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Information Management Software
for Corrective Technologies









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UltraMgr Conceptual Overview 2
Accepting a Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Exiting a Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Menu Bar Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Edit Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
View Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Hierarchy Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
Tools Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
Help Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
View Case History (RBMview). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
Generating Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16
Assign Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17
Edit Stored Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
Delete Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19


Overview 2
Function Bar Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Alignment Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Alignment Job Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Equipment Alignment Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Equipment Alignment History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Alignment Notes Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Stored Job Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Assign Jobs 25
Edit Stored Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Edit Job Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Edit Efficiency Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Edit Default Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28

Select Standard Alignment Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Select Jackshaft Alignment Tolerances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Select Vertical Alignment Tolerances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Edit Soft foot or FDI Tolerance Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30
Function Bar Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Edit Equipment Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Delete Jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36


Overview 2
Function Bar Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Balance Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Balance Job Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Equipment Balance Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Equipment Balance History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Balance Notes Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Stored Job Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Assign Jobs 19
Edit Stored Jobs 19
Delete Jobs 19


Overview 2
Function Bar Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Plot Data 5
QC Reports 6
QC Job Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
QC Descriptive Statistics Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24
QC Notes Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
Stored Job Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30
Assign Jobs 31
Edit Stored Jobs 31
Delete Jobs 31

Overview 2
Function Bar Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Graphics Function Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Tool Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Plot Tool Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Plot Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
Sample Plots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Spectral Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Waveform Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Strip Chart Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
Peak/Phase Data Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
Parameter Bar Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Motor Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
Harmonic Distortion Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27


Overview 2
Function Bar Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Analyze Reports 5
Analyze Job Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Analyze Notes Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Stored Job Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10


Overview 2
Function Bar Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
Plot Data 6
Motor Reports 6
Motor Job Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Motor Notes Summary Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Stored Job Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Assign Jobs 12
Edit Stored Jobs 13

Delete Jobs 14
Sample Motor Job Reports (by Measurement Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Rotor Bar Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Shaft Voltage/Current Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Motor Temperature Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-30
Current Analysis Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-34
Motor Inrush Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-41
Waveform Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-44
Overall Strip Chart Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-47

Overview 2
Function Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Analyzer Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8




UltraMgr is a personal computer-based suite of software programs designed to
work with the UltraSpec system of corrective technology products. This software
offers data archival and reporting functions. When used with the optional UltraPlot
software, tools are provided for display and analysis of dynamic data plots such as
spectral data, waveforms, time vs. amplitude based strip charts, and peak/phase/
RPM data. In addition to data archival, many of the applications supported by
UltraMgr also allow previous machine setups to be downloaded to an instrument.
This capability benefits the user in a number of ways:
It saves the user from re-entering the same descriptive information.
Notes that were attached to a job during a previous procedure can be
reviewed in the instrument before starting the new procedure, thus passing
along key information.
Allows data from a previous balance job to be used to reduce the number of
machine starts that may be required for a future balance procedure.
Allows data from a previous alignment job to be recalled along with previ-
ously determined thermal growth, soft foot, and movement constraint
information, saving the re-entry of vital data from paper records and
alerting the user to prior actions.
When using QC (Quality Control), previously defined machine acceptance
or quality tests can be downloaded for use as test templates whenever
UltraMgr can be installed to operate as a stand-alone program, or with other AMS
Machinery Manager software. When used with AMS Machinery Manager software,
you can quickly shift from analyzing data in one program to correlating conclu-
sions with key information contained in another. For example, if an analyst deter-
mined from route data in AMS Machinery Manager that a particular machine
needed to be balanced, the balancing history of the machine could be quickly
called up using UltraMgr. UltraMgr could then be used to determine the last time
the machine was balanced, who balanced the machine, how well it was balanced,
problems encountered, and how often it had been balanced.

UltraMgr enables all balancing, alignment, troubleshooting, acceptance, and
quality tests to be combined into a common system. Historically, these functions
have been mistakenly viewed as independent one-time events with little need for
systematic tracking or record keeping. In reality, hard dollar benefits from
improved machine reliability and operational and maintenance efficiency can be
derived from the ability to establish historical and current correlation, as well as
continuity from one job to the next.
The main menus of UltraMgr suite of applications contain some common func-
tionality. Those common functions are covered in this chapter. Common functions
cross individual application lines and apply to the database and user interface in

After you have made changes to the information on a screen, or have selected a spe-
cific sub-function by highlighting it, accept the changes or designated action by
using one of the following methods:
1. . . Single-click on the completed field
2. . . Click on the OK button, if available
3. . . Press the Enter key.

If the user wishes to not accept changes to the information on the screen, but
wishes to cancel changes or go back to the previous menu, the user may do so by
using one of the following methods:
1. . . Click on the Cancel button, if available
2. . . Click on the red X button
3. . . Press the Escape key.
If the user wishes to return to the application main menu, the blue arrow button
will exit all previous screens and return you to the main menu.

The availability of any specific function will vary depending on the active window.
The most common options will be discussed in the following section. Options spe-
cific to a particular menu will be discussed in later chapters covering the applicable

Each option in the File menu will be discussed below.

The description of the Open Database option is longer than most
other options in the File menu. The File menu items continue with
Save Listing to File on page 1-8.

This option allows you to select a database for the current application. The selected
database will be the active database for subsequent applications as well.

Select Group
For convenience, you may bundle several databases into a Group. If you have many
databases, this allows you to organize them for easy access without having to scroll
through the complete list. The Default Group may also be customized to include
only specific databases from your Master Database list. The options for adding,
removing, and editing groups are provided below.

Add Group: Selecting this option brings up the Add Group screen.

Group Name: Type in the name of the new Group in this field.
Set Password: Selecting this button displays the Group Password
dialog box. Type a password in the Password field and select OK.

Show Database Server: Check this box to add the name of the database
server beside the database name.
Selected Databases and Available Databases: Use the Add and Remove
buttons to move databases between the Selected and Available areas.
Databases in the Selected area will be in the new Group.
Remove Group: Removes the highlighted group. (This does not alter the
actual databases, it only removes the Group from the selection list.)
Edit Group: Allows you to edit the name, password, and databases that are
included in the highlighted group.
Add Database

Use this selection on the Open Database menu to add a database to the Default
Group. Choose a database from the Master Database list. The Master Database list
includes all databases in your Cust Data directory.

Show Database Server: Check this box to add the name of the database
server beside the database name.
Remove Database
Use this selection on the Open Database menu to remove a database from the
Default Group. (The actual database is untouched by this process, it is simply
removed from the Default Group.)
This option removes all databases from the Default Group allowing you to rebuild
your Default Group.
Set DB Password
Select this button to add password protection to a database.

Password: Type a password for the selected database.
Clear DB Password
The option to clear a database password is only available to password protected
Checkbox Options
Select Database as Read-Only: When selected, this option does not allow the user
to save data to the database.
Sort by Most Recently Used order: When selected, this option lists the databases
in descending order from the most recently used to the least recently used.
Show Database Server: Check this box to add the name of the database server
beside the database name.

Used when generating a screen listing (such as a report with the output destination
set to screen). Selecting Save will send the listing to a disk file.

Used in the same way as save except that the listing output is sent to a printer.

Brings up the Print Setup dialog box.

Name: Available printers are displayed in this pulldown menu.
Properties: Brings up an additional dialog box with choices for paper, graphics,
fonts, and device options. Additional choices for duplexed printing and output bin
may be available.
Paper: Select the paper to print on from this pulldown menu.
Source: Select the paper source from this pulldown menu.

Specifies default output destination for listings (such as reports) to Screen, Printer,
Disk File, or Previewer.

Disable Printer Checks: When selected, this option keeps the application from
checking the network for a printer. This is a performance enhancement option for
network users who are frequently disconnected from the network and dont want
to wait while the application looks for a printer that isnt there.
Margins: The margins button sets spacing of text (from paper edges) for printer

Sends all data accumulated in the print buffer to printer.

Allows you to modify colors used for data plots. Choose a Set by selecting one of the
radio buttons. Change the color of an individual item by double-clicking on it and
choosing a color from the Color dialog box. Custom colors may be defined if addi-
tional colors are needed.

When sending listing output to a disk file, this option will end output to the current
file. A new file destination will be requested when the next output is generated.

Closes UltraMgr and returns you to the AMS Machinery Manager main menu.


Undo: Allows you to reverse the last edit action.

Cut: Only available on menus that allow typed user input. Highlight desired text
and then cut it (text is stored in the clipboard).
Copy: Copies screen listings and plots to the clipboard. Also copies menu keyboard
input fields.
Paste: Places text (from input fields) that has been cut or copied into another input
Graph Font: Allows you to select the style of font that will be used on graphs.

Graphic Capture: Allows you to define the way in which graphics will be captured.

Graphic File Format: - Plot files can be generated in many different for-
mats. Select from Windows Metafile (.WMF), Windows Bitmap (.BMP),
PCX file format (.PCX), JPEG file format (.JPG), or Portable Network
Graphic format (.PNG).
Link Graphics to RBMview: - This option is very important for Automated
Report Generation. When selected, you can include plots in reports without
specifying plot filenames.
Filename Prefix: - This is a three alphanumeric character prefix for the
captured plot files all plot files will contain these three characters.
Initial Index: - This is the starting value for a five digit number which
will increment automatically if Save Graphic in Case History has been
With the Graphic Capture Setup options set, saving a plot is simple.
After creating the case history, return to the plot, set the cursor, fault
frequencies or any other items to be displayed, and press the Alt-S keys
(or Graphics Save button on the Function Bar). The center of the screen
will display Graphics Dump. A file will be created and attached to
the case history automatically.
For more information on Automated Report Generation, see the RBM-
View manual.

Manually Enter File Names: - When selected, the program will ask for a
file name when you capture a plot.
Directory to Store Plot Files: - When Manually Enter File Names is
selected, you can specify the subdirectory where the captured plot files will
be located. If this field is left blank, plot files will be created in the current
default directory (usually the CSI directory).


Allows you to display any (or all) of the following bars: Function Bar, Listing Func-
tion Bar, Graphics Function Bar, Plot Toolbar, or Plot Jump Toolbar. (Not all tool-
bars are available in all UltraMgr programs.) The technologies available when
viewing the Tree display may also be selected.

When the function, program, listing, or graphics function tool bars
have been toggled off, moving the cursor to the edge of the window
where the bar usually resides, will cause the tool bar to be displayed.

Function Bar: Displays the bar shown (vertically) on the right side of the screen.
These functions are also available under the Tools pulldown menu.
Listing Function Bar: Turns the function bar On or Off when a screen listing is
Graphics Function Bar: Displays the full Graphics function bar along the right side
of the screen in plot display windows. Otherwise, only the icon shows until cursor is
moved over a selection.
Plot Toolbar: Turns the Plot toolbar On or Off along the bottom of the plot display
windows. When turned off, the bar is displayed when the cursor is moved to the
bottom edge of the screen.
Plot Jump Toolbar: This option doesnt apply to UltraMgr applications.

Tree Options: This option doesnt apply to UltraMgr applications.


Main Options: When active, selecting this option returns you to the applications
main menu.
Station: This option doesnt apply to UltraMgr applications.
Database: When active, selecting this option returns you to the Database Selection
window, just as if you had selected Open Database from the File menu.


Depending on which UltraMgr software is running, different options will be avail-

able in the Tools menu.
Preferences: The options available under Preferences changes depending on the
application, but here are some common options.
Plots Printed Per Page: The number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): The percent of the page each plot will use.
Number of Harmonic Markers: Enter the number of Harmonic Markers to
be displayed in a spectral plot.
Number of Sideband Markers: Enter the number of Sideband Markers to
be displayed in a spectral plot.
Number of Waveform Markers: Enter the number of Waveform Markers to
be displayed in a waveform plot when the difference cursor is enabled.


Help: This selection opens the online help. The online help is an HTML version of
the UltraMgr manual and is displayed in Microsofts Internet Explorer program.
On most screens, the Tool bar Help icon (displayed across the top of the screen)
also allows you to access this same information. If a help message is not available,
contact CSI Customer Support for assistance.
About: This displays the current version of the software and the applicable patents.

For information on RBMview, please see the RBMview Reference manual.

The UltraMgr applications all have the ability to generate reports. The destination
of the output report is controlled using the File/Output Destination pulldown
Once you select the report to generate, you will be presented with a menu allowing
you to select options limiting the amount of data or jobs to include in the report.
How to generate a report and the possible report to generate will be covered with
in each application. Menu options that are common to multiple reports are cov-
ered below. The menu may contain other options specific to the selected report
type. Those options are covered in the chapters covering the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Entire Equipment
All Unassigned Jobs
A Set of Jobs
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.

The Assign Jobs function allows you to move stored jobs between the unassigned
area in the database to a piece of equipment, from a piece of equipment to the
unassigned area, and from a piece of equipment to a different piece of equipment.
The ability is provided because when a job is uploaded into the computer it is
placed in the Unassigned Area if a match is not found for the equipment informa-

Unassigned Area to Equipment: To move a job from the unassigned area to a

piece of equipment, you will first be prompted to select the job in the unassigned
area to move. Then you will be prompted to select the piece of equipment to move
the job to. The selected job will be moved to the selected piece of equipment.
Equipment to Unassigned Area: To move a job from a piece of equipment to the
unassigned area, you will first be prompted to select a job to move. You will only be
allowed to select jobs already attached to a piece of equipment. The selected job will
be moved to the unassigned area.
Equipment to Equipment: To move a job from a piece of equipment to a different
piece of equipment, you will first be prompted to select a job to move. You will only
be allowed to select jobs already attached to a piece of equipment. You will then be
prompted to select the piece of equipment to move the job to. The selected job will
be moved to the selected piece of equipment.

Special checks are performed prior to allowing the movement of an
alignment job to guarantee that the equipments alignment orienta-
tion (horizontal or vertical) and coupling setup agree with the infor-
mation stored in the job definition. In either case, if the setup
information does not agree, then the move may not be allowed.

For example, if a job is assigned coupling number two, and the

selected equipment is defined as having only one coupling, then the
move will not be allowed. Also, if the job is defined on a jackshaft cou-
pling and the corresponding machine coupling is normal, then the
move will not be allowed.

Moving alignment jobs may change the alignment results. It will not
change the stored laser-head readings or calculated moves, however
it may change the alignment tolerances. If the alignment tolerance
change as a result of a job move, then the alignment results may be
different than the results displayed in the meter. This may also impact
the accuracy of the alarms stored in the RBMview database. This is
because of the way that alignment tolerances are associated with a job.
For a detailed discussion of alignment tolerances and their implica-
tions, see Alignment Module (UltraAlg) on page 2-1.

The function allows you to change the job number stored in a job definition. This
option may be used to change the job numbers to your own tracking systems num-
bering scheme (e.g., work order numbers). You must first select the job to edit from
the tree, then you are allowed to edit the job number for the selected job.

In the Alignment application you will also be given the option to edit
a jobs efficiency parameters. See Edit Efficiency Parameters on
page 2-27.

In the Motor application you will also be given the option to edit a
jobs motor measurement labels. See Edit Stored Jobs on page 7-13.

This function allows specific jobs to be located and deleted. All setup information
and data will be deleted for the selected job. When this option is selected, you will
be prompted to select a job for deletion. You will be allowed to select jobs from
either equipment or the unassigned area. You will be asked to confirm that you
want to delete the selected job. Deleted data cannot be recovered! Once a job is
deleted, it is gone forever. It cannot be recovered.

