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What Ive learned in PHILOSOPHY?

Philosophy is an academic discipline that exercises reason and logic in an

attempt to understand reality and answer fundamental questions about knowledge, life,
morality and human nature. This is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge,
reality, and existence.
Now that I have a clear understanding of the key terms I am ready to
answer the question at hand. The knowledge that I have acquired about the science
dealing with the general cause and principles of things is that I must be clear on my
terms. I believe that this is the most important part of Philosophy. If I attempt to answer
this or any other question without a clear understanding of the key terms I might
incorrectly analysis the question. I can not deal with the general cause and principles of
things if Im not clear on their exact meaning.
These include questions about the existence of God, whether we can ever
get the truth about the world, and whether we are able to know the right thing to do. In
trying to find answers to these questions, lots of other problems emerge. These include:
Is time travel possible? Could time come to an end? Are moral values objective? Do
non-human animals have rights? Do computers think? Can we tell whether other
peoples experiences are like our own? If our actions can be explained scientifically,
does this mean that we lack free will? Does science reveal how the world really is?
I have also acquired knowledge about others personal attitude. I have
learned that there are many different Philosophies one can have, and that one should
not prejudge on that Philosophy. I have learned that in most peoples minds they are
right. There are many different perspectives that one could take on the same topic. One
instance is many women believe that it is not moral to have sex on a first date. I on the
other hand as do many men do not believe that it is immoral to have sex on the first
date. Is either of us wrong? No, we both just have different perspectives on the subject,
and neither of us should be too quick to judge the other on their perspective. We all
grew up in different areas with different friends and role models. These role models and
friends have a great effect on the way we perceive things. Many little girls grow up with
their moms and dads telling them how special their bodies are and that they should only
share this special gift with their husband. On the other hand little boys receive praise
when they get there first date, kiss, etc. Is it either of our faults that we think the way we
do? No, it is just the way we have been taught.
Studying philosophy taught me two things. I learned how to write really
clearly. I learned how to follow an argument all the way down, which is invaluable in

running meetings. And when I studied the history of science, I learned about the ways
that everyone believes something is true like the old notion of some kind of ether in the
air propagating gravitational forces until they realized that it wasnt true. Not only did I
learn that all these forms of logic exist. I also actually learned them, which means I can
make really complex inferences, but more importantly, know some pretty basic things.
For example, if 'P' is necessarily true, is 'P' true? Or for example, if 'P is always Q' is
true, does it follow that 'P' is true, or that 'P' exists? All arguments that Ive heard in
class really inspired me to study this subject not only we have a great instructor, but the
excitement to argue with better debaters. Philosophy also taught me to enjoy life like our
instructor said. I have also acquired knowledge about others personal attitude.
I have learned that philosophy makes a central contribution to the
educational enterprise through its demands upon intellectual activity and enhances the
following skills:
Accuracy, Critical Thinking, and General Problem Solving Skills: Analysis of concepts,
definitions, and problems and synthesis of varied perspectives into a unified whole.
Logic and Analytical Reasoning: Construction and analysis of arguments, ability to draw
both deductive and inductive inferences, and ability to think objectively.
Effective Communication Skills: Enhancement of communicative
elimination of ambiguity and vagueness from writing and speech.



Persuasive Powers: Construction of clear formulations, good arguments, and

appropriate examples.
Ethics and Empathy: Understanding the foundations of ethical principles, resolution of
moral dilemmas, development of empathy, and ability to determine the relevant ethical
principles that apply in a variety of contexts..
Writing Skills: Enhancement of writing skills, in terms of syntax, clarity, proper
argumentation, and organization.
Understanding Other Disciplines: Understanding of other disciplines and of
the relation of philosophy to foundational issues in other fields.
Development of Sound Methods of Research and Analysis: Ability to frame hypotheses,
to do research, and organize problems in manageable form.
Philosophy itself is generally considered a type of social science, like
sociology or psychology. Thats because early philosophy was primarily concerned with
describing the best way to live and organize society. From that spawned many other
disciplines: economics, political science, law, linguistics, literary and art criticism, and
theologyalong with sociology and psychology.

Metaphysics: the nature of reality and the universe.

Epistemology: the study of knowledge and how it is acquired.
Logic: how to develop valid arguments; includes mathematical logic.
Ethics: the study of right and wrong and how people should live.
Politics: the study of government, citizen rights and political obligations.
Aesthetics: beauty, art and artistic perception.

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