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Department of Education

Region III
SY: 2016-2017
Instructions: Select the best answer for each number by writing the letter of your choice in your answer sheet.





The placing of propagating materials either seeds or vegetative parts of a plant in the soil and covering them with
subsequent amount of soil refers to
a. hardening b. planting c. pricking d. transplanting
Which of the following are NOT directly planted?
a. cabbage seeds b. bean seeds c. mongo seeds d. squash seeds
What method of planting in which the seeds are directly planted in the soil?
a. direct sowing b. hardening c. planting d. transplanting
What part of the plant is NOT directly planted?
a. bulbs and seeds b. cuttings c. roots and tubers d. none of these
When do you say that the seedlings are ready for transplanting?
a. when they are sturdy enough to withstand in the field conditions
b. while still in the seed bed
c. while still in the container in a confined area
d. All of the above
If the farmer uses equipment like driller to plant his field, the method of planting he used is ______.
a. by machine
b. drill method
c. sowing seeds by hand
d. broadcasting method
How would you describe quality seedlings?
a. uniform in growth b. healthy and sturdy c. free from diseases d. all of the above
Which of the following is NOT considered in determining the depth of planting?
a. the shape of the seeds b. the kind of soil c. the size of the seeds d. the amount of moisture in the soil
It is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat and usually with some stored food which is
called _____.
a. bulbs b. rhizomes c. seeds d. tubers
Breadfruit is an example of _____.
a. leaf bud cuttings b. root cuttings c. seeds d. stem cuttings
The followings are examples of crops that produce runners and suckers EXCEPT one:
a. carrots b. gabi c. ginger d. strawberry
A vegetable grower has to consider the following factors in order to determine the rate of planting. Which one is
a. condition of the soil b. method of planting c. viability of the seeds d. possible ravages of insects
The process of transferring the seedlings from the nursery to the field where they continually grow and develop is
refers to _____.
a. direct planting b. planting c. sowing d. transplanting
When is the best time to transplant seedlings?
a. during sunny days b. late in the afternoon c. just before or after a rain d. early in the morning
Why do we need to transplant vegetable seedlings? keep the newly uprooted seedlings from direct sunlight
b. to handle seedlings carefully avoid damage allow sufficient space for stocky development of the plant
d. to plant one seedling per hill
It is practiced one week before transplanting as a preparation for transplanting.
a. blocking b. hardening c. roguing d. thinning
What term refers to the gradually exposing the seedlings to sunlight one week before transplanting?
a. blocking b. hardening c. roguing d. thinning
What is the 1st step in transplanting vegetable seedlings?
a.Irrigate the transplanted seedlings.
b. Press the soil after planting to have better contact of the roots.
c.Water the seedlings a day before transplanting.
d. Plant one seedling per hill.
Any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin, which is added to the soil to supply certain elements
essential to plant growth.
a. compost b. fertilizer c. manure d. plant food
Even if we do not plant, the minerals in the soil.
a. erosion b. evaporation c. leaching d. run-off
What term refers to the necessary materials which a plant uses so it can build new tissues and, at the same time,


carry on its normal functions.

a. compost b. fertilizer c. manure d. plant food
Which of the following is an example of an animal waste?
a. corn stalks b. Ipil-ipil leaves c. poultry d. rice straw
Night soil is an example of _____.
a. animal wastes b. crop wastes c. green manure d. human inhabitation wastes
What kind of animal manure is guano?
a. bat b. carabao c. goat d. horse
Which is NOT belongs to the group?
a. ammonium b. ammophos c. muriate of potash d. urea
This type of fertilizer contains only one of the major fertilizer elements.
a. Complete fertilizer b. Incomplete fertilizer c. Organic Fertilizer d. Single element fertilizer
14-14-14 is what type of fertilizer?
a. Complete fertilizer b. Incomplete fertilizer c. Organic Fertilizer d. Single element fertilizer
These are farm manures, compost, crop residues, and other farm wastes, which supply nutrients and improve soil
physical conditions.
a. Complete fertilizer b. Inorganic fertilizer c. Organic Fertilizer d. Single element fertilizer
What method of fertilizer application is applied uniformly over the entire area before planting or while the crop is
a. broadcast method b. fertigation c. foliar application d. localized application
This involves dissolving the fertilizer materials in water and then applying it with the use of a sprinkler.
a. broadcast method b. fertigation c. foliar application d. localized application
Localized application is also known as _____.
a. basal application b. side dressing c. topdressing d. all of the above
What term of fertilizer application which broadcast together with the seeds or the seeds are coated with fertilizer by
means of an adhesive such as cellofas or gum Arabic?
a. applied with the seed b. broadcast method c. foliar application d. localized application
Which is the primary function of nitrogen?
a. Hastens maturity b. Aids in seed formation c. Forms and transfers starch d. Gives dark green cooler to plant
Which is NOT a method of determining soil fertility?
a. Soil analysis b. Field fertilizer trials c. Nutrient deficiency symptom d. Foliar application of fertilizer
Which is NOT a method of conserving soil fertility?
a. Composting
b. Application of organic fertilizer
c. Practice cover cropping and mulching d. Practice green manuring and intercropping
Which fertilizer element hastens maturity, stimulates blooming, aids in seed formation, and gives plants hardiness?
a. Calcium b. Nitrogen c. Phosphorus d. Potassium
Which is NOT true about organic fertilizers?
a. Decomposed farm manures b. Improve soil physical conditions
c. Facilitate soil erosion
d. Retain soil humidity
It is a rapid method of assessing the fertilizer needs of crops.
a. Soil analysis b. Field fertilizer trials c. Nutrient deficiency symptom d. Foliar application of fertilizer
All of the followings are uses of organic matches EXCEPT one.
a. bark b. shredded leaves c. plant tissues d. news paper
The process of preparing soil for plowing is known ______.
a. cultivating b. harrowing c. mulching d. tilling
What is known an abnormal appearance of the growing plant may be caused by a deficiency of one or more nutrient
a. Soil analysis b. Field fertilizer trials c. Nutrient deficiency symptom d. Foliar application of fertilizer
As the term implies, field fertilizer trial experiment is carried out in the field.
a. Soil analysis b. Field fertilizer trials c. Nutrient deficiency symptom d. Foliar application of fertilizer
It is the removal of soil from the field through natural forces.
a. heavy rains b. leaching c. run-off d. soil erosion
This is the process involves the decomposition of organic materials to form small bits of organic matter called
a. composting barrel b. composting c. trench composting d. vermicomposting
Is any type of material that is spread or laid over the surface of the soil as a covering?
a. cultivating b. hilling up c. mulching d. off-barring
Which of the following compost materials are examples of brown compost?
a. dried leaves b grass cuttings . c. kitchen wastes d. newspaper
What term refers to the piles of substrates that are decomposed before feeding them to worms?
a. bokashi composting b. composting barrel c. vermi-compost d. windrows
Compute the recommended rate of fertilizer material base from the given formula:
a. Recommended rate: 90-60-30 NPK/ha
b. Available fertilizer materials:
48. Urea ( 46-0-0 )
49. Ordinary superphosphate ( 0- 25-0 )
50. Muriate of potash ( 0-0-60 )

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