, to assess. For example, the complicated intrafamilial Donors or surrogates may have difculty detaching
relationships in the case where a stepdaughter has a shared themselves from the children, especially when they have a
genetic connection with her stepfather through the donor- genetic link to the offspring of the arrangement. Yet, if the
conceived child independent of her mother raises serious con- parties have been careful in drafting and signing the neces-
cerns. Furthermore, consideration of the donor-conceived sary documents to clarify legal parenting relationships, the
person's feelings and reactions as well as the donating familial donor or surrogate will have no more legal parenting
daughter's or son's children's interests need to be considered. or visitation rights than would an unrelated known or anon-
A donor-conceived child would be both genetic halfsibling ymous donor. If conict among family members develops, the
and aunt or uncle to the donor's children and the emotional situation could be especially painful for familial donors and
impact of this relationship is not understood. Due to these is- surrogates who may no longer be allowed to contact or visit
sues the Committee concludes that in such cases risks are a genetically related child.
raised to an unacceptable level, and as a matter of principle
child-to-parent donation should generally be prohibited.
It may be easier to achieve emotional distance and min- Impact on Offspring and Family Relationships
imize undue inuence in other circumstances. For example, A primary concern is the potential impact of these arrange-
a couple might request help from a cousin who lives in ments on children and families. Children can never consent
another city and will have very little contact with any off- to the circumstances of their conception, even if they later be-
spring. A father might decide to donate sperm to his son as come aware of them and suffer from conicts or disruptions
an extension of his parental role in meeting his children's that those circumstances bring. Persons entering into these
needs. Similarly, a mother who volunteers to be a gestational relationships should be especially sensitive to the social and
surrogate for her daughter may view her involvement as psychological complications that might ensue and take spe-
just another way to help her children achieve their goals in cial care to ensure that the child's welfare is protected.
life. In each case, the free and informed decision-making of Knowledge of the actual genetic relationships among the
all participants must be assured. The risk of undue inuence participants could contribute to a profoundly altered view of
in intrafamilial organ donation is well recognized and is at identity and family relationships (Table 1). Gamete donation
least as great as in intrafamilial reproductive collaboration. to a sibling means that the rearing parent is actually the ge-
Screening and counseling procedures developed to ensure netic aunt or uncle of the child, while the social aunt or uncle
free and fully informed consent in intrafamilial organ dona- is the genetic parent. In daughter-to-mother egg donation, the
tion, such as separate interviews and counseling of the in- offspring's gestational and rearing mother is also the genetic
volved parties, are transferable to intrafamilial reproductive grandmother. The donor is the genetic mother but is regarded
situations. socially as the half-sister. The offspring has two maternal
grandfathers, the rearing mother's father and the rearing
mother's ex-husband. After father-to-son sperm donation,
Emotional Harm to Donor or Surrogate the offspring's rearing father is his genetic half-brother and
Donors and surrogates in these intrafamilial arrangements the rearing grandfather is his genetic father. When a son or
are exposed to emotional as well as physical risk. They may daughter's gametes are used to help a parent conceive, the
expect special recognition from family members and others offspring will usually have 25% genetic material from the
for their efforts, but, instead, may be met with negative feel- parent's former spouse. Medical and mental health profes-
ings from many sources. Gamete donation and surrogacy are sionals have raised concerns about the emotional conse-
not always looked on favorably by the general public or even quences that could occur (3, 4), and have emphasized the
by other family members. If the procedures are not successful need to pay special attention to the psychological needs of
in establishing a pregnancy, the infertile individuals may di- children born of such relationships.
rect anger at the donor or surrogate. If the child has a genetic Larger societal concerns are raised by these arrangements
or birth defect, the donor or surrogate may blame herself or as well, because they may create new genetic relationships
himself or feel blamed by others; the long-term stresses asso- never before possible. A woman could not otherwise gestate
ciated with a disabled child may be projected upon the in- a child conceived with her daughter's egg, for whom she is
volved donor or surrogate. the genetic grandmother. The offspring's genetic lineage be-
Familial donors and surrogates may also have to undergo comes very confusing, further complicating the concept of
genetic and infectious disease screening procedures, includ- the family. The importance of the goal to preserve genetic
ing a six-month quarantine of sperm (18), which they may linkages may be questioned when the reproductive arrange-
not have expected and may nd objectionable. They may ments become so extraordinary and complex.

