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Printed in U.S.A. nained it tendon, for tll the excitement 1 fam getting here: | Pa Z uA 4 ¥ NY squat ‘coming Ve Yi “thls aye: ie CY —— AS THE STORM SUBSI UIFEBOATS ORIFTS 8’ Not a sign of land! | wonder [7 "| where we con be? = AV! THE SHIP GOES DOWN, TAKING MOST OF THE CREW! WITH HER..BUT A FEW SURVIVORS CLING DESPERATELY TO THE ROCK. CLASSICS DUlestraled y AN = => = = yl CLASSICS Illustrated FROM THE FOREST BORDERING THE BEACH, A STARTLED LILLIPUTIAN STARES AT THE MONSTROUS APPARITION ON THE SANDS \ Tied down! How did this hoppen? CLASSICS Illustrated 9 him to the CLASSICS Illustrated i. 55 200% As Gul IVERiRd MASTERED Ti08 SMRAHGF CAGE? 1OR PAYS HIM ANOTHER By order of the Emperor, you may go free if you will assent to these conditions.» « ad | Guiuiver is wow sree to | rrave asour tme ]| vistr 1s TO THE EMPEROR'S. PALACE. _| ENTERTAINMENTS ARE HELD FOR | ) GULLIVER'S * |_| senerrr. AT ONE END OF} THE TOURNEY CLASSICS Illustrated Emperor's cabinet, You have saved my fe. Consider me fell me what danger \ contronts Lilliput. . These are some of CLASSICS PlLsstrated ONE HIGH OFFICIAL WATCHES GULLIVER’S ADVANCE IN ROYAL FAVOR WITH GREAT Di SURE. = way to do so is 10 aes make the Emperor [{) becomin ) BN }} believe he is |? powertul. 1 must tn enemy of stop him Lilliput. Here is my plon We will get him to break one of the pledges he made when he was freed. Tomorrow morning, go to his house, dressed os 0 Herald of the Emperor ‘and tell him the Emperor wishes t0 see im at once. The Blofuscvans must be atrocking. But he didn't he give two i ba hours notice... Wa | Hi worn, the Look! The iMMisfsucs*: fa A mon mountain (Elisegs = ‘SOLDIERS WITH POISONED ARROWS SURROUND GULLIVER AT THE CLASSICS Plustrated CLASSICS Iluddrated We'll hold them on this hill! UDDENLY HE ILEFUSCUANS ARE BROUGHT TO AN ABRUPT HALT, UT ANOTHER BLEFUSCUAI Bt COLUMN IS APPROACHING FROM THE REAR, EIGHT HUNDRED YaRDS ACROSS THE WATER LIES GULLIVER REACHES THE ENEMY VESSELS. UNDISTURBED BY A HAIL OF TOWARD LILLIPUT, TAKING ‘THE ENTIRE BLEFUSCU FLEET WITH HIM... something, this Gulliver will The towns in the dy valley will be flooded! CLASSICS Idustrated ULLIVER’S TASK IS FINISHED. ROAD-BED HAS BEEN MADE 1s. AND THE RIVER'S FORCE IS DIVERTED! THIS LATEST HONOR BESTOWED ON GULLIVER, FURTHER INCENSES THE JEALOUS BOLGOLAM, WHO, DREAMING OF NEW CONQUESTS TO GAIN THE EMPEROR'S FAV Goaps TI BLEFUSCU. HIS MAJESTY MI GRAND VISION OF CONQUEST, AND BOLGOLAM HAPPILY SEES HIMSELF AS COMMANDER ‘OF THE FLEET, BUT... THE EMPEROR CALLS FOR GULLIVER! Yes, you can do a feat service for Lilliput by helping us | t0 conquer Blefuscu. ‘But, your majesty, we have signed a treaty of peace fh What is ¢ treaty? PA serop of paper. must conquer suade you from becoming © conqueror? Who knows? Ig us Pi Very well GM Prepare the fleet fh CLASSICS Illustrated Your chance has come! 1 have just learned that the Blefuscu ambassador will visit Gullive™ night! TO MAKE SURE GULLIVER WILL BE UNABLE TO INTERFERE, HE PLANS TO | ¥] CONVINCE THE EMPEROR THAT GULLIVER MUST BE DONE AWAY WITH. A HENCHMAN BRINGS HIM THE NEWS HE HAS BEEN WAITING GULLIVER RECEIVES THE AMBASSADOR CORDIALLY, UNAWARE THAT HIS EVERY MOVE IS BEING WATCHED BY THE TREACHEROUS, SPYING PAIR WHO SEEK HIS DOOM. ‘THE AMBASSADOR BECOMES ATJRACTED BY GULLIVER’S WATCH AND GULLIVER IN FRIENDLY SPIRIT OFFERS IT TO HIM FOR A SOUVENIR. THE AMBASSADOR, WISHING TO RETURN THE TOKEN OF FRIENOSHIP, PROMISES TO BRING GULLIVER SOME THE FOLLOWING NIGHT ... AS A THAT IS ALL BOLGOLAM NEEDS TO HEAR... HURRYING TO THE EMPEROR, HE REPORTS THAT I regret to announce that we are harboring Yes . | Gulliver