Deleted data cannot be recovered! Once a job is deleted, it is gone forever. It
cannot be recovered.

CSI strongly recommends that you backup your database on a regular basis.



This chapter deals with the storage and management of alignment data. Storing
alignment information in a database provides many advantages that include:
The ability to quickly retrieve and review the alignment status of all the
equipment in an entire plant. This helps to plan the maintenance priorities
and scheduling.
The ability to retrieve and review the alignment history of a particular tech-
nician to determine if more training is needed.
The ability to quickly retrieve and review the alignment history of a partic-
ular piece of equipment to determine if the equipment is going out of align-
ment too frequently.
The ability to use previously entered and stored equipment-specific data and
setup information in the present alignment of the same equipment.
The ability to use previously entered and stored equipment-specific data and
setup information in the present alignment of similar equipment, thus
requiring only minor changes in the setup.
The ability to recall the complete alignment job previously performed on
the present equipment (including notes) to see peculiarities that might
affect alignment. Also, the name of the technician that performed the pre-
vious alignment is available in case there are any questions.
Since UltraMgr is also compatible with CSIs AMS Machinery Manager, when both
products are installed, you can quickly switch from vibration spectra to check the
alignment status of the equipment under investigation.


After selecting Alignment Jobs from the Document/Report tab in the AMS
Machinery Manager main menu, the Alignment main menu is displayed.

Alignment Reports: Allows you to generate a variety of alignment reports ranging

from detailed documentation of a specific job to summary views of all equipment
alignment status. See Alignment Reports on page 2-5.
Assign Jobs: Allows you to move alignment jobs between the unassigned area and
specific equipment and to move jobs between specific pieces of equipment. See
Assign Jobs on page 1-17.
Edit Stored Jobs: Allows you to edit job numbers and efficiency parameters. See
Edit Stored Jobs on page 2-26.
Edit Default Tolerances: Allows you to change the default alignment and Soft foot
or Frame Distortion Index (FDI) tolerance values. See Edit Default Tolerances
on page 2-28.
Edit Equipment Setup: Allows you to assign an alignment tolerance table to the
selected equipments coupling, as well as modify coupling RPM, coupling type,
type of alignment tolerance, and the SoftFoot tolerance values used. See Edit
Equipment Setup on page 2-34.

Delete Jobs: Allows you to remove all data associated with a specific alignment job
from the database. See Delete Jobs on page 2-36.



Softfoot/Frame Distortion Index Toggle between these two options to decide

how Softfoot information should be displayed (if available). Refer to the ProAlign
section of the UltraSpec Laser Alignment manual for further information.


Plots Printed Per Page: the number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): the percent of the page each plot will use.
The product of plots printed per page and the vertical size of plot cannot exceed
100% (the entire page).


Select the Alignment Reports option from the Alignment main menu to generate
reports that are useful in assessing the success of an alignment program.

Alignment Job Details: Provides specific detail information about the alignment
jobs selected for inclusion in the report. See Alignment Job Details on page 2-6.
Equipment Alignment Status: Provides a summary of the alignment status of all
equipment selected for inclusion in the report. See Equipment Alignment Status
on page 2-19.
Equipment Alignment History: Provides a summary of all the alignment work per-
formed on any equipment selected for inclusion in the report. See Equipment
Alignment History on page 2-20.
Alignment Notes Summary: Provides a summary of the notes attached to all the
alignment jobs selected for inclusion in the report. See Alignment Notes Sum-
mary on page 2-22.
Stored Job Listing: Provides a listing of all alignment jobs stored in the database.
See Stored Job Listing on page 2-24.

Select the Alignment Job Details option to get a listing of detail information docu-
menting an alignment job. You will then be presented with a menu allowing you to
select the amount of data to include in the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Entire Equipment
All Unassigned Jobs
A Set of Jobs
Limit Date Range: If enabled, jobs that are not within the data range specified in
the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report. This option
applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: The earliest date of jobs to be included in the report, if Limit
Date Range is enabled.
Latest Date: The latest date of jobs to be included in the report, if Limit
Date Range is enabled.
Print Format: Choose between Detailed and Summary. A detailed report will list all
the information associated with a job. A summary will list descriptive information
plus the beginning and ending conditions.


Pause Between Jobs: A pause is enabled if this field is checked. If you are sending
information to the printer and are not interested in viewing it on the screen, there
is no need to pause between alignment jobs. If this field is blank, there will be no
pause between the alignment jobs.
Generate Tolerance Plots: The tolerance plot generating is enabled if this field is
checked. These plots will show you how each move affected the misalignment in
relation to the tolerances appropriate for the coupling RPM. If the print format is
detailed, this plot will show the trajectory of all moves. If the print format is sum-
mary, this plot will show only the beginning and ending conditions. If this field is
blank, then there will be no tolerance plots included in the report.
Auto-hardcopy Plots: If this field is checked, then a hardcopy printout of each plot
will be generated automatically.
If the Detailed option is selected as the Print Format from the report options menu,
then all information associated with an alignment job will be included in the
report. A typical example of an Alignment Job Detail report, including plots, is
shown on the following pages. For a description of the basic functions available for
the tolerance plots see Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools on page 5-4.

Alignment Report - Details

Report Date: 10-Feb-99

Area: A7 - Area 7 (Alignment Jobs)

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#1 - Alignment w/ Softfoot Prob.

Job Number : Job 2

Data Taken : 09-May-97 16:43:42
Technician : JSK


Coupling Number : 1
Coupling RPM : 2200
Tolerance Type : Standard
Last Data Taken : 09-May-97 09:40:15

Alignment Method : CSI Laser 8210

Laser Configuration : Head A on Right
Data Collection Method : 4 Point Auto

Distances in inches
Foot-Foot Distance [ PUMP ] : 19.63
Foot-Head Distance [ PUMP ] : 9.37
Head-Head Distance : 11.00
Foot-Head Distance [ MOTOR ] : 8.00
Foot-Foot Distance [ MOTOR ] : 25.00
Coupling Center to Right Head : 4.25

Motor Current Before Alignment : 0.0

Motor Current After Alignment : 0.0
Load Before Alignment : 0.0
Load After Alignment : 0.0

Thermal Growth in mils :

Horizontal - OutBoard - Right PUMP : 0.0
Horizontal - InBoard - Right PUMP : 0.0
Horizontal - InBoard - Right MOTOR : 0.0
Horizontal - OutBoard - Right MOTOR : 0.0
Horizontal - OutBoard - Left PUMP : 0.0
Horizontal - InBoard - Left PUMP : 0.0
Horizontal - InBoard - Left MOTOR : 0.0
Horizontal - OutBoard - Left MOTOR : 0.0
Vertical - OutBoard - Up PUMP : 0.0
Vertical - InBoard - Up PUMP : 0.0
Vertical - InBoard - Up MOTOR : 0.0
Vertical - OutBoard - Up MOTOR : 0.0



Soft Foot:

----------- -----------
- PUMP - - MOTOR -
----------- -----------

Number of Readings : 4

Readings in mils

------------------------------ ------------------------------
Set Top Lft Bot Rgt Top Lft Bot Rgt
--- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
1 0.0 5.2 16.1 11.0 0.0 -3.4 -13.4 -9.9
2 0.0 5.0 16.5 11.5 0.0 -4.5 -15.2 -10.7
3 0.0 -2.3 -2.1 0.2 0.0 0.9 -0.9 -1.8
4 0.0 -2.5 -2.4 0.1 0.0 1.6 0.0 -1.5

Equipment Moves in mils

For Vertical, Up is Positive
For Horizontal, Left is Positive

Vertical Horizontal
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
--- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
1 ------ ------ -6.4 -3.6 ------ ------ -3.7 -4.4
2 ------ ------ -7.8 -6.5 ------ ------ -3.2 -2.9
3 ------ ------ -1.3 -4.4 ------ ------ -1.5 -1.7
4 ------ ------ -0.7 -3.1 ------ ------ -1.8 -2.3

Equipment Misalignment
Offset in mils
Angle in mils/inch

Vertical Horizontal
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Set Offset Angle Condition Offset Angle Condition
--- ------ ------ ---------------- ------ ------ ----------------
1 7.8 0.11 Out-of-tol( 261) 3.3 0.03 Out-of-tol( 111)
2 8.5 0.05 Out-of-tol( 283) 3.4 0.01 Out-of-tol( 113)
3 0.2 0.12 Excellent ( 25) 1.4 0.01 Excellent ( 46)
4 0.5 0.10 Excellent ( 27) 1.6 0.02 Excellent ( 52)





If the Summary option is selected as the Print Format from the report options
menu, then only descriptive information and beginning and ending alignment
conditions will be included in the report. A typical example of an Alignment Job
Summary report, including plots, is shown on the following pages.

Alignment Report - Summary

Report Date: 10-Feb-99

Area: A7 - Area 7 (Alignment Jobs)

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#1 - Alignment w/ Softfoot Prob.

Job Number : Job 2

Data Taken : 09-May-97 16:43:42
Technician : JSK


Coupling Number : 1
Coupling RPM : 2200
Tolerance Type : Standard
Last Data Taken : 09-May-97 09:40:15

Soft Foot:
----------- -----------
- PUMP - - MOTOR -
----------- -----------

Number of Readings : 4

Equipment Moves in mils

For Vertical, Up is Positive
For Horizontal, Left is Positive

Vertical Horizontal
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
--- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
1 ------ ------ -6.4 -3.6 ------ ------ -3.7 -4.4
4 ------ ------ -0.7 -3.1 ------ ------ -1.8 -2.3

Equipment Misalignment
Offset in mils
Angle in mils/inch

Vertical Horizontal
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Set Offset Angle Condition Offset Angle Condition
--- ------ ------ ---------------- ------ ------ ----------------
1 7.8 0.11 Out-of-tol( 261) 3.3 0.03 Out-of-tol( 111)
4 0.5 0.10 Excellent ( 27) 1.6 0.02 Excellent ( 52)





For a description of the basic functions available for the tolerance plots see Uni-
versal Plot Control Keys and Tools on page 5-4.
The following table explains each section of the Job Detail Report. Note that some
fields are only included in the report if the Detail option was selected.




* Not shown in a Summary Report

In order to judge the quality of an alignment job, CSI has supplied some guidelines
on the amount of misalignment that can be tolerated. These guidelines are in the
form of the maximum offset and angle that can be considered Excellent and
Acceptable. The numbers are functions of RPM because the higher the RPM the
smaller amount of misalignment that can be tolerated.
Misalignment limits are treated as the major and minor axes of an ellipse. If plotted,
actual misalignment values that fall inside the Excellent ellipse will be considered
Excellent. Values that fall outside the Excellent ellipse but inside the Acceptable
ellipse will be considered Acceptable. Values outside the Acceptable ellipse will be
considered Out-Of-Tolerance.
As an aid to the analyst, the reports will include a rough measure of how far out
of tolerance the equipment is after each move. The software derives this rough
measure by completing the following steps:
1. . . Plot the offset misalignment on the abscissa (x-axis).
2. . . Plot the angle misalignment on the ordinate (y-axis).
3. . . Plot the excellent and acceptable ellipses.
4. . . Connect the origin and misalignment data points.
5. . . Calculate the length of this segment (the misalignment length).

The preceding steps are for an alignment job using a standard (offset
and angle) tolerance. An alignment job using a jackshaft (angle and
angle) tolerance would use the same steps, but the abscissa (x-axis),
in Step 1, would be an angle misalignment.

6. . . If the alignment condition is Out-Of-Tolerance, calculate the length of the

segment from the origin to where the line intercepts the acceptable ellipse
(the acceptable length). The ratio of the misalignment length to the
acceptable length (multiplied by 100 to change it to percentage) will provide
a rough indication of how far the alignment condition is from being
acceptable (see following figure).

7. . . If the alignment condition is acceptable, calculate the length of the segment

from the origin to where the line intercepts the excellent ellipse (the
excellent length). The ratio of misalignment length to the excellent length
(multiplied by 100 to change it to percentage) will provide a rough
indication of how far the alignment condition is from being excellent (see
following figure).


8. . . If the alignment condition is excellent, calculate the length of the segment

from the origin to where the line would intercept the excellent ellipse (if
extended). This is the excellent length. The ratio of the misalignment length
to the excellent length (multiplied by 100 to change it to percentage) will
provide a rough indication of how much better the alignment condition is
as compared to the excellent tolerance values (see following figure).

The preceding steps are for an alignment job using a standard (offset
and angle) tolerance. An alignment job using a jackshaft (angle and
angle) tolerance would use the same steps, but the abscissa (x-axis),
in Step 1, would be an angle misalignment.


Select the Equipment Alignment Status option from the Alignment Reports
option to get a status listing for each piece of equipment selected for inclusion in
the report. The status listing includes the date and acceptability of the most recent
alignment job.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
A typical example of an Equipment Alignment Status report follows.
Equipment Alignment Status

Report Date: 10-Feb-99

Area: A7 - Area 7 (Alignment Jobs)

Equipment Equipment Alignment Status

Id Description Date Vertical Horizontal
---------- ---------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Mtr/Pmp#1 Alignment w/ Softfoot Prob. 09-May-97 EXC ( 27) EXC ( 52)
Mtr/Pmp#2 Standard Tol. / Multi-Mach. 09-May-97 EXC ( 55) ACC ( 78)
Mtr/Cmps#1 Standard Tol. w/Therml Grwth 09-May-97 EXC ( 52) EXC ( 63)
Mtr/Gbx#1 Jackshaft Tol. / Multi-Mach. 09-May-97 ACC ( 68) EXC ( 34)
Mtr/Pmp#3 Jackshaft Tol w/Therml Grwth 09-May-97 ACC ( 89) ACC ( 94)
CrownRoll Straightness Jobs ------ No Alignment Record ------
Mtr/Pmp#4 Vertical Alignment Jobs 05-Aug-97 EXC ( 51)


Select the Equipment Alignment History option from the Alignment Reports
option to get a summary of all alignment job results for the equipment set and date
range specified. The History listing includes the technician that performed the
alignment, the time required for the alignment, and the acceptability of each align-
ment job selected for inclusion in the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.


A typical example of an Equipment Alignment History report follows.
Equipment Alignment History

Report Date: 10-Feb-99

Area: A7 - Area 7 (Alignment Jobs)

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#1 - Alignment w/ Softfoot Prob.

Job Number Date By Moves Hours Vertical Horizontal

---------- --------- --- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
Job 1 09-May-97 JSK 20 ----- OOT ( 169) OOT ( 104)
Job 2 09-May-97 JSK 4 ----- EXC ( 27) EXC ( 52)

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#2 - Standard Tol. / Multi-Mach.

Job Number Date By Moves Hours Vertical Horizontal

---------- --------- --- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
Job 3 09-May-97 JSK 4 0.4 EXC ( 16) ACC ( 52)
Job 4 09-May-97 JSK 7 1.7 EXC ( 55) ACC ( 78)

Equipment: Mtr/Cmps#1 - Standard Tol. w/Therml Grwth

Job Number Date By Moves Hours Vertical Horizontal

---------- --------- --- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
Job 5 09-May-97 JSK 10 124.7 EXC ( 27) EXC ( 39)
Job 6 09-May-97 JSK 6 ----- EXC ( 52) EXC ( 63)

Equipment: Mtr/Gbx#1 - Jackshaft Tol. / Multi-Mach.

