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The tombstone at the grave of Bishop Policarp at the Skete
of St. John the Baptizer near Alba-Iulia, Romania

Photo taken on June 25, 1978, courtesy of George R. Gavrila collection.

Bishop Policarp (Moruca) in Detroit, Michigan

Photo on front cover: Wooden cross in St. Marys Cemetery, Vatra
Romneasc, commemorating His Grace, Policarp, First Bishop of The
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America. Photo courtesy of George
R. Gavrila collection.
Published through the authorship and blessing of
His Eminence, Archbishop Dr. NATHANIEL (Popp)
Translation and Short Biography
by Very Reverend Dr. Remus Grama
Copyright 2013
The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
PO Box 185, Grass Lake MI 49240-0185 U.S.A.
(517) 522-4800
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy,
recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without written
permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotation
extractions for use in critical reviews or articles.


ISBN 978-1-929200-18-4
Introduction Introducere
Akathist to Our Holy Father Among the Saints, Bishop Policarp of Craiva- Acatistul Printelui nostru celui ntre sfini, Episcopul Policarp de la Craiva-
Vatra: Hierarch & Confessor of the Faith is composed for the praise of the first Vatra: Ierarh i Mrturisitor al Credinei este compus spre lauda ntiului
bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America. It is also a means by Episcop al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Romne n America. Este, de asemenea, un
which present and future generations will come to know something of the life of mijloc prin care generaiile prezente i viitoare vor ajunge s cunoasc ceva din
this humble hierarch and confessor of the faith in the 20th century. viaa acestui smerit ierarh i mrturisitor al credinei din veacul al XX-lea.

The Akathist is based on the manuscript of Very Reverend Father Doctor Remus Acatistul se bazeaz pe manuscrisul crii Prea Cucernicului Printe doctor Remus
Grama for his book: Bishop Policarp Morusca, First Bishop of Romanians in Grama, Episcopul Policarp Moruca, ntiul Episcop al Romnilor-Americani
America - An Exile in His Own Country, published in 2005, by the Episcopates Scrisori din Captivitate, publicat n 2005, de Departamentul de Publicaii al
Department of Publications. Here one will find a more complete picture of Pompei- Episcopiei. Chipul lui Pompei-Policarp Moruca va putea fi gsit mai deplin aici.
Policarp Morusca. The book is in both the Romanian and English languages with a Cartea este scris att n limba Romn, ct i Englez, fiind prefaat de P. C. Pr.
Foreword by V. Rev. Fr. Professor Dr. Mircea Pacurariu, member of the Romanian Profesor Dr. Mircea Pcurariu, membru al Academiei Romne.
Atunci cnd Printele Grama mi-a dat manuscrisul s-l citesc, variatele aspecte
When Father Grama gave me the manuscript of his book to read, various themes ale vieii Episcopului Policarp mi-au devenit foarte evidente i, au alctuit, astfel,
on the life of Bishop Policarp became very obvious to me, and these are the basis baza acestui imn Acatist. Exist perioade definite n viaa acestui sfnt i smerit
for this Akathist hymn. There are definite periods in the life of this humble and om; nti n Romnia, apoi n Statele Unite i n cele din urm, capitolul final al
holy man: first in Romania, then in The United States, and the final chapters of vieii sale, ca exilat n propria ar. Dei s-ar putea ca Episcopul Policarp s
his life as an Exile in His Own Country. Although Bishop Policarp may still be mai fie nc cunoscut n Romnia, n America de Nord, memoria sa este mictor
known in Romania, it is in North America that his memory is vividly alive and de vie i cunoscut.
Episcopul Policarp a cltorit de-a lungul i de-a latul Canadei i Statelor
Bishop Policarp traveled across Canada and The United States, reaching parishes Unite, ajungnd n parohii care fuseser nfiinate cu peste trezeci de ani nainte
which had already been established more than thirty years before he arrived. de venirea sa. A venit pe un vapor, a cltorit cu automobilul i cu trenul ca s
He came over on a ship, traveled by automobile and train to reach the far-flung ajung la comunitile Romneti emigrante rsfirate la mari deprtri. De abia
immigrant Romanian communities. He had just begun to take root in his ncepuse s prind rdcini n Episcopia sa cnd s-a ntors n Romnia spre a
Diocese when he returned to Romania, never to return alive again. In his will and nu mai reveni niciodat, n aceast via. n testamentul su, Episcopul Policarp
testament, Bishop Policarp expressed his fervent desire to be buried at the Vatra. i-a exprimat regretul de a nu fi fost ngropat la Vatra. Pentru aceasta, Episcopia
For this reason, the Episcopate continues to press for the implementation of his continu s pledeze pentru ndeplinirea dorinei lui. Pn atunci, acest Acatist va
desire. Until then, this Akathist is one of longing for our first bishop to be present rmne o expresie a dorului ca ntiul nostru episcop s fie iari prezent ntre noi.
among us.
Finalizat n 2013, versiunea englez a acestui Acatist, a fost tradus n limba
The finalized 2013 English version of this Akathist was translated into Romanian romn de Printele Grama. Este acum a 65-a aniversar a adormirii sale. Venic
by Father Grama. It is now the 65th anniversary of his repose in blessed sleep. May s-i fie amintirea i, prin rugciunile sale, naintea tronului lui Dumnezeu, fie ca
his memory be eternal and through his intercessions before the throne of God, Biserica pe care a pstorit-o s nfloreasc spre mrirea lui Dumnezeu!
may the Church he pastored flourish to the glory of God. +Nathaniel, Arhiepiscop de Detroit,
+Nathaniel, Archbishop of Detroit Al doilea succesor al Episcopului Policarp
Second Successor to Bishop Policarp Episcopia Ortodox Romn din America
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America nlarea Domnului, 2013
Ascension of Our Lord, 2013

2 3
Akathist to Our Holy Father Acatistul Printelui nostru
Among the Saints, cel ntre sfini, Episcopul Policarp
Bishop Policarp of Craiva-Vatra: de la Craiva Vatra:
Hierarch & Confessor of the Faith Arhiereu mrturisitor al Credinei

Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever and unto the ages of Preotul: Binecuvntat este Dumnezeul nostru, totdeauna acum i
ages. Amen. pururea i n vecii vecilor. Amin.

Glory to you, our God, glory to you. Slav ie Dumnezeul nostru, slav ie.

Heavenly king, Comforter, Spirit of truth, who are present everywhere mprate ceresc, Mngietorule, Duhul Adevrului, Care pretutindenea
and fulfilling all things, the treasury of blessings and source of life: come eti, i pe toate le mplineti, Vistierul buntilor i Dttorule de
abide in us, cleanse us of all stains and save our souls, O good one. via, vino i te slluiete ntru noi, i ne curete pe noi de toat
ntinciunea, i mntuiete, Bunule, sufletele noastre.
Holy God, Holy mighty, Holy immortal, have mercy on us. Holy God,
Holy mighty, Holy immortal, have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy mighty, Sfinte Dumnezeule, Sfinte Tare, Sfinte fr-de-moarte, miluiete-ne pe noi.
Holy immortal, have mercy on us. Sfinte Dumnezeule, Sfinte Tare, Sfinte fr-de-moarte, miluiete-ne pe noi.
Sfinte Dumnezeule, Sfinte Tare, Sfinte fr-de-moarte, miluiete-ne pe noi.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever
and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Mrire Tatlui, i Fiului, i Sfntului Duh, i acum, i pururea, i n vecii
vecilor. Amin.
All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us, Lord, cleanse us of our sins. Master,
forgive our transgressions. Holy one, look down on us and heal our Preasfnt Treime, miluiete-ne pe noi. Doamne, curtete pcatele
infirmities to the glory of your name, noastre; Stpne, iart frdelegile noastre; Sfinte, cerceteaz i vindec
neputinele noastre, pentru sfnt numele Tu.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Glory to the
Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the Doamne, miluiete. Doamne, miluiete. Mrire Tatlui i Fiului i
ages of ages. Amen. Sfntului Duh, i acum, i pururea, i n vecii vecilor. Amin.

Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom Tatl nostru, Care eti n Ceruri, sfineasc-se numele Tu. Vie mpria
come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day Ta. Fac-se voia Ta, precum n cer aa i pe pmnt. Pinea noastr cea
our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who de toate zilele d-ne-o nou astzi. i ne iart nou greelile noastre,
trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from precum i noi iertm greiilor notri. i nu ne duce pe noi n ispit, ci ne
the evil one. izbvete de cel ru.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and C a Ta este mpria i puterea i mrire, a Tatlui i a Fiului i a
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the age of ages. Sfntului Duh, acum i pururea i n vecii vecilor. Amin.

4 5
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; we sinners, your servants Miluiete-ne pe noi, Doamne, miluiete-ne pe noi, c nepricepndu-ne
incapable of response, offer you as master this supplication: have mercy de niciun rspuns, aceast rugciune aducem ie, ca unui Stpn, noi,
on us. pctoii robii Ti, miluiete-ne pe noi.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Mrire Tatlui i Fiului i Sfntului Duh.

Lord, have mercy on us for we hope in you. Do not be angry with us, Doamne, miluiete-ne pe noi, c ntru Tine am ndjduit; nu Te mnia
do not remember our transgressions but, being merciful, look on us pe noi foarte, nici pomeni frdelegile noastre, ci caut i acum ca
and deliver us from our enemies. For you are our God, and we are your un Milostiv i ne izbvete pe noi de toi vrjmaii notri, c Tu eti
people, we are all the work of your hands, and we call your name. Dumnezeul nostru i noi suntem poporul Tu, toi lucrul minilor Tale i
numele Tu chemm.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
i acum i pururea i n vecii vecilor. Amin.
Open the door of mercy to us, blessed Birthgiver of God, so that we who
hope in you do not perish but may be saved from adversities through Ua milostivirii deschide-o nou, binecuvntat Nsctoare de
you, for you are the salvation of the Christian race. Dumnezeu Fecioar, ca s nu pierim cei ce ndjduim ntru tine, ci s ne
mntuim prin tine din nevoi, c tu eti mntuirea neamului cretinesc.
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and CREZUL
earth, of all things visible and invisible. Cred ntr-Unul Dumnezeu, Tatl Atoiitorul, Fctorul cerului i al
And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten, pmntului,al tuturor celor vzute i nevzute.
begotten of the Father before all ages: light from light, true God from i ntru unul Domn Iisus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Unul-Nscut,
true God, begotten, not made, of one essence with the Father, through Care din Ttal S-a nscut, mai nainte de toi vecii: Lumin din Lumin,
whom all things were made; Dumnezeu adevrat din Dumnezeu adevrat, Nscut, nu fcut, Cel de o
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and fiin cu Tatl, prin Care toate s-au fcut;
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. Care pentru noi oamenii i pentru a noastr mntuire S-a pogort
And he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and din ceruri i S-a ntrupat de la Duhul Sfnt i din Maria Fecioara i S-a
was buried. fcut om.
And on the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures; and i S-a rstignit pentru noi n zilele lui Poniu Pilat, i a ptimit i
he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. S-a ngropat. i a nviat a treia zi dup Scripturi. i S-a nlat la ceruri i
And he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, ade de-a dreapta Tatlui.
and his kingdom will have no end. i iari va s vin cu mrire, s judece viii i morii, a Crui
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds mprie nu va avea sfrit.
from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and i ntru Duhul Sfnt, Domnul de via Fctorul, Care din Tatl
glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. purcede; Cel ce mpreun cu Tatl i cu Fiul este nchinat i mrit,Care a
In one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. grit prin prooroci.
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. ntru una, sfnt, soborniceasc i apostoleasc Biseric.
I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Mrturisesc un botez spre iertarea pcatelor.
Amen. Atept nvierea morilor i viaa veacului ce va s vie. Amin.

