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Puried Betacyanins from Hylocereus undatus Peel Ameliorate

Obesity and Insulin Resistance in High-Fat-Diet-Fed Mice
Haizhao Song,, Qiang Chu, Dongdong Xu, Yang Xu, and Xiaodong Zheng*,,

College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, and Fuli Institute of Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
310058, Peoples Republic of China
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Natural bioactive compounds in food have been shown to be benecial in preventing the development of obesity,
diabetes, and other metabolic diseases. Increasing evidence indicates that betacyanins possess free-radical-scavenging and
antioxidant activities, suggesting their benecial eects on metabolic disorders. The main objective of this study was to isolate and
identify the betaycanins from Hylocereus undatus (white-eshed pitaya) peel and evaluate their ability to ameliorate obesity,
insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis in high-fat-diet (HFD)-induced obese mice. The puried pitaya peel betacyanins
(PPBNs) were identied by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), and the male C57BL/6 mice
were fed a low-fat diet, HFD, or HFD supplemented with PPBNs for 14 weeks. Our results showed that the white-eshed pitaya
peel contains 14 kinds of betacyanins and dietary PPBNs reduced HFD-induced body weight gain and ameliorated adipose tissue
hypertrophy, hepatosteatosis, glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance. Moreover, the hepatic gene expression analysis indicated
that PPBN supplementation increased the expression levels of lipid-metabolism-related genes (AdipoR2, Cpt1a, Cpt1b, Acox1,
PPAR, Insig1, and Insig2) and FGF21-related genes (-Klotho and FGFR1/2) but decreased the expression level of Fads2, Fas,
and FGF21, suggesting that the protective eect of PPBNs might be associated with the induced fatty acid oxidation, decreased
fatty acid biosynthesis, and alleviated FGF21 resistance.
KEYWORDS: Hylocereus undatus peel, betacyanins, obesity, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis

Obesity has been recognized as a major health problem
discarded during the processing and ends up as waste and a
source of pollution, accounts for approximately 33% of the
whole fruit weight.15 Although pitaya peel is a rich, natural, and
worldwide. As a consequence of the imbalance between energy
cost-eective source of betalains, there are very limited studies
intake and expenditure, obesity is characterized by excessive fat
focused on chemical composition and nutritional quality of
accumulation and dysregulation of lipid metabolism.1 More-
pitaya peel.
over, obesity can lead to various complications, such as type 2
In this context, the objective of this study was to identify the
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and non-
varieties of betalains present in H. undatus peel by liquid
alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).2 Although a variety of
chromatographymass spectrometry analysis and evaluate the
obesity treatment strategies were developed, such as exercise,
potential eects of pitaya peel betacyanins (PPBNs) on
pharmacotherapy, and surgical interventions, many of the
metabolic disorders.
approaches have a number of limitations, such as ineective-
ness, severe side eects, and high rates of secondary failure.3,4
Recently, numerous studies demonstrated that natural
bioactive compounds in food could act as important
Chemical Reagents and Plant Materials. Amberlite XAD7-HP
modulators in the prevention of obesity development.5 As resins and betanin were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Sigma-Aldrich,
water-soluble nitrogenous pigments, betalains have been Steinheim, Germany). All of the other solvents and reagents were
extensively used as colorants in the food industry. Increasing purchased from Aladdin (Aladdin, Shanghai, China) and were of
analytical or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade.
evidence indicates that betalains possess free-radical-scavenging
White-eshed pitayas were purchased from a fruit market in
and antioxidant activities,6,7 which are closely associated with Hangzhou, and the peels were collected and stored at 80 C prior
the protective eects of betalains against inammation, high to use.
blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and hyperlipidemia.8,9 Betalains Extraction of Betacyanins from White-Fleshed Pitaya Peel.
consist of two distinct classes, which are redviolet betacyanins Pitaya peels were homogenized with 90% aqueous methanol and 0.1%
and yelloworange betaxanthins. Betanin (betanidin 5-O--D- triuoroacetic acid (TFA), and the homogenate was kept in 4 C for
glucoside) is the most abundant betacyanin, making up 75 12 h. Thereafter, the resulting extracts were centrifuged at 8000g for 40
95% of total betalains.10,11 min. Then, the supernatants were ltered through a 0.22 m pore size
Pitaya, commonly known as dragon fruit, has received
considerable attention not only because of its economic value Received: October 27, 2015
but also its health benets.12,13 Pitayas have been classied as Revised: December 11, 2015
red (Hylocereus polyrhizus), white (Hylocereus undatus), and Accepted: December 12, 2015
yellow (Hylocereus megalanthus).14 Pitaya peel, which is usually

XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05177

J. Agric. Food Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

lter (Millipore, Bedford, MA) and concentrated using a vacuum Biotechnology, Wuhan, Hubei, China), and the serum levels of
rotary evaporator under reduced pressure at 38 C. The concentrated adiponectin, leptin, and FGF-21 and were aslo measured by enzyme
extract was subsequently extracted 3 times with ethyl acetate. Then, linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using commercial assay kits
the aqueous layer was collected and evaporated again. The (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) according to the protocols of the
concentrated solution was loaded onto a XAD-7HP column and manufacturer. The serum levels of glucose and insulin were used to
eluted with distilled water rst to remove organic acids, sugars, and calculate the homeostasis model assessment-estimated insulin
other water-soluble compounds and then eluted with 90% methanol resistance (HOMA-IR) and homeostasis model assessment-estimated
(0.1% TFA). The eluate was concentrated and reconstituted with insulin sensitivity (HOMA-IS) according to the following formula:
distilled water, and the aqueous layer was lyophilized and stored at
80 C until use. HOMAIR = serum glucose (mmol/L) serum insulin (mU)
Identication of Betacyanins by HPLCElectrospray Ioniza-
tion/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ESI/MS/MS) Analysis. /22.5
HPLCESI/MS/MS (Agilent 1290 Innity, Agilent Technologies,
Santa Clara, CA) was used to identify the betacyanin compounds from
the white-eshed pitaya peel. Conditions for HPLC were as follows: HOMAIS = 1/[serum glucose (mmol/L)
The chromatography column was Acclaim 120 C18 (250 4.6 mm, 5
m, 100 ), and the mobile phase was solvent A (0.1% aqueous formic serum insulin (mU)]
acid) and solvent B (acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid). The gradient
ow was programmed as follows: 0 min, 5% B; 3 min, 5% B; 22 min, Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). At the end of the 12th
12% B; 42 min, 14% B; 55 min, 5% B; and 60 min, 5% B. The injection week, the mice fasted for 12 h and the oral glucose tolerance test was
volume and ow rate were 0.5 mL/min and 10 L, respectively. The performed after gavage with glucose (2 g/kg of body weight). Blood
betacyanin compounds were monitored using a wavelength of 538 nm. was collected from the tail vein at 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min for the
Mass spectra analyses were performed in positive mode. The settings determination of glucose concentrations. The area under the curve
were as follows: mass range m/z, 1002000; ion trap temperature, 325 (AUC) of glucose was also calculated.
C; capillary voltage, 3000 V; gas ow rate, 10 L/h; and desolvation Histological Analysis. Standardized pieces of epididymal and
temperature, 350 C. perirenal white adipose tissue, interscapular brown adipose tissue, and
Quantication of Betacyanins. The total betacyanin content was livers were xed in 10% buered formalin, and then the tissue sections
determined in deionized water using the previously described method, were embedded in paran, sliced at 5 m thickness, and stained with
with slight modications.16 The quantication of betacyanins was hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). For oil red O staining, the liver tissues
carried out by applying the equation BC = [(A DF MW V/ were embedded in optimal cutting temperature gel, then the air-dried
LW)], where BC is the betanin equivalents in mg/g, A is the tissue sections of 5 m were dipped in formalin and washed with oil
absorption value at the absorption maximum (max = 538 nm), DF is red O solution. The images were captured using an Olympus CX41
the dilution factor, MW is the molecular weight of betanin (550 g/ camera (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan), and the hepatic steatosis scores
mol), V is the dried powder solution volume (mL), is the molar were graded as follows: 0 (steatosis involving <5% fatty hepatocytes),
extinction coecient of betanin (60 000 L mol1 cm1 in H2O), L is 1 (steatosis involving 533% fatty hepatocytes), 2 (steatosis involving
the path length of the cuvette (1 cm), and W is the weight of the 3466% fatty hepatocytes), and 3 (steatosis involving >66% fatty
