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dughall: This week's #ukedchat topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what would it look like?"
To be discussed on Twitter 8pm-9pm
7/1/2010 19:01

thedippyhippy: RT @dughall: This week's #ukedchat topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?" To be discussed on Twitter 8pm-9pm
7/1/2010 19:02

dughall: Join us for #ukedchat at 8pm "If you could revise the curriculum, what would it look like?"
Here's how:
7/1/2010 19:07

ianaddison: RT @dughall: Join us for #ukedchat at 8pm "If you could revise the curriculum, what would
it look like?" Here's how:
7/1/2010 19:08

chrisrat: RT @dughall: This week's #ukedchat topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?" To be discussed on Twitter 8pm-9pm
7/1/2010 19:11

harrisonmike: RT @dughall: This week's #ukedchat topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?" To be discussed on Twitter 8pm-9pm
7/1/2010 19:12

JoanneC23: RT @dughall: This week's #ukedchat topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?" To be discussed on Twitter 8pm-9pm
7/1/2010 19:13

EvolveLeeds: RT @dughall: This week's #ukedchat topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?" To be discussed on Twitter 8pm-9pm
7/1/2010 19:19

dughall: #ukedchat starts in just 30 mins! Join us! Topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?"
7/1/2010 19:30

Joga5: RT @dughall: #ukedchat starts in just 30 mins! Join us! Topic is: "If you could revise the
curriculum, what would it look like?"
7/1/2010 19:35

dughall: @lordlangley73 Fair dos matey. Archive should appear here:
7/1/2010 19:37

colport: I think tonights #ukedchat crosses all sectors of ed. "If you could revise the curriculum,
what would it look like?" #education #edchat
7/1/2010 19:39

eyebeams: RT @dughall: #ukedchat starts in just 30 mins! Join us! Topic is: "If you could revise the
curriculum, what would it look like?"
7/1/2010 19:40

KwameOh: RT @dughall: #ukedchat starts in just 30 mins! Join us! Topic is: "If you could revise the
curriculum, what would it look like?"
7/1/2010 19:43

chrismayoh: Have just got in and just remembered about #ukedchat - is it an 8pm start?
7/1/2010 19:44

dughall: @chrismayoh 8pm indeed. Looking forward to your contributions Chris. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 19:48

ianaddison: #ukedchat starts iat 8:00pm! Join us! Topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?"

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1 of 40 01/07/2010 21:25

7/1/2010 19:48

chrismayoh: @dailydenouement Thanks #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:50

chrismayoh: @dughall I hope it is as full of energy as last week :) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:50

mbarrow: RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat starts iat 8:00pm! Join us! Topic is: "If you could revise the
curriculum, what would it look like?"
7/1/2010 19:51

paulwill: Can any teacher take part in #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:53

TAtoTeacher: RT @dughall: This week's #ukedchat topic is: "If you could revise the curriculum, what
would it look like?" To be discussed on Twitter 8-9pm
7/1/2010 19:53

dughall: @paulwill Not just teachers. Any *person* #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:53

Elmlea1981: May comment on #ukedchat tonight!

7/1/2010 19:54

dughall: @Elmlea1981 You absolutely *must* :-) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:54

chris_1974: am home, twitter is working. Bring on #ukedchat, look forward to being involved this week.
7/1/2010 19:55

Natty08: Getting ready for #ukedchat tea at the ready to help the tweet power :)
7/1/2010 19:55

ianaddison: @Elmlea1981 why wouldn't you? If you have an opinion on the curriculum, we want to hear
it! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 19:55

dughall: For the next 70 mins or so all my tweets will be devoted to #ukedchat
7/1/2010 19:56

janwebb21: RT @dughall: For the next 70 mins or so all my tweets will be devoted to #ukedchat>me
7/1/2010 19:56

ianaddison: @dughall 70 minutes? maybe the new curriculum should teach you how many minutes are
in an hour? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 19:56

colport: I'm getting real-time search results at TweetGrid #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:57

islayian: @dughall Count me in for #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:58

chris_1974: @ianaddison why restrict to 60 minutes. We have 75 minute lessons. Allows greater
creativity in lessons #ukedchat
7/1/2010 19:58

janwebb21: @ianaddison I agreed because I know I will find it hard to shut up after 60
7/1/2010 19:58

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Elmlea1981: #ukedchat with so many nice encouragement messages it would be rude not too now!
7/1/2010 19:59

ianaddison: @chris_1974 totally agree that lessons shouldn't be structured to an hour, they should be
allowed to flow. hard to do in secondary #ukedchat
7/1/2010 19:59

paulwill: @chris_1974 how long do your learners concentrate for in a 75 min lesson #ukedchat
7/1/2010 19:59

dughall: #ukedchat about to start. Me, @ianaddison & @dailydenouement are moderating. "If you
could revise the curriculum, what would it look like?"
7/1/2010 19:59

janwebb21: @Elmlea1981 so looking forward to hearing from you in #ukedchat

7/1/2010 19:59

chris_1974: @ianaddison harder to do, not imposs. Just ask a timetabler! We have 2 week ttable,
which allows a little more flexibilty. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:00

janwebb21: RT @dughall: #ukedchat about to start. Me, @ianaddison & @dailydenouement are
moderating. "If you could revise the curriculum, what would it look like?"
7/1/2010 20:00

Emecz: Is the best way to follow #ukedchat to repeatedly search for #ukedchat every couple of
minutes? Or I only see tweets from people I follow.
7/1/2010 20:01

dailydenouement: @chris_1974 75 min lessons? We have 50. Bit jealous now... *sulks* #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:01

carolrainbow: My ideal curriculum would be full of exciting, open ended projects for pupils to research
and present, with no fixed timetable #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:01

chrismayoh: Length of lesson not important. it's the duration of the learning that is #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:01

jamesmichie: @chris_1974 @ianaddison ideally I would like to see timetables centred around students
needs & interests. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:01

ianaddison: @Emecz click add column at the top of tweetdeck, then type #ukedchat and they'll all
appear in one column
7/1/2010 20:01

janwebb21: @chris_1974 @chris_1974 #ukedchat I think secondary more challenging than primary -
we can adopt cross curricular approaches #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:02

chris_1974: @dailydenouement 4 of them a day. We trialled 3x100minutes. Nowe that's just silly! (I
know schoold that do that). #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:02

dughall: #ukedchat has started. "If you could revise the curriculum, what would it look like?"
7/1/2010 20:02

dailydenouement: @carolrainbow Yes, project based work more akin to work/real world scenarios
7/1/2010 20:02

ianaddison: #ukedchat would it be helpful to add pri or sec to your tweet? I assume we want slightly
different things? or do we? pri

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7/1/2010 20:02

dughall: RT @carolrainbow: My ideal wld be full of exciting, open ended projects for pupils to
research and present with no fixed timetable #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:02

chris_1974: @jamesmichie curriculum design crucial. @ KS4 we have three pathways, for academic,
voactional, skill route. Much crossover. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:03

harrisonmike: What came first: the curriculum or the exam? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:03

kekkelkekkel: RT @dughall: RT @carolrainbow: My ideal wld be full of exciting, open ended projects for
pupils to research and present with no fixed timetable #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:03

islayian: @chris_1974 We have doubled up most 50 min periods and added in flexi time on friday
afternoon Classes are non certificated #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:03

janwebb21: @dailydenouement Absolutely true - cross curricular/project based enables self directed
learning which we could do more #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:03

alexfindlayVLE: a thematic approach to learning would be my ideal :) #pri #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:03

DKMead: #ukedchat The main driver for the curriculum must at least echo the NZ one- with large
emphasis on essential skills, attributes and values
7/1/2010 20:03

chris_1974: agree with @ianaddison that pri / sec different, but why sudden jump from aged 11.5 to
11.6 ! What's so different after August? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

kvnmcl: Take out the prescriptive nature, add a dash of teacher ingenuity and a dollop of creative
learning #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

sciencelabman: we have to teach kids to take responsibilty for their own learning #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

ianaddison: RT @harrisonmike: What came first: the curriculum or the exam? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

dughall: RT @harrisonmike: What came first: the curriculum or the exam? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

gillpenny: #ukedchat we have revised our curriculum considerably open ended challenges, inter
disciplinary work and flexible timetables pri
7/1/2010 20:04

janwebb21: @ianaddison #ukedchat don't think we do want different things - we want kids to be
equipped with thinking skills, problem solving, applying
7/1/2010 20:04

Joga5: Meaningful, vibrant, relevant, child and teacher directed, developed with cross curricular
links but also with a sense of rigour #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

bevevans22: We are in the process of developing a totally new creative curriculum in my primary school
- all topics short term #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

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jamesmichie: @chris_1974 sounds good, ours is not that defined & student involvement/freedom is less
than I feel it should be. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

chrismayoh: In our school we do use thematic planning and it works a treat @alexfindlayVLE #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:04

ianaddison: RT @alexfindlayVLE: a thematic approach to learning would be my ideal :) #pri #ukedchat

< makes sense doesn't it?!?
7/1/2010 20:05

kekkelkekkel: . RT @chrismayoh Length of lesson not important. it's the duration of the learning that is
7/1/2010 20:05

DKMead: #ukedchat all well and good stating project based or thematic - they are how to dleiver not
7/1/2010 20:05

dughall: @islayian Like the 'flexi' idea, Ian! #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:05

ianaddison: RT @sciencelabman: we have to teach kids to take responsibilty for their own learning
#ukedchat < but doesn't this come from parents too?
7/1/2010 20:05

sciencelabman: it needs to interest kids and not just something we can test #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:05

didactylos: #ukedchat done some fascinating enquiry based w3 day work recently using Google Apps
from scratch, results were amazing - leaner response
7/1/2010 20:05

alexfindlayVLE: @chrismayoh does that work to cover your subjects too? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:05

bevevans22: Whole school broad topic, different elements aspects taught across school, children
choosing what they what to know etc. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:05

dughall: @DKMead Does that include ICT/E-Learning? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:05

janwebb21: @chris_1974 that is the challenge of the transition! and still maturity issues for some to
deal with that change #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:06

chris_1974: @paulwill concentrate well, on whole. not 3 part lessons though. need to be well planned.
Beginning middle1 middle2 middle 3 end! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:06

carolrainbow: Games would be used to inspire learning on any subject - then children make games to
demo their knowledge #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:06

