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Beth Duellman

EDUW 692
Summer 2016

Implementation Plan
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I did not know anything about Weebly before our first class together. While I know what

a website is and that there are resources to easily build a website, I have not spent time exploring
creating a website.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

It was fun to have an additional engaging project for my students at the end of the school

year. Next year, I will have students create a weebly from the main site and not the education
site. I didnt realize I had them all create teacher accounts. I talked with someone from weebly
and she said it was ok to just let them go.
What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I enjoy doing new things with my students that have not been done in the past. It

provides a sense of excitement. Even though it can be scary to try something new, the reward of
student engagement is worth it. I realize there will be problems but am able to work through it
with my students.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I definitely think this is a work in progress. I have not mastered this technology but am

implementing it with my entire class. I will begin this process with my class earlier next year.
All of my students will leave this year with an end of the year memory website.

How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

As I stated earlier, I will begin this process earlier in the year. Students can create

websites to demonstrate learning. We have been doing Genius Hour this year and some of my
students wanted to create a website to present their learning. I allow students to work together to
troubleshoot problems and I plan to continue that next year.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Teaching weebly was exciting and daunting during the final two weeks of the school

year. It was the perfect hook to keep students excited about school during the final weeks. It was
also time consuming and extensive. I could have done something smaller but Im glad students
had the opportunity to have their own website.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

The students did not know about this piece of technology before we began direct

instruction. Yes, they understand how to access a website but not how to create their own
website. I gave students a website creation vocabulary quiz on Schoology where the class
average was 16.3%. When asked if they thought they could create a website, 91% said yes.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students are getting hands-on experience with the website creation vocabulary words

through creating their own websites. They are also using Quizlet to study the words during this
time. Students are learning a technology skill that they can use to demonstrate learning. As my

students leave my classroom, I know I have provided them with tools to become successful 21st
century learners.
Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve? If
no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?

Overall, my students showed tremendous growth in the learning objectives. The overall

class average on the website creation vocabulary increased 33%.

What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

I provided the students support throughout the entire process. We did some small steps

whole group and then I met with them in small groups to make sure they were on the right track.
After the initial process, students could work independently without much support. We did one
step at a time. After introducing the home page set up, students completed home pages. I
checked with each student before we moved to editing the individual pages.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This project provided students exploration, problem solving, and thinking processes as

well as stimulated motivation, self-esteem, and prepared students for the future. Students were
able to design their website to reflect the things that were important to them. The technology was
new so we had to troubleshoot problems along the way. Student excitement and engagement was
high in a time that is typically hard to keep students motivated.
Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This technology was used for individual students. At times, students worked together to

help with editing the pages. Groups could work together to create a website to demonstrate
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

Students will leave 4th grade with a website telling the story of their 4th grade year.

While they still may need some support in the future, they will feel comfortable creating
websites in the future. Students also showed growth on the assessment for website creation
vocabulary words. While teaching the technology, we were waiting for a picture to upload. I was
commenting that it would just be a minute while it downloaded. A student that normally does
not participate, but loves technology, mentioned that it was uploading and not downloading. That
was a demonstration that showed an understanding of the website creation vocabulary words. I
also gave the students a post-test on the vocabulary for website creation in which they averaged
49% (up 33%).
What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

I am providing my students with feedback throughout the process as I check their

progress. I also provided my students with the assessment results from the Schoology quiz.
Finally, students are able to view each others website in addition to showing friends and family.
They will receive many positive comments on their work.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I thoroughly implemented the use of weebly during our final 9 days of school and

deserve an A for this project. In that time, 4th grade students were able to successfully create a
website. I was also able to create a website myself to reflect my progress on my masters degree.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I feel that weebly could be used in other areas of my life. Currently, I only plan to use

weebly with my students. Next year, I will have students demonstrate learning as well as create a
4th grade memories page.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I had heard of Padlet before but had not used it in my classroom.

What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

There were two things I really liked about using Padlet. One of those things was the ease

of use for students to add their ideas to the page. The second thing I liked was the ability to print
the posts in an organized format.
What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I learn best by experiencing the app with the students. I enjoy trying new things even if I

am unsure of the outcomes.

What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I created a Padlet as a class reflection of our favorite uses of technology from 4th grade.

I plan to use Padlet within our units of study next year for students to post ideas and questions as
we move through the units.

How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

As I mentioned above, I plan to create a Padlet for fractions. Student can post things they

have learned and questions they have along the way. If I student finds a cool study tool, he/she
can link it to the fraction board. I think it is a more engaging way to keep a student centered
bulletin board on our topics of study.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Students easily were able to post on the Padlet I created. I provided the link on our class

Schoology page for them to access the Padlet. Students added pictures and videos without any
instruction on how to insert those items. Students noticed that some of the posts I added had
pictures so some of the students decided to add pictures and videos as well.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

The students had not used Padlet before I introduced it to them. I knew this because I

asked the students if anyone had used Padlet before.

How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

This technology is engaging for students and will keep them interested in the topics we

are studying at school. As students become more engaged in the topics, they will learn more and
perform better on assessments.
Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve? If
no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?

I wanted students to post a comment about the technology we used in 4th grade. All of

the students were able to do this. It was interesting to see the different ideas and take aways the
students had. Students quickly and eagerly posted their ideas. If I had asked students to write on
a piece of paper the same thing, I would have heard far more complaining and would have
received lower quality responses.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

Students were self-sufficient on this piece of technology. I showed students how to

interact with Padlet and that was all they needed.

Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This project gave students the opportunity to reflect upon their experiences using

technology in 4th grade. They were highly motivated to participate with the digital format.
Padlet could be used in many different ways including exploration, problem solving, or thinking
processes. I think the biggest advantage to using Padlet is to increase student motivation and
Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This project was both cooperative and individual. Students individually posted on Padlet

with each individual response coming together to form the group response to the question. We
did not run into big challenges using this software. This biggest challenge was students wanting
to move their text box in a specific spot that was partially covering another student response.

What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

I have a completed Padlet with student responses to show I have mastered this

technology. I can create and share a Padlet with my class and they can add to it. I will continue to
think of ways to use Padlet within our current units of study.
What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

We used this technology tool as a reflection form. I commented to my students as we

were adding our posts. I did not use this as an assessment so I did not leave formal feedback.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I came up with a creative yet meaningful way for students to interact with Padlet at the

end of the school year. The students in my class were successful at adding posts and sharing on
ideas using Padlet so I would give myself an A.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I think I can use Padlet as an extension of what we are learning. During our unit on rocks

and minerals, students can add ideas or cool facts they have discovered related to this topic. I
envision using it as a place for students to go above and beyond what we are doing in class.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I learned about quizlet earlier this year from other students in my Masters program. My

students used quizlet to study vocabulary words from their novel units.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

Quizlet provided my students the opportunity to be engaged in the learning of vocabulary

for the novel units. In the past, students would sit through a vocabulary discussion without
participating much. Now students beg to continue using quizlet to study vocabulary.
What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I best learn about using technology through implementation. I can understand the

programs and how to use them but I need to jump in with the students to really master it.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I currently have created my own quizlet study set and have all my students registered in

my class. I have used many public quizlets as well.

How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

I can continue to determine key vocabulary for the units of study we cover in fourth grade

and create or find quizlets to support the units.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

My students quickly adapted to using quizlet to study vocabulary. Their favorite part was

playing Scatter on quizlet. I liked the flexibility of being able to create my own study set or find
a public study set for vocabulary instruction.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

The students had not used quizlet before I introduced them to the program. They have

experience with different technology programs and can use them relatively easily. This program
was no different. Students quickly adapted to using quizlet.

How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students will improve their understanding of academic vocabulary. I gave the students a

website creation vocabulary pre- and post-test. On the pre-test, 1 out of 23 students scored above
40% in website creation vocabulary. After implementing quizlet to study vocabulary words, 14
out of 23 students scored above 40% on the post-test.
Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve? If
no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?

I did achieve my student learning objectives for website creation vocabulary. Students

improved their understanding of website creation vocabulary and used that understanding to
create their own website.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

I did not need to provide the students much support after the initial instruction of quizlet.

A few students forgot how to access the site but quickly jumped back in with a reminder.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This project provided students the opportunity to study and understand academic

vocabulary. Using quizlet to study vocabulary greatly increased student engagement and
provided students with the support to be prepared to perform proficiently on the assessment. In
the future, students can continue to use quizlet as a study tool even if their teacher does not
integrate technology.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This technology project was for the individual students to better understand academic

vocabulary. When we used Quizlet Live, students worked on teams to demonstrate understanding
of the academic vocabulary.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

I know that all of the students in my class completed the flashcards, scatter option, and

Quizlet live for the website creation vocabulary as well as other vocabulary sets throughout the
year. I know students have benefited from this technology because their assessment scores are
higher. Students also use academic vocabulary more often when we spend time really
understanding the meaning. Quizlet is part of the process we use for understanding academic
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment?

I used Quizlet regularly throughout the school year. My students were engaged with

academic vocabulary unlike they had been before using this program. Quizlet Live ended up
being one of their favorite activities and encouraged students to work together to master the
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I plan to continue to use Quizlet to study academic vocabulary. I would like to be more

meaningful in my planning of key academic vocabulary that I would like my students to master
during the school year.

Quizizz & Kahoot!

What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have been using Kahoot! and Quizizz in my classroom this year. My students just love

playing. It was helpful to have so many created by others already available for students to use.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

I could see that students responded to competing with others in a fun manner.

What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I enjoy having fun with my students.

What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I have completed many sessions with my class as well as creating some of my own

quizzes for them to use. I aligned the quizzes with the curriculum to help them learn in a fun
way. I plan to continue to use this technology with my students in the future.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Teaching this technology to my students was quick and easy. I used Kahoot! for a parent

classroom visit and parents also quickly caught onto how to use the technology.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

The students had used Kahoot! in library during the previous school year but had never

used Quizizz. The students shared this with me when we played our first game.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students are excited and always willing to participate when we play Kahoot! or Quizizz.

With engagement, students are learning more on the topics covered in the quiz. I can watch
students improve throughout the year on quizzes we repeat like math facts or state capitals.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

Students did not need any special support

Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This project provided students with a thinking process and stimulated motivation.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

The technology was for an individual student; however, the class competed against each

other. Students enjoyed trying to earn the most points in the class.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

Students completed many Kahoots! and Quizizz successfully and always asked for more.

Students do not need to be evaluated for mastery on this technology.

What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

Students received feedback from the programs instantly. Kahoot! would show a green or

red screen depending on if the answer was correct. Quizizz would have a meme to match either
being correct or incorrect. Students enjoyed the instant feedback from both programs.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I used Kahoot! and Quizizz with my students regularly and purposefully. Students can

easily and successfully access both programs so I would give myself an A on this project.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I will continue to use Kahoot! and Quizizz in my classroom. I think one of the biggest

reminders implementing these programs was that students are excited to complete engaging
tasks. Competing against one another in a friendly game is very motivating for students. I will
continue to find ways to keep students engaged and motivated. These programs are just two of
the ways I will do that.
Hour of Code (Web 2.0)
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have been using and the Hour of Code for the past three years. I do not know

a lot about computer science of programming in general.

