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Hannah Lopez Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 6th

Subject: Reading

Materials: None

Nebraska State Standard(s): LA 6.1 Students will learn and apply

reading skills and strategies to comprehend text.

Performance Objective: Students will independently write at least two

physical characteristics and two personal characteristics of a main character
in a book they are reading.

Anticipatory Set: Hello sixth graders. Have you learned about

characteristics yet? If so, what do you know about them? Why is it important
to recognize characteristics of people in stories and in real life? It is
important because it helps us connect with the story we are reading better
and get a better understanding of the characters we are reading about.
Today we will talk about how to identify these characteristics and get to do
some practice ones.

Instructional Input/Procedures:

1. Tell the students that characteristics are basically a persons

traits. There are two different kinds personal characteristics and
physical characteristics.
2. Personal characteristics are what describes a persons
personality, attitude, or disposition. Physical characteristics
describe the way the person looks.
3. Do an example for the students using yourself. Make a T-chart on
the board with one side being personal characteristics and the
other side being physical characteristics.
4. Under personal characteristics put optimistic (looking at the
bright side of things) and well-organized. Under physical put dark
brown hair and short.
5. Now tell the students that we are going to practice together. We
are going to look at the characteristics of President Obama.
6. Ask the students what personal characteristics he has (ex.
dedicated, hard-working, family-oriented, etc.) and what physical
characteristics (African American, grayish hair, well-dressed,
etc.). Write these on the board.
7. Now tell the students that they are going to do some on their
own. They should pick a main character in a novel they are
reading. They should make a list of at least two physical
characteristics and two personal characteristics of that character.
8. If students are struggling with their independent assignment, sit
down with them and help them think through it. For example, ask
them what they think the main character looks like and ask them
what their personality seems to be like.

Differentiation of Instruction: If students are struggling with their

independent assignment, sit down with them and help them think through
it. For example, ask them what they think the main character looks like and
ask them what their personality seems to be like.

Assessment: The students will be assessed by their list of physical and

personal characteristics of a main character in a novel they are reading.

Closure: Today we talked about physical and personal characteristics.

This is important to understand because having the ability to recognize
these things helps us connect with the stories we are reading better!

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