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aes Awakening of the After a fals special ‘ore thana decadeafter its previous incamation was gulated, it Djibout'is back inthe skies with one Boeing 737-400 and one BAe 146 wet- leased fom VVB Aviation Malta and South Africa’ Fair Aviation respectively AnotherBAc 146 isdue toanvein February, whilea 767-200ER eed the iibout ‘Goverment, hase ined up for long-haul igh. "Theflag-carver was resurrected August 2015, itha Fokker27 freighter wet lesed from Kenya's Astral Aviation but prompaly retuned the turboprop after a series of masimtenance sss. ‘Air Djibouti relies wholly on wet essing duc to restrctionsplaced onthe Hom of Africanation by the International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO), which deems the Djboutian Cit Aviation Authority unfit tooversee operations ‘The fll pectram ofthe airine's managerial, ‘operational and technical aetivitis has been contracted out to Cardiff Aviation, the support specialist founded by Iron Maiden singer Broce Dickinson. ‘Although chairman Aboubaker Omar Hadi has disclosed a long-term vision of deploying 15 irra, commercial director lan Patrick staking things one step ata time during the start-ups carly days, ‘Thave to focuson the short-term at the ‘moment, Once weate stable and operating well then [will put in place a total commercial plan for 10-year,” he said, "We will have pans to expand inthe future but wee goingto establish ‘ourselves regionally first "The 737 began serving Ethiopia's capital, [Addis Ababa. in August, followed twomenths later by BAc fights to Hargeisa and Berbera in Somaliland, the autonomous north-western province of Somalia, Patrick sid the Hargeisa routeis performing “ineredbly well” despite ‘competition from lea rival DaalloAilines. Route-proving fights were also conducted to Somalia’ capital, Mogadishu, and he Puntland city of Bosaso in November, but a the time of ‘writing no fire decision had been taken about launch dates, Although he said Mogadishu will “almost ceriinly beour biggest market, Patrick is waiting forthe completion of security AIR DJIBOUTI RESSUSCITEE icDjibout et deretour dns eciolovecwnBecing 737-400 etunBAe 15 lousen wot lease de WB, ‘iationetFair Aviation. ‘Unaire Be 16 devraitrjindrelat entero, ‘lors qin 8767 2NER, aperenant augowernement, ‘ete alocté sur des olong courier ‘Ai Diibout depend entierementda wet esingon raison desrestictonsimposéesau paysparT OAC, ‘quivstine queFaviatoncivledibowsonns ostinato sure les operations Toutes is activites ‘opbratiomelles techniques gestion ela ‘compagnie arcnne ents cowtiges Cart Jviaiontondéeparlechamurdu groupe Won ‘Maiden Bruce Dickinson. Bien quesonprésient Aboubaker OrsarHadit réyélesa vision longteme avec le déploionet ‘avionsledirecteurconmercia lan Pati achoist de proceder tap par sapependatl démarage. ‘Nowsauronsdes projets expasionaFaveit rnaisnou lon aber’ conaldorno assisas oo ‘iveaurigional» LeBT27 dessert Adi Abbe depuis ot Le BAe voleversHareisaetBerteraenSomaiand province ‘tonomedsor-ovstdola Somat, SelonanPatick loreue de argtaonctonne-ineroyblereat ben» mmalgra concurencevenantde Dall Aine. srandarché» lan Pack atend andes 6alatons esbcurté parlesauteraésdiboutenres etlanoe Black frespensble dla saris delacampagnio irione avant ixrine date dlancoment Les inguigtdesconcerantasécriteasieme en Somale sosontitoniies depuis atentat due, 1S8deDaaloentewie 26 axe Mogaiscio Naizoiestane autre possiblt.La ville tiopenne de Dire Daa devatejoindrel réseausumamentodAfican Aerospace allateous presse alors que lesnégocitons se poursuiventsur Froude Dubai ouxEmiats Arabes Unis td eda nArabie Saou La conectvité européenne est également citiee svecla rots Londres Pare Diba, ‘Alors ql est optinistequantauxperspectives des ‘services auxpassagors enPatick ¢atonda ce gue [etrotdovioneepine dorsal dela compagnie dans lesames4vonitsurtou avec Tourer du nawvoas ‘teminal carga Feeropor ternational bout ‘boa Tegcuvernementliboutons est ongage Aévelpper unl combing de fret maritime ot abien anele pays, exploantsonostionnemertpar start in 2015, Air Djibouti is now spreading its wings under the watchful eye of support Cardiff Aviation. Martin Rivers ‘alk lo lan Patrick, the flag-carrier commercial director. assessments by both the Diboutan authorities land Lance Blick, thesrine® in-house eeurity manager ‘Concerns about ir safety in Somalia have imtensilied since the bombing of Daallo Fight 159 in February 2016, which mereifuly Kile ‘only the assailant, Mogadishu's Aden Adde International eport has also repeatedly been targeted in ground attacks by Al Shab, the Islamist tetrrist groupaffiliated Al Qaeda, "We're waiting onthe ascessments and then wellseta launch date once we gt theall clear Patrick firmed. {When that happens] we willincrease frequencies and expand the nenwork tode more

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