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Bovee (2000, p.4) stated that 'communication is the process of sending and receiving message' while on
the other site Nurul Huda (2010, p.4) stated that 'communication is transactional where give-and-take
relationship between sender and recevier in order to establish a common understanding'. In other
meaning, communication can be classified as a process of reaching mutual understanding, in which
participants not only exchange (encode and decode) information but also create and share meanings.

When the receiver get the message with sucessfully, it is mean the communication is effectiveness.
However if there are many communication barriers between the receiver and sender that is mean the
sender should use or choose a suitable channel to communicate with the receiver, either use verbal
communication or nonverbal communication.

At the long year ago, ancient people used more nonverbal communication likes drawing, body gesture,
face expression, 'vocal characteristics, and touching behavior' ( UHL3112, 2000). According to Bovee
'nonverbal communication is the process of communicating without words' (2000,p.4), but it used more
body language, visuals, less structured and more spontaneous than verbal communication. That is mean
before verbal communication appear ancient people used nonverbal communication to show their
feeling and as a reaction to the environment situation.
How the nonverbal communication works?

Nonverbal communication works as the silent communication to show feelings or emotion without use
any words. The nonverbal communication signal can play five roles which are; 'repetition,
contradiction, substitution, complementing and accenting' (Jeanne, 2009).

The role of repetition is consist of using gesture for strenghthen the verbal message such as pointing to
the object or as a direction, for example use thumb as a sign for a good thing or show the forefinger to
give the direction. While the complementing can be used to elaborate on verbal messages to reinforce
the information sent when trying to achieve communicative goals or to reinforce the general tone by the
verbal message, as example a mother who is fondle her daughter hair while giving praise can increase
the effects of verbal message. For the substitution, it can replace the verbal message especially in noisy
situation or was interuption by something. Sometimes from a person's eyes we can get a clear message
than a words such as the teacher rounded her eye to her students without saying any words as a angry
signal to her students or putting the finger to lips to indicate be silent. Role of accenting 'may accent or
underline a verbal message' (Jeanne, 2009) such as knock the door which underline the message to
open the door. The last but not least is the role of contradiction, where people can 'contradict a message
that the individual is trying to convey' (Jeanne, 2009). The messages contradiction may occur with
variety of reasons when people trying to stop their uncertainty, ambivalence, or frustration feelings.
When the messages is mixed, nonverbal communication becomes the primary tool for people to use
where it attain additional information to clarify the situation. For example people sigh, where the
people let out a long or deep breath that shows they are bored, tired, sad,or dissappointed.

Nonverbal communication not only works as a reaction or movement of body but it also can use on a
pieces of paper, or in electronic devices. For example, mute people can not hear and talk anything but
either by using their fingger signal they also can communicate by sending a message by e-mail, text in
phone, or write the letter. Painting also is one of the nonverbal communication, where it is works to
express what they feel by draw what their think and want.
How you can used these nonverbal channel to communicate your thought and feeling more

Use the nonverbal channel at the suitable situation and can be used to express intimacy, and controlling
the type and amount of communication. Research has identified several different types of nonverbal
communication like touching behavior, 'facial expression, body gestures, paralinguistics, body
language and posture, proxemics, eye gaze, haptics and appearance' (Cherry, 2010). The picture below
show that with using the face reaction, people can know that person is in what mood. As example, in
the cartoon below who showed his thooth is in angry and hate mood and the next is in happy, sad,
bored, ease, mild and aggressive.