PPBN powder (g). hepatocytes).17
Animals and Diets. All of the protocols in this research were Determination of Hepatic Lipids. Approximately 100 mg of liver
approved by the Committee on the Ethics of Animal Experiments of tissues were homogenized, and the hepatic lipids were extracted with a
Zhejiang University (permission number ZJU201550501), and the chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v) solution using the Folch method.18
experimental procedures were conducted in accordance with the Then, the levels of hepatic TG and TC in the extraction solution were
National Institutes of Health Regulations for the Care and Use of determined by enzymatic methods using commercially available kits
Animals in Research. A total of 60 male C57BL/6J mice (4 weeks old; (Elabscience Biotechnology, Wuhan, Hubei, China) according to the
n = 60) were supplied by the National Breeder Center of Rodents instructions of the manufacturer.
(Shanghai, China) and maintained, four animals per cage, in a Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
temperature-controlled (23 3 C), 12 h light/dark cycle Total RNA was extracted from the livers using Trizol (Invitrogen, Life
environment with free access to water and food. After 1 week for Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) according to the instructions of the
acclimation, the mice were randomly divided into the following ve manufacturer, and the RNA concentrations were determined by
groups (n = 12): low-fat-diet (LFD) group, high-fat-diet (HFD)
NanoDrop 2000 (Thermo Scientic, Wilmington, DE). Then, 1 g of
group, and HFD plus PPBNs of 50 mg/kg (HFD + L), 100 mg/kg
total RNA was converted to the rst strand of cDNA using a reverse
(HFD + M), or 200 mg/kg (HFD + H) treatment groups. The
transcription kit (TaKaRa, Dalian, Liaoning, China).
compositions and energy densities of the puried diets were listed in
Quantitative PCR was performed on the ABI 7500 system (Applied
Table S1 of the Supporting Information. In the PPBN group, mice
received a low, moderate, or high dose of PPBNs by intragastric Biosystems, Foster, CA). The 20 L reaction mixtures consisted of 1
administration for 14 weeks. The mice in LFD and HFD groups L of cDNA, paired primers (300 nM), and 10 L of SYBR Green
received an equal volume of saline. The body weights and food intakes QPCR Master Mix (Roche Diagnostics, Ltd., Lewes, U.K.). The
were monitored weekly. After 14 weeks of treatment, the mice were amplication program was set as follows: 3 min at 50 C, 10 min at 95
sacriced by decapitation after a 12 h fast period. Blood samples were C, then 35 cycles of 15 s at 95 C and then 60 s at 60 C followed by
collected for serum preparation by centrifugation. The livers, hearts, melting curve for 60 s at 95 C, then gradual decrease to 50 C, 20 s at
kidneys, spleens, interscapular brown fat, and epididymal and perirenal 50 C, then gradual increase to 95 C, and 20 s at 95 C. The primer
fat pads were collected, weighted, and stored at 80 C. sequences are listed in Table S2 of the Supporting Information. The
Blood Chemistry and Hormone Analysis. The serum levels of target genes were examined and normalized by -actin, and the relative
glucose, triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), aspartate amino- fold change was calculated using the 2CT method.19
transferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), low-density Statistical Analysis. Values were expressed as the mean
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and high-density lipoprotein standard error of the mean (SEM). For experiments comparing
cholesterol (HDL-C) were determined by an automatic biochemistry multiple groups, the statistical signicance were analyzed by one-way
analyzer (ACCUTE TBA-40FR, Toshiba Medical Systems Co., analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncans post-hoc test.
Tochigi, Japan) in accordance with the instructions of the The statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 19.0 statistical
manufacturer. The serum concentrations of insulin and neuropeptide software. All of the results were considered statistically signicant at p
Y (NPY) were determined using commercial assay kits (Elabscience < 0.05.

B DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05177
J. Agric. Food Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 1. Chromatographic proles (HPLC gradient system) of puried betacyanins from white-eshed pitaya peel at 538 nm. The peak
assignments are in listed in Table S1 of the Supporting Information.

Table 1. Identication of Betacyanins in White-Fleshed Pitaya Peela

peak betacyanin Rt (min) max (nm) m/z [M + H]+ m/z from MS/MS of [M + H]+
1 betanidin-5-O--glucoside (betanin) 16.33 538 551.15 389.10, 343.09
222 17-decarboxy-betanin 18.28 505 507.16 345.11, 299.10
32022 isobetanidin-5-O--glucoside (isobetanin) 19.32 538 551.15 389.10, 343.09
422 17-decarboxy-isobetanin 21.96 505 507.16 345.11
522 betanidin-5-O-(6-O-malonyl)--glucoside (phyllocactin) 23.23 538 637.16 595.17, 389.10
620 betanidin-5-O-(6-O-3-hydroxy-butyryl)--glucoside 24.21 536 637.16 389.10
722 2-decarboxy-betanin 24.61 533 507.16 345.11, 299.10
821,22 17-decarboxy-phyllocactin 25.22 505 593.16 549.17, 507.16, 345.11
921,22 isobetanidin-5-O-(6-O-malonyl)--glucoside (isophyllocactin) 26.01 536 637.15 595.17, 389.10
1023 2-O-apiosyl-phyllocactin 26.66 536 769.19 725.19, 389.11, 683.19, 343.09, 150.06
11 unknown 27.11 656.17 612.18, 568.19, 417.13, 389.10, 345.10
1222 17-decarboxy-isophyllocactin 28.65 505 593.16 549.17, 345.11
1321,22 2-decarboxy-phyllocactin 34.7 533 593.16 549.17, 345.11
1422 2-decarboxy-isophyllocactin 37.94 533 593.16 549.17, 345.11
Rt = retention time. The peak number is in the order of elution (Rt) for the 14 betacyanins.

Figure 2. White-eshed PPBNs reduce weight gain but not calorie intake in HFD-fed C57BL/6 mice. (A) Body weights of mice consuming the
indicated diets for the 14 week intervention period. (B) Food intake on indicated diets of mice during the intervention period. (C) Calorie intake on
indicated diets of mice during the intervention period. LFD, mice fed a low-fat diet; HFD, mice fed a high-fat diet; and HFD + L, M, and H, mice fed
a high-fat diet supplemented with PPBNs at 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg, respectively. Data are expressed as the mean SEM (n = 12). Values not
sharing a common letter dier signicantly among groups (p < 0.05; ANOVA).

C DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05177
J. Agric. Food Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Table 2. Eect of White-Fleshed PPBNs on Tissue Weight and Serum Parameters in Micea
item LFD HFD HFD + L HFD + M HFD + H
Tissue Index
heart 0.57 0.02 d 0.35 0.01 a 0.38 0.02 ab 0.4 0.01 b 0.5 0.01 c
liver 3.95 0.06 c 2.82 0.12 a 3.25 0.08 b 3.4 0.09 b 3.7 0.09 c
spleen 0.22 0.01 b 0.19 0.01 a 0.18 0.01 a 0.2 0.01 a 0.2 0.01 ab
kidney 1.23 0.05 c 0.77 0.04 a 0.9 0.04 b 0.91 0.03 b 1.15 0.04 c
perirenal white adipose tissue 0.54 0.07 a 3.31 0.11 c 2.64 0.09 b 3.77 0.09 d 2.43 0.08 b
epididymal white adipose tissue 1.44 0.14 a 5.98 0.23 d 4.98 0.15 c 4.08 0.13 b 4.51 0.09 b
total white adipose tissue 1.98 0.2 a 9.29 0.27 d 7.62 0.18 c 7.85 0.17 c 6.94 0.14 b
interscapular brown adipose tissue 0.42 0.01 d 0.29 0.01 a 0.35 0.01 b 0.37 0.01 bc 0.39 0.01 cd
Serum Parameters
ALT (U/L) 40.17 6.57 a 98.58 7.27 d 81.42 5.46 c 58.92 3.32 b 41.92 2.48 a
AST (U/L) 153.83 11.73 a 180.17 11.1 b 145.58 6.79 a 134.33 6.02 a 147.5 7.94 a
TG (mmol/L) 0.77 0.05 a 1.59 0.08 c 1.29 0.07 b 1.17 0.07 b 0.85 0.07 a
TC (mmol/L) 3.19 0.28 a 5.38 0.23 d 4.64 0.15 c 3.91 0.29 b 3.42 0.17 ab
HDL-C (mmol/L) 2.41 0.26 a 4.41 0.24 b 4.19 0.33 b 4.04 0.28 b 4.04 0.19 b
LDL-C (mmol/L) 0.29 0.03 a 0.62 0.04 c 0.54 0.03 c 0.43 0.03 b 0.31 0.04 a
adiponectin (g/L) 93.03 3.36 a 70.65 4.24 b 80.97 6.09 ab 85.32 3.68 a 92.87 3.49 a
FGF21 (ng/L) 713.83 36.04 a 1141.74 59.77 b 854.78 46.99 a 809.56 49.6 a 785.21 51.74 a
NPY (ng/L) 402.19 34.01 452.03 30.63 466.49 37.04 408.35 39.11 415.08 32.46
LFD, mice fed a low-fat diet; HFD, mice fed a high-fat diet; and HFD + L, M, and H, mice a fed high-fat diet supplemented with PPBNs at 50, 100,
or 200 mg/kg. Data are expressed as the mean SEM (n = 12). Means not sharing a common letter dier signicantly among groups (p < 0.05;