Lord have mercy (12 times). Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Doamne, miluiete (de 12 ori). Mrire Tatlui i Fiului i Sfntului Duh,
Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. i acum i pururea i n vecii vecilor. Amin.

6 7
Come, let us worship God our king. Come, let us worship and bow down Venii s ne nchinm mpratului nostru Dumnezeu! Venii s ne
before Christ our king. Come, let us worship and bow down before nchinm i s cdem la Hristos, mpratul nostru Dumnezeu! Venii
Christ, himself, our God and king. s ne nchinm i s cdem la nsui Hristos, mpratul i Dumnezeul


Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my pleading, answer me faithfully, Doamne, auzi rugciunea mea, ascult cererea mea, ntru
righteously; do not put your servant on trial, no one is virtuous by your credincioia Ta; auzi-m, ntru dreptatea Ta. S nu intri la judecat cu
standards. robul Tu, c nimeni din cei vii nu-i drept naintea Ta.
An enemy who hounds me to crush me into the dust, forces me to Vrjmaul prigonete sufletul meu i viaa mea o calc n picioare;
dwell in darkness like the dead of long ago; my spirit fails me and my fcutu-m-a s locuiesc n ntuneric ca morii cei din veacuri. Mhnit e
heart is full of fear. duhul n mine i inima mea ncremenit nluntrul meu.
I recall the days of old, I reflect on all that you did, I ponder your Adusu-mi-am aminte de zilele cele de demult; cugetat-am la toate
deeds; I stretch out my hands, like thirsty ground I yearn for you. lucrurile Tale, la faptele minilor Tale m-am gndit. ntins-am ctre Tine
Quick, Lord, answer me before my spirit fails; if you hide your face minile mele, sufletul meu ca un pmnt nsetoat.
much longer, I shall go down to the Pit like the rest. Degrab auzi-m, Doamne, c a slbit duhul meu. Nu-i ntoarce faa
Let dawn bring proof of your love, for one who relies on you; let it Ta de la mine, ca s nu m asemn celor ce se coboar n mormnt.
show the right road, to one who lifts up his soul to you. F s aud dimineaa mila Ta, c la Tine mi este ndejdea. Arat-mi
Lord, rescue me from my enemies, I have fled to you for shelter; calea pe care voi merge, c la Tine am ridicat sufletul meu.
teach me to obey you, since you are my God; may your good spirit guide Scap-m de vrjmaii mei, c la Tine alerg, Doamne. nva-m
me on to level ground. s fac voia Ta, c Tu eti Dumnezeul meu. Duhul Tu cel bun s m
Lord, for the sake of your name, keep your promise to me; protect povuiasc la pmntul dreptii.
me from oppression, love me, kill my enemies, destroy my oppressors, Pentru numele Tu, Doamne, druiete-mi via. ntru dreptatea Ta
for I am your servant. scoate din necaz sufletul meu. F buntate de strpete pe vrjmaii mei
i pierde pe toi cei ce necjesc sufletul meu, c eu sunt robul Tu.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever
and unto ages of ages. Amen. Mrire Tatlui i Fiului i Sfntului Duh, i acum i pururea i n vecii
vecilor. Amin.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to you, O God. Alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, glory to you, O God. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to you, O Aliluia, Aliluia, Aliluia, mrire ie, Dumnezeule! Aliluia, Aliluia,
God our hope, glory to you. Aliluia, mrire ie, Dumnezeule! Aliluia, Aliluia, Aliluia, mrire ie,
Dumnezeul nostru, mrire ie!
Verse 1: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting. DUMNEZEU ESTE DOMNUL
Stih 1: Laudai pe Domnul c este bun, c n veac este mila Lui.
Refrain: God is the Lord and has revealed himself to us, blessed is he
that comes in the name of the Lord. Dumnezeu este Domnul i S-a artat nou; bine este cuvntat
Cel ce vine ntru numele Domnului.
Verse 2: The nations all encompassed me but in the name of the Lord I
cut them down. Stih 2: nconjurnd m-au nconjurat i n numele Domnului i-am
nfrnt pe ei.
Refrain: God is the Lord and has revealed himself to us, blessed is he
Dumnezeu este Domnul i S-a artat nou; bine este cuvntat
that comes in the name of the Lord.
Cel ce vine ntru numele Domnului.

8 9
Verse 3: No, I shall not die, I shall live to recite the deeds of the Lord. Stih 3: Nu voi muri, ci voi fi viu i voi povesti lucrurile Domnului.

Refrain: God is the Lord and has revealed himself to us, blessed is he Dumnezeu este Domnul i S-a artat nou; bine este cuvntat
that comes in the name of the Lord. Cel ce vine ntru numele Domnului.

Verse 4: It was the stone rejected by the builders that proved to be the Stih 4: Piatra pe care n-au bgat-o n seam ziditorii, aceasta s-a fcut
keystone; this is the Lords doing and it is wonderful to see. n capul unghiului; de la Domnul s-a fcut aceasta si este
minunat n ochii notri.
Refrain: God is the Lord and has revealed himself to us, blessed is he
that comes in the name of the Lord. Dumnezeu este Domnul i S-a artat nou; bine este cuvntat
Cel ce vine ntru numele Domnului.
Lord have mercy (3 times). Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the
Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Doamne, miluiete (de 3 ori). Mrire Tatlui i Fiului i Sfntului Duh, i
acum i pururea i n vecii vecilor. Amin.
Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness, in your great PSALMUL 50
tenderness wipe away my faults; wash me clean of my guilt, purify me Miluiete-m, Dumnezeule, dup mare mila Ta, i, dup mulimea
from sin. ndurrilor Tale, terge frdelegea mea. Mai vrtos m spal de
For I am well aware of my faults, I have my sin constantly in frdelegea mea i de pcatul meu m curete.
mind, having sinned against none other than you, having done what you C frdelegea mea eu o cunosc i pcatul meu naintea mea este
regard as wrong. You are just when you pass sentence on me, blameless pururea. ie Unuia am greit i ru naintea Ta am fcut, aa nct drept
when you give judgment. You know I was born guilty, a sinner from the eti Tu ntru cuvintele Tale i biruitor cnd vei judeca Tu. C iat ntru
moment of conception. frdelegi m-am zmislit i n pcate m-a nscut maica mea.
Yet, since you love sincerity of heart, teach me the secrets of C iat adevrul ai iubit; cele neartate i cele ascunse ale
wisdom. Purify me with hyssop until I am clean; wash me until I am nelepciunii Tale mi-ai artat mie. Stropi-m-vei cu isop i m voi curi;
whiter than snow. spla-m-vei i mai vrtos dect zpada m voi albi.
Instill some joy and gladness into me, let the bones you have Auzului meu vei da bucurie i veselie; bucura-se-vor oasele mele
crushed rejoice again. Hide your face from my sins, wipe out all my cele smerite. ntoarce faa Ta de la pcatele mele i toate frdelegile
guilt. mele terge-le.
God, create a clean heart in me, put into me a new and constant Inim curat zidete ntru mine, Dumnezeule, i duh drept nnoiete
spirit, do not banish me from your presence, do not deprive me of your ntru cele dinluntru ale mele. Nu m lepda de la faa Ta i Duhul Tu
holy spirit. cel Sfnt nu-L lua de la mine.
Be my savior again, renew my joy, keep my spirit steady and D-mi mie bucuria mntuirii Tale i cu Duh stpnitor m ntrete.
willing; and I shall teach transgressors the way to you, and to you the nva-voi pe cei fr de lege cile Tale, i cei necredincioi la Tine se
sinners will return. vor ntoarce.
Save me from death, God my savior, and my tongue will acclaim Izbvete-m de vrsarea de snge Dumnezeule, Dumnezeul
your righteousness; Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will speak out mntuirii mele. Bucura-se-va limba mea de dreptatea Ta. Doamne, buzele
your praise. mele vei deschide i gura mea va vesti lauda Ta.
Sacrifice gives you no pleasure, were I to offer holocaust, you C de-ai fi voit jertf, i-a fi dat; arderile de tot nu le vei binevoi.
would not have it. My sacrifice is this broken spirit, you will not scorn Jertfa lui Dumnezeu, duhul umilit; inima nfrnt i smerit Dumnezeu
this crushed and broken heart. nu o va urgisi.

10 11
Show your favor graciously to Zion. Rebuild the walls of F bine, Doamne, ntru bunvoirea Ta, Sionului, i s se zideasc
Jerusalem. Then there will be proper sacrifice to please you--holocaust zidurile Ierusalimului. Atunci vei binevoi jertfa dreptii, prinosul i
and whole oblation--and young bulls to be offered on your altar. arderile de tot; atunci vor pune pe altarul tu viei.

The Akathist Kontakion I is sung and then the rest as written. Se cnt Condacul I Acatistului i apoi restul slujbei precum urmeaz.

Akathist to Our Holy Father Among the Saints, Acatistul Printelui nostru cel ntre sfini,
Bishop Policarp of Craiva-Vatra: Episcopul Policarp de la Craiva Vatra:
Hierarch & Confessor of the Faith Arhiereu mrturisitor al Credinei
Kontakion I Condacul I
In the heart of the mountain-stronghold of the ancient faith, you first saw n inima muntoasei fortree a credinei strmoeti ai vzut pentru ntia
the light of day and you exclaimed your first cry in honor of Him who is oar lumina i ai gngurit spre cinstirea Celui ce este Izvorul vieii i
the Source of life, and from that day to your last breath, by word and by pn la ultima ta rsuflare, prin cuvnt, prin fapt i prin viaa ta ai slvit
deed, you glorified the Creator of All. Therefore, knowing that you have pe Fctorul tuturor. Aadar, cunoscnd c ai dobndit Har naintea
favor before Him, we your unworthy children pray to you: Intercede for Domnului, noi, nevrednicii ti fii, ne rugm ie: Roag-te pentru noi i
us and keep us from all harm as we sing: Rejoice, O blessed Policarp, ferete-ne de tot rul pe noi cei ce cntm: Bucur-te fericite Policarp,
Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans. mrturisitor Arhipstor ce-ai strbtut oceane!

