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The plane circled over the airport until the was

clear A. highway D. runway B. landing C. terminal 2. All nights in and out of the airport came
to a because of the strike. A. closure. D, stoppage B, conclusion C. standstill If you carry too
much luggage, the airline will charge an baggage fee A, excess D. over B. additional C. extra
4. British Airways the departure of Flight 222 to Warsaw A. advertise D. notice B, announce
C. advise 5. When you get to the airport, your luggage will have to be D. weighed A.
balanced C. sealed B, estimated from Heathrow to York Airport. 6. Because of the fog, our
flight was D, reverted A. diverted C. replaced B. deflected The check- time at the airport was
eight o'clock 7. D. in A, by B. up C. out from the airport was very tiring as we had to drive
through The 8, the fog D. voyage C, flight B. ride A. crossing 9, It's very strange but I had
a(n) that the plane would crash C. premonition D. prediction B. omen A. intuition to your
surroundings after a long flight. 10. It takes a while to D. adjust C, fit. B. balance A, settle
must now be taken at all airports against hijacking. 11. Much stricter D. warnings C.
protections A. precautions B. alarms their seat belts 12. The air hostess told the passengers
to D, tie C. fix B. fasten A. attach 13. To fly big passenger airliners long training and
experience. A, requisitions B. orders C. picks up D. calls for towards the runway when the
fire started. 14. The plane was A. sailing B, landing D, soaring C, heading from London to
New York takes nine hours. 15. The D. journey C, passage B, voyage A. flying well in
advance 16. If you want a cheap air ticket you must D. reserve C. engage B. buy A, book you
will have to pay extra. 17. I'm afraid your luggage is ten kilos D, heavy C, overweight B,
excess A. above

that aeroplane crash, D. died 18, Nobody c, recovered B. lived A survived was delayed owing
to bad weather conditions. C. flight 19, our D. runway A. airline B, airway 20, when our night
was delayed, we all had a meal at the airline's A. account B, cost C, finance D, expense 21.
Please, from smoking until the plane is airborne. A, exclude B. refrain C. restrain D, resist 2
we to announce a further delay in the departure of flight BA-555 D. repent C. regret B. mourn
As apologise 23. Tickets booked on this fight are not D. moveable B, transferable C. passable
A. assignable 24, A passenger is not allowed to a lethal weapon when flying by a civilian
airliner C. be having B. be owning D. control 25. He couldn't his fear of flying. C. triumph A.
succeed B. overcome D. win 26. The stewardess the screaming child A. soothed B. cured C.
recovered. D. corrected to go up in a helicopter for the first time. 27. It was a great A.
incident B. rise C. thrill D. suspense me to fly except in a case of extreme emergency. 28.
Nothing could A, encourage B. recommend C, influence D. induce 29. The plane crashed
into a bridge because it was flying too low shallow C, deep D. narrow 30, Luggage may be
placed here the owner's risk. A, by B, at C, under D. with 31. Janet's plane to New York was
an hour late A, rising up B. moving away. C. taking off D. pulling out 2. The were told to
fasten their seat belts as the plane began its descent. A. customers B. passengers C. flyers
D. riders 33. The thick fog out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning. A, ruled
B. struck C, stamped D. crossed 34. Gerald lost his boarding at the airport and they had to
issue him a new one. A. slip receipt 37. 40 41 43

35. The plane down 20 minutes later than scheduled because of bad weather conditions. A.
put B, flew D. touched C, landed 36. Because of heavy winds, our plane had to make an
emergency o a busy motorway A. runway B. landing D. land C. stop 37. owing to the fog, his
flight from Karachi was A belated B, unpunctual C, unscheduled D, overdue 38. There is bad
weather at the airport, and all have been delayed A. journeys B. flights D. flies C. times 39.
He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines A, failed B. stood D. held C. struck 40.
The plane's engines cut out, but it in to land safely. A, floated D, glided B. fluttered C. swept
41. When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you do is go to A reception B. the arrival desk
C. he check-in desk D. the departure lounge 42. been diverted, they would have arrived early.
A. Had the plane not B. Hadn't the plane C. The plane had not D. The plane not had 43.
Which of these would you see on a plane? A. Please give up this seat for the elderly B. Your
lifejacket is under your seat. C. Do not alight whilst the vehicle is in motion. D. Stopping 44. It
is a very long from Tokyo to London C. track A. flight B. tour D. travel Pan-Atlantic Airlines
serves full meals on its shorter flights. 45. A. not longer B, not anymore C. no longer D. no
long 46. The airline does not assume for normal wear and tear to luggage A. responsiveness
B. liability C. warranty in D, reliability 47. u must that your safety belt is fastened. B. secure
C. examine guarantee D. check A. I'm getting backache I wish the seats on aeroplanes were
more A. comfortable B. restful C. convenient D. relaxing 49. The delay to the flight was
brought by bad weather C. about B. in A. down please? 50. Could you tell me what time the
plane to Nicosia B. goes off C. takes up D, takes off A. goes up

