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1 http://ijcn.mainspringer.

com Volume 2; Issue 12; December, 2015

International Journal of
Comprehensive Nursing
ISSN: 2349 - 5413

Effectiveness of Therapeutic Massage on Level of Bilirubin among Neonates with

Physiological Jaundice

Anitha Robert1*, Ruthrani Princely Jeyaraj2, and Sambavadas Kanchana3

PG Scholar, Omayal Achi College of Nursing, Chennai.
HOD, Pediatric Nursing Department, Omayal Achi College of Nursing, Chennai.
Principal, Omayal Achi College of Nursing, Chennai.


Article History: The present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic
Received 06 December 2015 massage on level of bilirubin among neonates with physiological jaundice at
Received in revised form 22 De-
cember 2015 selected hospital, Chennai. A Quantitative approach, True-experimental -
Accepted 25 December 2015 Pre test post test design was adopted for the present study. Thirty neonates
Available online 30 December each in study and control group were selected by simple random sampling
2015 technique- lottery method. In study group each neonate was given the
therapeutic massage twice daily with 4 hours interval for a period of 5 days.
The pre and post test level of bilirubin was assessed by using Modified
Key words: Neonatal Emergency and Transport Services (NETS) Guidelines Scale. The
Therapeutic massage, level of
bilirubin, NETS Guidelines, neo- results concluded that there was high statistical significant reduction in level
nates with physiological jaundice. of bilirubin among neonates in the study group who received the therapeutic

Introduction promotes relaxation and well being. Therapeutic massage

Physiological jaundice is the most common condition stimuli can be directly sent to the exteroceptor the skins
requiring medical attention in newborns. Jaundice is also sensory terminal. The flow of blood, lymph and tissue
a common reason for readmitting a newborn to the fluid in the subcutaneous tissues, are induced. As a result
hospital after early discharge. Globally the incidence of all elements essential to the body are adjusted and waste
Physiological jaundice is observed in almost 80% of the products are collected and excreted. In addition it
normal neonates and 95% of the preterm.[1] The incidence stimulates the vagus nerve and heightens the production
of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in intramural live-births of food absorbing hormone which subsequently increases
is 3.3% while in extramural admissions morbidity due to the secretion of gastric and pancreatic fluid. This
hyperbilirubinemia accounted for 22. 1%.[2] The incidence increases the amount of milk the infant suckles and
of physiological jaundice in India varied from 15%-20% enhances food digestion. This ultimately increases
of neonates. In Tamil Nadu incidence of physiological frequency of stool excretion and causes increased
jaundice varied from 20%-25%. [3] excretion of stercobilinogen.[5-6]

Massage in neonates has the beneficial effects such as: Some of the studies which showed effectiveness of
relief from discomfort due to Gas, colic and constipation, massage were, Seyyedrasooli A, Jafarabadi M, et al., (2014)
regulates sleep/ wake cycle, infant parent attachment, conducted a randomized controlled trial among 43 healthy
promotes relief from pain improved blood circulation, term infants at Tabriz Al-Zahra hospital to investigate
aids in digestion, improves immune function and the effect of vimala massage on physiological jaundice.
stimulates the neuro muscular development.[4] The jaundice level was assessed using transcutaneous
bilirubinometer and frequency of defecation. The results
Therapeutic Massage is the manipulation of superficial indicated that 4 days of vimala massage has exceeded
and deep layers of muscle and connective tissue using number of defecation in the experimental group (p=0.449)
various techniques to enhance their function and and thus reduces the level of Transcutaneous bilirubin
in neonates with physiological jaundice.[7]
*Corresponding author.
Anitha Robert, Ruthrani Princely Jeyaraj and Sambavadas Kanchana, Effectiveness of Therapeutic Massage on
Level of Bilirubin among Neonates with Physiological Jaundice, IJCN, 2015, 2(12):1-6.
December, 2015; Volume 2; Issue 12 2
3 Volume 2; Issue 12; December, 2015
Figure - 2: Percentage distribution of pre-test and post-test level of bilirubin among neonates with physiological
jaundice in the study group (N=30)

Figure 3: Percentage distribution of pre-test and post-test level of bilirubin among neonates with physiological
jaundice in the control group (N = 30)
December, 2015; Volume 2; Issue 12 4
Table - 1: Effectiveness of therapeutic massage on level of bilirubin among neonates with physiological jaundice
between the study and control group (N=30)

Groups Bilirubin Mean S.D Unpaired t Test

Study Group Pre test 12.95 0.71
Post test 10.00 1.03 t = 6.868
Control Group Pre test 12.95 0.71 p = 0.000 , S***
Post test 11.59 0.74
***p<0.001, S Significant
Table - 2: Association of demographic variables with the mean differed score level of bilirubin among neonates with
physiological jaundice in study group (N = 30)
Pretest Post Test Mean Diff ANOVA/
Demographic Variables Unpaired t
Mean S.D Mean S.D Mean S.D Test
Maternal GDM t = 3.584
Yes 13.07 0.77 9.21 0.80 3.86 0.71 p = 0.008
12.93 0.71 10.20 0.99 2.72 0.65 S**