What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

The realization of the importance of teaching students about computer science was the

most useful to me in my learning process.

What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I learn best by doing. I did not know much at all about how to use the first time

I used it. I introduced it to my students and let them try it. Each year I have added something to
the experience. It began with my single room doing the Hour of Code and continues to grow with
a school wide Hour of Code event this year.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I have used this technology in my classroom successfully for three years. I have helped

most classes in the school do this event with their own class. I took a class sponsored by
to further implement the technology next year.
How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

I plan to expand my instruction of computer science beyond the Hour of Code. I will use

what I have learned to teach computer science curriculum to my students next year.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

This is one of my favorite activities to do with my students each year. The content is

relevant, engaging, and easy to use. I know how important it is for students to have exposure to
computer science so I am glad there are easy to use tools to support me in this area.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

Most years, students have never done the Hour of Code before; however, next year, they

will have done it before. Luckily, creates new characters and puzzles each year to keep
the students engaged.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

At the end of this course, students will have the tools to understand basic computer

science. This is an important fundamental to future computer science courses. All students will
know it possible to write computer code. My students will complete the course work successfully
including solving puzzles, understanding computer science vocabulary, and creating computer

Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve? If
no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?

I have always been successful at implementing the Hour of Code but I plan to teach the

curriculum on next school year. I believe students will be excited and fully engaged in
the lessons. The biggest problem will be finding the time to complete the tasks.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

I will provide my students support along the way but most of the work will be completed

independently using the tutorials provided by

Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This project provides exploration, problem solving, and thinking processes and

stimulates motivation, self-esteem, and prepares students for the future.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This project is for individual students and there have not been any major problems.

What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

Students will create interactive games or stories that they can share with anyone. I will

evaluate their mastery through the projects they create throughout the course.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I believe what I learn in this course will help me better prepare students for their future.

Technology is a permanent fixture in our society and students need to understand how to interact
with it.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment? What was the
most useful to me in my learning process?

I had heard of Wordle but had not used it with my students. It was important that

students were able to spell the words accurately especially when creating a word cloud together.
Last year, I used another word cloud software and my students entered words independently. Just
like Wordle, the size of the word increased with multiple entries. We created a word cloud of
words that described our principal, Mr. Giese. Multiple spellings of the same word all came up as
separate entries rather than a larger word. That was one thing I learned when trying a similar
What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I continue to see that I learn best but just jumping in a doing the activity. As I learn new

things that work or dont work, I modify in the future. I dont need to know every possibility of
what will happen and I can deal with things not running how I planned or thought they would.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I completed several Wordles with summer school students as well as my own Wordles.

My students have also successfully completed Wordles.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

I felt the students I taught this technology to could understand it but occasionally

struggled to spell words consistently. I thought it was interesting to see the students struggle to
come up with single word or short phrases to complete the Wordle.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

The students had not used this technology. I know this because they told me and needed

support to complete the Wordle.

What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

I supported students by reminding them how to make words bigger and to double check

spelling. Students were able to independently change formatting and font. Students will use this
periodically and will need reminders on how to do most things.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology project provided exploration and stimulated self-esteem. I had students

complete a Wordle to describe themselves and tell what they were looking forward to this
summer. Both of these projects would be engaging for students and strengthen their self-esteem.
Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This was for an individual student and the biggest problem was spelling the words

consistently when writing them multiple times.

What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their
mastery? What sort of feedback did I provide for my students?

My students were able to complete their own Wordles describing themselves and telling

what they were looking forward to this summer. I evaluated their mastery by viewing their
finished project and watching them complete their projects. I gave students feedback verbally as
they were completing their Wordles.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I received an A on this project because students were able to complete the objective of

creating a Wordle. Id like to use these strategically throughout the year in academic areas.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I did not know about Password before I started the assignment.

What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

I believe this activity will be fun for students and provide motivation to stay engaged.

What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I created a Password for the website creation vocabulary words.

How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

I think this an example of a fun game to use with students to review content. It is another

option to provide a variety of ways to keep students connected to the lessons.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

I think students will need a quick introduction and then will love to play. I look forward

to using it with students next year. One area we have been working on improving at my
elementary school is academic vocabulary. This will support that work.

What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

Students may not have played this specific game but there are others out there like it that

I think some students may have played. I know how much experience students have based on
their reaction and questions during the first couple rounds.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

This assignment will help students improve their understanding of academic vocabulary.

I can use pre and post-test data to show this growth.

Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve? If
no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?

Students will show growth on academic vocabulary we study and review using

Password. Using Password is one part of improving academic vocabulary.

What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

I think students will be able to play Password throughout the year without much support

beyond the initial instruction. I may have to remind students of the main rules but they will
quickly remember how to play.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology project provided students a chance to have a better understanding of

academic vocabulary while stimulating motivation to review, increased self-esteem, and

preparing students to perform on assessments.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This project is for a cooperative group. I have not had a chance to do this with my

students but I foresee a potential for students to blurt the answer out.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I think I can use this technology in all areas of the classroom. Id like to create these for

several units to give students another option for practicing academic vocabulary. I think I will see
an overall growth on all assessments with increased understanding of the academic vocabulary.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I had not heard of Blabberize before starting this assignment but I had heard of and used

similar programs. ChatterPix Kids or ChatterKids also allows you to add voice to a photo and
Tellagami allows you to add voice to an avatar.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process? What did I learn about my own learning
process during this assignment?

I am surprised by the amount of excitement students have to add a voice to a picture or

avatar. A task that would be boring suddenly becomes fun when you can complete it with a
talking picture. I again found that I like to learn about and understand technology through using
it with my students. They support my learning by trying it with me. Often, they can figure out
how to use it more efficiently than me.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I have completed projects on my own, taught the technology to my students, and my

students have completed projects.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

I like teaching this technology to students because it adds motivation to complete a

project. They absolutely love the idea of making a picture talk.