Icos I Icos I
You were birthed into a land straining under the burden of a foreign Nscut ai fost ntr-o ar ce gemea sub povara unui jug strin i greu,
oppressive yoke whose rulers were determined to uproot the ancient ale crui cpetenii s-au sftuit s smulg-i strmoeasca credin; prin
faith; through the prayers and example of your father, the priest John, rugciunea i pilda printelui tu, preotul Ioan i a cuvioasei tale maici,
and Ana, your pious mother, you were raised in true worship, becoming Ana, care te-a adus pe lume, crescut ai fost n dreapta credin, devenind
a champion of the All-Holy Trinity, Whom you learned to worship and campion al Prea Sfintei Treimi, creia ai deprins de la cuvioii ti prini
Whom you taught others to worship, who now rejoice and praise you s I te nchini i s-i nvei i pe alii cum s se roage, care acum se
thus: bucur i te laud aa:

Rejoice, Child of the mountains who became a mountain of faith; Bucur-te, prunc al munilor, care ai devenit munte al credinei;
Rejoice, Son of Craiva, bastion of Orthodoxy among the villages of the Bucur-te, fiu al Craivei, cetate a Ortodoxiei ntre satele Carpailor
Apuseni Western Mountains; Apuseni;
Rejoice, Son obedient to your earthly father who guarded the small flock Bucur-te, fiu asculttor al printelui tu pmntesc, care a pzit turma
entrusted to him by the Father in Heaven; cea mic ncredinat lui de ctre Tatl din Ceruri;
Rejoice, Obedient son of the Heavenly Father who bestowed on you His Bucur-te, asculttor fiu al Printelui Ceresc, care i-a druit intreaga
entire flock in all the Americas; turm n cele dou Americi;
Rejoice, You who from childhood thirsted for knowledge of heavenly Bucur-te, cel ce din copilrie ai nsetat pentru cunoaterea celor cereti,
matters to walk the narrow path with Christ; ca s peti pe crarea cea strmt cu Hristos;
Rejoice, Friend of Moise, Onisifor and Teodor who instilled in you Bucur-te, prieten al lui Moise, Onisifor i Teodor, care i-au insuflat
wonder about the shepherd-less flock across the Atlantic Ocean; dorul pentru turma cea fr pstor de peste Oceanul Atlantic;

12 13
Rejoice, You whose own love for Christ radiated spiritual light and joy to Bucur-te, cel a crui dragoste de Hristos ai radiat bucurie i lumin
those around you; duhovniceasc semenilor ti;
Rejoice, Visionary of a life dedicated to the salvation of souls; Bucur-te, vizionar al unei viei druite mntuirii sufletelor;
Rejoice, Guide of youth toward the way in which to progress; Bucur-te, pild i cluz a tinerilor pe calea sporirii duhovniceti;
Rejoice, Victim of those violently uprooting the true vine; Bucur-te, victim a celor ce cu vrmie au cutat s smulg via cea
Rejoice, Comforter of those who protected the ancient land shaped by adevrat;
the ancient faith; Bucur-te, mngietorul celor ce au pzit strvechiul pmnt plmdit n
Rejoice, Stalwart pillar of godly righteousness and strength; credina strmoeasc;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, stlp neclintit al drzeniei dumnezeieti i al dreptii;
Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

Kontakion II Condacul II
Following the good example of your earthly father, you dedicated your Urmnd pilda cea vrednic de urmat a printelui tu pmntesc, i-ai
life to your Father in heaven, and when the Church, the Bride of Christ nchinat viaa Printelui Ceresc, iar cnd Mireasa lui Hristos te-a chemat
called you to follow the Only-begotten Son, the Good Shepherd of mans s urmezi pe Unul-Nscut, Bunul Pstor al sufletelor omeneti, i-ai
souls, you bowed your head on the holy altar of God to receive the laying plecat capul pe sfntul altar al lui Dumnezeu, ca s primeti punerea-
on of hands to become yourself a shepherd of souls, and therefore in minilor i s devii tu nsui pstor de suflete i, aa, cu duhovniceasc
spiritual joy your parents sang out to God, Alleluia! bucurie, prinii ti I-au cntat lui Dumnezeu: Aliluia!

Icos II Icosul II
Prepared to lay down your life for your Lord, you resisted the evil darts Fiind pregtit s-i dai viaa pentru Domnul tu, ai ndurat faptele cele
of those who sought to pull down the Church of Christ, and though rele ale celor ce cutau s distrug Biserica lui Hristos i, avnd inima
your heart was pierced by an arrow of great personal grief, you plodded strpuns de ghimpele propriilor tale ptimiri, ai mers nainte pn n
forward until the day of the unification of the Church of Transylvania ziua unirii Bisericii Transilvaniei cu cea a celorlalte Principate Romne,
with that of the other Romanian Lands which now together singing with care cu o gur i o inim, mpreun slvind, te cinstesc cntnd unele ca
one mouth and one heart, honors you crying out: acestea:

Rejoice, Pious shepherd holding firmly the cross of Christ as your staff of Bucur-te, evlavios pstor care cu drzenie ii n mn Crucea lui
support; Hristos, ca pe un toiag ajuttor;
Rejoice, Servant suffering for the Suffering Servant of the Almighty Bucur-te, serv ce ai ptimit pentru Ptimitorul Serv al Atotputernicului
Lord; Dumnezeu;
Rejoice, Solid pillar of faith for those who leaned on your guiding words; Bucur-te, neclintit stlp al credinei pentru cei ce s-au rzimat de
Rejoice, Son of the people guided by the Eternal Word of the Father; povuitoarele tale cuvinte;
Rejoice, Expert husbandman in the vineyard of the True Vine; Bucur-te, Fiu al poporului cluzit de Venicul Cuvnt al Tatlui;
Rejoice, You who remained loyal to the new shoot you cultivated in the Bucur-te, viierule n podgoria Viei celei Adevrate;
lands in the West; Bucur-te, c ai rmas credincios noului vlstar ce l-ai cultivat n rile
Rejoice, You whose exemplary life was fruitfully blessed by the Source Apusului;
and Giver of Life; Bucur-te, c pilda ta de via a fost binecuvntat din belug de Izvorul
Rejoice, Loyal son of Saint Andrei Shaguna the great Metropolitan in the i Dttorul Vieii;
heart of ancient Transylvania; Bucur-te, credincios fiu al sfntului Andrei aguna, arhipstor n inima
Rejoice, Beloved priest bringing honor to the ancient Church of Ardealului;
Transylvania; Bucur-te, preot care faci cinste strvechii Biserici Transilvane;

14 15
Rejoice, Humble monk who cast aside your name of a city dead and Bucur-te, smerit monah care i-ai lepdat numele de cetate moart i
buried to be invested with a new name to bear fruits immortal ngropat, lund numele nou, Policarp, adic, aductor de
and eternally refreshing; roade nemuritoare i venic primenitoare;
Rejoice, Illumined pilgrim walking in the light of Tabor, vested in the Bucur-te, pelerin mprosptat de apele cele desprite ale fgduinei ce
angelic garment of the eternal Jerusalem; va veni;
Rejoice, Prisoner of worldly powers while freely pursuing their eternal Bucur-te, prizonier al puterilor lumeti, care n-ai ncetat s te rogi
salvation; pentru venica lor mntuire;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

Kontakion III Condacul III

Observing the grace of God working through you, the hierarchs of the Vznd harul lui Dumnezeu lucrnd prin tine, ierarhii Sfintei Biserici
Holy Church of Christ entrusted to you to publish the word of God a lui Hristos te-au ncredinat s publici, aa cum ai i trit, cuvntul
which you lived, and giving over into your hands the role of confessor lui Dumnezeu i, dndu-i n grij rolul de duhovnic al preoteselor i
to the wives and children of priests, you labored in and out of time; copiilor preoilor, tu te-ai trudit cu timp i fr timp i, ajungnd la toat
and reaching across the breadth of the land, you proclaimed the true suflarea rii ai propovduit credina luminnd pe credincioii care, dnd
faith enlightening the faithful who, giving thanks to God, shouted out: mulumire lui Dumnezeu, au cntat aa: Aliluia!

Icos III Icosul III

The All-Holy Spirit breathed upon your work, inspiring you as spiritual Prea Sfntul Duh a suflat spre a ta lucrare, inspirndu-te ca Printe celor
father to those who were being called to serve Gods altar but not chemai a sluji la Altarul Domnului; dar, purtnd i grija tuturor, tu ai
restricting this grace to only them, you brought the Comforter to comfort adus pe Mngietorul s mngie i pe cei ce lncezeau n temni, i aa
those in prison as well and thus together with both of them, we praise mpreun i noi, cu ei toi te ludm, cntnd:
you crying out:
Bucur-te, printe duhovnicesc n a crui inim a prisosit harul;\
Rejoice, Gracious spiritual father of souls whose heart overflowed with Bucur-te, adevratule Pstor, care ai hrnit turma ta ce era rzleit prin
grace; muni;
Rejoice, True shepherd seeking the sheep lost in the mountains of chaos; Bucur-te, povuitor al celor ce merg pe crarea punerii-minilor;
Rejoice, Stern guide to those walking the path toward the laying-on-of Bucur-te, Printe milostiv al celor captivi i constrni ntre patru perei;
hands; Bucur-te, Printe, a crui inim s-a umplut de dragoste pentru pruncii
Rejoice, Compassionate father to prisoners restrained to walk within four care veneau la tine;
walls; Bucur-te, iubit Fiu al Prea-Curatei Fecioare, care te-a ocrotit cu
Rejoice, Childless father whose heart over-flowed with love for the little acopermntul maternei sale iubiri;
children who came to you; Bucur-te, feciorelnic ocrotitor al cucernicelor preotese;
Rejoice, Beloved child of the Most-holy Virgin who wrapped you in her Bucur-te, lumintor al fiicelor Evei;
mantle of maternal love; Bucur-te, cci Cuvntul lui Dumnezeu te-a aflat vrednic templu, ca s se
Rejoice, Chaste protector of the wives of the clergy; slluiasc n sufletul tu;
Rejoice, Enlightener of the daughters of Eve; Bucur-te, vas de scump curie, raz strlucitoare de lumin, n
Rejoice, You for whom the Word of God found a worthy temple in the ntunericul zilelor celor rele;
depths of your soul;
Rejoice, Precious vessel of purity, splendid beacon in the darkness of evil

16 17
Rejoice, You who were awarded an earthly royal notation and counted it Bucur-te, cel ce ai primit pe pmnt regeasc cinstire fr a o lua n
as naught; seam;
Rejoice, You who counted as precious only the gifts bestowed by the Bucur-te, cel ce ai socotit preioase doar darurile druite de mpratul
King of the Universe; cerurilor;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

Kontakion IV Condacul IV
Shouldering your burden heavy to bear, you took up the staff of the Purtnd povara ta cea greu de purtat, ai luat toiagul pelerinului i ai
pilgrim and sought to bury your marital sorrow at the earthly Jerusalem cutat n pmntescul Ierusalim mormntul cel dttor de via al
at the life-bearing tomb of the Lamb of God; and being revived through Mielului lui Dumnezeu, ca s-i ngropi durerea csniciei i, fiind renviat
the power of the places made holy by the Son of God, you promised your prin puterea locurilor sfinite de nsui Fiul lui Dumnezeu, i-ai fgduit
whole being into service for the heavenly City of God, and therefore with ntreaga fiin slujirii ceretii Ceti a lui Dumnezeu i, aadar, mpreun
Holy Zion we sing to you: Alleluia! cu Sionul cel ceresc, i cntm i noi: Aliluia!