Job Number Date By Moves Hours Vertical Horizontal

---------- --------- --- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
Job 7 09-May-97 JSK 11 48.1 ACC ( 90) EXC ( 9)
Job 8 09-May-97 JSK 2 1.8 ACC ( 68) EXC ( 34)

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#3 - Jackshaft Tol w/Therml Grwth

Job Number Date By Moves Hours Vertical Horizontal

---------- --------- --- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
Job 9 09-May-97 JSK 2 1.8 ACC ( 89) ACC ( 94)

Equipment: CrownRoll - Straightness Jobs

------- No job records -------

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#4 - Vertical Alignment Jobs

Job Number Date By Moves Hours Tolerance

---------- --------- --- ----- ----- ----------
Job 13 05-Aug-97 JSK 2 0.2 EXC ( 56)
Job 14 05-Aug-97 JSK 3 0.3 EXC ( 51)


Select the Alignment Notes Summary option from the Alignment Reports option
to get a listing of all alignment job notes for all jobs selected for inclusion in the

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.


A typical example of the Alignment Notes Summary report follows.
Alignment Notes Summary

Report Date: 10-Feb-99

Area: A7 - Area 7 (Alignment Jobs)

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#1 - Alignment w/ Softfoot Prob.

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 09-May-97 09:47:04
Technician : JSK


Job Number : Job 2

Data Taken : 09-May-97 16:43:42
Technician : JSK


Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#2 - Standard Tol. / Multi-Mach.

Job Number : Job 3

Data Taken : 09-May-97 12:46:26
Technician : JSK


Job Number : Job 4

Data Taken : 09-May-97 12:58:27
Technician : JSK



Select the Stored Job Listing option from the Alignment Reports option to get a
listing of all alignment jobs stored in the database. A typical example of the begin-
ning of a Stored Job Listing report follows.
Catalog of Alignment Stored Jobs

Report Date: 10-Feb-99

Unassigned Jobs:

Area Description :
Equipment Identification :
Equipment Description :
Job Number : Job 16
Data Taken : 09-May-97 12:40:08
Technician : JSK

Area: A7 - Area 7 (Alignment Jobs)

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#1 - Alignment w/ Softfoot Prob.

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 09-May-97 09:47:04
Technician : JSK

Job Number : Job 2

Data Taken : 09-May-97 16:43:42
Technician : JSK

Equipment: Mtr/Pmp#2 - Standard Tol. / Multi-Mach.

Job Number : Job 3

Data Taken : 09-May-97 12:46:26
Technician : JSK

Job Number : Job 4

Data Taken : 09-May-97 12:58:27
Technician : JSK

Equipment: Mtr/Cmps#1 - Standard Tol. w/Therml Grwth

Job Number : Job 5

Data Taken : 09-May-97 13:06:45
Technician : JSK

Job Number : Job 6

Data Taken : 09-May-97 13:08:20



Please see Assign Jobs on page 1-17 for information on this option.

To change some information stored with an alignment job, select the Edit Stored
Jobs option.

Edit Job Numbers: Allows you to edit the Job number of the selected job. See Edit
Job Numbers on page 2-26.
Edit Efficiency Parameters: Allows entry of load and power consumption param-
eters for use in tracking savings due to improvements in the alignment condition.
See Edit Efficiency Parameters on page 2-27.

The function allows you to change the job number stored in a job definition. This
option may be used to change the job numbers to your own tracking systems num-
bering scheme (e.g., work order numbers). You must first select the job to edit from
the tree, then you are allowed to edit the job number for the selected job.


Select the Edit Efficiency Parameter option from the Edit Stored Jobs option to
enter load and power consumption parameters to use in the selected job. These
parameters may be useful in tracking savings due to improvement in the alignment
condition. You will be prompted to select the job to edit from the tree and then a
menu allowing you to modify the efficiency parameters will be presented.

Before Alignment: (Current) Enter the motor current before alignment. If the
equipment is not motor driven, enter another measure related to equipment effi-
Before Alignment: (Load) Enter the load at which the above motor current was
After Alignment: (Current) Enter the motor current after alignment. If the
equipment is not motor driven, enter another measure related to equipment effi-
After Alignment: (Load) Enter the load at which the above motor current was

Select this option to select the default alignment tolerance set. The default toler-
ance set is used by all unassigned jobs, and is the default used in the equipment
setup. Through this option you may select the default tolerance table for standard,
jackshaft, and vertical alignment jobs, as well as edit the default soft foot or FDI tol-
erance values.
If you select a different set from the appropriate selection list, you will be prompted
to ensure that you meant to change the default tolerances to the new tolerance
table. If you accept the new table as the default tolerances, then the new tolerances
will be used when evaluating the condition of unassigned jobs in the database. The
new defaults do not affect equipment already setup, but would be used as the
default in any new equipment.

Select Standard Alignment Tolerances: See page 1-29.

Select Jackshaft Alignment Tolerances: See page 1-29.
Select Vertical Alignment Tolerances: See page 1-29.
Edit Soft foot Tolerance Value: See page 1-30.

The default tolerance set is used by all unassigned jobs. Modifying a
default tolerance set may cause the alignment results to appear dif-
ferent than the results displayed in the meter.


Choose this option to select the default alignment tolerance table used for align-
ment jobs on horizontally mounted equipment with the laser heads mounted less
than 20 inches apart and not connected with a spool-type coupling. In this manual,
any coupling that is not a jackshaft or spool-type coupling will be referred to as a
normal coupling.
When this option is selected, the standard alignment tolerance sets defined in the
database are displayed for your selection. From this selection screen you are able to
view a tolerance table, create a new tolerance set, edit/modify an existing tolerance
table, or delete a tolerance table. Standard alignment tolerances are in the form of
the maximum offset and angle that can be considered Excellent and Acceptable.

Choose this option to select the default alignment tolerance table used for align-
ment jobs on horizontally mounted equipment with the laser heads mounted
greater than 20 inches apart or if connected with a spool-type coupling.
When this option is selected, the jackshaft alignment tolerance sets defined in the
database are displayed for your selection. From this selection screen you are able to
view a tolerance table, create a new tolerance set, edit/modify an existing tolerance
table, or delete a tolerance table. Jackshaft alignment tolerances are in the form of
the maximum angle and angle that can be considered Excellent and Acceptable.

Choose this option to select the default alignment tolerance table used for align-
ment jobs on vertically mounted equipment. When this option is selected, the ver-
tical alignment tolerance sets defined in the database are displayed for your
selection. From this selection screen you are able to view a tolerance table, create a
new tolerance set, edit/modify an existing tolerance table, or delete a tolerance
table. Vertical alignment tolerances are in the form of the maximum offset and
angle that can be considered Excellent and Acceptable.

Select this option to edit the default soft foot or frame distortion index (FDI) toler-
ance value(s). These tolerance value(s) are used for judging whether a soft foot
condition exists.
You will be editing either the soft foot tolerance or the frame distortion index toler-
ance, depending on the alignment foot check option selected under the Global
Parameters for the database.



CSI Defaults: Allows you to restore the soft foot or FDI tolerance value(s) to the
CSI default values.


The following function bar items are available for editing the Standard, Jackshaft,
and Vertical tolerance tables. The Function Bar items behave the same for all of the
tolerance tables.

This option provides a listing of the selected tolerance table. The values in the table
include Ending RPM range, and the Excellent and Acceptable offset and angle
values for the Standard and Vertical Tolerance types, or the Excellent and Accept-
able angle and angle values for the Jackshaft tolerance type.
Alignment Tolerance Listing

Set Description: CSI Default Standard

Set Number : 2

Excellent Acceptable
Ending Offset Angle Offset Angle
RPM (mils) (mils/inch) (mils) (mils/inch)
---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
500 5.00 1.50 6.00 2.00
1250 4.00 1.00 5.00 1.50
2000 3.00 0.50 4.00 1.00
3500 2.00 0.30 3.00 0.50
7000 1.00 0.25 2.00 0.30
100000 0.50 0.20 1.00 0.25

This option allows you to edit the values in the selected tolerance table. The CSI
Default values cannot be edited. You will be presented with the entire alignment tol-
erance table. An alignment tolerance table consists of between 1 to 10 RPM ranges
in ascending order. Only the ending RPM range is displayed. The last RPM range
is not displayed because it encompasses all RPM values greater than the previous
ending RPM range. Associated with each RPM range are Excellent and Acceptable
tolerance value(s). The Standard and Vertical Alignment Tolerance table type will
have an excellent offset and angle and an acceptable offset and angle. The Jack-
shaft Alignment Tolerance table type will have only an excellent and acceptable

The RPM ranges may not overlap and must be in ascending order.
The value defined for the Excellent tolerance must be less than the
value defined for the Acceptable tolerance for each RPM range

RPM Ranges - The RBM Ranges button in the Function Bar allows you to
define the number of RPM ranges the table will have, up to a maximum of
ten ranges.


You may define new tolerance tables with this option. If you are creating a new tol-
erance table, you will be prompted for the desired set number. The first available
set number is the default, if you wish to reserve a range of set numbers for certain
applications/couplings you may choose a different unassigned set number for the
new set you are creating. The options for the table itself are the same as those given
under Edit Set above.

You will be required to enter a title for the new set.

This option allows you to delete the selected Tolerance Set. The CSI Default set may
not be deleted.

If you delete an existing tolerance table assigned to any machine cou-
plings in the database, you will later receive errors when accessing that
job on that machine coupling. Therefore, prior to deletion of a toler-
ance table, make sure that there are no machine couplings assigned
to that table.

Select this option to modify a particular piece of equipments alignment setup. This
includes modifying the Alignment Tolerance Table (the Tolerance Set) associated
with a particular coupling as well as possibly modifying the coupling RPM, coupling
type, and alignment tolerance type.
When this option is selected, you will first be prompted to select a piece of equip-
ment to edit. If the equipments alignment orientation is unknown, you will be
prompted to select the orientation (horizontal or vertical).

Once the equipments alignment orientation is defined, you will then be presented
with a menu allowing you to select the coupling for which you wish to select the
Alignment Tolerance Table Set.


After selecting the OK button, you will be presented with a listing of alignment tol-
erance table sets compatible with the machine coupling setup. For instance, if the
machine is a vertical machine, you will be presented with a listing of all vertical align-
ment tolerance table sets. If the machine is horizontal and the selected coupling is
normal, you will be presented with a listing of all standard alignment tolerance
table sets. If the machine is horizontal and the selected coupling is jackshaft, you will
be presented with a listing of all jackshaft alignment tolerance table sets. From the
selection listing of the alignment tolerance sets, you will be able to view a set, edit a
set, create a new set, or delete an existing set. For more information on these
options, see Function Bar Options on page 2-31.
Edit Couplings - This Function Bar option allows you to edit the Coupling Type,
the Reference RPM, and the Tolerance Type on the selected piece of equipment.

Coupling Type - Select from Unknown, Jaw, Shim Disc, Bun, Grid, Gear, or Other.
Reference RPM - Enter the turning speed of the coupling. The RPM must be
entered because the higher the RPM the smaller amount of misalignment that can
be tolerated.
Tolerance Type - Select from Unknown, Normal, or Jackshaft.
Num Couplings - This Function Bar option allows you to edit the number
of couplings defined (between 1 and 10) for the selected piece of equip-

This function allows specific jobs to be located and deleted. All setup information
and data will be deleted for the selected job. When this option is selected, you will
be prompted to select a job for deletion. You will be allowed to select jobs from
either equipment or the unassigned area. You will be asked to confirm that you
want to delete the selected job. Deleted data cannot be recovered! Once a job is
deleted, it is gone forever. It cannot be recovered.

Deleted data cannot be recovered! Once a job is deleted, it is gone forever. It
cannot be recovered.

CSI strongly recommends that you backup your database on a regular basis.




This chapter deals with the storage and management of balance data. The storage
of balance information in a database provides many advantages that include:
The ability to quickly retrieve and review the balance status of all equipment
in an entire plant to help plan the maintenance priorities and scheduling.
The ability to retrieve and review the balancing history of a particular tech-
nician to determine if more training is needed.
The ability to quickly retrieve and review the balance history of a particular
piece of equipment to determine if the equipment is going out of balance
too frequently.
The ability to use previously entered and stored equipment-specific data and
setup information in the present balance job on the same equipment,
thereby reducing setup time and required number of balance runs.
The ability to use previously entered and stored equipment-specific data and
setup information in the present balance job on a similar piece of equip-
ment, thus requiring only minor changes in the field and possibly reducing
the number of balance runs.
The ability to recall the complete balance job previously performed on the
present equipment, including notes, to see peculiarities that might affect
balance. Also, the name of the technician that performed the previous bal-
ance is available in case there are any questions.
UltraMgr is also compatible with CSIs AMS Machinery Manager. If you have both
products, you can quickly switch from vibration spectra to check the balance status
of the piece of equipment under investigation.


After selecting Balance Jobs from the Document/Report tab in the AMS
Machinery Manager main menu, the Balance main menu is displayed.

Balance Reports: Allows you to generate a variety of balance reports ranging from
detailed documentation of a specific job to summary views showing the balance
status of all of your equipment. See Balance Reports on page 3-5 for discussion of
this topic.
Assign Jobs: Allows you to move balance jobs between the Unassigned area and
specific pieces of equipment and to move jobs between specific pieces of equip-
ment. See Assign Jobs on page 1-17 for discussion of this topic.
Edit Stored Jobs: Allows you to edit balance job numbers. See Edit Stored Jobs
on page 1-18 for discussion of this topic.
Delete Jobs: Allows you to remove all data associated with a specific balance job
from the database. See Delete Jobs on page 1-19 for discussion of this topic.



Plots Printed Per Page: the number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): the percent of the page each plot will use. The product
of plots printed per page and the vertical size of plot cannot exceed 100% (the
entire page).


Select the Balance Reports option from the Balance main menu to generate
reports that are useful in assessing the status of a piece of equipment or the progress
of a balance program.

Balance Job Details: Provides specific detailed information about the balance jobs
selected for inclusion in the report. See Balance Job Details on page 3-6.
Equipment Balance Status: Provides a summary of the balance status of all equip-
ment selected for inclusion in the report. See Equipment Balance Status on page
Equipment Balance History: Provides a summary of all the balance work per-
formed on any equipment selected for inclusion in the report. See Equipment
Balance History on page 3-14.
Balance Notes Summary: Provides a summary of all the notes attached to all the
balance jobs selected for inclusion in the report. See Balance Notes Summary on
page 3-16.
Stored Job Listing: Provides a listing of all balance jobs stored in the database. See
Stored Job Listing on page 3-18.

Select the Balance Job Details option from the Balance Reports option to get
detailed information documenting a balance job. You will then be presented with
a menu allowing you to select the amount of data to include in the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Entire Equipment
All Unassigned Jobs
A Set of Jobs
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.
Print Format: Choose between Detailed and Summary. A detailed report will list all
the information associated with a job. A summary will list descriptive information
plus the beginning and ending conditions.


Pause Between Jobs: A pause is enabled if this field is checked. If you are sending
information to the printer and are not interested in viewing it on the screen, there
is no need to pause between jobs. If this field is blank, there will be no pause
between the jobs.
Generate Tolerance Plots: The tolerance plot generating is enabled if this field is
checked. These plots will show you the phase and amplitude changes in relation to
the vibration specification for each trim run. Each measurement plane will have its
own graphic. If the print format is Detailed, this plot will show the trajectory of all
trim runs. If the print format is summary, this plot will show only the beginning and
ending conditions. If this field is blank, then there will be no tolerance plots
included in the report.
Auto-hardcopy Plots: If this field is checked, then a hardcopy printout of each plot
will be generated automatically.

