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Captain America was

talking to Sam. Sam you see

that truck yes take it copy that.
There you are you dummy.
Cross skull the evil villan
appeared from no where. I
have been waiting for this.
This is for dropping a building
on my face Cross Skull was
holding a blade at Captain
Americas face, thinking quickly
Captain America lashed out
kicking Cross Skull onto a
table.. . The winter solder stole
a moter bike. The panther
jumped on the back of captain
americe car captain America.
Silver iron man is flying behind
captain Americas car, Sam is

behind Silver Iron man is

catching up fast! Captain
America steers his car into the
wall on purpose, he leaps out of
the car and the police stop and
jump into their cars and
surround Sam, Winter Soldier,
Captain America, and Panther.
Silver Iron Man holds his hand
up and says stand down
now, he looks at Captain
America while speaking to
everybody and says
congratulations Cap you are a
criminal. Captain America and
his friends are taken to prison,
they manage to escape, they
all worked together, once out
Winter Soldier makes a break

for it, Panther runs after him

with Captain America following
closely behind. Winter Soldier
begins to fly, they all reach the
Battlefield. Ant man, Captain
America, Sam, Winter Soldier
and Hulk Highway start fighting
against Spiderman, Silver
Ironman, Ironman, Wallwalker
and Panther. Spiderman begins
the battle he hurts Captain
America by swinging on his
web and kicks Captain America
and knocks him off his feet.
Everyone joins in, suddenly
they stop for a moment.
Captain Americas team walk up
to the opposite side, antman
sayswhat shall we do

Captain? we fight says

Captain America. Ironmans side
walks up to them spiderman
says they are not stopping.
Spaiderman went after sam and
winther solider. Spaiderman
said to winther solider. HEY

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