Icos IV Icosul IV
The choice the heart makes follows a path known only by God who Alegerea inimii este o crare tiut numai lui Dumnezeu, Cel care te-a
called you to the angelic life, and casting aside all which might wrest chemat la ngereasca via i, lsnd la o parte tot ce-i deprta inima
your heart from Him, you bowed your head to the shears of obedience, de la El, i-ai plecat capul spre tunderea ascultrii, mbrind viaa de
embracing a life of discipleship as did your heavenly patron, Policarp, ucenicie, aa cum a fcut ocrotitorul tu, Policarp, marele mucenic al
the great martyr of Smyrna, and you thus hear from us: Smirnei, i din inimile noastre auzi unele ca acestea:

Rejoice, Pilgrim refreshed by the waters made sweet by the promise of Bucur-te, Noule Antonie, dup inim i vieuire n pustia acestei lumi;
things to come; Bucur-te, cel ce toate le-ai lsat, ca s afli Perla cea de mult pre;
Rejoice, New Anthony in heart and life; Bucur-te, c ai dispreuit plcerile aductoare de moarte, ca i oraul cel
Rejoice, You who cast aside earthly things to own the Pearl of Great mort i demult ngropat de forele naturii;
Price; Bucur-te, c ai biruit patimile trupului, aducnd bogat road
Rejoice, You who spurned the pleasures of life as a city long dead and duhovniceasc;
buried by the forces of nature; Bucur-te, cel ce ai pit pe calea cea strmt a sfntului tu ocrotitor;
Rejoice, You who overcame the passions of nature, thus bearing much Bucur-te, cel ce ai povuit pe alii, spre mpria ce va s vin;
spiritual fruit; Bucur-te, stea povuitoare, care cluzeti pe alii n ntuneric;
Rejoice, You who would walk a path like that of your heavenly patron; Bucur-te, printe al monahilor i mngiere a celor ce caut s asculte
Rejoice, You who prepared others for the kingdom which is to come; de Cerescul Mngietor;
Rejoice, Bright star lighting the way for those fleeing darkness; Bucur-te, viier al mldielor celor bune, care aduc roade bogate
Rejoice, Father of monks and comfort of those seeking to obey only the Stpnului viei;
Heavenly Comforter; Bucur-te, c lund n mn plugul nu te-ai uitat napoi;
Rejoice, Cultivator of that good stock to bear much fruit for the Master Bucur-te, lucrtor al arinei credinei Semntorului, al crei cules este
of the vineyard; fr sfrit;
Rejoice, You who set your hand to the plow and did not turn back; Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut
Rejoice, Farmer of the Sowers field of faith of unending harvest; oceane!
Rejoice, Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans!

18 19
Kontakion V Condacul V
Enlightened by Holy Wisdom, Grigore the Bishop handed over to you Luminat de Sfnta nelepciune, Grigore Episcopul i-a pus n mn
the abbatial staff, and once again the venerable Monastery of Bodrog crja de egumen i iari s-a bucurat cinstita mnstire a Bodrogului de
rejoiced in an Abbot-shepherd worthy of the name; and as a young bull un pstor vrednic de al su nume i, ca un junc ai nlat, nu pe coarne,
you raised up, not on horns, but by your words and deeds, the icon of the ci prin ale tale cuvinte i fapte, icoana Nsctoarei de Dumnezeu, i de
Most-holy Birthgiver of God, and therefore we praise her Divine Son, aceea noi ludm pe Dumnezeiescul su Fiu, prea-mrindu-L pe Dnsul
lauding Him with the hymn: Alleluia! cu cntarea: Aliluia!

Icos V Icosul V
Taking up your abode in the home of the Virgin Mothers Wonder- Slluindu-te n casa icoanei sale fctoare-de-minuni, Micua-
working icon, Maicutsa Doamna, she welcomed you into her presence Doamna, te-a mbriat n prezena ei, unde vreme de zece ani ai slujit-o,
where for ten years you served her, beseeching her with tears and sighs implornd-o cu lacrimi i suspine s druiasc pace monahilor i s duc
to grant peace to the monks and to carry to her loving Child the fervent la Fiul Su fierbinile rugciuni i daruri ale pelerinilor acestui Ierusalim
prayers and offerings of the pilgrims to this Transylvanian Jerusalem, Transilvan care, mpreun cu noi, ie i cnt aa:
who with us cry out to you:
Bucur-te, fiul maicii care poart numele maicii Evei celei noi;
Rejoice, Son of the mother who bears the name of the mother of the new Bucur-te, aductor de multe roade n rbdare i ndelung-suferin;
Eve; Bucur-te, pstorule a patru parohii, pe care le-ai hrnit cu nectarul celor
Rejoice, Son of the Bearer-of-much fruit in patience and long-suffering; patru Evangheliti ai lui Hristos;
Rejoice, Pastor of four parishes, feeding them nectar of the four Bucur-te, ctitorule al multor capele i coli pentru sfnta nvtur;
Evangelists of Christ; Bucur-te, cel ce ai cultivat pelerinilor cinstirea celei ce a purtat n
Rejoice, Founder of multiple chapels and schools for sacred learning; pntece pe strugurele cel de tain, Hristos-Dumnezeu;
Rejoice, Cultivator of pilgrimages in honor of her who in her womb bore Bucur-te, fiu adoptiv al noului Arad, care s-a bucurat de dragostea lui
the blessed fruit, the Christ of God; Dumnezeu;
Rejoice, Adopted son of the City of the new Arad which rejoiced in your Bucur-te, hrnitor al credincioilor cu hrana cea deplin, din cmara
love for God; spiritual a Prinilor;
Rejoice, Nourisher of the faithful with hearty food from the mouth of the Bucur-te, autor al crui condei a fost ascuit de dragostea slujirii
Fathers; aproapelui;
Rejoice, Author whose pen was sharpened by your fervor of service to Bucur-te, fericite stare, ai crui frai ncreztor s-au proptit pe crja
others; credinei tale;
Rejoice, Blessed abbot whose brethren trustingly leaned on your staff of Bucur-te, veghetor i povuitor al sufletelor ncredinate ie;
faith; Bucur-te, c pilda i faptele tale n-au rmas nevzute, nici necunoscute;
Rejoice, Vigilant supervisor of the souls entrusted to you; Bucur-te, cel pe care, dincolo de Ocean, o alt turm te atepta
Rejoice, You whose good works and example went neither unseen nor suspinnd s o pstoreti;
unfelt; Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut
Rejoice, You for whom across the oceans, another flock was bleating for oceane!
you to shepherd it;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans!

20 21
Kontakion VI Condacul VI
The heavens are filled with Your glory O, Christ, and the earth is filled Cerurile s-au umplut de slava Ta, Hristoase, i pmntul este plin de
with Your praise; and thus into the lands across the Atlantic Ocean was lauda Ta, i, aa, n inuturile de peste Oceanul Atlantic a fost semnat
the seed of Your word cast about and there, taking root through the pious smna Cuvntului tu i, prinznd rdcini acolo, prin pioasele vlstare
seedlings of faith brought by Your simple children of faith, a new crop de credin aduse de smeriii fii ai credinei, o nou recolt a rsrit
sprang up so that other voices in more lands of Your dominion would cry nct alte glasuri din mai multe ri ale stpnirii Tale s poat cnta ie:
out to You: Alleluia! Aliluia!

Icos VI Icosul VI
Sheep without a shepherd are left as prey to the jackals of sin, but the Fr pstor, oile cad prad lupilor pcatelor, dar Bunul Pstor al sufletelor
Good Shepherd of our souls prepared a fruit-bearing shepherd for the a pregtit pstori aductori-de-road i pescari de oameni n lumea cea
New World and a fisher-of-men to draw the faithful into the safety of the Nou, ca s trag pe cei credincioi n sigurana corbiei i, trimind pe
ark; and sending one as like the Forerunner, Trandafir the pious was sent cucernicul preot Trandafir, ca pe un nainte-mergtor, s ncerce apele i
to test the water and scout the land to see if it would bear the fruit as did s cutreiere inuturile ca i cercetaii vechiului Israel, ca s vad de vor
the scouts of Israel of old, and in his heart he knew that you, O Blessed putea aduce road, acesta n inima lui a priceput c tu, Fericite Policarp,
Policarp, would be the one to bear much fruit, and to hear from us these ai putea aduce road mult i, n curnd, s auzi de la noi cuvinte ca
words: acestea:

Rejoice, Abba-father, who would hearken to the cry of the children of Bucur-te, Ava-Printe, care asculi lacrimile fiilor credinei strmoeti
the ancient faith far off across the sea; peste oceanul cel ndeprtat;
Rejoice, Priest and Pastor, who heard of the gathering together of the Bucur-te, Preot - Pstor, care ai auzit mpreunarea credincioilor rsfirai
scattered faithful across the seas; peste mri i ri;
Rejoice, You who heard their plight and were nourished by their prayers; Bucur-te, c ncercrile lor a fost nelese i hrnite prin ale tale
Rejoice You who you took up the shield and buckler from the great rugciuni;
Martyr and Trophy-bearer George, who stood guard over the Bucur-te, c marele Mucenic Gheorghe, Purttorul de biruin, a pzit
flock scattered across the North American Continent; turma risipit pe ntregul continent American, pn cnd tu
Rejoice, Shepherd-to-be in the City of automation whose folk would be i-ai devenit scut i aprtor;
motivated by God; Bucur-te, Pstor n devenire n cetatea automobilului, a crei turm a
Rejoice, Obedient son anointed with the favor of Miron the Patriarch; fost suinut de Dumnezeu;
Rejoice, You whom the Patriarch, glancing across the oceans, appointed Bucur-te, fiu asculttor uns cu bunvoire de Miron Patriarhul;
as best to comfort the meandering flock of Christ; Bucur-te, c precum un printe pe ai si fii i cerceteaz, aa a neles
Rejoice, Humble servant who thought to embrace the sheep and was Patriarhul s mngie turma lui Hristos cea rispit;
invested with the Bucur-te, smerit slujitor, cel ce cu smerenie ai primit s peti printre
omophorion; oi, fiind druit cu omofor de ctre nsui Bunul Pstor;
Rejoice, Doctor of souls giving eternal healing to the spiritual wounds of Bucur-te, doctor de suflete, care druieti tmduire venic
mortal men; duhovnicetilor rni ale oamenilor muritori;
Rejoice, You who prepared the precious balm of prayer for the healing of Bucurt-te, cel ce ai sfinit preiosul balsam al rugciunii de vindecare a
souls; sufletelor;
Rejoice, You who were imaged to be their shepherd by that distant flock; Bucur-te, c ai fost plsmuit ca s fii pstorul acelei turme ndeprtate;
Rejoice, Ardently longed-for navigator of the ark of salvation across the Bucur-te, mult doritule crmuitor al corbiei mntuirii, peste marea cea
sea of life surging high with the storms of temptations; srat i viforul ispitelor;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

22 23
Kontakion VII Condacul VII
When John, the pastor of the first flock of Cleveland town, heard about Auzind de tine, blndule Policarp, Ioan, pstorul primei turme din oraul
you, O gentle Policarp, he forewarned in his letters to you that the pastors Cleveland, te-a vestit din vreme, prin scrisori, c pstorii din aceast ar
in this land were in dire need of a shepherd of their own and skillfully i doreau un destoinic arhipstor, din al lor neam i, cu miestrie a sdit
placed in your heart the seed mighty as that of the small mustard which n inima ta o smn tare ca i mrunta smn de mutar, care n timp
grew in time to be a mighty tree of many branches wherein the clergy a crescut devenind pom strajnic, cu ramuri multe, sub care azi, cler i
and faithful today roost and now sing to you: Alleluia! credincioi, i afl cuibul i-i cnt acum: Aliluia!