Quantication and Identication of Puried White-
No dierences were observed in the serum level of leptin and
NPY among all of the dietary groups (Table 2).
Impact of PPBNs on HFD-Induced Hepatic Steatosis
Fleshed PPBNs. The content of betacyanins expressed as
and Adipose Tissue Hypertrophy. Histological analysis
betanin equivalents per 1 g of PPBN powder was 25.32 0.23
revealed an accumulation of lipid droplets in the livers of mice
mg/g. The betacyanin identication and peak assignment were
fed a HFD, and the mice developed a high degree of hepatic
performed on the basis of the comparison of their retention
steatosis with severe cytoplasmic vacuoles and swelling of
time, ultravioletvisible (UVvis) spectra, and mass spectral
hepatocytes, whereas no signicant abnormalities were
analysis to those of standards and literature data.2023 The observed in LFD-fed mice (Figure 3A). PPBN administration
absorbance peaks from HPLC were recorded at 538 nm attenuated hepatic lipid accumulation, alleviated the formation
(Figure 1), and the data of the peak identication, retention of steatosis, and decreased the hepatic steatosis grade scores in
times, and compound identication obtained from the LC/ a dose-dependent manner (panels A and B of Figure 3).
MS/MS analyses were summarized in Table 1. Consistent with these results, PPBN supplementation also
Eect of PPBNs on Body Weight and Food Intake. At signicantly decreased the hepatic concentrations of TG and
the end of the experiment, the mice fed a HFD gained more TC (panels C and D of Figure 3). In addition, H&E staining of
weight and body fat percentage (per 100 g of body weight) adipose showed that PPBNs signicantly reduced the size of
compared to those fed a LFD and PPBN administration white and brown adipocytes (Figure 3A), suggesting that PPBN
signicantly reduced the HFD-induced increase of body weight supplementation attenuated HFD-induced adipose hyper-
gain and body fat (Figure 2A and Table 2). Moreover, HFD trophy.
feeding decreased the relative weight of the heart, liver, spleen, Eect of PPBNs on Glucose Tolerance and Insulin
kidney, and interscapular brown, while PPBN administration Resistance. As the OGTT shows, the glucose level in the mice
reversed the trend (Table 2). The mice fed a HFD consumed fed a HFD was signicantly higher at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min
more calories than those fed a LFD, but the calorie intake was after oral gavage of glucose than that in the LFD-fed mice and
not signicantly dierent among the HFD-fed mice with or the increase fasting blood glucose concentration was signi-
without supplementation of betacyanins, suggesting that cantly reduced by the administration of PPBNs compared to
PPBNs could signicantly decrease the HFD-induced body the HFD group (panels A and B of Figure 4). In addition, HFD
weight gain without aecting the calorie intake (Figure 2). feeding induced a signicant increase in the fasting serum levels
Eect of PPBNs on Serum Biochemical Parameters. of glucose and insulin, and the mice in the HFD + L, M, and H
The serum levels of TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, ALT, and AST groups revealed a signicant decrease in the fasting serum
were signicantly increased in mice fed a HFD compared to glucose and insulin levels (panels C and D of Figure 4). These
those fed a LFD, and administration of PPBNs signicantly data suggested that PPBN administration alleviated HFD-
reduced the levels of TG, TC, LDL-C, ALT, and AST. No induced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in mice. This
inuence of PPBNs on HDL-C was observed (Table 2). conclusion was also supported by the PPBN-induced lower
Serum Levels of Leptin, Adiponectin, NPY, and HOMA-IR but higher HOMA-IS index (panels E and F of
FGF21. HFD feeding induced a decrease in the serum level Figure 4).
of adiponectin but increased the concentration of FGF21, while Inuence of PPBNs on Hepatic Gene Expression. HFD
supplementation with PPBNs signicantly reversed the trend. feeding decreased the expression levels of lipid metabolism-
D DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05177
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 3. White-eshed PPBNs attenuate hepatic steatosis and adipocyte hypertrophy. (A) Histological analysis for epididymal white adipose tissue
(eWAT; H&E), perirenal white adipose tissue (pWAT; H&E), interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT; H&E), and liver (H&E and oil red O
staining). (B) Steatosis grade score (n = 6). The hepatic steatosis scores were graded as follows: 0 (steatosis involving <5% fatty hepatocytes), 1
(steatosis involving 533% fatty hepatocytes), 2 (steatosis involving 3466% fatty hepatocytes), and 3 (steatosis involving >66% fatty hepatocytes).
(C) Hepatic TG levels (n = 12). (D) Hepatic TC levels (n = 12). LFD, mice fed a low-fat diet; HFD, mice fed a high-fat diet; HFD + L, M, and H,
mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with PPBNs at 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg, respectively; and HE, hematoxylineosin. Data are expressed as the
mean SEM. Values not sharing a common letter dier signicantly among groups (p < 0.05; ANOVA).

related genes (AdipoR2 and PPAR) and the cholesterol signicantly reduced diet-induced body weight gain and
biosynthesis-related genes (Insig1 and Insig2), and PPBN attenuated obesity-related insulin resistance and hepatic
treatment signicantly enhanced the expression of these steatosis.
genes in a dose-dependent manner (panels C and D of Figure H. polyrhizus fruit and its methanol extract have previously
5). In addition, a HFD increased the expression level of been shown to lower the plasma TG, TC, and LDL-C levels
broblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and suppressed the and increase the HDL-C level in HFD-fed rats and type 2
expression of Klb, FGFR1, and FGFR2, while PPBN diabetic subjects.25,26 However, despite the reducing eect of
administration reversed the trend (Figure 5E). pitaya fruit on the lipid prole, no changes in the body weights