If the Detailed option is selected as the Print Format from the report options menu,
then all information associated with a balance job will be displayed. A typical
example of a Balance Job Detail report is shown on the following pages. For a
description of the basic functions available for the tolerance plots, see Universal
Plot Control Keys and Tools on page 5-4.





If the Summary option is selected as the Print Format from the report options
menu, then only descriptive information and beginning and ending balance con-
ditions will be included in the report. A typical example of a Balance Job Summary
report is shown on the following pages. For a description of the basic functions
available for the tolerance plots, see Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools on
page 5-4.




Select the Equipment Balance Status option from the Balance Reports option to
get a status listing for the equipment set selected. The status listing includes the last
vibration measurements at the 1xRPM frequency, the balance status (acceptable or
out-of-tolerance), and the balance specification the status is judged against.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area

A typical example of an Equipment Balance Status report follows.




Select the Equipment Balance History option from the Balance Reports option to
get a summary of all balance job results for the equipment set selected and date
range specified. The history listing includes the technician that performed the job,
the number of trial and trim runs completed, and the balance status (acceptable or
out of tolerance) for each balance job selected for inclusion in the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.


A typical example of an Equipment Balance History report follows.


Select the Balance Notes Summary option from the Balance Reports option to get
a listing of all balance job notes for all jobs selected for inclusion in the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.


A typical example of a Balance Notes Summary report follows.

Select the Stored Job Summary option from the Balance Reports option to get a
listing of all balance jobs stored in the database.
A typical example of a Stored Job Summary report follows.



Assign Jobs: Allows you to moves balance jobs between the Unassigned area and
specific pieces of equipment and to move jobs between specific pieces of equip-
ment. See Assign Jobs on page 1-17 for discussion of this topic.

Edit Stored Jobs: Allows you to edit balance job numbers. See Edit Stored Jobs
on page 1-18 for discussion of this topic.

Delete Jobs: Allows you to remove all data associated with a specific balance job
from the database. See Delete Jobs on page 1-19 for discussion of this topic.



This chapter deals with the storage and management of Quality Control (QC) or
acceptance test data. The purpose of the UltraSpec QC program is to allow the
application of predefined vibration-based specifications to new or rebuilt
machinery for the purposes of quality control or acceptance. UltraMgr allows this
data to be transferred to a computer providing a number of advantages, including:
Long term archival of test data.
Access to data by other modules for viewing of dynamic data.
Report generation.
The ability to download to the UltraSpec instrument previously defined test
setups, thereby allowing standardization of procedures and minimum setup
The basic UltraMgr QC function is designed primarily for test template storage,
data archival, and report generation. It does not provide tools for the analysis of
vibration spectra or strip charts. However, the optional UltraPlot module, used for
the viewing and analysis of UltraSpec Analyze data, will extend the UltraMgr QC


After selecting QC Jobs from the Document/Report tab in the AMS Machinery
Manager main menu, the Quality Control main menu is displayed.

Plot Data: If the optional UltraPlot module has been loaded, this selection will
allow the you to access, analyze, and plot frequency spectra, overall strip charts and
bands data acquired with UltraSpec QC. Information about these functions is pro-
vided in the UltraPlot chapter, see Chapter 1, Optional PlotData Module (Ultra-
QC Reports: Allows you to generate a number of reports that are useful in docu-
menting the result of the equipment evaluation. See QC Reports on page 4-6.
Assign Jobs: Allows you to move jobs between the Unassigned area and specific
pieces of equipment and to move jobs between specific pieces of equipment. See
Assign Jobs on page 1-17.
Edit Stored Jobs: Allows you to edit job numbers. See Edit Stored Jobs on page
Delete Jobs: Allows you to remove all data associated with a specific QC job from
the database. See Delete Jobs on page 1-19.



Plots Printed Per Page: the number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): the percent of the page each plot will use. The product
of plots printed per page and the vertical size of plot cannot exceed 100% (the
entire page).
Number of Harmonic Markers: - specifies the number of harmonic markers (in
addition to the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.
Number of Sideband Markers: - specifies the number of sideband markers (on
each side of the Set Mark frequency) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors sideband mode. Valid entries are 2 - 20.
Number of Waveform Markers: - specifies the number of waveform harmonic
markers (on each side of the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on a wave-
form plot when using the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.


See Chapter 1, Optional PlotData Module (UltraPlot) for details on using the
Plot Data command.

Select the QC Report option from the QC main menu to generate reports that are
useful in documenting the result of equipment evaluation.

QC Job Details Report: Provides specific detailed information about the QC jobs
selected for inclusion in the report. See QC Job Details on page 4-7.
QC Descriptive Statistics Report: Provides basic statistical information including
the mean, median, standard deviation, and variance about a selected grouping of
data pertaining to a single piece of equipment or equipment type. See QC
Descriptive Statistics Report on page 4-24.
QC Notes Summary: Provides a summary of all the notes attached to all the QC
jobs selected for inclusion in the report. See QC Notes Summary on page 4-28.
Stored Jobs Listing: Provides a listing of all QC jobs stored in the database. See
Stored Job Listing on page 4-30.


Select the QC Job Details Report option from the QC Reports option to get a listing
of detail information documenting a QC job. You will then be presented with a
menu allowing you to select the amount of data to include in the report.


Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Entire Equipment
All Unassigned Jobs
A Set of Jobs
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.
Test Format: Choose between Results and Setup. A results report will list all the
information associated with a job. A setup report will list job definition information.
The job definition is composed of data acquisition information and analysis sets.

Pause Between Jobs: A pause is enabled if this field is checked. If you are sending
information to the printer and are not interested in viewing it on the screen, there
is no need to pause between jobs. If this field is not enabled, there will be no pause
between the jobs.
Auto-hardcopy Plots: If this field is checked, then a hardcopy printout of each plot
will be generated automatically.


If Setup is selected as the test format, then only job definition information will be
included in the report. The job definition is composed of data acquisition informa-
tion and analysis set descriptions. This report is tailored to list only those analysis sets
referenced by the job.



If Results is selected as the test format, then all information associated with the job
will be included in the report. Each report can be customized as to header informa-
tion, data to print, and order of printing. Customizing is provided through the use
of report templates. The report templates may be created, stored, and recalled. See
Function Bar Options on page 4-23 for more information on saving and recalling
When the Results option is selected, the following menu will be presented in order
to allow you to customize the report. The report templates are customized by
choosing various options available on the following tabs.


Header Options/Sequence Tab

Report Template Name: Is a unique 32-character name used to identify the current
report template. The information stored in the template is all the information
entered on each tab of this menu.

Include Header Page: Marking this item includes the Header Page in the reports
using this template.
Report Title: Is a 70-character title. It is part of the template, and is the title of all
reports printed using this template.
Sequencing of Header Page
Header page options may be displayed in any order, or omitted altogether by
choosing a value from the pulldown menu.

Text Body I: The number entered in the box indicates the location/exclusion of
Text Body I in the header page.
Text Body II: The number entered in the box indicates the location/exclusion of
Text Body II in the header page.
Equipment Description: Is the equipment description stored with a QC job. The
number entered in the box indicates the location/exclusion of the Equipment
Description in the header page.
Measurement Point Summary: Lists each measurement points ID and description
with PASS/FAIL indication for each point. The number entered in the box indi-
cates the location/exclusion of the Measurement Point Summary in the header
Notes: Are the notes attached to the QC job. The number entered in the box indi-
cates the location/exclusion of Notes in the header page.
Signature Line: Provides a space for the analyst to add their signature to the report.
The number entered in the box indicates the location/exclusion of the Signature
Line in the header page.


An example of a QC Results report header page is shown below.


Data Options/Sequence Tab


Include Data Plots: Marking this item includes the Data Plots sequenced as indi-
cated for all reports using this template.
Group Data By: Data may be grouped by measurement point (MPT) or by Type.
If the data is grouped by measurement point then all the data associated with a
measurement point is grouped together in the report. If the data is grouped by
Type, then all data of the same type is grouped together in the report.
Sequencing of Data Plots
Individual types of Data plots may be displayed in any order, or omitted altogether
by choosing a value from the pulldown menu.


Overall Strip Chart: The number entered in the box indicates the location/exclu-
sion of the Overall Strip Chart in the data section of the report. An example of an
Overall Strip Chart is shown below.


An explanation of the plotting functions available with this type of
graph are found under Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools on
page 5-4, and Tool Bar on page 5-5.

Parameter Bar Chart: The number entered in the box indicates the location/
exclusion of the Parameter Bar Chart in the data section of the report. An example
of a Parameter Bar Chart is shown below.


An explanation of the plotting functions available with this type of
graph are found under Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools on
page 5-4, and Tool Bar on page 5-5.


Parameter Summary: The number entered in the box indicates the location/
exclusion of the Parameter Summary in the data section of the report. An example
of a parameter summary listing is shown below.


Band - up to 12 bands can be defined for a measurement point. A character will be

displayed by the band number indicating if the band is in Failure or Unknown
status. No indicator means that the magnitude for that band is less than the alarm.
Min. Freq. - the lower boundary of this band.
Max. Freq. - the upper boundary of this band.
Magnitude - the amplitude measured for the given band.
Type - (Band or Line) Band is calculated as a band limited overall in the frequency
range specified. Line indicates the amplitude is the highest amplitude from a single
line of resolution in the frequency range specified.
% Spec - indicates the percentage of the alarm value the actual magnitude has

FFT1: The number entered in the box indicates the location/exclusion of FFT1 in
the data section of the report. An example of an FFT1 plot is shown below.


An explanation of the plotting functions available with this type of
graph are found under Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools on
page 5-4, and Tool Bar on page 5-5.


FFT2: The number entered in the box indicates the location/exclusion of FFT2 in
the data section of the report. An example of an FFT2 plot is shown below.


An explanation of the plotting functions available with this type of
graph are found under Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools on
page 5-4, and Tool Bar on page 5-5.

FFT Options Tab

Include Peak List for FFTs: Marking this item automatically generates a peak list
immediately after each FFT (spectrum) included in the report.
Fixed Amplitude Scale Enabled FFT1: Marking this item permits the definition
of a fixed amplitude scale (determined by the Lower and Upper Scale values) of all
first spectrum plots included in the report. When not selected, the program uses
automatic scaling.
Lower Scale Value: The lower scale value to fix the amplitude scale to if
Fixed Amplitude Scale FFT1 is enabled.
Upper Scale Value: The upper scale value to fix the amplitude scale to if
Fixed Amplitude Scale FFT1 is enabled.
Fixed Amplitude Scale Enabled FFT2: Marking this option permits the defini-
tion of a fixed amplitude scale (determined by the Lower and Upper Scale values)
of all second spectrum plots included in the report. When not selected, the pro-
gram uses automatic scaling.
Lower Scale Value: The lower scale value to fix the amplitude scale to if
Fixed Amplitude Scale FFT2 is enabled.
Upper Scale Value: The upper scale value to fix the amplitude scale to if
Fixed Amplitude Scale FFT2 is enabled.


If a peak list for FFTs has been marked, the peak list will follow the spectrum plots.
An example of a peak list report is shown below.

Text Body I Tab

Text Body I provides a free form body text of 15 lines of 60 characters each for you
usage. It appears at its designated location in the header page of the report. This
text is stored with this report template, and it appears in all reports printed using
this template.

Text Body II Tab

Text Body II provides a free form body text of 15 lines of 60 characters each for you
usage. It appears at its designated location in the header page of the report. This
text is stored with this report template, and it appears in all reports printed using
this template.


If no templates have been defined, the CSI default template is automatically
Plots Printed Per Page: The number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): The percent of the page each plot will use.
Number of Harmonic Markers: Enter the number of Harmonic Markers to
be displayed in a plot.
Number of Sideband Markers: Enter the number of Sideband Markers to
be displayed in a plot.
Number of Waveform Markers: Enter the number of Waveform Markers to
be displayed in a plot.
Get Template: To select a template, click on the Get Template button and choose
from the displayed list of saved templates.
CSI Template: To reset the Quality Report Options menu to the CSI default tem-
plate, click on the CSI Template button.
Save Template: To store a new template, enter a unique name in the Report Tem-
plate Name field and click on the Save Template button.

Select the QC Descriptive Statistics Report option from the QC Reports option in
order to get basic statistical information including the mean, median, standard
deviation, and variance about a selected grouping of data pertaining to a single
piece of equipment or equipment type.
You will first be prompted to select a measurement point from the desired refer-
ence job. Then, you will be prompted to select a set of jobs to be included in the
report. At least 10 jobs must be selected for statistical analysis.
The statistical analysis is performed for that measurement point on all selected jobs
whose analysis set matches that of the Reference Job. This analysis is performed for
each individual band.
After the data selection has been performed the following menu is displayed.


Include Descriptive Statistics: Marking this option includes a table containing a

definition and data for each of the following: sample size, mean, median, standard
deviation, the Z-Score for the alarm, and variance for each band defined in the Ref-
erence Jobs analysis set.
Include Z-Score Table: Marking this item includes the Z Score for each band of
every job included in the analysis. The Z Score for a job is the number of Standard
Deviations its magnitude is away from the mean for that band.


Band n Histogram: Marking this option includes the histogram for the ith band in
the report. The amplitude range is divided into 10 classes. The Histogram is a
graphical representation of how the amplitudes of a band are distributed. A sample
histogram is shown below.


An explanation of the plotting functions available with this type of
graph are found under Universal Plot Control Keys and Tools on
page 5-4, and Tool Bar on page 5-5.

Band n Frequency Table: Marking this option includes the Frequency Table that
corresponds to the Histogram for the nth band. A sample band frequency table is
shown below.



Pause Between Jobs: Marking this item generates a pause after each report listing.
Auto-Hardcopy Plots: Marking this item automatically generates a hardcopy of all
plots included in the report.


A sample QC Statistical Analysis Report is shown below.


Select the QC Notes Summary option from the QC Reports option to get a listing
of all QC job notes for all jobs selected for inclusion in the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.


A typical example of a QC Notes Summary report follows.


Select the Stored Job Listing option from the QC Reports option to get a listing of
all QC jobs stored in the database.
A typical example of a Stored Job Listing report follows.



Assign Jobs: Allows you to moves jobs between the Unassigned area and specific
pieces of equipment and to move jobs between specific pieces of equipment. See
Assign Jobs on page 1-17 for discussion of this topic.

Edit Stored Jobs: Allows you to edit job numbers. See Edit Stored Jobs on page
1-18 for discussion of this topic.

Delete Jobs: Allows you to remove all data associated with a specific job from the
database. See Delete Jobs on page 1-19 for discussion of this topic.