Icos VII Icosul VII

You were called by Miron the First Father of the Land; and the three holy Chemat ai fost de ctre Miron, ntiul Printe al rii, iar apoi cei
hierarchs Gurie of Bessarabia, Genadie of Buzau and Visarion of Hotin trei ierarhi, Gurie al Basarabiei, Ghenadie al Buzului i Visarion al
examined your heart and life and thus acknowledged you for the calling Hotinului i-au cercetat inima i viaa i te-au confirmat pentru chemarea
by the Holy Synod which under the protection of the Great Martyr Sfntului Sinod, care apoi peste tine a invocat darul Sfntului Duh, n
George in the Patriarchs chapel dedicated to him called down on you the capela Patriarhului, sub ocrotirea Sfntului Gheorghe, Marele Mucenic i
gift of the Holy Spirit for which we now sing to you: Purttor de Biruin, pentru care acum i cntm:

Rejoice, Straightforward orator convincing all of the depths of the Gods Bucur-te, drept cuvnttor care pe toi i-ai convins de adncurile iubirii
love; lui Dumnezeu;
Rejoice, Enlightener of the simple and of the schooled; Bucur-te, lumintor al celor simpli i al celor nvai;
Rejoice, You who did not confound the Word of God with empty words; Bucur-te, c n-ai ncurcat cuvntul lui Dumnezeu cu vorbe goale;
Rejoice, You in whose heart the golden flame of evangelism burned Bucur-te, cel n a crui inim flacra aurie a evanghelismului s-a aprins
brighter than the sun; mai strlucitoare dect soarele;
Rejoice, You whose lips forged sterling teachings more resplendent than Bucur-te, ale crei buze au rostit curate nvturi, mai sublime dect
the fullest moon; luna cea plin;
Rejoice, Author of epistles harmonious to the ear; Bucur-te, condeier de epistole ce ncnt auzul;
Rejoice, You who brought to the eyes of the faithful a torrent of tears of Bucur-te, cel ce ai adus n ochii credincioilor uvoi de lacrimi de
joy; bucurie;
Rejoice, You who patiently wiped away the tears of immigrants sorrow; Bucur-te, cel ce cu rbdare ai ters lacrimile de ntristare ale
Rejoice, You who like a Colossus of the faith straddled the entire emigranilor;
American Continent; Bucur-te, cel ce ca un Colos al credinei ai brzdat ntregul continent
Rejoice, You who brought with you peace from Jerusalem; American;
Rejoice, You who called to order the Church in America and Canada; Bucur-te, cel ce din Ierusalim ai adus cu tine pacea;
Rejoice, You who adorned her with spiritual jewels of patience, Bucur-te, c ai chemat la bun rnduial Biserica din Canada i
forgiveness and peace; America;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, cel ce ai mpodobit-o cu nestemate duhovniceti de rbdare,
iertare i pace;
Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

24 25
Kontakion VIII Condacul VIII
Sailing across the Ocean, you arrived in the New World and were Navignd peste Ocean, ai sosit n Lumea Nou i ai fost primit de cea
received by the highest authority of the American States, but you counted mai nalt autoritate a Statelor Americii, dar tu ai socotit onorurile ca
all honors as dross in the light of the eternal kingdom of Christ, for you zgur n lumina mpriei celei venice a lui Hristos, pentru c n-ai
came not as a representative of the passing laws of nations but as an venit ca trimis al legilor lumii celei trectoare, ci ca un apostol care pe
apostle leading all to the Master of the Universe, and for this you hear us toi i cluzea ctre Stpnul Cerului i, pentru aceasta, acum ne auzi
laud you shouting aloud: Alleluia! ludndu-te i cntndu-i cu glas mare: Aliluia!

Icos VIII Icosul VIII

Although the banks of Lake Erie beckoned you, the City founded on the Dei oraul de pe rmurile Lacului Erie te-a chemat pe tine, oraul ce
Triple Straits was prepared as the throne of your episcopacy. You came se afl pe cele Trei Strmtori a fost rnduit ca tron al episcopiei tale. n
among your flock with the gentleness of Him who received the little mijlocul turmei tale ai venit, cu buntatea Celui ce a primit pe prunci,
children, accepting everyone as he was with the exhortation to respond primind pe fiecare aa cum era i chemnd pe toi s rspund chemrii
to the call of the Good Shepherd who left the heights of heaven for the Bunului Pstor, care a prsit nlimea Cerurilor pentru adncurile
depths of the earth to lead back to the Eternal Father the lost sheep who pmntului, ca pe oaia cea pierdut s-o mne iari la Venicul Printe, ai
now sing to you: crui prunci acum i cnt unele ca acestea:

Rejoice, Father reaching out to those called and those not called; Bucur-te, Printe cuttor al celor chemai i al celor ne-chemai;
Rejoice, You who fought well the ignorance of chaos; Bucur-te, cel ce bine te-ai luptat cu haosul netiinei;
Rejoice, You who although abandoned by men, God raised to honor and Bucur-te, c dei ai fost prsit de oameni, Dumnezeu te-a ridicat la
did not leave your side; cinstire, i nu te-a parasit;
Rejoice, You who suffered insults and calumnies for the sake of the Lord; Bucur-te, cel ce ai rbdat prigoniri i batjocoriri pentru numele
Rejoice, Brother to hierarchs of the ancient apostolic faith in unity in the Domnului;
New World; Bucur-te, frate al ierarhilor credinei strmoeti n unitatea Lumii celei
Rejoice, You who suffered insults for the sake of righteousness from your Noi;
brothers of the same blood; Bucur-te, cel ce pentru dreptate ai suferit ocri de la fraii de acelai
Rejoice, You who withstood the insults of those who had abandoned the snge;
true faith; Bucur-te, cel ce ai nfruntat insulte de la cei ce au prsit credina cea
Rejoice, Sanctifier of many temples, welcome visitor bringing blessing to adevrat;
your far-flung flock in the Provinces and in the States; Bucur-te, sfinitorule de biserici n Lumea cea Nou, bine-venit
Rejoice, Founder of the Vatra in the land of the Chippewa & Ottawa; oaspete, aductor de binecuvntare turmei celei risipite prin
Rejoice, You who called the women together there as sisters in Christ; Provinciile i Statele; Americii de Nord,
Rejoice, You who patiently bore the brunt of brutish lies; Bucur-te, ctitor al Vetrei Romneti n pmnturile Chippewa i Ottawa;
Rejoice, Visionary cultivator of a tender new olive tree transplanted to Bucur-te, cel ce ai adunat credincioasele femei ca pe nite surori n
this new land; Hristos;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, cci cu rbdare ai purtat rnile sfruntatelor minciuni;
Bucur-te, clarvztor horticultor al noului mslin rsdit n acest pmnt
Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

26 27
Kontakion IX Condacul IX
No sooner had you ascended the throne then you were called to return Nefiind de mult nscunat, ai fost chemat s dai seama celor ce te-au
to report to those who had sent you, but then the Evil One cunningly trimis, dar atunci cel ru, cu perfidie a aruncat cu pietre ca s tulbure
cast his stones of discord into the waters of peace you had calmed, apele pcii, pe care tu le linistisei, fcndu-le ca pe apele Mirabei, astfel,
making them like the waters of Mirabah; so that while on the banks of ca atunci cnd priveai de pe maluri apele Dmboviei, s auzi amar
the Dumbrovita, you heard the bitter judgment of your brothers on the judecat de la fraii ti de pe tronuri, n timp ce de la noi vei auzi mereu
thrones, from us you ever continue to hear the praise: Alleluia! lauda: Aliluia!

Icos IX Icosul IX
Again and again, the entire land fell under a rule as cruel and atheistic Iar i iar, toat ara a czut sub o stpnire att de crud i fr de
as any of the past, and you became an exile in your own country. Dumnezeu, ca cele din trecut, iar tu ai devenit un exilat n propria ta ar.
Wrenched away from the new garden of the Lord you had patiently been ncuiat departe de noua grdin a Domnului, ai luat totul cu rbdare, dar
tending, but by your unceasing vigils and prayers, you counted on us to prin nencetatele tale privegheri i rugciuni, te-ai rzimat pe noi ca s te
acknowledge you and sustain you, saying: recunoatem i s te sprijinim, zicnd:

Rejoice, You who remained in our hearts although you moved across the Bucur-te, c dei te-ai mutat peste oceane, ai rmas n inimile noastre;
ocean. Bucur-te, c n adncul inimii tale ai dorit s fii, n trup, ntre cei de la
Rejoice, You who in your heart longed to be in body with those whom care ai plecat;
you had left; Bucur-te, c dei ai plecat de la turma ta, mpotriva doririlor ei, ai tnjit
Rejoice, You who left your flock against their wishes but wished to return s te rentorci la ea;
to them; Bucur-te, cel ce ai fost liber, dar pentru numele Domnului i-ai pierdut
Rejoice, You who were free but for the sake of the Lord lost bodily trupeasca libertate;
freedom; Bucur-te, cel ce te-ai strduit s-i ajui preoii, cutnd ajutoare de peste
Rejoice, You who sought to lift the burden of your clergy seeking alms mri;
from abroad; Bucur-te, c dei milostiv ai fost, tu mil n-ai gsit;
Rejoice, You who though compassionate were denied compassion! Bucur-te, liber serv al marelui mprat, care te-a ocrotit sub aripa Sa;
Rejoice, Free servant of the great King who covered you under His wing; Bucur-te, aprtor al Scaunului de care prin minciuni ai fost lipsit;
Rejoice, Protector of the throne of which you were deprived through lies; Bucur-te, c ie tron nou i s-a gtit, n locaurile primitoarei Gazde a
Rejoice, You for whom a throne has been prepared in the mansion of the tuturor;
gracious Host of all; Bucur-te, cel al crui patru ani de arhipstorire, i-au tras seva din cei
Rejoice, Archpastor, who tapped sweet sap from the evangelists four; patru Evangheliti;
Rejoice, You who returned to the birthplace of your earthly childhood; Bucur-te, cel ce te-ai rentors din nou n locul de natere al prunciei tale;
Rejoice, You who in manhood dwell in the birthplace of eternity; Bucur-te, cel ce n brbie petreci la locul de natere al veniciei;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

Kontakion X Condacul X
Confused by contradictions and having fallen victims to the pride of your Victime mndriei i ncurcai n contradicii de ctre defimtorii ti,
detractors, the chief shepherds of the Church knew not what they did, pstorii cei mari ai Bisericii, n-au tiut ce-au fcut i, cu puterea lor
and their power being shackled by the godless powers which plunged the nctuat de puterile celor fr-Dumnezeu, care au aruncat ara n
land in darkness, they fell victim to those forces of evil control which ntuneric, au czut pad controlului acelor puteri ale celui ru, care totui
still could not eradicate the sound of the voices of those who cry out: n-a putut amui sunetul glasurilor celor ce cnt aa: Aliluia!