Emecz: I'd get rid of exams. We know AfL works. Do we really need tests? Is that how you or I
learn? Will #ukedchat end with a quiz or test?
7/1/2010 20:06

dailydenouement: @Joga5 Ah yes, I think would be the 'rigour' bit that would need selling to vast majority of
staff and poss some parents! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:06

janwebb21: RT @Joga5: Meaningful, vibrant, relevant, child and teacher directed, developed with

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cross curricular links but also with a sense of rigour #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:06

ianaddison: I want topics dictated by how long they need, not because it fits in a half term. Why
can/does everything fit into 6weeks? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:06

dughall: Successful/outstanding schools definitely able to take greater risks - protected by results
7/1/2010 20:06

gillpenny: #ukedchat ldetail in long term forward plans in school now much reduced so curriculum can
respond to needs of children - pri
7/1/2010 20:06

chrismayoh: @carolrainbow Pleased to say our current Y5s are lucky enough to have this already (I
know how lucky I am!) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:06

bevevans22: Broad topic lasts 1 term with mini 2week topics taught during that time and children
choosing method of recording #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:06

janwebb21: @Joga5 the challenge is how to keep that rigour within a more creative curriculum
7/1/2010 20:07

chris_1974: @jamesmichie Y9 do guided choices, not options. We guide them onto courses for
success. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:07

janwebb21: @Joga5 need a clear pic of outcomes in order to be able to support kids on a learning
journey #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:07

alexfindlayVLE: @dughall indeed we do, but it's a skill that's very difficult to teach #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:07

DKMead: @dughall #ukedchat as a skill yes . although i don't know what e learning is!
7/1/2010 20:07

dailydenouement: @bevevans22 How do you ensure they don't choose same method of recording all time?
7/1/2010 20:08

janwebb21: RT @ianaddison: I want topics dictated by how long they need, not because it fits in a half
term. Why can/does everything fit into 6weeks? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:08

jamesmichie: RT @ianaddison: I want topics dictated by how long they need, not because it fits in a half
term. Why can/does everything fit into 6weeks? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:08

hairysporan: we need to allow kids to play with new technologies more than we do. we need to stop
being told how to teach to pass ofsted. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:08

islayian: @Joga5 I think rogour is an essential element that can get missed Gives a different kind of
enjoyment More a sense of achievement #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:08

kvnmcl: @geraldhaigh1 Point taken and you're absolutely right. Creativity needs to be at the heart
of any curriculum #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:08

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mattpearson: Take the responsibility for curriculum out of the hands of politicians like interest rates
7/1/2010 20:08

ianaddison: @dughall #ukedchat but sometimes outstanding schs are scared to change or take risks
cos they're worried of not being outstanding any more
7/1/2010 20:08

chrismayoh: It needs to be relevant and accessible for the children. Pointless doing it if the kids can't
relate to it #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:08

dailydenouement: RT @mattpearson: Take the responsibility for curriculum out of the hands of politicians like
interest rates #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:09

sciencelabman: needs to involve outside visits and agencies to inspire and enthuse #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:09

eyebeams: RT @mattpearson: Take the responsibility for curriculum out of the hands of politicians like
interest rates #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:09

bevevans22: @dailydenouement Well that's the thing - it's unknown at the moment. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:09

janwebb21: @ianaddison #ukedchat but topic based approach - if planned carefully - can kill many
subject birds with one stone
7/1/2010 20:09

Joga5: The problem with the rigour is that ends up being cast as decontextualised grammar
activities or times tables test #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:09

ianaddison: RT @hairysporan: we need to stop being told how to teach to pass ofsted. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:09

mbarrow: #ukedchat real life maths lessons that have no fixed end
7/1/2010 20:09

kvnmcl: Foundation stage has it right so why not use their approach for the whole pri curriculum
7/1/2010 20:09

ianaddison: RT @kvnmcl: Creativity needs to be at the heart of any curriculum #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:09

gillpenny: @janwebb21 have a skills approach to protect key skills - rigour essential , my staff coping
well combining creative and core #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:10

paulwill: RT @ianaddison: @dughall #ukedchat but sometimes outstanding schs are scared to
change or take risks cos they're worried of not being outstanding any more
7/1/2010 20:10

janwebb21: @Joga5 how do we get rigour in context then? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:10

ianaddison: RT @mattpearson: Take the responsibility for curriculum out of the hands of
politicians#ukedchat <who SHOULD be in charge of it then?
7/1/2010 20:10

greeninkuk: @hairysporan I agree with your comment about ofsted- depending on who you ask there
are different ways to pass it it seems! #ukedchat

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7/1/2010 20:10

Elmlea1981: #ukedchat I totally agree with @chrismayoh. The children need to be able to relate to the
curr. They also need challenge though!
7/1/2010 20:10

alexfindlayVLE: @kvnmcl what do foundation stage do? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:10

dailydenouement: @bevevans22 We have trialled creative approach to RS this year & students had to be
guided to not produce same outcome all time #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:10

bevevans22: @dailydenouement but we DO know that children in FP doing 'plan, do and review' get fed
up of choosing the same thing quickly #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:10

dailydenouement: @bevevans22 all wanted to play to strengths all time but not challenge themselves e.g. the
arty ones always presented a poster #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:11

paulwill: RT @ianaddison: RT @hairysporan: we need to stop being told how to teach to pass
ofsted. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:11

carolrainbow: I would go for a totally integrated curriculum based on themes but covering all main
disciplines throughout the year / term... #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:11

pheebs2000: #ukedchat I would ban QCA schemes of work..they stifle creativity and are soooo dull!
7/1/2010 20:11

ianaddison: #ukedchat Was discussing pri curriculum with ppl today, KS1 do topics and KS2 start from
subjects, why? use KS1 approach right thru
7/1/2010 20:11

chrismayoh: @kvnmcl Agree about EYFS being a good model. But it is a definite challenge to adopt
this model across the key stages #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:11

carolrainbow: @chrismayoh Great - are you going to push it through the whole school? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:11

Joga5: @janwebb21 Accept that will be times wen skills need to be taught but teacher subject
knowledge will need to grow to give context #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:12

janwebb21: RT @ianaddison: RT @mattpearson: Take the responsibility for curriculum out of the
hands of politicians#ukedchat <who SHOULD be in charge of it then?
7/1/2010 20:12

sciencelabman: lessons are too repetative in their structure. starter main plenary equals boredom
7/1/2010 20:12

jamesmichie: @mrgpg @ianaddison would b ideal. let the student & the learning direct the speed of
progression. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:12

DKMead: RT @dughall: RT @kvnmcl: Foundation stage has it right so why not use their approach
for the whole pri curriculum #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:12

chris_1974: OCR materials for func maths V good class resource. RT @mbarrow: #ukedchat real life

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maths lessons that have no fixed end.

7/1/2010 20:12

bevevans22: @dailydenouement With us every session will be different throughout the day and planned
like the FP (which works well) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:12

colport: @pheebs2000 Good point about QCA plans. Too many teachers take them as read :-(
7/1/2010 20:12

mbarrow: #ukedchat no threat ofsted unless poor results. No pressure to get things finished in a
short time frame.
7/1/2010 20:12

Janeh271: Creativity with rigour is important, don't mean NC levels mean kids enjoying work and
setting their own targets #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:13

alexfindlayVLE: A curric that entices the children to want to learn. Different schools, different aproach.
There is no one curriculum answer #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:13

ianaddison: @carolrainbow for primary or secondary? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:13

Joga5: @kvnmcl But does that transfer for all schools? I saw it working excellently in a school last
week but have also seen it bomb #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:13

chrismayoh: @carolrainbow Finances are the issue. We are 3FE so it is a stretch for one Yr grp let
alone a whole school. 671 pupils on roll! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:13

DeputyMitchell: Just got in and seemed to have missed #ukedchat!! What is it about tonight?
7/1/2010 20:13

tj007: Parklands sec sch in Manchester did a collapsed tt for 12 lessons, teams of teachers in
hall. update? Page9 #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:13

carolrainbow: @DKMead Sorry I can't agree - the NC was foisted on us about 25 years ago and largely
destroyed classroom creativity for years #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:13

chrismayoh: RT @pheebs2000: #ukedchat I would ban QCA schemes of work..they stifle creativity and
are soooo dull!
7/1/2010 20:13

ianaddison: RT @pheebs2000: #ukedchat I would ban QCA schemes of work..they stifle creativity and
are soooo dull! <Amen! they can do, but if done well..
7/1/2010 20:13

dailydenouement: Would radical curriculum change require radical building/environment change? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:13

islayian: #ukedchat in tutor classes asked to provide evidence txt, audio video Inside or outside
7/1/2010 20:13

chris_1974: @mbarrow define 'poor' results. Low Attainement or low Value Added, or low CVA?
7/1/2010 20:14

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ianaddison: RT @sciencelabman: lessons are too repetative in their structure. starter main plenary
equals boredom #ukedchat <mix it up a bit!
7/1/2010 20:14

TechCzech: RT @ianaddison: RT @mattpearson: Take the responsibility for curriculum out of the
hands of politicians#ukedchat <who SHOULD be in charge of it then?
7/1/2010 20:14

dughall: I think EYFS approach is seen as greater risk. Probably because of increased
accountability as kids get older #ukedchat (@chrismayoh )
7/1/2010 20:14

geraldhaigh1: @kvnmcl @chrismayoh Doesn't Wales have an extended Foundation Stage, taking
advantage of the absence of KS1 Tests? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:14

mbarrow: RT @pheebs2000: #ukedchat I would ban QCA schemes of work..they stifle creativity and
are soooo dull! <--- and outdated especially ICT
7/1/2010 20:14

ianaddison: #ukedchat The main question we should be asking is who are we doing this for? Ofsted?
Politicians or the children!!!
7/1/2010 20:15

carolrainbow: @ianaddison Would be brilliant all the way through to exam level IMHO :-) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:15

janwebb21: @carolrainbow I'd want to go further and make the curriculum a spiral curriculum that built
skills and knowledge throughout school #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:15

ianaddison: @DeputyMitchell what should the new curriculum look like #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:15

bevevans22: @kvnmcl Not in our school!!! A whole school topic/theme from ages 3 to 11. September
it's 'Living in our world' #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:15

pheebs2000: We are experimenting with the FS approach of using outdoor learning, again, across whole
primary age. Thoughts? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:15

colport: Does each curriculum have to be accountable? If so, then how? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:15

dughall: RT @dailydenouement: Would radical curriculum change require radical

building/environment change? #ukedchat (More than likely, yes!)
7/1/2010 20:16

didactylos: #ukedchat this govt is not interested in any education process, so we are free to do more
'interesting' things, albeit with no resources
7/1/2010 20:16