AIR& SEA TRAVEL 2 ed for over six hours due to ice on th delay to New York was 1, our D.
drive runway. C. cruise A. flight B. ride is 2 I would like to inform all passengers and cabin
crew that the plane ready for c. take down D. take after A. take apart B. take-off flight to
Manila so as to be in ti 3. Without delay, she booked a(n) for the meeting D. direct c. straight
A. instant B, even led to the pilot's decision to request a landing at an alterna 4, Poor tive
airport. D. vision C. sight A. visibility B, clarity 5. Julia preferred to sleep rather than partake
of the entertainment D. in-flying C. flight A. flying B, in-flight Their from the airport to the hotel
was speedily arranged. 6. D. translocation A, move C. transfer B. relocation 7. The cabin
were dressed in very bright orange suits A, crew B. attendants C. personnel D. workforce 8.
It's cheaper to travel by air in A second hand B. style C. savings account D. economy class 9.
They announced the of the flight this morning. A communication B, abolition C, cancellation
D. resignation 10, it is for passengers to smoke during the flight A. banned B. permitted C.
allowed D. forbidden 11. I missed my flight of delays on the motorway A, by means B. owing
C. as a result 12. When I remembered in case I had forgotten Julie's present, I was already in
the A, room B. lounge C. salon 13, I was so late when I arrived at the airport that I
immediately D. lobby the plane almost 14, A. boarded B. reached C. entered we must be at
the airport by 5 o'clock at the A. longest B. last D. got O. least 15. I'm glad I my plane! D.
latest I've just heard that it's been hijacked. C. lost A. refused D, altered 16. The pilot 17, My
18, The 19, Co 21, W 22. T 25, T 26, 27

16. The aircraft experienced severe during the final approach, but the pilot kept his co and
landed it safely D. turbulence A instability C unsteadiness B. wavering 17. My first time in an
aeroplane was a real for me D, happiness A. thr C, excitement B, satisfaction 18. The airport
is on the edge of the city, next to the motorway. A, built D, existing C. situated Be placed 19,
Concorde is the only commercial plane to have broken the sound D. limit A, barrier C.
boundary B. frontier us into thinking that it was a half 20. The inaccurate information price
flight to Chicago. D. misinformed A. misconducted B. misled C. misfired 21, we have to
check in at the airport two hours before the scheduled of our flight, or they may not let us board
the plane, D. departure A. landing C. travel B, attendanc 22. The air-hostess told the
passengers to fasten their seatbelts and the strap to fit D, acquire C. adjust A. adopt B. adapt
your seat belt before take-off. 23 D. Hold C. Fix A. Tie B. Fasten their cigarettes and to
refrain from 24. Passengers are asked to smoking until they reach the terminal building. D.
douse C. put B. smother A. extinguish 25. The engines of the plane let out a huge D. thud.
C. roar B. bang A, crash smoking until they are well inside 26. Passengers are asked to
refrain the terminal building. D. at C. from B. for A, to 27. My sister doesn't like travelling by
plane. She says she likes to keep both feet on solid D. road. C. earth B. ground A. concrete
the plane 28, I misread the time on the ticket and we D. missed C, lost B. got on A, caught
that the flight would be delayed for two hours 29. We were D. instructed C. invited B. ordered
A. informed for a domestic flight? 30. How long does it usually take to C. check over D.
check on B. check in A, check out without trace during the fierce storm. 31. The old sailing
boat was D. vanished C, lost B. disappeared A. crashed

by at the airport, as l was carrying fresh r made me throw it all away C, restrained D. impeded
B, confined 32, was A, detained flight should info 33. Passengers requiring a special meal
during the D, advance C, front B, ahead A, forward our connection in Los Angel 34. our night
is delayed, will we D. lack C, lose B. miss A drop 35, The helped the passengers put on their
lifejackets crew D. servants C, slaves D. workers to business-class champagne 36, When I
flew to Capetown, I was the way A. increased B. upgraded C. promoted D, risen 37. The air-
sea search operation is continuing, although hopes of find Survivors are A. dimming B.
dissolving C, fading D. reducing 38. The photograph showed a sailing ship with three tall A,
masts C. logs B. sticks D. posts 39. The cargo ship from the Port of London. A ran B.
flowed C. travelled sailed 40. It was very rough sea, with ten metres high. A. waves B,
floods 41. The C. currents D. fountains aircraft, which originally headed Heathrow, had to
make an emergency landing at Orly. A, into B. on C. for D, at 42, The fishing usually returns
at dusk A, foree B. parade C. boats D, fleet 43. Shortly after the boat docked, the
passengers 44. A, dismounted B. C. landed The D. discharged of the Titanic was caused by
an iceberg. B. descent A, plunge 45. After C, sinking D, drowning A. the collision, two
seamen were slightly injured in the explosion ensuing B, following this ship"Titanic", May God
bless all who sail in her C. christen D, consequential A. name 47. The sea was so rough that
the A. cruise D. register 48. The B. flight took nearly six hours small boat drifted passage
voyage helplessly the mercy of the wind and w C, at 13

ing 49. We decided to the coastguard when we realised that the yacht was several hours late in
arriving. A. arouse D. alert B alarm C, caution 50, A bed on board a ship is call a D,
dormitory C, cabin B. sleeper 3. AIR& SEA TRAVEL 1. The passenger cabins which were on
the upper were renovated last year A, floor D, deck C, level B. ground he had 2. A note in the
Captain's log stated that it was the roughest ever experienced D, passing A passage C,
crossroad B. crossing 3. Enormous swells roused by ferocious winds made it impossible to
the ship to safety. A, direct B. control D, drive C. steer on a large reef. 4. The stricken
vessel ran D. around aside B. aground C. ashore 5. of those on few survived to relate the
tragedy of the Pacific Queen. D. aboard C, board A. hand B, side the new boat? 6, What
time are they going to D. fire C. set A, launch B. start 7. Travelling by sea makes me suffer
from B. vomit C. disgust D, nausea A. vertigo 8. The ship will sail from Dover on Friday at 6
o'clock in the morning. D. lay C. place B. set A. put of the ship and watched the seagulls dive
for fish. 9. He stood on the C. platform D. deck. B, ground A. floor 10. The sea between
Dover and Calais was so that most of the pas sengers were seasick. C. choppy D. gusty B.
bumpy A. heavy 11, I would love to go on a long sea C, route travel B. journey A. voyage on
board the Bounty and the erew put the captain in 12, There was a a lifeboat and set it adrift. B,
insurrection c. mutiny D, revolution A. rebellion 13. We have been unable to make with the
ship by radio for the last two days B. connection C. link D, communication A, contact