UltraPlot, located under the Analysis tab of the AMS Machinery Manager main
menu, provides generic data display and analysis tools for Analyze, QC or Motor
data. Dynamic data which may be displayed for analysis or printing includes:
Spectra (FFTs)
Strip Plots of dynamic data such as overall amplitudes, DC voltages, or tem-
Peak Phase data including RPM vs. Synchronous Amplitude,
RPM vs. Phase, or Nyquist Plot
Parameter Bar Chart
Motor Temperature
Harmonic Distortion
Purchase of the UltraPlot module will enable PlotData functionality in the Analyze
Module main menu, the QC Module main menu, and the Motor Module main
From either the UltraPlot main menu or after PlotData has been selected from the
Analyze, Motor, or QC application main menu, you will be allowed to select the
desired data set to plot. The items to select from are displayed in hierarchical
fashion in the AMS Machinery Manager Database Tree (Database, Area, Equip-
ment, Job, Measurement Point, and Data Set).
The Analyze, Motor, or QC modules Data Sets can be quickly accessed by selecting
the appropriate option from the Function Bar on the right-hand edge of the Ultra-
Plot main menu.

A + in front of an item means that there are additional items that
can be displayed by clicking on it. A in front of an item means that
there are no more items to display (you can open or close it by
clicking on the +/- icon).




Standard Electrical Line Frequency In the United States, this is 60 Hz, in Europe,
it is typically 50 Hz.


Plots Printed Per Page: the number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): the percent of the page each plot will use.
The product of plots printed per page and the vertical size of plot cannot exceed
100% (the entire page).
Number of Harmonic Markers: - specifies the number of harmonic markers (in
addition to the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.
Number of Sideband Markers: - specifies the number of sideband markers (on
each side of the Set Mark frequency) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors sideband mode. Valid entries are 2 - 20.
Number of Waveform Markers: - specifies the number of waveform harmonic
markers (on each side of the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on a wave-
form plot when using the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.

The Analyze, Motor, or QC modules Data Sets can be quickly accessed by selecting
the appropriate button from the Function Bar. The options change so that the two
UltraMgr modules that currently arent selected are always available in the Func-
tion Bar.

Although each type of data displayed will have a set of special functions assigned to
the function keys, all data plots share a few common control keys.
Mouse Button: Defines the cursor position. Information relating to the position of
the cursor, such as frequency, will be displayed at the lower right-hand side of the
Left or Right Arrow key: Moves the cursor one point left or right respectively
across the plot.
Home or End key: Defines the cursor positions as the first and last point on the plot
Alt-S: Performs a graphics dump into a file specified in the Graphic Capture menu
under the Edit menu. This file can be inserted into a document created by a word
processor, copied to the clipboard, and/or saved to a Case History.

Located at the right side of the screen, the Graphics Function Bar provides special
graphics functions when data plots are displayed. The available functions vary
depending on the plot type.
OK: Returns directly to the data selection list from the plot display.

Setup: Goes to the plot setup screen from the plot display.
Explanations of other functions are located with the description of each plot.


The UltraPlot Tool Bar is located in a horizontal row above the plot display. The
available options will vary depending on whether a dialog box, database tree, or
plot is currently displayed.
Open Database: Opens the database selection dialog box. See Open Database on
page 1-5 for details on this option.
Save: Opens the standard Windows Save As dialog box.

Print: Copies currently the displayed plot to the printer.

Cut: Removes data from text fields. Data is stored on clipboard until the next item
is cut or copied.
Copy: Copies currently displayed plot to the Windows clipboard. From there, it can
be pasted into documents by using word processing software, Windows write, or
clipbook views.
Paste: Pastes data into text fields from the clipboard.

Previewer: Opens the Previewer application and copies the currently displayed
plot directly to it. Several plots can be saved to one Previewer file.
Main Options: Returns to the applications Main menu.

Database Tree: Returns to the database tree selection menu.

Help: Brings up an extensive help file that includes a search function.

OK: Returns directly to the data selection list from the plot display.

Setup: Goes to the plot setup screen from the plot display.

Auto Scale: Automatically scales the amplitude range of the displayed plot.

Fixed Scale: Scales the amplitude range to the fixed value specified in the Plot
Setup screen.
Vertical Control: Allows you to expand the plot in the vertical direction.

Vertical Control: Allows you to reduce the plot in the vertical direction.

Horizontal Control: Allows you to expand or reduce the plot in the horizontal
Full Scale: Returns the horizontal axis of the plot to the full range specified in the
plot setup menu.
View Case History: Opens the Case History Manager dialog box in RBMview. See
the RBMview Reference Manual for more information.

Begin: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the plot.

Left: Incrementally moves the cursor to the left.

Clear Plot: Clears cursor, peak labels, free text, etc. from the plot.

Right: Incrementally moves the cursor to the right.

End: Moves the cursor to the end of the plot.

Locate: (Only available from a Spectral Plot.) Provides a more accurate indication
of the cursor location. This may be used to determine the exact frequency and
amplitude of a peak. Place the cursor at the top of a peak, press the locate key and
the displayed values for the cursor location will be updated with more accurate


Go to Horizontal Axis Value: (Only available from a Spectral Plot.) Brings up a
popup box that allows you to enter a specific frequency. Accepting the value
entered jumps the cursor directly to that point (frequency) on the spectral display.
Set Mark: Places a marker at the current cursor location. The difference between
this marker and subsequent cursor locations (delta frequency or time) is indicated
at the lower right-hand corner of the plot.
Toggle Cursor Type: After the cursor has been selected (turned on), this icon
allows you to switch between Single, Harmonic, or Sideband.

The Plot Colors dialog box is located under the File menu. This function defines
colors for various parts of the plot. See Plot Colors on page 1-10 for more infor-
mation on this option.


After a spectral plot has been displayed, the Setup Plot function will bring up a
menu that allows you to modify the plot setup and display.



Units for Frequency Axis: Select Hz, CPM, or Orders (multiples of normalizing
frequency or running speed) for the frequency axis of the spectral plot.
Type of Frequency Axis: Specifies the frequency scale as Linear or Log.
Normalizing Frequency (Hz): The units used may alternatively default to CPM
depending on the global setup. This frequency is used as the fundamental fre-
quency for any calculation involving Orders, including the use of Orders for the fre-
quency units. Example: 2.34 orders is the same as 2.34 times the fundamental
frequency. This is typically the RPM of the machine when the data was acquired.


Fixed Frequency Scale Enabled? Selecting this option permits the definition of
a fixed frequency scale (determined by the Lower and Upper Frequency values
and using the units specified in Units for Frequency Axis). When not selected, the
program uses automatic scaling.
Units for Amplitude Axis: Specifies the units to be used for the amplitude axis.
Options include Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, and Stored. Select Stored to
see the plot with the same units as those stored with the plot in the analyzer.
Type of Amplitude Axis: Specifies the value of the amplitude to be displayed as
Linear, Log, or dB.
Fixed Amplitude Scale Enabled? Selecting this option permits the definition of
a fixed amplitude scale (determined by the Lower and Upper Scale values and
using the units specified in Units for Amplitude Axis). When not selected, the pro-
gram uses automatic scaling.

If a fixed frequency or amplitude scale is being used and then the axis
units are changed, be sure to change the scales lower/upper values
to reflect the new units.



Number of Peaks to List: Specifies the maximum number of frequency peaks,
which will be listed when using the Peak List key of the spectral plot. The highest
amplitude peaks equal to this number will be listed in ascending order by fre-
Peaks Threshold (%FS): Specifies the lowest peak amplitude value that will be
listed in the peak list as a percentage of the full-scale value of the plot.
Grid Lines on Plot? Select to overlay a grid on the displayed spectrum.
Store Modified Label? Changes to the text label of the spectral data plot are
saved when this option is enabled.
Store Modified RPM? The fundamental frequency can be replaced with a new
frequency while viewing the plot. Select this option to store this frequency with the
data set as the new fundamental frequency when exiting the plot display.


The following plot is an illustration of a single spectral plot. The main Tool Bar and
Plot Tool Bar options are discussed in Tool Bar on page 5-5 and Plot Tool Bar
on page 5-6, respectively. The Graphics Function Bar options (also found under
the Tools pulldown menu) used to access plot control and analysis tools are dis-
cussed below.


Set Mark: Places a marker at the current cursor location. The difference between
this marker and subsequent cursor locations is displayed at the right hand corner
of the plot as delta frequency (DFRQ), in addition to the normal cursor informa-
Label Peaks: Provides two options for labeling peaks: Primary Cursor or Largest 5
Peaks. If Primary Cursor option is selected the text is placed above the current
cursor location identifying the frequency at this position. If Largest 5 Peaks is
selected then the frequency value text is placed above the 5 largest unlabeled peaks.

Cursor: Allows you to select the cursor modes: Off, Single, Harmonic, or Sideband.
Single is the default cursor mode. If Off is selected, then any cursor(s) and set mark
lines will be deleted off the displayed plot. If Harmonic mode is selected, then mul-
tiple cursors will be displayed at frequency multiples of the primary cursor location.
The Sideband cursor mode will only work if the set mark line position is defined.
The Sideband cursor will display multiple cursors at a spacing equal to that between
the set mark and the original cursor.
Peak List: Displays a list of the highest peaks located on the currently displayed
spectrum. The number of peaks listed is controlled by the Spectral Display
Options. A sample Peak List is shown below.
Change RPM: Allows you to set a new RPM for the spectrum being displayed. If
Store Modified RPM has been selected on the Spectral Control Options screen,
it will be saved as the new spectral RPM.
Locate: Provides a more accurate indication of the cursor location. This may be
used to determine the exact frequency and amplitude of a peak. Place the cursor
at the top of a peak, press the locate key and the displayed values for the cursor loca-
tion will be updated with more accurate values.
Text: Allows a descriptive label of up to 32 characters to be added to the bottom of
the plot. This label is saved with the spectrum only if the Save Modified Label field
on the Spectral Display Options screen has been selected.


List of Spectral Peaks

Area: A8 - Area 8 (Analyze Jobs)

Equipment: Motor #1 - Jobs w/ Spectrum Data
Job Number : Job 1 Date/Time: 01-Jun-97 22:07:44
Date/Time : 01-Jun-97 22:06:32 Amplitude Units: in/sec Peak


---- --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- --------- ---------
1 11.0000 0.0017 0.3667 13 239.2893 0.0042 7.9763
2 14.4097 0.0025 0.4803 14 243.6693 0.0003 8.1223
3 17.5824 0.0028 0.5861 15 253.6028 0.0003 8.4534
4 21.0000 0.0017 0.7000 16 269.3109 0.0041 8.9770
5 29.8302 0.4887 0.9943 17 272.5027 0.0002 9.0834
6 59.6458 0.0236 1.9882 18 295.4027 0.0003 9.8468
7 89.6467 0.0098 2.9882 19 298.7779 0.0022 9.9593
8 120.0000 0.0554 4.0000 20 312.5023 0.0002 10.4167
9 149.6653 0.0118 4.9888 21 328.8066 0.0023 10.9602
10 171.2905 0.0002 5.7097 22 359.5020 0.0016 11.9834
11 179.3960 0.0058 5.9799 23 363.2882 0.0002 12.1096
12 209.3372 0.0035 6.9779 24 388.6286 0.0010 12.9543


0.4928 0.2581/ 27% 0.4188/ 72% 0.0297/ 0%


After a waveform plot has been displayed, the Setup Plot function will bring up a
menu that allows you to modify the plot display options.

The setup plot function will bring up a menu that allows you to modify the plot
setup and display.


Fixed Time Scale Enabled? - When this option is selected, it can be used to specify
a time segment that will be taken from the overall waveform, expanded, and then
plotted. The lower and upper specifications of the time segment are entered in mil-
liseconds. Otherwise, the waveforms entire time span is plotted.
Fixed Amplitude Scale Enabled? - When selected, permits the definition of a fixed
amplitude scale (determined by the Lower and Upper Scale values) for the wave-
form. Otherwise, the program uses automatic scaling.
Normalizing Frequency (Hz): Used to enter the fundamental frequency of the
waveform (normally, this is the running speed of the machine). This value is used
to set the spacing of markers displayed on the time waveform if Mark Normalizing
Frequency is selected.
Mark Normalizing Frequency? Select this option to include vertical lines on the
plot at intervals corresponding to the specified normalizing frequency.


Grid Lines on Plot? Select this option to place a grid overlay onto the displayed
Save Modified Label? Select this option to save changes made to the data label
of the waveform displayed when the plot display is exited. You can edit the data
label by clicking the Text button on the function bar.
The following plot is an illustration of a single waveform plot. The main Tool Bar
and Plot Tool Bar options are discussed in Tool Bar on page 5-5 and Plot Tool
Bar on page 5-6, respectively. The Graphics Function Bar options (also found
under the Tools pulldown menu) used to access plot control and analysis tools are
discussed below.


Set Mark: Places a marker at the current cursor location. The difference between
this marker and subsequent cursor locations is displayed at the right hand corner
of the plot as delta time (dtim). You can use the cursor with a set mark to calculated
values for delta time and frequency between two points in the waveform.

Label Value: Places text above the current cursor location identifying the time at
this position.
Cursor: Allows you to select the cursor mode. Options are Off, Single, or Differ-
ence. Single is the default cursor mode. If Off is selected, then any cursor(s) and Set
Mark lines will be deleted off the displayed plot. The Difference cursor mode will
only work if the set mark line position is defined. The Difference cursor will display
multiple cursors at a spacing equal to that between the Set Mark and the original
Text: Allows a descriptive label of up to 32 characters to be added to the bottom of
the plot. This label is saved with the time waveform only if the Save Modified
Label field on the Waveform Display Options screen has been selected.


The Overall, DC, and Temperature functions record data in a strip format. After a
Strip Chart plot has been displayed, the Setup Plot function will bring up a menu
that allows you to modify the plot display options.



Strip Chart Time Format: Select Zero to Positive or Negative to Zero. Zero to Posi-
tive shows the actual time values when each data point was stored from start of data
acquisition. Negative to Zero corresponds to data as displayed in the analyzer. Zero
is the most current data with negative values showing time elapsed to older data.
Enable Fixed Time Scale? When selected, the X-axis is scaled using the specified
Lower and Upper time value.
Fixed Amplitude Scale Enabled? When selected, the Y-axis is scaled using the
specified Lower and Upper amplitude value.
Save Modified Label? Select this option to save changes made to the data label
on the displayed strip chart when the chart is exited. You can edit the data label by
clicking the Text button on the Function Bar.

The following plot is an example of an overall strip plot using a zero to positive time
scale. The main Tool Bar and Plot Tool Bar options are discussed in Tool Bar on
page 5-5 and Plot Tool Bar on page 5-6, respectively. The Graphics Function Bar
options (also found under the Tools pulldown menu) used to access plot control
and analysis tools are discussed below.


Set Mark: Places a reference mark at the present cursor location.

Label Value: Places a time label at the cursor location.
Text: Allows a descriptive label of up to 32 characters to be added to the bottom of
the plot.


Set Mark and Cursor can be used to calculate the time difference between any two
points displayed on the strip chart. The result is shown as DTIM in the lower right
of the display. Using the Horizontal Control (Expand) icon on the Tool bar will re-
scale the displayed strip chart time axis to the range bracketed by the set mark and
cursor locations.

After a Peak/Phase plot has been displayed, the Setup Plot function will bring up a
menu that allows you to modify the plot display options


Plot Type: Data can be viewed on one of three types of plots: Phase/RPM, Peak/
RPM, or Nyquist.
If Phase/RPM option is selected the vertical axis of the plot is scaled for
phase in degrees, while the horizontal axis is RPM.
If Peak/RPM option is selected the vertical axis is scaled to represent
amplitude while the horizontal axis represents RPM.
If Nyquist option is selected the data is displayed on a polar plot. The X and
Y-axes divide the plot into 4 polar quadrants of 90 degrees each. The inter-
section of the axes represents zero amplitude. Amplitude increases uni-
formly with distance as you move in any direction from the intersection.
The cursor position represents phase angle and amplitude, while the RPM
is stated.
Enable Fixed RPM Scale? When selected, allows limits to be imposed upon the
displayed RPM range.