Joga5: @paulwill wider and deeper - re teachers being learners Yes, yes, yes - *cue Bill going on
about kids as mentors again*!!!!! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:16

ianaddison: #ukedchat FS stage 'child-led' freedom scares a lot of people. What if they don't achieve?
What if I don't know what's happening tomorrow?
7/1/2010 20:16

islayian: #ukedchat sorry api and weak mobile network is causing probs I think I have observe
7/1/2010 20:16

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kvnmcl: @Joga5 Everyone has to be on working towards the same goal, a love of learning.
Courage from the top to 'ignore' ofsted #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:16

didactylos: #ukedchat like the concept of the spiral curriculum

7/1/2010 20:16

bevevans22: @janwebb21 The advantage of having a skills based curriculum and no compulsory tests
at primary helps :) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:16

dughall: RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat The main question we should be asking is who are we doing
this for? Ofsted? Politicians or the children!!!
7/1/2010 20:16

janwebb21: @dughall also seen as a challenge by non-eyfs teachers - amount of evidence/profiling

often has impression of being onerous #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:16

ianaddison: @pheebs2000 my new sch does outdoor learning in small steps...hopefully it'll keep
growing! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:17

jamesmichie: @dailydenouement no - not change buildings themselves but change how & when we use
them. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:17

janwebb21: RT @ianaddison: #ukedchat FS stage 'child-led' freedom scares a lot of people. What if
they don't achieve? What if I don't know what's happening tomorrow?
7/1/2010 20:17

ianaddison: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat this govt is not interested in education process, we are free to
do 'interesting' things, albeit with no resources
7/1/2010 20:17

chrismayoh: @colport Accoutability is an interesting issue. To whom? For what? Measured entirely by
results? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:17

alexfindlayVLE: too many 'wooly' topics tho. Sometimes we teachers think talk about 'our world' but it has
no bearing on the world of the children #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:17

kvnmcl: @dughall A risk worth taking? So many classes in KS2 are now factories of learning, the
enjoyment phased out due to targets #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:17

ianaddison: @kvnmcl you can only ignore ofsted if you are good/outstanding. Try telling a special
measures school to ignore them! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:18

eyebeams: Environment change - yes - re-envisage learning spaces and not just physical ones
7/1/2010 20:18

pheebs2000: @janwebb21 We plan our curric based on 'key skills' that progress through the school.
7/1/2010 20:18

tj007: I quite enjoy some of the Bowland Maths tasks every now and then (and so do the pupils!) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:18

Joga5: The QCDA SoW were an examplar to start people off - schools were advised to dump it 3

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or 4 years ago - why is it still used? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:18

janwebb21: @ianaddison #ukedchat but hving said that, how many fundamentally think that is a right
approach even if terrifying
7/1/2010 20:18

carolrainbow: @pheebs2000 I thought most schools had already abandoned QCA SoW, some of ours
still use main topics but more creatively #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:18

colport: @chrismayoh Accountability is a tough one. Surely we are accountable to those we serve
pupils/parents? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:18

islayian: for future reading What should ed looklike in 2020?

7/1/2010 20:18

kvnmcl: @bevevans22 Sounds like a wonderfully creative learning environment #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:18

Elmlea1981: Most aspects of teaching needs revolutionising. What, where and how but It's got to start
with small changes so everyone joins in #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:18

DeputyMitchell: @dughall If you listen to what @stephenheppell says he'll tell you that building design is
key! Our schools are still Victorian! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:19

dailydenouement: RT @alexfindlayVLE: too many 'wooly' topics tho. <<<< & could end up being very specific
to staff's skills/interest based perhaps? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:19

alexfindlayVLE: @eyebeams but not with BSF! #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:19

ianaddison: #ukedchat so who has the power to lead this? the headteacher? the teachers? the LA?
7/1/2010 20:19

ianaddison: @Joga5 because teachers love St Lucia?!? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:19

DKMead: #ukedchat Queensland New Basics has an enlightened and flexible approach too
7/1/2010 20:20

Joga5: @kvnmcl Surely it would be a better aspiration for OFSTEd to reflect what is needed than
ignore them #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

alexfindlayVLE: @dailydenouement I'm big infavour of staff interests. thats the passion :) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

ianaddison: @carolrainbow LOADS of schools still teach QCA or a variant of it. I'm sick of seeing St
Lucia display boards!! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

ianaddison: RT @colport: Accountability is a tough one. Surely we are accountable to those we serve
pupils/parents? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

dughall: @kvnmcl I know :-( #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:20

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Janeh271: @ianaddison I so agree we are always worried about ofsted theire is a danger creativity
will get lost #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

chris_1974: Lots of teachers talking about what the school curriculum should look like. What do you
students think? Tag with #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

Elmlea1981: @joga5 there's a surprising number of schools that I know that rely on the qca SoW in
some form #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

alexfindlayVLE: @ianaddison less the LA it would seem.... Head teachers, lead by staff. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

Joga5: @ianaddison If I see another mondrian ICT project

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

ianaddison: @alexfindlayVLE isn't BSF just aimed at secondary? it certainly is here in Hants #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

colport: How easy is it for secondary teachers/HE/FE colleagues as well, to develop their own
curriculum? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

carolrainbow: @janwebb21 Yes, I have no problem with a skills structure, sorry, not saying abandon
progression, just to broaden & free up curric #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:20

eyebeams: Ofsted should mentor not blame #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:21

dughall: RT @eyebeams: Environment change - yes - re-envisage learning spaces and not just
physical ones #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:21

dailydenouement: RT @dughall: @janwebb21 But does onerous=rigour? #ukedchat <Not onerous tasks, but
reporting/recording needs to perhaps become more flexible
7/1/2010 20:21

bevevans22: @kvnmcl We have to be flexible to allow for topical content every term. All planning done
weekly and linked to key skills #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:21

dughall: @Joga5 QCQ=crutch IMO #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:21

DeputyMitchell: Do we have a new generation of teachers who have been trained using QCA et al and may
be incapable of change and lack vision? #ukedchat 1of2
7/1/2010 20:21

tj007: RT @chris_1974: Lots of teachers talking about what the school curriculum should look
like. What do you students think? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:21

ianaddison: My old school dropped creative curriculum after just 1 year because ofsted were coming
soon, so we went for drive on lit/num #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:21

colport: RT @eyebeams: Ofsted should mentor not blame #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:21

kvnmcl: ideal curriculum would be free from league tables, ofsted guidance. Trust the schools

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ability to do whats best for their students #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:21

alexfindlayVLE: @ianaddison I thinks so. #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:21

ianaddison: didnt make a blind bit of difference! creative curriculum was working well for the good
7/1/2010 20:21

Joga5: @Elmlea1981 So if schools are still using QCDA SoW should we be attacking the quality
of leadership in our schools not quangos? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:21

dughall: @DeputyMitchell I know. Heppell v interesting on this. #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:22

jamesmichie: RT @kvnmcl: ideal curriculum would be free from league tables, ofsted guidance. Trust the
schools ability to do whats best for their students #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:22

dailydenouement: RT @eyebeams: Ofsted should mentor not blame #ukedchat <<< That would be great!
7/1/2010 20:22

carolrainbow: RT @eyebeams: Ofsted should mentor not blame #ukedchat Agree!! That could make a
big difference.
7/1/2010 20:22

AndyRoss75: @kvnmcl You're right - Trust in schools is the most important feature #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:22

hairysporan: we must help kids understand unintended consequences that may arise as part of
participation with and use of digital media.#ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:22

janwebb21: RT @kvnmcl: ideal curriculum would be free from league tables, ofsted guidance. Trust the
schools ability to do whats best for their students #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:22

ianaddison: Fave QCA example: We must do 6 weeks of email in year 3. 6 weeks!!! @charliedeane's
sch does it as part of her egypt topic! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:22

alexfindlayVLE: Iwe should worry less about the accountability. We'll never get it right so we should do
what we feel is right #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:23

bevevans22: @markw29 @kvnmcl Whole phase topics before but whole school in September. 4
subjects taught discretely (just for key skills) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:23

dailydenouement: RT @alexfindlayVLE: I'm big in favour of staff interests. thats the passion :) #ukedchat
<<<Music lessons at my school would be esoteric!
7/1/2010 20:23

tbirdcymru: RT @eyebeams Ofsted should mentor not blame -- agree! #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:23

kvnmcl: @Joga5 Ofsted is needed but they hinder development and progression of creative
learning due to needs to meet targets #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:23

ianaddison: Do the LA have a role in this? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:23

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chrismayoh: @ianaddison That is absolutely tragic :( #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:23

Elmlea1981: @Joga5 I think some leadership teams are unaware that it happens within classrooms.
7/1/2010 20:23

carolrainbow: @ianaddison Yes BSF is secondary #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:23

bevevans22: @kvnmcl We already kinda have that in Wales #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:24

mbarrow: RT @chris_1974: @mbarrow define 'poor' results. Low Attainement or low Value Added,
or low CVA? #ukedchat. <--- Low Contextual Value Added
7/1/2010 20:24

colport: I was trained as an EYFS practictioner, and did not know about QCA's until I started
working within a school! I was shocked! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:24

harrisonmike: @colport #ukedchat #esol teachers have govt produced materials to follow, but they aren't
so good. Generally Ts will pick and choose...
7/1/2010 20:24

pheebs2000: @bevevans22 Whole school sounds intriguing! #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:24

janwebb21: @dailydenouement sometimes its the structure of the recording/reporting that takes the
stress out of it! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:24

kvnmcl: I asked my students what they like about school - when learning is fun, when they get to
do things themselves #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:25

harrisonmike: @colport #ukedchat from diff coursebooks and other sources to write Schemes of Work.
there is no real curriculum for content like elsewhere
7/1/2010 20:25

pheebs2000: How about asking the children what, how they want to learn? Anyone tried? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:25

dughall: If OFSTED don't mentor, who does? The SIP? The LA? Other schools. Who *can* help
schools revise their curricula? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:25

colport: @harrisonmike So, are you constrained to Summative Assessment then? Not allowing you
to be more creative in teaching? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:25