What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

In the past, students have not used technology like this. I know by their inquisitive

reactions and the questions they ask.

How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

This technology provides student motivation to complete a learning task with this as the

extension. They learn the objectives of the unit and use this to demonstrate their learning,
Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve? If
no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives? What sorts of support did you provide
students? How much support did you have to provide beyond the initial direct instruction?

I used ChatterKids in social studies when students were focusing on a biography from

the text. Normally, students arent real thrilled to read and understand the information. When I
added the option to create a ChatterKid at the end, the excitement immediately rose and students
worked determined to complete the task. I completed the Blabberize projects in the summer so
the topics were not academic. Students are self-sufficient after the initial instruction in all of
these technology programs.

Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology project provided students motivation to complete a thinking process. It

provided students creativity to demonstrate understanding of academic content.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

I have had students use these programs independently or in a cooperative group. The

biggest challenge students have when using these programs in a group is deciding who gets to
provide the voice. It is a great way for students to communicate and work together to solve
problems. They always figure out a solution and enjoy using the program.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their
mastery? What sort of feedback did I provide for my students?

I have student created projects with each of these technology programs. Students worked

proficiently to incorporate these programs into their work. I provided my students verbal
feedback during the projects. As problems would arise, we would work together to come up with
a solution. For certain projects, students had a rubric to score their work.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I created several projects with students and then my students have continued to create

additional projects. I would give myself an A because I was able to meet my learning objectives
of teaching this technology.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I can use this technology to motivate students as well as leave messages for students. The

additional use of pictures and avatars will keep students focused on the message. I plan to
continue to these programs with students.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have used Kidblog in the past but I no longer use it because I did not want to pay for my

account. I mostly used Kidblog as an option for students to share their learning from Genius
Hour. I created a new blog at Blogger that my students could use during the school year. I have
not created a blog through Blogger.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

I like the ease of posting questions and responding to blogposts. It is another option for

my students to use to share ideas and respond to posts with a real audience. I continue to look for
ways to make writing more engaging and responding to a blogpost is more engaging than writing
answers on a worksheet.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I created a blogpost and had students respond. I think I can continue to grow in this area

by incorporating this option more frequently into my lessons.

How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

I think I could add blogposts to students a chance to respond to questions in an open

format. I utilize something similar in the LMS (learning management system) we use at Davey. I
would also like to give students the chance to write their own blogposts for others to see. It
would give them the platform to do an authentic writing piece with a real world audience.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Students were at ease responding to a post and only needed minimal instruction on

blogposts. My students first blogposts actually took place without any teacher instruction so its
definitely something I would be comfortable with using in the future with my classes.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this? How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence
could I use to show student achievement?

My students had heard of a blog but had not used one before. I know this from the

discussions we had in class. Students will improve their performance on written tasks because it
will be visible to others. I could use a sample of students written work on reading
comprehension worksheets compared with the written response to similar reading
comprehension questions on a blog. I think the quality of response will increase and students
attitudes will be more positive when using the blog.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

Students in fourth grade can use this technology quite easily and they did not need much

additional support beyond the initial instruction. When I originally used Kidblog, I was not able
to instruct students and they figured out how to create a post on their own. I plan to integrate
blogging into our curriculum more frequently to engage students in discussion.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future? Was the
technology project for a cooperative group or individual student?

This technology provided students the opportunity to share their thinking process and

provides students the motivation to complete the task at high levels. I used this technology for
individual students to reply to a question or share their learning from Genius Hour.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

Students will show they have mastered this technology by responding to a blogpost and

creating an original blogpost. I dont think I need to evaluate their mastery on this technology
because I will really be looking to evaluate their mastery of understanding of the topic.
What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

I provided verbal and written feedback for my students on their blogposts. Students were

also able to receive verbal and written feedback from peers. All of the students that created their
own blogposts were very proud to show their learning to others.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I think using blogposts in class would be more engaging for students. I could also use

blogposts in my personal life to track my professional learning and/or follow our yearly family
vacations to Disney.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I had heard about free courses you could take online in certain areas, like computer

science, but I did not realize the vast amount of offerings out there nor did I know the official
names of the courses.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

I think knowing these courses are available is the most useful to me. After I complete my

masters program, I will easily be able to find courses to continue my learning with little
additional cost. I also like the idea of connecting with other teachers in these courses.
How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

With my current grade level, I do not think I would use OCW or MOOCs with my

students. I will use it to enhance my professional learning to help me be a better teacher for my
students. I will continue to watch for options more appropriate for elementary students.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology has the opportunity to provide exploration, problem solving, and

thinking processes as I would work through the courses. Offering courses for free and online
would motivate me to participate because it allows me flexibility to participate while still being
involved with my family.
Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This project is for an individual student with the possibility of collaborating with a

cooperative group. Difficulties of an online group would be staying disciplined enough to

complete the coursework without having to meet in a classroom.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned will have applications to my teaching?

I definitely can see myself participating in an online free course in the future.