Moslem, Naghavi M, et al., (2014) conducted a clinical NH2- There is no significant association of the selected
trial among 34 full term infants with physiological jaundice demographic variables with mean differed level of
undergoing phototherapy at hospital in Iran. Blood tests bilirubin in study and control group at p < 0.05 level.
were done to assess the serum bilirubin levels. The
results indicated that on the 4th day of intervention there Conceptual framework
was a significant difference at 9.921.3mg/dl for the The conceptual framework adopted for this study was
massage groups and 11.971.52mg/dl for the control based on Modified Kolcobas theory of comfort [10] as
group demonstrating that massage therapy has shown in Figure 1. The present study was aimed to reduce
significant effect in decreasing the bilirubin levels.[8] the level of bilirubin among neonates with physiological
jaundice. The nurse investigator identified the health care
Chen J and Sadakata M., (2011) conducted a quasi need of the neonate (increased level of bilirubin), provided
randomized trial in a Japanese hospital among 42 full term the comfort measure (therapeutic massage) with ultimate
healthy newborns selected using convenient sampling aim of promoting the enhanced comfort (decreased level
method. Bilirubin levels were assessed using serum of bilirubin). Thus this best practice was appreciated and
bilirubin levels and transcutaneous bilirubinometer. The was incorporated into the institutional policy
findings of the study were, the mean stool frequency of
massaged infants (4.6) was significantly higher than the Methodology
control group (2.6) and the serum total bilirubin levels A true experimental research design was adopted to
and the transcutaneous bilirubin levels were significantly assess the effectiveness of therapeutic massage on level
decreased in the massaged group compared to the of bilirubin among neonates with physiological jaundice.
control group. The study finding suggests that baby The independent variable of this study was therapeutic
massage is beneficial for ameliorating neonatal jaundice. massage and the dependent variable was level of bilirubin.
[9] The study was conducted in Andhra Mahila Sabha,
Durgabai Deshmukh General Hospital and Research
Thus the nurse investigator adopted the intervention Centre Adyar, Chennai. The study population includes
Therapeutic massage as the intervention tool for the neonates with 37-41 weeks of gestation with
present study as it is a cost effective, easy and safely physiological jaundice admitted in AMS, Adyar. The
can be performed by nurses and even the caregivers at sample size consisted of 60 neonates (who fulfils the
home and health care settings. inclusion and exclusion criteria) selected by simple
random sampling technique lottery method, pair
Objectives matching was done for selected demographic variables
1. To assess and compare the pre and post test level and homogeneity of the groups were maintained. The
of bilirubin among neonates with physiological study included the neonates with 37-41weeks and
jaundice in the study and control group. neonates categorized to have Zone 3 & 4 level of jaundice
2. To assess the effectiveness of therapeutic massage according to Modified NETS Guidelines and who are
on level of bilirubin among neonates with receiving intermittent phototherapy. The study excluded
physiological jaundice between study and parents of neonates who were not willing to participate
control group. in this study and neonates who are critically ill or with
3.To associate the selected demographic variables severe congenital anomalies.
with the mean differed score level of bilirubin
among study and control group. The instrument used in this study was Modified NETS
Guidelines which included the Serum bilirubin and
Null Hypotheses Kramers Rule for the assessment of level of bilirubin.
NH1- There is no significant difference between pre and Neonates with serum bilirubin level of 12-15 mg/dl and
post test level of bilirubin between study and control neonates within the Zone 3 & 4 in the Kramers Rule
group at p < 0.05 level. were taken into as study samples.
5 Volume 2; Issue 12; December, 2015
After thorough hand washing the investigator by placing Apart from the study objectives the investigator had
her warm hands began the procedure by applying mild monitored for any improvement in the weight gain and
pressure onto the neonates skin. Massage starts on the stool frequency as background variables. The
face using two thumbs gently rubbing the peri-orbital background variables of the study included assessment
and cheek region; and then moving to the chest and of pre test and post test weight gain and stool frequency.
abdomen using the two hands from the lower margin of The post test stool frequency mean score was found to
the chest slide to opposite upper edges alternatively then have highly significant value indicating that therapeutic
to the abdomen in a half circle position gently; next massage was found to increase stool frequency in
moving towards the limbs using hand by hand fashion neonates in the study group with the mean of 6.30 and
with moderate pressure on the external sides of the upper SD 0.59 and t value was calculated as 11.200, thus