The antiobesity eect of natural pigments from vegetables and
and fat mass were observed in these studies. We postulated that
this condition may be due to the high content of sugar and fat
in pitaya fruit, which might counteract the weight loss eect.
fruits has been demonstrated but betacyanins receive little Consistent with these studies, our results showed that PPBN
attention. Red- and white-eshed pitaya are rich in betacyanins, supplementation signicantly decreased serum levels of TG,
while the consensus on the betacyanin varieties has not been TC, and LDL-C in HFD-fed mice. Therefore, in conjunction
reached.14,22,24 This study was undertaken to investigate the with the previous studies, these observations suggested that
benecial eects of PPBNs on obesity and obesity-related PPBNs might be the main bioactive compounds in pitaya that
metabolic syndromes in HFD-fed C57BL/6J mice, which are exhibited the benecial eects on the lipid prole. Moreover,
susceptible to diet-induced obesity, type 2 diabetes, and unlike the previous studies, we found that the body weight gain
NAFLD. Our results clearly showed that PPBN administration started to decrease after 1 week of supplementation of PPBNs
E DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05177
J. Agric. Food Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

Figure 4. White-eshed PPBN supplement alleviates diet-induced hyperglycemia, improves insulin resistance, and increases insulin sensitivity. (A)
Eect of PPBNs on glucose tolerance in mice fasted for 12 h as determined by the OGTT. (B) AUC for the OGTT test. Eect of PPBNs on the
fasting serum (C) glucose and (D) insulin in mice. (E) HOMA-IR index. (F) HOMA-IS index. LFD, mice fed a low-fat diet; HFD, mice fed a high-
fat diet; and HFD + L, M, and H, mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with PPBNs at 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg, respectively. n = 12 (A), n = 10 (B,
E, and F), and n = 8 (C). Data are expressed as the mean SEM. Values not sharing a common letter dier signicantly among groups (p < 0.05;

Figure 5. White eshed PPBNs alter the mRNA levels in the liver of mice. (A) Relative expression levels of Fads2 and Fas. (B) Relative expression
levels of Cpt1a, Cpt1b, and Acox1. (C) Relative expression levels of lipid metabolism genes (AdipoR2 and PPAR). (D) Relative expression levels of
cholesterol biosynthesis-related genes (Insig1 and Insig2). (E) Relative expression levels of broblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), -Klotho (Klb), and
receptors of FGF21 (FGFR1 and FGFR2). LFD, mice a fed low-fat diet; HFD, mice fed a high-fat diet; and HFD + L, M, and H, mice fed a high-fat
diet supplemented with PPBNs at 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg, respectively. Data are expressed as the mean SEM. Statistical analyses were performed
with Students t test. () p < 0.05 versus the LFD group. (#) p < 0.05 versus the HFD group.

and nally led to a signicant decrease in the body weight of the serum level of NPY, which acts as a neurotransmitter in the
mice in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, histological brain and regulates food intake and storage of energy as fat. On
analysis showed that PPBN treatment signicantly reduced the the basis of these evidence, we inferred that PPBNs suppressed
size of adipocyte in the white and brown adipose tissues. In HFD-induced body weight gain without aecting the energy
addition, there was no dierence in the daily calorie intake or intake of mice. Histological analysis of liver demonstrated that
F DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05177
J. Agric. Food Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXXXXX
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article