What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I had not use Animoto before starting this assignment. I could only get a short

membership and was not interested in paying the membership so I am substituting iMovie which
is another video creation software. I have been using iMovie frequently the past few years.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

Before trying one, I thought it was a difficult process to create and edit an engaging

video. At a meeting, a group created a trailer in our 20-minute work time to show how easy it
was to use. I tried it after that and have been using it ever since. This project showed me
technology is easy to do if you just give it a try.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I have created many videos through iMovie and I use them for parent communication,

classroom expectations, and extensions of learning. I also led professional development at my

school on using iMovie in the classroom.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Students catch right onto creating iMovies and trailers. They often adapt even quicker

than adults and show me new tricks and tips. My biggest struggle with students is getting them
to understand what content should be in the videos. For example, when creating a book trailer,
students may put 3-5 pictures of themselves before getting to the content of the book. In that
case, no pictures of the student are needed because it is supposed to be introducing the story
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

Im not really sure what the students know about this technology. I know third grade is

starting to use it more so I am guessing they have had some exposure there. The first two years
with iPads, I know my students had not used it in the past.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students work harder and longer on projects if they can create a project demonstrating

their learning with technology. Many fourth grade students lack the stamina to read entire
chapter books. They are great at checking out large stacks but not so great at reading them until
the end. Adding the choice of creating book trailers to add to our Readbox added the motivation
for students to finish the books. Students are digging deeper and gaining more understanding so
student achievement will improve.
Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve?
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

Students were able to successfully create iMovie trailers and movies for many different

projects in fourth grade. I did not have to support students beyond the initial instruction.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology project provided problem solving and thinking processes while

stimulating motivation, self-esteem, and preparing students for the future. Students felt confident
and proud to be able to easily create videos. They have experience being creative while using
technology to demonstrate their understanding and that is something they will continue to need
in the future.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

We used iMovie in cooperative groups as well as for individual students. I did not notice

many challenges. One challenge that occasionally happened was lack of collaboration between
the group members. One student did all of the work and would take help from the members or
didnt receive help from the members. That is more about collaboration than it is about the
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

All of my students created projects using iMovie throughout the school year. I have

rubrics for assessing their social studies projects that combine tech skills, teamwork, and content.
What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

I provided students with written feedback on rubrics and verbal feedback when viewing

as a class. Students were also able to post videos on Schoology and receive comments from other
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I have a strong understanding of iMovie and how to effectively use it in the classroom. I

would receive an A on this project because of the many different ways I effectively use iMovie.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I will continue to use iMovie in my classroom because it is easy for students yet

produces a professional looking video. It gives students the chance to edit and create what they

want the viewers to see. I actually have used iMovie with my own family. We have created
trailers from family events including holidays and birthday parties.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have used Socrative with my students. I used it most a couple years ago and have just

used it a few times recently. I have found we use other software to perform the same function
more frequently. Its always a good tool to have to engage the students with something new.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

I like to expose my students to all different sorts of learning platforms. Even if some

serve the same purpose, I still like them to be comfortable with different programs.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology? How can I apply what Ive learned to
my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to make?

I have used this program with my students and with teachers during professional

development. I use this in a classroom setting so I do not have modifications to make.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Just like most of the technology we use, students are comfortable and easily catch on to

using new apps. I try to include different types of apps to keep students excited about learning.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students are more engaged in learning when technology is involved so the impact on

student achievement will be positive. I can use the assessment results to show student growth. I
also use pre and post-assessments to track student growth in some areas. Using technology to
quick grade and store the information is helpful.

What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

Students did not need support beyond the initial instruction. If students forgot something,

they would ask a neighbor or myself and quickly catch back up.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This project provided thinking processes and stimulated motivation.

What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their
mastery? What sort of feedback did I provide for my students?

Students completed tasks in Socrative. I am using the technology as a tool to evaluate

their content knowledge. Students receive instant feedback on the assessment.

Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I do not really see myself using this technology outside of the classroom. I will use it

occasionally with students but I prefer using our LMS for most of the functions this app
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment? What was the
most useful to me in my learning process?

I have been using Skype in the classroom this year so I did know about it before I started

this assignment. It was amazing to take the students so many places outside of WI without ever
leaving the classroom. When we did Mystery Skype, students had total control of how the
activity went. I had to just hope our practice would pay off and it always did.

What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I learned I am willing to try new things no matter how impossible it may seem. Starting

Mystery Skype was overwhelming and scary. There were so many jobs for the students to do and
everyone had to stick with their own job to make the skype a success. The virtual field trips were
a lot of fun.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I completed several Mystery Skypes and Virtual Field Trips with my students this year.

This evidence is shown in the pictures and videos on my website.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

It was a lot of work to prepare students for completing a Mystery Skype but it was worth

it. We made several connections to other classrooms. My favorite memory is when we were
talking with students in New Zealand. It was Tuesday in WI but Wednesday in New Zealand. It
was really mind blowing for my students to think about it being a different day in another place
in the world. The wide eyes and dropped jaws were authentic. Using Skype in the classroom is
exciting and one of my favorite things I have done with students.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this? How will this assignment impact student achievement?

The students in my class had not used Skype in education before. I know this because

they told me and I could tell by the questions they were asking. Using Skype in the classroom
gave my students an awareness of the world around them that you cannot get from reading a
book. We were able to learn more about geography, culture, and specialized topics from the
virtual field trips. Students are learning more and engaged in academics thanks to Skype in the

Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? If yes, what did I achieve? If
no, what got in the way of achieving those objectives?

Students were able to successfully complete several Mystery Skypes. There are too many

jobs for me to micromanage them so each student had a big responsibility to stay on task. We
also completed a few virtual field trips based on topics from Genius Hour. Students stayed
focused and asked interesting questions during the field trips.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

I provided jobs for students during Mystery Skype. We discussed what each job would

entail and practiced several days before we did our first live Mystery Skype. After each round,
we would discuss as a class what went well and what needed to improve. We would review the
roles before each new Mystery Skype. During the field trips and Mystery Skypes, I did not
provide much support. I was in the room and could answer questions if needed.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This project breaks the walls of the school down and opens the world up to the students.