Enable Fixed Amplitude Scale? When selected, allows limits to be specified for
the displayed amplitude range.
Enable Fixed Angle Scale? When selected, allows limits to be specified for the
displayed phase angle range.
Grid Lines On Plot? When selected, overlays a grid on the selected plot display.
Save Modified Label: When selected, saves changes made to plot text label when
the peak/phase plot display is exited.
Examples of all three plot types, Phase/RPM, Peak/RPM, and Nyquist, are given
below. The main Tool Bar and Plot Tool Bar options are discussed in Tool Bar on
page 5-5 and Plot Tool Bar on page 5-6, respectively. The Graphics Function Bar
options (also found under the Tools pulldown menu) used to access plot control
and analysis tools are discussed following each plot.


Set Mark: Places a marker at the current cursor location. The difference between
this marker and subsequent cursor locations is displayed at the right hand corner
of the plot as delta RPM.
Label Value: Places text above the current cursor location identifying the RPM at
this position.
Text: Allows a descriptive label of up to 32 characters to be added to the bottom of
the plot.


Set Mark: Places a marker at the current cursor location. The difference between
this marker and subsequent cursor locations is displayed at the right hand corner
of the plot as delta RPM.
Label Value: Places text above the current cursor location identifying the RPM at
this position.


Text: Allows a descriptive label of up to 32 characters to be added to the bottom of
the plot.


The functions available for the Nyquist plot are very similar to those for the two
forms previously discussed. However, since it is a polar plot, there is only one con-
trol for changing the displayed X and Y axes range. The Vertical Control Tool Bar
buttons can control the peak amplitude scaling. The Phase Angle display remains
Set Mark: Places a marker at the current cursor location. The difference between
this marker and subsequent cursor locations is displayed at the right hand corner
of the plot as delta RPM.
Label Value: Places text above the current cursor location identifying the RPM at
this position.

Text: Allows a descriptive label of up to 32 characters to be added to the bottom of
the plot.


The following plot is an illustration of a parameter bar chart. The parameter bar
chart provides a way to quickly view the status of a particular measurement points
accceptance test data. It will display the amplitude and the pass/fail status for each
band measured. The main Tool Bar and Plot Tool Bar options are discussed in
Tool Bar on page 5-5 and Plot Tool Bar on page 5-6, respectively.

The following plot is an illusrtation of a motor temperature plot. The main Tool
Bar and Plot Tool Bar options are discussed in Tool Bar on page 5-5 and Plot
Tool Bar on page 5-6, respectively. The Graphics Function Bar options (also found
under the Tools pulldown menu) used to access plot control and analysis tools are
discussed below.

This plot type will only be available ifhte optional UtlraMotor module
has been loaded.

F< >C: Toggles the temperature values displayed between Fahrenheit and Cel-
Ambient (=/): Toggle between ambient subtracted and the true temperature
values. If ambient is subtracted, then the displayed ambient temperature will be
subtracted from all the measured points displayed temperature.


The following plot is an illustration of a harmonic distortion. The harmonic distor-
tion plot provides a way to review the power quality for each line of data taken in a
current analysis measurement. The main Tool Bar and Plot Tool Bar options are
discussed in Tool Bar on page 5-5 and Plot Tool Bar on page 5-6, respectively.

This plot type will only be available ifhte optional UtlraMotor module
has been loaded.



This chapter deals with the storage and management of data taken with the
UltraSpec Analyze application. Dynamic data which may be displayed for analysis
or printing includes:
Spectra (FFTs)
Strip Chart Plots of dynamic data such as overall amplitudes, DC voltages, or
Peak Phase data including RPM vs. Synchronous Amplitude, RPM vs. Phase,
or Nyquist Plot.
The storage of dynamic data in the personal computer offers many advantages
which include:
Allows longer term storage of important data, freeing up data storage space
in the analyzer.
The ability to quickly retrieve, review, and print the vibration record of a par-
ticular machine for purposes of comparing before and after data, reporting,
The ability to review field notes attached to a data set or a job, to assist in anal-
ysis, or check on items needing follow-up.
The ability to manipulate and label data on-screen for fault analysis or as
custom plots highlighting specific data of interest.
The ability to export the data to a printout, or to a file, in ASCII format, for
importing into spreadsheets, other databases, or special graphics programs.


Selecting the Analyze Application from the AMS Machinery Manager main menu
the following screen is displayed.


Plot Data: Allows you to display the plot of data associated with a particular job. See
Chapter 1, Optional PlotData Module (UltraPlot) for details.
Analyze Reports: Allows you to access information stored with a particular job. See
Analyze Reports on page 6-5.
Assign Jobs: Allows you to moves analyze jobs between the Unassigned area and
specific pieces of equipment and to move jobs between specific pieces of equip-
ment. See Assign Jobs on page 1-17.
Edit Stored Jobs: Allows editing of analyze job numbers. See Edit Stored Jobs on
page 1-18.
Delete Jobs: Allows you to remove all data associated with a specific analyze job
from the database. See Delete Jobs on page 1-19.



Plots Printed Per Page: the number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): the percent of the page each plot will use. The product
of plots printed per page and the vertical size of plot cannot exceed 100% (the
entire page).
Number of Harmonic Markers: - specifies the number of harmonic markers (in
addition to the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.
Number of Sideband Markers: - specifies the number of sideband markers (on
each side of the Set Mark frequency) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors sideband mode. Valid entries are 2 - 20.
Number of Waveform Markers: - specifies the number of waveform harmonic
markers (on each side of the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on a wave-
form plot when using the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.


Select the Analyze Reports option from the Analyze main menu to generate
reports in order to review information stored with a particular analyze job.


Analyze Job Details: Provides specific data as recorded during the analyze job.
Analyze Notes Summary: Provides a summary of all the notes attached to all the
analyze jobs selected for inclusion in the report.
Stored Job Listing: Provides a listing of all analyze jobs in the database.

Select the Analyze Job Details option from the Analyze Reports option to get a
listing of information in an Analyze job. You will then be presented with a menu
allowing you to select the amount of data to include in the report.


Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.
You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Entire Equipment
All Unassigned Jobs
A Set of Jobs
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.
Data Type: For each possible data type that can be collected on an Analyze job
(Spectra, Waveform, Peak/Phase, Overall Strip Chart, Temperature Strip Chart,
and DC Level Strip Chart) select the format to be used to display the data.
If Summary is selected then only header information will be displayed.
If Detailed is selected then the actual data values will be displayed. For
example, if Detailed is selected for the Overall Strip Chart data type, then
the time and overall amplitude will be displayed for each data set. Since the
numeric data is output as ASCII text, this function can be used to send a
data set to a disk file which can be imported into another software program.
If No is selected, then no information about the given data type will be dis-


An example of a Job Detail report follows.

Analyze Job Detail Report


Report Date: 09-Dec-98

Area: [A8 ] - [Area 8 (Analyze Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #1 ] - [Jobs w/ Spectrum Data ]

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 22:07:44
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1: MOH - MOTOR OUTBOARD HORIZ

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 0
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0

Spectral Data:

Set Date/Time Lines Speed Label

--- -------------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------
1 01-Jun-97 22:06:32 400 0 CHECK BALANCE

Measurement Point 2: MOV - MOTOR OUTBOARD VERT

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 0
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0

Spectral Data:

Set Date/Time Lines Speed Label

--- -------------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------
1 01-Jun-97 22:07:14 400 0


Select the Analyze Notes Summary from the Analyze Report options to get a listing
of all analyze job notes for all jobs selected for inclusion in the report.


Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.


A typical example of an Analyze Notes Summary report follows.
Analyze Notes Summary
Report Date: 09-Dec-98

Area: [A8 ] - [Area 8 (Analyze Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #1 ] - [Jobs w/ Spectrum Data ]

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 22:07:44
Technician : JSK


Equipment: [Motor #2 ] - [Jobs w/ Waveform Data ]

Job Number : Job 2

Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 22:18:12
Technician : JSK


Equipment: [Motor #3 ] - [Jobs w/ Peak/Phase Data ]

Job Number : Job 3

Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 22:23:38
Technician : JSK


Equipment: [Motor #4 ] - [Jobs w/ Overall Data ]

Job Number : Job 4

Data Taken : 02-Jun-97 12:00:36
Technician : JSK


Equipment: [Motor #5 ] - [Jobs w/ Temperature Data ]

Job Number : Job 5

Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 22:29:34
Technician : JSK


Job Number : Job 6

Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 23:07:22
Technician : JSK



Select the Stored Job Summary option from the Analyze Report option to get a
listing of all Analyze jobs stored in the database. This can be especially useful for
finding specific jobs, or identifying those jobs you are ready to delete from the data-
base. A typical example of a Stored Job Summary report follows. The reports lists
any unassigned Jobs first.
Catalog of Analyze Stored Jobs

Report Date: 09-Dec-98

Unassigned Jobs:

Area Description : ANALYZE

Equipment Identification : SPECTRUM
Equipment Description : JOBS W/ SPECTRUM DATA
Job Number : Job 10
Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 22:40:26
Technician : JSK

Measurement Point 1: MOH - MOTOR OUTBOARD HORIZ

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0

Measurement Point 2: MOV - MOTOR OUTBOARD VERT

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0

Measurement Point 3: MIH - MOTOR INBOARD HORIZ

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0

Measurement Point 4: MIV - MOTOR INBOARD VERT

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0



After Unassigned Jobs, the report details your entire database, beginning with the
first Area in your database.
Area: [A1 ] - [Area 1 (Industry Area) ]

Equipment: [RCP#5 ] - [Recirculation Pump #5 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [EXFAN#1 ] - [Exhaust Fan #1 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [BP#3 ] - [Booster Pump #3 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [PMPMTR#2 ] - [Motor#2(Excessive Hot Spots)]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [DS#3 ] - [Dryer Section #3 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [FDF#7 ] - [Forced Draft Fan Motor #7 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [BSFM#2 ] - [Building Supply Fan Motor #2]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [IDF#1 ] - [Induced Draft Fan #1 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [LOSP#1 ] - [Lube Oil Supply Pump #1 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [HWP#2 ] - [Hot Water Pump #2 ]

------- No job records -------

Equipment: [Mtr/Fan #1] - [Multiple Apps used on 1 Mach]

Job Number : Job 9

Data Taken : 01-Jun-97 22:35:58
Technician : JSK

Measurement Point 1: MOH - MOTOR OUTBOARD HORIZ

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0

Measurement Point 2: MOV - MOTOR OUTBOARD VERT

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0
Number of Peak/Phase Data Sets : 0

Measurement Point 3: MIH - MOTOR INBOARD HORIZ

Number of Spectral Data Sets : 1

Number of Waveform Data Sets : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Data Sets : 0
Number of DC Level Strip Chart Data Sets: 0
Number of Temperature Data Sets : 0




UltraMotor is an optional software module that provides specific data management
for the UltraSpec Motor application.
The motor data available for analysis and reporting include:
Current Analysis information relative to the current including RMS
amplitude and fundamental frequency, unbalance, a 2-10 cycle waveform,
harmonics plot and percent harmonic distortion, and frequency versus
amplitude plot (FFT).
Current Analysis Waveform record of a time trace of the current signal.
Current Analysis Overall Strip Chart record of the RMS overall level of
the current over a period of time.
Rotor Bar analysis for broken bars.
Shaft Voltage/Current record of electrical potential between a machine
shaft and ground.
Motor Temperature recorded temperatures at several pre-defined loca-
tions, including ambient.
Motor Inrush record of current drawn by the motor during motor start.
The storage of motor data in the personal computer offers many advantages which
Long term storage of data, freeing up data storage space in the analyzer.
The ability to quickly retrieve, review, and print the motor record for the
purposes of comparing before and after data, reporting, etc.
The ability to review field notes attached to job or measurement, to assist in
analysis or check on items needing follow-up.
The ability to manipulate and label data on screen for fault analysis or as
custom plots highlighting specific data of interest.
The ability to export the data to a printout, or to a file, in ASCII format, for
importing into spreadsheets, other databases, or special graphics programs.


After selecting Motor Jobs from the Document/Report tab in the AMS
Machinery Manager main menu, the Motor main menu is displayed.


Plot Data: If the optional UltraPlot module has been loaded, this option will allow
you to display the plot of data associated with a particular motor measurement. See
Chapter 1, Optional PlotData Module (UltraPlot) for more details.
Motor Reports: Allows you to review and analyze information stored with a partic-
ular motor job. See Motor Reports on page 7-6 for information.
Assign Jobs: Allows you to move motor jobs between the Unassigned area and spe-
cific pieces of equipment and to move jobs between specific pieces of equipment.
See Assign Jobs on page 1-17.
Edit Stored Jobs: Allows editing of motor job numbers and the labels attached to
motor measurement sets. See Edit Stored Jobs on page 7-13.
Delete Jobs: Allows you to remove all data associated with a specific motor job from
the database. See Delete Jobs on page 7-14.



Standard Electrical Line Frequency In the United States, this is 60 Hz, in Europe,
it is typically 50 Hz.
Measure of Power Quality Select between THD = Total Harmonic Distortion
and DIN = Distortion Index. THD is the typical calculation used in the United
States to express the severity of the line frequency distortion. DIN is used in many
other countries.


Plots Printed Per Page: the number of plots printed per page.
Vertical Size of Plot (%): the percent of the page each plot will use.
The product of plots printed per page and the vertical size of plot cannot exceed
100% (the entire page).
Number of Harmonic Markers: - specifies the number of harmonic markers (in
addition to the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.
Number of Sideband Markers: - specifies the number of sideband markers (on
each side of the Set Mark frequency) that will be displayed on the plot when using
the cursors sideband mode. Valid entries are 2 - 20.


Number of Waveform Markers: - specifies the number of waveform harmonic
markers (on each side of the fundamental marker) that will be displayed on a wave-
form plot when using the cursors harmonic mode. Valid entries are 5 - 50.

See Chapter 1, Optional PlotData Module (UltraPlot) for information on Plot

Select the Motor Reports option from the Motor main menu to generate reports
in order to review information stored with a particular analyze job.


Motor Job Details: Provides specific data as recorded during the motor job.
Motor Notes Summary: Provides a summary of all the notes attached to all the
motor jobs selected for inclusion in the report.
Stored Job Listing: Provides a listing of all motor jobs in the database.


Select the Motor Job Details option from the Motor Report option to get a listing
of information in a Motor job. You will then be presented with a menu allowing you
to select the amount of data to include in the report.


Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Entire Equipment
All Unassigned Jobs
A Set of Jobs
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.