and lower limbs and finally moved to the back performing enhanced the reduction in level of bilirubin.
the massage with two hands from vertebra to both the
sides from the neck to the buttock. The investigator Recommendations
performed the intervention 1 hour after the feed twice The pediatric nurses can adopt therapeutic massage as
daily with an interval of 4 hours for 5 days. an easy, efficient and safe method employed in care of
neonates with physiological jaundice at their clinical
Results and Discussion areas of practice. The researcher recommends use of
The study findings were analyzed by means of Pairedt therapeutic massage in the hospital and also recommends
and Unpairedt test. Chi square test was used for that the postnatal mothers can be trained for the use of
association. Homogeneity of the group was maintained therapeutic massage as part of routine newborn care at
for 3 selected demographic variables: 10(33.34%) were home care settings.
with the gestational age of 38 weeks, 10(33.33%) were
with the gestational week of 39 and 10(33.33%) were with Conclusion
the gestational age of 40, 17(56.67%) had serum bilirubin Thus the study findings provided evidence that
of 12-13mg/dl, 8(26.67%) with serum bilirubin 13-14 mg/ therapeutic massage was effective in reducing the level
dl, 4(13.33%) mg/dl with serum bilirubin of 14-15 mg/dl of bilirubin among neonates with physiological jaundice.
and 1(3.33%) with serum bilirubin level of 15-16 mg/dl, Therefore the investigator recommends that therapeutic
with a birth weight of 2500-3000gm 20(66.67%), 7(23.33%) massage can be utilized by the pediatric health care
with the birth weight of 3001-3500 gm and 3(10.00%) with providers in their day to day practice at the maternity
the birth weight of >3500gm. and newborn wards.
The demographic variables in the study group as derived Source of Support: NIL
from the statistical interpretation depicts, 17(56.67%) were
male neonates, majority 19(63.33%) were first born, Conflict of Interest: NIL
22(73.33%) had no history of previous child with
physiological jaundice of which 14(46.67%) were born References
with normal vaginal delivery and 14(46.67%) were born 1. South East Asian Region (SEAR) Neonatal-Perinatal
by caesarean section. Almost all 30(100%) were on breast Database (NPD) Network report on newborn Available at
feeding with on demand feeding and all of them had
exposure to phototherapy with the duration of 4 hours / docum en t s/ r epor t _r egi on a l _n et wor k_m eet i n g
day and none of the neonates had any birth injuries and _on_newborn_2011.pdf
no neonates had exposure to sunlight. Majority of the
neonates 26(86.67%) had APGAR score of 9 at 5th minute 2. National Neonatal Perinatal Database (NNPD) report
of birth. The maternal factors include age of the mother 2002 2003 available at
of which 16(53.33%) had mothers with the age group pdf/nnpd_report_2002-03.PDF
between 20-25 years, none of the neonates 30(100%) had
Rh incompatibility, 29(96.67%) had no history of ABO 3. PHFI, AIIMS, and SC- State of Indias Newborns
incompatibility and 24(80.00%) had no history of maternal (SOIN) 2014- a report. (Eds) Zodpey S and Paul VK. Public
GDM. Health Foundation of India, All India Institute of Medical
Sciences and Save the Children. New Delhi, India available
Figure 2 presents the findings of the pre test and post a t h t t p : / / w ww. n e w b o r n w h oc c . or g /
level of bilirubin among neonates with physiological SOIN_PRINTED%2014-9-2014.pdf
jaundice in the study group. Figure 3 presents the pre
test and post test level of bilirubin among neonates with 4. Infant Massage Lessens Risk of Neonatal Jaundice,
physiological jaundice in the control group. Table 1 Online article available at
presents the findings of the effectiveness of therapeutic infant-massage-lessens-risk-of-neonatal-jaundice-8604/
massage on level of bilirubin among neonates with
physiological jaundice between the study and control 5. Massage therapy study guide available online at https:/
group with t test values which showed high statistical /
significance of massage on neonatal jaundice. study-guide-2015-16-laura-gordon/deck/15344103
Table 2 showed the significant association of 6. Field T, Diego M, Hernandez-Reif M (2010) Preterm
demographic variables with the mean differed score level infant massage therapy research: a review. Infant Behav
of bilirubin among neonates with physiological jaundice Dev 33: 115-124. Avilabale at http://
in study group. The only variable which got associated
was maternal gestational diabetes mellitus, where
neonates with mothers having GDM had high level of 7. Moslem, Naghavi M, et al., (2014). The effect of massage
serum bilrubin compared with neonates with mothers not on serum bilirubin levels in term neonates with
having GDM. hyperbilirubinemia undergoing phototherapy. Iranian
journal of pediatric nursing, 128(1), 36-41.
December, 2015; Volume 2; Issue 12 6

8. Seyyedrasooli, A., Jafarabadi ,M., et al., (2014). Effect

of vimala massage on physiological jaundice in infants:
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9. Chen, J., & Sadakata, M. (2011). Baby massage
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10. Kolcaba, K. Y., & Kolcaba, R. J. (1991). An analysis of
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