the nearest port when we heard the storm warning. B, of C. for D. up 14 We made A out.
here that you cannot use even a little boat. B. shallow C. narrow D. straight 15, The river is
so A, flat 16. In spite of the storm, the the ship safely into port. Captain D. steered A directed
B, drove C, managed to your lifebelt, otherwise you'll sink. 17. Hold on D, tight C. strong B.
firm There was a terrible storm at sea last night and one of the boats A, dived B. drowned C.
floated D. sank 18. 19. The route into the harbour was marked by a line of D. signposts C,
lightships. B. buoys A, compasses 20. There were a number of fishing boats in the harbour
D, roped C. attached A moored B, fixed 1. The crew the sinking ship as fast as they could A.
quit C. abandoned D. surrendered B. escaped 22. The wrecked liner is still lying on the sea
B, floor C. ground D. bottom 23, How many people were on the ship? A top B. aboard D.
board C, deck 24. After its engime failed, the small boat with the current. A. waved B,
drifted C. hastened D. tossed 25, I'm always seasick when the sea is B. wild C. unsteady D,
rough 26. The passengers amused themselves playing games on the upper of the ship A.
dock B, deck C, floor D, platform 27. The"Anna Maria" from New York Harbour at 11:00
tomorrow. A, sails. B, leaves C, embarks D, steams We saw ships from all over the world in
the A. beach B, shelter C. pier D. harbour 29. You must keep in the boat otherwise it will
overturn A. stiff B, balanced C, still 30. The ship's D. straight A. cast captain and members of
the welcomed us on board. B, team C. staff D. crew 1. The sea was so that some of the
passengers the pleasure boat felt seasick. in A. choppy B, runny C, breezy D. wavy

32. The boat turned over and sank to the base D. ground Ci bottom B., basis 33. In spite of
the terrible storm, the ship was A. unbroken B. uninjured C, unhurt D, undamaged 34.
During the twenty-day eruise, ten will be spent sea, and ten in port A. in D, over B. by C, at
35. During the voyage, the ship's crew organised many different games A. level D. deck C.
floor B. ground 36. During the voyage the passengers sat on the enjoying the sunshine A,
deck, D, terrace B, platform C, outside to be unsinkable. 37. There were no lifeboats on the
ship because it was A, told D, believed C, claim B. argued 38. The ship ran on the beach
near the harbour. D. adrift A. aback B. aground C. afloat. 39. That boat has an motor at the
back D. outward C. outboard. A, outside B, outgoing 40. The captain realised that unless
immediate action was taken to disci pline the crew, there could be a on the ship D, strike A,
rebellion C. riot B. mutiny 41. The cargo in the hold of the ship many times in the storm D,
shifted C. switched A. changed B, floated 42. The sea was so rough that the little boat D,
reversed B., bent C. inverted A capsized 43, The boat just out to sea. C. strayed D.
wandered B. drifted A. slid of a small ship was thrown up on the shore 44. After the storm the
C. wastage D, breakage A, wreckage B. ruin 45. The ship was not allowed to unload its D,
load C, cargo B. freight A, burden 46. When the ship docked at Hamburg, they found a in
the hold A, stowaway B. interloper C, gate-crasher D. trespasser 47. I with the captain to
abandon the ship before it was too late. D. begged C. claimed A. appealed B. pleaded a
cruise on the river next weekend. 48. We're going to D. travel B, sail A. go 49. Due to the
bad weather conditions, the lifeboat crew were asked to in case of emergency C. stand up D.
stand by B, stand in A. stand away escape when his boat was capsized by a sudden gust of
wind 50. He had a c, near D. sudden B, close A. narrow

ANIMALS ANIMALS PETs ANIMAL PROTECTION f cattle graze fertile plains D. Swarms C.
Herds A Flocks 2, Cattle and chicken are anim D, wild A domesticated B. farm 3. The tiger
had very sharp D. paws C, hooves B. fangs 4. The lioness lay in wait for her C, target A
game D, prey 5. When he was exploring the forest, he was bitten by a D. worm C, rabbit A
frog B. snake of birds was flying southward. 6, High in the sky D, swarm C. flock A collection
B, company 7, The horses have returned to their after the morning exercise. D. stables C.
sheds B. kennels 8. The magpie pecked hard at the ground with its to get at the worm B.
fangs D. mouth 9. A great of bees settled an our apple tree during a storm. A. buzz B. crowd
C, swarm D. flock 10. The blue, yellow and green of the bird's splendid winter stood out
against the background of snow A coat B, dress C. feather D. plumage 11. Most animals in
captivity have to be fed and at least twice a day A. drowned B, watered C. liquidated D. drunk
12. Be careful! There's a wasps' nest. Don't A. blast B. thrill C, interfere D. disturb 13. The
zoo attendant opened the cage and tried to the animal back in B, convince C. induce D.
seduce 14. Most birds are more brilliantly coloured than their wives. B, master C. male A.
husband D. masculine 15. The deer in the National Park are so accustomed to being fed by
visitors that they are quite A, trained B. passive C. domestic tame 16. Many people think it is
wrong to put animals behind A. poles B. bars 17. The noise of my footsteps the deer and it ran
away. A, startled B. paralyzed C. shocked wires D. amazed 14 18, Wild duel A figure 19. Y
ou will A soi 20. Children cause of A. trun 21. The ant A, anime 22, A horse A. flies. 23
Visitors A bite 24, The h A, clav A bur 26, The wi A, eat 27. Moder A. rep 28, He wa 29. A
leop A. ba 30, A goo A. l 31. The 32, One 33 The shoo 34, The 36, Cro

