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Se Aa ee we pe ll. Reg.No.:[ | Question Paper Code : 21414 Seventh Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 2029/BC 708/10144 ECE 41 — DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSIN (Regulations 2008/2010)- (Common to 10144 ECE 41 — Digital Image ProgQsing for B.E. (Part-Time) Seventh Semester — ECE — Re@ations 2010) ‘Time : Three hours Cy Maximum : 100 marks Answer AL@@histions PART A —@{O© 2 = 20 marks) State Mach band effect. Ss Give the transform pair qdgnition of 2D DFT. What is histogram eg@ization? Define directional smoothing filter. Distinguish between image enhancement and image restoration. What are the various geometric transformations? Give the principle of region growing. What is global thresholding? Define coding redundancy. What is the basic concept of run length coding? PART B— (6 x 16= 80 marks) (@) @ List and explain various elements of a digital image processing system. (8) Gi) Explain the working principle of a digital camera with a diagram.(8) Or (6) (@- Discuss HSI color model in detail. © Gi) Describe various steps involved in the computation of KL transform ‘with equations. Tow will you use it for data compression? (10) 12. 14. fa) ) @ ) @ @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ @ @ w@ @ Gi) Explain histogram specification technique in detail with equations. ® Discuss the following spatial enhancement techniques (@) Spatial averaging @ (2) Median filtering. @ Or Explain the following filtering techniques: (1) Geometric mean filter @) (2) Harmonic mean filter @ (3) Homomorphie filter. “ Describe the basics of color imag¢’ehhancement. © What is inverse filtering? Explain inverse filter with an equation.(8) Discuss constrained least: filtering method of restoration in detail. © 8) Explain Wiener ® Discuss various pes of sfiial transformations. ® Describe nt operators Wased edge detection method with necessary_giusks and equations. ® Explain region splitting and ‘merging method of image segmentation. Z ®) Or Explain the procedure to construct the dam for segmentation. _, (6) Discuss watershed segmentation algorithm in detail. 0) Obtain Huffman coding forthe _ source symbols S={S,5,,S;,85,5,} and the corresponding _ probabilities P ={0.4,0.2,0.2,0.1,0.1}. @ Explain the principle of arithmetic coding with an example. (9) Or Explain vector quantization.

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