administration of PPBNs eectively attenuated hepatic lipid FGF21 activity depends upon its binding to a receptor
accumulation in obese mice. In combination with the results complex consisting of a cofactor called -Klotho (Klb) and
that PPBN supplementation decreased the hepatic steatosis FGFRs and then elicits the intracellular signaling cascades.41,42
grades and reduced hepatic TG and TC and serum ALT and To identify the potential mechanism by which obesity induced
AST levels, we believed that PPBNs could signicantly FGF21 resistance, the hepatic gene expressions of Klb and
alleviated HFD-induced hepatic steatosis. FGFR1/2 were evaluated. Our results indicated that HFD
Furthermore, PPBN treatment increased the hepatic feeding resulted in a signicant suppression of Klb and FGFR1/
expression levels of AdipoR2, Cpt1a, Cpt1b, and Acox1 as well 2, while PPBN supplement signicantly increased the
as elevated the serum levels of adiponectin but decreased the expression levels of these genes. These data implied that the
expression levels of Fas and Fads2 compared to the HFD mice. impaired action of FGF21 might be due to the decreased
Adiponectin, secreted by adipocytes, has been proven to expression of its receptors and PPBNs may directly or indirectly
regulate the metabolism of lipids and glucose.27,28 AdipoR2 improve the expression prole of these receptors, thus
serves as a receptor for adiponectin and mediates increased attenuating the FGF21 resistance and contributing to its
AMPK and PPAR- ligand activities as well as fatty acid antiobesity, antidiabetic, and antihepatosteatosis eects.
oxidation and glucose uptake by adiponectin.29 Cpt1a, Cpt1b, Although the exact and detailed mechanisms of absorption,
and Acox1 encode the rate-controlling enzymes of the fatty acid metabolism, and excretion of betacyanins have not yet been
-oxidation pathway,3032 while Fas and Fads2 are proven to be fully elucidated, there is increasing experimental evidence
involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. Moreover, PPAR, the proving their numerous biological activities that implied the
upstream regulator of Fas and Acox1,33 was also downregulated potential health benets of betacyanins.43,44 A total of 14
by PPBN treatment. Our results implied that the reduced betacyanins were identied in the white-eshed pitaya peel by
biosynthesis but enhanced fatty acid oxidation might contribute LC/MS/MS analysis, but we were not clear if all of them were
to the benecial eects of PPBN. In our study, we also the bioactive agents. Therefore, further studies are required to
observed higher serum and hepatic TC levels accompanied by identify the distinct eective compounds in PPBNs.
an increased expression of Insig1 and Insig2 in HFD mice, while In summary, the present study demonstrated that PPBN
PPBN treatment reversed the trend. In consideration of the treatment protected from diet-induced obesity, hepatic
previous ndings that high levels of insulin induced over- steatosis, and insulin resistance in mice and the protective
expression of Insig1 and Insig2 in the liver, leading to eects of PPBNs were associated with the induced fatty acid
cholesterol synthesis,34 we postulated that PPBN treatment oxidation, decreased fatty acid biosynthesis, and improved
could lower insulin levels and, consequently, decrease FGF21 sensitivity. Our results suggested a potential dietary
expression of Insig1, Insig2, and cholesterol levels. choice of PPBNs in the management of obesity, type 2 diabetes,
Obesity is often accompanied by insulin resistance, thus and NAFLD.
increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes; therefore, the bioactive
compounds with both antiobesity and antidiabetic eects are
particularly benecial for health. Previous studies demonstrated

S Supporting Information
that red pitaya consumption signicantly decreased the blood The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the
glucose level in type 2 diabetic subjects25 and signicantly ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05177.
improved hyperinsulinemia in insulin-resistant rats.35 Consis- Composition of puried diets (Table S1) and primer
tently, our results indicated that PPBN administration sequences used for quantitative real-time PCR (Table
signicantly decreased the fasting serum levels of glucose and
S2) (PDF)
insulin. The benecial eects of PPBNs on hyperglycemia and
hyperinsulinemia were also conrmed by the OGTT and
lowered HOMA-IR index. Furthermore, the insulin-sensitizing
eect was supported by the higher HOMA-IS index of the
Corresponding Author
PPBN-treated mice compared to that fed a HFD alone. To *Telephone: +86-571-86098861. Fax: +86-571-86971139. E-
conrm the potential action sites for PPBNs to exert its mail:
antidiabetic eect, we examined the expression prole of Funding
FGF21. FGF21, mainly expressed in liver, is involved in the This work was supported by the National Key Technology
regulation of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism. Admin- R&D Program of China (Grant 2012BAD33B08), the Zhejiang
istration of exogenous FGF21 improves metabolic disorders, for Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
instance, increasing glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, Z14C200006), and the Foundation of Fuli Institute of Food
regulating lipid oxidation, improving lipid prole, attenuating Science, Zhejiang University (Grant KY201301).
hepatic steatosis, and reducing body weights.36,37 However,
consistent studies indicate that circulating FGF21 levels are
The authors declare no competing nancial interest.
markedly increased in obesity and impaired glucose tolerance,
insulin resistance, and hypertriglyceridemia and liver injury
states.3840 Similar to the insulin resistance, the fail of
endogenous FGF21 to suppress obesity, type 2 diabetes, and
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