18. wild ducks always fly in a"v" A, figure B. formation C. formula shape 19. You will not find
kangaroos anywhere else on but in Australia. A, soil B. ground world 20. Children easily learn
to distinguish elephants from other animals be cause of their long A. trunks B. nozzles C.
snouts D. beaks 21. The ant is a very industrious A animal B. insect D beast. creation 22. A
horse gets rid of by flicking its tail A. flies B. butterflies C, ants D. spiders 23. Visitors to the
zoo are asked not to the l Ons A. bite. B. tease C. rrag D. fret. 24. The horse hurt one of its
in the race A. claws B. heels C. paws D(hooves 25. A of sheep crossed in front of our car and
blocked the road A, bunch B, crowd C, flock D. pack. 26. The wild animal savagely at the
piece of meat. A, eat B. severed C, tore D. splits 27. Modern farm animals are the result of
centuries of selective A. reproduction B. cultivation C. mating D. breeding 28. He was by a
bee when he went too close to the hive. A. stung B. pricked C. bitten. D. torn. 29, A leopard
has spots and a tiger has A. bands B. stripes C, streaks D. strips 30. A good hen six or seven
eggs a week. A. lays B. lies C. places D. reproduces 31. The children went to the zoo and
saw the monkeys in their C, dens A, boxes B. cages D. pits 32. One of the tigers has got
Warn everyone of the danger! C: loosened B. lost D. escaped consists almost entirely of
eucalyptus leaves and 33. The koala bear's shoots, C, nourishment D, diet A. nutrition B.
digestion 34. The elephant fell into the the hunters had set for it. A trail B. trap C. trick. D.
trip 35. A number of gulls were effortlessly high above the cliffs A. soaring B. floating C.
gliding D. coasting 36. Crocodiles and alligators are A. crustaceans B, herbivores C. reptiles

37. only after buying the cottage did we discover that it wa with mice, D. infested C, inflicted
B, invaded A, infected into to protect them from stray dogs. 38. The sheep were herded a D.
cage C. kennel A. fold B, hutch 39. I'm sure there are spiders in your room: look at those in
the corner. D. networks C. cobwebs A meshes B. nets methods, 40. The animals taken to
the slaughterhouse must be killed by C. humanistic D, humble A human B. humane 41. On
the beach the crabs from rock pool to rock pool D. strutted A. stole scuttled B. shumed 42, A.
hatches from an egg laid by a butterfly or moth B, maggot C, toad D, caterpillar A. worm.43.
I'll that mosquito if it settles on my arm B. smack C, swat D. stab 44, There is an old horse
over there, where animals could drink o the way to market. A. gutter B. trough C. trench D,
moat 45, Crows and vultures are living on carrion A. amphibians B. predators C-scavengers
D. parasites 46. The frightened horse began to away from the snake B, fear C. throw D. tip
47. Look at the seagulls up and down on the waves near the fishing boats A. bouncing B.
bobbing C. hopping D. jerking 48. When it saw the dog by the water, the heron its wings and
rose nto the air. B. flipped C. folded D. flapped 49, Rabbits and mice are A amphibians B.
rodent C. reptiles D. carnivores in the farmyard. 60, We could hear the hens A, chattering B.
chirping C. clacking D., clueking 6. ANIMALs PETs ANIMAL PROTECTION l. Look at the
marks on the cherries where the birds have them A. pecked B. gnawed C. nibbled D, bitten
As he walked through the fields, he heard sheep A. braying bleating C. roaring D shrieking
smoothly through the long grass. he snake glided A, B. crept. C. skidded D. strolled 4. he
bird had its nest on a halfway down the cliff A. bump B, shelf C. ledge

5. Many insects, such as wasps and ants, use thei to touch objects. A, antennae D. horns C.
ears aerials A donkey loudly all through the night. A, roared B. cackled C. neighed D. brayed
7, Wolves were mournfully in the nearby forest A. howling growling C. barking D. roaring 8,
swallows cannot take off from the ground like most birds. They use wind currents to through
the air A. beat. B. glide D. skid. 9. Dogs in city streets should be kept on a A, cord B. string
C, rope D, lead 10, The lion when the keeper tried to make him go back into his cage A,
mooed neighed roared D. barked 11. We could hear the monkeys long before we reached
their cage A, chatting B chattering C. prattling D, babbling 12. The baby was by a bee whilst
playing in the garden A. bitten B. pricked C. stung D. stabbed 13. The by-laws say that all
dogs be kept on a lead in the park A. ought B, must C. need D, have 14. The dogs in the
circus were trained to walk on their B. rear C, hind D. tai half starving wolves were roaming
the snow-covered countryside. A Flocks B. Herds C. Swarms D. Packs 16, 1 had no chance
to defend myself the dog for me as soon as I opened the d A, went B, ran C. fell D, stood 17
of bees can be seen in the orchard in the summer months. A. Troupes B. Herds C. Flocks D.
Swarms 18, When the cat is angry, its stands up op end A, feather B, hides C, fur D, skin
19. As I climbed over the wall, a large dog up at me, A. yelled B, snarled C, snorted D.
moaned 20. Having been lost for several days, the dog its way home A, found B, searched
C. wormed D. ran 21. It's not unusual to meet a of cattle as you are driving along A. flock B,
swarm C. herd 22. In the blazing heat of midday, the dog lay by the side or the road, its
mouth open A. sighing B. sniffing C. gulping panting 23. A notice on the gate said"Beware the
dog A. for D. from