Joga5: RT @Elmlea1981: @Joga5 I think some leadership teams are unaware that it happens
within classrooms. #ukedchat {Any other thoughts on this?}
7/1/2010 20:25

alexfindlayVLE: @ianaddison The LA have a role, but it seems that this govt want less of a role for the la.
BUt atm they do for sure #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:25

Elmlea1981: @ianaddison I don't think the LA have enough influence. Only schools that buy into CPD
get assistance with curr dev. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:25

Joga5: @AndyRoss75 Guidance or scheme of work to teach to the last letter? #ukedchat

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7/1/2010 20:26

dailydenouement: Is it bad that I'm in my second year of teaching and qca schemes of work are news to
me?! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

ianaddison: @pheebs2000 I did, we planned a sports day. They asked to write letters and emails to
invite ppl, so I taught letter writing #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

gillpenny: @AndyRoss75 Trust in schools essential & SMT must also trust teachers within their
7/1/2010 20:26

DKMead: @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat that may be true- a whole generation have known nothing else
than keneth bakers experience of school
7/1/2010 20:26

AndyRoss75: @pheebs2000 I did in one school - final Y6 topic was called 'The Unexplained' Looked at
ghosts, ufos etc - fantastic! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

kvnmcl: @Joga5 Perhaps through courage in their teachers? The staff need to feel trusted to do
the best they can, with backing #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

alexfindlayVLE: @dailydenouement that's great :) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:26

ianaddison: RT @Elmlea1981: I don't think the LA have enough influence. Only schools that buy into
CPD get assistance with curr dev. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

eyebeams: All practice should be linked to action research and career development #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

Joga5: If the QCDA schemes of work are so bad why is no-one criticising the international Prim
curriculum etc which do the same job? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

bevevans22: @pheebs2000 It's very big with large grounds (which helps with the outdoor curriculum) +
we are a pilot school for many things #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:26

carolrainbow: @colport BUt the QCA SoW were written for curriculum 2000 - they are 10 years old and
out of date! Time to move forward #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

chris_1974: @mbarrow i agree completely that CVA *should* be the measure of results, but how to
measure accurately w/out some sort of test. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

ianaddison: @dailydenouement No!!! avoid them! they're an OK starting point, but that is all #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

AndyRoss75: @jogo5 If the leadership team are unaware of what's being taught in the classroom there's
a problem! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

greeninkuk: RT @dailydenouement: Is it bad that I'm in my second year of teaching and qca schemes
of work are news to me?! #ukedchat > No that is good!
7/1/2010 20:27

Joga5: RT @eyebeams: All practice should be linked to action research and career development

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#ukedchat {Completely agree - worked in our school}

7/1/2010 20:27

paulwill: @pheebs2000 Often get "I don't know, we will just do what you tell us." Saddening. When
did they stop wanting to learn? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

chrismayoh: If a leadership team is strong and enough and has a clear vision, nobody else is needed to
successfully develop the curriculum #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

dughall: @dailydenouement QCA not in Secondary, I think. #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:27

kvnmcl: @ianaddison Excatly, I HATE that email topic! It's ancient history with regards to tech
development #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

ianaddison: @Joga5 QCA is fine, but shouldn't be taught as read. Needs to be adapted, surely tchrs
should be updating it after 10yrs? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

alexfindlayVLE: @chris_1974 I disagree. CVA is no measure of any success of a school #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:27

colport: @Joga5 Is it because the Int Prim Curr is all laid out, therefore no thought into what is
being taught? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

dailydenouement: @janwebb21 Re: reporting - absolutely right. Need to be able to be trusted in our
judgement but still be able to have 'evidence' . #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:27

kvnmcl: RT @Janeh271 @ianaddison I so agree we are always worried about ofsted theire is a
danger creativity will get lost #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:28

chris_1974: @dailydenouement from what i'm reading, i'd say it was a good thing, even if they were in
secondary #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:28

Janeh271: @colport we have 'Cultural Studies' ICT Drama RE Hist Geog all taught by 1 teacher to 1
yr 7 class - room to develop own curric #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:28

ianaddison: @kvnmcl find me a y3 class that can't do email in 2 sessions! #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:28

Joga5: Agree about teacher bravery but should the trust not come initially come from management
team? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:28

AndyRoss75: @joga5 Depends upon the teacher! :) Guidance is what is needed! Obviously those
teachers are the ones you don't want in school #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:28

colport: @carolrainbow Totally agree. I would also argue that the QCDA's were written with the
'middle class' in mind! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:28

ianaddison: RT @Joga5: If the QCDA schemes of work are so bad why is no-one criticising the
international Prim curr etc which do the same job? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:28

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dailydenouement: RT @dughall: @dailydenouement QCA not in Secondary, I think. #ukedchat <<< Phew!
Thought was being derelict in my duty! ;-)
7/1/2010 20:28

carolrainbow: @pheebs2000 That is tragic - but that is what the NC & Ofsted has done to teachers to a
large extent #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

scholasticuk: Any teachers out there not aware of #ukedchat - I'd recommend taking a look. Lots of
informed and heartfelt chat going on.
7/1/2010 20:29

ianaddison: @carolrainbow but curriculum 2000 is what we're working from. Remember, this govt
blocked the updated Rose Review! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

colport: @Janeh271 That sounds very progressive, and good transitional work. Beyond Year 7
though? More specialised I suppose. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

gillpenny: @Joga5 I am in classes as much as possible to learn whats happening but even so I am
still amazed by some of the amazing lessons #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

chris_1974: @pheebs2000 yes, from my school account (@jbsmaths) about 10 mins ago! No
responses yet! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

mbarrow: #ukedchat QCA has caused many teachers to heavily rely on ready made worksheets
rather than taking a risk and breaking free
7/1/2010 20:29

ianaddison: RT @eyebeams: All practice should be linked to action research and career development
#ukedchat {Completely agree}
7/1/2010 20:29

eyebeams: @AndyRoss75 - I f you have an action research always interative learning profession
those people will leave ... #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

Joga5: @chrismayoh Agree about leadership but there is a thin line between genius and disaster
in some schools #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

AndyRoss75: @ianaddison They should be updating it - but some haven't! For some it's easier to just
repeat the same every year #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

ktflosspot: RT @scholasticuk: Any teachers out there not aware of #ukedchat - I'd recommend taking
a look. Lots of informed and heartfelt chat going on.
7/1/2010 20:29

AndyRoss75: #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

chrismayoh: @Joga5 A good leadership team should empower teachers to get on and do the job they
were employed to do #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:29

dailydenouement: RT @mbarrow: #ukedchat QCA has caused many teachers to heavily rely on ready made
worksheets rather than taking a risk and breaking free
7/1/2010 20:29

janwebb21: RT @scholasticuk: Any teachers out there not aware of #ukedchat - I'd recommend taking

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a look. Lots of informed and heartfelt chat going on.

7/1/2010 20:29

colport: I agree with @Joga5 's question about leadership teams. I think there are many with head
buried in sand with targets/SATs etc. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:30

carolrainbow: @ianaddison I have no problem with variants of the QCA SoW - the topics can be exciting
- depends how they are handled really #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:30

bevevans22: I think the Curriculum Cymreig approach (investigating your local culture and comparing it
to others) should be used elsewhere #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:30

Joga5: RT @gillpenny I'm in classes as much as possible 2 learn whats happenin bt even so I'm
still amazed by some of the amazing lessons #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:30

janwebb21: RT @chrismayoh: @Joga5 A good leadership team should empower teachers to get on
and do the job they were employed to do #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:30

Kerileef: @eyebeams Agreed. Curriculum devt is professional devt - stenhouse. Let's not forget the
rich history we can draw on in this area. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:30

dailydenouement: RT @bevevans22: I think the Curriculum Cymreig approach (investigating your local culture
and comparing it to others) should be used elsewhere #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:30

ianaddison: @janwebb21 lots! i know schools who do 6 weeks of simulations, surely you'd teach them
as they come up in other topics? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:31

colport: RT @wjputt: #ukedchat Has anyone suggested no prescribed curriculum <How would this
work in secondary schools?
7/1/2010 20:31

chris_1974: What is? It must be properly measurable RT @alexfindlayVLE: @chris_1974 I disagree.

CVA is no measure of any success of a school #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:31

gillpenny: As HT I must both trust my staff to do their best by kids and protect them as we progress
our new curriculum #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:31

ianaddison: RT @mbarrow: #ukedchat QCA has caused many teachers to heavily rely on ready made
worksheets rather than taking a risk and breaking free
7/1/2010 20:31

Joga5: @chrismayoh RE empowerment I would strongly push in-school collaborative classroom

based CPD - expertise is often in school #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:31

DeputyMitchell: @imageryinmind @DKMead Our once ridiculed workforce of (ah..the topic web!) they
could be the key in unlocking creativity! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:31

dughall: @Joga5 ...which is why school leaders also need mentoring/guiding away from disaster
and towards genius. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:31

Elmlea1981: Teachers need to be trusted to take risks. Surely mistakes lead to development and

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improvements! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

pheebs2000: We ask the children what interests them at the end of each year and then this feeds into
our theme planning for the next. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

mattpearson: @Joga5 agree with thin line between genius and disaster. But life is like that so schools
are taking authentic risks #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

wjputt: @bevevans22 #ukedchat Yes that is in Curriculum Cymreig but I have seen evidence in
other curricula such as the John Cabot Competencies.
7/1/2010 20:32

colport: @ianaddison You do wonder how some people would cope without the photocopier RE
worksheets! So sad in modern schools! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

nellmog: Teachers need freedom to add to a framework and be allowed to use teaching methods
that suit their learners #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

alexfindlayVLE: @chris_1974 not sure what is. I suppose the problem is it's so easy to manipulate stats
7/1/2010 20:32

trudianns: RT @trudianns: @mbarrow absolutely and those teachers have disengaged and bored
children in their classes! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

ianaddison: @gillpenny and what if results slip? What if ofsted or the LA come knocking? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

dailydenouement: RT @colport: RT @wjputt: #ukedchat Anyone said no prescribed curriculum <How would
this work in secondary? << Reluctantly I bet! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

janwebb21: @Joga5 @chrismayoh #ukedchat there needs to be a structure in what we do/expect to

maintain standards BUT enough time/space to digress
7/1/2010 20:32

colport: @Janeh271 How common is this across other secondary schools? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:32