Pause Between Jobs: Select this option in order to introduces a pause as each part
of the analysis report displayed on the screen.
Auto-Hardcopy Plots: Select this item in order to automatically generates a hard-
copy of the plots included in a report.
Print Format: Select Summary or Detailed. If Summary is selected then summary
information will be displayed. No plots will be included. No analysis tools will be
provided. If Detailed is selected, then plots of the data associated with the selected
measurement type may be included and analysis tools may be provided.
Measurement Type: Select the type of measurement to include in the report. Cross
references to sample reports for each measurement type are given below.
Rotor Bar: Analysis for broken bars. For a sample report, see Rotor Bar
Reports on page 7-15.
Shaft Voltage/Current: Record of electrical potential between a machine
shaft and ground. For a sample report, see Shaft Voltage/Current Reports
on page 7-20.
Motor Temperature: Recorded temperatures at several pre-defined loca-
tions, including ambient. For a sample report, see Motor Temperature
Reports on page 7-30.
Current Analysis: Measure of power quality including RMS amplitude and
fundamental frequency, unbalance, a 2-10 cycle waveform, harmonics plot
and percent harmonic distortion, and frequency versus amplitude plot
(FFT). For a sample report, see Current Analysis Reports on page 7-34.
Motor Inrush: Record of current drawn by the motor during motor start. For
a sample report, see Motor Inrush Reports on page 7-41.
Current Analysis Waveform: Record of a time trace of the current signal.
For a sample report, see Waveform Reports on page 7-44.
Current Analysis Overall Strip Chart: Record of the RMS overall level of
the current over a period of time. For a sample report, see Overall Strip
Chart Reports on page 7-47.
An explanation of the plotting functions available with these graphs is found in the
UltraPlot chapter under Overview on page 5-2.


When you select Motor Notes Summary from the Motor Report options, you will
be presented with a menu allowing you to select the amount of data to include in
the report.

Inclusion Criterion: Determines the group of jobs to be included in the report.

You will be allowed to choose from one or more of the following options:
Entire Database
Entire Area
Limit Date Range: If enabled, means that jobs that are not within the data range
specified in the Earliest and Latest Date fields will not be included in the report.
This option applies to all of the above possible Inclusion Criterion.
Earliest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the earliest date of jobs to
be included in the report.
Latest Date: If Limit Date Range is enabled, is the latest date of jobs to be
included in the report.

The following is a sample Motor Notes Summary report.
Motor Notes Summary

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #1 ] - [Current Harmonic/Unbalance ]

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 15-May-97 10:08:16
Technician : JSK


Job Number : Job 2

Data Taken : 15-May-97 10:09:32
Technician : JSK


Job Number : Job 3

Data Taken : 15-May-97 15:46:45
Technician : JSK

Invalid Note Code Number 78

Equipment: [Motor #2 ] - [Current Waveform Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 5

Data Taken : 14-May-97 15:12:25



Select the Stored Job Listing options to get a listing of all motor jobs stored in the
database. This can be especially useful for finding specific jobs, or identifying those
jobs you are ready to delete from the database.
A typical example of a Stored Job Listing report follows.
Catalog of Motor Stored Jobs

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Unassigned Jobs:

Area Description : MOTOR

Equipment Identification : WAVEFORM
Equipment Description : CURRENT WAVEFORM
Job Number : Job 23
Data Taken : 15-May-97 10:03:13
Technician : JSK

Measurement Point 1:

Number of Rotor Bar Measurements : 0

Number of Shaft Voltage/Current Measurements: 0
Number of Motor Temperature Measurements : 0
Number of Current Analysis Measurements : 0
Number of Motor Inrush Measurements : 0
Number of Waveform Measurements : 1
Number of Overall Strip Chart Measurements : 0

Area Description : MOTOR

Equipment Identification : HARM/UNBAL
Job Number : Job 24
Data Taken : 15-May-97 15:50:32
Technician : JSK

Measurement Point 1:

Number of Rotor Bar Measurements : 0

Number of Shaft Voltage/Current Measurements: 0
Number of Motor Temperature Measurements : 0
Number of Current Analysis Measurements : 2
Number of Motor Inrush Measurements : 0
Number of Waveform Measurements : 0
Number of Overall Strip Chart Measurements : 0


See Assign Jobs on page 1-17 for information on this option.


Select the Edit Stored Jobs option from the Motor main menu in order to modify
the job number stored in a jobs definition or to edit the labels stored with the
motor measurements. Selecting this option displays the following menu:


Edit Job Numbers: See Edit Stored Jobs on page 1-18 for a detailed discussion of
this option.
Edit Motor Measurement Labels: This option displays a dialog box that allows you
to edit the existing measurement label.


This function allows specific jobs to be located and deleted. All setup information
and data will be deleted for the selected job. When this option is selected, you will
be prompted to select a job for deletion. You will be allowed to select jobs from
either equipment or the unassigned area. You will be asked to confirm that you
want to delete the selected job. Deleted data cannot be recovered! Once a job is
deleted, it is gone forever. It cannot be recovered.

Deleted data cannot be recovered! Once a job is deleted, it is gone forever. It
cannot be recovered.

CSI strongly recommends that you backup your database on a regular basis.




Lists the motors RPM, measured amperage, Percent Load based on amperage,
Percent Load based on slip (RPM), adjusted Delta dB, and the estimated percent
of broken rotor bars for each Rotor Bar measurement included in the extent of
jobs selected. A sample report is shown below.

For proper analysis, all data must have accurate RPMs recorded.

Motor Report - Summary


Report Date: 16-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #4 ] - [Rotor Bar Analysis Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 10

Data Taken : 15-May-97 16:15:10
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Rotor Bar Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 15-May-97 14:00:03

Measurement Data Label : ~100%Load Mtr w/ No Rtr Bar Prob

Nameplate Measured
--------- --------
RPM : 1725 1733
Voltage : 0.0 0.0
Amperage : 15.40 13.86

Percentage Load based on Amps: 90.0

Percentage Load based on Slip: 91.6
Adjusted Delta dB : 53.32
Percentage Broken Rotor Bars : 0.68



Consists of nameplate information, a plot of the spectral data, and the results of the
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #4 ] - [Rotor Bar Analysis Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 10

Data Taken : 15-May-97 16:15:10
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Rotor Bar Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 15-May-97 14:00:03

Measurement Data Label : ~100%Load Mtr w/ No Rtr Bar Prob

Nameplate Measured
--------- --------
RPM : 1725 1733
Voltage : 0.0 0.0
Amperage : 15.40 13.86

Permanent CT (ratio) : 1.000

Clip-On CT (V/amp) : 0.005



Spectral Plot


The spectral plot included in the Rotor Bar Analysis report is displayed in dB. A
dashed line is displayed to mark the Line Frequency (LF) peak. A dashed line is
drawn parallel to the horizontal axis, at an amplitude 50 dB below the amplitude of
the LF peak. If there are no sideband peaks penetrating this threshold then there
is little or no rotor damage detected. The cursor is initially located at the estimated
Lower Slip Sideband (LSSB). The user can locate the LSSB by moving the cursor
to a new location.
As the cursor is moved to the LSSB, or to the RPM sideband (RPMSB) below the
line frequency peak, a calculated RPM is determined and displayed as CRPM. If the
CRPM is unreasonable for this motor then the user has probably selected the
wrong sideband peak. If the LSSB has a corresponding RPM sideband peak then
this increases the confidence level that the correct LSSB has been selected. This
RPM sideband peak is not usually detectable for 3600 RPM equipment.
The tools available for analysis of a Rotor Bar spectral plot, located on the Graphics
Function Bar, are shown below.


LSSB/RPMSB - toggles the cursor location between the Lower Slip Side-
band (LSSB) and the RPM Sideband (RPMSB).
Peak List - displays a list of the highest peaks located on the spectrum.

Locate - this key provides a more accurate indication of the frequency of a

spectral peak. It can be used to more accurately determine the frequency
and amplitude of a peak. If you have identified the spectral peak corre-
sponding to the LSSB, you can use the locate button to better locate the fre-
quency of the peak by first moving the cursor to the point nearest the
spectral peak, and then pressing the Locate key. The LSSB and Calculated
RPM, displayed at the lower right of the spectrum, will then be updated
with more accurate values.
OK - accepts the analysis. The current cursor location is assumed to be the
user located LSSB. If the cursor location is not at the initial LSSB location
the following message will be displayed.


If the new cursor location is the intended user located LSSB then click on the Yes
button. This will update the stored information, and future analysis will show the
new LSSB as the initial cursor location. If the new cursor location is not the
intended user located LSSB then click the No button.


After the analysis is accepted, the results of the Rotor Bar Analysis are displayed.
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #4 ] - [Rotor Bar Analysis Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 10

Data Taken : 15-May-97 16:15:10
Technician : JSK

Measurement Point 1:

Rotor Bar Measurement Data:

Percentage Load based on Amps: 90.0

Percentage Load based on Slip: 91.6
Adjusted Delta dB : 53.32
Percentage Broken Rotor Bars : 0.68


It is essential to accurate analysis that the correct LSSB peak is determined. The
surest means is to make an accurate speed measurement at the time the rotor bar
data is acquired.
If no peak other than the line frequency (LF) peak is above the dashed horizontal
line at 50 dB down from the LF peak amplitude, the machines test results are OK
regardless of the correct LSSB frequency.
The program calculates load based on both RPM slip from synchronous speed and
on the measured amperage. If these two calculations differ by more than 20%,
then a cautionary warning is displayed. The user should verify the selected RPM.



Lists AC mVolts RMS, DC mVolts, Volts peak, AC mAmps RMS, and DC mAmps for
each Shaft Voltage/Current measurement in the extent of jobs selected.
Motor Report - Summary

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #5 ] - [Shaft Probe Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 12

Data Taken : 15-May-97 09:47:56
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Shaft Voltage/Current Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 09:52:46

Measurement Data Label : Acquire Detailed Data

-------- --------
Millivolts RMS : 16.70 1.08
Volts Peak : 0.01
Milliamps #1 RMS : 0.15 -0.04

Shaft Voltage/Current Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 09:54:36

Measurement Data Label : Acquire Summary Data

-------- --------
Millivolts RMS : 16.75 0.69
Volts Peak : 0.01
Milliamps #1 RMS : 0.16 -0.02



Selecting this option to generate detailed information of Shaft Voltage/Current
measurements attached to jobs selected for inclusion in the report. You will be pre-
sented with the following menu of Shaft Voltage/Current Data Options.


Include 2nd AMP Reading in Summary - includes the second AC milliamps

reading and the second DC milliamps reading in the summary portion of the anal-
ysis report.
Include AC Waveform - includes the AC millivolts waveform in the analysis report
if this waveform was saved with the measurement. A cursor is available for analysis.
Cursor movement is controlled by the Left/Right arrow keys and the Left/Right
mouse buttons.
Include AC RMS FFT - includes the AC millivolts spectrum in the analysis report
if this spectrum was saved with the measurement. A cursor is available for analysis.
Cursor movement is controlled by the Left/Right arrow keys and the Left/Right
mouse buttons.
Include AC Volts Peak Timeplot - marking this option includes the AC Volts Peak
Timeplot in the analysis report if this waveform was saved with the measurement. A
cursor is available for analysis. Cursor movement is controlled by the Left/Right
arrow keys and the Left/Right mouse buttons.
Include Current Waveform - marking this option includes the AC milliamps #1
waveform in the analysis report if this waveform was saved with the measurement.
A cursor is available for analysis. Cursor movement is controlled by the Left/Right
arrow keys and the Left/Right mouse buttons.


Include Current FFT - marking this option includes the AC milliamps #1 spectrum
in the analysis report if this spectrum was saved with the measurement. A cursor is
available for analysis. Cursor movement is controlled by the Left/Right arrow keys
and the Left/Right mouse buttons.
Include peak list on FFTs - automatically generates a peak list for any FFT
included in the analysis report.
Number of peaks to list - enter the number of peaks to list in the peak list.
The maximum number of peaks is 200.


The first segment of the Shaft Voltage/Current Analysis Report is a summary that
lists the probe measurements.
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #5 ] - [Shaft Probe Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 12

Data Taken : 15-May-97 09:47:56
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Shaft Voltage/Current Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 09:52:46

Measurement Data Label : Acquire Detailed Data

-------- --------
Millivolts RMS : 16.70 1.08
Volts Peak : 0.01
Milliamps #1 RMS : 0.15 -0.04
Milliamps #2 RMS : 0.04 -0.19



Only the Summary (first segment of the Shaft Voltage/Current
Detailed Analysis Report) will be available if only Summary data was
acquired in the UltraSpec analyzer.





If the Include Peak List on FFTs was checked, a Spectral Peak List will be dis-
played following each spectral plot.
List of Spectral Peaks

Area: A10 - Area 10 (Motor Jobs)

Equipment: Motor #5 - Shaft Probe Jobs
Job Number : Job 12 Date/Time: 15-May-97 09:47:56
Meas. Point: 1 -
Date/Time : 14-May-97 09:51:38 Amplitude Units: MVOLTS RMS
Data Label :


---- --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- --------- ---------
1 18.7500 0.0587 0.3125 13 186.5625 0.0506 3.1094
2 25.0930 0.0780 0.4182 14 333.1009 0.0563 5.5517
3 29.2436 0.0889 0.4874 15 366.5416 0.0467 6.1090
4 36.5877 0.0778 0.6098 16 1067.570 0.0583 17.7928
5 49.3856 0.0672 0.8231 17 1108.970 0.3456 18.4828
6 53.5561 0.0590 0.8926 18 2216.890 0.0614 36.9482
7 57.2512 0.0468 0.9542 19 5331.952 0.0487 88.8659
8 71.7634 0.0629 1.1961 20 5616.919 0.0458 93.6153
9 76.0012 0.0468 1.2667 21 5623.692 0.0469 93.7282
10 79.9582 0.0487 1.3326 22 5781.542 0.0460 96.3590
11 128.2968 0.0498 2.1383 23 5854.668 0.0517 97.5778
12 175.5676 0.0495 2.9261 24 5972.833 0.0460 99.5472


1.2389 0.5050/ 17% 0.3241/ 7% 1.0839/ 77%








If the Include Peak List on FFTs was checked, a Spectral Peak List will be dis-
played following each spectral plot.
List of Spectral Peaks

Area: A10 - Area 10 (Motor Jobs)

Equipment: Motor #5 - Shaft Probe Jobs
Job Number : Job 12 Date/Time: 15-May-97 09:47:56
Meas. Point: 1 -
Date/Time : 14-May-97 09:52:23 Amplitude Units: MAMPS RMS
Data Label :


---- --------- --------- --------- ---- --------- --------- ---------
1 17.8235 0.0038 0.2971 13 1103.550 0.0034 18.3925
2 35.8538 0.0018 0.5976 14 1319.689 0.0020 21.9948
3 60.0000 0.0085 1.0000 15 1559.694 0.0017 25.9949
4 119.9898 0.0265 1.9998 16 1679.674 0.0016 27.9946
5 179.8611 0.0025 2.9977 17 1919.620 0.0019 31.9937
6 239.9846 0.0044 3.9997 18 2279.535 0.0018 37.9923
7 299.9510 0.0027 4.9992 19 2519.401 0.0016 41.9900
8 359.9636 0.0037 5.9994 20 2639.354 0.0016 43.9892
9 599.8615 0.0027 9.9977 21 2879.390 0.0019 47.9898
10 719.8450 0.0018 11.9974 22 3239.214 0.0017 53.9869
11 959.7446 0.0023 15.9957 23 4199.102 0.0016 69.9850
12 1099.603 0.0036 18.3267 24 4558.968 0.0016 75.9828


0.0323 0.0059/ 3% 0.0272/ 71% 0.0164/ 26%




Lists the ambient temperature and the 13 temperatures at the predefined measure-
ment points. Any note attached to each data set is also displayed.
Motor Report - Summary

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #7 ] - [Temperature Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 15

Data Taken : 20-May-97 13:57:25
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Motor Temperature Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 20-May-97 13:57:01

Measurement Data Label : TEMPERATURE - BEARINGS HOT

Temperature Data in Fahrenheit -





Selecting this option to generate detailed information of Motor Temperature mea-
surements attached to jobs selected for inclusion in the report. You will be pre-
sented with the following menu of Motor Temperature Data Options:


Subtract Ambient - subtracts ambient from the temperature of all measurement



The motor temperature analysis report includes a screen listing of the motor tem-
perature data and a drawing of a motor with the temperature measurements
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #7 ] - [Temperature Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 15

Data Taken : 20-May-97 13:57:25
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Motor Temperature Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 20-May-97 13:57:01

Measurement Data Label : TEMPERATURE - BEARINGS HOT

Temperature Data in Fahrenheit - Ambient Subtracted








Lists for each line measured in current analysis the fundamental frequency, amps
RMS, and the power quality using percent Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) or
Distortion Index (DIN). If all three lines are taken then the percent of unbalance
is given. This is done for all current analysis measurements in the extent of jobs
selected. Notes are listed for each data set.
Motor Report - Summary

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #1 ] - [Current Harmonic/Unbalance ]

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 15-May-97 10:08:16
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Current Analysis Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 15:51:27

Measurement Data Label : Balanced Phase

Line 1 Data:
Frequency : 60.00
Amps : 9.40
Total Harmonic Distortion %: 5.572

Line 2 Data:
Frequency : 60.00
Amps : 9.46
Total Harmonic Distortion %: 5.070

Line 3 Data:
Frequency : 59.97
Amps : 9.65
Total Harmonic Distortion %: 4.970

Percent Current Unbalance : 1.6



Selecting these options generates a report of detailed information of Current Anal-
ysis measurements attached to jobs selected for inclusion in the report. You will be
presented with the following menu of Current Analysis Data Options:


Include Harmonic Distortion Plot - marking this option includes the Harmonic
Distortion Plot of each Line in the Current Analysis Report.
Include Waveform Plot - marking this option includes the Waveform of each Line
in the Current Analysis Report.
Include Spectral Plot marking this option includes the Spectrum of each Line in
the Current Analysis Report.