24. Groups of tourists visit the national park to see the many animals D. savage there C. wild
B, untamed 25, Wild rabbits used to be common here but now they are C. insufficient D.
scarce B, wanting A, deficient 26. Through my binoculars, I watched a tiger stalking its A.
prey B, nourishment C. culprit D. adversary 27/1 need some insects to drive away these flies
D. denial C. repellent B, rejection A outreach round the village in search of prey The tiger D,
lurked C, roamed B. stalked A prowled 29 Far more should be done to the suffering of
unwanted domestic pets, A, remove B, alleviate C. improve D, remedy 30. squirrels are said
to gather and store nuts to keep themselves through the winter. D, live B, lively C, alive A
living f birds flew high above us in the sky. D, swarm C. herd flock A school by mosquitoes on
their first night in the tent 32. They were all badly D, scratched C. stung B picked 33. have
rarely seen such an impressive sight as a of buffalo roam ing over the plains. B. herd C. pack
D. flock N Warm 34. Pandan look gentle, but in fact they are quite B, thoughtful C. intelligent
D. fierce A graceful 35, Even though cheetahs are the fastest land animals on earth, they still
often fail to catch their A, task. B. hunt C. prey D. feed 36, A horse drives the from its body
with its tail. A spiders B wasps C, ants D. flies 37, I was awakened early in the morning by the
of sheep in the fields outside my window A baying B. bleating C. neighing D. braying 38,
Lions tend to on large animals, like deer. A, hunt B, kill C. prey D. chase 39. The number of
whales is rapidly A. dwindling B. fading C. dying D. reducing 10. The panda has been on the
of extinction for many years. A edge B. verge C, border. D. point. 41. Some people think
stray dogs are a nuisance. A patient B. proper C. private public 43 He 45. A b 46, Wh 47, It
mals pets. ent pam still 2. The star of the circus was at n) seal, which did incredible tricks. A
performing B, acting D. dramatic C. playing 13. He had taught his dog to the rabbits he shot A
recover B. regain D, retrieve C restore 4. The sheep were huddled into a to protect them from
overnight frosts A. pen B. kennel C. hutch D. cage 45, A bee was angrily against the window
pane, unable to get out A humming B. howling C. crashing D, buzzing. 16. When an animal
is in danger, we should do everything we can to protect it A. habitat B. property C, location D,
possession 47. It is essential to be on the for any signs of movement in the un der growth
since there are poisonous snakes in the area. A. guard B. alert C. alarm D, care The swamp
area in crocodiles A inbounds B. bounds C. abounds D. rebounds 49, Mice give me B. the
creeps c, the creep D. creep A. ereeps 50. We watched the birds on the nuts we had put out
for them A, eating B. pecking C. feeding D. nibbling 6. ANIMALS PETS ANIMAL
PROTECTION Th vegetation in the jungle made it difficult to spot snakes and zards C. thick B,
elaborate D. heavy 2. When swimming in the Caribbean, it is not unusual to see of fish in
knee-deep water. B, swarms C, flocks D. herds A shoals 3, got on the arm by a mosquito last
night and now it's really itchy B. pecked C. bitten A, chewed D. nibbled A. Do cockroaches
you B. frighten C. fright. D. fear A, afraid 5, I like to listen to birds outside my window. B.
whistling C, hissing D. twitterin A, squeaking its tail furiously when it saw the children 6. The
dog B. wagged C. moved D. rubbed A. shook The octopus itself from larger fish by
surrounding itself in a cloud 7. of black ink B, ars C. protects D. shelters A, secures

8. There are several types of insects which live in D, colonies A communities B. societies C.
living on carrion D. predators 9, Crows and vultures are parasites A. amphibians B.
scavengers C on small mammals D. hunt 10, Most of the birds C. exploit Be devour A. prey
from side to side 11. As the elephant walked along he swung his A. beak B. fin C, trunk D.
hump contentedly. 12. He stroked his cat's silky fur and the cat roared C. hummed B. purred.
A, growled of dog is very useful for hunting. his D. tribe C. stock A. breed domestic animals
14. Both kindness and firmness are needed to successfully D. tutor C. train A, educate B.
practice by a fierce dog 15. It's dangerous to go near that building site as it is D, guarded C.
resisted A, defended B, restricted 16 You should take notice of warnings which state that
guard dogs are on D. watch B. defence C, patro 17. My dog always when it sees the postman
A, cries B. barks C, purrs D. spits 18, The noise was caused by a dog a cat through the
garden A. chasing B. catching C. fighting. D. running 19, A cat. its paw before it washes its
face. A. bites B, chews C. laps D. licks 20, Don't take any of that dog. It is only playing
notice B. game C. care D. part 21. The dog felt very when his owners left the house, dressed
for a walk. A cheated B. deceived C. deceptive D. disappointed 22. In big cities animals
should be kept under A control B, check C, authority D. discipline 23. The poor cat was at the
top of the tree A. bent B. stuek C, fixed D. climbed 24, Don't louch the cat, he may A. kick B.
scream C, scratch D. tear 25. Dogs have a habit of bones in the garden. A. planting B,
covering C. digging D. burying 26. If your cat often has to stay indoors, then a A. garbage B.
rubbish tray must be provided litter waste 27. It 28, A d 29, I w 30. A 36, T 40 41