AndyRoss75: Risk is important in breaking free and becoming adventurous - OfSTED,and tests only lead
to teachers fear in trying something new. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

DKMead: @mbarrow #ukedchat Teacher responsibility could also be an issue there too.!
7/1/2010 20:33

Janeh271: left a text book as a cover lesson for yr 10 once they left me a note we missed you but
remember we don't 'do' text books! love it #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

chrismayoh: @Joga5 Absolutely. And in fact, the most effective CPD comes from colleagues. (Just as
we encourage peer-assessment with pupils) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

Joga5: Ok Non negotiables - practical activities, drama, speaking & listening to fore to bring the
work to life (if I do I understand) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

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eyebeams: @colport - Needs to be lots of opportunities to mentor away from the photocopier :)
7/1/2010 20:33

ianaddison: We need to teach the children to take risks and to make mistakes. We need to model the
same! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

dughall: @gillpenny Yes, trust them. But also guide, mentor, support and inspire them too (I'm sure
you do :-)) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

DeputyMitchell: @Joga5 Totally agree Bill, Leadership teams need to lead and give wholehearted
permission for a shift! Risky for them but worth it #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

AndyRoss75: @colport - Intrestingly we hardly use photocopier at our school! Current school imho has
very good curriculum plan #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

bevevans22: @wjputt True, but I haven't come across many English schools adopting it - many ask
about it when they visit #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:33

Joga5: @mattpearson So if LAs are ceasing to exist in current form who will guide them on their
journey? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

Janeh271: @colport not very common but we get lots of visitors who are interested and giving it a go!
7/1/2010 20:34

janwebb21: @kvnmcl @ianaddison #ukedchat absolutely - and skills now are completely different to
those 10 yrs ago - just changing nature of ict use
7/1/2010 20:34

colport: @harrisonmike formative or summative? Or a bit of both? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:34

AngusWillson: @pheebs2000 Is that really frequent enough? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:34

ianaddison: Do teachers prefer a 'sit down shut up' approach rather than 'child-led' because it's easier
to manage behaviour? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

harrisonmike: @Elmlea1981 Someone's afraid of change #ukedchat Only need to look at the amount of
money made by exams like IELTS to see poss why...
7/1/2010 20:34

carolrainbow: @ianaddison C 2000 did not force us to choose how to teach, QCA tried that. We could
try to use C2000 in an inspired, creative way #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

dailydenouement: RT @ianaddison: Do teachers prefer a 'sit down shut up' approach rather than 'child-led'
because it's easier to manage behaviour? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

eyebeams: No retro fitting what you do - debrief about what works - and do formative planning on that
sharing at week end etc #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

alexfindlayVLE: RT @colport: @Janeh271 How common is this across other secondary schools? I've
witness very bad yr 8 maths/drama mantle of expert #ukedchat

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7/1/2010 20:34

Kerileef: @bevevans22 - yes. Even better - investigate the problems and issues in area and work
out how to solve them. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

ianaddison: @colport maybe 1 day a week, we ban the photocopier. then 2 days...then...#ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

digitalmaverick: I'm using @jesseschell's brilliant 'Art of Game Design' as my blueprint for ICT lesson &
curriculum planning in the coming year #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:34

nellmog: We have forums for where students are questioned about their courses #ukedchat this
feeds in to our planning and development
7/1/2010 20:34

Joga5: @ianaddison Emphatically yes! Child-led is a pain in the backside to some teacher
7/1/2010 20:35

jamesmichie: RT @nellmog: We have forums for where students are questioned about their courses
#ukedchat this feeds in to our planning and development
7/1/2010 20:35

colport: @eyebeams We recently had student who spent so much time at photocopier. Generated
so much paper. Should this lead come from uni? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:35

dailydenouement: RT @nellmog: We have forums for where students are questioned about their courses
#ukedchat this feeds in to our planning and development
7/1/2010 20:35

RealMGHarris: RT @scholasticuk: Any teachers out there not aware of #ukedchat - I'd recommend taking
a look. Lots of informed and heartfelt chat going on.
7/1/2010 20:35

janwebb21: @ianaddison absolutely! child led learning means we need to be prepared to fly by the
seat of our pants +get it wrong #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:35

DKMead: @DeputyMitchell @imageryinmind #ukedchat Its the great untested|!

7/1/2010 20:35

wjputt: RT @colport: RT @wjputt: #ukedchat Has anyone suggested no prescribed curriculum

<Some schools have done it at KS3 and it works.
7/1/2010 20:35

alexfindlayVLE: RT @nellmog: We have forums for where students are questioned about their courses
<<<<<< Nice #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:35

coffeeandpupils: RT @dailydenouement: RT @eyebeams: Ofsted should mentor not blame #ukedchat <<<
That would be great!
7/1/2010 20:35

didactylos: #ukedchat knowledge and its value changes, bedrock skills transfer through time. Skills
equals survival - with flexibility
7/1/2010 20:35

jamesmichie: @nellmog That sounds v. progressive - r the outcomes effective? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:35

pheebs2000: @AngusWillson No, I think not. Planning is still done on a half termly basis for workload

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reasons. Need to be more responsive. #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:35

colport: @alexfindlayVLE Kids not engaged by it? Embarrassed? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:35

hairysporan: lets all do away with textbooks ..they dont serve a purpose in the didgital age. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

Kerileef: @bevevans22 - check out the RSA's new Area Based Curriculum approach. Also
interesting on building curriculum with community. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

carolrainbow: @carolrainbow Sorry try again - C2000 did not tell us how we had to teach - that is what I
was trying to say :-) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

mattpearson: @Braziel yes all true but what do we have now? Curriculum which polticians can tinker with
at will and to suit their world view #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

gillpenny: @dughall absolutely but they must feel safe to try new things - mistakes must be forgiven
so they can be learned from #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

chrismayoh: @ianaddison Not sure it is easier. If kids are more engaged by taking the lead then they
will behave better #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

wjputt: RT @Kerileef: @bevevans22 - yes. Even better - investigate the probs & issues in area &
work out how to solve them. #ukedchat <Great idea
7/1/2010 20:36

eyebeams: @colport - No action research in school - what are effective ways to engage for example
7/1/2010 20:36

ianaddison: SO, a child-led curr is hard work. More planning or resources needed, possible behaviour
issues. It's tough, so let's not bother? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

janwebb21: @ianaddison and prospect of getting it wrong and looking like a wally puts so many off
7/1/2010 20:36

colport: @wjputt Ever since the removal of KS3 SAT's, or is that coincidence? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:36

Janshs: Janshs @ianaddison good Q; but maybe behaviour issues would not arise if learning was
more focused on 'how' than 'what' #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

jamesmichie: @dailydenouement @ianaddison latter can improve behaviour w/ right approach & staff
training #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

alexfindlayVLE: @colport not really enaged. Possibly embarrased.... #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:37

dailydenouement: @ianaddison Once had a visitor from Nigerian school - had to explain the chaos in my
lesson was a creative story making activity! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

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dughall: @gillpenny Hear hear :-) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:37

pheebs2000: @dailydenouement But wouldn't behaviour be better if children were engaged and busy
rather than bored! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

Joga5: Can I chuck in the Guskey model to support introduction of new approaches (plan for
outcomes and work back) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

DKMead: #ukedchat I'm loving the lack of subject defenders !

7/1/2010 20:37

mattpearson: @Joga5 best ask that of someone who is in charge. I have no idea #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

bevevans22: Does anyone else have regular workshops for drama, art, offsite learning covered by
visiting professionals? We find it invaluable #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

AndyRoss75: @ianaddison child led curriculum more behaviour issues - how do you work that out - less
behaviour issues surely? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

colport: @eyebeams Action research can be done by staff, easily. How many do though? How
many motivated to change curriculum this way? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:37

janwebb21: @chrismayoh @ianaddison @dughall agreed - child led more motivating - but needs
teachers to let go of reins #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:38

nellmog: @jamesmichie yes student engagement has improved alongside results. The forums are
not lead teacher but support staff so v honest #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:38

hairysporan: teaching maths for the whole year using hand held voting devices and no books. pupil
results are as good or better #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:38

colport: RT @DKMead: #ukedchat I'm loving the lack of subject defenders ! I would have thought
2nd'ary teachers may have done?
7/1/2010 20:38

bevevans22: @Kerileef @wjputt Agree. We try that to a certain extent with Year 5 and 6 but it
could/should be extended #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:38

harrisonmike: @colport Exams are the final thing. Formative is college level. Funding rides on summative
end of course (level) exams #ukedchat #fe #esol
7/1/2010 20:38

dailydenouement: Student-led lessons need better planning to plan in behaviour mgmt etc, I think - actually
more prep work but far more fun! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:38

Elmlea1981: #ukedchat @Joga5 I've found the Guskey model useful! Will definitely use it to develop the
curriculum in future posts!
7/1/2010 20:38

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dughall: RT @pheebs2000: @dailydenouement But wouldn't behaviour be better if children were

engaged and busy rather than bored! #ukedchat (Yes!)
7/1/2010 20:38

DeputyMitchell: A new curric may look very different from school to school but should there be some
system/uniformity to aid movement of pupils? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

colport: @harrisonmike And herein lies the problem at the heart of the issue "FUNDING". Good
point! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

mbarrow: RT @ianaddison: We need to teach the children to take risks and to make mistakes. We
need to model the same! #ukedchat. <---- I agree
7/1/2010 20:39

ianaddison: RT @AngusWillson: To be fair, it was never intended by QCA for the SoW to be so
dominant. It was a teachers' own-goal. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

jamesmichie: @nellmog 4 hiw long has this been happening, what is teacher response like? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

Joga5: @mattpearson Unfortunately nor do I #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:39

carolrainbow: @wjputt When I started teaching we had no NC but a very exciting topic based curriculum
& I don't think that standards were lower #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

chris_1974: @DKMead I'd defend my subject to the death, but a lot of this is relevant to all subjects.
We need to work more closely together. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

janwebb21: @ianaddison NOOOOOOOOOOOO! as you said why are we doing this? if its for the
learning than how can we disregard tit #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

digitalmaverick: Am Using @jesseschell's '50 lenses' approach to guide a revolution in my ICT lessons for
the coming year #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

chrismayoh: @bevevans22 Absolutely. Our entire curriculum places such educational visits and visitors
at its absolute heart. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:39

wjputt: @colport No not really - visited John Cabot in 2005 & the were doing it then. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