28 29
Icos X Icosul X
Letters from the faithful abroad, sent to be a welcome balm to your soul, Trimise ca mngiere pentru sufletul tu, scrisorile credincioilor
did not reach you in your arrest unlike those of the Martyr Valentine, but de peste mri n-au ajuns la tine, cnd erai n arest, spre deosebire de
the love you imparted to your distant flock came to them hidden between scrisorile ctre Mucenicul Valentin, ns dragostea pe care o druiai
the lines which did slip through the censor from behind the curtain of turmei tale de departe a fost cunoscut de ei printre rndurile scrisorilor
iron and like drops of dew on the fleece brought peace and hope to those scpate de cenzorii de dincolo de Cortina de Fier i, ca picturi de rou
who exclaim: pe ln, au adus ndejde i pace celor care exclam aa:

Rejoice, Father separated from his sons and daughters of the faith by Bucur-te, Printe desprit de ai ti fii i fiice n credin de ctre cei ce
those who sought to destroy the family of man; cutau s distrug omenirea;
Rejoice, Humble Arch-shepherd even to those who imposed obedience Bucur-te, smerit arhi-pstor chiar i celor ce au impus ascultarea fr
without love; iubire;
Rejoice, Gracious foster-father to the faithful at Cetatea Alba-Ismail; Bucur-te, preabunule Printe adoptiv al credincioilor din Cetatea Alb-
Rejoice, You who were scrutinized by the occupiers of Ismail;
Bessarabia; Bucur-te, cel ce ai fost urmrit de mpiltorii Basarabiei;
Rejoice, Fulfiller of the beatitudes of Christ to give succor to the poor Bucur-te, mplinitorule al fericirilor lui Hristos, care ai dat ajutor
and needy victims of war; sracilor i srmanelor vduve de rzboi;
Rejoice, Bold planter of new vines in spite of the hacking by foreign Bucur-te, curajos sditor de vie noi, n ciuda jafului invadatorilor
invaders; strini;
Rejoice, Editor of old Solia - the Herald and new Cuvantul Adevarului, Bucur-te, editor al Soliei i al noii Arme a Cuvntului, Cuvntul
Word of Truth; Adevrului;
Rejoice, Grand-restorer of ancient monasteries profaned and cast down Bucur-te, restauratorul strvechilor mnstiri, profanate i drmate la
to the ground; pmnt;
Rejoice, Visionary of establishing new monasteries in the New World; Bucur-te, vizionar al nfiinrii noilor mnstiri n Lumea Nou;
Rejoice, Great admirer of your heavenly patron by whose intercession Bucur-te, mare admirator al ocrotitorului tu ceresc, prin ale crui
you bore much fruit; mijlociri ai adus mult road;
Rejoice, You who drew from hearts hardened by tribulations a restored Bucur-te, cel ce n inimile mpietrite de chinuri ai adus iari dragostea
love for the crucified Lord; pentru Hristos cel rstignit;
Rejoice, You whose far-off children wage undaunted battle for your Bucur-te, cel ai crui fii din deprtare nencetat se lupt pentru
return; ntoarcerea ta;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

Kontakion XI Condacul XI
Your freedom of movement was curtailed, O holy father, but no walls Libertatea i-a fost rpit, O, Sfinte Printe, dar zidurile n-au putut opri
could contain your love for your distant flock, and through the power a ta dragoste pentru turma ta cea de departe i, prin puterea ajuttoarei
of the cross of help you came into their hearts and homes each month Cruci, ai venit n inima i n casele lor n fiecare lun, dei fiii Satanei ar
though the offspring of Satan would have oppressed these epistles of joy, fi oprit acele scrisori de bucurie, dar nereuind s se libereze pe ei nii
but unable to wrest themselves from the hold of the evil one, their hearts de robia celui ru, inimile lor impietrite de pcat i ntuneric, nevrednice,
hardened by sin and darkness, unworthy, they were unable to join those n-au putut s se alture nou ca s-i cnte: Aliluia!
who sing to you: Alleluia!

30 31
Icos XI Icosul XI
The Bride of Christ laid aside her robes of joy and adorned herself in the Mireasa lui Hristos i-a dezbrcat vemntul mririi i s-a cernit pe sine
mantle of martyrdom as the robe turned red at the winepress, for the days cu mantia martiriului. n vreme ce aceasta s-a nroit la teasc, cci zilele
are evil and standing again as on Golgotha and recalling the Burning erau rele, i stnd ca pe Golgota i amintindu-i de Rugul Aprins, care
Bush that was not consumed, she prepared her children to shed their ardea fr s se mistuie, i-a pregtit pruncii s-i verse sngele pentru
blood for the Bridegroom who reached down from the heights of glory to Mirele, care cuta n jos din nlimea mririi Sale, mngindu-o pe
console her and those who cry out to you: Dnsa i pe cei ce strigau ie:

Rejoice, You who responded to obedience with humility but who Bucur-te, cel ce ascultrii ai rspuns cu smerenie i ai primit bucuria
reserved the joy of his pastorate as his portion from the Lord; pstoririi ca pe o cruce de la Domnul;
Rejoice, You whose prayers flowed across oceans and swept over human Bucur-te, c rugciunile tale au splat oceanul, ducnd piedicile
barriers; omeneti;
Rejoice, Faithful subject of the King of the Universe to Whom belongs Bucur-te, credincios serv al Atot-stpnitorului mprat, cruia i
the world and all that it holds; aparine lumea i toate cte sunt;
Rejoice, You whose hairs were counted by the security forces from Bucur-te, cel ale crui fire de pr au fost numrate de securitatea
Hades; Iadului;
Rejoice, Who now rest secure in the bosom of Abraham; Bucur-te, cel ce te odihneti n pace, n snurile lui Avraam;
Rejoice, You who mixed your tears and sighs with those of the suffering Bucur-te, c i-ai mpreunat lacrimile i suspinurile cu cele ale
faithful around you, watering the barren fig tree to bear new suferinzilor; credincioi din jurul tu, udnd smochinul cel
fruit; neroditor ca s aduc road nou;
Rejoice, You who the Suffering Servant of God dried your tears with the Bucur-te, c Servul Ptimitor al lui Dumnezeu i-a zvntat lacrimile cu
napkin of His holy face; nframa feei Sale;
Rejoice, Earthly citizen tried by nations where your flock pastured night Bucur-te, cetean al pmntului, judecat de naiile n care zi i noapte
and day; i-ai pstorit turma;
Rejoice, You whose clergy and flock remained faithful to you; Bucur-te, cci clerul i poporul tu i-au rmas credincioi;
Rejoice, You who were rejected but whose detractors are known to the Bucur-te, c cei ce te-au respins sunt cunoscui nfricotorului
Awful Judge of All; Judector al tuturor;
Rejoice, Patient husbandmen whose strength of body and soul were Bucur-te, rbdtor viier a crui trie trupeasc i sufleteasc au fost
sorely tried but neither found wanting nor overcome; amarnic ncercate, dar n-au fost descumpnite i nici biruite;
Rejoice, Foster-father to yet another flock in the heart of free Dacian Bucur-te, printe adoptiv al altei turme, n inima liber a Dacicului
Maramures; Maramure;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut

Kontakion XII Condacul XII

Your flock from sea to shining sea knelt in supplication before Turma ta, de la o strlucitoare mare pn la cealalt, a ngenunchiat n
the Good Shepherd of all, O holy Policarp, weeping for their gentle rugciune naintea Bunului Pstor al tuturor, O, Sfinte Policarp, plngnd
Archpastor who was held captive behind a curtain of iron. You became pentru blndul ei arhipstor, care a fost inut captiv dincolo de Cortina de
one of that angelic choir of twenty-two Archshepherds of Christ wrested Fier. Tu ai devenit unul din acea ceat ngereasc a celor douzeci i doi
from their episcopal thrones in the Church as others held their peace de Arhipstori ai lui Hristos, smuli din scaunele lor, de lng Mireasa
which mocked Christ as did Pilate saying: Indeed, where is truth?, and lui Hristos, n timp ce alii tceau batjocorind prin aceasta pe Hristos, ca
they are not worthy to join those who sing to you: Alleluia! Pilat, zicnd: Ce este adevrul? i aceia nu sunt vrednici mpreun s-i
cnte: Aliluia!

32 33
Icos XII Icosul XII
In days of old, God parted the Sea of Reeds to let the children of Israel Odinioar, Dumnezeu a desprit marea Roie ca s lase pe copiii lui
pass through the deep to freedom but now the godless ones entomb in the Israel s treac prin adncuri spre libertate, dar acum cei-fr-dumnezeu
icy waters of the dreadful Canal those who confess the All-holy Trinity; ngroap n apele ngheate ale Canalului Morii pe cei ce mrturisesc
but you, O gracious fruit-bearer, resisted their diabolic machinations, pe Prea-Sfnta Treime; dar tu, Prea Bunule i aductorule de roade, ai
resisting the sword of destruction with the plowshare of prayer, and thus rezistat diavoletilor lor uneltiri, nfruntnd sabia distrugerii cu plugul
you hear from us: rugciunii, i aa auzi de la noi:

Rejoice, Prime shepherd who laid not aside from your heart the distant Bucur-te, ntiule pstor care n-ai lsat la o parte din inima ta grija
sheep entrusted to you; pentru turma cea ndeprtat ce i s-a ncredinat;
Rejoice, You who were encouraged by the pious bleating of their voices Bucur-te, cel care ai fost ntrit de pioasa plngere a glasurilor nestinsei
of undaunted love; lor iubiri;
Rejoice, You whose kith and kin upheld you in their arms and arms of Bucur-te, cel al crui neam i spi te-a inut n brae i n rugciune;
prayer; Bucur-te, cel ale crui rudenii au fost cu tine, n trup, inim, n prigoniri;
Rejoice, You whose siblings joined in your sufferings with body and Bucur-te, cel ce prin statornicie ai oprit puterea diavolului peste turma
heart and soul; ta;
Rejoice, You who by your steadfastness restrained the full power of evil Bucur-te, vrednic soldat al lui Hristos, dezbrcat pe nedrept de sfintele
over your flock; odjdii;
Rejoice, Stalwart soldier of Christ unjustly stripped of his holy insignia; Bucur-te, cel a crui inim a fost strpuns de sfierea cmii lui
Rejoice, You whose heart was bruised by the tearing of the robe of Christ Hristos, pe continentul cel nou;
on the new continent; Bucur-te, c turma ta nc dorete s te aeze ntre ei, n ctitoria ta;
Rejoice, For your flock still looks to set you among them again at the Bucur-te, destoinic conductor care ai respins pe ne-alesul pretendent;
Vatra you founded; Bucur-te, raz luminoas, care d n vileag pe cei din ntuneric, care i-
Rejoice, Steadfast leader who rejected the un-elected pretender; ar rpi turma;
Rejoice, Powerful beam exposing those in darkness who would steal Bucur-te, a crui povar a fost purtat, n iubire si cinstire, de ierarhul
your sheep; cu nume de primvratic floare;
Rejoice, You whose burden Valerian shouldered in respect and love for Bucur-te, bun viier, lipsit pe pmnt de onorurile tronului i mitrei tale,
you; dar rspltit cu cununa venicei drepti;
Rejoice, Good husbandman, deprived on earth of the honor of the fruits Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut
of your throne and mitre but rewarded with the wreath of eternal oceane!
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans!