Onies dators o side. ic animals ierce dog. ogs are on a walk. ointed vided 27, It is difficult to a
dog, if you live in a flat A. keep B, hold C. have D take 28. A dog can be a very pleasant on
long country walks. A. company B, companion C, fellow D, friend 29, I was badly scratched
by my eat's A. paws B. hooves C. nails D. claws 30. A cat purrs when it is pleased, but a
dog its tail A, bends B. wags C, moves D. waves 31. when my wife comes home, our dog
always jumps up and her face. B, kisses C. moistens. D. sucks e dog up his ears when he
heard his master's voice. lifted B. pointed C, raised D, pricked To keep a dog in good
condition, it should be h ned daily. A fleece B. coat C. fur D, hide 34 he dog's ears as he
heard footsteps outside the house A trembled B, wagged C. twitche D, wriggled 5. The dog let
out a of pain when his tail was den on A. yelp B, croak D. bark C. squawk 36, The cats that
are still found in some remote places are distantly related to our friendly domestic companion A.
savage B. fierce D. untamed 37. If your dog damages your neighbour's property, you could
be A, liab B. payable egal 38. My dog is so it will never leave me A. sorry B. faithful C, frank
D. friendly 39. H of the lead for a moment and the dog ran off. A. let go B. released C.
dropped D, took hold 40. If you can't keep your dog control, you shouldn't bring him to the
park B, under C. in D. with Some wild animals will become if they get used to people. A
peaceful B, organised C. petty D. tame of blackbirds at the bottom of the garden. 42, There's
a B, home A, nest D, house 43. Insects and bugs make my skin B, walk C. march D. crawl
44. You have to sleep under a net to avoid being bitten hy obsters B. geese C. mosquitoes D,
cockroaches Many people confuse a park ranger with a zookeeper, it's a(n) 45, mistake, A
ordinary B, standard C. regular D. common

46 Aus the cat lay anleep, dreaming, hin w twitched As jerked B jogged C, D, tweaked in the
mirror. 17. The cut was afraid when it haw itu D, picture 3, look A, reflection you company 18,
one of the udvantagen of having a pet is that it C, does D, makes A given B, keeps boy 49.
The council decided to round up all the dogs a a young was bitten by one D. stray C, missing
A stranded animal ng he told it to do; it was a most 50, His dog did every D, effective B,
acceptable C, obedient A, orderly 7. ANIMALs PETs ANIMAL PROTECTION by their owners
1. Most pets are we C, looked for D, looked into B, cared for A cared after He's a cross
between an Alsatian and a setter 2, My dog D. breed B. mix-up A. transplant 3, Mr and Mrs
Grove were very en their dog died. C disappointed D. B, confused discouraged my breath
away. en I saw e pup for the first me, it A, carried B, moved C. brought D, took 5. What kind
of your dog? B. race C. breed D. family 6. There is little doubt that your daughter has a real
with animals. B. intuition A, affinity C, aptitude D, flair 7. Lucy found the missing dog. She
was given $100 as a B, benefit C, reward D, bonus 8, She loved her little dog but showed
surprisingly little when it died A. sentiment B, emotion C. involvement D. sympathy 9, My
puppy was very expensive because he' a specia A. tribes B. caste C, breed D. sect. 10.
We've got two cats and they get very well together A, down B, through C, by D. on 11. Our
new cat is black with white B. paws claws D. hooves 12, The puppy was so much I nearly
dropped him 13. A, sniggering B, giggling c chuckling wriggling The dog under the table when
l shouted at him for eating m steak A. slithered B. seampered C, slunk D. strutted 14, Rosie t
15. A long 16, 1 was 17, I did 18. Most 19, An 20. Th 21. Ma 22. A 23, M 24. U 25, 26

14, Ro sie the kitten playfully around with a ball A. seampered B. strutted hered D, slunk 15.
A long, green snake through the grass and disappeared A. strutted D. seampered B. skunk
C, slithered 16, I was very sad when the vet said he'd have to Gertie, our labrador. A. put
down D. wear off B. pull through C. feel up to 17. didn't know that species of fish was still A.
extent D. extinguished B, extant C. extinct 18. Most African countries have now the killing of
elephants A, refused D. banned B, dismissed C, prevented 19. Animals should not be locked
in cages: they should be in their normal A, environment B home D. residence C, position 20.
There is a large for rare tropical birds in the National Park. A. cage D. zoo B, aviar C.
reserve 21. Many species of animals today are C. endangered D, under danger A, risky B, in
risk 22, A bird has been established on this island D, haven. A. asylum C, refuge 23. Much
of our knowledge about prehistoric animals comes from the study C. relics D, fossils A,
artefacts B, ruins, 24. Unless we can prevent people from hunting snow leopards, the
species C, extinguish D, fall out B, die out A. drop out 25. Unless stricter hunting laws are
introduced, seals will soon be C, archaic B. defunct D. obsolete A. extinct 26. The Giant
Panda has been on the of extinction for many years D. verge C. margin. B. rim A. border 27,
In some countries there have been widespread demands for the seal hunting B, extermination
C. annihilation D, extinction A, abolition the natural habitat of birds and animals 28. By cutting
down trees we C. hurt D. injure B. damage A, harm 29. If we do not take steps to protect the
world's wild life, many species of birds and animals are likely to completely B, die down C, die
away D, die from A, die out to animals is forbidden by la 30 D. Cruelly Cruelty The cruel Cruel