AndyRoss75: @ianaddison scarey - but less behaviour issues as everyone focusing on areas they like -
Blooms Taxonomy - The way forward #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

harrisonmike: Totally. Money rules =( RT @colport: And herein lies the problem at the heart of the issue
"FUNDING". Good point! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

chris_1974: RT @hairysporan: tching maths for the whole year using hand held voting devices and no
books. pupil results are as good or better #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

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ianaddison: @Joga5 #ukedchat yes but also react to current events e.g. world cup, an earthquake or
7/1/2010 20:40

dughall: @janwebb21 So many teachers may find it hard to let go of reins. Is teaching a 'control
freak' profession for some? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

alexfindlayVLE: RT @mbarrow: RT @ianaddison: We need to teach the children to take<---- I agree <<<<
& to stop being told they're all 'brilliant #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

TAtoTeacher: RT @Joga5 QCDA SoW were an examplar to start people off - schs were advised to
dump it 3 or 4 years ago, why is it still used? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

Joga5: @Elmlea1981 We have used Guskey loads particularly to support new ICT approaches
7/1/2010 20:40

trudianns: @ianaddison I do think some teachers prefer the sit down and shut up approach for fear of
losing control #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

chris_1974: @hairysporan are you plannign to publish or o/wise write up your findings? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

colport: I was trying to hold back on #ukedchat tonight, but you guys rock! Great discussion!
7/1/2010 20:40

ianaddison: When we did our creative curr, we did something 'wow' to hook ch in, then we built up to
an end product e.g. a play/book/visit #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:40

DKMead: @dailydenouement #ukedchat surely you mean learning management rather than
behaviour management
7/1/2010 20:40

janwebb21: RT @DeputyMitchell: A new curric may look very different from school to school but should
there be some system/uniformity to aid movement of pupils? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:41

Joga5: @ianaddison The bravery / flexibility to rip up the planning and go with the children - yes
7/1/2010 20:41

janwebb21: RT @Joga5: Do we agree that 'all' (if possible) topics or themes should build from or to a
significant event - visit, drama / art day #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:41

ianaddison: RT @carolrainbow: When I started teaching we had no NC but an exciting topic based curr
& I don't think that standards were lower #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:41

dailydenouement: RT @KnikiDavies: Iove creative lessons but you must agree textbks and worksheets can
have a (ltd) place to avoid teacher burnout? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:41

colport: RT @DKMead: #ukedchat I think there is broad agreement here that learning needs to be
contextual <so true!
7/1/2010 20:41

alexfindlayVLE: RT @Joga5: @ianaddison The bravery / flexibility to rip up the planning and go with the
children - yes <<<<--- yes #ukedchat

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7/1/2010 20:41

chris_1974: @KnikiDavies need lessons that are low input, high impact. Can be done. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:41

trudianns: @dughall I do think some teachers see teaching as a 'control freak' profession - sadly!
7/1/2010 20:42

KnikiDavies: We always do an "entry point" as well to hook at start of topic. I really like teaching around
a topic. very motivating. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:42

harrisonmike: #ukedchat Useful for cross institution collaboratn RT @pgsimoes: The Easiest Way A
Classroom Can Video Chat (@edudemic)
7/1/2010 20:42

pheebs2000: @Joga5 Add current event, child question, etc etc.#ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:42

dughall: @KnikiDavies Really????? Ask an EYFS teacher how they mange to not burnout and not
use worksheets etc #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:42

dailydenouement: @DKMead Yes I do - an unforgiveable semantic faux pas from the (so-called!) English
Lang specialist! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:42

janwebb21: @dughall or is it a profession that attracts bossy people and control freaks (not to mention
those who love sound of own voice) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:42

wjputt: #ukedchat Did NC come in because of inconsistencies - deficit model - NC for many
removed creativity & freedom.
7/1/2010 20:42

Paddymcgrath: do we need need to develop a new pedagogy taking work form Paulo Freire et al
7/1/2010 20:43

bevevans22: @chrismayoh And offsite and after school learning has made huge diff to our childrens'
learning (& how they view themselves) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:43

nellmog: @jamesmichie policy last 3 years and really helps develop. It is uncomfortable when you
watch students walk off for grilling :) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:43

KnikiDavies: We do also usually build to a final event, exhibition or visit to give purpose to learning.
#ukedchat We took IPC and built on it.
7/1/2010 20:43

digitalmaverick: RT @nickdonnelly @digitalmaverick why are kids taught its ICT - when no one in industry
uses that term? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:43

jamesmichie: @digitalmaverick do tell more, sound intriguing - where can I find a copy of 50 lenses to
read? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:43

davestacey: Following #ukedchat for the first time tonight - some great ideas floating around.
7/1/2010 20:43

gillpenny: The kinds of approaches being discussed are definitely more difficult for teachers &

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require more prep but are more than worth it #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:44

janwebb21: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat learning is like a long walk, you know where you want to get
to, but the route can change and meander
7/1/2010 20:44

Elmlea1981: #ukedchat The curriculum needs to be balanced- but between the pupils and teacher- not
7/1/2010 20:44

alexfindlayVLE: RT @ianaddison: @trudianns totally, but why should we be in control? << Not sure children
are able to lead (or am i a cntrl freak) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:44

didactylos: #ukedchat if the Condems believe only in market forces then there will be no uniformity as
no control is what they want
7/1/2010 20:44

jamesmichie: RT @davestacey: Following #ukedchat for the first time tonight - some great ideas floating
around. (Ditto - & joining in 2)
7/1/2010 20:44

chrismayoh: @bevevans22 Am lucky enough to be taking 62 Y4s on a 3-day residential from Monday. I
can't wait to see them at their best #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:44

KnikiDavies: @ianaddison I ask chn at start of topic what they would like to do & learn. Often I've
already put it in. If not try and add it. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:44

Joga5: #ukedchat Schools should remember that research shows it takes 3 years to embed an
approach - do it and then let it grow - be patient
7/1/2010 20:44

ianaddison: @davestacey it's only our second #ukedchat do join in next week :-)
7/1/2010 20:45

dailydenouement: RT @gillpenny: The approaches being discussed definitely harder for teachers & require
more prep but are more than worth it #ukedchat Yes!
7/1/2010 20:45

tj007: We've been saying that pupils should take charge of their learning. If able to choose, would
they stop asking what the point is? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:45

digitalmaverick: @nickdonnelly indeed, why we use 'ICT' as a term in education is someting I've never been
happy with #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:45

ianaddison: RT @KnikiDavies: I ask chn at start of topic what they would like to do&learn. Often I've
already put it in,If not try and add it. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:45

eyebeams: Senior management should be more bound into the needs of the local communities that
would help with heavy lifting in curriculum #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:45

dughall: RT @Elmlea1981: #ukedchat The curriculum needs to be balanced- but between the pupils
and teacher- not subjects!
7/1/2010 20:45

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davestacey: #ukedchat - When we created SMART we looked at Opening Minds / John Cabot &
adapted 4 something that worked for us - school ownership is key
7/1/2010 20:45

didactylos: #ukedchat I love it when everyone in the room is working on stuff - all learning, no-one
merely teaching
7/1/2010 20:46

eyebeams: @Joga5 - Only within the system as it stands... #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:46

Joga5: @wjputt We were the same re costs so we brought it to the kids - lots of (much cheaper)
big events in the school hall - magic #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:46

graingered: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat learning is like a long walk, you know where you want to get
to, but the route can change and meander
7/1/2010 20:46

davestacey: #ukedchat If i was doing it now I'd do something more cross curricular (more Opening
Minds) but at the time that was a step too far
7/1/2010 20:46

DeputyMitchell: @chris_1974 I could well imagine! #ukedchat Can primary curriculum change sooo much
without secondary curriculum changing too?
7/1/2010 20:46

pheebs2000: I think that the fear that SMT have and the need for reams of paper planning in advance
restricts reponsive planning. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:46

AndyRoss75: @joga5 I think this is the problem - too many leaders expect change to happen straight
away. When is doesn't another change.. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:46

Paddymcgrath: how do we as educators know what some of our most challenging communities #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:46

dughall: @chris_1974 Pupils arrive in primary with different skills! Some can read, some can't
speak. It *is* hard! :-) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:46

gillpenny: @ianaddison HMIe ( our OFSTED) have been and loved it identified school as best
practice in more than one area #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:46

AndyRoss75: @joga5 and then the cycle begins - Teachers get peeved and you enter a downward
spiral! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

alexfindlayVLE: schools must also make a discision and stick with it. Seen too many chopping andf
changing. Very destabilising #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

pheebs2000: @chris_1974 Then teach from skills based curric. Then all key skills taught but in
personalised way? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

AndyRoss75: @pheebs2000 But where does that fear come from? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

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mattpearson: @Braziel yes I do know that. why are you taking part in a debate about curriculum if you
trust them so much to get it right? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

Janeh271: @Elmlea1981I agree - nobody ever got better by always getting it right #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

janwebb21: @chris_1974 but then do we look at top down determined skills or bottom up detemined
skills #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

carolrainbow: @pheebs2000 Sadly the OfSTED effect #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:47

KnikiDavies: I only ever plan the first 1 or 2 weeks in detail at the start. Rest is left sketchy to fill in
later. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

colport: Should we be advocating and calling for more 'outside' learning experiences? Beyond the
school gates for all levels of education? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:47

eyebeams: @pheebs2000 - Agreed - there should be more social contracts and working from the
bottom up in terms of users needs #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:48

SandraTweet: RT @colport: RT @DKMead: #ukedchat I think there is broad agreement here that
learning needs to be contextual <so true!
7/1/2010 20:48

Emecz: Whatever the starting point, rigorously prune! If it doesn't engage, challenge, or develop,
drop it! Allow honest feedback. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:48

pheebs2000: @AndyRoss75 again, SIPS, Ofsted etc etc #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:48

alexfindlayVLE: @colport LOTC definately has a positive effect. More real world! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:48

jowinchester: RT @ianaddison: We need to teach the children to take risks and to make mistakes. We
need to model the same! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:48

gillpenny: @KnikiDavies That's how our planning model works 2 weeks in detail rest rief boverview
so can respond to learning needs of kids #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:48

Paddymcgrath: @alexfindlayVLE i think sticking to things is one of educations biggest problems we look
too tradition too much #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:49