VOL. 98 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2012 801


Although new genetic relationships may be created direct and indirect payment and inheritance, should not be
from these family collaborations, the impact of these few so substantial that they become inducements that may lead
families on society would probably be minimal. Some writers the prospective donor or surrogate to discount the risk associ-
have argued that families resulting from reproductive tech- ated with the procedure (22).
nologies such as gamete donation actually mirror our soci- Current standards governing anonymous sperm and
ety's norms (19, 20). Complicated family arrangements are ovum donation and surrogacy should be followed in regard
often the products of divorce and remarriage. Most third- to screening of the proposed sperm or ovum donor for infec-
party reproduction involving family members should not be tious and genetic diseases. Semen specimens should be frozen
alarming in today's climate. These arrangements will add and quarantined according to published guidelines for sperm
complexity to only a small number of families in a society donation (18). In many cases the delay that results from
with an increasingly complex concept of the family. this quarantine will discourage a couple from pursuing intra-
familial sperm donation. When sperm or egg donation is
chosen to prevent a certain genetic disease, careful genetic
SCREENING, COUNSELING, INFORMED counseling should be done before intrafamilial gamete dona-
The Committee nds that for the use of familial donors and An important part of the informed consent process is in-
surrogates to be ethically acceptable, special care must be forming the participants of the legal parenting relations that
taken to ensure that the interests of all parties are protected. will result from the arrangement. Documents signed, together
To do so, providers should be prepared to spend more time with the law of the state or jurisdiction in which the familial
screening and counseling participants compared to anony- collaboration occurs, concerning gamete donation and surro-
mous or unrelated known collaborative reproductive arrange- gacy will determine the legal parenting relations among
ments. Requests for intergenerational gamete donation or recipients, donors, and surrogates and resulting children.
surrogacy are especially challenging. State law will also determine whether children are the heirs
To enhance the likelihood that familial collaboration will of the donor or surrogate or the recipient-rearing parents
be a positive experience, the involvement of professionals when an intrafamilial participant dies without a will. Partic-
representing multiple disciplines, including physicians, ipants in these arrangements, including partners of donors
nurses, and counselors, should be anticipated for a thorough and surrogates, should seek independent legal advice from at-
assessment. Adequate time is essential to evaluate proposals torneys with specic expertise in third-party reproduction to
for these arrangements. Prospective donors or surrogates determine their legal rights and duties in entering into these
should have a physician whose responsibility it is to care relations.
for them and be their advocate. Clinics not equipped to pro- Finally, in certain cases requests should be denied imme-
vide these services should choose to refer patients to a center diately. Due to potential undue inuence by a parent, pro-
where these services are offered. grams should not allow minors, as dened in each state,
Programs should strongly recommend that prospective to participate in these arrangements. Gametes from rst-
participants, including partners of donors and surrogates, un- degree consanguineous relationships (e.g., brother-to-sister
dergo psychological counseling by a professional experienced without donated eggs) should never be used together to initi-
in surrogacy or gamete donation (18). These visits should fo- ate a pregnancy. Providers should participate with care in in-
cus attention on how participants will cope with the unique trafamilial arrangements that give the impression of incest or
aspects of the proposed arrangement and on the conse- improper consanguinity (see Table 1), though exceptional
quences for the prospective child. cases where adequate provision for those risks have been
The potential emotional consequences to the child should made may be acceptable.
be a primary concern when discussing these arrangements. If
children are informed of their intrafamilial conception or ges-
tation, specialized counseling may be desirable as they get CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
older, especially for arrangements that give any impression All ART programs should develop policies and procedures for
of incest or result in altered views of identity and family dealing with requests for the use of family members as
relationships. The ethical issues related to disclosure are dis- donors or surrogates. Although programs have no obligation
cussed in more detail in the ASRM ethics guideline Informing to provide such services, the Ethics Committee nds that
offspring of their conception by gamete donation (21). many intrafamilial reproductive arrangements, including
The process of obtaining informed consent from the both intragenerational and some intergenerational arrange-
requesting individuals and the donor or surrogate should ments, will be ethically acceptable and satisfying, but that
involve a thorough discussion of potential physical and others should be rejected on grounds of consanguinity or be-
emotional risks to all parties and to the anticipated child. cause of lack of free, informed consent. The most problematic
Clinicians should assure that the decision to be a gamete do- requests are usually a parent requesting the involvement of
nor or surrogate has been voluntary and free from manipula- his or her child in gamete donation or surrogacy. In these
tive and undue inuence. They should also offer prospective cases, and when the assessment reveals consistent concerns
donors and surrogates the option of being excluded as about undue pressures on the prospective donor or surrogate,
participants without other family members learning of their or about unhealthy family dynamics, the program is ethically
reluctance to participate. Financial incentives, including justied in denying access to these procedures.

802 VOL. 98 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2012

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