31, I can't stand seeing animals in D. packaging C. reserve A, protection B captivity 32 We

believe that these animals could be saved if our plan were D. adopted c practised B, taken up
A. exploited the problem, many animals could become extinct. B, look up to C face up to D.
get up to 33 Unless we A, turn up to his life to the care and protection of animals. 34, Ted has
D, assigned C, reserved devoted A. applied down the street by my dog 35, This morning the
postman was D. ehase A, hunted 36. Some animals cannot adapt to living in a n)
environment D, manufactured C. designed A, artificial B false do the things they need to do to
survive, with- 37 Newborn animals out ever being taught A reluctantly B. persuasively C.
instinctively D. compulsively 38, Lisa joined an animal rights group to get in with people who
felt the same way as her B, connection C, associatian D, communication A, contact. until
they are we enough to go back into 39, We keep the animals the wild D, caught C, captured A
convicted B, captive 40. More needs to be done to protect endangered species from who
illegally hunt them A. trespassers B, intruders C. poachers D. invaders 41. As a vet, he often
sees animals injured and that is the saddest his job A. aspect D, situation 42 Poachers aren't
being punished enough for their crimes many are without charges. A. kept up B. put down C,
set on D. let off 43. An animal may become endangered if its is destroyed B. countryside c.
habitat A. land D. nature 44. The Siberian tiger is under of extinction A. fear B. risk. C.
danger D, threat 45. in order to stocks of fish to their previous levels, some govern ments
have imposed fishing quotus B, restore C. regain preserve 46. I find the idea of experimenting
an animals disagreeing B distaste fu bjectionable D. objective 47. The zoos breed animals so
that their future is A assured confirmed C, insured preserved 48. It's 49, An 50, Th are TH to t
10, Sc

ture with sively felt cution ck into Bro 48. It's better for animus to live in the A. nature 49.
Animals should be helped to survrve in the wild, rather than kept in A prison B, captivity 50.
This fund has been set up to help protect those animals that are endangered with complete
extinction. A. kinds B, breeds THE ARMY 8. THE ARMY There was a sudden of anger in the
General's eyes as he listened to the soldier's report. A fire B, flash The army defeat at the
hands of its enemy supported c suffered A, bore 3. The defeated army was ohliged to to its
second line ofdefence. A retreat B draw away C. retire D. back away 4. The encouraging
news enabled the troops to go on with A novel B, recurrent C. renovated D, renewed 6, All the
information relating to the enemy officers was cally in large cabinets, D. gathered A composed
B. erammed C. filed 6 General Wynding was placed command of the southern army D. with B,
at 7, The soldier his gun at the enemy. D, fired exploded A banged 8 Private Daring felt proud
when the general said"You a medal!" B, deserve 9. The sound of our voices was completely
by the roar of the artillery A decreased B, scattered C reduced D. drowned 10 schik claimed
from military service as he was a foreign national. A demobilisation B. exception C. exemption
D. liability 11. After two hours of hard fighting, the Northern Army won the C, force battle B.
attack the enemy attack. 12. The depleted eolumn was barely able to C. withhold D.
withstand smash 13. The army claimed that during the invasion there was no of life. D.
murder killing B. loss death 25
at any moment 4. There is a bomb in the garden, it could D, bang C, crash B, crack A
explode a dangerous mission, although he knew he might be killed. took on C. promised D.
entered 15. He A agreed on his arm 16. A sergeant in the army wears three D, medals C.
stripes A scratches B. captions the soldiers who lost their lives 17, The memoria n the main
square in the war D, remembers A, commemorates B, celebrates C. recalls the soldier on
duty and he had to 18, A feeling of tiredness almost struggle hard to keep awake D. put out A,
conquered B. overcame C, defeated 19. The soldiers had for fifteen hours without stopping
and they were exhausted A, hiked B. wandered marched C run 20. Betty's fianc, who is a
soldier, was delighted when he was only a few miles from her home A. camped B. directed C,
stationed D. placed 21. After the campaign a special medal was to all combatants A deserved
awarded C, earned D. gained 22, Corporal Lemke was hit by a bullet but he was only A barely
B. little C, merely wounded D. slightly 23. This general always his own troops into battle A.
commanded B. fought D. pulled 24. The troops were lined up on the parade ground awaiting
the general's A. inspection B. checking C. investigation D review 25. Sergeant Proud can
hardly having to accept orders from the colo nel who is much younger than himself. resist B.
mind C, bear D, suffer 26. A force of desperate men burst out of the besieged city and army
that had surrounded them the A. broke down B, submitted gained D, defeated 27. The
defending armies achieved a great A. victory B, defeat over the aggressors C, loss 28. I
wouldn't advise you conquest to join the army, Sam. I don't think you are A. put down B,
made up C, cut out D. set down 29. The doctor the dying soldier long enough to learn where
the en emy was hiding out. alive B. resuscitated C. came round D. reviled 30, Si 32, A 33. T
34, T 35. U 36. 37, A 39.
rs were only a eral's colo the 30, Since ww II the rivalry in military strength between the great
powers has produced a balance of power B previous evious C, present D, precarious 31. The
leaders, sensing that war was prepared their defences. A. imminent B, immense. C.
immediate D, immune 32. At the beginning of the war every man under forty was n the armed
forces to serve A. called for B, called up C, called out ed in 33. The army major was found
guilty of serious misconduct and was accord ingly to the ranks A. promoted B, elevated C,
demoted D. reduced 34. The soldier had to for disobeying orders. A. hear sentence B, prove
innocent C. serve notice D, stand trial 35. Unsuitable recruits should be before they start
training A. laid aside B. narrowed down c. weeded out D. passed over 36. When you fire,
keep calm and just squeeze the gently A, trigger B, rifle C. sight D, barrel 37. All members of
the armed forces are required to allegiance to the president A. announce B, swear C, confess
D. certify 38. The tank of petrol was by a carelessly discarded cigarette end. A. exploded B.
inflamed C. ignited D. lit up 39. Oswald was for military service because he had flat feet A,
rejected B, discharged C dispensed D discarded of the soldiers was high before the battle,
because they were 40, The confident of victory. A. mood B. morale C, moral D. temper 41,
our plan is completely Nothing can possibly go wrong. C. airtight D. waterproof A foolproof B.
foolhardy 42. The officer sent a man ahead to the land, s t the en emy were near C. spy B.
investigate reconnoitre A, enquire The soldier didn't his comrades ev when he was pressured
to 43. do so. C. divulge D. disclose B. betray A. reveal l4. The commander gave an talk to
his men A, encouraged B, encouragement c encouraging encouragingly to obey his
commanding officer's 45, The soldier was punished far orders. C. objecting D, refusing B,
regretting A. resisting 27

