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Who Inspired You?

Teacher Candidate Documentation:
Daniell May
SST Methods
Micro Lesson Plan #1
Lesson Documentation:
Lesson 1
Who Inspired You?
45 Minutes
D2.His.3.3-5. Generate questions about individuals and groups who have shaped significant
historical changes and continuities.
D2.His.6.3-5. Describe how peoples perspectives shaped the historical sources they created.
The learner will understand change, continuity, and context.
The learner will analyze different historical people who made a change todays world.
The learner will be able to see the different perspectives each historical person made.
Instructional and Assessment Materials:
Pictures of different historians.
PowerPoint on MLK Jr.
Construction Paper
Anticipatory Set:
When students walk into the classroom I will hand out different pictures of people who made a
difference for todays society. Some students may get the same picture and this will represent the
groups they will be split into. Once all the students get a picture I will let them get into their
groups. In the groups the students must present who the person is and some fun facts about the
person. Students will report out in five to ten minutes.
Instructional Input:
Today we will be learning about different peoples perspectives from back in the day. Each
person I handed out this morning had a different view point on how things should have been
back in the day. We are going to start analyzing one person each day and look at what they
brought to the table. The first person we will consider is Martin Luther King Jr. I will show
students PowerPoint slides about MLK. During the slides students, will take notes while I talk.
Guided Practice of New Learning
After the lesson is given students will complete a worksheet on Martin Luther King Jr.. This
worksheet will consist of facts they have previously found out about him. Students will take one

to three facts that they were interested in about MLK and write a paper. Once students are done
they will turn their paper in and will be able to pick a different historical person who to analyze
next. On the board, there will be more names for students to choose from if they do not know of
anyone. Students will not be able to use the same person.
Independent Practice:
Now that students are done with the MLK paper they will work small group on the next
historical person of their interest. Students can create a paper or small poster board using
construction paper to show what they were interested in the next historical person. Students will
be able to use the computers in the class to find some interesting facts about their person of
interest. Students will receive a ten-minute warning to clean up before we start presenting their
Students will take out a blank piece of paper to write down some facts that they learned from
each presenter.
For the exit ticket students, will have to write on a piece of paper which historian inspired them
and why.
At the end of class students will hand in all their assignments.
I will ask students, Out of all the presenters which person impacted your beliefs and why?
Students will just write one sentence on a piece of paper.

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