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Sara Kash-Brown

October 20, 2015


Professor Kim Blitch

CYAF 374, Section 001
ACTIVITY NAME: Measuring Our Height

GOAL: Children will apply developmentally appropriate techniques, tools, and other
formulas to estimate and to determine measurements; attend to precision.
1. Explore the materials.
2. Measure height of peers.
3. Discuss own height and others heights.
1. Measurement is finding out how long or tall an object is.
2. Height means how tall an object is.
3. There are many ways to measure objects.
4. An objects height can be described as tall, short, big and short.
MATERIALS: 1 roll of white paper, a pair of scissors, handful of crayons, roll of tape or
sticky tack
OBJECTIVE 1: Explore the materials.
1. Invite the children over to the wall next to the music center by using an
invitation, Come find out what we are going to put on the wall today! Give the
children a few minutes to examine the materials laid out on the floor. Ask the
children, What could we do with these items? while gesturing to the materials
on the floor. Introduce the concept of measurement. We are going to use the
items to measure something. Introduce Content #1: Measurement means to
find out how long or tall an object is. Introduce Content #2: The height of an
object is how tall the object is. To further discussion, more questions will follow
like, What objects could we measure?, Show me how you think we could
measure this block (or other item), and Could we measure a living thing?.
During this stage of the activity, I will ask questions, give do-it signals, and give
behavior and paraphrase reflections. After talking about how to use the materials
to measure objects, I will lead them to realizing that there are many ways to
measure an object. Introduce Content #3: We came up with many ways to
measure the block (or other item). There are many ways to measure one object.
Transition into the measuring objective of the activity: Lets see how we can
measure our bodies with these materials.
OBJECTIVE 2: Measure height of peers.
1. Roll out the paper on the floor. Ask the children, How can we use this paper to
measure our height? Help guide the children to the conclusion that they can lie

down on or next to the paper and someone else could mark their height on the
paper by using paraphrase and behavior reflections. Ask the children if they
would like a peer to measure them or an adult.
2. Model the measuring process as the one who is being measured and the one
who is doing the measuring. Hand a crayon to a child and tell them to make a
mark on the paper where the top of your head is. Lie down next to the paper and
instruct the child to make the mark. Once the child has done so, sit up and show
the children how to make a line across the paper showing your height and cut
along the line you drew. After the demonstration, have each child lay down next
to the paper that is rolled out on the floor. If able, have another child make the
mark showing the childs, who is lying down, height. Give do-it signals
throughout this process. Lie down next to the paper. Make a line here!
Have the child being measured cut along their height line. Give behavior
reflections to keep the children interested and participating in the activity. You
just measured Joeys height! You cut across the paper.
3. After each child has a strip of paper representing their height, give them a couple
minutes to decorate their paper. Ask, How can you decorate your paper to
remind you that it is yours? Give paraphrase and behavior reflections as they
are decorating their paper. Give a do-it signal to wind down decorating time.
You have one minute, then you need to put down your crayon. Tape up their
strips of paper on the wall. Write their name at the top of their paper.
OBJECTIVE 3: Discuss own height and others heights.
1. Transition into a discussion time by giving a do-it signal. Lets sit down on the
floor. We are going to look at our heights. Ask, How does your height look?
How could you describe it? Introduce Content #4: There are many ways we
could describe an objects height. We could say it is tall, short, big, or small.
Have a discussion about how each childs height looks. Invite the children to
stand up and look at their height up close and far away. If time allows, ask the
children to look at the papers next to their own. See if they can compare their
height to their peers. Give paraphrase reflections at this time to help the
children verbalize their thoughts. Lucy does look smaller than you. Work with
the children to come up with another describing word that goes with their
statement. What is another word for smaller that we talked about? Conclude
the activity by doing a recap of what the children did. Ask the children a couple
guiding questions that will help them describe the events to you. What did we
first do when we came over here? What did we do with the paper?
SIMPLIFICATIONS: Use hand-over-hand assistance if a child is having trouble
drawing a line on the paper or cutting the paper. If needed, reduce the number of
crayons the children have to choose from.
EXTENSIONS: Have the children measure another part of their body, such as their arm
length or leg length. This is to be done with an adult or a peer. Then, the children can
discuss and compare their body part lengths to their peers and to their different body
parts (arm vs. leg).

1. If I were to implement the activity again, what would I repeat and what would I
change? Why?
2. To what extent were the children interested in the activity? How do I know?
3. How did the children react to the materials used in the activity?
ASSESSMENT: Using the performance checklist below, identify which children
participating in the activity met which objectives. Indicate if any simplification or
extension activities were used. This could include any hand-over-hand techniques or
specific points during the activity that the child was unable to continue without a teacher
stepping in.

Childs Name:

Obj. 1

Obj. 2

Obj. 3



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