Nonverbal communication was not only used by human, it also can use for animals as a direction to
them. These type of nonverbal communication use more gesture, according to Cherry (2010) 'common
gestures include waving, pointing, and using fingers to indicate number amounts'. As a example, if we
have a dog as our pet, the dog cannot understand if we speak to the dog for sit but the dog can get easily
to understand if we pointing and motion our finger up to down which mean “stay” to them. Another
example, mute people use motion of hand to communicate each other and to other people, they cannot
speak but they use their own special signal by using motion of hand and finger. Sometimes when
people wave the hand, it have a spesific and intentional meaning like “hye” or “good bye”. However,
the meaning of gestures will be very different in all cultures and regions, so it is important to be careful
in avoid misunderstood. From the view side of posture and body language, it is more to the way of
body movement as example, the way people , sits, walks,looks, and stands. Other movement are like
unintentional and express a more general message like slauching leaning forward, fidgeting, and
walking briskly where that were all unconcious signals. In meeting room for example, sometime we
can assume our collegues or our employer in what mood, we can determine it by the way they sit
especially, some of them sitting with hand and head on the table, but when the boss walk inside to the
room they change their posture to sit properly eather forced or willingly.
'Paralinguistics refers to vocal communication that is separate from actual language, which includes
factors such as tone of voice, loudness, inflection, and pitch. Consider the powerful effect that tone of
voice can have on the meaning of a sentence. When said in a strong tone of voice, listeners might
interpret approval and enthusiasm' (Cherry, 2010). In the other words just with our voice only, we can
state clearly message to the receiver either with intentional or unintentional. As example, in any debate
or talks activities situation, sometimes we can hear the debater or talker voice a bit louder and strictly
enough for reinforce their statments and their will get back to the normal voice when it just an opinion
or fact statments. From that situation also we can know either the talks or debater is confident in their
statement or not. This is because when the dabater or talker use the same words and said with a hesitant
tone of voice it might convey disapproval and a lack of people interest to listen the talks. 'The tone and
volume of people voice, accent and speaking pace, and all the little “um's” and “ah's” that creep into
your speech say a lot about who you are, your relationship with the audience and the emotions
underlying your words' (Bovee, 2000, p.37).

Eye gaze or eye contact is one of the important type in nonverbal communication. ' The way you look
at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction' (Jeanne,
2009) blinking and staring. It is also important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for assume
the other person’s response, such as when we delivered a presentation we should play the eye contact
with the audience otherwise the presentation will look gloomy and boring and effect our mood to
present, that is mean the presentaion is not effective and sucessful. Haptics or communicating through
touch is an important asset for conveying warmth and comfort. There has been a big amount of
researchs on the importance of touch in infancy and early childhood, where as we always watch in
television the advertisement about baby lotion, stated that the babies bone can have a good growth by
touch caress them always. In organization, 'the firm handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm
bear hug, a reassuring pat on the back, a patronizing pat on the head, or a controlling grip on your arm'
(Cherry, 2010) were the suitable ways to communicate with collegues in work place or in organization .
However, this types of communication should be use at suitable places and times because maybe it can
be misunderstood as sexual haresment, especially in workplace or in any organization.
Our appearance helps us to establish our social identity. When we are in good looking and cares about
our personality, people perceptions will feel good about ourself. That feeling affects our behavior to be
more attractive and confident in any situation. Although an individual's body type and facial features
impose limitations, most people are able to control their attractiveness to some degree. Choice of color
grooming, clothing, accessories, all of this are the factors effecting a person appearance.

The ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is a powerful tool that will help you
connect with others, express what you really mean, navigate challenging situations, and build better
relationships at home and work. Every day, people used nonverbal communication as a compliment of
verbal communication. Without face expression, body gesture, posture, body language, gesture, eye
contact etc, we communicate like a robortic where there is only the “flate” of face and body just talking
straightly without tone, smile, and loughing. We also can not define either the person was in sad, agry,
dissapointed or in a happy mood. Most of mute people was totally depend on nonverbal
communication. They use it everyday and every time in their life, without nonverbal communication
they can not live like normal people. The old people also depend on nonverbal communication, because
when their age above 70 years most of them cannot hear very clear, so we need to write to
commuunicate with them. Nonverbal communication also easy and save our time, for example when
we need to talk with some one that we really love but they were not closed with us, we can send text
messaging by mobile phone or send the message by e-mail rather than go and see them at their place
just to say “i love you” or “hye” and “how are you”. It can cut cost and save time.

Although have the good and the bad things about nonverbal communication, it is still related to our life
and people can not live without nonverbal communication wher it also as a verbal communication

(1770 Words)

Jeanne Segal. (2009). The power of nonverbal communication and body language. [Online]. Retrived
on 10 June 2010 from:

Kendra Cherry. (2010). Types of nonverbal communication. [Online]. Retrived on 11 June 2010 from:

Courtland L. Bovee/ John V. Thill. (2000). Business communication today. United States: Prentice Hall.

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