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Case group work – daily record Case

number: 5


Hakki Altun Replacing Group Leader

Sijme Geurts CGM
Anna Kojo Recorder
Juho Mäkinen CGM
Terttu Pakarinen CGM
Petra Skrobot CGM
Carmen Stahl Recorder
Timo Vierelä CGM
Jia Xu CGM
Agatha Hagan CGM
Tuija Partio CGM
James Powell Observer (not all the time present)
Ehsan Baha Case Owner and Leader (present after 14:00)

Ehsan Baha (usually case leader AND owner) will be with us after 13:00 o clock.
Hakki takes the role of the group leader until Ehsan returns. The group feels that
there is no need for a facilitator. Ehsan is considered to be the main group leader,
even though he is the case owner, too. This structure seems to suit the group best.

Morning Group Session

Answering questions and preparing a presentation, working on a narrative.

Why do we make a difference?

What is the difference that we make?
One example of how our team and idea is making that difference!

How to accomplish the task:

Go back into groups of yesterday and answer the questions in groups, develop
narratives and present those to each others. First look at the results of yesterday
and then develop a narrative answering the given questions.
Flip chart:

- List of questions on the flip chart.

- Agreed on process of the day:
I 30 min group work on story telling,
II 15 min reflection/ commenting,
III15 min story improvement,
IV 15 min presentation

I 30 min of group work on story telling

Group work (no recording in group works)

II 15 min reflection/ commenting

Pink group:


Reflection on idea on color changing chairs.

Group sketched the scenario as cartoon, shows the cartoon while telling the story.
Answering questions from bottom-up.

A citizen comes into the ALV. Reason for this now is that they need services. Goal
is that citizens come there to have a dinner.

In story life: citizen Hans comes to have dinner, picks food and sits down. Citizen
feels a lone, has problem with internet issue and maybe also health issues, looking
for company. When C sits down, chair changes color, shows the C status. Same
time student Anne enters cafeteria, has own project what so ever, student notices
the C by the color of the chair and is interested in the knowledge and experience
of the C. C might have been confused at first when the chair changed the color,
but when the student comes and explains about the chair and so forth, the C
relaxes. Exchange of knowledge and info is possible. Nice lunch experience. Anne
for instance can gain information on working places, networks. Exchange of
benefits is possible, one could look precisely what kind of benefits can be
exchanged. This works for different groups of people, researchers, workers,
companies, …

Answer to Q 1: we provide all this in on common environment space.

Answer to Q 2: low threshold, informal, equal position and dialogue.

- Could this idea be transported to someone’s home through CaringTV? Could
anybody join the dialogue through CaringTV when being at home?
- It might be complicated because people at home do not have chairs, but
after all it could be possible.

- Nice idea to develop characters Hans and Anne with background

- Observer gives input: now you drew a cartoon, could you also present this
idea through role play?
- If we present only one of the group ideas, we could do it with role play, but
if all 3 ideas would be presented, it might be a bit too much

- In all groups there is a similar design approach but each group has focused
on different issues, so maybe we could combine all group works in one

Orange group:


In the beginning of our group work, we struggled since we had a broad concept of
many small ideas. Struggled was overcome.

We answered first what then why question.

What: flexible and multi-purpose room, which can be adapted to the needs of all
different users and functions as source for information.

Why: the platform shall create feelings of quality, safety, comfortability, it inspires
to work and makes people active.

Group did not have time to come up with an example yet, due to a lack of time.


What could be a good example?

For instance elderly and a designer meet at the platform and with the help of the
flexible items benefit from the platform.
Group will still develop a sketch or a narrative on this.

Blue group:


Example of the group: from yesterday idea about the Phillips platform. Idea was to
bring different people together there.

The environment is not the main point, but what the environment enables.
Story: tourist group walks around in Espoo, they see ALV, go in and see the place
and participate, they take the experience with them to own background.

Old people come into the place, it s like an exhibition place. Elderly come there to
do things which solves their own and other old people’s problems. This is the great
thing about this platform: that elderly design their own new services and at the
same time help each others. In the same place there are other people as designer,
etc. Platform shall also enhance fun and socializing.

Discussion: group might still want to develop one precise example on how the
platform can be used. The idea to use the tourists in a story is great, the group can
develop this further.

III15 min story improvement/ IV 15 min presentation

(the planned schedule becomes blurry and the two steps are combones, group
decides to proceed in the big group mode and to commonly discuss, work flow
changed the original structure)

Discussion on the whole task:

How shall we proceed, which story shall we tell? Shall we combine all stories or
shall we choose one story? The group decides that one story shall be taken. But all
group’s aspects shall be included in the pitch.

Observer: the idea is that you only have 5 minutes. You have a 5 min pitch, imagine
that you pitch it to people who have money. Your group has a social mission. Group
has to be convincing. What is reason for why a financer would support you? Be

Planning of the pitch:

Once again, we have three tasks to do:

What is different?
Why is it different?

Group decides to develop these three tasks together. Not in split groups.
Decision on the pitch: to verbally answer the what? and why? questions and to role
play the chair scenario as example.


1) We provide an equal position and dialogue in an informal way with a low

threshold in one common space

(Blue group thinks about how they could precisely answer the what-question:
Content to their lives, empowers, gives chance for elderly to develop new
services for themselves and other elderly.
We have facilities, tools, people and knowledge for activating elderly people
to advance their wellbeing and health care in a social way and having fun.
Further discussion on our common ideas)

2) We provide a concept in which all participants have a sense of ownership

of space and environment, equality…

(Observer: why should an elderly feel like he/she owns the place, what does it
mean concretely…??)

… and equality in influence of the creative design process, in order to

increase wellbeing of themselves and others.

