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Indulging in the feminine (without the hangover)

Guys, do you ever feel guilty if you get caught checking out a woman as you walk down
the street? Do you admire undercover to avoid being labeled as aggressive or a creep?
You wouldn't fear condemnation for appreciating the beauty of a sunset or the smell of a
lilac bush on an afternoon why is it taboo in our culture to openly enjoy the
beauty of the fairer sex?
Under the veneer of modern equality, today's gender dynamics are playing out in a
graveyard of failed attempts. Both sides are terrified of repeating the mistakes of the
past. Of sending the wrong impression, of playing into one of the ugly stereotypes
plastered on the billboards of our consciousness.
Our fear of doing it wrong has stained the common rhetoric with statements like:
The dance of the feminine must be reserved for behind closed doors. Its a mans
world out there, full of swivily necks and ogling eyes just waiting to pounce with their
gaze. Harassed, hit on and voyoured, a prudent woman will tuck her sexual radiance
safely away until the earth is finally governed by the benevolent feminine forces.
If you find yourself nodding and clucking to this statement, youre going to want to glue
your butt to the seat.
And if you currently inhabit a male form, bring extra pillows. Especially if you are one of
the awakening warriors on this planet who are grinding it out to exonerate the masculine
spirit of its debt to the 21st century.
At some point in time, the delicate art of inter-gender energy exchange turned into a big
mess, and we decided that the full gamut of feminine gifts should be reserved for those
in a formal relationship with a woman. But beneath the scabs of our historical attempts
to get what we need from each other, the primordial yearning for mutual nourishment
still flows. It is a predicament for both sexes, but men are often seen as the
transgressors in this game. How in the world can a peaceful, respectable man learn
to drink of the divine feminine ambrosia without triggering the pains of the past?
For the last 5000 years, the masculine force has had control of our systems and
civilizations. Its tyrannical rein has left many scars in our collective consciousness.

Men have raped, pillaged, taken and oppressed. Images of soldiers stomping on
women, drunk husbands storming in on pregnant wives and fathers lashing at small
children haunt the screens of young mens minds.
The feminine principle is being touted by many as our inevitable savior. Millions are
roaring in the coliseums of gender battle, bloodthirsty and crazed, cheering on the
divine feminine to annihilate the masculine spirit. Attack the oppressor! Beat into
submission the ones who have controlled us! Unfortunately, these gladiators are
shackled by the irony of wielding weapons of force to restore feminine benevolence.
Even men are becoming man haters. Seeing the images of oppression and exploitation
attributed to the male form, the earnest adolescent decides to quarantine his masculine
essence. He is afraid and ashamed of his virile power. He doesn't want to take
advantage of women. He swears never to let his hunger for feminine succulence
glimpse the light of day.
So the next time he sees a woman radiating pure sensuality and sexual beauty he
quickly diverts his attention in respect. Respect: a euphemism for deep
hereditary shame and an anesthetized sense of yearning.
He yearns because the dry hot dessert of his masculinity is parched for a drop of
feminine moisture. The sun and the moon, the yang and the yin were designed to flow
into each other, to energize and sustain each other. By intricate design, the masculine
elements of order, achievement and forward propulsion fit like puzzle pieces into the
feminine spaces of fluidity, nurturing, and intuition.
Tragically, even if he succumbs to temptation, his thirst cannot be quenched by oceans
of ogling or by the by-products of frication with a female body. An entire female race
could pour over the sand of his dessert and leave him arid if he lacks the mechanisms
to digest and absorb its true essence.
Our culture is obsessed with sex because we are dying of thirst for true union. But
simple fornication is little more than an oasis that evaporates in the precise moment of
expected relief.
To drink at the banks of polar union, both sides must shed their fears around how we as
men and woman interact on an archetypal level.

For starters, it must be understood that a woman who flowers open in her sensuality
and feminine power benefits everyone; she is not to be discouraged and definitely not to
be feared.
Men who understand how to accept and digest her gift will be nourished and balanced.
She, in turn, can absorb the nutrients of masculine adoration and metabolize them into
energy for fuller and more radiant blossoming. The feminine flower thrives when it is
germinated by the seeds of masculine intensity.
Empowered women understand that the energy bestowed on them by men through
sexual adoration is a valuable resource. Mae West, a sexual icon of the 1940s
reportedly understood how to transmute mens lust into an energetic power source.
When a woman emanates sensuality from her authentic core, it commands a
fascination that is much different then the cat-calls elicited by the rubber-band skirts and
push up bras of attention-hunting bar stars. Displays of bona fide femininity more often
than not will invoke a sense of wonderment and worship from males. And if her gift is
misinterpreted by a cretinous man, an empowered woman draws on her feminine
strengths to set boundaries. A Goddess fully connected to her power will softly soak up
the worship of adoration but can transform into a fierce warrior the second her divine
status is challenged.
The perception of the feminine as weak or helpless is a lie rotting through the human
consciousness that keeps women acting like victims and withholding the natural flow of
divine ambrosia.
I must acknowledge that there are still places in the world where manifestations of the
masculine shadow side are rampant and it may not be practical for a woman to openly
display her feminine essence.
However, I believe this impracticality stems from centuries of educating women to keep
their gifts hidden, which has created a deficit of the feminine aspect. Surrounding men,
parched from their thirst, have begun clawing at the spring of feminine nourishment in
In North America, we have been hacking away at the walls of sexual confinement. Our
most palpable dangers are being exposed, judged and deemed inappropriate. More
often than not, the proverbial landmines of lechery and unwanted sexual attention are

merely false evidence appearing real - perpetrating emotional starvation and thirst in our
polar landscape.
Coming soon - an exercise for tuning into and indulging in the feminine energies in your
daily life!

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