It provides exploration, problem solving, teamwork, and thinking processes in addition to

stimulating motivation and preparing students for the future. Its definitely redefinition of what is
possible for students today.
Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

We primarily used Skype in the classroom as a cooperative group. The biggest challenge

was during Mystery Skype when students had to stick with their assigned job. It was tough for
some to not want to do all of the jobs.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their
mastery? What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this

We completed several Mystery Skypes and virtual field trips. I was able to evaluate

students based on their authentic performance in these activities. Students received feedback
from myself, their classmates, and the students or experts on the other end of the Skype call.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment?

I would give myself an A on this assignment because I prepared my students to

successfully complete activities using Skype in the classroom. It was a big task but worth it in
the end. I didnt know what the outcome would be or if the students would work together to
complete the task. There was a huge unknown in the task and I just had to have faith that it
would be ok. I provided my students with an experience they have never had at school.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

I think this is an exciting opportunity for teachers to really help their students become

globalized citizens. I look forward to making further connections with classroom to collaborate
on projects and learning together next year.
NCES Graphing Site, EduBakery, Timelines through
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment? What was the
most useful to me in my learning process?

I had not used any of these sites before this course. I have had students graph their own

data in the past. It is nice to see this resource available to create graphs in the future. It is always
nice to be able to create word games to give students more exposure with vocabulary words.
Timelines are important to understand and would give students an additional way to show what
they know about famous people we are learning about.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology? How can I apply what Ive learned to
my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to make?

I successfully created products from each of these websites that I can use with students

in the fall. I will also have students graph their reading minutes next year and maybe other data
we collect. I probably wont have students create word puzzles but I plan to create some to use
during Daily 5. I am going to add the option for creating timelines to our Genius Hour projects,
social studies, and reading projects. I think students will really like it.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students? What do the students know about
this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction? How will this assignment impact
student achievement?

I plan to provide a link or QR code to the graphing site and timeline site. I will show

them how to use it the first time but then provide an instruction sheet for additional times. I do
not think students will have a problem using this technology. I also do not think my students will
have had any experience with this technology before we use it.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

NCES website will allow students a chance to track their data and set goals to improve.

The EduBakery site will provide students with engaging and fun activities to work with words.

The timeline website will allow students to demonstrate an understanding of material we are
learning about in class when appropriate.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I would receive an A on this project because I successfully used these programs to create

graphs, word games, and timelines. I can see myself using this with my students next year.
Graphing is an area that I dont think our math curriculum does a great job addressing. Im
always looking for new ways to get kids to work with vocabulary words and EduBakery
provides just that. Students will be excited to share what they know through creating a timeline. I
had considered adding a biography project and this would fit perfectly with that.

Social Bookmarking, Diigo/Symbaloo

What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I had not used either of these sites before this assignment. I had heard a lot about

Symbaloo and wanted to try it out. I just hadnt found the time to do it yet.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

Bookmarking articles and webpages will be so helpful. I am notorious for having 20

pages open with articles I want to reference or read. I eventually copy them into a note and save
them. It really isnt the most effective way to store and organize these pages.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology? How can I apply what Ive learned to
my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to make?

I created both a Diigo and Symbaloo site and have bookmarked articles and websites I

plan to reference. I have frequently used websites that I would like my students to be able to

access in my Symbaloo. I think a modification for Diigo would be to make it more visual for
elementary students so that is why I also used Symbaloo.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

I think the kids will love having the main page to keep everything organized for them. I

think they could create their own pages but they would need more guidance about what is
important to keep. I could see them bookmarking too many pages.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

I do not think the students have any experience with either of these programs.

How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students will spend less time getting to the websites and more time on the actual learning

and work. With increased instruction time, student achievement should improve. I could survey
students to see how they feel about using social bookmarking sites compared to the previous year
when they did not use it.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

I think students will be able to access Symbaloo and use it efficiently after a short initial

instruction. They will be excited to create their own to use as well.

Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

These websites have the potential to provide exploration, problem solving, and thinking

processes while stimulating motivation, self-esteem, and preparing students for the future. I think

these websites provide a little bit of everything with all of the links and the activities to support
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I completed the task of creating a social bookmarking website with Diigo. I recognized

that my students may benefit from a more visual format so I also created a Symbaloo. I would
give myself an A because I created a detailed example I plan to implement in the fall with my
new group of fourth graders. I look forward to using these websites.
GAFE (Google Apps for Education) - Google Forms
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment? What was the
most useful to me in my learning process?

I have been using Google Apps for Education with my students before I started this

assignment. I love how easy it is for students to collaborate using GAFE. Student engagement
increased because everyone could be adding ideas rather than standing around one device. I do
not use Google Forms for assessments because the assessment system within our LMS better fits
my needs.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology? How can I apply what Ive learned to
my classroom setting?

I have integrated GAFE in many areas of the classroom. I also use it for professional

development within our building. Projects have improved with more student input. Students
enjoy working together online. It allows us to move information to others more efficiently.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

I feel good about teaching this to students because I know they will improve their

collaboration skills and be more engaged in the work.

What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

Im not sure what students know. In the past, they have not used these programs before

but I think third grade is incorporating more and more technology each year. Eventually my
students will have had experience before fourth grade.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students work together to complete projects more efficiently. I can look at what each

student added to the project. Students are improving their 21st century skills when collaborating
using GAFE.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

Students occasionally forget how to share a document with a classmate but overall, they

do not require much support beyond the initial direct instruction. Students will ask another
student or myself if they need assistance.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology provides problem solving and thinking processes while stimulating

motivation and preparing students for the future.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

We used GAFE for cooperative groups and individual students. One challenge groups

had was when one student would erase the work of others. We can go back into the revision
history but it still causes problems. Its hard for some students to give up control and truly let
everyone have a voice.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology?

