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ENCE 6332


Source: MWHs Water Treatment Principles and Design, by Crittenden et al., 3rd Ed. John Wiley, (2012)

Table 9-16 Diffuser wall design guidelines

Parameter Unit Guideline
Opening area % of flow cross-section 2-5
Velocity through orifice m/s 0.55 (first wall) - 0.35 (last wall)
Head loss across baffle mm 7-9 (first wall to 3-4 (last wall)
Submergence of highest port mm 15
Clearance below baffle for sludge mm 25

Table 10-4 Typical design criteria for horizontal-flow rectangular tanks

Parameter Units Value
Minimum number of tanks - 2
Water depth m (ft) 3-5 (10-16)
Length-to-depth ratio, minimum - 15:1
Width-to-depth ratio - 3:1 to 6:1
Length-to-width ratio, minimum - 4:1 to 5:1
Surface loading or overflow rate m/h (gpm/ft2) 1.25-2.5 (0.5-1.0)
Horizontal mean-flow velocity at maximum daily flow m/min (ft/min) 0.3-1.1 (1-3.5)
Detention time h 1.5-4
Launder weir loading m3/m.h (gpm/ft) 9-13 (12-18)
Reynolds number - <20 000
Froude number - >10-5
Bottom slope for manual sludge removal m/m 1:300
Bottom slope for mechanical sludge scraper equipment m/m 1:600
Sludge collector speed, collection path m/min (ft/min) 0.3-0.9 (1-3)
Sludge collector speed, return path m/min (ft/min) 1.5-3 (5-10)

Table 10-5 Settling velocities of selected floc types at 15C

Floc Type Settling velocity, m/h Settling velocity, ft/min
Small fragile alum floc 2-4.5 0.12-0.24
Medium-sized alum floc 3-5 0.18-0.28
Large alum floc 4.0-5.5 0.22-0.30
Heavy lime floc (lime softening) 4.5-6.5 0.25-0.35
Iron floc 2-4 0.12-0.22
Prehydrolyzed alum salt (PACl) floc 2-4 0.12-0.22

Table 10-6 Typical design criteria for horizontal-flow rectangular tanks with tube settlers
Parameter Units Value
Minimum number of tanks - 2
Water depth m (ft) 3-5 (10-16)
Surface loading for plate or tube settlers: alum floc m/h (gpm/ft2) 2.44-6.11 (1-2.5)
Surface loading for plate or tube settlers: heavy floc m/h (gpm/ft2) 5-15 (2-6) AWWA
Maximum-flow velocity in plate or tube settlers m/min (ft/min) 0.15 (5)
Detention time in tube settlers min 6-10
Detention time in plate settlers min 15-25
Fraction of basin covered by plate or tube settlers % 75
Launder weir loading m3/m.h (gpm/ft) 3.75-15 (5-20)
Flow direction - Normally countercurrent upflow
Plate or tube angle deg 60
Mean horizontal velocity m/min (ft/min) 0.05-0.13 (0.15-0.5)
Reynolds number in tube or plate settler - <50 (Kawamura*)
Froude number in tube or plate settler - >10-5 (Kawamura*)
Tank Reynolds number, below settler module <20,000
(*) Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities, Second Edition, S. Kawamura, Wiley, 2000

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