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The Past, Present and Future of Boston

Mrs. Bowles OR


This class will ask you to to look at an era, event or idea from our citys past and evaluate the choices made by
people during the time in which they lived. It will ask you to think about big ethical questions that our city has
faced in the past and currently faces today. It will encourage you ask questions about the present and how we have
developed into the city we are today. It will invite you to become active participants in creating a better future for
generations to come. Most of all, this course will ask you to become knowledgable, acitve and engaged citizens of
Boston. The units are as follows:
Term 1:
I. Pre-European Boston and New EnglandThe Native American societies
II. The Puritans and Pre-Revolutionary Boston
III. Revolutionary Boston and the Citys Role in the New Nation
IV.Early 19th Century & Industrial Revolution Boston transformed
Term 2:
V. The Abolitionist Movement and Bostons Role in the Civil War
VI. The impact of Immigration in Boston in the late 19th and early 20th century
VII. Urban planning and the time of the Bosses in the late 19 th and early 20th century
Term 3:
VIII. Post World War II and Urban renewal of the 1960s
IX. Racial Tensions and the Turmoil of the 1960s
X. The Busing Crisis of the 1970s
Term 4:
XI. The New BostonImmigration and changes in 1980s and 1990s
XII. Boston TodayIssues and opportunities for change


Each term, your grade will be determined by:
Unit Quizzes, Essays, Projects or Formal Debates 25%
Document Based Questions & Close Reading Assignments 25%
Homework 20%
Classwork and Class Decorum 20%
Binder/Notebook 10%

--Quizzes are based on what we have covered throughout the unit. The quizzes are in multiple-choice format and
are open notebook (so it is important to keep your notes organized and copy any notes you miss because of an
absence). They will occur several times a term.

--Projects are assigned throughout the yearusually one or two a term. They are pair or group-based and you will
have some class time to complete the projects. They often will involve an online presentation tool like prezi or
thinglink. You may be asked to present you work either to me or to the class.
--Debates are a great way to formally research and discuss historical events and their connection to current issues.
We will have at least one formal debate per term and every student will participate and be graded on their
contribution to their team. We will also use Socratic Seminar as a way to discuss and analyze topics.

--Document Based Questions and/or Close Reading Assignments and Writing Prompts are given throughout the
school year. They are essentially short, in-class essays where you refer to historical documents in your answer. You
will be able to use all of your notes, homework and classwork to complete DBQs.

-- Homework is always reading and answering questions from an assigned reading. There are usually 34
sections of homework assigned per week or two. All homework should be completed by due date given, but late
work within the same unit will be accepted. It will be collected and assigned a grade based on completeness,
accuracy and effort (on a scale of 0 to 10) and then returned to you. If you let someone copy your homework, you
will receive a zero. No exceptions.

-- Classwork can be many different things. You may be asked to read and annotate an article, analyze a historical
documents or quotes, or debate ideas. You might work in groups, pairs or individually. Generally, classwork is
due at the end of each class and will be graded based on completeness, accuracy and effort (on a scale of 0 to 10).
Part of your grade for classwork is based on your class decorum, which simply means how you act in class.
Examples of proper class decorum include:
Coming to class regularly and arriving on time
Staying awake, alert and on task during class
Paying attention to the discussion and taking notes
Contributing to class discussions without dominating them
Keeping side conversations to a minimum and not distracting peers
Being aware of your language and attitude toward your peers and toward me
Be reasonable and respectful with cell phone use. Keep them on silent. Keep them off to the sidepreferably out
of sight. No pictures or constant texting. Just act grown and polite and I wont be annoyed.

--Notebooks and binders are required and must be brought to class everyday. Returned work will be stored in your
folder in the classroom and will be returned to you periodically to put in your own binder. You should store all
important readings, work you need to complete and returned work in an organized way in your binder. You will
receive a grade at the end of each term

--Your grade will be posted online on Aspen and will be updated weekly. I expect you to check your grade and to
come to me for any questions or missing assignments. I will not chase you to improve your grade. Repeated,
excessive tardies or unexcused absences from class almost always result in bad grades. You simply cant make up
all that we do in class...especially if you are chronically absent with no excuse. You are not entitled to make-up
work if your absence is unexcused.
Please cut below and return it for a grade.
I have read and understood the requirements and expectations for the History of Boston class.

Your name:_______________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________

Telephone number and email:_____________________________________________________________________________

Parent or Guardian name: ________________________________ Telephone number and /or email: _____________________


What should I know about you that will help you to do well in this class?


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