I have many projects completed by my students using Google Docs, Google Sheets, and

Google Slides. They are able to complete projects collaboratively using these apps. I can
evaluate their mastery based on their completed projects.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I use GAFE regularly in my classroom. I would like to continue to improve on have

students edit writing using Google Docs by having students make suggestions and leave
comments all within the app. I plan to move more towards Microsoft apps next year to give my
students exposure to different programs.
Digital Citizenship/Common Sense Media
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have used Common Sense Media with my students in the past. We focused on research

skills and documentation of research. For this paper I will focus on two lessons I looked more
closely at. Those lessons are Whose Is It, Anyway? and Choosing a Search Site.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

All of the topics on Common Sense Media are so important and I am glad they offer

these resources for free to teachers. Digital citizenship cannot be overlooked.

What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

Digital citizenship is a relatively new concept or area for teachers to cover in the

curriculum. I need to see things from the perspective of the students and know the value of this
topic even though it was not a topic we studied when I went to school.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I have taught lessons from Common Sense Media to my students. I know how to

navigate the site and print the resources.

How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to
make? How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

The lessons are easy to follow and the students were engaged during the lessons. I feel

good about teaching these lessons because it is such important content for the students to
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

Overall, the students do not seem to know much about digital citizenship. I hope as we

continue to integrate more and more technology that we will also spend more time with digital
citizenship. I feel like I have to cover so much without them coming to me with any background
knowledge in this area.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students will become responsible members of the online community. With this

knowledge, they can use technology to make a positive impact in the world.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology project provided students thinking processes and prepared them for the

How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I would receive an A because I taught these lessons to my students before our research

projects. I found what was important and made sure students were being responsible with the
content they were finding online.
Summary Do I feel that what I learned in and through this course will have applications to my
teaching or to other areas of my life? If so, where will I apply this knowledge?

Every time I teach digital citizenship lessons; it is a good reminder for me as I am also a

member on the online community. The lessons focus on skills you need to be a responsible
member of the online community. Its a lifelong skill that we need in everything we do.
Communication Tools - Doodle, Survey Monkey, Answer Garden
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I had not heard of Doodle before this course, I had heard of Answer Garden but had not

used it with my students, and I have used Survey Monkey with parents in previous years.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

Its nice to see organization tools to enhance communication. These programs give you a

chance to collect information in an easy way that allows participants to answer when available.
What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I need to keep trying new things and searching for products already out there that would

make teaching a little easier.

What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I created something through each of these technology programs. I also have examples of

what the results look like when student, parents, or co-workers complete the tasks.
How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

As I move through the school year, I may survey parents through Survey Monkey if I

have concerns or am curious about certain trends I am seeing in the classroom. Last time I polled
parents, it was because students were spending way too long on homework at night. A quick
survey gave me an idea of how homework was going in the homes that responded. I could use
this with students but so many of these feature are in our LMS that I will probably stick with
Canvas. I can see using Answer Garden for brainstorming purposes next year.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students? What do the students know about
this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?

Students would not have a problem interacting with these tools. I dont think they would

have had any exposure to them before fourth grade.

Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

Answer Garden would provide students a chance to share ideas or their thinking

processes while stimulating motivation to stay engaged with the project.

How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I completed this project thoroughly and would give myself an A. I can see myself using

these programs in the future.

For All Rubrics

What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have used other rubric software but had not heard of For All Rubrics before this course.

What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

The most useful part of this technology is being able to score the rubrics right on my

iPad. Its easier to everything online rather than hauling stacks of papers back and forth to school
each day.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I was able to sign up, create and share a rubric I created to score our narrative writing

piece from the Lucy Calkins curriculum.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Students will pay more attention to the rubric online. At least right now, when you had

technology, it immediately controls more of their attention. For now, I just plan to create the
rubrics but maybe in the future I could have the students create the rubric on my account.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?

Students have plenty of experience with rubrics but most likely not online.

How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students have a better understand of the expectations when given a rubric. With that

understanding, students will be able to complete tasks proficiently. Student achievement will
increase if more students are meeting the learning objectives from the unit.
What sorts of support did you provide students?

Students will be able to read the rubric and wont require much attention on how to use

the technology. I think I will only have to show them where to access the rubric.

Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

Rubrics give students clear objectives and expectations for completing a task or

assessment. Being able to use rubrics prepares students for the future and helps them understand
how to meet the grade level standards.
What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

Students will receive feedback on their work through the rubric. I usually complete the

rubric and write a little note.

How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I use rubrics regularly and was able to create a rubric using For All Rubrics. I would give

myself passing score because I met the objectives for this assignment.
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have used Nearpod with students before I started this course.

What was the most useful to me in my learning process? What did I learn about my own learning
process during this assignment?

Students attitudes changing drastically for the positive when using the program was

powerful to see. I love raising the excitement level in my classroom. I learn best by interacting
with the problem with a live audience.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I have presentations that I have created using Nearpod as well as results from those

interactive presentations.

How can I apply what Ive learned to my classroom setting? What modifications would I need to

We use Nearpod most frequently when doing our end of the unit math review. What was

typically a day when students struggled to stay focused going through the review now became a
day when students would cheer when their work was shared. Student engagement skyrocketed.
How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Students can interact with this technology quite easily. I actually taught sample lessons

using Nearpod in both kindergarten and first grade. Even the young students could use this
program without much help.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

Students did not know about this technology before we started and I knew this because

the students told me they had never heard of Nearpod before.

How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Hopefully students are performing better on the unit assessments after completing the

Nearpod review. I know participation improved and the energy in the classroom was higher.
Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment? What sorts of support did you
provide students?

