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Flowers and plant reproduction | Flower cut in half te show the main structures Key: 1 Patal {Veliow) Attrects insects with eplour and scent 2 Sepal (Oark green) Protects flower in bud and when closed 3 Aeesptwcle tigrtareen) — Supportsall the other parts of the flower 4 Hactary (Grange) Produces nectar to attract and reward insects 5 Ovary (Wambrown) Contains one or mora OVULES 6 Gvule (Purple) Contains an OVUM 7 Style (Light rea) Supporis the STIGMA 8 Stigma (Dark reef) Catches POLLEN on ite sticky surface: 9 Carpel Unit containing all the female parts of the flower 10 Anther (Dark ou} POLLEN producing structure 11 Filament (light ued Stalk supporting the ANTHER, 12 Stamen Unit cantaining all the male parts of the flower Flowers and plant reproduction ltyou opaned alfower bud {ofthe type shown) by peeling off eaai layer separately, in which order ‘would the various structures appear? How many petals would there ba in a completa Mower ef the type shown? Insects fead on pollen, which is rch in protein, on what eico do thay ofen foed when wieling flowers, andl in whet isa rich? Flowers are not usualy set pollinated (solHtertised) despite having beth sale and femate reproductive structures. What is the advantage of erass-pollination aid haw do you think that flowers ensuee that it happens? Complete the fllowing paragraph using ihe words provided below. Each wordmay be used mara than once oF not at all, ‘style - potien - receptacie - anthers - scented - nectaries - sepals - stamens - transfer - coloured - stigma nectar - ovaries - petals - reproduetive Flowers re plants. structures, Thase which recruft Insects to... pollen trom the. Of en Bower to tha atactive to them. They tend to have and reward the right visitors wah sugary excess vinen a fowar Is In bud the actual reproductive sbuctures, the andthe <8 hrmature, an he Goged petals ae pretectt comnes THE wha ower supparted bythe . ° 280, Hope 2248 a9 “ Bollem grein | Pollen gratn Dark blue) Wry ht Light biue) suck te and cantied by wird | abdomen of INSECT ‘estried pretom (fi@80 are Brown - rat wings) ‘Canes lgo qoartiles ony ptien pans out Pick up polen from one Bowe 3 ‘sl espoted enters on one plan ard Gt 11h ‘caries # urinary Wo others (also ssa of ote = role raredom cop by a Bia an rae) Feritisaion -to FUSIONal fie male muclous from a pole grain ard ths fomale muciaus trom anvovury | Peltier gratin @ark bo) SS —— Pella grain cigm pie From anothetypa of war. There i ‘uch o rice of STIOMA ol same not COMPATIBLE and HO growth of a type of ower, tergfora COMPATIBLE, polis nse ard gona @ POLLEN TUBE Shgona pare ray ‘icky sures lo cach POLLEN ——— Bolen tube cigt peo ‘Grows dome theough stigma, tye ‘anc ovary wall. Delivers MALE Stylo wigneresy —— NUCLEUS wo the OVUM theaigh ihe MICROPYLE Guery gm prow) —_ o lale nucleus Syl (Purple ‘GAMETE mucteus earning hat the ‘Usual number of CHROMOSOMES Deum (ore by Female nucleus ~ GAMETE NUCLEUS cantaining =~ Micropyle hall the ysual number of IROVULE through wich CHROVOSOMES, POLLEN TUBE grows, Carpe’ of insect-pollinated flower - cid ope to show how lerisalan takes plac ‘Summ -r Foailisalion Fomale nucleus + Male nucleus - > ZYGOTE => EMBRYO (FUSION) (SEED) Distinguish clearly betwoen sell- and crose-pellinatlon. Expiain briefly how Inseets end atter animals can pollinate flawers. ‘Why do wind-ollinated plants tand to be less brightly coloured. unscented, and preduce much larger quantities of pallon then insect-pollinated onde? ‘Outline the raute taken by te male nucleus tron a polen grain arriving on the stigma ot flower, ta its fusion with the famale nucieus in the ovurn. Winy do some pollen grains landing on the stigma af a lower not graw a palien tube? How is a zygote toemod, and what dose it develop into, in a seed? Sexual repraduction, using