Second formulation is chosen to answer the what question:

We provide a concept in which all participants have a sense of ownership of

space and environment and equality in influence of the creative design process,
in order to increase wellbeing of themselves and others.


- Shall we discuss why is this different to the ALV before or to the rest of the
- Maybe focus more on difference to the world in general, on the way how
elderly people were treated as end-users so far

We change the way we look at elderly. They are not objects but subjects.

- (another example of how to work on the platform was: to enable elderly

with international experiences to be in contact with people from other
- We should keep that in mind for more precise planning later)

Solution on the WHY question:

We change the way we look at elderly. They are not objects but subjects. They
increase the wellbeing of themselves and others, while having fun at the same

Both WHAT and WHY questions final version:

WHAT: We provide a concept in which all participants have a sense of

ownership of space and environment and equality in influence of the creative
design process.

WHY: We change the way we look at elderly. They are not objects but subjects.
They increase the wellbeing of themselves and others, while having fun at the
same time.
Role playing the example:

Group invites a drama-instructor to the team meeting!

Present from 11:49 – 12:15

Group leader explains the scenario of the chairs.

Clarification and discussion on the role play.

Group leaves 15min later to the lunch, decides to use time for planning.
Practicing the role play after the lunch.

Discussion about roles and set up of role play.


Elderly citizen Hakki

Business citizen Ehsan/ Jia
Buffet Carmen
Professor/ Lecturer Agatha
Students Sijme
Public services Terttu (Espoo City)
Technology consultant Juho
Project manager Timo

Lunch break: 12:15 - 13:00

Afternoon Group Session

After lunch the group continues to prepare for the presentation and thinking about
the roles and surroundings (café)

The group is thinking about the “plot” of the presentation and what should each
people do during the presentation

Group is deciding on the colours of the chairs – what colour should students,
professionals, business people, elderly people and all other stakeholders have?

We should give the people who come to audit our group also colours according to
their personal profession

What do the colours represent and is the idea of the colours clear?
The group is rehearsing their roles; It seems that the acting is making the group
dynamics better & stronger and activating the group members -> members seem
relaxed and are laughing

How should the group introduce the situation? Should the presenter say what each
colour means and what we are trying to achieve by this act or is it clear to
“outsiders” what we are doing?

What sort of problems is the elderly person having and how can the business
student help him? -> Problem with internet connection -> can you (people in
Innovation Café) help me?
Business student wants to help the elderly person and wants to know the elderly
persons opinions; professional wants to also help with the elderly person problem

The group is waiting for the auditing persons to come -> people are discussing with
each other about different things, not necessarily related to the case

During the last rehearsal the group is thinking if we fulfill the give task. Is the
presentation short and simple enough?

Since the group doesn’t have anything to do while we wait for the auditing group
we decide to do a warm up exercise for an ideation session. Warm up: form 2
circles, pass around an objective and when passing it to the other person say a
word and the other person will spontaneously come up with an other word.

Playing out the presentation and getting feedback

Ehsan comes and gives feedback about our presentation:

- equality and “not object, but subject” are good
- are the chairs really presenting the ownership of the environment and space?
what are they really depicting?
- why are we only talking about elderly people? why not all citizens? why not
thinking about also the prevention of bad health etc.
- we should also focus on the lifestyle of the citizens because that is
innovative, to support healthy lifestyle
- should we select one of the three concepts and present it to everybody else
- OR try to work further all the three concepts and create different kind of
- we should select where do we want to continue

The group decides to not follow the Camps structure if it does not fit our agenda
because we feel that we can be more innovative when we have more control over
what we are doing. If the camp leaders want us to present something we will
improvise it.

The group decides also to generate more ideas because we have now only 3 ideas.
We need to go deeper with the ideas and try to get as many ideas, good or bad. On
day 7 we will select which ideas we want to use in our final presentation.
Group work phase

Presentation of Group work:

Group 1:
- made an overview on the spaces and rooms in the building
- made an analysis on the rooms, what is good and bad about the rooms (see
flip chart)
- special focus on library, computer room, lobby, and students’ café
- some criticism on lobby: chairs not comfortable, noisy, cold in winter
- ideas: changing lobby setting: more flowers, water, different levels in lobby
where people sit on, create space under the platform, making library more
popular and accessible, media centre with also leisure material, library
divided into different sections (silent and active space), maybe in silent
space small glass cabins for one on one work
- etc

Group 2:
- dividing library on some parts into part for reading, where one could also
listen to music and into part for loaning books, there could be also a third
part where students can study in peace
- including elderly people to take care of flowers in front of people, having
garden (this contributes to feeling of ownership and attracts) outside and
- if there would be some kindergarten, elderly people without grand children
could take care of the kids of some student (discussion: many students in
Laurea have kids, they could be taken care of by elderly in kindergarten-like
group for kids)
- place where elderly can watch movies of interest
- dance hall could be used for concerts from or for or by elderly
- workshops for handcraft for and by elderly or students, everyone
- CaringTV room: the offices for the workers could be used for other purposes
for instance for nurses, doctors, health care place. CaringTV somewhere in
corner, so the other places facilitate CaringTV. CaringTV is mobile, so that
not all devices have to be brought to CaringTV, but CaringTV is brought to
the health care offices. In that way, the nurses could do their practice
placements inside Laurea in connection to CaringTV.

Group 3:
- team took some values and emotions, which the place should activate
(empathy, motivate, comfort)
- Then the team brainstormed what comes in mind when hearing the words
- 25 ideas based on three of brainstorming outcomes
- Some crazy ideas, too
- Creative process in order to develop as many ideas as possible

Group departs at 17:00.

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