Yes, students were able to complete the math reviews in class and have feedback on their

results. I did not need to provide students with additional support beyond the initial instruction.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future?

This technology provided problem solving and thinking processes while stimulating

motivation and self-esteem.

Was the technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group,
what challenges did you come up against?

This technology project is for individual students to interact with a presentation that is

taking place with the entire group. The biggest challenge is making sure everyone is featured at
some point during the review.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their

My students have participated and completed many Nearpods throughout the school

year. As students complete a Nearpod, their results are stored in my teacher account so I can
view their work.
What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

Students receive verbal feedback during the activity and absolutely love when their work

is featured.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I would receive an A for my work with Nearpod. I use Nearpod and have created

presentations to use with my students. I have also helped several teachers implement it within
their classroom so I have a good understanding of using Nearpod.
Green Screen by Do Ink
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment? What was the
most useful to me in my learning process?

I have used Green Screen with my students in the past. Adding background images

related to the speaker's content is an excellent way to make a presentation even more impressive.
What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

I worked for quite some time to figure out how to use this. Finally, I decided to ask two

of my students that arrived to class early if they could try it out. Within five minutes, they had it
all figured out. I learned you just needs to go to the students right away because they probably
know the answer or can figure it out quickly.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology?

I am able to teach this technology to students and they have completed many projects

using Green Screen by Do Ink.

How do I feel about teaching this technology to my students?

Students catch onto this technology quickly and are very motivated to complete the

academic work before moving onto the video presentation. Students have a chance to be creative
and add personality. Those are the reasons I love teaching and using Green Screen.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

In the past, students have not used the technology before fourth grade.

How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students are more likely to complete the assignment because they are motivated by the

opportunity to create a Green Screen to demonstrate what he/she has learned.

Did I achieve the student learning objectives for this assignment?

Yes, I met the learning objectives for this assignment. Students were able to write

complete informative essays and produce a presentation using Green Screen by Do Ink.
What sorts of support did you provide students? How much support did you have to provide
beyond the initial direct instruction?

Students do not need much support during this project. Some students need reminders of

where to place the video and where to place the background image. Overall, they are very
independent using Green Screen.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future? Was the
technology project for a cooperative group or individual student? If it was for a group, what
challenges did you come up against?

This project provided students a chance to demonstrate their learning in an interesting

way. Green Screen provided the motivation to complete the essay to move to the video creation.
All students were proud of their work and the other students were always impressed with the
presentations of their classmates. Students completed Green Screen presentations in small groups
and individually although they always need a buddy to videotape. One of the problems is finding
enough areas in the school for all students to be able to videotape themselves. We have one green
screen created out of green paper in each grade level hallway. I am not sure what the solution is
but its hard to find time for everyone to record.
What evidence do I have that my students mastered the technology? How will I evaluate their
mastery? What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this

My students created their own presentations using Green Screen. I will evaluate them

based on rubrics. Each student had to write a positive on a post-it note for each presentation. We
then delivered the messages to the students. They loved it and left the room with 25 positive
comments about their work.
How would I evaluate my performance with this assignment? Why did I give myself the grade
that I did?

I implemented Green Screen with great success in the classroom. It was the one time that

every student stayed really motivated to complete the task. I demonstrated how to use Green
Screen and my students completed their own projects for parents and friends to see.
Educreations/Canvas (bonus content)
What did I know about this piece of technology before I started the assignment?

I have been using Educreations in my classroom but have not used Canvas in my

classroom. Educreations is a recordable interactive whiteboard and Canvas is a learning

management system. I have used Schoology in the past for my LMS.
What was the most useful to me in my learning process?

Educreations gives me the opportunity to support students in their math work when at

home. Canvas has so much functionality that I will be able to do so much right through Canvas.
Assessments, discussions, modules, video feedback, and connection to Skyward (gradebook) are
all things I am looking forward to.
What did I learn about my own learning process during this assignment?

Sometimes you have to do things you dont like to do. I create math videos on

Educreations and share those with families similar to Khan Academy. Students connect to it
more because it is the language we are using in the classroom every day. Of course, its no fun to

hear your own recorded voice but the feedback has been positive so its worth it. As for Canvas, I
enjoy trying new technology tools that will enhance my classroom.
What evidence do I have that I mastered this technology? How do I feel about teaching this
technology to my students?

I can use and teach both of these programs to others. Students love using Educreations.

In addition to my own videos, I have students create videos so I can see and hear their strategies.
Ive already set up my Canvas courses and am ready to dive right in this fall. Just like most
technology, students will adapt quickly and be able to use these programs independently.
What do the students know about this piece of technology before I began my direct instruction?
How do you know this?

Students will not have used either of these programs before fourth grade; however, after

this year, our entire school will be using Canvas so they will have more experience.
How will this assignment impact student achievement? What evidence could I use to show
student achievement?

Students will gain a deeper understanding of math concepts by having the availability to

watch videos created when needed. They will also be able to achieve more when they create their
own videos because they have to understand it thoroughly to create the video explanation.
Did this technology project provide exploration, problem solving, or thinking processes? Did
the project stimulate motivation, self-esteem, or prepare students for the future? Was the
technology project for a cooperative group or individual student?

These programs provide exploration, problem solving, and thinking processes all while

stimulating motivation, self-esteem, and preparing students for the future. The students will use
both of these programs individually and in a group.

What sort of feedback did I provide for my students? How will students receive this feedback?

I can provide my students with so many different forms of feedback on Canvas. There

are online rubrics and assessments. I can leave written, verbal, or video feedback for student
work. There are discussions and comments from peers.

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