Is plotting @ traltor in our midst. se to turn us over as slaves to Gulliver! Pepa | Blefescu: Si ° CLASSICS Pllusbrated is Lot us put out his eyes .. blind him | while he sleeps. Then he will be helpless }| against us, and we will be able to use his |) EB] strength as we wish for |] Why am I being orrested? _ || f ' For conspiracy to destroy Lilliput! The graitor's eyes will elosed forever when you ‘men are finished with him. . | | gold | evening from the | Ambassador of Blefuscu? aan Here they come now 'y! Bolgolam hos : . with white het irons for your eyes! you of taking gold to betray us. TI cabinet hos declared you @ traitor and i a: i a4 safe CASSIS Ilustrated Go back te Bletuay and tell your king that It Gulliver is not delivered to us, J Securnly ound sthio forty L| eight hours. we will destroy the on end enslave all sts Let them come We will be reody tor her Here's our spot. the Lilliputians will count on ‘our inability to keep f} their ships from reaching hore because we ] have no ships with which to stop them... uo = Wee ‘Good! Then we concentrate our | defenses here. ‘And when they've ee ee oman ssing numbers to drive us back. But... they will aever HUNDRED YARDS FROM THE the shore! J WATER'S EDGE, A ROW OF HILLS UKE A MATURAL Gamice mises ABOVE THE BEACH, HERE, GULLIVER ORDERS WORKMEN TO OIG DEEP HOLES IN. THE GROUND. How do you plan to stop MILE ACROSS THE CHANNEL SARATD ‘THE ‘TWO COUNTRIES, FEVERISH aguante ARE ALSO; We will drop anchor just ouside the orrows. Then There it ist The Lilliputian fleet! They are coming closer, men. When they see ane on Get ready for action! we have. They will guess what awaits th behind the hills. BUT GEFORE THOSE TWENTY YARDS HAVE BEEN, _ co |] Anothes twenty yards. then drop anchor and SOME SHIPS SUCCEED IN |] LOWERING LANDING BOATS. Let's turn back PAR before we're | TX...) smoshed toot | ie |]fear another attack by Lilligut for a long time. cLassics Illustrated SEVERAL DAYS LATE! fine! Perhaps ‘A peace mission has ps e have p st from now we can you, | tga they Bere a pele : Z : \ combined. We will Tee sears serve under you as pte erkcelinhte i * deputy. rulers. ene cr tadeney and installed his nates See y ‘ But | feel it is time «fo my native land. THE LITTLE PEOPLE ARE SORRY TO SEE GULLIVER GO .. . BUT THEY UNDERSTAND HIS LONGING ME, AND HELP HIM BUILD A SMALL BOAT. HUNDREDS OF TINY SHEETS ARE SEWN TOGETHER THICKNESSES ARE QUILTED TOGETHER AND GULLIVER HAS A SAIL FOR HIS BOAT. THOUSANDS OF GULLIVER’S LITTLE FRIENDS: GATHER TO SEE HIM OFF, THEIR GOOD WISHES RINGING IN HIS EAR AFTER THREE DAYS OF GULLIVER LEAVES THESE STRANGE PEOPLE NORTHWARD SAILING | AND THE STRANGE ADVENTURES HE MET AMONG THEM cee [ te THE CAPTAIN DID NOT BELIEVE GULLIVER’S STORY Haw do you come to be UNTIL HE PRODUCED FROM HIS POCKET ‘drifting ut here? : SPT thor: © long story which you will probably net J eortainly am happy to be back bur it will take me weeks fo get used to moving among people my ‘own size! THE LIFE OF JONATHAN SWIF _ Although most widely known for his classic, “Gulliver's Travels”, Jonathan Swift is also the author of more than 230 stories, essays, pamph- lets, more than 300 poems, and hundreds of letters which have become part of English liter- ature, He was one of the most prolific writers of the early 18th century. Swift was born on November 30, 1667, in Dublin, Ireland. His parents, who were natives of England living in Ireland, sent him to the Kilkenny Grammar School and then to Trinity College in Dublin, where he took his Bachelér of Arts degree. Upon his graduation from Trinity College, he was ap- pointed private secretary to one of England’s outstand- ing statesmen of the