Kontakion XIII Condacul XIII

(This is sung three times.) (Se cnt de trei ori.)
The Bride of Christ, like her heavenly Bridegroom, ever wears over her Ca i Mirele Cel Ceresc, Mireasa lui Hristos venic poart peste vemntul
bridal gown of spotless white her mantle of suffering red, for Christ her su de nunt, alb i fr prihan, mantia roie a suferinei, pentru c Hristos,
lover bears the marks of the cross of love, and she carries the symbol of Domnul su, poart semnul crucii iubirii, pe cnd Dnsa poart semnul cel
victory down through human ages, and her humbled hierarchs carry their mare al triumfului peste veacurile omenirii, iar ierarhii ei poart cununile
crowns of martyrdom not of pure gold but of thorns to lay before the Lamb muceniciei, dar nu cele de aur curat, ci de spini, ca s le nchine naintea
to whom our Policarp has led his flock to sing: Alleluia! Mielului, cruia Policarp i-a cluzit turma sa, ca s-I cnte: Aliluia!

34 35
Kontakion I Condacul I
In the heart of the mountain-stronghold of the ancient faith, you first saw n inima muntoasei fortree a credinei strmoeti ai vzut pentru ntia
the light of day and you exclaimed your first cry in honor of Him who is oar lumina i ai gngurit spre cinstirea Celui ce este Izvorul vieii i
the Source of life; and from that day to your last breath, by word and by pn la ultima ta rsuflare, prin cuvnt, prin fapt i prin viaa ta ai slvit
deed, you glorified the Creator of All. Therefore, knowing that you have pe Fctorul tuturor. Aadar, cunoscnd c ai dobndit Har naintea
favor before Him, we your unworthy children pray to you: Intercede for Domnului, noi, nevrednicii ti fii, ne rugm ie: Roag-te pentru noi i
us and keep us from all harm as we sing: Rejoice, O blessed Policarp, ferete-ne de tot rul pe noi cei ce cntm: Bucur-te fericite Policarp,
Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans. mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut oceane!

Icos I Icos I
You were birthed into a land straining under the burden of a foreign Nscut ai fost ntr-o ar ce gemea sub povara unui jug strin i greu,
oppressive yoke whose rulers were determined to uproot the ancient ale crui cpetenii s-au sftuit s smulg-i strmoeasca credin; prin
faith; through the prayers and example of your father, the priest John, rugciunea i pilda printelui tu, preotul Ioan i a cuvioasei tale maici,
and Ana, your pious mother, you were raised in true worship, becoming Ana, care te-a adus pe lume, crescut ai fost n dreapta credin, devenind
a champion of the All-Holy Trinity whom from your pious parents you campion al Prea Sfintei Treimi, creia ai deprins de la cuvioii ti prini
learned to worship and whom you taught others to worship who now s I te nchini i s-i nvei i pe alii cum s se roage, care acum se
rejoice and praise you thus: bucur i te laud aa:

Rejoice, Child of the mountains who became a mountain of faith; Bucur-te, prunc al munilor, care ai devenit munte al credinei;
Rejoice, Son of Craiva, bastion of Orthodoxy among the villages of the Bucur-te, fiu al Craivei, cetate a Ortodoxiei ntre satele Carpailor
Apuseni Western Mountains; Apuseni;
Rejoice, Son obedient to your earthly father who guarded the small flock Bucur-te, fiu asculttor al printelui tu pmntesc, care a pzit turma
entrusted to him by the Father in Heaven; cea mic ncredinat lui de ctre Tatl din Ceruri;
Rejoice, Obedient son of the Heavenly Father who bestowed on you His Bucur-te, asculttor fiu al Printelui Ceresc, care i-a druit intreaga
entire flock in all the Americas; turm n cele dou Americi;
Rejoice, You who from childhood thirsted for knowledge of heavenly Bucur-te, cel ce din copilrie ai nsetat pentru cunoaterea celor cereti,
matters to walk the narrow path with Christ; ca s peti pe crarea cea strmt cu Hristos;
Rejoice, Friend of Moise, Onisifor and Teodor who instilled in you Bucur-te, prieten al lui Moise, Onisifor i Teodor, care i-au insuflat
wonder about the shepherd-less flock across the Atlantic Ocean; dorul pentru turma cea fr pstor de peste Oceanul Atlantic;
Rejoice, You whose own love for Christ radiated spiritual light and joy to Bucur-te, cel a crui dragoste de Hristos ai radiat bucurie i lumin
those around you; duhovniceasc semenilor ti,
Rejoice, Visionary of a life dedicated to the salvation of souls; Bucur-te, vizionar al unei viei druite mntuirii sufletelor;
Rejoice, Guide of youth toward the way in which to progress; Bucur-te, pild i cluz a tinerilor pe calea sporirii duhovniceti;
Rejoice, Victim of those violently uprooting the true vine; Bucur-te, victim a celor ce cu vrmie au cutat s smulg via cea
Rejoice, Comforter of those who protected the ancient land shaped by the adevrat;
ancient faith; Bucur-te, mngietorul celor ce au pzit strvechiul pmnt plmdit n
Rejoice, Stalwart pillar of Godly righteousness and strength; credina strmoeasc;
Rejoice, O Blessed Policarp, Confessor Hierarch spanning oceans! Bucur-te, stlp neclintit al drzeniei dumnezeieti i al dreptii;
Bucur-te, fericite Policarp, mrturisitor Arhiereu ce-ai strbtut
Then the dismissal as usual. oceane!

Otpustul obinuit.

36 37
A Short Biography O Scurt Biografie
of Bishop Policarp a Episcopului Policarp
It is known that the 20th century has produced more martyrs of the Christian Este tiut faptul c secolul al XX-lea a produs mai muli mucenici ai
faith than all other centuries altogether. Among these is counted His Grace credinei cretine dect toate celelalte veacuri la un loc. ntre acetia se
Bishop Policarp, the first Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of numr i Preasfinitul Policarp Moruca, ntiul Episcop al Episcopiei
America (1935-1958). He was one of the hierarchs, Confessors of the faith, Ortodoxe Romne din America (1935-1958). El a fost unul dintre ierarhii
during the communist persecution against the Church of Romania. mrturisitori, care au ptimit pentru credin n timpul prigoanei comuniste
He was born on March 20, 1883 in the town of Cristesti, Alba County,
mpotriva Bisericii din Romnia.
Romania, and was baptized with the name Pompei. His parents, the priest
S-a nscut n 20 martie 1883 n comuna Cristeti, jud. Alba, Romnia, fiind
Ioan and pious Preoteasa Ana Morusca, were as His Grace Policarp
described them poor, but caring for and striving to raise their children as botezat cu numele Pompei. Prinii si, preotul Ioan i evlavioasa preoteas
well as possible (Testament, p. 1). He spent his childhood in Craiva, in the Ana Moruca erau dup cum i descria vldica Policarp - sraci, dar
Occidental Carpathians, not far from Alba Iulia. He attended local schools grijulii i strdalnici s dea ct mai bun cretere celor ase copii (Diata,
in Ighiu and Alba Iulia, and then the Hungarian Gymnasium in Alba Iulia p. 1). Copilria i-a petrecut-o n Craiva, n Munii Apuseni, nu departe de
and the Romanian Gymnasium in Blaj. Between 1902-1905, he took classes Alba Iulia. A urmat coala primar n Ighiu i Alba Iulia, iar apoi Gimnaziul
at the Andreian Theological-Pedagogic Institute in Sibiu, being a colleague maghiar din Alba Iulia i Gimnaziul romnesc din Blaj. ntre 1902-1905,
of the future missionary priests to America, Moise Balea and Trandafir a urmat cursurile Institutului Teologic-Pedagogic Andreian din Sibiu, fiind
Scorobet (later a hierarch). The young graduate Pompei Morusca served then coleg cu viitorii preoi misionari in America, Moise Balea i Trandafir
as a teacher at the parochial schools in; Alba Iulia, Ludos-Sibiu and Paclisa- Scorobe (arhiereu). Tnrul absolvent Pompei Moruca a funcionat apoi
Alba. He married the daughter of Priest Vasile Balan of Bistrita and sister to ca nvtor la colile confesionale din Alba Iulia, Ludo-Sibiu i Pclia-
the future Metropolitan of Transylvania, Nicolae Balan. He was ordained on Alba. S-a cstorit cu fiica preotului bistriean Vasile Blan, sora viitorului
June 19, 1908, for the Seica Mare parish, where he served until the beginning mitropolit Nicolae Blan. A fost hirotonit de mitropolitul Ioan Meianu al
of the Great War. Being suspected of pro-Romanian activities, he was drafted Ardealului, n 19 iunie 1908, pe seama parohiei eica Mare, unde a slujit
in the army as a military priest for the Romanian soldiers of Austro-Hungary, pn la nceperea Marelui Rzboi. Suspectat de activiti filo-romne, a fost
while Preoteasa Maria was deported to western Hungary, at Rust and Sopron. mobilizat ca preot militar pentru soldaii Romni din Austro-Ungaria, iar
This separation led to an unfortunate divorce, which remained for the rest of
P-sa Maria a fost deportat n vestul Ungariei, la Rust i Sopron. Aceast
his life like the thorn in the flesh of the Holy Apostle Paul.
desprire a dus la un nefericit divor, care a rmas n viaa sa, ca ghimpele
After the union of Transylvania with Romania (1918), the Governing
Council headquartered in Sibiu called him to higher assignments, to oversee n trup al Sfntului Apostol Pavel.
Religions and Education. Having actively contributed to the Great Union, he Dup unirea Transilvaniei cu Romnia, a fost chemat de Consiliul
was elected economic chancellor to the Eparchy of Cluj, where he worked Dirigent care avea sediul la Sibiu, la rspunderi nalte, n chestiuni de Culte i
together with Metropolitan Nicolae Ivan. Attracted by learning, he continued Educaie. Contribuind activ la marea Unire, a fost ales consilier economic la
his education at the University of Cluj. In 1920, he was elected secretary Episcopia Clujului, unde a lucrat alturi de mitropolitul Nicolae Ivan. Fiind
of Andrei Saguna Association of the Clergy from Transylvania and Banat, preocupat de studiii, i-a continuat educaia la Universitatea din Cluj. n 1920
and he was brought back to Sibiu by metropolitan Nicolae Balan. Here, he a fost ales secretar al Asociaiei Andrei aguna a clerului din Transilvania i
worked intensely, with no time for rest in the Metropolitan Consistory, and Banat i a fost readus de mitropolitul Nicolae Balan la Sibiu. Aici a lucrat cu
then as editor of the Theological Review. He supervised the Boarding School timp i fr timp n cadrul Consistoriului mitropolitan, iar apoi ca redactor
for Priests Children and coordinated the Society of Romanian Orthodox al Revistei Teologice. A supravegheat internatul fiilor de preoi din Sibiu i a
Women of Sibiu, paying particular attention to the involvement of Christian coordonat Societatea Femeilor Ortodoxe Romne din Sibiu, acordnd atenie
women in the Church. From this intense Sibiu period, he left countless special slujirii femeilor cretine n Biseric. Din aceast intens perioad
writings dispersed in booklets, the Telegraful Roman newspaper, Theological