If the measurements were taken for all three Lines (phases), then a summary will
occur for each Line, the summary of Line 3 will show Percent of Current Imbal-
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #1 ] - [Current Harmonic/Unbalance ]

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 15-May-97 10:08:16
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Current Analysis Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 15:51:27

Measurement Data Label : Balanced Phase

Line 1 Data:
Frequency : 60.00
Amps : 9.40
Total Harmonic Distortion %: 5.572



Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #1 ] - [Current Harmonic/Unbalance ]

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 15-May-97 10:08:16
Technician : JSK

Measurement Point 1:

Line 2 Data:
Frequency : 60.00
Amps : 9.46
Total Harmonic Distortion %: 5.070



Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #1 ] - [Current Harmonic/Unbalance ]

Job Number : Job 1

Data Taken : 15-May-97 10:08:16
Technician : JSK

Measurement Point 1:

Line 3 Data:
Frequency : 59.97
Amps : 9.65
Total Harmonic Distortion %: 4.970

Percent Current Unbalance : 1.6









The Motor Inrush Summary report includes setup information for the inrush
waveform, which is a measure of current drawn by the motor during motor start-
Motor Report - Summary

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #6 ] - [Current Inrush jobs ]

Job Number : Job 14

Data Taken : 15-May-97 16:05:18
Technician : JSK

No Notes Entered

Measurement Point 1:

Motor Inrush Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 15-May-97 14:01:59

Measurement Data Label : Motor w/ No Rotor Bar Problem
Trigger Level (Amps) : 1.00
Full Scale Range (Amps) : 100.0
Time Span (seconds) : 10



The Motor Inrush Detailed report includes full setup information as well as a plot
of the inrush waveform.
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #6 ] - [Current Inrush jobs ]

Job Number : Job 14

Data Taken : 15-May-97 16:05:18
Technician : JSK

No Notes Entered

Measurement Point 1:

Motor Inrush Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 15-May-97 14:01:59

Measurement Data Label : Motor w/ No Rotor Bar Problem
Trigger Level (Amps) : 1.00
Full Scale Range (Amps) : 100.0
Time Span (seconds) : 10
Permanent CT (ratio) : 1.000
Clip-On CT (V/amp) : 0.005
Number of Points : 10256
Data Label :



The Motor Inrush Waveform.


Due to the possible length of the waveform, the Set Mark analysis tool is located on
the Graphics Function Bar.
Set Mark - Position the cursor and click this button to draw a vertical line at the cur-
rent cursor position. The waveform may then be expanded between this set mark
and the new cursor position.
OK - Moves to the next Motor Inrush Waveform in the job range selected.



The Waveform Summary report gives the date, time, and data label for each wave-
form measurement.
Motor Report - Summary

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #2 ] - [Current Waveform Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 5

Data Taken : 14-May-97 15:12:25
Technician : JSK

No Notes Entered

Measurement Point 1:

Waveform Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 15:12:08

Measurement Data Label : Phase 1 Data



The detailed report includes a plot of the waveform.
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #2 ] - [Current Waveform Jobs ]

Job Number : Job 5

Data Taken : 14-May-97 15:12:25
Technician : JSK

No Notes Entered

Measurement Point 1:

Waveform Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 15:12:08

Measurement Data Label : Phase 1 Data
Number of Points : 1024
Data Label :






The Overall Strip Chart Summary report includes the date, time, data label, and
setup information for each strip chart.
Motor Report - Summary

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #3 ] - [Current Overall Strip Chart ]

Job Number : Job 8

Data Taken : 15-May-97 09:54:24
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Overall Strip Chart Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 14:49:49

Measurement Data Label : Phase 1 Overall Data
Sample Interval (seconds) : 0.00
Data Plot Mode : Normal



The detailed report includes a plot of the overall strip chart.
Motor Report - Details

Report Date: 18-Nov-98

Area: [A10 ] - [Area 10 (Motor Jobs) ]

Equipment: [Motor #3 ] - [Current Overall Strip Chart ]

Job Number : Job 8

Data Taken : 15-May-97 09:54:24
Technician : JSK


Measurement Point 1:

Overall Strip Chart Measurement Data:

Date/Time : 14-May-97 14:49:49

Measurement Data Label : Phase 1 Overall Data
Sample Interval (seconds) : 0.00
Data Plot Mode : Normal
Number of Points : 148
Total Time (seconds) : 39
Data Label :







The Corrective Data Transfer program allows supported applications to upload
information from the analyzer to the computer, and download it from the com-
puter to the analyzer.
However, not all data transfer options are available to every program. The following
table shows the communications functions that are available for each AMS
Machinery Manager corrective program.





When using Alignment or Balance, all job setup information and data can be trans-
ferred to and from the computer.
Although the analyzer can transfer setup information (test templates) from QC
jobs to or from the computer, data is only transferred to the computer (not back to
the analyzer). At this time, Analyze and Motor will only accept jobs from the
UltraSpec analyzer.
The storage of dynamic data in the personal computer offers many advantages
Longer term storage of important data, freeing up data storage space in the
The ability to quickly retrieve, review, and print the jobs performed on a par-
ticular piece of equipment for purposes of comparing before and after data,
reporting, etc.
The ability to review field notes attached to a data set or a job in order to
assist in analysis or to check on items needing follow-up.
The ability to manipulate and label data on screen for fault analysis or as
custom plots that highlight specific data of interest.

The ability to export the data to a printout, or to an ASCII file, for importing
into spreadsheets, other databases, or special graphics programs.

Since all applications transfer data in the same manner, the following
sections apply to all Corrective application modules.

Motor does not communicate with any UltraSpec Motor versions
prior to v1.10.


Global parameters that apply to the data transfer program may be
defined by selecting the Global Param button in the Function Bar, or
by choosing the Global Param F2 key in the Tools menu.

Load Balance Job Option: Toggle between Keep Trim Data and
Remove Trim Data. When loading balance jobs into the analyzer,
this enables you to either load trim data with the job, or remove the
trim data.
Maximum Analyze Data Duration: This defines the maximum number of days
that an Analyze Data Set date can deviate from the job definition date and still be
stored in the database.

To enable communications, you must make sure that certain options selected in
the meter match options set in the Corrective Data Transfer application. To access
these options, select the Comm Setup button in the function bar, or hit the Comm
Setup F7 key in the Tools menu.

Communication Port: Select the serial port (COM1 or COM2) that will be used for
communications between the computer and the analyzer.
Stop Bit Selection: Select the number of stop bits to be used in communications
between the computer and the analyzer. This must match setting in analyzer.
Baud Rate Selection: Select the Baud Rate at which the computer and the analyzer
are going to communicate. This must match setting in analyzer.
Number of Retries:
Transmit: (Default = 5) Enter the number of times the computer is to retry
to communicate when the analyzer does not respond or does not respond
correctly to a transmission. This does not have to match setting in analyzer.
Receive: (Default = 5) Enter the number of times the computer is to retry
to communicate when the computer can not receive or can not receive cor-
rectly, information from the alignment analyzer. This does not have to
match setting in analyzer.
Timeout Delay (Seconds):
Transmit: (Default = 2.0) Enter the amount of time the computer is to wait
for a response from the alignment analyzer after a transmission before
timing out. This does not have to match setting in analyzer.
Receive: (Default = 0.5) Enter the amount of time the computer is to wait
to receive information from the alignment analyzer before timing out. This
does not have to match the setting in analyzer.

Make sure that the analyzer timeout setting is long enough to allow
you to go through selection menus and answer questions. In other
words, set the UltraSpec or 2120 analyzer timeout long enough to
allow you to complete the selection process. Typically, 15 to 20 sec-
onds will provide enough time.

Data is transferred from only one application at a time. To have suc-
cessful communications, the same application must be active (must
match) in both the analyzer and computer.

Before attempting to transfer data, make sure your communications cable is con-
nected to the COM port selected in Communication Setup on page 8-4.

The transfer is performed via direct computer to analyzer hook-up
using a Model 639 communications cable. This cable is supplied as
standard equipment with the analyzer (no modem is required).
When Host PC Load/Dump is selected, the analyzer automatically
awaits signals from the computer to begin transferring stored job(s)
data. A screen stating that the analyzer is awaiting host commands will
be displayed. This screen will be displayed until the time needed for
all retries has been used up. At that point, a communications error
message will be displayed.

Press the Utility button on the analyzer and select the Communications option.


Communications - The Communications menu is used to establish communica-
tions with the host computer and to provide utilities for controlling communica-
tion parameters of the analyzer as well as an external modem. Select the Host PC
Load/Dump option.


Host PC Load/Dump - The Load function is used to transfer one or more jobs
from the computer database into the analyzer. The Dump function is used to
transfer the modified jobs in storage to the computer database.
When Host PC Load/Dump is selected, the analyzer automatically awaits signals
from the computer to begin transferring stored job(s) data. A screen stating that
the analyzer is awaiting host commands will be displayed. This screen will be dis-
played until the time needed for all retries has been used up. At that point, a com-
munications error message will be displayed. Otherwise, you are ready to transmit

After selecting the Corrective Data Transfer application from the AMS Machinery
Manager main menu, the Corrective Data Transfer main menu is displayed.


Upload Jobs to Database: Allows you to load jobs stored in the analyzer to the cur-
rently selected AMS Machinery Manager database.
To facilitate communications, the corrective data transfer program reads all stored
jobs in the active application in the analyzer. Jobs that were loaded from the data-
base to the analyzer and which have not been modified will be ignored. Modified
jobs that came from the database, including default jobs, will be stored in the equip-
ment they came from. Jobs that were created in the analyzer will be stored in the
unassigned job area. These jobs can then be assigned to a defined piece of equip-
ment or held in the unassigned area until a new piece of equipment is defined.

When uploading jobs that were originally downloaded from the database to the
analyzer, they will be declared as locally created (unassigned) if one of the following
parameters is changed: Equipment ID, Equipment Description, Area Description,
Coupling Number, Physical Dimensions, or RPM.
After all the jobs have been read into the database, a summary will be presented so
you can see where each job was stored. This summary is also available in a file called,
AMDUMP.SUM located in the default AMS Machinery Manager Users directory.
If the default directory structure was used during the installation of AMS
Machinery Manager, the Users directory is located in the RBMsuite directory. This
file is overwritten each time jobs are read in from the analyzer; therefore, the con-
tents of the file only reflect the latest transactions.
Download Jobs to Analyzer: This option is only available on the Alignment, Bal-
ance, and QC tabs. It allows you to download jobs stored in the AMS Machinery
Manager database to the analyzer.

After selecting the Download Jobs to Analyzer option, transferring jobs from the
database into the analyzer involves selecting each job to be loaded. From the dis-
played tree, select an Area and a piece of Equipment. The Jobs defined under that
piece of Equipment will be displayed on the right side of the window. As you select
a Job, it will be displayed in the Multiple Selection List at the bottom of the window.
When the desired Jobs have been chosen, select the Ok button. Note that before
each Job is loaded, you will be given a chance to change the job number.

As the download begins, a message screen is quickly displayed with some relevant
information such as the date and time, the number of stored jobs, number of User
Defined Notes, etc. If Alignment jobs are being downloaded, additional message
screens are quickly displayed as the tolerance tables are downloaded. These toler-
ance tables are downloaded by default any time an Alignment job is sent to an ana-

Download Default Job: This option is only available on the Alignment, Balance,
and QC tab. It allows you to download a job from a piece of equipment in the cur-
rently selected database to the analyzer. The default job is essentially a template, it
will have all the equipment and area information, but no job data. This prevents
you from having to reenter existing information as a Local Job on the analyzer.
Downloading a default job enables the job to be uploaded directly to the equip-
ment it was downloaded from at a later date.
After selecting the Download Default Job option, you must select a piece of Equip-
ment from the displayed tree. Select the Ok button when the Equipment is high-
lighted. Before each Job is downloaded, you must supply a job number.

The alignment tolerance for the job will be set based on the coupling number
selected for the downloaded job and the tolerances assigned to that equipments
coupling in the AMS Machinery Manager database. You assign tolerances to equip-
ment couplings through the Alignment Jobs application.

If the selected equipment contains more than one coupling, you will
be prompted for the coupling number when downloading a default
alignment job.

Download Tolerance Table: This option is only available on the Alignment Tab. It
allows you to download the current default alignment tolerances tables from the
AMS Machinery Manager database without downloading in any job setup informa-
tion or job data.
Both the Standard and Jackshaft Tolerance tables are downloaded.


D end job 1-10

database paste 1-11
selecting 1-10 plot colors 1-10
print 1-8
G print now 1-10
save 1-8
undo 1-11
plots printed per page 1-14, 4-23
vertical size of plot 1-14, 4-23
H screen output 1-9
setting margins 1-9
harmonic markers 4-4, 5-3, 6-4, 7-4
sideband markers 4-4, 5-3, 6-4, 7-4
waveform 4-4, 5-3, 6-4, 7-5

vertical size of plot 1-14, 4-23
margins, setting 1-9

output, file 1-9
output, previewer 1-9
output, printer 1-9
output, screen 1-9

per page 1-14, 4-23
plots printed per page 1-14, 4-23
previewer output 1-9
printer output 1-9
pulldown menu
copy 1-11
end disk 1-10


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