day, Sir William Temple, to {whom he was distantly re lated. It was during these years that he met Esther Johnson, the woman who, as “Stella”, was destined to jplay an important role in ibis life and in’ his writings. Some biographers believe he was secretly married to her, In 1659, Swift was ordained Doctor of Divinity in the Church of England. In 1699, leaving the employ of Sir William Temple, he took the post of secretary of chaplain to the Lord Deputy Berkeley in Ireland. The remainder of his life was devoted to active and frequently violem Participation in the religious and political issues then confronting England and Ireland. In 1701, he went to England, where he plunged into the feud raging between the Whig and Tory parties. At first he followed the policies of the Whigs, but in 1710 he switched over to the Tories and P| A soon became a member of the unofficial eabinet of advisers surrounding Queen Anne. He had started his writing in 1704, with the publication of two prose works, “The Battle of the Books” and “Tale of Tub”, From then on, his output was tremendous, consisting princi- pally of pamphlets, tracts and essays on religi- ‘ous and political subjects. He continued to write profusely until 1736, Poems, letters, and prose works of all kinds flowed from his pen in a torrent. He probably wrote more than did any other writer of the time. Most of his work was satiric in nature, miuch of it bitterly so. Real-_ izing the evile that clouded many aspects of the civiliza- tion in which he lived, he sought by sharp, biting sar- casm, by invective, by irony, to drive people to action against these evils: “Gulliver's Travels” (or,as it is more correctly known, “Travels into Several Re mote Nations of the World By Lemuel Gulliver”) writ- ten in 1726 has become one of the world’s most popular works of literature. “Gulliver's “Travels” was written by Swift ay a aay: age commentary on the European world Swift knew, a8 # condemnation of the laws and cue toms of his own and other countries that led one of the characters in the story to deseribe the inhabitants of Europe as “the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suf- fered to craw] upon the surface of the earth.” In later years, Swift's satire became more and ” more violently bitter, possibly the result of « mental disease which, by 1736, caused him to become insane. He never recovered and died on October 19, 1745. BEST LOVED STORIES FROM THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF FAIRY TALES = 501 SNOW WHITE AND THE 523 THE GALLANT TAILOR SEVEN DWARFS 524 THE WILD SWANS 502 THE UGLY DUCKLING 4525 THE LITTLE MERMAID 403 CINDERELLA 526 THE FROG PRINCE 508 THE PIED PIPER 527 THE GOLDEN-MAIRED GIANT 505 THE SLEEPING BEAUTY 528 THE PENNY PRINCE 506 THE 3 LITTLE PiGs 529 THE MAGIC SERVANTS 507 JACK AND THE BEANSTALK 520 THE GOLDEN BIRD 4508 GOLDILOCKS AND THES BEARS 531 RAPUNZEL 509 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 1532 THE DANCING PRINCESSES SIOLITTLE RED RIDING HOOD 1533 THE MAGIC FOUNTAIN 517 PUSS-N-BOOTS 594 THE GOLDEN TOUCH 512 RUMPELSTILTSKIN 4535 THE WIZARD OF OZ 513 PINOCCHIO 1536 THE CHIMNEY SWEEP SIS JOHNNY APPLESEED 4597 THE THREE FAIRIES 516 ALADDIN AND HIS LAMP 1538 SILLY HANS 1517 THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES 539 THE ENCHANTED FISH 518 THE GOLDEN GOOSE 540 THE TINDER.2OX S19 PAUL BUNTAN ‘541 SNOW WHITE & ROSE RED 1520 THUMBELINA ‘542 THE DONKEY'S.TALE 521 KING OF THE GOLOEN RIVER ‘543 THE HOUSE IN THE WOODS 522 THE NIGHTINGALE 4544 THE GOLDEN, FLEECE ONLY 25c EACH 4545 THE GLASS MOUNTAIN iC ENDORSED BY EDUCA- 546 THE ELVES AND THE TORS. 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