TAtoTeacher: Very true! >> RT @ianaddison: We need to teach the children to take risks and to make
mistakes. We need to model the same! #ukedchat.
7/1/2010 20:49

wjputt: @KnikiDavies Please explain IPC?@colport #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:49

AndyRoss75: @pheebs2000 exactly - until that is addressed heads will always feel the need to have
some backup #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:49

janwebb21: @chris_1974 @DeputyMitchell #ukedchat then we'll end up with all feeder schools needing

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to be parqt of federation!!!
7/1/2010 20:49

Joga5: To quote @ideas_factory "Many schools who do creative curriculum hav simply invented
their own QCA sow. kids must lead curriculum" #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:49

bevevans22: RT @dughall: Pupils arrive in primary with different skills Some can read, some can't
speak. It *is* hard! #ukedchat <- You're not kidding!
7/1/2010 20:49

chris_1974: @DeputyMitchell @dughall @pheebs2000 @janwebb21 #ukedchat thankyou for making

me challenge my preconceptions and views!
7/1/2010 20:49

dughall: @colport Outdoor learning = Excellent learning IMO. I'm a huge believer in Forest School
approach. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:49

janwebb21: RT @bevevans22: RT @dughall: Pupils arrive in primary with different skills Some can
read, some can't speak. It *is* hard! #ukedchat <- You're not kidding!
7/1/2010 20:50

AndyRoss75: @tatoteacher @ianaddison Rather than risk assessments lets complete risk benefit forms
for trips! :) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:50

Joga5: RT @AngusWillson: @mbarrow To be fair, it was never intended by QCA for the SoW to
be so dominant. It was a teachers' own-goal. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:50

iteachyear4: Missing #ukedchat as got to hand science nooks in tomorrow so making sure all up to
date. Will catch up later.
7/1/2010 20:50

janwebb21: RT @Joga5: To quote @ideas_factory "Many schools who do creative curriculum hav
simply invented their own QCA sow. kids must lead curriculum" #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:50

KnikiDavies: IPC = International Primary Curriculum. X-C planning with range of units, based on skills,
with international element. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:50

alexfindlayVLE: @dughall or even in the school field #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:50

ForesterJo: @trudianns late(soz) - it is sit down shut up approach that brings about a loss of control -
lot chdn kinaesthetic learners #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:50

jamesmichie: @colport Yes, less Campfire more time spent at Watering Hole &/or experiencing Life
7/1/2010 20:50

Elmlea1981: #ukedchat Before embarking on curr redesign staff need a common understanding of what
the curr is... some staff think it is merely a script
7/1/2010 20:50

colport: @dughall I would love access to a Forest School. We are stuck in middle of town, with no
green nearby at all :-( #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:50

Paddymcgrath: consultation or participation in curriculum design for students? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:51

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janwebb21: @chris_1974 i think creative approaches mean something different at secondary and
primary #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:51

Joga5: @wjputt International Primary curr - originally written British schools overseas now in 800+
primaries in England #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:51

janwebb21: RT @dughall: @colport Outdoor learning = Excellent learning IMO. I'm a huge believer in
Forest School approach. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:51

jowinchester: ~#ukedchat Perhaps it's not QCA but poor training, pushy publishers, fear of Ofsted & SLT
panic has lead to over-reliance on w'sheets?
7/1/2010 20:51

johnmclear: @chris_1974 Hehe :) @DeputyMitchell , @dughall & @janwebb21 have that effect on
everyone ;) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:51

andyjb: RT @dughall: @colport Outdoor learning = Excellent learning IMO. I'm a huge believer in
Forest School approach. #ukedchat totally agree
7/1/2010 20:52

dughall: @colport I am CofG at a 'Forest School' in inner city Huddersfied. Ask @DeputyMitchell
about it. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:52

ianaddison: RT @AndyRoss75: @tatoteacher @ianaddison Rather than risk assessments lets

complete risk benefit forms for trips! :) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:52

davestacey: RT @Elmlea1981: #ukedchat Before embarking on curr redesign staff need a common
understanding of what the curr is... <<agree!
7/1/2010 20:52

bevevans22: @dughall Outdoor learning certainly makes a difference. We've been doing it for 4 years.
Helps pupils develop into better citizens #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:52

mbarrow: #ukedchat Term 'ICT' used in schs becos b4 Communication left out of lessons e.g.
podcasting, media. Nowadays there is too much C & less IT
7/1/2010 20:52

Elmlea1981: Any curriculum that follows a 2 year rolling programme has the potential to become school
versions of QCA SoW #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:52

chris_1974: @janwebb21 maybe it does. Should it though? #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:52

janwebb21: @johnmclear @chris_1974 #ukedchat LOL!

7/1/2010 20:52

Joga5: @jowinchester Interesting that we've had such little discussion of commercially published
schemes and their impact #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:52

eyebeams: @carolrainbow - But often some children are better at learning than others so enable that -
make it transparent for others #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:53

davestacey: @Elmlea1981 #ukedchat - I'd to go further and say we need a common understanding of
what education is for. Still lots of 'wheat from chaff'

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7/1/2010 20:53

AndyRoss75: @jowinchester fear of ofsted and SLT should lead you away from w'sheets! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:53

janwebb21: @chris_1974 I think there is more of a move in secondary now towards that sort of
approach than when I taught secondary #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:53

KnikiDavies: We had outdoor maths lesson on tues. Chn hugely enjoyed it and learning was indepth thru
context. Idea came from our MaST teacher #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:53

colport: @dughall That kinda sounds like an invite ;-) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:53

janwebb21: RT @Elmlea1981: Any curriculum that follows a 2 year rolling programme has the potential
to become school versions of QCA SoW #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:53

ForesterJo: #ukedchat forest school you have idea of lesson obj but often about so much more - dev
communiation, co-op, self-esteem - important things?
7/1/2010 20:54

dughall: @colport I'm CofG at a 'Forest School' in inner city Huddersfied. Ask @DeputyMitchell .
Forest is a Philosophy (@ForesterJo ) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:54

ianaddison: @mbarrow you can never have too much communication, or can you? I want ch to be
confident speakers and collaborators #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:54

eyebeams: @Joga5 - Need to be more models of iterative socially based resources i.e. what you do
with other people around things I guess #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:54

bevevans22: @mbarrow Because we are skills led in Wales this isn't quite so obvious (although it's still
there) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:54

carolrainbow: @Elmlea1981 and can become stale to the teacher - better to have frequent changes -
keep teachers interested #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:54

Paddymcgrath: do free schools have a part to play in communities creating a curriculum that suits their
needs? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:54

janwebb21: @Elmlea1981 though let's face it, any curriculum that ends up getting written down has
that potential! empty spaces matter #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:55

KnikiDavies: I think linking to events in world is important - eg general election, world cup, things that
can link learning to the wider world #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:55

Elmlea1981: @davestacey I agree in some cases! Certain politicians definitely need to clarify the term
education! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:55

pheebs2000: Notice in my area it is the leafy outstanding schools that are the most rigid in curric.
'Challenging schools' more keen to adapt. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:55

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dughall: @colport Kin of was :-) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:55

eyebeams: @Paddymcgrath Yes but they might be victim to corporate raiding in terms of provision -
short termism financial gain #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:55

janwebb21: RT @KnikiDavies: I think linking to events in world is important - eg general election, world
cup, things that can link learning to the wider world #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:56

dughall: RT @ForesterJo: @trudianns it is sit down shut up approach that brings about a loss of
control - lot chdn kinaesthetic learners #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:56

KnikiDavies: @carolrainbow But not so much change that people never have time to develop and
improve on previous planning #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:56

JaneDavis13: RT @colport: Cool. A quick way to follow those who actively use #ukedchat or any other hastag.
7/1/2010 20:56

graingered: Very intrigued by UK Ed syst & want2 learn more. Also lookin4 5th grade classroom
partnrships 4my Canadian class this Sept #ukedchat Cheers!
7/1/2010 20:57

bevevans22: @KnikiDavies Keeping learning topical is important - children can get 'detached' if they
don't watch news etc. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:57

alexfindlayVLE: RT @KnikiDavies: @carolrainbow But not so much change that people never have time to
develop and improve on previous planning #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:57

jowinchester: @AndyRoss75 #ukedchat agree that it should but it doesn't ;-( for some it becomes the
teaching safety blanket
7/1/2010 20:57

dughall: @Paddymcgrath Sounds like a future topic for the poll! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:57

Kerileef: @Elmlea1981 - wd be interested to know how mny pple rethink 'hidden' curriculum too -
rethinking all the ways a school 'teaches' #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:57

dughall: Last couple of minutes #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:58

TAtoTeacher: RT @Joga5: #ukedchat Schs shd remember that research shows it takes 3 years to
embed an approach - do it and then let it grow - be patient
7/1/2010 20:58

ianaddison: RT @JaneDavis13: RT @colport: Cool. A quick way to follow those who actively use
#ukedchat or any other hashtag.
7/1/2010 20:58

eyebeams: @KnikiDavies That's why action research is needed and it models the process for
everyone bind it into the community more intrinsic #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:58

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didactylos: #ukedchat two weeks and we have a 3 day inquiry project on marine pollution, any marine
biologist types out there?
7/1/2010 20:58

bevevans22: @davestacey Maybe not all. But we should be and the skills part is REALLY important at
my place of work #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:58

Paddymcgrath: @eyebeams a bigger challenge might be to create the social capital amongst our most
deprived communities to use this as a tool # ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:58

wjputt: #ukedchat TweetDeck is not coping!

7/1/2010 20:58

wjputt: @bevevans22 @dughall & in secondary at times we can forget that the children know or
can do anything! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:58

ForesterJo: RT @Joga5: Find someone in your area who has vibrant curriculum and nick the best bits
but make it your own - give it time to grow #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:58

AndyRoss75: CC is going to be different every year for every child - letting the ch develop skills needed
though a topic they enjoy #ukedchat
7/1/2010 20:58

colport: Please complete these two questions before you finish #ukedchat.
7/1/2010 20:59

ianaddison: Last few mins of #ukedchat so what have you learnt? what are YOU going to do about it?
7/1/2010 20:59

davestacey: One key element in rethink curriculum for me would be moving away from one hour blocks.
7/1/2010 20:59

alexfindlayVLE: @davestacey 1 day blocks instead #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:59

Paddymcgrath: @wjputt agree :) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 20:59

ianaddison: @AndyRoss75 but also hanging that on some kind of skills or framework to avoid
repetition? #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:00

alexfindlayVLE: I'll take away the embedding of change takes a few years :) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:00

eyebeams: @ForesterJo - I'd love to see some of that on film in a central repository to let people
compare and discuss #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:00

Joga5: Final plea - fill your curriculum with diet of wonderful books, poetry, music &art (I suppose
do a bit of maths if you must!!!) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:00

Elmlea1981: @Kerileef It's sometimes difficult to think outside the clroom! That's why LAs should be
directed to assist with education research#ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:00

chris_1974: thats the key question here. RT @ianaddison: Last few mins of #ukedchat so what have

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you learnt? what are YOU going to do about it?