38 39
Review and Light of the Villages, published by Priest Iosif Trifa. He then gave sibian au rmas numeroase scrieri ale sale rsfirate n brouri, Telegraful
his energy as Confessor of the Andreian Theological Academy, where he also Romn, Revista Teologic i Lumina Satelor, publicat de Preotul Iosif Trifa.
taught Canon Law (1920-21). In this environment, he was shaped as a fine i-a druit apoi energia ca Spiritual al Academiei Andreiene, unde a i predat
intellectual, devout servant, publisher and administrator. Pained that he was cursuri de Drept Canonic (1920-21). Astfel s-a format ca un fin intelectual,
forsaken by his wife, in 1925, following a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he took bun slujitor, publicist i administrator. ndurerat de faptul c a fost prsit
monastic vows and was tonsured with the name of the holy martyr Polycarp de soia sa, n anul 1925, dup un pelerinaj la Ierusalim, a depus voturile
of Smyrna. monahale fiind tuns sub numele Sfntului Mucenic Policarp al Smirnei.
He then became the abbot of Hodos Bodrog Monastery (mentioned A devenit apoi stare la Mnstirea Hodo-Bodrog, lng Arad (menionat
in historical documents as far back as 1177 AD), near Arad. Here, he
n documente, din anul 1177). Aici a continuat s slujeasc la patru biserici,
continued to serve in four churches, preaching Gods word, publishing,
predicnd, publicnd, edificnd preoimea i contribuind la zidirea unor coli
edifying the priests and contributing to the raising of some local schools.
The style of his sweet and pastoral writing, balanced and solidly biblical, locale. Stilul scrisului su duios i pastoral, statornic i solid biblic l-au adus
brought him, in 1931, to the attention of Priest John Trutza and the clergy n 1931, n atenia Printelui John Trutza i a preoilor tinerei Episcopii din
of the newly-founded Romanian Episcopate of America (1929), which was America (nfiinat n 1929), care i cuta un arhipstor. I.P.S. Arhiepiscop
in need of an Archpastor. Reflecting on his personality, the Most Blessed NATHANIEL nota c mai presus de alte caliti deosebite, el avea harisma
Archbishop NATHANIEL noted that, above other special attributes, dragostei i determinarea apostolatului. Aa a ajuns Patriarhul Miron
he had the charisma of love and the determination of the apostolate. Cristea i Sfntul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne s-l hirotoneasc ntru
Thus, Patriarch Miron Cristea and the Holy Synod of the Romanian episcop misionar pentru cretinii romni din rile apusene neortodoxe.
Orthodox Church consecrated him to be a missionary Bishop for the Hirotonirea s-a svrit n 24 martie 1935, n capela patriarhal Sfntul
Christian Romanians in the unorthodox western countries on March 24, Gheorghe,din Bucureti.
1935, in the Patriarchal Chapel of the Holy Martyr George, in Bucharest. Potrivit legiuirilor Episcopiei din America, noul ierarh trebuia ales i de
According to the By-Laws of the Episcopate of America, the hierarch had to Congresul eparhiei. A sosit mai nti n Cleveland, iar apoi a fost nscunat
be elected by the Episcopate Congress. So, after his arrival first in Cleveland la Catedrala Sf. Gheorghe din Detroit la 4 iulie 1935. Ca episcop misionar
and then in Detroit, he was enthroned in St. George Cathedral, on July 4, a organizat i consolidat Episcopia, dotndu-o cu o reedin la Vatra
1935. As a missionary Bishop, he organized and consolidated the Episcopate, Romneasc, Jackson, Michigan (1938), unde dorea s vad un aezmnt
endowing it with its headquarters at Vatra Romaneasca, Jackson, Michigan romnesc. A nfiinat revista Solia (1936), a organizat Asociaia Reuniunilor
(1938), where he desired to see a Romanian establishment. He published the
Femeilor Ortodoxe Romne din America - ARFORA (1938). A binecuvntat
Solia newspaper (1936) and organized the Association Romanian Orthodox
Ladies Auxiliaries of North America - ARFORA (1938). He blessed the asociaiile de Boy Scouts din America i cea a absolvenilor de facultate,
associations of Boy Scouts of America and that of college graduates, Alpha Alpha Sigma Ro. A cltorit cu mijloacele vremii de la un ocean la altul,
Sigma Ro. He traveled as time allowed from ocean to ocean, all over the cutreiernd Statele Unite i Canada, spre a sfini biserici i a vizita parohiile.
United States and Canada, to consecrate churches and visit his parishes. He S-a confruntat cu unele opoziii, cu multe prejudeci i ruti omeneti. n
faced some opposition, prejudice and malice. Despite these obstacles, in a ciuda acestora, n scurt vreme i-a impus autoritatea, avnd relaii freti cu
short time he asserted his authority and established and maintained brotherly ierarhii altor jurisdicii Ortodoxe din America. A avut de nfruntat propagand
relations with the hierarchs of other Orthodox jurisdictions in America. anti-bisericeasc a membrilor internaionalei a I-a a lucrtorilor comuniti
He also had to face the anti-church propaganda of members of the First romni din America.
International Romanian Communist Workers of America. n pofida sfatului preoilor de a nu pleca, Preasfinitul Policarp s-a rentors
In 1939, against the advice of his clergy, His Grace Policarp returned to n Romnia, n 1939, la nceputul celui de-al II-lea rzboi mondial, pentru a
Romania, right at the beginning of World War II, to attend the meetings of lua parte la lucrrile Sfntului Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne. Datorit
the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Due to the war, some rzboiului, apoi a opresiunii guvernului comunist i a unor uneltiri din
intrigues from America, and then due to the oppression of the communist America, dup cum mrturisete el, a fost reinut n Romnia, devenind
government, he was retained in Romania, as he describes it, having become pn la sfritul vieii sale un exilat n propria sa ar. Pentru a-i dovedi
an exile in his own country, until the end of his life. In order to prove his loialitatea i a disipa acuzele aduse de detractorii si din America, n timpul
40 41
loyalty and dispel any accusations directed against him by his detractors, rzboiului a acceptat misiuni grele, precum aceea de lociitor de episcop
during the war he accepted difficult missions, such as that of locum tenens of la Ismail (1941-44), iar apoi de lociitor de episcop la Sighet, Maramure
the Bishop to Cetatea Alba-Ismail (1941-44) and Sighet-Maramures (1945- (1945-46), spernd c dup aceea va fi lsat s revin la eparhia sa din
46), hoping that he would then be allowed to return to his diocese in America. America. n schimb, n 15 iunie, 1948, Episcopul Policarp a fost pus n
To the contrary, on June 15, 1948, together with 20 other Orthodox hierarchs, retragere n mod forat de ctre guvernul comunist, alturi de ali 20 de
he was condemned and forcefully placed in retirement by the communist ierarhi ortodoci, condamnai ai istoriei.
government. Restul vieii i l-a petrecut rugndu-se, scriind i slujind, n Craiva i
He spent the rest of his life praying, writing and serving in Craiva and Alba n Alba Iulia, unde a avut domiciliul forat, sub urmrirea necrutoare a
Iulia, where he had his forced residence, under the unforgiving surveillance of
Securitii. A nfiinat Schitul Sf. Ioan Boteztorul din Alba Iulia, spernd
the Securitate. He established the Skete of St. John the Baptizer, hoping even
pn n ultimii ani ntr-o posibil revenire la eparhia sa, al crei episcop a
to the last years of his life for a possible return to his diocese. In this spirit,
in 1957, he decried in his Testament the fact that I was detained and have rmas, pn la sfritul vieii, n 26 octombrie, 1958. n acest spirit, n 1957,
not been permitted to return to my mission (to his Episcopate) in America, deplngea n Testamentul su faptul c nu i s-a mai ngduit rentoarcerea
whose Bishop he remained to the end of his life on October 26, 1958. For this (n America). De aceea, el a cerut ca inmormntarea s-i fie ct mai simpl,
reason, he requested that his burial be simple, since I was not worthy to ntruct n-am fost vrednic s-mi nchei zilele n cuprinsul Episcopiei mele
end my days in my Episcopate in America. din America.
The luminous image of the Holy Bishop Policarp of Vatra shines together Chipul luminos al Sfntului Episcop Policarp de la Vatra st alturi de
with the great exiled and Confessors of Faith of the Romanian Orthodox marii exilai i mrturisitori ai Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne Sf. Dosoftei;
Church: St. Dosoftei, Metropolitan Visarion Puiu of Bucovina and mitropolitul Visarion Puiu al Bucovinei, apoi al Transnistriei; Episcopul
Transnistria, Bishop Nicolae Popoviciu of Oradea, Archimandrite Arsenie Nicolae Popoviciu al Oradea; Arhimandritul Arsenie Boca, i alii care
Boca and others who intercede for us. mijlocesc pentru noi.
The Akathist of Saint Policarp of Vatra-Craiva, composed by His Eminence, Acatistul Sfntului Policarp de la Craiva-Vatra, compus de Inalt Prea
Archbishop Nathaniel, represents the living expression of the communion Sfinia Sa, Arhiepiscopul Nathaniel, reprezint expresia vie a comuniunii
of the living and those reposed, confessed by our Holy Church. From now dintre cei vii i cei rposai, pe care o mrturisete Sfnta noastr Biseric. De
on, the image and example of service of Bishop Policarp are placed, as a acum, chipul i pilda de slujire ale Episcopului Policarp Moruca sunt aezate
burning candle, in the sphere of the sacred, to which they belong. Through cu sfinenie, ca o candel vie, n sfera spiritual a sacrului, creia i aparine.
time, they convey not only the efforts of those who enlightened this world,
Aici, ele vor plpi venic, ca lumina n candel. Ele vorbesc peste timp nu
but especially the spirit of sacrifice of the saints who suffered persecution for
confessing Christ, in a century and in a world so adverse to the Gospel. For doar de struina celor care au luminat lumea, ci mai ales de spiritul de jertf
his Episcopate in America, he already shines like a star on the frontispiece of al sfinilor, care au rbdat mrturisind pe Hristos, ntr-un veac i ntr-o lume
the faith, together with the choirs of servants of the Word and the Confessors att de adverse Evangheliei. Pentru fiii eparhiei sale din America, el deja
of the Faith in times of persecution. We are waiting for the day when the Holy strlucete ca o stea pe frontispiciul credinei, alturi de cetele de slujitori ai
Church will count him among the saints, and his relics will be returned to his Cuvntului i mrturisitori ai Credinei n vremi de prigoan. Ateptm cu
diocese. O, Holy Hierarch Policarp, pray to God for us! dor ziua cnd Sfnta Biseric l va trece n rndurile sfinilor mrturisitori, iar
Fr. Dr. Remus Grama moatele sale vor fi returnate Episcopiei lui. Sfinte Ierarhe Policarp, roag-te
lui Dumnezeu pentru noi!
Pr. Dr. Remus Grama

42 43
The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp of Smyrna, by Kontoglou
The tombstone at the grave of Bishop Policarp at the Skete
of St. John the Baptizer near Alba-Iulia, Romania

Photo taken on June 25, 1978, courtesy of George R. Gavrila collection.

Bishop Policarp (Moruca) in Detroit, Michigan

Photo on front cover: Wooden cross in St. Marys Cemetery, Vatra
Romneasc, commemorating His Grace, Policarp, First Bishop of The
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America. Photo courtesy of George
R. Gavrila collection.

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