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Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways & Infrastructure Sign Symbols

IC-9 View Point IS-4 Telephone IS-15 Boating

IC-11 Airport (Major) IS-5 Golf IS-16 Fishing

IC-12 Airport (Minor) IS-6 Tenting IS-17 Electric Hook-up

IC-13 Parking IS-7 Picnicking IS-18 Laundry

IC-14 Handicapped IS-8 Gas IS-19 Water

IC-20 Museum
IS-8D Decal - Fuel Symbol IS-20 Sewage Disposal

IC-21 Bed & Breakfast IS-9 Food

IS-21 Supplies

IC-78 Library IS-10 Trailers

IS-22 Showers

IC-79 Portage IS-11 Accommodation

IS-24 Blank

IS- 2 Authorized Currency IS-12 Police IS-25 Cross Country Skiing


IS-13 Swimming IS-26 Hiking

IS-3 Hospital
Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways & Infrastructure Sign Symbols

IS-27 Information IS-86 Tennis IS-105 Vacation Ranch

IS-28 Litter IS-87 Boat Launch IS-108 Boat Pump out

IS-31 Groceries IS-89 Hunting IS-109 General Camping

IS-34 No Services IS-90 Theatre IS-110 Camping-Group

IS-91 Snowmobiling
IS-111 Fire Wood

IS-48 Name Tab IS-92 Shrine

IS-112 Emergency Health

IS-49 Point of Interest

IS-96 Waterslide

IS-113 Float Plane Landing

IS-50 Pharmacy
IS-97 Auto Repair

IS-56 Down Hill Skiing IS-115 Marina

IS-98 U-Pick

IS-59 All Services IS-117 Propane

IS-101 Farmers Market

IS-60 Handcrafts

IS-118 Rest Area

IS-101T Farmers Market

IS-61 Internet

IS-119 Towing
IS-102 Open/Closed
Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways & Infrastructure Sign Symbols

IS-120 All-Terrain Vehicles IS-137 Playground

IS-149 Watchable Wildlife

IS-121 Backpacking IS-139 Rope Tow

IS-150 Go-Cart

IS-122 Bicycling IS-140 Row Boat

IS-151 Indoor Skating

IS-123 Canoeing IS-141 Sailing

IS-152 Indoor Curling

IS-125 Chairlift IS-142 Skating

IS-164 Washrooms

IS-129 Cottage Subdivision IS-143 Snowshoeing

IS-165 Washrooms-
IS-130 Fish Hatchery IS-144 T-Bar

IS-132 Horseback Riding

IS-145 Tour Boat

IS-133 Houseboat
IS-146 Tour Bus

IS-135 Mini Golf

IS-147 Water-Skiing

IS-136 Paddle Boat

IS-148 Wind Surfing

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