7/1/2010 21:00

ForesterJo: #ukedchat would love the opportunity to have a class based outside for a year - funding
7/1/2010 21:00

ianaddison: RT @colport: Please complete these two questions before you finish
#ukedchat. Thanks
7/1/2010 21:00

Emecz: @Paddymcgrath Free schools may be useful in showing us how people feel about the
mainstream curriulum but ta large role #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:00

dughall: That's officially it for tonight's #ukedchat It has been a *blast* Wonderful, stimulating
discussion. Thanks to all!
7/1/2010 21:00

wjputt: RT @Kerileef: @Elmlea1981 - wd be intted to know how mny pple rethink 'hid' curric too -
rethink all the ways a sch 'teaches' #ukedchat<Yes
7/1/2010 21:00

Joga5: RT @colport: Please complete these two questions before you finish
#ukedchat. Thanks
7/1/2010 21:00

jamesmichie: RT @colport: Please complete these two questions before you finish
#ukedchat. Thanks
7/1/2010 21:00

chrismayoh: RT @colport: Please complete these two questions before you finish
#ukedchat. Thanks < < < Done
7/1/2010 21:00

MultiMartin: RT @davestacey: One key element in rethink curriculum for me would be moving away
from one hour blocks. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:01

blowtheblues: RT @colport: Please complete these two questions before you finish
#ukedchat. Thanks
7/1/2010 21:01

janwebb21: RT @TAtoTeacher: RT @Joga5: #ukedchat Schs shd remember that research shows it
takes 3 years to embed an approach - do it and then let it grow - be patient
7/1/2010 21:01

ianaddison: RT @Joga5: Final plea - fill your curriculum with diet of wonderful books, poetry, music
&art #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:01

kvnmcl: Find someone in your area who has a vibrant curriculum, nick the best bits but make it your
own - give it time to grow #ukedchat /via @Joga5
7/1/2010 21:01

Joga5: Can I just make more people aware of new idea #read4joy or #teachread #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:01

jowinchester: #ukedchat for me it's to think about why I'm teaching something to a class rather than what
I'm teaching
7/1/2010 21:01

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bevevans22: @davestacey Agree - some of the skills could do with revamping or rethinking! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:02

janwebb21: in performance poetry or music, the quiet spaces give emphasis to the noisy/busy bits -
learning is same #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:02

carolrainbow: @KnikiDavies Sorry I don't agree- teachers continue to improve practice to inspire
teaching other topics no need to keep repeating #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:02

pheebs2000: I've learnt there are plenty of imaginative, inspired educators out there and the gov would
do well to listen to us! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:02

ianaddison: Right, that's it for #ukedchat tonight, see you all again at 8pm next thurs. look out for the
poll during the week to vote on the topic
7/1/2010 21:02

chrismayoh: Another great #ukedchat - is there another vote for next week's topic?
7/1/2010 21:02

KnikiDavies: I really enjoyed that #ukedchat Glad I made it this week!

7/1/2010 21:02

ianaddison: RT @Joga5: Can I just make more people aware of new idea #read4joy #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:02

colport: Big respect to moderators tonight @ianaddison @dughall @dailydenouement - Archive will
be posted soon ;-) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:02

DeputyMitchell: @joga5 That's why we need the beauty of exp at the highest level in policy! Decisions
should be evolutionary not revolutionary #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:02

blowtheblues: #ukedchat thanks all

7/1/2010 21:03

carolrainbow: RT @ianaddison: @Joga5: Final plea - fill your curriculum with diet of wonderful books,
poetry, music & art #ukedchat Sounds perfect :-D
7/1/2010 21:03

digitalmaverick: @jamesmichie try @jesseschell's incredible 'Art of Game Design' book :-) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:03

wjputt: #ukedchat Learned - need to keep thinking & changing. Do - get more folk into Twitter &
on to #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:04

nellmog: RT @Joga5: Can I just make more people aware of new idea #read4joy #teachread #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:04

tj007: Thanks everyone - very useful hearing views from different stages. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:04

janwebb21: RT @Joga5: Can I just make more people aware of new idea #read4joy or #teachread #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:04

Janshs: agree RT @davestacey One key element in rethink curriculum for me would be moving
away from one hour blocks. #ukedchat

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7/1/2010 21:04

wjputt: RT @colport: Big respect to moderators tonight @ianaddison @dughall

@dailydenouement - Archive will be posted soon ;-) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:04

jamesmichie: @digitalmaverick cool, will go look it up :-) #ukedchat

7/1/2010 21:04

carolrainbow: Wow - is it over? #ukedchat Thanks everyon - inspiring - again

7/1/2010 21:04

janwebb21: RT @colport: Please complete these two questions before you finish
#ukedchat. Thanks
7/1/2010 21:05

Paddymcgrath: thanks everyone now back to the timetable chunking the curriculum into inane blocks of
time :( #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:05

AndyRoss75: Thanks all - good to chat - looking forward to the next one. #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:05

eyebeams: @Paddymcgrath I agree but will it be coming from the community itself or an outside
corporate or a more enlightened NGO type thing #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:05

creativetallis: RT @ianaddison: RT @Joga5: Final plea - fill your curriculum with diet of wonderful books,
poetry, music &art #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:06

wjputt: RT @davestacey: One key element in rethink curriculum for me would be moving away
from one hour blocks. #ukedchat In KS5 we have 2 or 3 hrs.
7/1/2010 21:06

AndyRoss75: @janshs We've already moved away and teach in blocks - ie whole weeks. Different
approach but interesting #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:06

mthman: RT @ColinTGraham: One day left to vote! #mathchat Time: Ideas: Twibbon: #edchat #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:07

dailydenouement: Sorry had to abandon ship bit early & deal with a parent with a child on a trip dilemma!
7/1/2010 21:07

damoward: RT @ianaddison: RT @Joga5: Can I just make more people aware of new idea #read4joy #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:07

reportertanya: Didn't know that #ukedchat existed. Cool! Seeing lots of different chats popping up.
7/1/2010 21:08

gillpenny: enjoyed 1st #ukedchat very much indeed, thanks everyone

7/1/2010 21:09

wjputt: #ukedchat Enjoyed that. Are we for next week as well? Remember next Wednesday
#TMMK at the OU, the Hub! See you there - who is coming?
7/1/2010 21:09

damoward: RT @andyjb: RT @dughall: @colport Outdoor learning = Excellent learning IMO. I'm a
huge believer in Forest School approach. #ukedchat totally agree
7/1/2010 21:09

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dughall: RT @damoward: RT @ianaddison: RT @Joga5: Can I just make more people aware of
new idea #read4joy #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:09

janwebb21: RT @gillpenny: enjoyed 1st #ukedchat very much indeed, thanks everyone
7/1/2010 21:09

ForesterJo: RT @Janshs: RT @davestacey One key element in rethink curriculum for me would be
moving away from one hour blocks. #ukedchat YES YES!
7/1/2010 21:10

gillbudgell: RT @Joga5: Can I just make more people aware of new idea #read4joy or #teachread #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:11

colport: @wjputt Yes, the poll for next week's #ukedchat will be posted on Saturday, ready for
next Thursday. Same time, same place.
7/1/2010 21:11

janwebb21: @Joga5 how did we get through an hour without any calls for capability?!! #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:11

ForesterJo: RT @gillpenny: enjoyed 1st #ukedchat very much indeed, thanks everyone
7/1/2010 21:12

kvnmcl: Fantastic conversation in this week's #ukedchat

7/1/2010 21:12

ForesterJo: RT @colport: Big respect to moderators tonight @ianaddison @dughall

@dailydenouement - Archive will be posted soon ;-) #ukedchat CHEERS!
7/1/2010 21:13

carolrainbow: @brian_smith I can see you have a fair and balanced view of Ofsted there Brian :-) Do you
know about #ukedchat 8 - 9 Thursday pm? Brilliant!
7/1/2010 21:13

gillbudgell: rt @Joga5 Ok Non negotiables -pract activities, drama, spkg & listng to fore to bring work
to life(if I do I understand)#ukedchat so agree
7/1/2010 21:14

brian_smith: @carolrainbow Hello Carol. I didn't know about #ukedchat until I saw all the tweets this
7/1/2010 21:14

colport: A quick way to follow those who actively use #ukedchat or
any other hashtag. Very useful :-)
7/1/2010 21:15

AntHeald: Missed #ukedchat - coincides with daughter's bedtime. Maybe I should just have a
7/1/2010 21:15

davestacey: Enjoyed #ukedchat enormously this evening. Wonderful thing to stumble on. Thanks to all
7/1/2010 21:15

wjputt: #ukedchat V excited and looking forward to 1st TeachMeet[TM] at Milton K next Weds -
#TMMK More presenters signed up.
7/1/2010 21:15

carolrainbow: @brian_smith #ukedchat This was the 2nd one I feel that it is going to inspire loads of us
here in the UK to improve our practice. Good CPD
7/1/2010 21:18

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dughall: @DKMead After the manicness of ukedchat, I returned to your e-learning tweet and yes,
of course - it is just 'learning' really.
7/1/2010 21:18

wjputt: @AntHeald There will be a pdf of tweets - I looked at last week's - not the same as first 1
for me today #ukedchat #talkingtomyselfedchat
7/1/2010 21:19

ianaddison: hello to all of my new followers following #ukedchat , great to have you on board!
7/1/2010 21:20

wjputt: RT @tj007: RT @AndyRoss75: @tatoteacher @ianaddison Rather than risk assessments

lets complete risk benefit forms for trips! :) #ukedchat
7/1/2010 21:21

pheebs2000: Nice to have lots of new education followers after #ukedchat Hiya!
7/1/2010 21:21

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