flowers, is] complicated procass compared to the various forme at sexual reproduction (og wsing runnars or bubba). Wht Is the great aovantago of aseKust reproduction? Try ta wxolain your answer care‘uly. Why do most plants encourage cross-polination? Try to find out how they have avalvad to prevent self-potiinatien. Complete the folowing paragraph using the words provided Belew. Each word may be used more than one oF wot at al hucleus - vast - anthers - embrya - sticky - grain - wind - cross - tube - exposed - correct - ovuie -7ygote - flowering - random. ovary. stigma -fuee -ingect -femako- nectar -transier. enleropyle - unintentionally - animals Ma Bt econ PRAMS BE. Painted. This involves the _. ol palloe from the ofene plant to Bie. of anther, . inated lowers producs - ‘quantities of ight pollen it... anthers. The winds: action 1g relatively OOO. making the process wasteful pollinated towers reward the insects or otrer Dwi. ‘and pollen for cn Wranstering paller, stuck to thair bodliss, as they feed. Once om tr . surface of the sigma Me type of pelien will begin togrow a pollen . Thisgrows dawn through the: ad, carrying Blemale 0...» Entering te owute via the nucteusis able to... fe. RbelBUs.i fhe OVUM fo fo This develops to Become the wa sonueue i Be 6 Seed structure and germination _--— Mieropyle |) Abrosdibeanseed FAA ea mm (etsex) Poin ot amachment to pod > Twxarf@ (Lignterowny Tough prowecive win — Plwcnale (Greeny ‘Brose bean seed - Becomes SHOOT of new plant ‘cut open to how main parts: Reade! 9 (Orange) Embryo Becomes COT of née plant > Golyledon cretiew Le" ENERGY sloro to tel gosh curing 2 Sennen ood bean son , ce — Puomate (reer . Leioly em LC }——— Radel orange) rye [Germination of abroad basn seed Phunowle_ ‘Ground level 1 Key: (Orange) V DORMANT sseatburied inthe sail, 2 S00L becomes WARMER and WETTER and GERMINATION starté - WATER absorbed, TESTA spits. a seed cxpands, fotd resarvos in the COTYLEDOM are mobifsed and RADIGLE grows downs 3 _ WATER continues ta ba absorbed, ROOT SYSTEM develops ancertamges, PLUMULE begins 10 grow 4 upwards; COTYLEDONS stl footing all graat [ROOTS now abeorbing water rectly, EMBRYONIC LEAVES of PLUMULE nom clmar of the ground and beginning io PHOTOSYNTHESISE. GOTYLEOONS naw much less importa, [This type of GERMINATION seated HYPOGEAL, because the GOTYLEOONS and TESTA remain vreorgrourd | 8. Seed structure and germinat ion Name the main parts ofa brosa bean seed, ‘Outline the role seeds play in the Ile eyele of a plant, and explain ie importance of the tough pprotectiva skin or testa, Why is the broad bean called a dicolyledanous plant, and what de the estyledons de during germination? Wat does the teem dormant mean, and why sees a busiad sued only germinate when ee Cconeitions bacome eultably warm and wat? How can jou sirlate te conditions nekossary foe garmination, without sel, at hama or in the laboratory? Plants tondto produce large numbers of sends, why ls thls necessary? When aflower is feniieed, azygate is formed, Which pat ol the seecidoes tis develop into, what are the twa main parts ofthe structure, and whet do they forms dusing germination? Complete the fotowing paragraph using the words provided bela. Each word may be used mor than ones er nat at all plumule - released - shoot - testa -fertllsed - absorption - soll - hilum - two - warm = water = reserves-germinates- wet-pads -radicle-energy-tuel - embrye-germinate -cotyledans = food ‘Seods are ormedirom ‘each seed altached by its Hlowers. Inbrosd beans the sueds are groupedin Insige he tough, protective. ‘and roo! fegpectively, if the saed stores from wtih... . ~ sondlions ood wif start 1 nn of water, COUSIN THE ooo tO SBM, aN the TRB errr OQUEE 1, - this shrnk as theirfoad. . growth of the radiele-and then ‘growth igpre idee by the oaty

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