to continue the fight 16. By raising their weapons the men showed their A ready B, were ready
C readiness D. readily about his past campaigns. 7, The general was always B. boasting A.
praising D. congratulating C, complimenting even though they had superior artillery, D.
beaten 48, The enemy was B. surrendered C. occupied A, won to obey orders is a serious
offence in the army 49, To C, refuse B. deny A disagree 50. After leaving school, Nigel
decided to in the army D. sign B. enrol C. register A enlist 9. THE ARMY the initial fears of the
Commander-in-Chief, the campaign was a resounding success. A. Despite B. Although D.
Whereas C. Besides that he had been involved in the decision not to attack the en- emy
position. A, declined B. refused C. rejected D. denied 3, "We have won a great vietory our
enemy," the captain said. A, above C. over upon 4. A large number of tourists were waiting in
front of the ground to see the soldiers A parade B, procession C. rally D, demonstration 5.
Many countries have compulsory military service A. aborted B. absconded C. abolished D.
abstracted 6. This is a position, and must not be captured by the enemy, A. weighty B,
momentous C. notable. D. key 7. After hearing news of the attack, the general made plans
for an immedi- ate against the enemy A. reverberation B retaliation C. resurreetion D.
repulsion 8. The generals the eofntry in a lightning coup d'etat. A, took over B, overruled C.
ran over D, overwhelmed 9, Soldiers have been sent in to try to restore in the area A.
organisation B. harmony C. order D. regulation 10. He was wounded in the tages of the
battle. A, end B. middle C. intermediate D. elosing 1. The soldiers around the square. A.
walked B. stro C. marched ran 14. V 15, T 16 17

ght. ancing army wreaked terrible for their previous defeat retaliation D. vindictiveness 13. The
bombardment from sea and air large parts of the city. B. demolished C. liquidated D, drowned
14, War is as open armed conflict between countries or factions within countries. A defined B,
declared D, delineated defaulted 15. The soldiers gave themselves up without up a fight. C
getting D, putting 16. The bomb attack the building completely C. destroyed. D. broke 17-
After the assassination of the president, the army control of the country D took 18. The army
was forced to due to lack of supplies. D. recollect C. retreat The city was under for six months
before it finally fe B, cordon C, blockade D. closure 20. After their catastrophic defeat the of
the army made their way back to their mountain strongholds c. wounded D. deserters A
survivors B, remnants 21. Soldiers often wear so you can't see them easily. A. a disguise B.
heavy boots C, camouflage D. a costume 22. While on holiday Walter and Daisy were caught
a military coup D. out of C. with B. up in A, into attempt by the army was quickly foiled. 23,
A(n) D. coup B, overthrow C. overtake mutiny 24. The defenders the enemy until
reinforcements arrived C. held away D. held down B. held out A. held off 25. The general
was relieved of his command after committing one of the in the history of warfare. worst C,
disasters D. defeats B. blunders A faults 26. The soldiers were exhausted and couldn't move
back any further so they had no choice but to c invade A. surrender B, conquer D. retreat 27.
Up until midnight, one group of soldi were keeping watch, then an. other group took D, on c,
up B. over A. in 28, The troops were positioned in for action A, anticipation B, alerts C,
standby D. readiness 29

his superior's orders resulted in his bei 29. His refusal to carry court-martialled D. on C, out A,
through from delaying military action. 30. The soldiers had little to D, obtain C. win B, gain
enefit 31. I don't think he is a very good leader because he has no control the soldiers in his
company D, at A, in C. over B, on to photograph any part of the 32. The press were given
complete military base. B, independence C. liberation D, liberty A, freedom 33. The soldiers
attacked the town the danger of causing large num bers of civilian easualties there A, in
addition to B, despite D, for fear of C, besides 34. The army suffered very heavy yet, their
victory was imposing. B, victims C. wounds D. harms 35. The object of a siege is to starve
the defenders into their food supplies by cutting off A rejecting B, interrupting C, surrendering
D. consuming 36. According to the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war should not be
treated cruelly, but should be dealt with as as possible. A. immensely B. indifferently C.
abusively D. humanely 37, Jimmy gave up his work in the hotel kitchen and became a(n)
soldier in the army A. voluntary B. intentional C, optional D. deliberate 38. The sergeant was
furious because he hadn't been A. communicated B. announced C, referred of the
manoeuvres D. notified 39. Fighting among rebel soldiers last night and a curfew has now
been imposed on the city A. enhanced B. heightened C. intensified D, aggravated 40, The
came on board and inspected all the sailors on the ship B. admiral C. private D. pacifist A. ally
41. The army camp is beyond that mountain. There's we'll reach it before night fall. chance
that A. slight B. small C. few D little than gunfire and ground-based artillery are generally less
accurate A. many aircraft-borne weapons Marine B. Sea C. N aval D. Ocean 42 43, A(n) is a
soldier of the lowest rank in an army Sergeant C. officer A, private D. platoon 44. Th 45, Th
46.. Th 47 48, Ir 49. T 50, D

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